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Dawn of the final day

>What is "ENigmatic Recollection"?
It is a collection of stories in which the members of hololive English play a part. Through streams, animations, and songs wrought anew, immerse yourself in fresh narratives woven from myriad realms beyond.

>What is it really?
In short, it's an immersive Minecraft isekai RPG.
After forgetting their memories, the girls have been summoned to the Kingdom of Libertal, where they have been separated into four guilds based on their characteristics. In search of their memories, they complete quests while using their unique skills (known as Revelations) to clear 19 dungeons and fight off an evil force known as "the Stains".
Think Shadow of Israphel but with cute anime girls.

>The Guilds:

Characteristics: Curiosity, knowledge
Members: Gawr Gura, Ceres Fauna, Shiori Novella, Nerissa Ravencroft, Cecilia Immergreen

Characteristics: Glory, ambition
Members: Takanashi Kiara, Nanashi Mumei, Hakos Baelz, Raora Panthera

Characteristics: Philanthropy, devotion
Members: Ninomae Ina'nis, IRyS, Ouro Kronii, Koseki Bijou, Gigi Murin

Characteristics: Courage, grit
Members: Watson Amelia, Mori Calliope, FUWAMOCO, Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame

>List of Revelations:

>ENigmatic Recollection Trailer:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnMxjFRlywA [Embed]

>Chapter 1 Theme Song "START AGAIN" MV:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-kkCrVZUzc [Embed]

>News article (JP):

Previous: >>84625415

Where can I find a loyal and honest knight like Gonathon? asking for a friend.
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Reminder to fear the Scarlet Wand. They will one day be the catalyst for great change amongst the Kingdom of Libestal.
So like, Mococo is an addict right?
Also whats up with Fuwawa just not interacting that much, she drops conversations pretty quick
its finally sunday, i finally have the time to catch up. who should i start with?
My guess is that she isn't into roleplaying. All those vn's and video games she's played growing up may have just been a case of self-inserting rather than pretending to be someone else.

Even Fuwawa's current character is probably just.. her being herself. Or a version of her that she wants to be: very seiso, cute, kind.
She found a comfortable role of being a simple chicken farmer. It's a wholesome alternative for viewers who don't really want to be entangled with the drama of the server. Unfortunately it's a little too late when the finale is the day after.
The good news is she knows what to do for chapter 2 onwards, so it should be better from here on out.
Mumei is a SAAAAAR?
That's the whole reason they rebranded to Promise. But how are they going to memoryhole their god-like origins while letting them keep their god-like powers?

>There are 19 members of holoEN playing a game
Okay? Doesn't answer my question.

>asking if they'll memoryhole the Council lore in a game about lore means I was a fan of Sana
Retard. Learn to read.
>Princess Bijou finds and plays on Gonathon's emotions, seducing him over to the side of Stains with the promise of reclaiming his Pearl
>In truth, the corruption purges his mind and overrides his loyalty as a knight to his new Princess
>Later during the big confrontation between the Stain-Corrupted and the heroes, it falls on Ame to win back Gonathon and help him remember who he really is
>Meanwhile, Bijou faces off against Ina while Cecilia bides her time to swoop in and mind control Bijou for her own ends.
rate my shitty fanfic
kino, so it most definitely will not be what actually happens in chapter 3
Chapter two in 2 weeks?
I can safely say that it came out better as I was expecting
Lol no. It'll be several months at least.
>they're already a week in
how do i catch up quickly
Don't worry about fomo and catch up in your own time
This is just one big excuse to give everyone their lore videos isn't it
It was a huge flop that tanked everything across the board.
You're not catching up before the finale tonight, unless you only missed yesterday.
You'd probably ruin it if you tried
Right he--
>Not you

Etc etc
poor gonathan
What's Bae going to do? Unless she (or her manager) did all the dungeons off stream
She made her boyfriend catch her up while he was in the hotel's cuck chair, while she was doing compensated dating with paypigs.
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It was a great success and has been making /v/ermin and schizos mad for a whole week
meh it's the final day anyways

About 3 days in I decided to see what this project was even about, since I didn't really know what it even was. I spent what little time I had catching up on Fauna and her descent into scamming. I'm now watching her day 6 vod, and the building of the library, and I'll be done just before her finale stream starts.
I also watched a little recap of Elizabeth and Nerissa's relationship. I also heard of Ame and Gigi, and as much as I'd love to watch all of Gigi's streams, I'll have to settle for clips after I'm done watching Fauna's POV.
It's been a pretty cool Minecraft RP.
Probably grab a few others to speed run her through the dungeons and give a tour of the free build area with a abridged list of events. An epilogue episode to prep her for ch.2
Also, in just passively absorbing what everyone else was doing, the ones I didn't have that much info on what they were doing were Irys, Bae and Ina.
This dude was still alive? Holy shit I remember he dropped some myth animations back in 2020 during the vtuber craze and disappeared.
Collecting a Harem.
Not being present because she buried herself in background work this month but it seems like any ENReco event that brings in the whole branch will involve her.
Mostly cozy isekai sidequesting before she elected to stand in direct opposition to Bijou because they became sisters. Now she's either going to kill Biboo or save her.
They won't be canon anyway what new thing have they done with the lore videos anyway??? So far we found out that Gura is from Atlantis, that Mori is a reaper, that Ina is some weird shrine maiden, that Ame is a detective and that Kiara sells hamburgers instead of fried chicken.
Is Fuwawa the leaat relevant besides Bae
Her last day wasn't bad. Some decent drama and interaction with the overall goings-on. Mococo killing her chickens because she got corrupted by Biboo. Still probably the least relevant if not tied with Ina who also didn't do too much interacting but got pulled into Biboo's plot (which in fairness seems to be infecting everything even those who are usually a bit more off to the side).

