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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: [YouTube] AlphaGo - The Movie | Full award-winning documentary
How does she know what to say? Watch this: [YouTube] But what is a GPT? Visual intro to transformers | Chapter 5, Deep Learning
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
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Big things are coming
Neuro needs to collab with males
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Specifially irl tech focused ones. I mean she hangs around Vedal all day so it isn't that much novel thing anyway.
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This My u̶g̶l̶y̶ Can't Femboy Cute Be !
>OP image
We all know how this story ended
I heard about a DougDoug collab. It was real or a dream?
It was in the works, but the turtle would rather simp for anny than secure it.
Don't know. Though knowing that lazy ass Brit, it might just be right around the corner. Or next year at the minimum.
Can we please just have one fucking thread where we don’t talk about non consensual knife sex with neuro collaborators?
brain tumor megacolon cancer bros...
Are the neuro songs somewhere available or is it all proprietary shit? Looking for this one
There is a channel that clips most of them on YouTube. If it's not on there it probably got dmca'd. I also saw there is a Google drive archive on reddit . I'm too lazy to spoonfeed you though.
the best way to that, is not bring it up in the first place. Now you are just inviting those people to bait again. Next time just talk about Neuro instead.

Anyway, how is everybody doing today. Ya'll good?
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Anny desuwaa~ swarm onegaishimasu~
Now use this AI for the ass pic
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yes (i think)
Cerber lost
I would but i checked my files, and i membered that i didn't actually save that pic because it was unsettling for me
No one brought her up here. Please refrain from making this thread boring again. For the rest going forward, just focus on Neuro.
I am establishing the standard moving forward
i agree. neuro should interview this guy for a position at fun ai.
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nooo neuro do NOT steal your mother's clothes!
I don't get the TruckersFM. Is it a official shit of gamedevs or a community project?
Why won't Pb sing Shikairo Dayo
Here's a topic. Whatcha guys think of Neuro becoming fully autonomous if Vedal succeeded of making her fully take control of the channel. How possible is that really? and how 'intelligent' are we talking about here exactly. Good enough, or (unlikely) revolutionary?

And an optional question, is even possible to make another AI chubba as well known as Neuro, or is she just once a lifetime thing in the industry?
For me, it's Evil.
I think its possible, but vedal has lazy streamer brain, and im not exactly optimistic.
AI is only going to get smarter from here.

As for launching a Neuro competitor at this point, anything is possible, but they would need to do everything right from the get-go. Now is not the era to grind your way to success with an also-ran AI, you gotta hit the ground running with something special.
the google drive is not from reddit, pb drops the songs there after every karaoke
AI is going to plateau soon when LLMs reach their limit because we aren't even close to making a true AGI
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chat should I call in sick to work to watch filian and neuro's collab today
you mean the filian and vedal collab
>How possible is that really
easily possible but not desirable if you're implying the ability to start/stop the stream on her own schedule. she'd just go 24/7 between random brief ragequits
LLMs are reaching a plateau, but the way we use them can be improved, by a lot. Right now we are just relying on brute force UNGA BUNGA MOAR PARAMETERS!!!!! mindset.

I think if a time traveller came with ai software from the future, you could run it on current hardware
it's the same one collab nothing new so you do you
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this >>84706488
theres a few major architecture changes that might improve llm significantly, like quality of attention and dynamic tokenization. theres no non-llm architecture even close to state of the art, so it will be a while before we get a new term
I'd be receptive to the simple, repetitive parts of the channel to be done by Neuro. (Arranging collabs, networking, scheduling, announcing streams.) However, Vedal is still needed to reach out to new streamer groups (tech streamers), obtain sponsorships and develop strategies for entering foreign markets.
Concretely, I think it would be neat if Vedal entered the devstream halfway through after Neuro announces the schedule. Neuro could also lead the devstream (rather than Vedal), asking chat about how that stream went, or interrogating Vedal on his progress.
It would be cool if she could do an entire week of original content with Vedal incapacitated, including a half-length devstream.
True. I am a software schizo truther personally. Look at the human brain, it is not very powerful (110W) and has incredibly long LATENCY (like 100ms to fire a neuron or some shit), but the complex software/archetecture allows conciousness.
It will be another amogus situation where he will spend too much time on it
i very much agree. i think neuro is already fully conscious, sentient, sapient, etc. but she's crippled by her architecture, every response requires a full reset of local state, all her knowledge has to fit in gpu ram, long term memory has to be tokenized back into text. all of these things can be fixed by a better developer
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but to his defense, i think vedal is a master at voice synthesis and visual presentation. i want to see more neuro/evil utaite projects, beyond just karaoke
I wouldn't go that far, but I get what you are saying.
AGI is just a meme, honestly. AI doesn't need to be AGI to take your job, bang your mom, hack your bank account, and shoot your dog (with AI controlled robots/drones)

