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/wvt/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss English-speaking VTubers.
Include a picture and a link so we know who they are and how to watch!

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Need sluttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiier Koragi
I'm watching her VOD right now. How did you know?
Is she updating her model?
>no ARK view despite amazing gameplay
>dedicated oblivion viewer instantly as soon as I go live
i believe that is the case
Who's the very relevant, and on-topic mayor of /wvt/ ?
Everyone is getting lolified these days...
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Though, in typical losing mommy fashion, Koopa's preplanned game scuffed itself to being unstreamable... so join in for a short fun stream.
Did you even watched her in 2022? I dont think anyone did
Hope she makes it to divegrass commentary
Koopa probably won't go on commentary seeing as /koopa/ isn't participating in divegrass...
I'm banned from her community.
You are the type of untrustworthy person who'd go back on a deal. Every ban you have is deserved.
Pay attention to /tactical/ matches you might see her if we are lucky
Tanya exploring jungles, and hills in Minecraft is so cool. I imagine if Tanya ever joined Holo she would be excited to play Minecraft with Pekora, and Kiara. I'm not sure I've ever seen Tanya dabble in netherite the way they do, or merchants for that matter.
Holo might be excited to learn the Tanya flight, and fall style though. I'm not sure, but if Holo had the patience I'd imagine Tanya could teach holo the Tanya drain the sea teqnique, and the Tanya diggy diggy hole style of excavation.
Oh yeah, tact is playing. Hopefully koopa shows up then.
There's no such thing as a sure deal anon. Play ARK on PvP for 1,000 years.
Kill yourself.
Doki has been interacting with a lot of fleshies lately
Glad that she is getting more popular but it feels weird...
>koopa wont touch the prostate
Fuck this gay earth
If she wont touch it she wont lick it either ITS SO OVER TROOPAS
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thoughts on this autismo so far?
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>Koopa miring the big titty astral party cosplayer
can you join with a browser like jackbox or you have to buy something?
>koopa's astral party is the nina among us stream all over again...
No. You just need to download it via steam. It's free.

Ironmouse on the telly.
>have to download
I sleep
how is it possible to poop while giving birth...
Poop and babies come out of different holes, anon.
turtles only have one hole
your wrong lol
Tanya almost always uses diamond equipment when playing minecraft. I think, or rather I would guess the reason Tanya doesn't build during RL craft streams is primarily because Tanya is left without her precious tools. Tanya has never been from what I've seen a wood n leather type. I think Tanya could do to watch her big minecraft husband RES play minecraft sometime (he's a brown knight). Tanya would learn how to survive frightful danger with only the simplest of tools at her disposal. Then one day if Tanya ever plays Minecraft with RES (her minecraft husband) then they could survive together as cyan knight, and brown knight in harmony. All that would be needed to complete the set is a gold knight, and a silver knight. I guess a netherite knight would be good too. Imagine all the fun times. Tanya would live in a big castle while RES dwells in the caverns below. Tanya could diggy diggy hole big quarry pits, and RES could fill them with slime, and straw. Tanya would fly, and RES would build a mountain to meet her at halfway points. Where the mountain kisses the sky. It would be so exciting. Just like this VOD.
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beer bear's doing more adventuring in A Link to the Past!
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>did i win? oh shit fuck
>bet on cote
>still win bet
Anon, are you saying babies come out the ass?
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woolly southerner hag's getting closer to 100%-ing super mario sunshine
they dont?
Anon, that person isn't Char. He is obviously Quattro Bajeena.
No. Anon, you do know that women don't have a pole (penis), rather they have a hole (vagina) where the babies come from right?
my bad, that was rude of me.
i knew that they have a vagina under their balls lol i'm not stupid
As long as you understand.
>vagina under the testicles
>implying that the testicles are above the vagina
>implying that for males the testicles sit on top the penis
You misspoke, right?
In the case of futa-with-balls, from top to bottom it's: penis, balls, vagina. Since women are futa without a penis, it obviously goes balls on top of vagina.
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Why is Koopa arguing about babies coming out of the ass
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confused chicken's starting Life is Strange!
I want to give miyuyus a nice toasty peanut butter banana sandwitch, and watch RES vods with her.
i still can't believe koopa is a shitbaby...
Imagine watching a RES minecraft VOD with miyuyus. That would be so amazing.
There's only one September, not seven.
People horny post sloth a lot, and never post about being nice to miyuyus.
>eira cancels stream
>Tanya cancels stream
They are ___!
you have sever brainrot
*discord server brain* fixed that for you.
They're not a cat(?). No.
She's not nice
Tanya forgot to display her grandma Tanyers model during the showcase.
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cute fae maid's failing to beat the minecraft addiction allegations
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1930s aerobatic pilot's trying her hand at sleuthing in Duck Detective!
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fluffy woolly mammoth's doing a chatting stream
is she welsh now?
Why does she seem actually nice, and not fake "drink water" nice?
>fake "drink water" nice
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macaron is planning to make an aquarium and a observatory for her house but doesn't think she'll get to finish both of them this stream
i'm not sure, actually.
You know the type. They'll tell you get lots of rest while also streaming so long you never get a break if you don't want to end up like one of the flaky regulars she bans to keep her small community in line.
kill yourself rebel
Reminder that "drink water" girl almost drank herself to death on just water one hot summer.
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the observatory's more for her pets than herself, she already has a bunny named lottie in there but macaron is hoping to give lottie more friends to hang out with
Gumpai is active.
is she fleshcamming again?
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Yeah bro Eira is doing her voice as a side gig
her voice is nowhere near as horribly shrill as eira's
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macaron's house also has a tower but it unintentionally ended up looking like an eye of sauron-type thing
oh god now i kinda hear it
something like this would unironically be good if eira wanted to train for a bigger corpo but it's a little too early for her to start considering that
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loud goat woman's playing some more RE4!
>it's a little too early for her to start considering that
Bro she's been streaming for more than 3 years now have you considered she's just bad at it
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t-thank you mr. worldwide...
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ha0nk ha0nk it's model rigging time
also gaming later
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macaron hasn't seen savannas in minecraft before and she thought the fog effect for them looked REALLY creepy
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In this household Kurogane Spanner is A HERO
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lmao beaten by the bugman himself
Kitanya is rebranding again
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It's over. I don't have to do this anymore.
about to kill myself
stream it
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the first minecraft version macaron played was 1.4.2, i think that's when they added wearable mob heads
also in more recent news, she got permissions for a few more games including skyrim and dead by daylight so those might be coming up soon!
>RES isn't banned
A good chubba?
start chatting and see how long that lasts
Why would an indie need permissions.
she's technically a corpo
she's a corpo vtuber
Ah...I needed welsh chubba so bad today. Nice to actually not be let down by a chubba.
Remember that it's good when ayybro does it, but bad when RES posts Pippa, or pekora.
agh wait a moment
Hear me out: NTR doijin where a yandere vtuber casually dates a viewer in DM then sells her channel, but forgets to ban her ex-bf who now spends all his time with a better chubba while the yandere drinks water alone.
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Digby is continuing to bring death to the enemies of man!
For he is the ultimate friend of man (who else is gonna open those tuna cans for him?)