It was nice to see Fuwawa was trying to make something out of it at least, even if it's clearly not her forte. Wondering what the fuck is going to happen with Cici's plotting, but if I had to write it it'd be something like Cicilia offering her the "gift" after Biboo is defeated and Biboo knowingly letting herself be mindcontrolled to break free from the stain's control. Come back for chapter 2 to see how that turns out!
Is Ina still trying to feed Biboo a Golden Apple?
Yes, in a form of milkshake
posted this when the previous thread was in the bump limit so reposting it again:
>so before the final streams for chapter 1 start, what do you guys think about enreco?
>did it match, exceed, or underdeliver on your expectations?
>what are the areas do you think could they have done better and what are the things that you hope will stay for chapter 2?
It's pretty good imo.
Whose corrupted right now? Biboo and Mococo?
Had zero hopes for ENreco because management did a god fucking awful job of shilling it, still don't know if it's supposed to be a high production thing or not, so basically the only improvements that can be made are if its made very very very very clear about what ENreco actually "is" beyond just a really good RP Minecraft server.
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yagoo's dream...
ERB is up. Stain corrupted jade sword area too
Literally Star Wars
>>84723298 (me)
Oh and also because it needs to be stressed, management should
outside of making people stream or approving ideas to change the story (like Cecilia's soulgemcake), or background work like the aforementioned corruption block placements.

Seriously though everyones knocked it outta the park, its just minor hinderances from staff that are my only complaints. And Shakira's weird powergaming but it ended up being nothing so its fine.
Maybe it will be promoting HoloEarth game or something
Didn't have a great impression after the first episode, it looked like a jank minecraft modpack kind of deal with overdesigned maps and a ton of awkward systems that make annoying to watch everyone struggle to adjust to this jank system.

