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If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
Twitch Alt: https://www.twitch.tv/shadowchama
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://x.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1831446847325344205

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think

Previous Thread: >>84635909
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If she didn't want me to be obsessed with her she shouldn't have told me to be obsessed with her and told me that she loved me.
>Shondo sowing
>Shondo reaping
good afternoon Shondopolis
oh well, cut your losses, she changed her mind
is she the most JP chuuba in EN?
the cutest bee
its over for you sorry shigger
Nah, she can deal with the consequences of her actions.
what consequences? you're only hurting yourself
if by JP you mean most mentally ill pathological liar then yes
Oh shondo, why do you make me sad?
You used to be good, now you make me mad.
I wish you could go back to how you were before,
So I can love you like I did before.

Let's work together to make things right,
So we can bring back the love and light.
We can change and grow, it's never too late,
To fix our relationship and eliminate hate.

I believe in you, shondo, you can be great,
Just have faith and don't hesitate.
Let's focus on the good and leave behind the bad,
Together we can make each other glad.

So let's start fresh and make a new start,
And bring back the love that once filled our hearts.
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No she's just a british weeb
writing up a long email now, you cant keep getting away with this shondo
did she complete the game already? its be 2 and a half hours and she hasnt started. what the frick
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Shut up, I'm enjoying the zatsu.
She's right at the final boss. There isn't much left so she's padding the zatsu.
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i hate her how to fix bing.com
okay so this stream she has told us multiple times to tell her more about our lives, even if its bad. where are we supposed to do that? just post it randomly in chat? after she made fun of wanting her attention literally yesterday? am i too autistic for this?
don't be scared
Also that’s attention whoring btw
Just do what Retromancer does until she literally makes fun of you on stream for being an attentionwhoring autist.
idk man i only have bad things goin on right now and i dont want to bring it up publicly
not to say i want to dm her but im just not going to bring it up and ruin the mood, it is what it is guess i'll keep it inside like always

also therapists are scam artists who dont give a shit about you dont tell me to talk to one
>okay so this stream she has told us multiple times to tell her more about our lives, even if its bad
dont do this, she doesnt actually care. if you tell her about something thats bad in your life she will tell you that you need a therapist and she cant deal with it
Its attentionwhoring unless you are a favourite then she wants you to do it, you also cant become a favourite anymore because she has a very small brain and cant remember people
what game is this?
The best part is he wasn't even being an attentionwhore, she just made him into a joke over nothing. She is an evil person.
>bringing up schizos again
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>She is an evil person
That's why I love her
I was out shopping what happened during the zatsu?
Shondo spilled the tea about Shadowmama and her whore friend
dm her about it Smile
she just talked about some stories
old guys (30+) are her favorite
she loves short, wide men
she likes lewd stuff (as long as its guro/noncon/ryona)
she gets blackheads she has to pop
she gets white boluses on her eyes she has to pop
i love you
>old guys (30+) are her favorite
funny how she says this yet every confirmed shogger in their 30's has the mental age of a pre-teen
zatsu over? stream closed
she continued to soft end the larp
I feel your distress shoggers, I feel it, youre not alone
I love you shondo
i hope she starts cutting herself again before the handcam
derek better
Degrees of lewdity
>She wants an older man
I'm so in
>Specifically says 'Silver fox'
It's so fucking over, baldbros.
kill yourself T
i dont think it was him who sent the emails he keeps chatting if it were me and she said that on stream i wouldnt be able to show my face
grow a beard
SyadouClueless well, you're not showing your face when typing in a chatroom
it’s inevitable
Anyone have a syadouYes chibishon?
lol irl
why would he give a fuck? he didn't learn from the email situation and was shameless enough to go to dms again crying over a brb screen. might as well act like nothing has happened because we all know now worst case scenario is he gets a month ban or she says "don't dm me please guys" for the millionth time
> no you guuuys of course I like 30+ losers and manlets trust meee
Anything so the idiots keep the money rolling
im late has she already killed god?
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What actually happened was she read the thread and made it up.
you are so fucking clueless its cute
read maros watch streams read discord
You think she doesn't routinely make things up? She constantly contradicts herself lmao.
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>shondo says something i agree with
true, facts, her actual opinion
>shondo says something i disagree with
false, lies, pandering
i think you might all be mentally ill
fandom reflects the streamer
yeah we are posting on 4chan
shondo i am literally obsessed with you and think about being with you irl all the time every day
see you at the meet and greet!
see you there anonb
doko brb screen doko
17th email sent
if niko avocado can get his shit together in two years why has denpa still only gained weight after 1 year of being a vtuber
sir, this is a /shon/'s we only talk about husbands
Hey denpa this is fucking shon everyone here hates you and shadow will too in time. Go make engament bait post in /vag/ or something. Retard.
Ozempic diff
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She won!
Ok I get it now that's why fallenshadow's mascot is a random nigger. She is racist.
>with torrent
Doesn't count
its finally fucking over
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proud of her for not giving up