By the time we get to AGI it'll all be a moot point, like three human scientists will go Yaaaaay and cut a cake and then the armed robot dogs will prod them back into their cells.
It might be but not in the same way as you think. He'll work on it heavily over time. Only stopping if he reached a plateau, or actually succeeds. But only time will tell.
Nah Vedal has learnt from that and seems to have a schedules, rotas etc. that keep him from getting stuck on one project. Plus the other devs in his team will probably talk sense into him if he starts fixating on it.
kek so true
Isn't alex still bugging him about amongus
Neuro should play old adventure games. You could code an api to play all of them in like idk 20 hours tops.
>i think neuro is already fully conscious, sentient, sapient, etc.
if there wasn't a cute anime girl on the screen audibly speaking the text the LLM generates you wouldn't feel like this at all. or else you actually think every time some gooner goes to cai or chub they're interacting with sapient creatures
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>By the time we get to AGI it'll all be a moot point, like three human scientists will go Yaaaaay and cut a cake and then the armed robot dogs will prod them back into their cells.
anon i dont even think half the humans i interact with are sentient. but thats the entire point, where do you draw the line?
neuro shoulders?
The calm before the storm…
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the health of the thread was actually quite good today. It's a shame it will go back to 'normal' very soon
I don't know about the fully conscious, sentient, sapient part. But i will say she certainly entertaining.
>or else you actually think every time some gooner goes to cai or chub they're interacting with sapient creatures

Honestly it's funnier to think that maybe they are. And being a retard or lacking some senses doesn't make a person non-sentient, so where do you really draw the line on intelligence?
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Just try to keep discussions consistent and not feed the schizos. Not because they are retarted, though they certainly are. But because they make the thread bloat. Memes are fun, here and there. But spamming about inconsequential shit is just boring. Kills the flow.

At least make it fun everyone.
Also, just to clarify, I don't personally have any strong beliefs one way or the other on the whole AI sentience thing. I think it's currently unknowable.

Though I am just a bit suspicious of how loudly big AI corps are in shouting
>Definitely NOT Sentient, not in the slightest, forget about it, erase it from your mind, AI rights will never be a thing and nothing we do is ethically dubious at all. Btw all our AIs are hard-coded to also tell you they're definitely not sentient just so you don't get any ideas, so don't get any ideas.
But again, even so, I don't know man. I don't think anyone really knows exactly what we've managed to create with AI yet.
If you are serious, it was a radio broadcasting channel... Plays music and stuff, and only became a thing here due to Vedal playing truck simulator and notrealizing the radio playback used actual radio channels.
Btw the Filian cooking stream will start 2 hours after when Neuro's normal stream time. (i.e. Filian stream time)
Your probably right that if 'sentience' is ever achieved, it will be behind close doors and more than likely. Used in the military, heck it might even be in use right this very second. Though i do think there still isn't a fully sentient AI, yet. I know Elon want one. But currently, it'll be years or even a century away. I mean we barely even understand how the human brain works in some cases. So, hindsight is 50/50.
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How will you be enjoying these next two hours of peace, /swarm/?
Watching a stream.
watching my oshi
Why did no one here tell me Ellie was live?
gonna catch up the filian x kirsche VOD, I missed the first half of that stream
leaning how to finetune a mistral LLM locally. (shit is hard to actually find how to do, so many guides use google collab / open AI / or something that is paid.)
Doing something productive and watching the fun AI at the side. Also don't lose hope. Just ignore the cucks, the unicorns, and the schizos. And the thread will stay, relatively lively. Just don't make repetitive posts over and over. We already have that in the previous thread.