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macaron's minecraft skin was pretty cute
she finished up her stream and raided rin penrose
she was only able to name bigger vtubers for raid targets so it seems that she has a networking problem...
>networking problem
More like a brand risk solution.
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finnish combat medic's going trucking in euro tuck sim 2!
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rrat got sponsored to check out Don't Stare tonight
rin penrose sounds australian
how do you tell the difference?
I heard rin found his own personal gumpai to duo with. Lucky guy. Yeah I'll find my own gumpai to play survival games with, but not yet.
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funni hen's doing an art stream!
Weather cat of Witchcraft today, managing felines.
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cat-eared weather witch is live and chatting over a bit of cat cafe manager
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serial killer little sister's making a comic with her viewers!
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A chubba RES isn't banned by? Good chubbas exist?
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Hmmm not quite, sorry if I wasn't being clear yesterday I am looking for artists with like unique brushes
Someone with something similar to pic related artstyle
>Alice is an incredible artist
>has a modest model not much different than Priscii, or the first miyuyus model
Alice sawyer is a card shark of a vtuber.
Lapin streams like twice a month but still has the audacity to do a subathon
theCecilz comes to mind but it's not really that paintery style. Rigging must be a nightmare with that painting style
I stream everyday, and remain viewerless everyday. Without Lapin twitch loses 30 viewers twice a month. Without me Twitch remains the same, but has more server space available for VODs that will be viewed.
In the past 30 days, she has had 12 streams. That is more than 1/3 of the month on top of her working a full time job. There are huge streamers or vtweeters that stream far less and do subathons. If you are going to be retarded, do it better.
In the past 30 days she had 12 streams, that's 500% more than Gura
don't be mean
In the past hour Lapin has had 3 organic posts. That's 8,000% more than RES.
>its another rebel inserting himself into every discussion episode
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Relax I just wanted to make a cheap joke
Finally some organic RES posts.
Hey um...my #1 fan. How come eggpest never did a comic book club night about Alice Sawyer comics? Does he actually hate comics, and only sport pop comics to pull catgirls who thirst for nerd cum collabs? True, and real?
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gondola's playing some astro bot
Yes. I'm thinking simple as a treat.
Why are you lying about streaming every day
I really do stream everyday. Want to see my attendance?
quest image
Path to Affiliate
Reach 50 followers