it was a long ride but worth it
we should harass ray into offing himself so she has guilt for her actions
then I’ll pretend to be his mom and earn pity points
denpa’s a fatty?
shondo you fuckin feeder!! cease your fetish
Invoke prejudice original art my *sweeps under the rug*
otis is following some random thot
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and ray for some reason???
>alt follows some random export streamer
>says she never sic and removes it when mentioned
>otis follows some random only fans girl
She really needs to stay off Twitter while high, it's going to end badly
A lot of liggers are folowing her, who the fuck is she
Someone must've gotten hacked but who?
most likely some meme or gimmick account
>woman getting third husband
>shondo getting 150001th husband
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shes a woman and you can stop watching at any moment hope this helps
shes actually a biological male that shadowmama forced to live as a girl
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>game was so long she can't even remember most of the bosses
>1.8k ccv
we've healed...
it was over 2.1-2.2k during the game. Guess 300-400 people didn't want to see the tier list

fucked up
comfy might finally return
too bad the larp is ending
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Please rate the stream.
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I enjoyed the elden ring streams, I can't wait to see her beautiful hands tomorrow! I love her!
Shonquered by bbc
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a long zatsu + concluding a long series is always great
does alice normally talk this fast? or am i tweaking?
Isn't she supposed to be some kind of genius
You're just getting old. Your brain's slowing down
Shadow sucks at games and needs to either get good or never stream a game again.
She pwned that shitty game lmao
I won't really give her that much shit for this one. ER has so many bosses that having most of them blend together or outright forgetting about them is just a given. Very long game with a lot of padding.
Good Eveningish shondopolis.
nise she defeated the elden rings
vroom vroom
zatsu was great glad she had fun playing the game but also glad its over/10
10/10 we're finally free of onion ringed
Explode, she first try'd godrick
My princess baby angel little sister wife is goated
I could've placed higher had I been present for the whole stream
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>silly cats account got hacked and turned into a booby account

fucked up, says a lot about our society.
it probably just got sold
easy 5k+ for a 460k follower account
Makes sense why I didn't realise a change in follow count
>Please rate the stream.
0/10, i wont go quietly into the night while she tears this relationship apart
So it turns out the one who send her an email about the brb screen isn't ray but Kontail. He hasn't talk on discord or chat for awhile. (He was the one who made the spinning shondo BRB)
you are shouting into the void /here/ you fucking retard
bring it up in discord
im shouting into her business and personal emails actually
Sounds like a cope to me. Ray makes more sense because he has a history of acting out like that. Especially when he comes /here/ and sees all the people pointing out the Doko BRB wasn't used at all until yesterday.
could be possible if its his first offense she might not ban him

sorry ray if it wasnt you but your track record isnt helping. i hope if it was you she would have given you enough chances and just banned you this time.
could be either but i'm more inclined to assume it's ray
Was she following Ray before? I thought shondo was but that doesn't appear to be the case now.
this one still mogs them both
i dont know about main but he could message her elsewhere
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fuck you 4chan
its just the spinning tpose shondo
doesnt matter if she follows him, she has 100% DMed with him in the past lol
shess dmmed me as well!
its a soundpost you fucking retard
ur mums a soundpost u fuckin retard
be nise
No not me, I never dm'd her never. She could've just said who it was if it there's only 3 possible people that could've done it. I'd really appreciate not being involved in this.
thats what a guilty person would say
It is what it is I don't know how I can prove it. Really bad timing that I went lurk mode this week too so I guess some people would think that person is me.
don't take it personal it's just there was the very small chance it could've been you. we all know it was ray though just because he's done this kind of shit before
DMniggers just mad that each time one of them fuck up it sets back the reopening of DMs another 4 months
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she's my fute bagel
good evening Shondopolis arent we glad shes done with Elden ring? she moving on to other games now.
She's never reopening them anyways
Wrong. It speeds up the DMs 4.0 solution. Jealousyfags will be purged.
he won
during the handcam stream, gonna be straight up jorking it to her pale hands and black nails
they actually never closed c:
that's nice FR
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My wife's girlfriend is so cute
imagine how funny her private parts will feel when she meets the porcelain doll from bloodborne
imagine how funny her private parts will feel when she meets me
imagine how funny her private parts will feel when i'm going to tickle them with my tongue
imagine how funny her private parts would be if you put googly eyes on them
imagine how her private parts would be if they were gaped by bbc
i have a pretty good idea how her private parts will feel when i'm learning my abcs on the shlit by the way she grabs my head and her stifled moans and gasps if you know what i mean
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Black mens tongues are wider, more muscular and more experienced. You could never compete.
shondo i come here to escape reality, please stop

