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ϟ Lia Liker's Secret Clubhouse ϟ


Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/RinkouAshelia
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rinkouashelia
Schedule: https://x.com/rinkouashelia/status/1830434990796251147

ϟ Upcoming Streams ϟ
>Lia will be doing Phase Camp morning call ins on Sunday at 11:30am PST/2:30pm EST!

ϟ Current Events ϟ
>Lia had a wonderful 3D concert with Mint, Pippa, Uruka and Tenma! Buy the replay on SPWN if you want!
>Please listen to Lia and Hime duet of Drop Pop Candy!
>We got out shit pushed in by /warkop/ 5-1. Do not worry tho, it is only 1 game and we play again next week vs. /brg/!

ϟ Lia For Sale ϟ
>Marketable Lia Plushie!!
>Lia shirts WTF
>Charms, Pins & Prints!

ϟ Other useful links ϟ
>New to Lia and are looking for VOD suggestions?
>Cytube channel:
cytuDOTbe/r/VODclubhouse (replace DOT with .)
>Divegrass team:

Remember to only love Lia, and never watch other girls. Only Lia will ever love you. ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ

Previous Thread: >>84658170
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can a drawfag make this but lia
I believe in these managers, but they gotta get back in the lab and get ready for next week
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This fluid business seems like an oopsie.
Do other teams use fluid or were we trying to be the smartest people in the room and got pounded because of it?
desu the fluid was only used for the funny lightning bolts
Life in the big city.
Moving onto next week.
what funny lightning bolts?
the kick off formation is in the shape of Lias lightning bolts
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so we got raped for a funny haha most people didnt even notice? or am i misunderstanding?
basically, yeah
ok how you know
I got fluid fuckery explained to me
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If you're interested, we're starting our game with /brg/. Come cheer for us!
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This game only counts for 1. Plenty of memeball left to play. All you gotta be is one of the 3 best teams in the group to make the tournament stage, and we can easily do that.
Just win.
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fuck it we go again and will be ready to ball next week
Does this count as the fire going out?
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Not only is the fire not out, but I am fired up more than I was at the start of the day and want to see us comeback next week ready to fucking go
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Spite is the greatest kindling.
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I just got home, did we win
We always shit our pants in the opening game. We've done it in all 3 leagues. It just is what it is. I expect the response to be swift. The manager has shown an ability to respond in the following games, it is just the opening game holes have gotten too deep. There are 2 games left to play you don't crown a winner after 1 game.
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I am profoundly mentally ill.
we got taken to Spain.
Would you look at me now?
Can you tell I'm a man?
With these scars on my wrists
To prove I'll try again
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if you only count goals scored after the 70th minute, we drew 1-1
what was the score?
it was as bad as the scoreline says it was. live and learn
this. it is only 1 game.
if i had a dollar for every time i have watched 4cc and some team looks like shit in game 1, but draws in game 2 and wins game 3 to advance, i would have enough money to buy a bag of Phase Coffee.
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>comeback history
>juicier victory
We bring it BACK
nijien architecture collabs
i need a soundpost of beebs reading the boysmell copypasta
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>setting lias yippee
>makinist don’t penis
I swear I was promised hot Makinist benis
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Nigga noided.
Michibro's little toes that don't get posted much.
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Lia the Hedgehog
i like Lia
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After all, Lia is a teen idol sensation
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you guys are noided, right?
no, death grips sucks
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what the fuck no no no let me suck your cock
I've seen footage.
What that
Penis doko
this makinist zesty
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we lost as well
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that sucks, we should kiss to make each other feel better
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Gays out!
/mint/ threatened me all day that a loss means i have to put on that maid dress...
this is a common way of dealing with wisps who misbehave.
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I can kiss it to make it feel better
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>wisp being overwhelmed with 2 Likers kissing his cheeks from both sides
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theyre working the corner
hime is disgortsting
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>implying Wisps could be overwhelmed by excessive homosexuality
You don't seem to know us well yet.
homestuck manager status?
I miss Lia
shhh the baby is eeping
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i hate browns
even Rinmama?
at least /rrat/ did worse than us
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probably calmed down and is gonna give it her best shot next week!
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you fucker
I must have missed a throbbing Makinst benis
i am too high for benis throbbings. i'll try it tomorrow when i wake up. trust.
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ight. 7pm EET.
why do so many Japanese women have brown coochies? do you think Lia has a brown coochie?
yes and a brown butthole too
damn, that's hot
damn, that's gross
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why is Lia's butt so flat?
looks p yummy to me
it looks gross, she needs to be fattened up
the stairmaster was fucking worthless
what time does /pcg/ play tomorrow? or do they play next week?
Why is Michi's butt so flat?
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would like to see color swaps. again, i think pink is shifting to an accent color
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he's a maniac
Funky lil fella!
they are up first. so either noon or 1pm est
where is the collab tomorrow?
should be on the official channel
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>when Lia says her new outfit isn't jellyfish related