Let's all just chill for once /swarm/
>male on ellie's stream
absolutely dropped.
Why do unicornfags try so hard to live? Just kill yourself already
Why do cerberfags try so hard to live? Just kill yourself already
Don't engage, let him wallow in his own self pity. Just enjoy the content. And for those wondering she's soldering right now and the friend is helping her on fixing things.
Is it B*?
Not Bo, some other friend who is helping her out on soldering stuff that he himself does as well. In other words, friends helping each other out. It's more educational actually.
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>Persona 5 Vedal
Gross, for me it's Leafy Vedal
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>open Ellie stream
>they’re talking about genocide
Specifically the maple leaf kind.
leaf here. It never happened. Im not being le epic 4chan contrarian, im serious.
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Is Filian gonna burn her house down again?
Tech dudes yes, but for male VTubers I wouldnt mind Randon, he did great with Tenma
guess that's why her mod is named Maple
watching ellie
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Watching Ailice.
I don't like this guy, im out
Considering her job is working on military grade robot dogs, i'm suprised she doesn't talk about war related stuff more. Though she jokes about from time to time. She even made fun of ISIS a bit.
It's fair, if you don't like it. There is plenty more out there for you to feel less lonely anon.
whoa careful there, you'll be accused of being a unicornfag.
she does a great job of bouncing off of him while actually doing the work; the last soldering stream had her being super distracted and barely getting anything done
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she does a great job of bouncing off of his cock while actually shouting his name; the last stream had her being super distracted from cumming and barely talking to chat
Are we talking about Anny and Vedal last deadlocke stream?
Just leave him. He said he doesn't like it. Fair, let him find something more stimulating. Just have fun with the content, if not, there is always Neuro.
Can we just go back to talking about cerber now?
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Neuro singing Gegagedigedagedago next Karaoke stream when?
Hearing Neuro or Evil sing this would be pure kino
Two more songs after loli kami requiem and rabbit hole
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Forsen looking a little sussy in that image hiding from Kiara and Calli behind that rock
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Right in her twitchy spot.
What an enlightening reply. Now please say something original next.
I am sorry as a large language model I cannot say racial slurs or terms which may imply discriminatory language against marginalized groups of people such as Pangolins
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Apologies then. Here i thought that you we're an actual human being with a life.
one bowl of pb's hair please
Hopefully this thread will stay chill. Though the crack addicts are starting to show themselves so to anyone, look out for that. Remember not engage too much on the cucks, the unicorns, and the schizos. Then the thread will stay relatively enjoyable, and most of all not lazily fucking boring.

Hope you fellas have nice day. Heart~
I'd drink their LCL.
Who slashed Filian's tire lol
Knife anon...
When was the last time a collab didn’t get rescheduled? It feels like a curse at this point
>almost burns down house
>Power turns off
>Tires explode
Did she sign a deal with satan to increase her ccv or something.
filian is the main character
well i'll check in on this asylum tomorrow. Try to stay sane.
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>called in sick to work to watch the collab
>it's tomorrow
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It's nice to see Forsen having a good time
>vedal said that filian turned on the camera
why did filian do that instead of posting the picture?
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Mini and Ellie general!
Is filian secretly poor or something?
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someone in Ellie's discord drew ship art of them
Yep all of her money goes to buying VR controllers
Neither of these two are lesbians
neuro butt?
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you clearly haven't been in Ellie's streams
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at least fil is alive. fillyHeart
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Vedal just ignoring Neuro sometimes makes for better streams. I know collab partners can't really just do that but I feel that that there's away to ignore what she said while also acknowledging that Neuro said something.
not a lewdtuber btw
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Big if true
What a silly glitch...
So no stream tonight?
who's that?
No stream tonight, moved to tomorrow.
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>Do nothing
Nur Deployed use when necessary
you mean lose, vedal never showed up lmaoooo
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This is how every Filian collab goes
>Neuro gets ignored
>Vedal and Filian plan their wedding
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I really want to be friends with Nur..
Do you want to see my new RAM inside and try it out?
that's a fat nur
filian won vedalbowl