anyway, anon, explode right this instant keep your fetish to yourself my void tongue and BVC is all she wants
is retromancer dead
he won
why would he an hero himself
if he freed himself from the shackles of shondo then yeah, he would have won
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he actually hasnt been around for 3 days
this was his last message
I'd be upset too if I were menhera and my special interest internet wife snapped at me and mocked me infront of two thousand people for no reason over something that I didn't even say.
He's playing the silent treatment game like a woman. Serves him right.
then you're just as weak and mentally ill and not cut out for this as him if that's the case
>Just let your wife laugh at you with all of the rest of her polycule and take it
damn he dead
ok bye
See you later syadouWave
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he's doing the grackle strat, he wants shondo to not know if he's gone or not so she's anxious and guilty thinking about him and then he'll come back with some excuse so she feels relieved and is more clingy thus gives him attention in the future
or he's dead
>The autistic manchild that acts like an attentionwhore gets mocked by his wife for being an attentionwhore
that isnt what happened tho
this argument breaks down when you're not actually having sex with said woman
if you dont have an escort or two you see regularly you are not going to make it
you should be dead
years of mental abuse have made me impervious to brainworms
i will be the last shogga standing
shondo is my escort
you'll have to get through me, who has also been through years of mental abuse
So flying out and spending a ridiculous amount of money just to speak to her for 2 minutes and staying in a horror movie hotel with no luggage is just chocked up as “attention whoring” in her mind? If so she needs to check her ego. Nobody has to donate or interact with her in the discord or pay her any attention whatsoever.
you can be the last shogga standing, ill just be the winner instead and you can enjoy the chair
Weird post retro
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Maybe reflect if you can't figure out why your wife thinks you are an autistic manchild.
People are just mad because hes semi autistic and just says shit with no filter so he often gets into small spats with her or others in the community and he more readily just volunteers information and talks about his life compared to most shoggers and she actually responds to him. Her having a woman moment over a (justified) comment that she shouldn't be giving email schizos attention just gives them the opportunity to pile in on him.
that's cool anon but shondo was right so you just wasted your time
The difference is when he knee-jerk reacts to everything and soils the majority of attention she is willing to give him. You know who also behaved exactly like this? Fleece.
>Nobody has to donate or interact with her in the discord or pay her any attention whatsoever.
Once you get big enough as a celebrity this is forgotten and it never comes back. Power corrupts and all that. Her ego is here to stay.
Sorry Tuffnar but she was wrong
Tuffnar wouldn't be on her side about this.
Derek better, he spent his time arguing in her favour during the stream and afterwards.
she complained about "someone" abusing dms this very stream which is funny. you can't give retards like that attention at all besides ones stupid enough to make it obvious who they are so they can catch a perma. faggots spam her with their brainworms, or regurgitate shit from here, or you get retards sending her whole manifestos on a bunch of random bullshit. making an exception for the "funny ones" just turns it into a competition of which troll can spam her business email the most to get their own section of zatsu dedicated to their bullshit. even if some of it is admittedly funny to have her read out you need to think ahead with this shit and the fact it only causes more problems long term
21st email sent
have you tried telling her instead of spamming /shon/
maybe bring it up in the discord?
>say it in chat
>say it in the discord
>say it on twitter
ever heard of tact? whats the point in bringing up some shit from 2 days ago to her
how many are you going to send?
next time she rewards people doing that shit sure. i'm not dragging something that's days old up
she gets 20 emails a day anyway, even if she gets spammed more, it's her problem to deal with and you're retarded if you start doing something stupid like that because you think it will get your anonymous email meme attention
woman moment
i might get bored in a week or two
That is unironically what women prefer so that they have time to process their retarded emotions.
>you think it will get your anonymous email meme attention
Except she literally said on stream that she reads them and spent like half a zatsu reading someone who did it and even brought them up again today so why wouldn't people do it lmao.
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Shondo is not a woman she's a GIRL
Get it right
so true anon i should just happynod and let her make the problem worse for herself when she's vented about it god knows how many times :)
>you're retarded if you start doing something stupid like that because you think it will get your anonymous email meme attention
