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Tired edition.

Welcome to /mouse/ - Ironmouse Subathon General!

Mouse is planning to finish Alien.
Here we can discuss things related to Mouse's subathon!
Please avoid talking about chuubas other than Mouse if it isn't in the context of the subathon!

Image source:https://x.com/saraemiii_EN/status/1831888125100224998

Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Goals - https://pastebin.com/vA7b6XWi
Vods - https://rentry.org/pm9cnw8r

Related Threads:
VShojo+ General: /vsj+/

Previous Thread: >>84671438
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ironmouse is sexy
Man I feel bad for the rat
Hope Mudan At least saved all the vods and uploads them to a new channel later this month
I would pay money for sleepy Mousey asmr.
is what she's currently doing healthy?
she should just go to bed at this point
She's stressed. Her solution for that is streaming. She will likely either not sleep or keep going until she literally crashes.
Love me a fat rat.
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You try telling her what to do, see how well that goes.
normally I'd agree but there's no way she's going to be able to sleep, I certainly wouldn't in her position
>asked to raise the timer to 3 hours
>gifts dried up before even 2:30
We're cooked bros
she is so tired I think she will.
Stop dooming it will keep going. chat has like a 30 second memory if she's not there actively hyping them they will calm down but if the timer gets low they will bump it.
she really needs a hype man
She's terrible at hyping chat and right now is probably the worst time for her to be Hype
Last year Pete and the Moose came in clutch multiple times
I'll say this if the person did this with the intent in actually doxxing mouse they don't know her well at all.
It's joever. They might be able to maintain a flaccid timer for quite some time but it's going to leave Mouse anxious and not getting proper sleep.
ksheena's around it'l lbe fine
When will you learn
Why is Mouse scared to say dick all of a sudden.
Mouse make sure you're tracking is facing you properly so it does not lose tracking too much while laid down.
Technically if you are going off of subs gained all at once Mouse is far and beyond the best at it from previous subathons.
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she put her last year record now, smart
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Mouse should sue this man for stealing her content.
Meh I have more that what was on her channel kek
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Even more Based
ah gun is around, the channel feels safer already
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When day 7 ended she was roughly 27% to her record. Even with the sperged about power hour last night, she's 4% ahead of pace and should blow past it on day 25 or 26 giving her 4 more days to shoot for one of the top 3 spots.
and she instantly moves into a position it can track her properly.
When will YOU learn. Stop replying to retards.
That's fantastic for preservation, but it's easier for her if it's just the channel uploads since I doubt she has a an easy to parse record of everything she's asked to be redacted. It'd be a ton of manual work getting them ready to publish again.
She also doesn't exactly want to confirm she is still /here/. Its been a while since she was last caught and she has can pretend like that was the last time she ever was.
>Even with the sperged about power hour last night
nta but I did make the sub spreadsheets and I think power hour was a bad idea.
Gun the rat is feeling down. Get a thousand subs ready to cheer her up.
Et tu, Excelanon!?

Okay, since I know you're a numbers guy, hit me with your concerns. It was 1 hour out of 720 we'll have this month. I think if we get to the end and we're a couple thousand from Kai's record you have recourse to bitch about it, but I think as a single data point it didn't cause any damage to anything. Added, what, 2.5 hours of subs above what it should have been? Equates out to about, what, 900 donations or so "lost" as a result? Is that going to be that significant?
Crazy to think this was their first irl also connor first ever irl the quality is so shit but there's a charm to it, she was really shy to even ask him to buy a 20$ figure because it was too "expensive". We've come a long way bros
It was not really needed.
She said she was planning to do more.
The end of the month is an unknown how it will go.
it only officially goes until day 30 which would put us a little below 3rd
This is also still the only time I think she has ever outright flirted with him with that charm line. I think this irl showed to a lot of people that they were actually close friends and not just talk.
fuck off connorfag never happened never will
That's right i had forgotten this moment chat went crazy, she was just really happy and didn't care about clippers and just said it. Connor is a much more stronger man than i'm because i would have fall for her right there, she was really smooth with that line
waiting for the day when it clicks for connorspergs that beer is a euphemism
Nta can you explain why you think so? Is it mainly because it reduces the amount of subs given due to a high timer?
>not needed
It was an apology for having a meeting which meant no content and no babysitters. It's fine.

