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>KFP Falseflag
Why do most vtuber designs have asymmetrical legs?
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>carrier of Black Death
>hellhounds often depicted as either harbingers of death in Celtic myth or guardians of afterlife in Greek
>cats, commonly tied to supernatural, perceiving ghosts and having multiple lives
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Gigi won
Kiara lost and is bleeding out in a gutter
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Big fat surprise soon
It's sex (with me)
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Aqua Iro Palette
Fwoar wish she'd nosh me off.
it really triggers otomos KFP don't give a shit about CC, they think they are obligated to watch her for some weird reason
Good morning.
In an hour, it'll be time once again for some Scuffed Saturday Sven Co-op, with /hlgg/!
To make sure you're ready to join, if you haven't joined before, these are the things you'll need.
>Sven Co-op, which is free on Steam
>the complete /hlgg/ server asset pack (v20 and then the v23 patch)
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For asymmetrical segs
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real Bayo 3 vibes
Will Kiara have more viewers than Gura during the ENreco finale?
Is it merch?
with me
What could it be?
>raora already got pregnant
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Watame is pissing directly into my mouth.
she won't even be there...
Ready for kino later?
so CCGG are the new targets of KFP or what is going on?
Shut the fuck up kill yourself you absolute garbage waste of human life Kiara sucks KFP sucks you’re trash and you contribute nothing to the wider Holo fanbase you toxic pieces of chud shit.
gigi will always be a flop runt kek
New outfit
>KFP get called out
>resort to posting doxxshit
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Lapsama my friend
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I don't really care about MC so i've skipped all of Reco. Is there any comprehensive summary of all the good/important stuff?
my wife is beautiful
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Couldn't post last thread, but Ubersheep mention
kek Reine
Advent doesnt even have new outfits. That wont happen
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is that kinda like asymmetrical pvp
Yeah sure they are kfp, right?
Stop crying novelite
otomos are such a strange, cringe fanbase.
So Otomos can shit on Kiara so much to the point where barely anybody is discussing CC's streams while she's on due to the sheer amount of Kiara shitposting that happens, but it's suddenly a problem worth sperging out over when a few KFP make shitposts about CC 15 hours ago?
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What the fuck is Peasant the Bae even going to do after missing an entire week of lore buildup
She's having a cam stream but it's her ass pressed against glass.
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Kill Kiara. Behead Kiara. Roundhouse kick a Kiara into the concrete. Slam dunk a Kiara baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Kiara. Defecate in a Kiara food. Launch Kiara into the sun. Stir fry Kiara in a wok. Toss Kiara into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Kiara gas tank. Judo throw Kiara into a wood chipper. Twist Kiara heads off. Report Kiara to the IRS. Karate chop Kiara in half. Curb stomp pregnant Kiara. Trap Kiara in quicksand. Crush Kiara in the trash compactor. Liquefy Kiara in a vat of acid. Eat Kiara. Dissect Kiara. Exterminate Kiara in the gas chamber. Stomp Kiara skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Kiara in the oven. Lobotomize Kiara. Mandatory abortions for Kiara. Grind Kiara fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Kiara in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Kiara with a ray gun. Kick old Kiara down the stairs. Feed Kiara to alligators. Slice Kiara with a katana.
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So Renie wears a purple body suit?
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what we watching?
3D in VR chat
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Ollie cute
Kiara cute
More ENreco merch
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i'm sure sex is like fighting
>Every schizo shows up at the exact same time again
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Oh no tower...
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I love love love Gigi!
doesn't shion sound a bit... well, you know...
Justice earned new outfits
get shit views lol
Found a fresh high quality cat game for holos
Might makes right. There are more Otomos than KFP so they can say whatever they please about about Kiara but KFP should show respect to their betters.
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Does this nigga even sleep by gahd
Nobody wants to watch CC lol
Switch up your writing style for once, jesus christ.
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she's gonna get powerleveled and marry either Nerissa or Cecilia so their kid can get galeforce.

Her sperm is all they need
I'm a mooman?!
Wasn't there like a shadow cat game or something that came out in the last 6 months

I thought someone would play it
recline and seethe
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Dudu dada!
Kiara gets more discussion than CC when CC is streaming lmao
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Yeah, ENreco capes
Maybe he's just running a script?
Is it KFP's fault CC's voice is so horrid?
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You're Nanashi Mooman
Oh hi
Tomorrow, the reglosses are releasing their ochame kinou cover as per tradition

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Hey chumbuds:
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Justice 3D let's goooo
As long as Kiara keeps mogging his whore oshis, he is ready to seethe.
Can't sleep with all the moaning coming from his mother's room
guys like this have bragged about cutting sleep for more shitposting
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>Girl become popular
>Certain fanbase start to falseflag and attack her
hmm it is almost like they don't like when others become more popular than certain person, quite curious yes yes
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>no minigames
Why did holos stop doing them anyway
do you want to find out
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I will be first to buy a cape and wear it to the next Hololive event.
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Kiara won
Shiori lost
>having anything left to their sad lives but seething about better holos
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cute and kissable
Unironically making it hard to believe it's more than two people who are playing both sides when both sides of the argument show up at the exact same time and disappear at the exact same time.
Not a numberfag but I'm genuinely amazed that Giti inclined so hard. Going from 2k to 12k in less than a month is actually fucking insane. I'm really happy for her success. Surprised that some other runt girls like Kiara, Mori, Bae, Shiori, Nerissa and Bijou didn't manage to improve themselves like this desu.
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>There are more Otomos than KFP
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holy incline
Oh, it's back up
Wrong thread?
>Still watching ENRECO VODs
>still skimming through the threads back then
it was quite funny to see an obvious "I HATE CECI'S VOICE" raid come out of nowhere and stayed for like 2 threads before simply fucking off.