except apparently it does get you attention and more trolls will be tempted to do it knowing it gets rewarded
she also said that she would permaban you
but i guess we'll just ignore that?
She's a woman pretending to be a girl
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t. hag with an expired womb
literally the only thing to do with schizo emails, DMs and so on is to ignore them entirely at all times and endure forever in public. you can discuss things with people privately (family, friends, trusted confidants) but never in public. she wont ever stick to that though so it is what it is
oh also you should just instantly ban anyone who keeps doing it and makes it obvious who they are, but she wont ever do that either or half the community would be banned LMAO
because most people behave, there are plenty of ways to also harrass her, and who the fuck is going to put that much effort in for it.
>let her make the problem worse for herself
it's not that big of a problem she herself has shown this because she doesn't give a fuck about this concern, so if she's unbothered then the only other reason you have to complain is because you're upset they're getting attention from shondo and i don't think you are shogga but that's the case with a lot of other shoggers or they're having an actual woman moment and melting about something so small
how is she going to permanently ban someone for their anonymous emails you stupid faggot
you wouldnt say that to my face
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the kind of person who will send her emails because she makes fun of a schizo chatgpt post on stream is the kind of person who is already sending her emails
Until you have brainworms and you start thinking “hey remember the multitude of times she said she reads all her schizo emails? Maybe I’ll start sending her those. Maybe I’ll even get my own stream segment!”
>it's not that big of a problem she herself has shown this because she doesn't give a fuck about this concern
lol irl she also didnt give a fuck about concerns about her drug use that all turned out to be entirely true, and didnt give a fuck about concerns that she was sharing too much info with people until it turned out those concerns were all entirely correct, and she repeatedly said (having to tell the same people multiple times) to not DM her or email her, but hey she seems to think it's not a problem now so im sure it isnt one ;)
weird that youre so intent on trying to push some sort of jealousy rrat over this valid concern when youre busy writing schizo manifestos on twitter about how she was wrong to tell you to stop having retard arguments in the offline chat about her, almost as if youre trying to do some sort of course correction in your head so you dont get banned again (again(again))
Reminder to never waste your time engaging in discourse with Tuffnar.
calm down woman
comparing drug use and self doxx to getting junk emails makes everything you said pointless unless you can explain how it's going to be a serious problem
22nd email sent
i'm not pushing the jealousy rrat either, i'm explaining to you shondo's point because you're too unreasonable to understand it, i also gave the alternative to that, which is just people being irrationally upset, and it's not a rrat, people are jealous about it
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NTA but she's always going to get schizo emails regardless of what she does
Anons talking about it /here/ is probably much more damaging than her reading emails from a silly schizo on stream
>i'm not doing [X], ..... but also [X]
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shimbo, my beloved
Yes she is always going to get them. But when you reward their behavior it’s only going to get a million times worse. This is very stupid for someone who has had multiple mental breakdowns over this kind of thing to do.
But also thankful you didnt post the one with armpit hair
AI anon, I know you're here.
More shimbo please.
It is insane how much he actively tries to hurt the community and bolster himself up as much as possible. It makes me wonder if he realizes that he does this. The sooner he is banned the better.
Benefits of reading schizo emails, maros, twitter DMs, or form submissions on stream:
>Uhhhh... maybe it will be epic and funny for a few minutes
>Literally everything else that has been discussed to death
>uhh yeah th-there's a lot of downsides bro shut up t-trust me!!
>thankful you didnt post the one with armpit hair
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idk anon anyone (especially anyone /here/) who wants to reach her privately knows emails are always there. I don't think reading and making fun of one of them is "rewarding" them and telling them anything they don't already know
It was pretty funny and epic desu
stop acting like a woman and say it in discord
it in discord
good girl
>don't think reading and making fun of one of them is "rewarding" them
people write schizo emails for attention, not only did she give them that attention but she also decided to go above and beyond that and gave them the attention of 2200 other people after telling them and everyone else that she reads the schizo emails and even replies to them. its essentially the biggest reward that an emailschizo can get
she did the same stupid shit multiple times in the past with numerous retards and has never managed to learn
I’m fallenshadow