30-day Performance (8/9/24 - 9/7/24)

View 30-day stats
Stream for 8 hours


Stream on 7 different days


Average of 3 viewers

in 58.46 hours streamed


Here's my data data miner bot. These numbers are fresh from twitch.
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vampoyo and wolffia are getting annoyed by bugs
also they're playing banjo-kazooie together!
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bread baker chuuba is debuting a new outfit for today's stream!
Someone claiming to be corpse gave a impromptu love confession one of the few times I opened DM. There's no way the corpse would ever act like a school girl over a 0view right?
>thread talking about streams
I won.
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this feels like the same outfit reveal background from last time
mai's goin head first since it got shown off on twitter already
cool chuuni's exploring the hard mode version of Cosmo Canyon in FF7R!
>no bat discussion
>no tier lists including a cat(?)
I won...
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oh she's looking at sillhouette guesses now
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how close do you think the expressions got here, /wvt/?
>image gives off a cheeky vibe
>3d suggests a more shocked/confused feeling.
Mouth needs to curve up more and she needs more eyelashes.
>never replies
>fishing for a (you)
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most participants seem to think it's a fur outfit. which makes sense looking at the cuffs
ah, that makes sense
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puffy furry shoes with straps! it's got steppies and these pompom-ended shoelaces that have some good movement to them
NTR doijin where vtuber has a thing for a 0view who her moderator hates.
Cute looking shoes.
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the knees here are framed by these mid-leg garters, the ribbons on them also move a bit with some attention paid to how they move when the legs rotate
the chat compared it to toasted marshmallows with how squishy it looked, definitely very cute
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there's 4 COUNT THEM FUCKING FOUR layers of skirt under a jacket
the fingers under the sleeves all move individually, also there's melonpan and pretzel buttons that have some 3d-looking movement
you can't see it here but those pocket fluffs uptop are shaped like bunny heads
Ever is so so cute bros
Toasted marshmallow bread...
You just like old divorcee women
I just like women with a mature aura bro, and she's both cute and super pleasant to listen to.
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there's a croissant and a baguette button, as well as a pretzel brooch
she also showed off a mascot-carrying toggle here
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>Bread baker
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>called this a necklace
isn't this a choker?
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cute face! also there's a wave toggle
the bangs got redrawn, and there's some more bread-themed accessories up top
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full body profile
the hair apparently has increased bounciness to it
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the breadphones are back and she can put them on her neck this time too! unfortunately i caught the neck version mid-transition
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the brooch can be removed to open the jacket up and reveal the dress under it
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and the jacket can be fully removed too! the skirt is rigged to puff out when the jacket is removed, and there's these cute puffy sleeves too
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the sleeves are removeable if you want a spring vibe instead of an autumn/winter vibe
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unhinged sea spirit lady's doing more crime scene cleaning work tonight
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there's a couple hair toggles from her previous outfit that are back but they've been redesigned
for example there's this short hair toggle, she's going to show off the other ones later
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this hoodie toggle is themed after her viewer mascots
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lucky clover gnome's looking at a remake of sonic and the secret rings!
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arm toggle lightning round time, these work with each version of the torso
mic arm
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heart arms
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art arm
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AYAME IS A WH- sorry, i don't know what got into me there
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wait this isn't an arm toggle
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cat ears!
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back to arm toggles a little bit, here's a controller for gaming
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now for more hair toggles!
this one's the pon-de-ring style that came with mai's first outfit
she said on stream it isn't a donathon. It's another marathon
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the physics on these long hairstyles are pretty nice
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another short hair toggle!
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twintails forma de messy
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single ponytail
she called this the oneesan hairstyle, do you guys hear it called the oneesan style or the dead mom style more?
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these are actually three toggles combined: the face shading, the swirly eyes, and the swats
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the : ) face
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kira kira eyes!
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shocked eyes
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here's another combo input: heart eyes, ear blush, and the sweats again
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watery eyes toggle + tears toggle
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and of course, glasses
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strangely violent-feeling fumo is back with a chatting stream
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cute emo bear's playing assorted shitty licensed movie games!

I'm not banned from clipping your oshi.

ClipTR is truly the best.
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hedgehog boy's doing more astro bot
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slides time
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here's a basic intro to mintmai, no likes/dislikes this time you can look at the previous ones for that
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here's a comparison slide with the past 3 outfits!
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mai got someone else to design the outfit this time!
outfit designer mama(?):
of course, the usual people drew and rigged the model itself
model art mama:
model rigger papa:
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Cadence is continuing her DS3 run!!!

