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kill yourself omega
OP this could be so many people you're going to need to be more specific. Is it Dmitri Jap? Seth Weinstein? Omega? Jason AkioAir? Riku?
inb4 it's A-chan.
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Adolf Hitler?
>>84713436 (me)
nvm. OP probably should've led with that image.
the bad guy from Terminator 2?
So the ex-holo manager VShojo hired wasn't Omega.
not even vshojo wanted him....
People knew that already though. Only retards late to the party like you must have missed the message
what i'd give to see what kiara has said about omega in private
holy kek
Somehow Omega returned
No one involved here speaks english fluently?
is omega not going by "they" anymore? is he cured of his faggotness?
That's just how Japanese mtl works. Oftentimes even when it's clearly talking about a woman it still defaults to male pronouns.
now it's V-chan
Jesus, she fucking hated him.
Am I supposed to know who this is?>>84714167
Looks like a JP corpo so probably not.
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it's omegover wwwwwwww~
The only thing more humiliating than crashing, burning, and being unceremoniously booted, is having it all happen twice. I look forward to his coming ridicule.
I understood that reference.
The gender weirdness with Omega was because he was trying to insert himself into Hololive as a male A-Chan back when it was only females
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kek good luck
Inb4 he tries to force himself into being a Yagoo-like meme figure by way of inserting himself into streams, missing the point that Yagoo's meme status is partly because he's hardly ever seen. If it IS Omega, I can't help but feel his Main Character Syndrome will drive him in this direction.
The genderless aspect to the character was likely an attempt to soften the "male on stream" panic rather than anything to do with an identity crisis.
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Jeffrey Epstein
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Only Yagoo can get that right, even Nijisanji tried your approach and failed.
most of these vtuber 'managers' are so fucking incompetent if i was hiring a manager for a vtuber and saw any reference to previous experience in the vtuber industry i would throw their resume right in the fucking trash.
It's actually and unironically Omegatroon
You get what you pay for. The pay, especially entry level is shit.
Oh fuck you, I already have my dick out.
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People like YAGOO because he's an approachable, humble, down-to-earth guy who's not afraid to get out there and interact with the community. Qualities that Riku and now neo-Omega severely lack.
and that's why yagoo is best girl
What the fuck happened for Kiara to show so much open disdain for him?
>homos shoehorned into everything instead of EN3
>delay of 3D stuff
>no concert stuff
>internal misconduct
>ruined Council
>delay of personal projects
>Homo focused shilling
>made every member depressed in 2022
>poisoned the wells
>unleashed the plague
i wonder if Kiara had something to do with Omega having to leave
are all these assumptions or theres other POVs besides Kiara technically going "fuck that guy"
based chicken, she was always our girl.
Kiara, Gura, Jap, Kronii, Irys (especially Irys, what do you think Gravity is about?), Mori
enjoy your restrictions i guess.
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Nah Riku finally became a meme figure this year
Her and Gura, yes.
If you go to eu conventions, you can ask her in person.
When chat asked Gura about Omega her response was "Omega deez nuts."
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I don't think it's Omega
Omegasisters... it's over...
Yagoo also doesn't give a shit when the management of his company sexually harasses and stalks them.
For all the wrong reasons.

People make Yagoo memes out of love for the guy, whereas Riku memes exist for the sole purpose of people dunking on his 2% ass.
far from it, but even a broken clock is right twice a day
Mel Nekomata?
the idiot was so annoying the japs wanted to overwrite everything he worked on
Anon, I...
he fired him, retard. And it only happened once.
Christ Kiara didn't even have 1% of a reason to hate him as much as IRyS, he really ruined an entire branch for over a year
I was guessing this too.
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So true, sister.
>the timing
>the pompousness
>that design

