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7th Anniversary Merch (ends 2024/10/07 18:00 (JST)):

Latest Voice Pack "I Scream, You Scream": https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/hololive_asmr_iscream_youscream
Latest Single "Okaerinasai" out 2024.09.11: https://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/tokinosora/37742/
Latest Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRaEr1LcbSo
Music: https://www.youtube.com/@TokinoSora/releases
Holodex Radio: https://music.holodex.net/radio/:artist[ch=UCp6993wxpyDPHUpavwDFqgg]/
Watanuki-san song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHzfRyYEfHo
Yume o Kakeru Group Cover: https://archive.ragtag.moe/watch?v=gyJQ9u_UKbo

Merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/tokinosora
Fan game: https://likeslug.github.io/zarikkuma/
Fanclub: https://tokinosora-fc.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tokino_sora/
Manga: https://twitter.com/hashtag/SoraRecord?src=hashtag_click&f=live
Further information:

Previous Thread: >>84698032
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Is the board fast or did it just slip by? I was editing some mspaint stuff and suddenly the thread was gone,
_(:3 」∠)_
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Why it's always you?
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What's the next step in his master plan?
I don't know but I do know he's using Sora's merch money to fund his plan. Anyone else find it kind of expensive this round? I want a spare plushie but it's hard to justify.
I don't buy spares but the doll this time is more expensive that similar ones.
Maybe it's because of the dress and accesories, I don't know
If it's more expensive then perhaps it's more intricate and the dress can be removed
Limited sets were still available on geekjack last time I looked.
I nearly masturbated to her thighs again
We'll find out with his next upload
That concert was definitely the gold standard to what gen concerts should be like
I'm all merched out. All sora-plushied out.
To be fair, I don't see any of the other Gens topping it
I agree, not just gen concerts but all pre-recorded lives.
But they can at least follow the format. To be honest the 3rd gen live is actually pretty good
How many have their been? I can only recall 0, 1, and 3. All good to me
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So what's this? I don't remember it being announced last night
She tweeted about it's early release last night
Absolutely fantastic, it's the gold standard for 3D lives. Firmly cemented gen 0 as the best gen.
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The new pfp is cute!
As long as you remember it being sung last night. It's the second song on the Okaerinasai single
Should Gen 0 have a cool unit name?
Yes, SoRoMiSuiAZ
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I'm tempted to get one but as a casual fan I don't want to take it away from an actual soratomo
Today's Konsome, retrospective and FC streams today!
>Welcome to the 8th year ( `・ㅂ・)و
Nice. Also, the retrospective stream is planned for 3PM JST so we get an afternoon stream on our Sora Sunday.
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Dawn of the 8th year.
Ladies, gentlemen, nunnun. Shall we get stacking?
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I vote yes
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what happened to the last thread...
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i forgor
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Robo love!
I took a nap and the other anon was in the ms paint zone
She's boring. Granted, Sora is boring too but at least she can sing.
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AZKi love!
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At Animate Akiba
my wife
Lmao you wish
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Miko love!
sex with Ankimo
Quite literally the prettiest girl ever invented
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Um... I dunno...
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Comet love!
Straight back into work after the 7th anniversary? That's on brand for Sora but she deserves a day off
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Sora LOVE!
Frame up! Stream in 25 minutes
Most soratomo would've bought that instantly. What remains is those other casuals thinking "oh well why not? I'd like a Sora sig". If it's there, buy it. If they wanted it, they'd have bought it already or they'll make do with the goldfoil pressed sig.
Soratomo knew, for a whole year, when Sora's anniversary is and could save up.
>[EN] Sora: I will show you the tights I forgot to show you yesterday in the Fan Club Only Stream! I loved the raw legs so much that I just kept on streaming!
I'm gonna turn red!
Ore no Sora...
>feel bad because she is the only doing solo
I wish I can remove this part of Sora, give me the anniversary concert, I also wanna know if there is specific choreo for Okaerinasai, I can't see shit with mocopi
>[EN] Sora: We all came up with the setlist. The reason Sui-chan sang Step and GO? She said she wanted to sing the lowest of my songs. So I just said, Pick the one you like. I didn't suggest it.
I think that was pretty obvious. I'm glad Sora got to have someone sing one of her songs though.
There are lower songs but it's not really feels iconic, the iconic ones are like Yumezora Fanfare, Beyond, Star star start, if she picked Step and Go because it's the lowest yet still lowering the key then she should've pick Beyond which would work well in lower or Yumezora Fanfare also fine I think
>[EN] Sora: I know there have been many Soratomo from abroad before. But in the early days they spoke very good Japanese and still write their chats in Japanese.
>[EN] Sora: But lately more and more people write in their language! I can tell that more and more people are really looking at me from abroad! Especially English and Korean.
>[EN] Sora: I am very happy to know that you and others from abroad are supporting me. Thank you.
Perhaps leaving comments in your best Japanese would be most polite but I think Sora takes a certain amount of pride in having fans that are very clearly (by the language of their comments) from all over the world.
Some people think she meant to make a heart sign with her hands but the tracking is not good enough, actually it's supposed to be 8 immortal symbol
She really does put a lot of thought into her choreography, even if the tech lets her down a bit
sorao flashing gangsigns to signify her intent to kill
The tech is good enough, people thought it's not good enough because they thought she is making a heart sign
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Looks like Sora gets a version of the resolution meme
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Oh yeah? What's it to you?
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Fan Club offline meetup on October 20th. Entry is free but you must be a FC member. Go meet Sora, FCtomos!
You're a fat nun!
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>This is fine

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