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5032 ANYCOLOR Co., Ltd.
-60 (-2.52 %)
I see, the stock price didn't go up and there was a lot of confusion.

Was there a reason?

Are they closing the English Branch?

I'm looking forward to next week.
-947 (-28.96%) all time
from what I hear, the report leaked early and some investors pulled out.
The other thing that could've happened was the YAB thing, but Holo went up while Niji tanked, so it's very unusual.
What report
The Financial Results for the Fiscal Year 2025 Q
AC releases their financial report from Q1 next week.
This should include the cancelled AX concert, but there's... no real events that happened for them to pad the report in for EN. Nothing happened for the branch other than a few 3Ds for Luxiem, which underperformed, and JP couldn't do enough either.
The word on the grapevine is the whole company is -10%
>>84677209 (me)
Fiscal Year 2025 Q1
Another billion yen stock buyback
People are saying it's leaks, but between the YAB yab and picrel I would be pulling out early too if I was invested in them.
Time for a shorty short?
Didn't they cancel all they stocks they bought (and some more)?
The PTS after hours activity before today's weekend is even funnier because some jap traders decide to do a quick pump and dump before close

Go to Yahoo finance board and you will see jap traders starting to get worried for Anycolor's future because:
1. The Nikkei stock seems like it will take another hit soon
2. The Q1 report will be grim, and everyone knows that
3. Anycolor cannot do much more buyback anymore like >>84677676 said
4. Their worst fear is that they will fail the goal of 30 billion yen for investors because Q1 will be so awful

They predict that if Nikkei falls on Monday, Anycolor will take, not 1, not 2, but possibly 3 consecutive sell limit, and there is extreme prediction that Anycolor stock price could possibly go down to 3 digits if Riku fails to convince investors that Niji has a bright future and NijiFes 2025 will be the best VTuber event ever
They need to just get rid of the EN branch. It's done so much reputation damage it's like a burden they are fighting against.
Actually the males who make 90% of the money would make MORE if they just went into the main branch. The existence of the EN branch doesn't make sense when all the profits come from japan anyway.
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Buy the dip, I guess.
>Monday 2323-500=1823
>Tuesday 1823-400=1423
>Wednesday 1423-300=1123 <- earnings drop here at market close
>Thursday 1123-300=923
I don't think it's likely but I could see it happen
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Their vtubers videos got removed by Youtube.
Investors are worried.
Wouldn't it be funny that the reason why Anycolor invited Yab in the meeting is that they can force him to sell the legal copyright related stuff to Anycolor so that Anycolor can unprivate the videos while removing any mention about Yab in the credits

Like "I fucking hate you and I hope you rot but your link to the privated videos still exists and we need those videos' revenue, so let's make a deal that you can't refuse"
Who is yab
Cover has staff accompany talents to third party recording studios for the express purpose of preventing something like this from happening, Anycolor was too cheap to do the same
They can't outright nuke the EN branch because it's their last remaining overseas branch and closing it would mean that Niji's maximum growth would be capped to the jap market, a d if there is something shareholders hate is being told that the line doesn't keep going up forever, that's why Anycolor has been doing this roundabout way where they minimize the importance of EN in the reports and meetings amd slowly close the tap on the resources for the branch but won't outright announce the merger
Besides the cancelled AX concert and the Luxiem 3D debuts, they also had a cancelled Offkai appearance. The Ethyria 3D concert, which would have aired at Offkai, was instead aired for free on the Niji EN youtube channel (with superchats turned off).
There was also Reimu's 3D debut, the "NBA" collab that was only available in Japan, Denauth's debut, and the debut of that one JP wave - you know, the one with Great Value Kyubei and four generic-ass girls.