>planning to do more
Eh, whine if that happens. She's not using it as a crutch. She could have, she could totally flip this whole thing back to 13 or 15 seconds but hasn't. She's keeping her convictions that his will stay 10 seconds and chat is going along with it.

I know, and it isn't fair to you to think about what ifs, but what I am saying is that right now it isn't meaningful. We won't know the meaning of it until we're done. So relax. For now. If we get to the end and fall just short go ape.

>day 30
Yeah I know, but we've never been on pace for anything but. We always needed ~259k donations to reach a full 30 days at 10 seconds per, but people have been adding to the counter with bits and cash, so even if we assume a 95% distribution of subs, that's 246,240 subs. That would still be short of #3 by itself. Minus that 900 I mentioned above and we're even shorter. Of course, as we get to the end and toward one of the top spots, the reserves will come out. She'll get 15-20k subs on the last day, which will be what makes or breaks this subathon getting any of the sub records. This one hour is not, frankly.
In general they didn't care as much about clippers back then. Its a shame they eventually let them get to them so much.
oh poor gosling having a melty
im sorry the truth hurts you so
eh that's not a big deal, she can just say some her mods monitor this board (which is true and a good idea regardless) and that fully covers her. we don't know if she's still /here/ or not anyway, I hope that she isn't and any hints she gets or laughs about on stream are from mods screenshotting and sending them to her for giggles
Da goat
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How long will she sleep?
She slept?
She usually wakes up around 7pm est
Any info on the collab today yet?
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monopoly? no longer our problem
So I guess no mouse then
Oh shit, she dropped out?
My guess is because the collab it's around 5-6 PM EST same thing like that Rae lobby few days ago
Mouse usually doesn't wake up till around 7ish and given today's news I won't blame her if she takes a long sleep
yikes poor doki but good dodge by mouse
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Froot said she's got a non-christmas song in the works with Mouse.
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I saw those eyes open, you rat.
The tracker is wonky when she's sleeping. There are times when it looks like she's sleeping with "her" eyes open.
People love to shit on Ari but she's doing the most so far to raise the timer.
I love Ari. Romantically.
The only problem is that this bitch have no volume control lol, she is literally barking pretty sure mouse woke up her eyes opened a few times. Maybe she thinks mouse is muted while sleeping
Kek Ari is gonna wake her up but Mouse deff needed a hype man
That's the best part.
Big tits big voice. Is what it is. I wanna fuck both.
Monke is also awake so I imagine if Mouse told him what happened already he is hitting up her phone rn.
She didn't and she won't.
I'm really wondering if Mouse lowered the volume when she opened her eyes before, but also ari isn't as loud as the alerts
Heem Hajeem...
mouse has more important things to deal with then talking to that abusive asshole fuck off connorfag
proof next thread sperg?
Did I say anything about denying my queen's tits or my queen's voice my adoring fucking? Both is good.
the proof is in this thread idiot read
I dunno why it makes me laugh when ksheena "only" donates 5 subs. Is it just me?
He's an oiler but he's got his limits. He's had to tap out in previous subathons when reaching it toward the end. He's probably got a max per week he's trying to husband so he'll just donate 5 to help build the hype.
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She knows her limit but shes still #1
Wonder what she does for a living
iirc she's works in something software related
yeah just had a gander at her twitter. pleasantly surprised the biggest oiler is female, very unusual
proof next thread sperg?
Ari is cute
Whoa wait ksheena's a chick!? Anybody got her number....
Mouse said
Karaoke, Alien and ER todays right?
Did she ever mention when she might do antichamber.
Not sperging but with Mouse you never know what she'll do
Just enjoy whatever she does today since the VOD channel news has made her depressed
Well mouse isn't so much of a coomer streamer. The real oilers are like that one guy who dropped $120k in bits on Anny's channel during her subathon, and some asian food product group and fast food chain owner who literally powers most of the Korean dance streams alone.
no but you can check her twitter its the same username
Also shes a big Rain fan
>Well mouse isn't so much of a coomer streamer.
and yet she has some of the sexiest models and a lot of coomer.
I still want a season 2 daki
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Best girl in the entire universe is awake!
A Rainhoe ho? Nice.
Mouse is awake
eepy Mouse voice
anon at this point there is like 6 dakis we have been promised.
Ahh cute Heavenly's coughing woke Mouse up
>>84721896 (me)
forgot to link this one too
Me likey