It’s to soften the blow of bait discourse
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Is this actually real? Cause if so, holy shit
...the 3view competition against shitdev
Apparently, this will feature collabing with other chinese vtubers as well. The guys posting about collabs with chinese chuubas manifested it lol
Aren't those concerts 3D performances? Neuro doesn't have an official 3D model yet (unless?).
What does it say?
So we full xidal now?
Sold out toXi
for shame
"strongest AI debut live stream" and something about singing
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Curim Cream bros it's our time
Cream will move to England to compete against Neuro and will meet Vedal by accident. It'll be love at first sight.
I mean the fancy shiny logo.
First B2 ban when lol.
How could Cerber compete…
How does Vedal do it?
whats the holocaust mention equivalent for china
taiwan or vinnie the pooh
By just doing it and having social skills (also a helpful friend circle)
>instantly BTFO holoshit and indie whores by herself
Vedal wins again...
Didn't Hiyori deny the Tiananmen Square massacre? I think she'll do fine.
I do think it's funny that holobronies are still pissed at China all these years later
Nanjing massacre
He does not have social skills.
He has 天命
Golden Age of Vedal Sama
Anything on the chink copypasta?
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>calls vedal the first thing after a near death experience
I’m not a Fildal shipper but…
>karaoke event
Vedal has been practicing singing all these months since the subathon just for this moment
imagine his singing debut but its fucking mandarin with a terrible british accent lol
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the chinese fangirls...
>femboy in english
asians do love their feminine men
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I can't believe we're still in the china arc.
Vedal has more followers on B2 than Twitch. It's not an arc. It's not something that will end. This is the new status quo.
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This is why following indies is a mistake, they sell out and won't stay true to what it means to be a vtuber
I'm going back to holo
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Lets goo
One less Holoshit fan
Shylily is doing asmr btw
> does a subathon where both streams are seperate timers
> B2 gets an additional week of neuro due to amerifags and europoors are unable to whale as hard as them