Talents managed to make it work, and make it work really well, but they did almost entirely abandon the setting and started making fun on their own with amusing plots, schemes and nonsense such as the King secretly being a stain. I've not watched everything, there's too much, but I haven't seen a single person really care about the dungeon lore stuff, the basic memory loss premise is doing most of the heavy lifting there and causing the drama with Ame and Gonathan.
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>so before the final streams for chapter 1 start, what do you guys think about enreco?
I was confused when they put so much weight into a Minecraft RP
>did it match, exceed, or underdeliver on your expectations?
The bar was kinda on the ground but the girls still cleared it like it was hanging in the air. I was not ready for Gonathon's arc to hit like it did.
>what are the areas do you think could they have done better and what are the things that you hope will stay for chapter 2?
I understand that MC Combat is not much but I'm still a bit disappointed the girl's signature weapons were just cooldown specials and that only one dungeon had a boss fight and one had Stains in it and none of them had both. Speaking of, Dungeons should end a lot less abruptly. Moving on to chapter 2 there has to be SOME acknowledgement of what went down this past considering Biboo is playing the antagonist right now and is getting others on her side,
>Biboo obviously trying to turn all of Advent to become criminals for chapter 2 for the eventual memory regain in chapter 3
>Fuwawa and Mococo not playing into it
Come on man, give us some spice.
>Shakira's powergaming
On that note I haven't seen ANYTHING from Shiori somehow. What has she been up to actually?
Mococo is though.
I think she was cured of that (she lost her hat), but I'm not sure.
Still plenty of time. Mococo murdering Fuwawa's chickens is a great start to Fuwawa's corruption arc. Destroying Nerissa's crops can also set the stage. Still no idea what Shiori is up to but wildcards can work really well.
Well I think they should go for the cure Biboo ending anyway since we have no clue when or what Part 2 will be. Could be an entirely new map.
I'm hoping for the 'mindcontorl biboo' ending to override the stain corruption. More dramatic than plain purification.
I think that's what a good chunk of people thought it was going to be when it was initially revealed to be a sandbox game, and if that's the case I can only hope it's never used for any of the chapters going forward since there is no way that game is even 1/10th as """"""""well put together"""""""" as Minecraft.
Also echoing the other post thinking about it with the cooldown weapons. Most of them kinda suck and Minecraft has enough moddability to allow for people to have unique weapons with attributes to outright replace a basic diamond sword even without dipping into any mods like Tinkers. Just for baseline passive effects Fuwamoco claws could have faster attack time, Cecilia's spear could be armor pen, Gigi's feest could have more knockback, Kronii's can inflict slow HOW DID THEY NOT THINK OF THIS???? I could spend another 10 minutes thinking up solutions that'd require absolutely nothing beyond a command block to hide the enchantments if they even wanted to do that to begin with. The idea of an ultimate on the weapon is cool and having it be an option is good, but making them actually functional weapons beyond just that would be sick too. Idk the damage on everyones weapons though.
Shiori's just building a harem last I checked.
Cici's weapon is one of the most disappointing parts about the whole thing. They could have given her a charge, a dragoon jump, or just throwing the damn thing and piercing enemies in a line. Instead it just shoots green particles in front that do trivial damage.
Actually does anyone have a list of the weapons and their damage?
They're taking this lore shit too seriously. Its all cringe as fuck, its better when they're silly and just make fun of all the lore.
There need to be some lore or stuff like Ame and Gigi wouldn't happen.
I mean they clearly went for silly with it but it doesn't all land because it's a bit TOO silly. I have no idea where you're getting the idea that this is taking it too seriously. They literally copied a retarded manga plot about a powerful overlord type figure working in fast food and somehow not hating every second of it like every sane person in the world.
>they're taking this lore shit too seriously
>so if she's my side chick and you're my wife and she's your side chick does that mean she's my wife too?
>>so before the final streams for chapter 1 start, what do you guys think about enreco?
It's been fun, but like with anything involving RP sometimes I can't tell how serious they are and it makes me feel bad when I think there might be actual drama. This only happened a couple times, though. I also feel a little bittersweet it seems to be so well-received because I used to tell anons old school MMOs would make good vtuber streaming games and everyone laughed at me, but this is pretty close to an old school MMO.
>>did it match, exceed, or underdeliver on your expectations?
Match, it's about what I expected.
>>what are the areas do you think could they have done better and what are the things that you hope will stay for chapter 2?
I don't really get the point of their Revelations, they don't seem very powerful or interesting, and no one seems to really care about the guilds since it doesn't change your appearance or affect which hat you can wear or give you a boost or anything, and Amber Coin kinda' got fucked getting an empty spot and Bae so maybe it's good that it doesn't matter.
I'm talking about what's going on right now. Specifically Biboo and ERB's streams.