1. vtwbg vs. pcg <--- starts 10 PDT, 13 EDT
2. who vs. mogu
3. uuu vs. pcgia
4. pyon vs. nepolabo
5. awat vs. mion
6. nasfaqg vs. 2434
7. jidf vs. mayo
8. tsunX vs. pink
Watch on CyTube

Watch on Youtube
(link posted tomorrow)
the clues to everything are there
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what does the bottom left textbox say? the top one says Lia.exe, the one on the right says new-outfit.exe, but the bottom left is too blurry
graduation date
albeit its clearly letters not numbers tho
looks like other.exe to me
how does this teaser compare to when she debuted her new model years ago?
Do we redesign the divegrass logo when she gets a new outfit?
I miss Lia
I wonder if the new Nikocado will be a Lia boy?
seems like anyone can become a Lia boy these days
What did I miss
He's thin now.
Yeah just like when boogie got that tattoo on his face
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He dancin'.
What if we added a Nene to the team?
Adding a nene or joshu will increase our odds of winning by 80%
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Can I post ghostbutt in this thread
God yes
Hope anon had a good first week at work!
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We cool likers from the block?
why is she black
What, you mean Americans aren't constantly covered in oil? Drill baby, drill!
Hopefully we get a goal fest tomorrow for pcg
please do
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[Tangentially related Lia news]
As part of the Summer Camp Rie is streaming a "bootcamp"; she's using her chibi 3D model, she's teaching the audience to do dances with the lightsticks in order to cheer on the girls when they do "idol activities".
I think she's trying to get the audience ready for when more people get 3D models, and are able to do concerts.
Apparently Rie was doing the Darling Dance at the same time as Lia was dancing
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Many women fall for this meme to make their butts bigger. I doesnt work. It only works your calves and your quads lol. Theres a couple S tier butt workouts but stairmaster is not one of them
kek, as I said in the previous thread, Rie is making a silly dance choreography for Pippa the Ripper. It's spontaneous, she doesn't need to practice a lot. Somebody with dancing experience like Lia, Rie, Airi, can learn that choreography in a few minutes.
what the fuck
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Lia if youre reading this and if youre concerned with glute size. Ill give you the S tier glute workouts:
>romanian deadlifts
>bulgarian split squats
>reverse lunge squats
>kettlebell swings
Those are all tuff you can do at home with free weights which are relatively low cost.
IMPORTANT technique notes: go slow on the negative, progressive overload, and for all of them but especially the bulgarian split squats and reverse lunge squats at the bottom of the movement you should be bent over with your chest over your knee with a straight back. Do not keep your back perpendicular to the ground at the bottom of the movement or youll just be working out your quads.
Pick 2 or 3 of those and do them a max of 8 sets with 8-12 reps during the week but spread out with at least one day in between.
For example Monday reverse lunge squat 4 sets 8-12 reps and another 4 sets on wednesday. Then pick another for wednesday and Friday. Dont overwork it and rest and protein are important.
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yet you contributed a cute michi and a bump
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Stop exposing the business.
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I should clarify that when youre bent over at the bottom of the movement, you should not be bent over all the way. Even like 45 degree angle is good but whatever is comfortable for you is fine so long as your back isnt rounded. Maintain straight back.
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I like Lia, but at what cost?
Nene is so last year. It's all about Joshu now.
No thanks.
Pippa the Ripper has been bastardized and beaten into the ground. You can tell Pippa is annoyed by it too.
Will we get a schedule, or will this camp stuff push things back?
We are definitely getting a schedule at the latest tomorrow morning
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hell yeah, eddie money!
Any Lia?
Lia is doing a call in at 2:30 est. Runie and Ember are also in that timeslot but idk if the call ins are individuals or all together?
they need to formally debut the 3d’s they have in the company before adding more to the mix. this annoyed a lot of the company fanbase and phase claimed to have heard the complaints, so we will see
>he thinks we are ever getting “formal” 3D debuts
I am just happy we got NYC at all and am hopeful there is another 3D concert next year Lia hopefully can participate in
tbf unless they show up to Youmacon, con season should be over until next year, so there shouldn’t be much going on in the company calendar for October, November, January, February, March so there is room to do “3D debuts.”

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