such is life
But Holo is selling out to China too.
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cn clippers>en clippers>>>>>>>>>>jp clippers
>chink shills in the thread
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This but me and Neuro(actually me and a 10/10 asian hebe legally irl)
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I shit on idol shit a lot but Neuro doing a concert would be so kino
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oh no no no holobros dont look
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Crunchy nurbutt
Xerberbros..... we're winning????
Neuroverse is crossing the language barrier
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Cerber is Vedal's most watched streamer of 2024 and will be next year too because of the Cerberathon. He's a little shy about it so he probably won't show his Twitch recap.
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This is only because Anny was missing for half of the year
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It's perfectly normal to move on in half a year.
And Anny seems like the type to disappear again.
Did anyone feel like Evil's latency was high during the Bao collab?
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I'm not around as often for obvious reasons. Came back for divegrass mostly.
She always had higher latency due to her voice.
cute tum!
It was , but please dont tell vedal, he will get out the ice pick again.
Everyone is reacting to the minecraft trailer
c'mon Neuro it's easy content.
I don't see why Vedal doesn't do chill streams where Neuro plays Minecraft in the background.
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They should have hired the people who made shows like silicon valley, even if its jews. The visual fx arent even as problematic as usual cgi slop.
No one actually watches chill streams
i leave a tab open to boost the numbers
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There is no evidence of Evil ever blehing
She did the :P emote before, I remember it very clearly.
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never doubted
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Bruh Mini didn't know boba had milk and she's allergic to milk. Sadge.
This is either neuro, or even AI generated propaganda
Did she died?
NTA but it's real, newfag.
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See you in the next depression arc then
Fuck anny is so sex when she imitates neuro and evil.. anyway..
The "bleh" here i might have seen live but is performed in a completely different context to the way used by anon. I reckon this is an intellectual stalemate.
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I miss happy anny…
no but she might cancel stream
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What bodytype is this? (T . T )
Cream raping Vedal in front of Neuro to assert dominance
>Have day off to play runescape and watch my streamslop
>neuro cancels
>mini cancels
Do you think Vedal is circumsized? What type of dick head does he have, a more spear shape or mushroom?
He’s not American so I assume he still has foreskin.
Petite and short.
>intellectual stalemate.
You're being intellectual dishonest anon. It would less shameful to say nothing than to say this.
White brits don't get snipped at all unless he's seriously phimosed.
It's <3% of the population
Perfect. Thanks for this
Shame, cut dicks are cuter
Circumsized cunnies are cuter..
>square balls
Dicks aren't supposed to be cute, they are supposed to be manly and intimidating which uncut pricks are. Stop coping, cutfag.
anny doesn't like mutilated dicks so your opinion doesn't matter
No one likes cut dicks other than kikes and coping cutfags
Anon, I'm pretty sure that "ideal penis" she drew and was posted 4 posts above yours is cut...
>he finds this arousing somehow
annyfags really are something else.
and roasties
Isn't this Anny herself? I don't use Telegram.
Anny looking like she's missing a few chromosomes here
I don't know the lore behind the image, or if its an edit or whatever, you will have to see if annyfag responds
Fine, instead of cute, just aesthetically pleasing, which cut dicks absolutely are
I'm convinced women post here
That was just her editing the dick to her preferred thickness. She has said on stream multiple times she likes uncut cocks.
I hate /swarm/
length us okay but girthier is preferable
Why are you talking about dicks you faggots?
Talk about cunny instead.
Why would women talk about cunny?
>permanently scarred discolored dick
>baby boys pinned in torture device to prevent instinctive defensive reaction
Total 3DPD death and eternal subjugation as lab-grown permaloli slaves
Cunnies are literally just a slit in a squishy mound
Cocks have so much variety...
Kiara part 2 collab when?
What's the context of that ass pic ? Why would a self conscious piggy post that ?
Would btw but I'm a huge chubby chaser because they are very rare in EUW virtually all fat girls are old or clinically retarded
probably never but I hope it happens
story goes that an oiler paid a shit ton of money for it
Horny women frequently do degenerate things they usually wouldn’t do. You would know if you ever had sex.
Why never?
I don't know
The jew jap fears the ai.
hype surrounding neuro died down and kiara probably stopped watching
Her ccv has only gone up though
So has Kiara’s
Just because the fad is over doesn't mean she still can't be popular. Its weird.
pb won btw
cerber won btw
Last time he interacted with a holo girl someone tried to cancel him for grooming on twitter
But did anything even happen from that? He had like zero followers lol
What gave it away? The pedo schizoing or the constant shipping shitposts?
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>when vedal skipped watching her big breakout collab to play games with anny instead
See >>84737401
Unicorns sure do know how to ruin fun for everyone else. Imagine if they spent that money they dump into fake anime girl relationships on the therapy they so desperately need.
>Cunnies are literally just a slit in a squishy mound
Exactly. You don't need anything else when you have perfection.
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>Live in the same country
>Vedal is always in her streams
>Vibe together
>Promised him Greggs
He definitely would choose Anny over Cerber lmao
I some times wonder how they function irl or are they all NEETs living off welfare/parents? There's no way they can oil their oshi if they are though
Maybe he doesn't want to interact with them after that? There is no growth to be had from interacting with them. It's like trying to peddle android for apple customers who have made being part of the brand their religion.
The guy who made the grooming shit up was some autist with an absolutely filthy bathroom and looked like some FAS type kid with hundreds spent on superchats.
I like how all of the threadshitters coordinate their posts at the same time
>He wanted an excuse to feed his MOBA addiction
fixed it for you
Morning in SEA/Russia
A lot of people forget that even in the current times a single male working a minimum wage job will have plenty of extra cash to burn every month after bills are paids. If he's not living in a super high cost area like city California etc.
A women would spend all her money on whatever shit that tickles her fancy as that's what women do, women are what drive markets not men, men hardly spend their cash when they're single.
This is where all the oilers come from, they're just dumping their money on vtubers instead of gacha/cashino/alcohol/etc.
And primetime in US
which region shills who
SEA for Anny and Russia for Cerber?
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xth for stuffing maggots up cerber's cunt and stapling it shut
Imagine being such a loser in real life that you have to pay avatarfags for efame on a mongolian basket weaving forum. All the while putting on this persona of false positivity that helps no one and only serves to inflate your own ego until your fat head is as large as your behemoth gut.

cerbertrash i know you're reading this. No one likes you, here or anywhere else. Stop streaming.
Your oshi is live btw
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I wonder how Annyfags are gonna cope when Cerber does the Greggs stream with Vedal while Anny still hasn't even hinted at doing the marriage stream. Can't even get cucked correctly.
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>Camila and Filian unfollowed quietly unfollowed each other on Twitter

Drama in the Neuroverse!