marry me in real life so you dont have to deal with a few thousand morons and schizos, but only one moronic schizo (me) also im in my 30s and relatively well off, overweight and balding and i will probably commit domestic violence on you and maybe even sexually assault you
DM me
If she didn’t constantly let people know that she reads them she’d get a whole lot less of them because people would only find it worth the effort if they knew she was reading them. She’s outright retarded for publicizing any of her emails. Because people now know they’re getting under her skin with no consequences. And she only makes that more and more fresh the more she reminds people of that fact.
this is what actual white knighting looks like
Hi, get your shit together and stop ruining your community. Thanks.
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>it's not that big of a problem she herself has shown this because she doesn't give a fuck about this concern
go back and read the convo that this is from where she was venting about it. or any of the countless times she's said people abusing her dms and emails upsets her. you're just regurgitating what she said the other day to try and brush it off when it's been a recurring problem for over a year now. that's not even counting the people that abused dms when they were open and upsetting her. if it makes me an attention whore for not wanting her to reward ACTUAL attention whores shitting up her business emails and dms then so be it
Actual troglodyte level take
>it's been a recurring problem for over a year now.
and you have no idea how well not talking about it works, or if it is affecting you, but shondo does, she's gone months and months without mentioning it once
you're not an attention whore if you're right and she is upset and it would help, but you can't assume that's the case at all especially when shondo is telling you you're wrong about it
im seeing paragraphs, is T and his attorney(?) here?
hire me as your email reviewer and I'll delete all non-business emails for you
He's trying to not signature post now because he realizes people hold him to the stupid shit that he says.
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Alright fine if your schizo email is funny enough you might get rewarded, there
>If she didn’t constantly let people know that she reads them she’d get a whole lot less of them
I agree with this to an extent but still.. it was always going to be obvious she's reading them... anyone with a brain could realize this
>She’s outright retarded for publicizing any of her emails.
How would businesses contact her? No matter how you look at it she needs a public email
Shondo has never been wrong and has never ignored/minimized/trivialized or weaponized problems and issues with her community, family or health in the past. She is infallible.
stop acting like a woman and say it in discord
he meant that she posted the emails she has received publicly, not that she has a publicly accessible business email you mongoloid
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"any of her emails" != "emails she has received"
Hope this helps
Nigger I didn’t say she’s retarded for publicizing her email address. Only her schizo emails she gets. She’s done this like 3 times at least and each time it was a retarded idea.
They tell you to say it in the Discord but they don't tell you that you're wrong.
Easy way to admit a concession without doing so.
>it was a retarded idea
yeah you're right, i'll bring it up to her, remind me how much more emails she got compared to before and for how long so i can hold her accountable
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I'm not him lil bro
hi Gary
its literally basic common sense that you shouldnt bother reading, replying to or talking about schizo emails
the fact that shoggers will literally spend their time arguing otherwise is baffling
oh i think that anon left the thread, could you do this instead please? i'm really mad at her for her sake
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I'm just saying it's not a big deal is all
If you need to email her at least make it funny
>and you have no idea how well not talking about it works
if she keeps announcing on stream or discord every other week "GUYS IM READING ALL THESE SCHIZO EMAILS" or trying to reassure niggers shitting her dm's up constantly she might as well have a giant flashing message on screen saying "TROLL MY EMAILS I'LL RESPOND." it's just a giant advertisement for these people.
>she's gone months and months without mentioning it once
wrong. watch streams. she's done it twice in the past week alone.
>but you can't assume that's the case at all especially when shondo is telling you you're wrong about it
she has mentioned getting upset and/or frustrated by it multiple times though so i don't get where you're going if you want to use her words here?
shondo thank you for talking about rape more. i will be writing some good material tonight with my AI in honor of you
oh wait i should probably email her some schizo nonsense then!
>>84738137 not me
Sorry Gary you're not funny
She's probably read more schizo emails than @'s on twitter. She's certainly given them more attention.
thats your opinion thats fine.
>rewarding people privately harassing her isn't a big deal
??? very strange take t bh
>it's just a giant advertisement for these people.
i don't see the part in that wall where you say how you know how much worse it makes it, if at all