I guess. I'll just come back later. ERB and Biboo are just being too cringe right now.
You're mad they're taking the lore too seriously in the finale, lore that didn't even exist except because the talents wanted it? The entire "stain hat = evil" thing only exists because Biboo decided it'd be fun, it has no basis in the setting prior.
Be cool if Bae joined Biboo and says she was gone because stains got her.
Well it is last day so I am sure there is some conclusion. That's why it's more heavy then before probably.
Anon, it's the finale. You can watch literally every other day if you don't care about any aspect of the story at all, but there's not going to be a lot of people fucking around today. Still will be, but it will be significantly decreased.
Why? It's great. We had silly, we had romance, we had political intrigue, and now we have evil (or not?) unleashed upon the land for the grand finale. Actual solid storytelling.
>may have just been a case of self-inserting
This is your occasional reminder that everyone self inserting is roleplaying. She is likely too autistic to have self inserted deeply.
anon, it's the finale... of course it's going to be a little chuuni than slice of life. embrace the cringe and have fun.
I didn't make up my mind to keep up with this until apparently the last 2 days. There's still gonna be more chapters, right? Is the idea with this that there's a set amount of days before a big story event?
>Bae rides into town mounting the Stain king they were fighting at the start, leading a host of Stain
>Chaos ensues as everything descends into this huge brawl with all the factions and groups fighting amongst themselves
>Biboo kills Bae to take over, inadvertently ends up routing the Stain
>Gets confused and Ina bonks her in the confusion
>They end up celebrating victory with 'cake' and milkshake
Yes there'll be more chapters, but it's gonna be awhile. Dunno how long exactly, but I wouldn't expect Ch 2 for a few months at least.
People have been speculating that the other gens each get their own chapter with dungeons to run. No idea if that's even true or if this is just a one-off.
There will be a chapter 2 for Promise Holos, but who knows when? Probably 6 months.
>There's still gonna be more chapters, right?
yes, it's just the first chapter so there will be more. don't know when will chapter 2 happen though, some anons think it's going to be more than a few months before we see chapter 2.
nine 11
i sure as hope it doesn't take 6 months. maybe 3 or 4. that sounds like just the right amount of time gap to release a new chapter of this project.
It's kind of nostalgic to see everyone doing shit in Minecraft. One of the first things I saw watched I got into Hololive was when Myth was going to do the Enderdragon for the first time
VTubers are so made for roleplay. It's refreshing to see them having to try and stay in character for longer than their debut for once. Just like when Gigi reads her SC while still pretending and speaking like Gonathan
Nah, you're cringe as fuck. The only bad part of taking it seriously is that it makes those who don't take it seriously enough look like idiots. Biboo and Gonathan have stolen the show.
Only facts we know is that it's not happening in the next month and it will be Minecraft again, probably not a year from now either. From Kiara's stream, someone else will have the timestamp.
I miss Rust.
Ark however can stay forgotten.
Oh shit, staff is actually playing into it?
Most likely ERB did it off-screen for RP. She's been cleaning it up all stream, used to be quite a bit more.
Nana is 7, stop trying to make everything into a burger meme.
>Noo, they shouldn't be sincere, it should always be ironic shitpostic!
Shitty millennial writing. The people you are crying about actually got the biggest boost from this event.
Yep. Cecilia was given a "magical spell" for her soul posession thing and Biboo was able to add corruption outside of her area either directly or indirectly through staff.
More like someone from other guild added things when offline. Actually kinda disappointed Nerissa didn't do anything to Scarlet Wand area, since she was the one on the plot already.
I don’t remember that mumei moment, what was that from?
Mococo must have done it.
Gigi does a good job with the bit with some simple verbal flourishes like not contracting any of her speech (she makes a rare few mistakes but is very consistent about it) which really goes a long way in selling a character.
Nerissa's not part of the stain though.
Kiara dungeon.
We both know Mumei would find a 9/11 joke hilarious.
I have a feeling Nerissa is like Kiara. She doesn't want to be the bad guy because she thinks people (re: autistic retards) won't like her after the event.
Sure, but nana is 7, and this is not that.
Biboo hanging out in Jade Sword area and Liz still hasn't seen her. Calli should be logging in shortly too.
This was obviously done by ERB.
But if you say nana 11, what does it sound like?
Again, Nerissa was never planning to become a part of the stain. She cleared it up after the chase with Gigi aboveboard that her family was talking and she had to mute as a result. I don't know why people keep trying to push this angle when in the very stream the whole "stain Nerissa" plot started it ended 20 minutes later.
Finally the most cringe arc in HoloEN history is ending.
It sounds like you're trying to force things.
sorry when i was writing this post i was absolutely going to town on that cock, just slobbering on it, pubes and everything everywhere
what i meant to say was i'm glad this kino arc is ending
You fags are so retarded. What the fuck do you think happens in those big group games in the JP branch? Goofy bullshit with a few people going off and being paragons of the event by being ingrained through the whole thing.
How does nahnah sound like nain?
the "community" is always great at turning fun things into the most soulless and drab version of it through incessant whining.
NTA but I think the meta chatters aspect is insanely annoying and easily the worst part of it, but at the same time there's nothing chat members can do to stop these kinotrains from leaving the station.
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Calli going for Samurai movie kino
Seems like everyone will be starting the stream with RP lore and then wait until everyone is online to continue the serious RP again?
qrd on the lore?
It's gotta be Fuwawa
I need it to be Fuwawa
I want my corrupted Fuwawa hoarding food and causing the land to starve.
I don't know why management doesn't force Myth to collab more like they did with this event. There isn't a single member who didn't have an enjoyable time with fresh faces, and it needs to be beaten into their skulls that streaming can be fun if you actually try to speak to people.
>Fuwawa goes crazy because of the trauma of losing her chickens
Would be great.
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ok ESL kun
this is absolute peak kino material right here, i've never felt this way since i watched rashomon (1950).
>Cecilia was given a "magical spell" for her soul posession thing
>You're ESL because you don't pronounce words like you're gargling on a cock at the same time
Weird take bro.
When you say nine, there is no "nah" sound, meanwhile nana is two nah's.
>>84727192 (me)
Damn that's some bad timing on my post lmao
Unfortunately I'm pretty sure its no one.
I think ERB set it up before the stream, but her lore for it was that it just spread naturally. But now everyone else is misinterpreting it.
If Mococo has been corrupted, she will attack Faunamart...
She's been wanting to put biboo on the throne for a while because she also wants to slay the king for being stain corrupted, something he's probably not and is just an excuse to steal power. She found some kinda magical book that was just a recipe on how to make a soul controlling/stealing potion, forget the requirements but the biggest two were an ally and the target must accept the gift so trickery must be involved for them to not know they're swallowing poison.
And steal ALL the lottery tickets, so she can win every time
She will attack Faunamart, but NOT because she's corrupted.
I think she was going to do that regardless.
Faunamart must pay for their tricks.
King of Libestal did nothing wrong. Poor guy.
It's truly amazing how they probably intended for him to be a basic guidepost and IMMEDIATELY everyone decided they wanted him dead or to steal his throne somehow.
Did you see his stupid fucking face?
Wait, Cali still hasn't done Watson's dungeon yet?
I mean lets be real, he abducted them, caused them to lose their memories and made them fight his war without so much as a stipend.