I think Reine would like to play some mini games. Just my guess though.
If Kiara is so beloved how come other girls keep getting SCs shitting on her? Ina, Fauna, and GG all got one this week.
Kiara is more interesting.
>Kiara mogging the flopshark
You love to see it. Maybe chumbuds can shut up now.
Reine would ghost her best friend lesbian.
This makes me terrified.
I'm glad I didn't confess(─‿─)
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Biboo's Hologra tomorrow!!
So it's just scripted loreslop today? And no Kiara?
Any reason not to completely skip today?
Not now, Kiaraschizo.
Oh, so it was the book store who fucked up, kek
you are not good at this lil bro
>Mori and Tutu see the samefag again
I miss Muman...
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But what if it is just for minecraft?
Bae won
Kiara lost
I'm gonna watch Borderlands movie now, it's the only way to balance insanity from Kanade bgm
What happened?
Yeah most of us were just surprised that they picked her voice out of all things to go schizo over
I wonder what the cope is going to be once Gigi goes back to her same shitty numbers like every other runt once ENreco is over.
Kiara gets more discussion than Gura. Makes you wonder who really is the most popular EN member.
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Prove that (you) are not a shitposting bot by replying to me with Biboo's favorite flavor of milk.
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There's an absurd amount of art created out of this storyline holy shit
what is the difference between tsundere and kuudere and yandere and dandere
Anyone in this thread has any connections with Hololive? Would love to work as a programmer with them.
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Did I accidentally click on /#/? What's going on?
He has to defend his queen, pls andastan
Strawberry Kaela Manufactured Flavor
this kind of post is inappropriate
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Hah, the tweet was deleted also

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my cum
He's still being hunted by the ATF....a real hooman being, and a real hero...
It was really good!
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Yeah, me
Gonathan really getting all the amazing arts for ENreco. The public really loves him
Tutu has lost studio privileges
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>Reine high-fiving with her punch gun
KFP have nothing on CC so they just picked something at random to try to force.
At least I hope this confirms their 3D will be their idol outfits
chumbuds are sperging out because Kiara is objectively mogging their shark
No one cares about Biboo the garbage Hologra.
She can't even get 9 replies on a tweet about her
it-its not like i like you..baka
i dont like you °-° (but i do)
gigi is the best thing to happen to hololive EN since gura debut
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don't you ever get tired of this
Good for Regloss. I haven't kept up with Wiwika's English streams....
Does it really matter if it's from the exact same guy who has been sending SCs shitting on EN girls for the past 3 years? The only reason he even sends only anti Kiara SCs now is because Kiara schizos are the only schizos who suck his dick the most and parade his SCs around like the holy grail while schizos towards the other girls mostly waved them off when he sent anti SCs towards thsoe girls.
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How will Gonathan's story end tonight?
Kiara utterly and completely mogged. Dumb bitch should go back to being a failed idol dancing for no one.
I'm not a shitposter, but I don't watch Biboo so I don't know
CC lost
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At least she will have better numbers than Bae or Shiori
Unless Ame goes out of her way to revive it?
It's dead, Jim
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Oh cool. Wasn't expecting somebody working to be here. Know if they are working on any games with the girls that they'd need a junior programmer for?
Public hanging
>mostly waved them off when he sent anti SCs towards thsoe girls.
He’s never done that, he’s only over shit on Kiara even when superchatting other Holos.
holy cope
>we would like to apologize to all fans
sorry we told you good news
answer the question...
>most popular board
>most popular thread
>least populated moderation
Gonathon will pacify oobib only to absorb the chaos energy himself and the story will leave on a cliffhanger
trying too hard, falseflagger
Shiori status?
ew, it replied to me
Oh shit, that's sooner than I thought. Nice
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Uhhhhhhh Mori Milk
there's so much Gigi/Gonathan art on twitter wtf
Spamming Gigi is good
Spamming Kiara is bad
Shrimple as
Last one is deredere not dandere
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Aggressive reminder to take care of your hags
I'm a contrarian. I see replies saying strawberry, I say chocolate.
>if you don't watch Bijou you're a shitposter
Do pebbles really? Fuck off
Ame did not expect to get dragged into another popular twitter spam, now all the pressure is coming back on her and Gigi, how will they conclude this.
Are you fluent in Rust?
Probably eating grits or something?
>watching advent
shant be doing that
Guys what's that meme called where it's the Shiori Novella's face I saw it a couple of times recently and thought it was pretty cool
Isn't it a bot? Considering they keep spamming the same shit sometimes swapping out names.
I'm being serious.
ah ah ah
shiori seething hard
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NTA but it’s true, Gigi is a born entertainer and has the best sense of humour in the branch.
Why do I keep hearing about covid recently
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Really triggers you some people don't like her voice huh
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I love Ame suffering from pressure though. Ame is most pretty when she is suffering
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RRat's back tonight!
I feel like Ame is going to have another spergout about shipping because of this whole rp thing just how she went on a rant after collab with Ina
not related to the tweet, but it was pretty nice of Mori to make Raora still be part of the game after Ubisuck jewwed her out
Novelite hivemind
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horrendous thread as usual
Beep boop
which Holos have earrings/ear piercings as part of their original outfits? I'm sure there's more but I can only name like 5 or so
Stop begging KFP for views if you don't want to be humiliated
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Uuuuuu a double
Ooohh Regloss 3D this month??? That's cool
Eh? What did she say before?
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I'm 100% sure they planned this out

It's RP, she encouraged shipping when it was about Watoto for example
Because her voice sucks.
Fuck off already. Your 3views leeches don't belong in Hololive.
2k soon lol
chocolate, but I'd take Mori's too
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Know your place and kneel to your betters next time, bitch.
yes now you get it
NTA but yes he has, towards Mori and Gura, though those were sometime around 2021-2022 and under a different name that included the word manny.