....oh, and the stock buyback and stock cancellation. That was also in Q1. See immediately below:
They did. They cancelled all of the stocks they bought in both the June and December buybacks. You're also right with the "and then some" part, since the cancellation also covered the few dozen treasury stocks they had owned since before the first buyback.
All in all, they tossed 10 billion yen into the Nijitanic's boilers in a desperate attempt to prevent the stock from bottoming out before the investors meeting.
Their efforts to delay the inevitable tanking were successful.... and then the Nikkei crashed a week later.
I don't expect them to drop that hard that fast either. Also worth noting that your Thursday number is off by a bit: 1123 - 300 = 823, not 923.
But your math is intriguing to me for another reason: Anycolor's probation limit is somewhere between 1500 and 1600. Two consecutive sell limits would drop them below their limit, which would result in them being given a one year time limit to get their shit back together or else be delisted. Four consecutive sell limits would be an unmitigated disaster.
I don't expect more than two sell limits next week, I don't expect them to be on consecutive days, and I expect them to hit the sell limit the day after the Q1 report is published. But I'm not a stonks bro, and I'm fully aware that I could be being a little too optimistic here.
Nijisanji is dying but Hololive is dying faster? Uh oh, holokeks. Your numberfagging can't save this
Cover has usually 1 manager per 1 talent(I say usually, I know Ina/Gura are an exception)
Anycolor has like 1 manager per 10 talents except for the really big names like Kuzuha who get personal managers
Some audio mixer that Niji often worked for 4 years with that got exposed for secretly recording the organs in the studio, share the photos and recordings on LINE groups and would slip roofies and aphrodisiacs on some of the female organs for shits and giggles
>noomberfagging to “beat” noomberfagg8ng
>zero buybacks
You're so retarded. In their own reports, they confirmed that Hololive barely has any more staff than members while Niji has double the amount of staff than members
Why would the Yab drama affect Hololive and Cover ? Not like they have business relationship with that guy other than one Stars member from long time ago, and korekore explicitly said it's mainly the Niji problem because it involves VTuber anonymity
>probation limit
wait, that's the first time I've heard about such a thing, please explain more
And his name is actually Yab?
aphrodisiacs aren't real
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Every time Niji falls apart and shits the bed, Cover gets dragged down too. Every time Cover announces something, Niji gets a bump. Investors see them as the same thing.
Cover rising 5% while Niji falls is NOT normal.
Basically if a stock on a Japanese market drops below a certain value, market regulators will bonk the company.
Each company has a different limit, but I do not know what the formula is to determine what a company's limit is; I also don't know exactly what Anycolor's limit is, except that it's in the 1500-1600 range.

Source: I read about it /here/ a few months ago.
>Zero buybacks because they can't afford to use their money the way Niji can because they make a fraction of their profits
If someone can drop it again to bellow 2000 point...
How many % more they can buy back..?
Anyone know..?
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Yes, you can't make this shit up
One of the rare times investors actually isolated an incident to be just Nijisanji. This swing is strange.
>I don't expect more than two sell limits next week
Wouldn't it be week after the next week anyway? Knowing AC they'll probably drop the Q1 report on Friday if able.
Mr Yab thought the aphrodisiacs were real when he spiked the drinks, the intent is there.
aphrodisiacs are the one thing that was reported true when everyone else is saying every drug under the sun / combination with intent to rape.
Nothing can downplay the fact a substance was involved
Yeah, but he did slip some "aphrodisiacs" he found online, which most of the time are just roofies or some other sedative/date rape drug.
>Yab from Yab Entertainment
The writing really went downhill this season
They prefer to reinvest into the company instead of burning the money, a strange concept for a nijinigger I'm sure
>All employees are staff
Are Holokeks really this retarded?
Do nijikeks really?
Look up the word staff retard
No, they aren't. They didn't have any sedatives at all. We have the name
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Retardsis, they have an employee breakdown in the next slide they have 96 managers for 88 talents
Sister, Hololive production (including Stars) only has 88 talents. That leaves almost 500 employees that work explicitly in Cover corp

