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Why did they flop?
>putting a random male in the gen
nijisanji everybody
They debuted at the time no one wants them
this, you can't have a cute girls unit with a dude in it. I dunno what they're smoking or who they think they're owning so hard (besides themselves).

you can say 'denauth was never meant to be a cgdct group anyway so who cares' although it would have been very easy to make it one. imagine, people would have hailed it as a return to form of lazulight/obsydia etc, an entirely different angle being played, an answer as to how they will attempt to move on from all the disasters of the past few years etc. but nah, it's just more of the same slop where it's going to be coed everything, "you better like me hanging with dudes all the time or else get lost" stuck up attitudes etc. this shit deserves to die. let it.
>Why did they flop?
>debuting a new wave after their last 2 waves debuted straight to 3view, let alone after the entire western hemisphere rejected you
Are you retarded? Unicorn pandering is non-existent in niji. It could've been 3 girls and they all would've proceeded to flirt with their male coworkers anyway.
they were scraping the bottom of the barrel and it shows
Niji’s males usually perform better than the women though
Unicorn, It has nothing to do with you and your beliefs. They simply put a "wave" in a moment no one wanted it because Niji's image in the west is shit. Even with 3 girls they would have flopped hard.
You must be living in different timeline or you are larping because since when Nijisanji has unicorns ?
it works though.
In jp maybe
evidently it does not
I don’t think males of all things killed Niji, they killed their reputation and most EN fans can’t even watch them without a guilty conscience anymore, also this gen had like 2 days of notice before debut because they gave up on marketing them.
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which is funny because they received far more marketing than TTT did and still ended up flopping
If Ryoma Barrenwomb played more mtg, need for speed, and ignored the women in Niji i'd watch him.
They debuted after the black stream, there was no hope for them
The sad part is that all 3 of them probably knew this, but the contracts had already been signed so they had no choice but to march into their graves
They debuted in NijiEN, /thread.
Pre-luxiem they did, and some of the girls have cultivated a gachikoi fanbase that is tolerant to male collabs but would likely love it if they happened as rarely as possible.
If they released an all-female gen again, and kept cross-gender collabs to a minimum, there is a chance they would get some saviourfag unicorns to watch them make them a bit less of a flop. Twisty is barely a 3view ffs. But I guess Niji fans don't want their livers to be successful just to stick it to the 'corns so they will never push for this, and will instead watch their livers flounder to irrelevancy until branch closure.
>but the contracts had already been signed so they had no choice but to march into their graves
no choice my ass, they can always back out. What is nijisanji going to do, assassinate them?
>HoloEN makes no returns after 4 years
Why did they flip?
Too many vtubers.
None of them good.
You can only get corpo boost if the corpo has successful vtubers from previous gens.
The selen shock...
to be fair the corpo HAD successful vtubers. They were just squandered, left to rot, and became even more successful after leaving due to finally having real management and support.
and to think this is entirely down to their own actions
Maybe they should consider pandering to so-called unicorns to grow their audience a bit. By the way, unicorns is a pretty small faction of the cgdct enjoyer fanbase and niji ignores them to their own detriment.
Imagine holoEN named like NijiEN

> Bonnie Bookwarden
> Jaya Jemstone
>Nerrisa Ravencroft
>common in niji
>post drama debuff
>one of them is a 4chan dweller
No, but they will extort the liver for expected earnings and past expenses if they break the contract. It costs you $1000s to graduate early.
>Nerissa Ravencroft
>A second later it hits me
Motherfucker, you made me spit my tea. fuck you lmao.

Also, there is a chuuba that is practically Bonnie Bookwarden namewise... her name is Bonnie BARKSWELL, a dog hag. Also known as the one who invoked the coining of the term puppymaxxing kek.
Unicorns don't want their oshi to interact with a male ever.