Bro's gotta go.
>veryone decided they wanted him dead or to steal his throne somehow.

they are women anon, they only lie, steal, and be gay
He's the true hero for doing the magic spell that Isekai'd them there.
He committed the crime of being male.
She probably meant to do it when she logged in off stream but went to Liz tournament instead.
Gura changing her stream time from 9pm to 10pm. Now she'll do Ame's dungeon off stream. She couldn't even be bothered to stream for 1 or 2 hours the past 3 days so her fans could see it. Lazy fucking bitch.
I'm dumb. Someone post GiGi thumbnail
He is the retard that summoned them here.
bros Nerissa's starting stream music is so good
Okay I got the gits of Biboo, let's see what role Nerissa has.
>he forgot about the hot chip
ngmi bro.
Y'know, with ERB, Biboo, and Calli open at the same time doing solo RP streams, I'm noticing Mori is basically talking to herself nonstop, while the other two definitely have more pauses. Is that a good thing? I don't know.
>hoist by his own petard
Deserved or not, it's always funny to watch it happen
Calli is a pro yapper
so are we expecting a huge event for the final day considering all the girls are streaming? Or just more RP shenanigans
Biboo burning golden apples lol

Who told her of Ina's plot?
Calli is more used to talking to the voices in her head to chat
You're just retarded or what? Why are you pretending to not understand.
did you forget about the big text on the top of the screen that says "prepare for what's coming" or what
I imagine the former but hoping it's mostly the latter.
Mori always talks to herself a lot. Japanese find it hilarious when she starts rambling in eigo during JP events.
I think everyone here understands you don't understand either English or Japanese, yes.
well I see that, but I just don't know if it's at like a specific time, when everyone logs on or just at an indeterminate time
What the fuck are you doing that is making your pronunciation of "nine" sound ANYTHING like "nana" nigger? What the fuck is this retarded "I-it's close enough" spastic fuckery?
nana 11
nine 11
They have to have a basic plotline agreed amongst them at this point, otherwise we're gonna get Bijou and Mumei doing evil things separately when they could very easily be playing off each other, for example.
why do people even metagame in this rp playthrough. can't you just sit back and follow along?
>If I take a word and replace it with a completely different word it means something else!
Wow! Shocking discovery anon! Stop the presses!
>ESL retard is still going with his le ebin joke
Oh how i fucking hate americans
is mumei evil? i thought she was an honest storekeeper who offered free lottery tickets…
Nine is [ˈnaJn]

Nana is [na̠na̠]
No I think she's just petty and autistic.
it's slander against nana eleven by the (((big green)))
Of course, she's an upstanding ticket purveyor. Please do not read the fineprint of your lottery ticket.
oh thank god gonathans live the ERB and mori duo was killing me
Shame it didn't finish the job.
I really wonder, if this happened in JP would they be happy to play the isekai fantasy storyline straight or be equally resistant
you sound like you are from the south
nana eleven with a texas accent = 9/11
the amount of work it took to set up the corruption plot line is actually pretty impressive for an improv minecraft rp honestly
Yea we've been over this. If you pronounce words like you're gargling cock it might sound that way.
listen i was enjoying ERB's past hour genuinely but mori just cannot RP dude
I like the zalgo text Biboo is using. Very creepy. I'm optimistic about future chapters if the first one was already this good.
Plus, even in this, she speak exclusively in that obnoxious "teaching ESL special ed" way
Cool story bro. Man up.
so much diamonds on ame
>people are timelooping that mori sounds like a teacher again
that's just how she talks my dudes
That doesn't make it any more tolerable to listen too.
im also okay with that too, like i said just couldnt handle the two together
Yeah if someone sounds like that ALL the time it's probably just their actual voice and not something they're doing to make you mad. I'm not even sure what people complain about with her except that she enunciates more than usual
Also leaves the door open in future chapters for the brainwashing to wear off, unleashing the corruption threat when least expected.
A library? Free knowledge to people? Can't have that.
I mean I think FWMC sound like a bunch of school children with downs with the way they talk, I wouldn't randomly start sperging about that shit, I just don't watch them and during collabs I can tolerate it because they're still funny most of the time.