Tell me what do those people do then ?
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Name: Yabunaka Toshiki
DOB: 1991/02/27
Status: Divorced 2 years ago with 1 daughter
(Source: Ex-wife twitter @mirulivel)
(Rumours: He raped his company's vtuber Koharu, not confirmed take it with a grain of salt.)
Latest Update: Not reported to the law enforcement, the related parties are starting an investigation and might move forward with an out-of-court settlement through Civil Litigation.
Everyone is still waiting for updates from Anycolor.
>all employees are staff
can you please tell me the definition of staff?
That is barely anymore management than members compared to Niji. Meanwhile Niji has 231 management staff for 177 members
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google translate:
Koharu's first sexual encounter is revealed by YAB, who has the authority to change her name within the server. Koharu is unable to say anything and six months later she has the face of a CEO's wife. This is how her name is displayed within the server.
You mean they prefer to reinvest into a shitty scam game that everyone is ashamed of because Yagoo wants to LARP as a game developer
>Nijisanji thread
>derailing the thread with hololive shitposting
sisters really want to defend this black company huh? welp they did this during the selen YAB so that's expected, anything for milord kuzuha and kanae huh?
Friendly reminder that niji spent more than twice in stock buybacks than holo did for the new studio and niji's response to that was saying they bought 1 (one) KU-100 for talents without one to share in the office
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Japan war on drugs is still strong. He basically said
>> I didn't drug them, it was just natural aphrodisiacs, i swear!
Because buying drugs in Japan may result in jail (between 1 and 10 years). He roofied them, there's no doubt.
Why are you talking about that instead of Niji wasting an entire fucking year's worth of profits on stock buybacks which got wiped away in less than a month?
you are arguing with a nijisister hired discock troll
just ignore him
But they're also building a bigger studio than Hololive and HoloEarth cost way more to produce than the buybacks Niji shelled out. So your seethe means nothing
>But they're also building a bigger studio than Hololive
lmao, even
the stock market is closing soon
lets pray some dumb fuck bought some share
buy low sell high amirite?
>The retard thinks buybacks are there to make number go bigger
Stay in school, holokiddies
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so true, sis.
Buy! Buy! Buy!
At least Cover is making something while Anycolor is sucking investors' dicks

Cover is actively widening their influence while Anycolor retrieves to their safe house in Japan in hopes the JPVTubing doesn't get saturated and milks Kuzuha until he physically cannot continue. Tell me sister, which company has brighter future ?
well, they certainly weren't for Riku and the otehr insiders to get back a higher percentage of the company since they cancelled all the stocks they bought
They fired the writing team and got AI to do it, all we're getting now is lazy drama and recycled plots
The company that actually makes a profit which Hololive does not. HoloEN doesn't even make a profit at all
>But they're also building a bigger studio
Ah yeah, just like how they were going to have tons of events for EN before pulling the rug on the biggest one 6 months later
>Holofag wants to pretend the concert was cancelled and wasn't just made free
Now you are just making shit up.

Honetly the only thing sadder than being an actual sister is LARPing as one for (you)s
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trying too hard
What Cover is doing is gambling all those money to go big or go home with that pitiful excuse of a game.
What Anycolor is doing is literally dumping all their money in the fire for no apparent reason.
Both are retarded, but one is more retarded than the other since there isn't even a vision of monetary return.
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HoloEN already got merged in the reports. When are they going to merge with JP more than they already have? Fuwamoco and Irys are waiting for it
>Investing in a guaranteed failure of a game is smarter than investing in your stocks so big shareholders are less likely to drop them which makes them more valuable

That's what you basically said
EN and ID were never separate items in the reports, unlike certain other company who used to brag about their EN branch on every report until it mysteriously vanished last report..
>mysteriously vanished
But it was reported? Meanwhile Yagoo always hid how much profit the side branches made. Now we know why. They were never profitable
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seek help
>Cover has more than 500 employees and 88 talents
>Anycolor has more than 400 employees and about 180 talents
What did anon mean by this
I said it's a pitiful excuse of a game, nothing about it being a guaranteed failure.
The platform itself is magnificent for any kinds of virtual concert they want to host, it's just for some reason they're investing in the sandbox aspect of it.
Also doing buybacks won't help a damn thing if the graph for your financial report is showing a continuous downtrend.
Care to tell us where did you get that information? Because every official related document that mentions employee numbers puts Cover with more employees than Anycolor. Something like 500 for cover and 400 for Anycolor, and Nijisanji more than doubles Hololive's talents.
She's Chinese
>96 management staff for 88 members
>231 management staff for 177 members

Which is more, holocuck?
They hated him because he spoke the truth.
Apparently the red spider "aphrodisiac" contains restricted psychoactive components that are banned in japan and are used for medicating schizophrenia
>every single person who works for nijisanji is a manager, despite several niji talents talking about how there was often one single manager for up to 12 people at a time.