But this isn't unicorn. It's just unpleasant to have this gen with a random male stuck in the middle of it.
Imagine for example if Luxiem had thrown in a couple girls. Replace Vox, Luca, with a couple random side chicks like Maria and Scarle. Obviously that would be a very poor seller. So why?
They knew what they were signing up for
They still did it anyways
No sympathy for them
I tend to believe that all the corpos had relatively the same distribution of talent overall. Obviously the major corpos are a step up, but as a general rule. Every corpo has one ace, a few high performers, the middle, and then a few bottom performers who can't make things work.
For example, I don't think there's actually that much difference in charisma between Pomu and Selen, compared to Mumei and Kiara. It's just about how they're used and how management can bring out their potential.

I used to follow a lot of small corpos. Every one of them had relatively the same talent distribution and you couldn't pick one over the other.
But over time, they began collapsing, and all the dirty laundry behind the scenes came out. Phase Connect snapped up the best talents from their corpses. That gave them the edge and allowed them to rise to a mid-level corpo.

The quality of management matters a lot in the long-term. The reason that some agencies accumulate star talents is because of good management and good results.
nijisanji happened
Yall make these threads everyday dont yall get tired
>Imagine for example if Luxiem had thrown in a couple girls.

In a way that's Yugo in Noctyx. In an EN all-male followup to Luxiem you had someone who was ESL and not male which meant Yugo kinda sucked when it came to bantering with wavemates.
twisty....i love you so much...you deserve the world, you should be a 5view....my wife...
Its insane tha Niji could have dropped "idol gen" that dont talk to males" or "gf gen pandering" that avoid males but Niji is so focused on owning people that they dont know how much money pandering to unicorns and incels can bring.
They dont want to limit collabs with males because they dont want to oversight that because it would be to much effort im betting on this one
I hold no horse (heh) in the Unicorn race but I find it funny that they dropped an all male gen and instead of doing the same with the girls they plopped a male in a gen with 2 girls twice.
the first 3 en gens were all-female and this is generally regarded a bad move because by nijifans because it created wrong expectations for future waves
Remember the all-male wave was actually connected to the JP heroes waves. So it was actually JP that did it. It's also ironic because JP mostly releases single-gender waves and doesn't actually match the fantasy of twitter sisters as a mixed gender paradise where incels are owned forever.
Everything in NijiEN is being forced to be mixed-gender because of Elira's weird gender politics. The want to own the incels but they just owned themselves
You fool os genius strategy. How to stop the ysb of not paying pennies to give livers a button? Just stop having anything worth a button.
Truly, peak Japanese retardness.
I've never really watched any Nijis but since Twisty keeps doing so many small corpo collabs I gave her a shot and while I understand why she's not mainstream appeal I actually quite enjoy her, I think she's a good streamer
>vanta smell my cunny
I watch streamers for entertainment, not because I'm interested in them sexually or romantically, this doesn't bother me
If that's the case why are they given attractive human models? Instead of things like a giraffe, a talking bubble, a geometric triangle, or any cartoon character like Frylock?
Instead it's attractive human characters. Why is that?