Sadly not yet. I mostly work with Python, java and c++, but all programming languages are all pretty similar so I can probably learn it pretty fast.
all the good posters gooned themselves into a coma with the gen0 live to pochi's latest masterpiece pipeline
Again with the /ligger/ angle?
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Gura's vaultroom catalogue is all sold out now
Fuck I don’t even hate her but at this point Kiara should probably live for the good of the Holo fanbase. Both her fans and antis are fucking psycho and it’s making actual Hololive discussion almost impossible
shiori effortlessly mogged
Hey, that's my favorite too!
this is the face she makes when I lick her autopussy
Gigi literally carried ENReco
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It will die after holoenreco.

Also she won't, Ame is smart enough to know she can just redirect the attention to CCGG easily
gigis voice is objectively worse than CCs
Bae, Shiori, Biboo...
flop runt ccv mog mogged oshi better than floprunt seethe voice whore annoying schizo

KFP grem brrat otomo novelite

Kiara GG Bae CC Cecilia Shiori
I'm pretty sure majority of the girls (EN<JP, and ID) have em'
true my bad.
dandere is
>i wonder if you like me like i do...
and then loses like the stupid retard they are because their love interest gets with someone far more interesting
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That Mori is fucking thick, curvaceous, bubbly, bimbofied
that's better than expected
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Nice thread
is using typos to bait for replies the new meta?
maybe don't seethe about KFP not liking your oshi as much as you want them to like her?
Just a thought. It looks pretty pathetic.
Mudhut hours. Just do something else until ENreco begins.
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Hey, me too!
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Something tells me the finale is going to have shit threads.
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Gura cute Gura cute!
I hope Kiara keeps on living as well. She's a nice lady and while I dont watch her stream i like her presence in collabs.
The one to Mori was shitting on Kiara, it references the 300k yen escort rumor that was going around at the time. I’ve never seen the Gura one.
Gigi won you lost schizo shit
NA just woke up
Thread was pretty comfy all the way till Reine's stream ended
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>Paying $70 for a T-shirt
Couldn't be me.
Ah, sadly Hololive is only looking for the most autistic ones, you don't fit the bill.
And please don't mention to anyone again that you work with Python or Java, trust me on that.
Of course it's gonna happen.
People are gonna complain it ended too boring or stale.
i'm not asexual anon
>no Kiara
>stream is boring
makes sense
I mistyped leave, don’t deflect because of a typo you know I’m right.
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Oh yeah, I forgot we are on prime schizo discord raid hours. Until later, anons. Hope everyone is hyped for ENreco finale!
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Wow this thread smells
We're completely dominated by shitposters
Somehow, I don't think these 2 sides are actually fighting each other
I really like their designs for pekora but this one has been pretty plain
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You guys told me that SEA hours were good?
sounds like you had a freudian slip there shitposterchama
Don't bring up a handful of 15 hour old shitposts in an attempt to start shit the next day. You don't see KFP grabbing the hundreds of Kiara shitposts that are made during Ceci's streams and post them a day later trying to start shit.
Anon, how poor are you?
Towa (Piercings on ear and belly button)
Botan (Piercings on ear)
Moona (Earrings)
Anya (Earrings)
Kaela (Earrings)
IRyS (Earrings)
ERB (Earrings)
Shiori (Earrings and a neck piercing)
We can't lose the only good EN anon
i blame ollie for reines new hair
That looks like dogshit. You can find better stuff on Redbubble
ah dang it. maybe next time.
What's wrong with Java and Python? Besides it being Java and the slowness of Python
see >>84701077
Looks like he paused his script to seethe.
we're already entering EU hours
The Superior Germanic won
bitch we in EU hours now
it's all down hill from here
I prefer to reserve my money for spending on events and actually cool merch.
Post this at the start of the next thread so we can get that part of the thread done in one go.
What do you call it when you're horny for a purple, japanese brat?
Asking for a friend
Shiori has a neck piercing?
They've been BTFO'd in a thread yesterday by some unitychads. And while the unitychads already went to sleep, the shitposters still continue their nuclear fission.
>Bae 144 streams
>Kiara 111 streams
But is it Live Again or Live Again?
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Can she even participate in the finale without doing the dungeons?
Gonna add Reine's big dangler and Ollie's soda can tab earrings.
this means you're human
i am a sexual anon though
Thread always goes to shit around this exact hour. Like the retard wakes up and the first thing he does is come here to shitpost about Kiara vs Bae, or Kiara vs whatever holo is currently getting alot of attention.
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Sorry but Americans are the best posters in the thread, you can literally feel the thread quality decrease when we go to conventions.
>kiara still mogs her in hours
ENreco was a successin bringing eyes on "lesser" ENs like GG. I'm goimg to guess she has a BUNCH of new fans because of ENReco.

Shiori and Bae miased the bus.
The fuck is a neck piercing?
That artist draws Mori like she was as jiggly like a water ballon
you can run all the dungeons in like 20 minutes, especially if you have someone who did them tag in
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Rare ship art
I see KFP attacking other Holos 24/7 and posting cringe unity timestimps and SCing other girls trying to push this “pwease don’t hate poor widdle kfp look we’re so Unity and wholesome chungus.” As if that absolves them of their anti behaviour.
Wow that's a lotta streams!
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Bae cares about her fans
Kiara is just going on trips every month
So it's just merch? Weren't some people here claiming that she's joining a GTA server with ecelebs or something?
What's the top-3 Kiara facts that you should always keep in mind?
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no moderation hours, post porn
speak english pedro
They will not get new outfits before the kimonos at the end of the year
>low quality bae 66 minute slop getting mogged by Kiara's streams
And yet Kiara is more despised than ever, ENreco only serving to remind people how annoying and unfunny she is.