Can't schizophrenia meds cause brain damage if not carefully dosed? That's uh... that's ABSOLUTELY not okay.
>phasefag fails basic math
color me surprised
>"He roofied them!"
>Ignores that the leaked chat messages show him whining about how the aphrodisiac didn't work and that he got scammed
>a single case of CONFIRMED attempted rape means that he did nothing wrong
>231 management staff for 177 members
So after everything that's happened, what youre saying is that niji management while numerous are incredibly INCREDIBLY incompetent?
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231 employees for managers and management like jobs. Meanwhile 40% of the people employed by Yagoo are expensive game devs working on his phony Triple A game
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I found the source of the "231 managers" claim they are literally counting the sales people, event organizers and management together, you disengenuous fuck
oh so we went from "231 management for 177 members" to "231 employees in management-like jobs"

Those goalpost must be getting harder to move, sis
Stupid fucking liar, Nijisanji has different subdivisions on their chart than holo.
If you want to compare that then it's the
IP planning, Agency Management and Sales combined with Studio content creation removed.
>Event planner
So managers in charge of events. Meaning it's a management job. Holozhangs aren't doing their best
Isn’t it rather odd how the NDF always show up when stocks are mentioned? That doesn’t even happen when organs graduate, mind you.
>chart literally says 10% on metaverse
Retarded fucking liar thought we can't read.
>Software development
I don't think you can't read. I know you can't now
Software development is for developing their 2D and 3D apps for streaming and concerts you monkey.
>Streaming Application and Software Development
it's not for the game moron
And HoloEarth is going to be launched through an application, retard
To be fair everyone in nijisanji is incredibly incompetent so it's highly plausible
Who cares about the replaceable cogs in the glorious machine that is nijisanji
They oshi the company so if anycolor gets attacked they must defend, none of them actually care about vtubers
Studio content production is included in the engineer section. Developing new vtubers is included in the designer section. The only thing you have is sales but your dumbass shouldn't be arguing that the majority of those 231 employees are accountants
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>Event planner
oh you mean like the 136 people in charge of that on top of the 88 people in charge of exclusively managing the talents?
Yeah and 77 Niji staff members are working on the hit app Nijiearth too, right?
>He thinks the majority of those 188 employees are event staff and managers
>she thinks the majority of those 231 employees are talent managers
Actually they're working on building and producing that new building that mogs Hololive's
You jest, but that’s probably the mantra of the NDF.
>Nijisanji has no events lol
>Nijisanji has events all the time. They need a shit ton of managers so Nijisanji doesn't have more management than Hololive lol

Pick one, holokek
oh wow when did Nijisanji become a construction company?
Ever since they started hiring people to redesign that building they bought making a way bigger studio than Hololive's
well, you know what's the yakuza's favorite front for money laundering...
Someone has to build the Niji mausoleum for all the organs that are in the grave. Cheaper if they make the ones still living build it.
such as?
>tumor weaks
You mean the intern they got to make that shitty-ass rendering of how the new studio that they are totally building is gonna look like, kek
>230 employees
>200 of them are in this thread right now
Do a lot of nijisisters here watch the JP livers? Lot of loyalty for a company that is exclusively investing resources on their local talents. What do you care about a bigger studio?
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why do nijiniggers lie so much?
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Behold Niji's brand new studio in all it's Blender default texture glory! How will holobronizhangkeks ever recover?
Will they have a hall dedicated to play buttons?
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Oh my god I can't believe Hololive created an entire world! How will nijiniggers even compete?
>44% is dedicated to making a shitty game and a crap app

I like the mirror wall to make it look twice as big
That shit looks like something I'd throw together in Minecraft
that shrimp she's riding? me.
Take the cock out of your mouth before speaking
what backrooms level is this?
kek, didn't notice that, just how more pathetic can Niji get
Niji's aspirational goals are worth more than hololive's done accomplishments.
and yet they will never accomplish them
When are they gonna aspire to have a live concert that doesn't get cancelled?
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Nijisanji is so irrelevant outside of japan that their biggest hitters got completely "who'd" overseas lol
Apparently Red Spider can contain either Sildenafil, which is the active ingredient of Viagra, or Clozapine, which is a drug used for schizophrenia and psychosis management.
There`s a big possibility the investors didn`t panic sell their Hololive stock because Nijisanji came forward with their statement regarding YAB and so everyone competent or with an investment firm smart enough realized it would just hurt Nijisanji and YAB himself is`truly irrelevant to other stocks in this situation because his company is not traded publicly.
>Japanese apostrophe reply
I`m playing some hardcore H on the background, I need the JP system locale, that`s why.
Don`t panic, I do not report to Riku.
>Get riches
>Fuck bitches
Checks out
>Death by usury and greed
A fitting ending for Kurosanji and whatever credibility business wise Riku ever fucking had.
I dont even hate that dude, Im just dissa-fucking-pointed. You had everything, and you ruined it, overseas and maybe even locally ffs.
Blame Riku for cutting essential costs like these.
>Work for Kurosanji
>Receive brain damage
Not a rrat anymore
This dude is somehow more thrash than some NTR protags I saw in weird ass hentai years ago before becoming a vanillafag.
>Their efforts to delay the inevitable tanking were successful....
>and then the Nikkei crashed a week later.
What Kami did they anger?, this seems like divine punishment, the spite type.
>But they're also building a bigger studio than Hololiv-
S-Sister I-
>If you are taking sildenafil to treat erectile dysfunction, you should know that it does not cure erectile dysfunction or increase sexual desire