Thats him alright. Hopefully he has learned from his mistakes.
why is this fag so insistent in having a "female" looking avatar to represent himself?
No fucking way....he wouldnt... he HAS to have learned some things right? He isnt going to repeat past mistakes, r-right?
>Gura & the runt of the gen
So only Gura.
its noor
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>you serve ZERO purpose
>you should kill yourself NOW
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>he wasn't around during Mel shitshow (first one)
he joined a new v-tuber company at the start so he's harder to kick out so I guess he did
no one ever spoke fondly of him and the girls started talking about how things improved coincidentally after the end of 2022 when he was replaced
The girls have still shit talked management afterwards though so I doubt things improved too much. Hell considering jp girls have been shitting on management now if anything cover's management has gotten worse recently, not like that has anything to do with omega.
Ame shot the same joke on Twitter so I have reason to believe no one (Or at least none of the girls) respected Omega and Kiara is just unapologetically vocal about it.
Hopefully, he learns to have a sense of humor with his creations this time. It must be a genuine one, not the disingenuous 'I was just pretending to be retarded' -- people will sniff that out.
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If I ever catch this motherfucker in the street, one of us is leaving in a bodybag
I mean Omega would've went with they/them
Not if I get him first
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Wasnt he responsible for all the Fate artists being mamas? Satou kaori onegai
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and hiroyama hiroshi please
>he really got fired
>still a tranny
>veil project by funclass inc
thanks for letting me know what to ignore and add to filters, OP. you're a real one
They have on record said things improved. Doesn't mean it's perfect but it's still far better.
I wonder how furious he was that his video would put out most of the PR tire fire, only to have Elira and her clique dump napalm on it with the black screen video a few hours before it gets released.
Some Japanese guy just tried that and he got in big big trouble
None of them were punished for the black stream, so that was probably what Anycolor wanted in the first place. The apology video was mainly intended for shareholders, so blaming everything on Doki could've always been part of the plan.
>disciplinary experience
Oh wow this confirms all the rrats that management was actively screwing over all the girls that weren't jumping on tempus' dicks.

All I can say is I hope he's seething at how the chuuni lore and larping has worked on its return to en without his vile innfluence.
sorry but how is this omega? I've seen companies pick up people from "major vtuber agencies" where the highest said agency ever got was 5k viewers
Poor Riku. Honorary Japanese Businessman deceived and scammed by huwhitu piggu.
>experience in entertainment, vtubers, anime, games
>spearheaded launch of EN in major vtuber agency
yep it's Omega, or should I say, loserbait
ESL moment
"disciplinary" as in "discipline" as in trade or field of knowledge
While JP does shit on management, they balance it out by also sometimes thanking them or speaking fondly of them. EN never does
Aside from Mel staying for literally years after that incident, Cover immediately apologize and admitted that it's all true the next day Narukami leaked the incident, usually you would have corporates trying to double down on this shit and the victim would leave a few months the longest
If he pushes for males to be included its over, the company is finished
look at the second line under producer career. Omega bragged about being THE person to push for HoloEN to his JP overlords and that HoloEN's success was due to HIM. If he's not talking about Hololive then what else? Nijisanji? lol
Not just Kiara, Gura has shit on every HoloEn management and said Jenma deserves the whole pay check
Had her golden reputation with JP management stained briefly when they blamed her of Zenlossing Suisei in Minecraft after she fell into the EN hole (which Omega fucking dug)
more like
>he almost spearheaded the end of an English-speaking business
if its really that fag
>Escape from China arc
>終わり arc
>Menhera arc
>W arc
>Kurosanji part 1
>Kurosanji part 2
>The YAB(man) arc
>Most likely next one is "Kurosanji part 3"
>Unnamed WIP scandal (TBD) involving some indies
This feels like a trainwrec, now we have "old villains or antagonists" returning next season after the "writing on the wall" one.
Quality is going down the drain again.
My personal rrat is that 4blood was supposed to be her original song but Omega screwed it up somehow (payment? Kira, the songwriter, said something about that at some point) so she had to make it a cover later instead.
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If Omega tells a tale and no one bothers to listen to it, does it still take up company resources?
to be fair, it was the holo rejects in NijiEN that tried to make Riku worship a thing and not something something Anycolor or the JP branch tried to push.
yes because his.. sorry, the branches lore manga is very important
I’m pretty sure Kson would blackball him if he tried getting into Vshojo.