You know what she does with that tail....
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Did she wake up or go back to sleep?
>Well mouse isn't so much of a coomer streamer.
Mouse has the best coomer content imo.
She is getting ready atm also Haruka on the tv
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Why'd she stop with afk faces.
low standards unlike ari who rps as a slut and is scared of her coomers
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>low standards
>rps as a slut
Where and when? She's just a fuckin airhead.
Where is the shower stream goal
2 subathons ago.
It was last subathon
I hope Mouse still does karaoke she's been on a roll
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Sounds like you know where it is then, buddy
queue up the daddy clips
Mouse please you had a whole day of solo planned
She's been talking about still doing one even like a few months ago she mentioned it.
insane that she doesn't like her coomers while looking like a whore is wild
I don't know why you expected anything else to happen anon.
Is she still doing the Doki collab? Just woke up.
mouse throws all her plans away all the time it's annoying
I mean I'm not complaining about a Haru collab but she had karaoke, finishing alien, and er today.
Probably not after all that shit that happened before she slept.
doesn't sound like it
space marines again later tonight
>After I finish alien I can play
I really think Mouse over estimates how much time she has in a day.
I am glad she wants to stick to Alien.
Anon the moment she renegaded on open vc she was never going to do a solo day again. Except it and move on.
I think the collab already started ~2 hours ago
>>84725313 (me)
there's a clip
I want a stream of Mouse playing her instrument.
Oh. Awell. There will be a better collab at some point Im sure
>I don't like them long
>It's okay everybody has a preference
This stream man
>You can tell I don't play instruments
Stop with the lying Mouse
I miss old Mouse
she has carpal
Yeah you right but we know she has more tools to play instruments than she has instruments.
single girls before they get boyfriends
I care less about solo gaming but I love chatting, singing and react.
Got it
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Oh I forgot this was coming
Those fucking THIGHS
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Sadly I can confirm from watching it being made that this one does not have monke panties.
Sounds like an artist finally decided to listen to her and not force their own weird bullshit on her.
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Jesus Christ that should not have jiggle physics like that wtf.
I want to eat her
We'll never see it again.
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don't fuck with her
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fuck off mouse never wanted that shit to begin with hopefully mouse dropped nano for that
I bet ylu don't know who made it kek
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stay mad get rekt don't @ me kys loser
mouse probably deleted this shit once she saw it fuck off
Again, artists forcing their sick delusions on her models.
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seethe more
Mouse had alien open this whole time, i don't want to hear her complaining when her pc decide to shit itself
Now she's taunting us with ER...
She showed this model semi naked with the monke panties to connor himself on his own stream, how does that makes you feel?
friends call it cute she gets all tsundere shows it to her bf likes them get mad stay mad
I'm sure she felt heavily embarrassed but kept a strong face for chat during the stream.
proof next thread
wrong thread bud
I appreciate candi and buff liked them a bunch kek
>rolled cigarettes
>a glass of cold water
>mouse stream
what a time to be alive
damn gosling doesnt watch every stream? always knew you were a fake one.
bro did you really copy and paste the response people have been clowning on you with? you’re actually next level retarded
the other one didn't have panties either, I'm sorry monkespergs are using your post to be extremely retarded.
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You're right, my bad.
I swapped tab locations on accident. I normally keep /mouse/ in lower left and /vsj+/ in upper left. That explains it.
This one is decora so did have them. I watched Nano draw this art live and was the one who originally took that screenshot.
Was that a pointcrow raid?
Yes. He knows Monke and donated subs to Mouse last subathon after Monke won his game show thing. I think he also chats once in a while in her chat.
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wait what?? did you reply to me incorrectly or something wtf
IronMouse BOTW/Mario Odyssey/Pokemon challenge/speedruns when?
It always surprises me just how many people they know between the two of them. Add in the rest of Vshojo members and staff and they have some insane connections.
he likes mouse thanks to monke and funny enough if mouse ever wondered jerma thinks she's entertaining.
We are never getting through that video queue.
whoops missclicked, my bad. meant for the retarded connorsperg >>84727955
Just put my whole points on mouse not dying
Come on Mouse just hide in the locker or do meds or pee or something for the next 15 minutes I need my easy points.
I only did 20k. I lost almost all of my points recently from doing something like that and don't want that again.
I'd win
Im ruined
And that is why I only did 20k because I clearly don't win.
You have to believe in not believing.
Nah we ball
Based Mousey believer
Have fun in the poor house.
