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Sleep tight, Mouse
subathons are probably the worst invention ever made
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yea they really make hololive look bad
Sleep tight, Mouse
kek lazy IMkekrounmousekek only streams 17 kek hours per day kek
RIP it finally got her
This is a strange looking vtuber
I thought this was an older stream, but no, it's live. Does she only play clips with her and Connor? Does she not have content of her own?
Did she really do it again?
holy shit, his fans are the most pathetic thing ever.
lmao cuck,stop being a moron.
She shows VODs while she sleeps which are her content to begin with. She prefers to show the IRL streams as they're her most popular content / VODs.
It's true, but the Vedal one was fun.
You took so long to make the thread she is awake now
She's so washed. Can only leech from fleshies
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This is just react content in real time, is this really the shit Twitchfags like?
if your two favourite holos rented out a museum or aquarium or something and toured around the building livestreaming to an audience would you call that react
The best part is that OP isn't cherrypicking a stream where she fell asleep, these are ALL different streams
Every single one
Anon, I hate to break it to you but it's normal for humans to sleep once a day, so yes all of these screencaps of her sleeping are different streams. Because she sleeps once per day.
I think it's more that they're the ones she likes and looks forward to the most
Yeah, they do that when they tour the holofes convention. But it's far from the most popular content that they make. If anything, it's like a bonus thing, not the main content. The main content would be the concert.
>attacking the dying make a wish kid
Didn't think 4chan could go so low
no I mean I'm asking if you'd call that kind of thing react content
Yes, I would call it that.
She's currently asleep while 2 other people are commenting on Someone else's videos on her own stream. I don't even have a joke or insult or anything, this is just sad
okay so for you, anything that isn't playing a game, singing, or chatting with zero other visuals, that's all considered react content? like you'd consider pekora's watermelon stream react?
She's not asleep, she woke up and is doing morning bathroom routine. She also probably has a bunch of messages to deal with because right before she went to bed she had a doxxing attempt by someone striking her VOD channel. Needs to talk to YT and potentially lawyers at some point today.
If the streamer is watching a video feed and they are reacting to it, yes, it's react content.
Pekora doing a watermelon challenge is not a reaction cotent, she's actively doing something, not watching a video of a watermelon breaking. Hope that helps.
good to know people are still fighting the good fight
Anons this bait thread it created by the same person every time and they will spend hours bumping it if no one replies. stop enabling this sad loser.
you're only watching it to see pekora's reaction to the watermelon exploding
bizarre arbitrary standard, I'd get it if it was a recorded feed that you can't affect but I don't see why it's react when it's a live feed and the vtuber is controlling the camera via talking live to the person holding it
>prerendered cutscene in game starts
>anon pisses his pants because he's been tricked into watching react content
you people are so delusional it is funny
no kidding, if "watching a video feed" is considered react then every video game is react
shojofags have gotten more seethy lately
I don't think you can really say that when you make this seethe thread every single day
Getting pedantic, are we?
I'm not saying I don't watch any react content, but if that's your main content (and the most popular one at that) then there's nothing there for me, personally.
why are you people like this? is it about vshojo losing relevance? is it only about numbers with you? why can't you enjoy your own anime girls without seething at hololive
the irony of this post
Ignoring all the time she spent playing the new warhammer game and alien isolation is 100% cherrypicking.
oof lack of self awareness much.
Maybe they wouldn't make it if you stopped replying.
you're the pedantic one here though, you came up with an illogical definition that inadvertently means any content where a vtuber is looking at a screen is react which goes against the normal consideration of what react content is
it's not them though, vshojofags only exist in their own threads and don't coordinate to seethe at every thread criticizing their sleep react streamers
nta but the person who makes these bumps them for hours on end until someone bites.
It really doesn't matter he'll just reply to himself if no one else does
You literally keep bumping your own thread everytime it reaches page 9/10.
so she makes over 100k each month after twitch cut
where'd you get that number
she makes about 30k/mo from subs as she normally outside of subathon sits around 10k subs with a 70/30 twitch cut
Why do you care if I consider it react content, just enjoy it.
It's just not for me.
I'm confused because by definition you're saying that games are react content but then say
>is this really the shit Twitchfags like
as if youtube vtubers don't also play games
>you're saying that games are react content
I didn't say that.
imagine sleeping once a day... Crazy concept
Remember when Twitch banned sleep streams?
So this is the slop content twitchingfags boasting about.
These two should just get married already
As usual she's already back by the time OP started samefagging.
People talk about react content like it's totally positive with 0 draw backs but YouTubers themselves have asked twitch to put a ban on it because it doesn't make them any more and actually loses them money because shit like
>Ironmouse reacts to
Gets uploaded on YouTube and draws even further views away from their content. While she's sleeping she's also not even providing "commentary" to the stream. Even if it's one of the streams she's featured in with Connor. The only reason people tune in is because of the shipping element. It's like watching a TV show where they have that "will-they-wont-they" element for the entirety of the run time. People are drawn to the idea of the two getting together.