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sorry, I'm trying to read your post but I'm just seeing
How did Kiara manage to beat Bae in hours despite being so busy?
Especially GG should come out of this with a lot of new fans, yeah. Gonathan is THE face of EnReco at least when it comes to xitter, there's no way she's not walking away as one of the more popular ENs.
Kiara has feather earrings
You're a dumb fish that eats bait. This isn't even their first holo merch collab so that angle was quickly shut down
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Shiori deflection post
but enough about gura
big ass
big butt
big voice
yeah nah, it's over for you my dude
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No one thinks it's actually KFP when all posts have the exact same wording
Fauna and Ame are comrades in how they view love
She was molested
She was a 300k yen escort
She’s a failed idol who did gravure and soft core JAV
Kiara likes the job
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It's a bit hard to see most of the time because of how close it is to the choker, but yeah, the little "pendant" bit is actually a piercing.
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Kiara won
Bae gave up after her album gigaflopped
It’s obviously KFP
wawa cute!
wawa cute!!
I thought those were part of her hair?
>pleasing voice
>grating voice
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It's always this subject at this time on the weekend
>It's KFP's fault most of EN deserves to be beheaded
baffling post
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They're just unusually colored phoenix feathers made into earrings
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Oh I was gonna post a Shion doujinshi but I don't want to step on your toes
Kiara works hard, gets results.
Bae works 'hard', just reclines even harder..
Raora debuted in July.. Impressive that she's already overtaken Shiori
SorAZ makes me horny and you should feel the same way
>pleasant voice
>shit up the thread with a script
nah no one actually believes that, especially the anons who have been to cons and concerts
Oh. idk if I like that
Proof for all of these?
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>pleasant voice
ok nigga be serious
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Because Kiara never gives up and is a shining beacon of HOLOEN
Bae on the otherhand is the faggot who:
> got an album first before Kiara like an arrogant bitch lmao
> says she is good at dancin but can't get a crowd loud enough
> 3D ambassador but doesn't even do 3D shit
> Gave up streaming cause of low CCV hurt
>pleasing voice
(You)r oshi
>grating voice
>(You)r oshi
She's mostly goo anyway
how do you sweat like that on your thumb
Hey autofisterfags get out of my edgy gonathan fanart
Why is KFP obligated to like your oshi?
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i cant believe they invented erotic children
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>pleasing voice
>pleasing me
Your mother
Gigi mogging the Austrian whore , love to see it. Just prove that goodness and righteousness always defeats selfishness and evil.
I don't care what anyone says, any EN or JP that goes sub 5k average ccv is just a runt and practically forgotten by the holo fandom at large.
For ID I'm willing to lower that to sub 2.5k maybe cause their audience is a lot smaller.
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man I wish Ace Attorney wasn't such a cozy game so I could post more about Reine and save this horrendous thread
Is this still totally legitimate criticism?
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more like covered in goo (mine)
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don't say that her voice is that of an angel I can close my eyes and listen to her soothing melody.
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I'm a little sad we didn't get a crossover event between the Faunamartverse and Tamgandrverse until the end.
sex with retarded koreans
You know japanese, chinese, koreans and en people labelled Ame's voice as healing. Sure it's not as good as Fauna but it is still a healing type of voice.
All pleasing voices are healing types....
Why is....nevermknd this guy is an idiot
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This is too out of character, Reine would never touch a man like that
I really fuck with capes that are either a deep blue or like a wine red on the inside
>Myth fanbase mentions Singular + Plural mentions
15,117 mentions
22,897 mentions
8,963 mentions
13,889 mentions
4968 mentions
KFP > Deadbeats > Chumbuds > Takos > Teamates
Also, KFP is closing in on deadbeats to become the most mentioned fanbase on all of /vt/ in terms of total mentions throughout the past 3 years
Yeah, Bae could take some notes if she doesn't want Gigi to steal all of her fans
I don't think I've ever had a "fancy hot dog."
>hiding the first page
I want to give Reine my hot dog
you're the one making shitty puns
Kek thank you flareposter for some levity in these dark times
> teamates
Good, that just means we are too nice.
Would you believe it's all because of one dude?
Has any criticism ever been seen as legitimate?
A Knight's Tale has successfully been donated to the Faunamart library
Fauna will be like Sam from GoT
It's funny how it's not even close anymore
same desu
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The only thing more illegitimate is their "father's" paternity
Anons where seething about not being able to post any yesterday
chumbuds often by chumbies too so you'd have to include that
lol mind broken
>People rather watch Fuwawa, who doesn't even RP and has an echo in the background, over Shiori
>reine doujin
>no titfuck
what the fuck is this artist smoking
is Ame really stream in 3 hours, I guess I'll have to order takeout then....
do NOT open this. TRUST me
That term is exclusive used by shitposters
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She will raise another man's son?
Well to be fair, Shiori doesnt RP either
it's literally used by Gura
I don’t hate Kiara but it was kind of shitty of her to try and attach herself to Gonathan after seeing how popular that story was.
you're missing Luna, GG, Ririka, and Ao
only to get your attention baka
Shiori RaPed me though?
Fuwawa cute, i honestly believe that's all there is to it. Cuteness bonus
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What's the point of this
post the voicepack leaks
Not everyone has a tits fetish
The only reason Bae has porn is because she is small
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Remember these?
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Gura is a shitposter
Who is Kiara allowed to role play with according to you?
No it isn't you retard, chumbies is literally common and normally used. Gura herself says it even.
You're thinking of "cumbuds".
It's 4chan's version of the "share" button
sometimes it gives you a warning
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Are we ready for today's ENreco finale???
vacation yourself button
90% of the KFP mentions come from a small timeframe during EU hours, specifically around this time.
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>tits fetish
>tits fetish
Isn't that just being a normal person
gigi is considerate and tries to rope everyone into the rp, even the girls who still have trouble getting into the groove with roleplay
me on the right
Gigi is going to die.