I have lost 9 million points not believing in elden ring
I lose everything
Except faith in Mouse. Right?
God fucking dammit the one time I go down to 5k she fucking makes it fuck me I could have hit big
Oh i got 1.5k from that, neato
I got 26k which makes up for my previous loss but still...
Gotta have faith all the time. Just gamble responsibly. Many little wins.
I generally just play the odds. I only go for big odds and try not to bet too much each time. Won back a lot of my lost points during elden ring that way.
Looks like she's on pace to smash last year's totals but gonna fall just short of 3rd place, but we'll see. Considering she's had two days of OVER 9000!!! just shows how deep the reserves are right now.
More. Power. Hours.
She'll be fine. Day 30 is going to be insane if Day 4 and Day 6 are any indication. Day 6 was "powered" by he power hour a bit, but it guaranteed the subathon would last longer. If people are worried about it not going 30 days that power hour helped alleviate some of that.
NTA but I was not worried she would reach day 30 but I do want her to reach new goals and the power hour didn't help even if it didn't make too much difference every little will count at the end.
she sounds much better than before. Glad she could move on
During the last week considering the sale on gifted people will more likely give and we could go over time to beat her record
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ironmouse is sexy
Watching twitch on mobile sucks ass. i hate it
Mouse could also run it till 7pm on the first to reach a full month before subs drop off.
Use a 3rd party app
I really want to see Mouse at 1st place.
Are you in my walls?
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Pink rat sex
Man I hope for more sexy merch to come.
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the stickers quality was kinda bad for both mouse and Mel's especially the sticky for surfaces
Well then apply your own sticky to it...
I wanna finger bang a mousefag while watching a mouse and connor collab
Lack of solo or collab No I want to complain about the lack of Mouse moans during subathon.
she was busting fat nuts at the Kamen rider cafe
Bros I miss react
I don't. it's fine but it's better used when she's not feeling well
i want react but glad she is finishing this game
i dont care for that antichamber though and want react instead of that
No react is great content any time.
Yeah I like this but I'd like a bit of react sometime.
No react is great when she has nothing else to do or isn't feeling good.
I like mouse
I smell mad as fuck catalog seether. Anybody else smell that?
you will get 2 collabs after this and maybe ER tomorrow
I disagree videos are always fun.
I disagree videos have their time and place.
And that time is always
And yet even Mouse doesn't treat it as filler content she has picked it over a game when not sick plenty of times.
We're talking about personal opinions, not what Mouse thinks.
I've been in and out of stream all day, any updates on the vod channel situation
Gaming is the filler content, doesn't require planning, no scripting, no scheduling. They can just show up, play, and react to the moments the game feeds them.
yeah I agree with you
nope just from her mods to not attack anyone on her Twitter community
Whats the qrd on that?
Her VOD channel got 3 copyright strikes all at once so its gonna get deleted
The only way to save it is to depute it but this will give her personal info to the one who issued the strikes and she doesn't want to doxx herself so o7 channel
She was super depressed this morning
>>84752178 (me)
Also Vshojo tried to get involved but YT is basically ghosting them
Gotta use tampermonkey to dodge ads otherwise it's unwatchable
Not YT, the person(s) who made the claims. Which confirms it is bullshit but nothing anybody can do.
Im got a sub, its just the app such a piece of shit to use
Yeah it's bad but then again cell phones are terrible as well. It's pretty hard to make actual good software for a dogshit platform
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Mouse is gonna have to go crazy after the game to raise that timer
She's barely hanging in there
She has to set like a goal like let's get that counter to 65k or something
>She's barely hanging in there
anon subathon 1 coasted for days at less than 30 minutes
The only thing I do with she would do is revel some of the later goals. not all of them just a few that people might want to strive for.
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I want to lick her face
As soon as she's done with the game she's gonna get chat to hit like 3 or 4 hours
mfw I'm not sure I'm taking a shit, or if the shit is taking me.
Was watching her heart rate. You can almost tell when certain things happen.
Am I dumb or did the face change...
it did
It do be like that sometimes
It did. she's probably back but answering messages or putting meds on or something.
Can mouse not bypass youtube and sue the party that made the false claims under a pseudonym since she knows who they are?
Yeah Mouse has been doing meds while going to the bathroom most subathon
You can't get their details until you give them yours.
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I don't think she has most of the time. she can still chat while taking them so there is not usually a need to.
It's possible. Mouse kind of puts a lot of things under the excuse of having to piss. Like she recorded her part of that vtuber academy video during subathon, Octo showed up in chat saying he had a present for her early on and it was more than likely that sentai design.