>wrong. watch streams. she's done it twice in the past week alone.
how new? her doing it in the past week isn't relevant either so idk what your point is
>she has mentioned getting upset and/or frustrated by it multiple times though
and last she said she told you people off for concerning about it
When she rewards people like you it isn't all that strange tb h
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It's all so tiresome. Last reply you're getting from me.
so you have zero common sense; somehow by pointing out what you said is wrong with evidence as recent as this week isn't relevant; and nobody should just say anything and happynod along with everything she says. amazing argument anon you really got me. with an argument that dogshit i'm just going to assume you're one of the people shitting her emails up.
i'm not tuff :)
yes, giving trolls attention is a reward to them. welcome to the internet
i promise you i'm not one those people
and what i'm saying is that she's gone months without talking about it before, so she has an idea of how well it works and she can judge what she wants to do herself
husbands in ruins as usual while gyaru pippa relaxes and entertains with her feet up
i require a cute and funny shondo
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gosh golly gee if i wouldnt love to see that mascara run while im gagging her with my cock
free use shondo is best shondl
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this might be your best post yet d
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shondo i can't jork my peanuts to you I implore you to be more peanuts friendly. My humble suggestion is more neckties and bare feet with curled toes
Where did you get this version of that pic?
hot if true
* is cute but also breedable
not me
but i agree with anon
the shimbo would make for a wonderful shonahole
love you have a good eep
if it actually bothered her that much, maybe she should just make a dm email
but she doesn't want solutions, she wants to be angry
what is this body type called?
body type b
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it's ruri, but idk
built different
shes a child…
thank you :^)
i already suggested the idea of a second email that she could give to established contacts but she made a good point about how she'd have to check her public one still anyway for new stuff. you can't really give her shit for it happening because it's an inevitable problem. but as already said, announcing that people can do it and get a response doesn't help either.
yummy pippa feet
average male
i hate how most feet specialists only draw the greek foot but they're still pretty nice. I hate those artists that love the thick foot skin wrinkles
>established contacts
no i just mean a honeypot for schizos so her “business” email isnt flooded
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i'd love to break both her arms and spend a day raping her throat
yeah same desu
They just make new emails regularly
a minor is better desu. i play with that scale almost daily
shigger... the kinds of people doing this are the ones that would just send it everywhere they can regardless. nevermind the fact the "honeypot" wouldn't work because there would be cases of people getting it confused for her business email and she'd have to check it anyway just in case. the core issue can't be dealt with it can only be minimised
>>84745984 (me)
little fun fact: the scale/chord progressions of Resurrections (Celeste Old Site track) is in A Harmonic minor.
i like A Minor
the dumbest fucking take of the situation
only a few shoggas could say something so retarded
your genius solution is to make another public email so people can spam both and i'm the retarded one? stick to eating crayons you mongoloid
say it in discord or fuck off
it in discord
she doesn't need a solution she just needs to stop being a baby. got a weird email? take an advil.
ty c:
a fellow roman foot connoisseur, I'm glad shadow's artist is a fan of roman feet as well
I like how she confirmed that t and gary were both banned with her consent. That’s just funny to me I think.
i want to chibi shondo
whered she confirm that
watch. streams.
bruh no. someone spoonfeed me it please im not gonna sit through 3 hours of her yapping today.
as a treat? i uncommonly ask.
someones nise enough to answer or its just someone trying to spread brainworms.
adios for 2 hours
it wasnt today
Im glad too u got good taste ur self
i’ll rescind the gary part cause i guess she didnt confirm that explicitly but she definitely gave the go-ahead for tuff to get banned
ER pt 2 56ish min in
thats what i thought
she knows who i am obviously. you can say im infamous in her eyes but at least im famous to her ^_^
gary you're not fooling me you were crying about not being able to show her what a cool guy you are not too long ago
like a month ago. but now its obvious she knows. shes still not gonna know how cool i am cuz she muted me on the twitters (confirmed btw according to the first homework stream)
imagine being proud about the fact you're enough of a retard to get completely blocked by her
okay adios for 2 hours
not completely ^_^
gonna be real, didnt know this “gary” was a real person and not a made up /here/ meme
oh yeah, you're an emailnigger to boot as well. well done

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