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there's a merch drop that she planned with this outfit
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more merch, this time mostly just prints
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these car stickers are a pretty cute idea...
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and that's the end of the slides!
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mute guild leader hooligan's doing more vampire survivors
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campfire dog's celebrating her twitch partner anniversary with more bloodborne!
Koragi the violator.
Bless you for this, wish you didn't had classes so you could do it more often
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no problem
i actually have fridays off this semester so god willing i'll be able to livepost for every nina event this year
Koragi the despoiler of vestals.
mint mai is very breadable
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please don't fry her with breadcrumbs
Came across this today while cleaning up my disk
Nina in Retromantique alternate timeline...
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house arrest magical girl's doing a going away party before her moving hiatus
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game localizer cat's doing guild war stuff in granblu fantasy!
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ikemen /tg/ elf's painting more skaven minis
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space animator elf's singing in 3d for her birthday!
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game startan
she's doing main game stuff instead of chalice dungeon stuff this stream
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your cute dictator's streaming with an eye tracker
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so happy on a saturday with koragi ^.^
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oh, this boss looks neat
She seems less active somehow.
Koragi used to post her food on social media. Now viewers are lucky to get a going live tweet. Koragi was just never the same after she banned her vieweroshi RES.
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>the boss is harder the more insight you have
she already kicked its ass anyways but do you need insight to unlock important stuff?
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i like that she has a thing for keeping track of bossfight progress, more chuubas should do this
insight only causes some minor world changes
oh, alrighty
i was wondering how viable a 0 insight run would be
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gondola's blowing up more robots with vimes_vtuber!
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cat-eared weather witch is checking out new stuff that got added to The Mortuary Assistant
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man frenzy takes forever to wear off
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mecha mechanic jellyfish is loading more kids into tank cannons in fuga: melodies of steel 2!
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history hag's doin a lecture on how the australian military lost to thicc birds
Khubie is playing Rune Factory 5
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cozy sea floor slug's live with more Symphony of the Night!
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see you later bob...
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treetuber rigger's in a giant supermarket sim collab
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happy to hear clio tonight :3
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dog pog!
koragi decided to keep him alive and she got an emote out of it
Your oshi streams your favorite game everyday, but only during collabs with a male. Do you take the monkey paw?
it sounds like a fun lecture anon
Sure; would love to see Jones and Bloom streaming couch game together forever
I probably wouldn't watch, but I'm glad that some viewers are easy to please.
Yes! Love seeing my broshi have a good time with his fellow bros.
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what is she mewing at...
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oh neat, another boss
man i can't make heads or tails of the story here
is mergo + final all she has left?
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fujogoddess is playing more resi 5 with the tulpa turtle!
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just final now, i guess.
wet nurse is so cool i wish it was a little harder or just had some more hp. it ends so quickly. i didn't even see that darkness phase the first time i fought it
Your broshi will forever be maidenless huh?
A bro does not start vtubing to find a wife/gf. They could have one but like a normal person he found her irl. A bro does not care about the mentally ill freak women that become vtubers
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i went to eat dinner why is everything on fire
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meat diver
yeah you'd think something with this many blades sticking out its ass would be a lot more dangerous
Yeah. He'll be forever maidenless. Oh well. Probably has dead sperm anyway.
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corpse is live with more occultist Pathfinder: Kingmaker!
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>i love apple cider!
>i can't tell the difference between apple cider and apple juice, though.
does koragi have trouble experiencing fizziness?
Oi, Krimbo. Fuck you
don't be mean
Bonnie's guerrilla hunting!
did someone already tell her about hanabi making that art
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how is this random-ass werewolf harder than the last boss???
She should prob realize it long enough but its hard to point it to her bc of Hanabi menhera
Let me guess, it's not even hard cider
i don't believe so
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one of these was at the church earlier i think, neat
koragi first-try'd this one too
How the fuck apple cider is super acidic
not if she's drinking weak cider
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this is kind of a fun weapon huh
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kinda uneventful anniversary stream
koragi will be tackling the endgame fights on the next bloodborne stream!
goodnight campfire friends!
goonai anon
i hope kitanya's new model turns out well
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dandere dormouse is playing Michigan: Report from Hell in a bit
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how am i supposed to be a boymouse enjoyer if she's streaming past my bedtime and my employer has already given me notice that my routine tardiness is beginning to become an issue meaning that i can't stay up any longer than i already have if i want to salvage my sleep schedule
you can try sleeping to it and see what that does to your brain, maybe it'll level up your boymouse enjoyer stat
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You are a Clauvio fan aka a Sleepyhead, go to sleep for 14 hours

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