Ame will kill herself because she loves Gigi.
But not before giving her son to faunamart.
Mumei will be revealed to have been prophetic, because Ame, not Gonathan was the pregnant one.
Luna I hadn't actually noticed them on, GG I actually haven't paid too much attention to on the model, will have to take another look at her, Ririka I'm just a dumbass and was going to include her but forgot, also hadn't noticed on Ao.
Adding them to my autism lists that I keep for no reason other than to post here.
I'm really curious how they'll work in Biboo trying to side with the Stains
When is Nerissa getting voiced?
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Yeah well remember Biboo's laptop got fried so she lost all these files
It's kind of like voting in a national election
Not here, retard
Now do total mentions for Myth members.
nerissa sex
If you mean "they" as in management, they won't
>lads it's a fetish to be attracted to one of the most overtly sexual organs on the human body
Might wanna google the definition of fetish before you use it in a context like this in the future
it gives meidos an excuse to ban you
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no thats me
>I don’t hate Kiara BUT
sure you don't, schizo
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He wants me so baaaaaaaaaad
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This general STINKS and it SUCKS
I really like when women purse their cheeks in that hard and suck like their lives depend on it
>tits fetish
what's next, a pregnancy fetish?
That's not allowed, Gura is gonna lose
I'm not caught up on the past few days, why are people suddenly saying that Kiara and Gigi hate eachother? They seemed to like eachother quite a bit and have gave eachother kisses on a few separate occasions, so I'm confused.
3 day ban dispenser. Whether it gives it to you or the shitposter is totally up in the air.
Reminder: it was Mococo who killed those chickens
Where did you even pull this from? Even just searching "chumbud" I get 41410 results for /vt/
cheebs is going to be sucking me tonight if IRyS doesn't put her frame up
>why are people suddenly saying that Kiara and X hate eachother
because a certain country still hasn't been rangebanned
Kiara tried to rape Gonathan
She's like that fat guy from Berserk
Why does Kiara always get the darker guy?
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To be fair that's a legitimate fetish.
Not impregnating women, but having sex with pregnant women
Either continue the bit, or end it within 10 mins in the next stream and run all the dungeons in one go with someone telling her where everything is located.
Since it was rape and not consensual, I offer my condolence
Kiara did try to rape Gonathan
just post images of shion
>2024 Myth member mentions
143903 mentions
166257 mentions
98249 mentions
198720 mentions
99794 mentions
>Gura > Kiara > Mori > Ame > Ina
It’s not a matter of who, but Kiara was obviously trying to position herself as Gonathan’s rebound to try and get fanart out of it. She should’ve just been more natural.
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nice art
Cubism love!
They both look like brothas to me
Learn to hide
Shut up already, schizo
i prefer it when you do that though
You know why..
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It's honestly become mentally draining to be in this thread these days, 6 person collabs used to drown out shitposts but now it feels like every holo has to be in a single collab or the yearly concerts to even hope the schizo gets drowned out cause god forbid if a girl missess out on one fucking collab cause she'll get shitposted into oblivion by schizos copypasting, assuming it's not a bot.
the other nigga looks pretty nigga there though
Now include "Gooba", "Gwombus", "Goobs", "Grombus", "Gawbomba", "Gwarothon", "Gwarosaur", "Goombasaurus" and "Gooby" for Gura
Guessing he's specially talking about 2024 mentions.
there's probably more but I'm too lazy to do anything more than do a quick glance at their portrait on the talent list
Maybe Bae should be more likeable
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Melon farmers have upped their game recently.
> She should’ve just been more natural.
That makes it sound like she role played with the wrong person. So who would’ve been a more natural partner?
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But I stand out too much because of how handsome I am
because she's the most racist EN
who hasn't
I find it kinda cute how you can see both Fuwawa and Mococo look towards the bottom-left right before their expression changes because that's where the shortcut button for "Change to Sad Face" is located on their desk.
>breasts are sexual organs
coomers need to be put down
You don't fuck it
You don't use it for reproduction
It doesn't indicate fertility
It doesn't facilitate pregnancy
It's only as erogenously sensitive as the earlobe, neck or the small of the back.
Obsessing over breasts is a literal fetish, it's just so mainstream in weebdom specifically that idiots become blind to the fact that it's still a fetish. The only reason nipples are sensitive at all is so that cavewomen could figure out where to feed their baby from.
It's very obviously a bot
Kiaraschizo's posts
Real unique IP/anon posts
This is just a small example within this thread alone but once the newfags learn the difference between these two, they will learn to mentally out all of Kiaraschizo's posts. I personally believe we should all do the same thing his parents do, ignore him. Of course that won't stop him from samefagging but it's much more pathetic(and sad but deserved) to see him literally talk to himself the entire thread.
Maybe Bae should graduate and go back to selling cocaine
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Why does your mother always get darker guys?
ever since day4 ENreco the schizo has been targeting Gigi, Shiori, CC on their falseflagging scripts against Kiara, and he especially hates Gigi for some reason
Aren't large tits better for children to suck from?
it literally does indicate sex
>it's just so mainstream in weebdom specifically
Have you ever talked to normal people at all?
How is being into tits a weeb thing?
I'll do a proper list later, my autism wants me to get this right.
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It doesn't actually feel good to be sucked like a vacuum cleaner and can be outright uncomfortable if she's doing it that hard.
tits give me a boner, what now nerd?
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>in weebdom specifically
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Because she didn't take her menstruation pills
what do children have to do with sex?
Where he's from, women are too malnourished to have tits
You are absolutely mental if you think that a preference towards breasts is in any way comparable to something like a foot fetish
He ctrl+Fs the thread and picks out the name that comes up most often
Just don’t try and force a romance with Gonathan next time. She’s not good enough at RP or likable enough for people to receive it well. Everyone can tell she was just just trying to weasel her way into the Jyonathan/Gonathan story.
everyone should do it
Reine knows!