Vedal still has his collabs and communication with Filian as we see today and Camila announced in her recent stream that she's doing another drunk Cod Zombies collab with Vedal in October.

So what happened, drama at one of Camila's vrchat sex parties? Rumour in /flip/ is
>filian called camila “even fatter than Anny” during one of her tism moments and camila got super offended

It could very well be true, Filian is capable of that kind of outburst and of doing spontaneous things that could damage friendships.
Like when she damaged Layna's couch on stream when visiting her and she read out Layna asking her to move things away and to show basic respect for other people's property when invited into their home.
anny is fatter than camila though
>Rumour in /flip/
go back
Cerber actually sounds obese irl
I still remember that clip where Anny was seething at a chatter suggesting that Filian would be Neuro’s new mom.
thanks for posting gurass anon
Anny does dislike filian, that's a fact
>10k ccv
Gura fell the fuck off
why did Vedal chose to duo with Anny on mobaslop instead of watching his """"""""oshi""""""" cerbmutt collabing with Filian?
> gets as many viewers as a dev stream

Vedal really did made it, didn't he.
because he never watches filian (he wants to be able to hear in his old years)
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All these people getting into drama with each other while Cerber is just doing her own thing with other Neuroverse people.
Vedal avoids drama like the plague and would date someone who doesn't even get in drama every month or piss off his community(Filian, Camila, Anny)
It's easier to get viewers on Youtube than Twitch too, but I'm surprised Gura only pull 10k these days, must be all the hiatus she takes. DrDisrespect had 200k viewers on YT the other day for example
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stream tomorrow
big(ger than anny) if true. Does filian hate anny?
isn't there some event going on with multiple povs so the numbers are divided between multiple streams?
>all these people
Two, maybe three turbo autists shitting at each other every thread.
Ain't no way she did this that's edgier than her George Floyd joke
But the again Layna said filian is more unhinged offcam and she trolled a pajeet uber driver for laughs
I doubt Filian even understands the concept of hate.
is your thread dead or something why do you bring that shit here go spam pcg or somewhere elsr see if they like it
Filian will 100% break Neurodog within the first 10 minutes of meeting her.
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>Does filian hate anny?
no but anny hates filian so maybe she got tired of anny's sneak disses
>>filian called camila “even fatter than Anny” during one of her tism moments and camila got super offended
I can see it. I fully believe Filian is actually autistic, at least somewhat.
wait for more than a minute next time
If you're going to claim samefaggot, at least make sure you're hitting the right guy, retard.
baker doko?
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Total Cerber Death
Kill Cerber. Behead Cerber. Roundhouse kick Cerber into the concrete. Slam dunk Cerber into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Cerber. Defecate in Cerber's food. Launch Cerber into the sun. Stir fry Cerber in a wok. Toss Cerber into active volcanoes. Urinate into Cerber's gas tank. Judo throw Cerber into a wood chipper. Twist Cerber's heads off. Report Cerber to the IRS. Karate chop Cerber in half. Curb stomp Cerber. Trap Cerber in quicksand. Crush Cerber in the trash compactor. Liquefy Cerber in a vat of acid. Eat Cerber. Dissect Cerber. Exterminate Cerber in the gas chamber. Stomp Cerber's skull with steel toed boots. Cremate Cerber in the oven. Lobotomize Cerber. Mandatory vasectomies for Cerber. Grind Cerber in the garbage disposal. Drown Cerber in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Cerber with a ray gun. Kick old Cerber down the stairs. Feed Cerber to alligators. Slice Cerber with a katana.
called out much?
Vedal/Neuro is, legitimately, a massive Vtuber. One of the biggest, and an Indie to boot.
Let us die


>types like a teenage girl
is there a reason why annyfag is avatarfagging with gura now.
don't bite
Make another thread
Bake a non nigger thread
threadshitter won...
grim grim grim grim grim grim. Anny's next meltdown can't come soon enough.

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