It's lazy content that should be criticized
>YouTubers themselves have asked twitch to put a ban on it
such as?
sasuga ironmouzzzzzzz
>YouTubers themselves have asked twitch to put a ban on it because it doesn't make them any more and actually loses them money
>3 morons you probably can't even name vs hundreds of others who actively encourage their stuff getting shown on stream
https://youtu.be/Irk8h0ax5aY made a whole ass playlist about how it is bad and why it should be banned because it literally takes money away from content creators and people like Xqc and Asmongold "react" by walking away from their PC
Mouse isn't much different as she sleeps

There was also a major pushback against reaction content on youtube which is why YouTube put rules and regulations on doing live reaction content on their site. There are pretty much 0 YouTubers who actually want people to react to their content because again, it takes away views from them.
mouse watches her own vods retard
>There are pretty much 0 YouTubers who actually want people to react to their content
here's a bigger youtuber than the one you linked who loves it and gives shoutouts to reactors
given that you lied about that i don't trust anything else that you said.
30k for sleeping. best job ever.
This is two years old, and nothing has happened.
>There was also a major pushback against reaction content on youtube which is why YouTube put rules and regulations on doing live reaction content on their site.
Literally the person Youtube pay his bills to stream there reacts to content on stream. Even the other most popular streamer in there (Charlie) reacts there. Youtube isn't doing shit lmao Youtubers that get angry abuse the copyright system.
Mousecucks eating good as always.
>Pretty much 0
this isn't the own you seem to think it is. There were literally a shit load of YouTubers complaining about people taking their videos in their entirety and adding 0 shit to it back in 2019ish. They literally changed how content id flagging works on YouTube because of it
Doesn't mean it isn't lazy. It's the same exact shit as Xqc eating dinner in a room away while the vod plays in the background. Lazy content. Only watched by sisters who want to see their otp get together
YouTube has done shit. Those two are the exception to the rule. Ludwig literally got struck live on stream for reaction content and they had to specifically give an exception to his channel
>streams for 16+ hours a day
>puts her own vods on in the background when she sleeps
you are just retarded and incapable of admitting it
so you're saying it's legal and fine to the point that youtube made ludwig immune to content ID and that only whiney bitches are complaining about it in the same way that atlus execs complain about video game streaming. nice argument.
Dude, Youtube doesn't care. If they also allow reuploads of Twitch streamers reacting to stuff, they don't care. There's another channel that isn't as big PyroLive who also does the same, and it doesn't matter to him if he reacts.
Yeah it is lazy
Honestly speaking it skirts the area of grey legality and if it ever went to court it could permanently damage the careers of multiple people because almost no judge would rule
>Oh yeah its fair use to take content in the entirety and add 0 unique elements to it
YouTube does care which is why twitch chuubas only react on twitch
Youtube caring is why they're living in the past and Twitch is eating their lunch. Move on lil bro
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>twitch chuubas only react on twitch
you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, this shit is everywhere
react content has gone to court many times
And the accusers lost btw
in addition to this, the main guy targeted for the anti-react farming, asmongold, is still uploading the same stuff to his youtube daily
Call it scummy if you want that's fine because it definitely can be, but you are retarded and fighting a battle you can't win on something that isn't even relevant to mouse watching her own vods on stream when she sleeps (for usually a few hours at most)
So this is just going to be the board all month, IMschizo crying his eyes out while samefagging every 2 hours
Ironmouse is better than hololive and all the hololive members know that
Twitch is the king of beggars
Better at what, being disabled?
Good night, connor
At being an entertaining vtuber
So is she dying, or not?
Sadly no, your mom already beat her to that.
They are the effect of valuing hours rather than views. is the nature of the platfrom unfortunately.
RIP, Mouse, it was only a matter of time before the bald Welsh (Jew of Britain) accidentally coughed and ended you.
>AI slop watcher.
Opinion discarded.
Spineless turk gobbler.
>n-no you
Do you people have any different material?
secretly works for the gambling industry in order to get young male gamers addicted to gambling but you didnt hear it from me
>At being an entertaining vtuber
her biggest event of the year is sleeping on stream, thats sad
> slop
go back to r*ddit

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