How about Towa?
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>what do children have to do with sex?
Damn, Reine is smart
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>what do children have to do with sex?
not my fault you have better tastes than me
Why do Grems hate Kiara so much?
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me when pretending to be retarded
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Maybe Kiara should be more likable
Hide button, retard
Kiara works better with ERB imo
chumbud stop
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I have a woman fetish
jealousy of the more popular orange woman
I think all of the girls in Hololive have nice voices....
Kiara seems fine at RP? The only real problem I had with her was the dungeon part of her stream on day 6. Also, the only place where I've seen people get angry at Kiara ""forcing herself into the RP"" was this thread and no other place or other thread.
I think CC had the best post-Ame interaction with GG
The part where Gonathan was too selfless to beat CC and CC called her out on it was some real character development that was almost too good to have been not scripted.
This is the dumbest post in this thread
Gigi is by far the most popular EN right now
open Twitter and you'll get gonathan shoved in your face
Did you seriously think this is a good comeback? My sides
>You don't fuck it
If they're big enough you absolutely can
>You don't use it for reproduction
a big pair of tits turns men on, making them want to fuck. they're indirectly a reproductive organ but only in an aesthetic sense.
>it doesnt indicate fertility
what? is this bait?
>it doesnt facilitate pregnance
fucking duh, it's for after pregnancy
>it's only erogenously sensitive as the earlobe, neck or the small of the back
yet that's EXACTLY the kind of erogenous zones a lot of women love to have involved when they get horny.
>obsessing over breasts is a literal fetish
Alright then, i guess one of the absolutely most common things for people to be attracted to is now niche enough to be classified as a fetish.
I'm 99% convinced that jealous little woman hands typed this post. You damn near sound like a woke stereotype.
No the size of the breast is purely determined by the size of the fat deposit there and has no relation to or impact on the efficacy of the mammary gland. How your body distributes long term fat storage is determined by genetics but since there isn't any inherent advantage or disadvantage to storing it in any particular place, there's no selection pressure so the distribution among members of a given population is essentially random. That's why the average person runs a gamut from A cup to F cup--human reproductive selection doesn't actually favour any cup size specifically.
You faggots are absolutely as annoying as footfags
godspeed anon
I'm pretty sure this wiki has the character sheets for each member https://virtualyoutuber.fandom.com/wiki/Hololive#Members
There are voices which I cannot endure listening for hours.
1. ERB
4. BAE
Towa has 59586 mentions in 2024 so far.
3D already?
That'll only work if she's willing to stop serving Tam, which she wont. Also, ERB already has Nerissa.
what do you mean
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for the record, it was actually Mumei who started that substory from yesterday, not Kiara
some people tend to be so annoying
Let's be honest she's not very good at it, she makes meta comments and uses non-RP vernacular all the time. Only Nerissa and Shiori are worse at RPing. And maybe Mumei.
least delusional grem
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God made the perfect woman and named her Otonose Kanade
>for hours.
I can't endure Biboo's and Gigi's voices for 5 minutes
You really can’t name one good partner for Kiara?
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me too
That's kind of gay bro
I thought he was referring to the story from two days ago where kiara wanted to fight Gonathan in the arena in order to marry him
I guess faces are sexual organs now if I find a woman beautiful and it turns me on.
That's decent, thanks
They were still fun together
I can't endure Biboo's fakeass child voice for 2 minutes
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God DAYUM that bitch can SUCC
fuwamoco deflection post
That shitposting made no sense to me yesterday, Mumei started the subplot, yet everybody was shitting on Kiara and saying that she was the one who started it and that Gigi hated it and was trying to get out of it. But after Kiara gave her a way out of the subplot, people switched up and were no longer saying that Kiara made the subplot, but also that Gigi likes the mpreg subplot?
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Which VOD should I watch to catch up on yesterday’s EnReco? I wanna be caught up for tonight.
do you really need me to spell it out for you
that was happenstance too, they only ended up fighting each other because orange is the strongest color. marriage was slapped on just to add some stakes
What's your country's GDP?
You have to add in taa
Why do breasts get bigger when they're more full of milk?
Checkmate athiests
That's fair.
At least as far as just Zatsu type stuff I think pretty much all of them are bearable.
>hajime and kanade in front
Again, the only problem I found was the dungeoning bit on day 6, she seems perfectly fine otherwise.
Hey /hlgg/ its time for Super-scuffed Sven feat. slightly more scuff
If it's your first time joining, make sure you grab the game and the server pack, both found here
To join, you only need a few things
>Sven Co-op, which is free on Steam
>Both parts of the /hlgg/ server comunity pack

Scuffed Saturday Sven Co-op, with /hlgg/!

Before joining, make sure you've got both the base game and all the parts of the /hlgg/ server asset pack, linked in this post >>63751178

Once in game, open up console with ` or ~ and enter
>connect STEAM_0:1:42145434
Password is: ILOVEAME
Mococo's whole lottery/theft/escaping/hiding arc alone was more RP and better than their stuff.
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I have high expectations for today's ENreco finale
let me guess it's probably too much resource available online to the point that you can copy paste codes from the internet and get a working program. Many people in the field don't consider that learning and understanding the language
Kiara added that condition because Gigi's initial suggestion for the terms of the duel was boring as fuck, I don't even remember what she suggested
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Do not be misled by old women with firm and curvy bodies.
Biboo's fine by industry's standards, look at shondo and other lolitubers to see actual fakeass voices
why do you say this so often
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I wake up and post the Ina!
Kiara should lactate
TBF, Mumei apologized immediately for bringing up pregnancy because she didn't know it was mpreg.