Its more likely as simple as she went to piss then came back and >>84758414
Depends on the meds, like when she does her breathing treatment she does it off stream.
I wonder if this is hitoshura's first subathon.
How is vshojo contacting them privately then? There has to be a party that can be sued to reveal the claimant's identity? Otherwise any random shitter would be claiming all of hololive's content, or artistes under pseudonyms would all be doxed?
Those channels are owned by hololive so they just send hololives office details.
I want to lick your saliva off her face.
There's contact info given by the accuser. Part of the shit of this is that if Mouse contests it she has to give her own information to verify it is her content. Thus, it becomes a dox phishing scam.
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Kinda weird bro
So it's possible for mouse to relaunch a new channel that is registered under a business entity to avoid such problems in the future then?
>relaunch a new channel
you can just transfer it now
I would worry a little about Mouse being too reliant on vshojo. if they took it over they would have to take the money then pay her.
If they ever update the contracts and the terms are bad it will be harder for Mouse to leave.
100 subs ignored kek
>take the money
it's a vod channel, it only makes pocket change
anon I'm not going to explain the issue but it should be obvious.
Sorry bro, just know you're keeping the subathon going and gave to charity. That's a good lad!
I don't like speculating about business or legal matters because tbqh I don't know what I'm talking about
She can always sign the managing rights over to last only as long as her vshojo contract, or start her own company to do the same thing. Most vtubers or streamers own a private company for tax reasons.
Also her vod channel gets like 2k views per video anon, she's using it as a public archive and is not making any money off them.
That's the right answer. Let the dipshit wannabe Warren Buffets here argue among themselves.
Maybe its different in the US but where I am private companies need to have an address registered with the government that anyone can view. from my understanding most vtuber or streamers should just be classed as self employed.
>take the money then pay her
That is what they do now and it's a feature..
Shell companies don't have physical locations, or if you really want one a small office space can be rented for hundreds of dollars per month.
Alien: Isolation Complete
>hundreds of dollars per month
For a Delaware address for your business you only need to spend like 30 bucks a month
4 years to beat
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Finally beat the game after 4 years. Grats pink rat
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Did Mouse ever say when she planned to do the solo vrchat she talked about at the start of subathon.
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Will she forget about karaoke now.
there you go
2 shias
She mentioned it and should do it now
I cannot stress this enough Mouse needs to take advantage of hype trains
She just lets them die that easily
There's several multiples.
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Welp night anons hope the subathon is still alive when I wake up
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But karaoke?
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more karaoke!
You can't go
she's singing
No. But there's been no mention of Elden Ring since she woke up.. Even though she just debuted a model with a toggle for it and now would be perfect rather than when she gets forced into worm for a day.
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Wake the fuck up you fool
Please not another long game.
whiners BTFO once again
Go back to the other thread
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been up since 7am for work
I'm barely hanging bros
this, give me a break for at least a few days from the multistream long ass game
she is going to need to get the muscle memory back to play the game again too since it has been a while
>>84763480 You missed
We've just finished one. we did so many different things on day 1 and 3 but its been like 2 to 3 long things each day since then.
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okay, sleep tight
Go back to the other thread
This song has very quickly become one of my favorites of Mouse. Did not take long at all.
Indisputably Mouse's best cover.
You heard Mouse slam your clam on the table now
Slamming my penis rn
slamming my clam in prep for the vrchat room
she has almost 20hrs plus on space marines
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My penis is too weak I've slammed all I can afford
Where's the CPR cover Mouse.
Then Slam no more brave warrior
when her bf visits she will do it live on CB
it's the diablo of this subbathon
When you blow me.

Fuck I just realized I am in over $200 to the subathon so far. I gotta slow the fuck down i's only day 7.
New thread
I will smoke twice as much for the subathon i don't have a problem its for the subathon
that's it....... then again it's better than most these fags here by miles good job anon.
The cb stream is for 500k goal.
my budget is 1k, I've already used 1/5th of it and we're only on day 7, week 1. Gotta pace myself a bit more. I may chuck in more if we make a last second push toward a record, but I have to cap myself or I might get in trouble financially. I have a friend who is supposedly paying me back a bunch of money and if that happens I'll up my budget for sure, but if not, 1k is where I cut it.

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