I know that Omega gave the girls a hard time (for years?) and that Kiara has a specific animosity toward him. But what did he do specifically to Irys?
That is like a natural career progression doofus
probably that weird ass model western 2D she had
credited as the producer of the now deceased project hope
in project hope irys had a managament different from the rest of EN, she was handled like shit, forced to work with a sore throat, MVs taking an eternity, getting ghosted, etc.
not sure if you have heard of INNK but it was pretty much this, thankfully both are dead now
holy shit this is literally him, isn't it. No fucking joke that's 100% him
Don’t forget repeatedly leaking her songs early on streaming sevrices, often before she even got to announce them, because the idiot didn’t understand how Spotify worked.
I hope she dishes about those early 2 years some day because Jesus I want to know what this fucking retard did behind the scenes.
I mean we know he's horribly incompetent just because of public stuff, but I can't imagine how autistic he was in private
How are you faggots this mindbroken by a fucking staff member?
He was really really really really bad at his job and people care about the thing he damaged (HoloEN). That simple.
The dude was historically, amazingly bad at his job. He almost killed a free money cash cow like HoloEN for no fucking reason. He almost destroyed IRyS' throat. He demoralized literally every single EN holo.
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this dude really thought he was gonna be en's a-chan. but he had none of the likeability. it's no wonder they kept his public presence to the absolute minimum.
a-chan was portrayed a just a normal hololive staff member, because that's exactly what she was. meanwhile, omega portrayed himself as a GOD. just another reason on the long list of reasons why everyone hated him.
Lets see how this fag performs without Coco as his talent scout
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somehow Omega returned
>Spearheaded English branch
Inb4 it's actually C̶o̶c̶o̶ Kson
Honestly even if it didn't get truly terminal Irys's throat never really recovered. She used to do so many karaokes, but she just can't handle that anymore. Every so often she still bemoans that her vocal endurance has never been the same afterwards.
This MoFo could have caused a total branch death had COVER (or the talents if you believe the Kiara and Gura rrat) not stepped in and actually thrown him out of the company for being comical, almost /wg/ parody fic, levels of incompetent.
Like, I wouldn't be surprised if a few "graduation scares" were because of THIS.
Gods bless this dummy chicken, I'm so glad she's got no filter.
Who even takes the time to find these?
I could be replying to a shill post for all I know
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>You are a worthless, bitch ass manager. Your life literally is as valuable as a summer anti. I'm just gonna stomp you and you're gonna keep coming back, imma seal up all my cracks, you're gonna keep coming back. Why? Cause you smellin the supachats. You worthless bitch ass manager.
>You gonna stay on my feathers until you die. You serve no purpose in life. Your purpose in life is to be watching my stream crying about your job daily. Your purpose in life is to be in the discord being ignored daily.
>Your life is nothing, you serve zero purpose.
>You should be fired, NOW.
>And give somebody else a piece of that job, and character design, that Cover made up so that we can breathe inside this blue triangle company.
>Cause what are you here for? To file complaints about me? Kill yourself. I mean that, with a 100%, with a 1000%. I've never seen a manager so worthless in my life. I'm deadass. I've not seen such a more worthless manager, in my life.
>If xe has kids? Oh my god, Imagine if a manager like that has kids. Like imagine. Imagine if somebody like that actually has kids. I would feel so sorry for xer children cause the manager literally serves no fucking purpose.
>Imagine a father, now we got lots of schizos with, wives and kids and shit that suck my cloaca daily on the internet. But imagine if this manager actually had children. This manager is devoting the time xe could be spending with xer kids, messaging an Austrian woman on discord, getting ignored by her relentlessly. It's crazy.
>forced to work with a sore throat
Anon is criminally underselling the whole picture. Her recording schedule was so brutal she actually injured her vocal chords during her Journey Ep and had to take a hiatus altogether or risk doing permanent damage. In those days she called it "recording hell" where they'd have her record for like 8hrs straight for like 2 weeks just for them to release the songs at midnight jst sometimes without even telling her and giving only an hour warning where she had to do a Twitter space to try and drum up hype. She had something like 20 songs one year. Shit was a dark time and I don't care how much of that was Omega's fault in truth, I blame him for everything
literally who, threadshitter?
wow after she lawyered up, what a hero

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