You need a doctor prescription for Clozapine so it's obviously not included in an aphrodisiac he got from China
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>ending for Riku
He bought a racehorse. He's already working on swapping industries.
Red spider is banned in japan.
Holy fuck I did not realize it was a 3D render because I did not even look at it well first time someone shitposted with it KEK.

Wait wtf???, I thought only the Holos could use their own characters in-app and everyone else is stuck with OCs DO NOT STEAL made with the character creator.
Anon... That's a genshin mod
It isn't. There are strict regulations on them but they aren't illegal. They're not the kind with the schizo medication though
I do not play Genshin, how the fuck was I going to know?
The reply chain those Niji-rejects had talking about the
>How do you plan to beat Gura
question in the later stages of the NijiEN audition process live rent free in my fucking head
Do you know what's the meaning of staff?
if nijiniggers were intelligent they wouldn't be nijiniggers
Course I do. It's what I'm gonna shove up your ass
>but possibly 3 consecutive sell limit
>Monday 2323-500=1823
>Tuesday 1823-400=1423
>Wednesday 1423-300=1123 <- earnings drop here at market close
>Thursday 1123-300=923
That’s not possible, stock gets locked for two business days in hitting the limit. If it hits on Monday it isn’t available again until Thursday
It's too optimistic, either way.
If Q4 didn't hit the limit even with the buyback, I can't see Q1 doing it.
It'd be nice if there's a drop though to light a fire under their pants, but I'm too used to rich guys getting away with everything.
To be fair, there isn't any evidence that Yab did anything to her, it's all rrats because they worked together and the guy is fucking trash.
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I hope she is well, I really liked her singing and she helped me quite a lot during a stressful internship
That was for an organ, not koharu
Hololive/Cover are part of the same industry as Nijisanji/Anycolor
well Koharu's name in the server was forcibly changed to when Yab allegedly took her virginity, and he refused to change it afterwards.
>If Q4 didn't hit the limit even with the buyback
Q4 didn’t hit the limit BECAUSE the buyback and the almost guarantee that another would follow.
I don’t think it will hit the limit tho for tho reasons
1) it would take a coincidental downturn on NIKKEI to help push it down. The general market going up would help shore up any panic
2) People got wiser in the first locked stock and they won’t be putting sell orders too low otherwise it hits the limit, stocks gets locked and they can’t sell for two business days.
you expect a rape victim to tell everyone that "Hey My boss raped ME!" in real life?
All her youtube videos and streams got privated
You should've known if you are her fan.
God, this is really gonna end up hurting everyone involved. I can't stand that YAB fucker, and anyone who sent people to him like goddamn fodder.
I used to watch a lot of vsinger cuz I was doing work, after I've done with that job, I started listening to them less and less, which is why I am not up to date with a lot of them now

But I am still pissed that 1 of the vtuber I know and helped me when i was in a tough time get disrespected like this, and I am pissed about that
I expect some kind of evidence that Yab did something to her before calling her a rape victim
Fucking grim that God Sees All is one of my favorite vtuber songs, but now I can't listen to it without thinking about the niji clique
yep, they're gone
Seriously? You expect that come out when he's worked so closely with gigantic names like SONY and AKB48?
That would ruin the careers of all of his victims, too.
EN is their only real market with potential growth (on paper anyway) due to market saturation in JP. If they close that down it'd be like admitting AnyColor is only going to trend downward from now on.
No, I expect people to have some decency and not try to put the rape victim label to Koharu before there's any solid evidence that Yab did something to her
my bad
How many times do we need to explain the difference between Holo and AnyColor in regards to the stock market anon? Literal dogs learn faster than you plebs.
>AnyColor: Company viability tied directly to stock performance, management is primarily interested in stock performance and has made it clear they are more than willing to jump ship
>Hololive: Company viability tied mostly to revenue, entered the stock market purely to finance a new studio and would be largely unaffected if they left the stock market altogether, in many ways they would benefit as they are a revenue-based business