Everyone else was the one making mpreg jokes.
bae a shit
Most of EN, not Kiara's fault gigi is annoying.
milk is stored in the tits
It's still annoying
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I think Grems unironically gaslit themselves into thinking that GGAme is a real ship because of this event. I bet in the next couple of days they'll start seething at Gura for "stealing" Ame and ruining their ship. Just watch
i don't think its a frequent thing that i say
You're obssesed with them, you want them so bad
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But at the same time girls with bigger butts take bigger stinkier shits you know
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Breasts aren't sexual organs but they should be
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Newman should have been a femboy
That fight only happened because they're the two best pvpers. Imagine if Kiara didn't throw that finale fight and that specific subplot had to move on, knowing that Kiara wasn't going to be there for the finale.
My JP oshi is Miko so its music to my ears really
thanks for informing us of your next shitposting angle
Please be in these outfits for the 3D.....
>If you win I'm gonna kill myself
Gonathon is generally pretty suicidal
I don’t hate Kiara but I don’t like she’s obviously just trying to use Gonathan for clout. It’s grifter behavior.
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I'm whiter than bone and can listen to her talk for hours. In fact, I often do!
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more than once is too often
>Liking Shiori and Raora's voices but not IRyS or Gura
Breasts swell during and after pregnancy because hormones cause a massively increased bloodflow to the mammary glands, which causes the tissue to swell. This swollen tissue is usually uncomfortably tender and sore
It's their idol outfits, there's a chance we'll only see it for Fes or their 3D birthday live
Reine isn't going to show her full body on stream?
Don't worry they will be, that much is obvious now
I prefer it when a woman's hips and ass widen too
Mori has the most normal woman voice going you can tell the people that don't watch her when they make comments like this. You get 2nd hand info from collabs. Kys
Liking big butts is just a bastardized form of liking wide hips
am i only allowed to do any given thing once in your presence then
I thought Mumei was just making a joke about how poor her observation skills are after being called out on labeling FWMC as sisters, incorrectly assuming that GG looks pregnant.
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I love that there's still a kanataso hanging in Kanade's house.
Because it doesn't matter what Kiara's relationship with the girl is, it's always been Kiara vs Bae, and Kiara vs whatever girl is currently getting alot of attention right now.
Faunamart shall be sacked tonight
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At least Pochi-sensei posted it.
Wait, really? All the times I’ve peeped Fuwawa POV she’s been just kinda… there. Did she finally get into the RP?
it is what it is
What if there are people itt that dont like women?
I'm one of those who doesn't really get breasts on its own but seeing everyone else hold it up as having more value makes it seem more desirable too
So it's like second-hand attraction or something
Big asses and hips have synergy.
Kiara didn’t throw, she lost because she was nervous.
>I don't hate Kiara BUT
Please spell it out every time, no one here knows what the fuck you mean
Do promise now
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>Faunamart and nana11 go to war
>both are destroyed
>only the tavern remains
silly Reine
Listening to Kanade for long periods of time makes me think the rest of the world is at x1.25 speed
You can not like one thing a Holo does but be fine with the rest of it.
>that specific subplot had to move on
Mori's divorce business still hasn't been used, she was even there to market it
>it's a magical world where you can be anything you want to be
>roleplay a retail wagie
>not like one thing a Holo does
That's not what happened here, retardchama
sounds like a modern anime plot
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No Gura vod again...
Who's vod should I watch to get ready for the grand finale?
Obviously not. The tits argument is retarded though because unless you live in the buttfuck middle-east you don't need to cover up your face. In an every day context, women dropping their tits out would be seen as intimate and/or sexual. You want to tell me why that is, if not for them being seen as a sexually relevant bodypart? The "tits aren't a sexual organ" angle is such a terminally online xitter prude take that only goess off of biological necessity arguments, not the sexual-psychological aspect. And denying that that aspect exists sounds pretty delusional to me.
This could also be a part of it
You keep saying this but what was wrong with it?
It's always Kiara vs whatever girl will give him the most (You)s at any given moment, it doesn't matter if Kiara actually really likes that girl and if they get along, they just HAVE to eat each other according to him. I bet he'd do Kiara vs Nerissa or Raora despite both being considered Kiara's friends.
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>gives us zoomed in parts
>puts an outer frame on top of it all
t-thanks reine..
Watch Gigi's chumbud so you can prepare the shitposts
I mean, teamates don't have to refer to themselves in third person.
Ina will be cute and Reco today
I’m just saying I don’t like her trying to force her way into the GGAme romance. Quit being a schizo.
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Tavern owners have a little bit more influence than just a wagie though
I kinda feel bad that she got sick before she could really get involved with the RP, but it makes me happy that people are still using the tavern for a set quite a bit
so the venue actually leaked it. Cover and their inability to communicate regarding announcements. they should make a case study on this
no but you should be less confusing
I think CC wanted to RP as a stock broker yesterday. She mentioned investing nana11.
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Ina's frame is up!!! She's ready to kill her sister!!!
Genetics are weird
>big asses give me the horny caveman brain
>but small, supple butts are more fun and practical to go to town on
>Quit being a schizo.
>>>Kiara was obviously trying to position herself as Gonathan’s rebound to try and get fanart out of it
Just kill yourself already, waste of air
She should've started an NFT scam
For RP that's Moom
Being a tavern owner is amazing in a fantasy level without having to deal with real world problems
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Wouldn't searching for Ame mentions include a lot of words like same, lame, tame, etc?
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Is the implication here that she's sucking so hard the semen flies through her entire body and shoots out of her asshole?
Someone should commit seppuku over this
actually they should be forced to bear my offspring
I think it should be you
What other reason would she have for aiming for Gonathan? She’s never shown any interest in Gigi before, if anything I expected her to try and steal Ame or pair up with Nerissa. Kiara has barely ever talked about Gigi.
The chicken killer is Mococo.