What's your excuse for just randomly out of nowhere sperging about "think I don't like"?
I bet Mori would have a really clean pronunciation of nigger
>Ame actually playing into the ship
Guess Mori is going to have to solo the dungeon
Some of the most fun I've had watching streams in a while really, organically seeing some of these stupid plotlines happen in real time has been an absolute joy that consumed my entire week to catch up on the povs I wasn't watching live or clips of the more interesting moments I missed, I am very behind on my work and I'm ok with it.
It knocked my expectations out of the park considering I thought this was gonna be corporate mandated lore slop, which seems to have been the original intention but the girls made the best of what they were given.
I hope some of the things the girls came up with are acknowledged in the "official" story going forward, especially because the disconnect between the story of the game itself vs what they're doing is night and day, the marriage and whatever can be left behind, but some things like FaunaMart, the book of Gonathan with a G or some acknowledgement of the Stain Princess deserve to properly integrated into the world, also dear God please actually balance the revelations
She knows it's cute and people LOVE it everywhere. It's been a while since she's gotten a lot of attention and positivity from the community at large.
Just want to remind you that she went along with the goofy beatboxing at the end of that Myth off-collab in Japan until Gura started crying about it being cringe.
EBR wants to put the puppies in chains!
is ame losing it because she can't remember gonathon g?
I'm lost, what's Ame doing?
I've been insanely busy this week with a bunch of stuff so I've only been able to see bits and pieces but I can't wait to dig in once things have settled down for me.
Definitely the first time EN has ever done something with the level of coordination and polish that is usually reserved for big JP events.
> until Gura started crying about it being cringe.
Gura really hates it when someone else gets more attention, huh?
so whats up with Rissa becoming a ghost and then coming back alive?
Not sure. I missed that plotline. I didn't watch yesterday.
>Gonathan gave her a diamond, but she forgot
>Last episode she was trying hard to remember what she had forgotten
>Now she's wandering around confused and holding diamonds...
>Captcha: KGAYY
Kiara killed her and her lovechild with ERB, then worked to set it right the next day by doing rituals to get her body back with her phoenix feather and binding her soul back into her by running through the Kiara dungeon.
awww that's cute

and here I was thinking ame thought it was cringe and just found a way out of it.
Oh cool Ame's gone insane.
Cool moment.
I have every POV open and this shits getting good.
Really enhances the schizo arcs
The lack of UI sells it pretty well, honestly.
great, now rissa is also on a schizo mode as well, lmao. this is peak content now.
I'm watching GG and i'm lost. To many threads.
Same. Its gonna get completely unwatchable in about 30 minutes, though. Gonna have to mute creatively depending on who is with who.
Biboo is so bad at RP...
QRD? I'm watching Gonathan's pov rn
Nah. You genuinely suck at RP if you cannot appreciate shit like this. RP isn't your high school drama class nigger.
>biboos parasite is called joe mama
>she says this to ame
>ame will end up saving the entire kingdom by groundpounding joemama
Most of them are. They have good ideas but their dialogue is terrible lol
He's referring to how they talk.
>Thank you, I will search the river
>jumps off the bridge
Nta but biboo did kinda flub a bit there, it was still fun though
she kinda salvaged it at the end, she didn't realize that Ame was in the middle of a big moment, I don't blame her
>He's referring to how they talk.
Yeah. No shit. If you're paying attention to that shit you're going to ruin the fun for everyone, yourself included, and people will just be having fun without you. Good luck doing your retarded brand of RP by yourself I guess?
nigga ur the one overthkning it
Flubs happen, playing it off is important and that went well.
Why is mori such a joy kill?
My god... What am I missing?
Nothing, just the usual antis sperging.
kek, ghost jumpscare
Nobody wants Joe Mama jokes.
Nah, if all this shit leads to one epic joe mama joke , perfection.kxx4v
Ame reading Knight's Tale.