It's literally for the parasocial, that's why. If you want to watch cartoons go do that
My guy,
>I understand why she's not mainstream appeal
I'm not saying unicorns don't exist or that there aren't people who watch it like that. I'm just saying that I personally (me) even if I am the only one watch them for entertainment. I like models more than face cams probably because I'm autistic and don't like looking at peoples actual faces. You can have your own preferences and I can have mine
At this point, the next EN wave may struggle with even 20k subs.
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Well yeah, Niji's fanbase are literally 70% women according to their own statistics. They are called nijisisters for a reason.
that's really sad when you consider this "advertising" was literally a stock image they smudged a little and slapped the logo on.
You make Holostars threads to deflect every day.
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Denauth is rich so they don't need to care about numbers. Ryoma even drives a car
now this is nijicope
Normally, you'd be right, but honestly, in this particular instance the dude isn't even the problem. Him and Klara are so non-descript and insignificant, they might as well not be there. Twisty is the yab machine of this gen.
Vox, Luca, and her disagree.
>hire a loli who panders to lolicons in order to try reaching out to a target public that never cared about them
>while putting her in a gen with a man and making them collab all the time
>so in the end lolicons don't watch her
>and the nijisisters who defend everything niji does also hate her because she panders to a fanbase they despise
I fucking wonder what went wrong
and that isn't even the problem, at this point they could clone celine dion 3 times and debut them as nijien livers and still nobody would watch them because the nijisanji name is just that tainted
holy grim
The Nijisanji oil well dried up.
In Niji's defense, it's normal for vtubers to have "weird" names. Makes it easier for fans to find them on Youtube and elsewhere.
Hololive EN, Holostars EN, and Nijisanji EN have had a combined 73 debuts; and the only one among those 73 to have a "normal" name is Amelia Watson.
No, it's sarcasm
that riffs on nijicope, yeah
Holostars is inclining sorry Nijisis.
And it's somehow still more than what ttt recieved. They didn't even get a group name
The more time passes, the more I believe the rrat that ttt exists entirely to get Elira's boytoy in and the other two members are just filler
What's the deal with Klara? I know about Twisty because she's buddied-up with some small corpo girls I watch, and some anons really try to push her. I know about Ryoma, I assume because he's male, so he attracts a lot of love from one side and a lot of hate from the other. But I've hardly seen ANY anons talk about the maid.
>Ryoma even drives a car
Woah, a whole car!
Very little English fanbase, she panders to JP
Does every nijien wave include some JOP pandering liver nowadays?

I stopped watching around Ethyria's debut and even back then we had Petra trying to do just that.
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Who would actually believe that? Niji girls already proven that they don't care about being "pure" like a few if the Holos at least try to be like Advent.
no idea.they just never existed in my books.
Who cares. Niji, cover, brave, etc. will be dead and gone like machinima and rooster teeth in a couple years anyway.
I've enjoyed Twisty and Ryoma in collabs.
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Prime Mint getting mogged by Vox in a wheelchair deflection thread.
I would have unironically at least tried to give the last two gens a token glance/chance if it wasn’t for this. The faggots they shoehorn in is a good thing anyway as it lets you know not to even bother.
Where do you find this data?
Nah it’s still worse because If I were a fan of the girls then I’d have to skip their anniversary’s or wave collabs because I won’t watch the fags. Yes I would do that. That’s just the way it is.
>Nijisanji EN
>Debuted after the Selen Incident
Well, there’s your answer, case closed.
>Prime Mint
Mint's been in Japan for the past month.
Vox has been home streaming like normal.
post-black screen era
I'm surprised Klara is higher than the male. Is she actually good?
This isnt flopping, this is simply expected, and not exceeding expectations.
>>HoloEN makes no returns after 4 years
What does this mean?
Yeah, because that's pretty much the only way nijien can actually incline right now. You can either pander to jp or starve
no, she just speaks nip
Cgdct has never been the appeal of Niji, not even in the Lazusydia days when they were in Minecraft flirting with Niji ID males. You want cgcdt, watch literally the rest of the industry, not the one company that's supposed to be a co-ed anime high school.
Shounen anime characters are attractive, but the vast majority of the audience (at least the straight male audience) isn't watching because they want to fuck the characters. It shouldn't be any different in vtubing.
>Mint in JAPAN - 16 (!) videos uploaded on august. 849k views gained.
>Voxxy at HOME - 11 (!!) videos uploaded on august. 891k total views gained.
Mint didnt do as well as i expected.
>11 videos
>For the entire month of August
roru depression hit you hard eh miload?
Counterpoint, porn
Vox didnt get raped by YAB like some niji jp losers.
>join nijisanji
>get raped
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Your numbers seem way off.
For the streams they did in August, Mint has 686k views, while Vox has 372k
You can confirm this by going to Vox's channel and adding up the views on the August streams (there's only 11).
The selen shock
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Don't ruin the fun! Let this sister stay in they/them delusions.

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