Reine is playing with her vibrator again....
>Is the implication here that she's sucking so hard the semen flies through her entire body and shoots out of her asshole
what an odd thing to say
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No cost too great.
Shion's ugly laugh is cuter than your oshi's
it's kind of hard to not be, but i thought i was being somewhat clear
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I love this blond retard (and Kanade)
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You can literally feel and see the gallons of milk slushing around in her obscene tits
I mean... she was but it fit her character being overly emotional and she played it well by respecting Gonathon's honor and devotion.
My youtube feed is being blown up by Nana11 propaganda. I'll only trust a store owned by a member of Scarlett Wand.
>she was
Only in your mindbroken head
Fuwawa should have sex with me.
True that's a more fitting punishment
Only if deso specifically tells me to
I have to disagree
Ina's so cool...
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It's fine life is going really well for her right now I'm sure she's not that bothered. She's got the finale and the also she's setting up the one shot soon too
complacency and its mixing in with the usual flu season
Kiara won’t be there tonight so it’s guaranteed kino.
Everyone wanting to be the hero is what ruined Star Wars Galaxies. It was great when people enjoyed just being simple droid engineers, farmers, tailors, mercenaries or dancers and musicians at the cantina.

Then everyone wanted to be a jedi or sith later on... rip.
>Kiara has barely ever talked about Gigi
Other than the fact that you're wrong and Gigi is probably the Justice member that Kiara has talked to the most over discord next to Raora, what does that even have to do with RP?
See that's why they would call you a schizo, other than Nerissa the only person Kiara had eyes for since like day 2 was Gigi and she mentioned it, and she also kept saying that she would never get between Gonathan and Ame anyway. So it was never serious if you watched streams
I'm posting massive porn in the finale
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I really happy that Biboo decided to go for the evil route. It actually made the final episode have a tension and stakes for RP, instead of just everyone being the hero fighting some mobs
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This turly was an Eninagmatic Recollection
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you can hear the milk
Do we actually know who built the chicken pen? It wasn't Fuwawa herself. It was Biboo wasn't it? She was probably given permission to build in other guild's territory and told Fuwawa to raise chickens there. That's why it has the creepy looking wood and is right next to her corruption. Also she placed more water near their house to mess with them.
I'm pretty sure Kiara has expressed interest in GG due to their similar tastes in videogames
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Still a missed opportunity, but yeah I agree. I just know how much she would have loved to be more involved
The amount of non schizo Kiara shitposting during ENreco has been unreal
I can't wait for this shit to be over
I hope she succeeds and kills everyone and rules over her stained kingdom at last.
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I wonder what they have planned for the finale.
Probably the Stain king again but they can damage it this time.
I need massive milkies NOW
Why are you such a nasty little Kiara anti?
>Thread is arguing about Kiara
>Come back 17 hours later
>Still arguing about Kiara
Did you guys actually stop arguing about Kiara, or has it been nonstop for that entire period of time?
ERB built it to farm eggs for potato salads but she had to leave
have you forgotten how desperately gigi has been trying to leech from kiara since debut?
Thank you for recognizing that it’s not schizo to criticize Kiara.
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Take a wild guess.
nigga its been like this for 4 years
get with the program
Schizos can't recognize friendship and love. Surprise surprise
I was not talking about you, bot
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>Did you guys actually stop arguing about Kiara
There was around a 7 hour break between that argument and this argument.
>Ame activates her fart powers giving everyone crit boosts
>Stain King's healthbar evaporates as 18 people wail on him
>they start celebrating
>sky turns dark
>wait, where's biboo
>ominous laugh from the back
>all streams end
>see you in three months
This person looks smart.
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>You don't fuck it
>You don't use it for reproduction
>It doesn't indicate fertility
>It doesn't facilitate pregnancy
>It's only as erogenously sensitive as the earlobe, neck or the small of the back.
yeah man, I don't understand how nature might relate such a weirdly useless part with sexual attraction and mating behavior
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brother, no
That's a Korean
She sound like a men even kronii herself said mori sound like her dad
For every criticism posted there was a dox post and a death threat
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And you are a, uh, a poopy doodohead.
I think there are a lot of people in this thread that prefer talking about Kiara than about their own oshi
It's quite interesting
Is Bae not going to do the dungeons she missed?
There are some female posters here, yes
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Is there still no timeframe for the next chapter?
You are misinformed, Kiara mentioned pretty early on that she has been chatting with Gigi and has been rather fond of her.
erb built it
Time stamp?
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yeah, how the fuck could a big chest be seen as sexually attractive
what if this thread is my oshi and posting about posting counts as discussing her?
We don't even know when chapter 2 Is this chapter 1 also seemed kinda spontaneous considering the amount of people that were jumping in and out. I'd love if all en and least started around the same time and everyone was available for it and not this weird meeting, break etc business
Which orange girl starting with K will desperately try to force her own memorable ENreco kino moment before the finale is over in hopes of getting some of the attention that the gg/ame or faunarissa/mococo stories have gotten from the community?
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>cliffhanger ending for chapter 1
That would be cool and it would hype up chapter 2 more.
Here's to hoping all of EN is less busy next chapter.
I think you should kill yourself
heavy is the crown of the most popular EN
they should just copy Miko and use a foot pedal for that
Kiara is just more interesting
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Reine looking closely at ribbons and pits
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Their oshi is the thread and they talk about Kiara because she's the one they get the most attention with.
That's it, I solved /hlgg/'s schizo case just like that.
Imma steal her horns while she sleeps
>Check "Whole words" only
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despite popular belief her horns are not removable
discussing KIara>>>>>>>>>>>>>walking the others
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I'm about to watch the kaela minecraft collab
What am i in for?
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Felling called out?
This tame looks defective
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Nah it's not just that, they are specificially obsessed with Kiara

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