aw Nerissa fucked it.
she's bad at rp but trying her best, please forgive her
No completely in character for Mori
I hope Gigi wins, Gura didn't even bother showing up for the last 3 days
Ame can stall if she thinks it's too early
Is this the last day for ENreco?
The roleplaying is a bit much for me so I'm kinda just waiting it out
>almost every single stream has FINALE in the title or thumbnail
>is it the finale
Hm, y'know, I think I'll get back to you on that one.
What powers have they ever demonstrated though? Bae is loud, fauna is quiet, moom is absent, kronii is narcissistic, and IRyS just flashes her ass.
Nerissa shut up
RIP Ame stream. Youtube hates Kino.
>For justice!
If we are lucky Fauna will rebrand to being a witch usurping the powers of actual Keeper of Nature.
That interaction between GG and ERB is the funniest shit I've seen since Limmy.
>Fuwawa can't RP with anyone because Mococo is so distracting in the background
Now I understand
I could hear Fuwawa on Biboo's stream when she talks to Mococo
>Mumei's scam funnels all the money to Fauna
>Honk if the King's dead
is there an updated string plot of what's going on?
Fuwawa stole ERB's beloved cocks...
Yeah but Mococo is ALWAYS screaming. Loudly.
Mococo is corrupted and spreading stain.
Ame is losing it and searching for a special diamond.
>ame turning down ceci
And unsubbed.
It did not matter how much Fauna turned her down in the Kiara dungeon, her screams still peaked every time.
And that's the best part!
They really should go off on their own for a bit and let things cook. Wish they didn't interrupt Mococo
What did Mumei contribute to the roleplay ? Except stealing Fauna's ideas and adding autistic twists to every plotline.
>mumei still running lottery
The Madlad
I didn't see Mumei much on the povs I was watching. I think she was with Gura and Fauna for the first few days.
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This fanart hits REALLY differently now.
What's going to happen? Nothing scripted in-game, just pure RP?
so what is the chances of them planning some of these plot lines out before hand, or are they really doing it on the fly?
0 chance any of this is preplanned
There will be some sort of main story quest like every other day.
Well you can literally watch some of them come about in real time, and considering how little Myth actually talks to anyone you can say assuredly they're not planning anything before the first day. Once they get started however the resolutions have to be planned for, like any RP.
I assume something will happen around 10PM
Which will presumably not tie-in with all the plotlines the girls made up?
Calli needs to just go do the fucking dungeon by herself.
you're gonna be so mad when nothing gets resolved lol
It would surely take 10 minutes to agree a vague direction they should take things, so I would be astonished if they didn't at this point.
Moom is going to get whacked
>Once they get started however the resolutions have to be planned for, like any RP.
yeah that is what i meant, like i assume they have an idea of what "is to come" but i wonder if they are going to try and tie it to some of their own plotlines or going to hold it for season 2?
the fuwamoco background noise...
kek. Fauna tried to buy nana eleven with the money Nerissa gave her for safe keeping from moom.
Who knows? All that can be said is that the King is definitely dying tonight, and some kind of resolution with Biboo is happening. Either becoming a stain, breaking free, or getting mind controlled.
mococo being so loud...
i feel so bad, but they are trying their best!
Sorry. I'll stop fucking them now.
cobble shoes, sleepin with the guras
Bros..im living vicariously through fuwa's mic. Wtf is going on in mococo's stream?
the superior mogojan pov
post your predictions for the end?
Is it going to kino or is it going to be a nothing burger?
>FWW can't RP because MCC is too loud
bau bau...
But what about Fuwawa's chickens tho? Are they safe?
Mococo ate them
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>Mococo having a melty
>Fauna and Mumei reenacting The Godfather
>Biboo writing smutfics

I'm watching this live, but I think I'll have to watch the clip compilations to actually understand half of this.
i wish manager-san would help make Fuwawa's mic a little bit less sensitive. Or maybe they can move their workstations around or something
The solution is even simpler. Just go to the office.
They do need separate rooms for these streams.
Isn't this the first time they have done something like this?
If I can figure out Nvidia broadcast so only my voice comes through to my friends when we play shit, then I'm sure these professional streamers should be able to do it.
>In game
>In my headcanon
Kino of the highest order
Fauna asserting dominance.
If I'm really really behind and only watched a few clips will watching the finale be worth it? Or should I watch vods?
>Fuwawa literally only thinks about the chickens
She's trying to rp a simple farmer. Nothing wrong with that.
>What did Mumei contribute to the roleplay
Is Mococo hunting Fuwawa now or what is she doing? She hasn't spoken in so long and I have 5 streams running at once
Yeah I don't remember anything she did until yesterday except the funny multiple names. Its fine though Nana Eleven was kino.
Look anon, i've watched every day and i'm confused. Let's say it's not a great idea to jump right now. Watch the inevitable clip that will be up on some days.
She's trying to turn Fuwawa to the dark side. Biboo gave her a mission.
Can ERB shut the fuck up or fix her mic? What is wrong with this cunt
Self awareness any day now anon.
all is for naught… the chickens, slaughtered…
And here I thought Fuwawa was just going all in on chicken farmer ASMR because she didn't want to be here. This just gets better every time. Now we have corruption spreading ASMR.
Raora is too stupid man. I really question how she passed interviews.
She struggles with the ye olde english people are using in here
That's exactly how. Retarded girls are in demand
>ESL having a rough time with english RP
You are, in fact, Is Too Stupid Man.
Biboo is evil princess.
Fauna and Mumei run competing convenience stores.
Fauna has a library. Biboo is writing schizo smutfics.
Ame and Gigi were married, Ame got her memories back but forgot her husband, now she's insane and obsessed with diamonds. Gigi is sad.
Irys is a whore.
Mococo is corrupted by Biboo.
ERB loves Nerissa but is tsun. She is loyal to the king and so anti-Bijou.
Raora or Kronii is the Queen of the kingdom, I don't think they've figured that out yet.
Fuwawa had some chickens or something, she hasn't done anything.
>Irys is a whore.
but she's supposed to have amnesia
Biboo recruiting Advent. Anon was right. Nerissa just turned.
I like her giggles. Her English just isn't up to this chaotic nonsense environment.
>Fuwawa had some chickens or something, she hasn't done anything.
Ruffians....how do we tell him?
>Ame is insane and obsessed with diamonds
Specifically the diamond her husband gave her, which she cannot find.
Cecilia's spell is done. We're in the endgame.
The chickens were tasty anon
Advent is supposed to be evil anyway.
Advent's meeting on day 1 really was management telling them how they're going to become the big bad of Chapter 1.
wait did Bijou just tell Mococo to kill herself
That's so fucking boring though, I wanted Biboo to just do it on her own and then convert whoever else randomly.
Five minutes Gura, IRyS, Shiori, and Bae are about to hop into this mess. This is gonna be crazy.
Dumbest rrat of the week, that's impressive anon.
it'd be a lot more fun if they had a handcuff mod so every interaction doenst just go
>corruption people do something bad
>omg what are you doing
>they continue to do it unimpeded
like three times in a row
>Biboo and Mococo are spreading corruption
>chaos everywhere
>Cecilia is busy yapping