Or in retard speak: Rikku is looking to sell big. Tanigo isn't looking to sell at all.
All these armchair traders predictions and it will end up just fine like usual
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>vtuber stocks are crabbing
You can't make this shit up
>fine like usual
explain the buyback, "usual" guy.
>Like usual
So a Niji L like everything they tried this year?

I mean genuinely, what have they even done this year that worked out? The best thing they did was fire Selen and they are not the ones who benefit from that decision, Dokibird did.
You see anything out of the ordinary with Nijisanji liver activities themselves? No? Then it's all good buddy.
>pretending you care about the organs
Not a true Nijifan
>anything out of the ordinary
nope, they have drama, scandal, and retirement every month, nothing out of the ordinary.
thats how nijisanji work
>You see anything out of the ordinary with Nijisanji liver activities themselves?
Have you paid any attention to stream schedules CCV or SC income at all? Tell me anon, how have the new waves been doing?
>One year later half the wave is already graduating after failing to get even half the subs they had on their PL
Wow, what a win for Niji!
>Cares about the organs
>Shits on them and the company on a daily basis
So... true Nijifans are Holokeks?
Niji is too big to fall, but I expect Riku to fuck off before the end of the year
And the mask is off
Wait this news for me, is there other new developments?
>Tries to praise Niji success
>Gets pointed to the reality they are failing by every metric
It's actually funny, I was going to point to their cancelled concerts but I realise cancelling events is so common at Niji that I can't even use that anymore.
>Discussing about something related to numbers that has not even happened yet
>Doubles down on it
>"A... am not a numberfag I... I swear!"
If you're actually any good at stock predictions you wouldn't even be here rotting away with us.
Suicide Attempt and Rapist YAB is what Niji goals is
>Brings up niji being business as usual while the house is on fire
>Gets shown the house is on fire
>stock fluctuates a tiny amount over a day
>stupid faggot posts a graph like its some long term plummet
kys, niji lives rent free in your brain 24/7, you sit around doing research and cropping pics and posting about them all day long, you might as well die, they've got you for life
Ah I love the smell of nijiseethe in the morning
I like how it has red flags even in the "EntertainMent" part. This weird letter casing suggests that female clients are expected to entertain men.
At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Anycolor signs with new audio engineer Mr. Moe Lester and send their talents to his apartment unacompanied again. It doesn't help that Niji's new talent recruitment posters state that they welcome minors too...
The promised communal KU-100 (single unit) is going to be placed in the center of this Niji studio, I assume?
I love the tiled floor, it really goes well with Niji branding.
According to non-schizo posting some Q1 leaks are very grim. EN is a sinking ship while every other company in that sector sounds positive and there is a lot of market according to the anime boom that investors would like to get at.
JP doesn’t sound that better, Nijisanji is having a Streisand effect over there, trying to publicize themselves so much made scandals they usually cover up resonate more and more, and now they are becoming less attractive for publicity.
Fagzumi is of course too busy spending money to hire people screaming everything is fine rather that the wood needed to close the hole, because japs are retarded and think the problem is the guy telling you that you are sinking, not the hole.
It doesn’t help that economy in general is not going well over there. Japan is gradually losing the innovation primacy to South Korea, And it’s socially stuck between being a shit country but not shit enough to allow foreign exploitation, which is not appealing to investors.
TL;DR As Fagzuni stated, EN failed and Q1 is not gonna be great. The RAPEYAB is their true wake up call that is time to step up and stop the scandals, but I expect them to be Jap and retarded and instead invest in stopping the whistleblowers, because that worked great for the flying industry….
Eh not that different, at least the horses can be insulted and filmed and raped and killed without backlash.
>Brings up niji being business as usual
>Gets shown numbers
Yep, I'm correct
First time I saw that shit on here I thought it was for a second

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