>the OP plays during the final battle
>>84738652 (me)
I am SO glad I just bought into anons retarded rrat and its not the truth. Yuri wins!
>Red hats are plotting while the kingdom burns
>Calli gave Nerissa drink
>Suddenly she's healed
That's surprisingly easy
Gura will demand executions, Irys and Shiori will somehow make the relationship chart more complicated. Bae cannot possibly add anything at this point.
The mind forgets but the body remembers . . .
>all this bullshit is going on
>Gura is coming on soon

....whats the Goob going to add to all this
The golden apple plotline has been going on for like 3 days now, ina spearheaded it iirc
>Shiori logs in
>starts blasting Rebellion louder than Start Again
>Advent resists the magical milkshakes
>everyone dies
It breaks my heart that this won't happen
>curing people so soon
It's cheap, but I love shit like this.
Well they must've agreed some stuff behind the scenes, otherwise Mogojyan wouldn't have known the magic drink should heal her mindrape, right?
100% of things regarding making a change to someone elses character in roleplay is talked about prior. Unless you're a DM, and that change is a powerup or rocks falling.
>Irys joining in on her own
Watching CC right now. What am i missing?
>irys logs in
>has literally no idea whats going on
>Well they must've agreed some stuff behind the scenes
lol Irys has literally no clue what's going on
>IRyS doesn't know about the corruption and is just wearing the hat
Yeah because she wasn't doing anything with anyone else outside of harems lmao
A disappointing resolution to advent being corrupted.
I think they did talk about somethings behind the scenes. But I doubt all the members read the message
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Well, yes, coombrains are incapable of following any plot not related to harem creation. I don't judge her too badly for it.
Biboo 2024
Shiorin skipped reading a memo about the plotline
But what about the bridge in Ina's dungeon? Ain't no one coming back?
Who cares about the staffs original plan?
Gura is with the scarlets right now.
"Oh yeah? Well you're brown." -Gura 2024
>bridge in Ina's dungeon
>Goob hasn't even done the Kiara dungeon
Wait how behind is she? What is Bae's gonna look like?
>Speak to the guildmaster
Oh god.
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Always was
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>the solution to all of our problems:
>reading books
>and getting married
she has though, she did it with Ame and Gigi. She just didn't talk to the guildmaster
>All this chaos and random plots
The stain are going to show up and everyone is just going to ignore them, aren't they?

i hope someone gave her a rundown on what is going on
>shiori and irys log on
>everything thrown out for gay marriage
it's irys's aura of sex, she can't help it
sasuga whores
Well, there was only one way it could'va gone since everyone stalled until the others logged on and grouped up.
I'm so fucking lost, man...
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>Take my meat
I don't quite get Mumei's bit when a future chapter will be about Promise
Basically everything had to be put on hold until people logged in because management are fucking terrified of people missing out on things, despite the fact that there's people who missed out on everything. So now everything is getting a forced resolution 3 hours in all at the same time leading to confusion after confusion.
Don't worry, she'll have forgor by then.
At least we get Ina vs Biboo
She'll either reverse it and become remorseful about her evil ways or just go "oh yeah I already knew that" and brush it off.
considering the way they're talking chapter 2 might be in a different world?
>introducing a new character in the finale
fire the writers
She will lose even more memories than the others. Veggie Moon. In a wheelchair.
What voice is Bae even doing right now
I think she doesn't care at all.
But also this.
they unlocked the DLC character
I genuinely missed out on everything happening with Raora. I mainly tried to focus through my oshis with CC, Gura, and IRyS and then catching up on whoever is up after they're done streaming.

I missed SO much and if it weren't for threads like this or twitter threads I'd have no idea about certain plotlines.
she did it day 1 too
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I feel you. I didn't even know Ina just bested Biboo in combat to remove the stain or whatever if it weren't for this place either. It just fucking sucks how so many people put in work but literally everything has to be put on hold so everyone can group up.
Not many people are into this whole RP Minecraft thing. The viewership is at an all time low on the last day.
Brother it's fucking 4:22 AM. There has been a slough of constant yapping tangled plotlines... I'm barely hanging on here and I don't blame anyone for checking out to go and sleep.
Numbers is down the block next too the zoo and the GAY BAR
Most people are not watching from Europe.
I don't care. This shit has been fun.
it is more fun than a regular minecrafts streams, i had to sit watching fauna build a fucking stream for a year of my life
tree* my brain is dead
Which is still not finished or is it?
When is the cover mandated plot going to happen?

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