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/eien/ - EIEN Project General

Website: https://eien-project.com/
Schedule: https://schedule.eien-project.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@EIENProject
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EIENproj

>Gen 1 Museia
Skye Shinryu: Dorky mecha fan, action games, zatsu, drawing.

Kilia Kurayami: Loud GFE, horror games, karaoke, ASMR.

>Gen 2 Haven
Zumi Dokumi: Unhinged tomboy, indie games, retro games.

Mirri Saffire: Energetic girl, horror games, drawing.

Blaise Shinryu: Ironic weeb, action games, Nier.

Amora Lumina: Silly noblewoman, speedrunning, drawing.

Nanimo Navi: Comfy girl, League, Animal Crossing, Halo.


Unarchived streams archive:

Previous thread >>84623252
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Thanks for bake
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>no confirming you are the impostor or I will kill you
we know kilia runs the corpo
hi guys
i want to fuck eri
that is all
have a nice day
Kilia is going to rape Zumi (affectionately)
I'm so sorry, I sincerely hope you get better
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me too
10/10 would mating press and not take responsibility
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Eien Among Us

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Unconditional love and support for Nanimo Navi
Unless she tries to GTA RP again. Then I'm throwing a bitch fit
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I did not write this post
They hate Eri too
this is why navi followed eek first then
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Frog sex!
Where have you been anon?
Remember Zumi and Kilia hate eachother
greener pastures
Kilia self
It's ok real debugs don't mind
Kilia hates everyone
once she is indie they will collab wont they
Eri won't allow it
I doubt management would allow it.
Kilia has entered her drunk but not drunk state.
Only Skye hates Zumi. Kilia loves her.
>Stop being horny for a second
Zumi knows
kneecapping your top remaining talents to stick it to your previous top talent, masterful gambit
I don't care for this this zumi navi soap opera
It's not good practice to reward turnover. Which you'd know if you ever worked anywhere.
focus on the collab eri
EIEN is kino, why most they be broken apart
I wonder if Navi's eaten enough today
jesus Kilia
based zumi
How does she manages to get sussed out immediatly
Amora tried to get her a few extra minutes of impostor time..
Did she actually
The company will die before kilia redebuts anyways, it's pointless to think about that.
Eri will take the donothon money and bail out before the year is over
Why do you think it'll die, exactly?
I feel like they barely do any management so unless they go in the red by releasing a gen3 I don't think anything would stop Eri just taking the trickle income it provides
Gen 3 is coming
if vreverie survived eien is safe
You have been saying that since Riifu left
There's no reason to pull the plug when you get free money from the talents working by themselves and they don't even do anything about it other than complain occasionally
Gen 3 will save the ship
If it wasn't for the fact I have like 0 knowledge about the industry or connections to do anything I would consider buying out EIEN
I mean eventually some of the girls will get bored of stagnating and leave, like Kilia
Kilia becomes 10x more loud when she's impostor
I never thought I'd find Skye relatable but she's basically me this collab
Haven's contract renewal date is approaching and three girls are openly complaining about management at every opportunity they get.
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Skye is very cute, she is so sheepish around these loud bossy bitches
Jesus navi
Jesus kilia
which girls
I miss Zumi schizo...
>kilias last chance at imposta ruined by her own brain and navis cheeto dust spewing gamer rage
>take zumi out first
>everyone becomes idiots at the game
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pity win duh
Real debugs don't care about Navi getting harrassed then
eri sacrificed herself so killia could get the final kill and people will still hate her...
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I miss Navi...
Navi is incapable of a lot of things but defending herself from people on the internet isn't one of them
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>gosh, too bad this is the last collab I'll ever have with any of them
Damn Kilia you didn't have to say it outloud...
I always knew women are scary, but this gave me a whole new level of trust issues.
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>This was on her mind while shifting the blame onto Kilia
The same women who play 10 levels of mind games with each other here will expect you to just understand what she's upset about with 0 context
Now what
now we die
now we mating press eri
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Wait for Zumi to decide if she is going to stream..
>Zumi streaming
what I said, we die
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Anyone have the footjob art Zumi talked about?
Why couldn't just everything work out.
Kilia is a treasure and I'll miss her dearly.
She's too good to stop being a chuuba.
Please come back some day.
mirri hates navi kek
Oof, that did sound painfully bitter. Where did that even come from?
eien civil war is upon us bros..
I get her. This stream was basically everyone being a third wheel for navi/zumi and kilia
It's almost as if genuine friendships outshine corporate ones
she's been using vtuber emotes (her PL's?) as her twitter pfp I don't doubt she's gonna come back
certainly explains why they're the only two eien girls who follow her three if you count riifu
Frog live
That was the mildest, most lukewarm gamer banter I've ever heard and she still got mad.
I could be wrong but I think this is the ONLY collab between former corpo genmates
this is the same person who took a week break because her biggest paypig said the word "trauma" in her chat
>Mirri overreacting to the mildest provocations
Never seen that before
Better qualifications than eri. You do have testes at least?
Wasn't Mirri on stream with Cunnyho at some point?
Hana left at the very start of kawaii's existence and the company was sold in the meantime. It's possible that the new management straight up didn't know the history (and is mostly or wholly jap?).
If she was, it' wasn't on Mirri's channel I don't think
Sometimes I wonder if I've let the thread make me overy critical of Mirri then she has moments like this and I realize she is just a cunt
A real shame those nice feet are attached to this manhera schizo.
Skill issue
Sometimes i make a bait-ish post here and then forget about it when i leave the thread. Then i remember about it and come back here excited to see how many (you)s it got
I feel like this game is going to make Zumi rage
She is already losing it and its been 25 minutes.
This is going to be a 2 hour on the dot stream for sure
Forgot the link btw

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I'm glad fishes don't have spines
She sure is...
I can say it here. I think the pose SUCKS
I agree. You can't even see the buoys ass
It's the perfect pose for plaps
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He's a prophet
It was obvious
painful, mirri even tries to prove herself by using examples of things she almost did
she streamed for 2 hours after 2 hours of among us on 1 hour of sleep
deadpoles are the most uppity of all
I don't give a shit about drama I want to lovingly mating press mirri
ok raz
>she is just a cunt
she is overtly sensitive and navi pushed her buttons, her real issues are everything else.
>navi pushed her buttons
>he thinks mirri's buttons have to be pressed for her to sperg out
Mirri's so fuckin adorable bros
That all you got
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mirri is a fatass and a cunt to her genmates
Unnnnnnhhhhh. That's me nutting on ur face
dont stress out the remaining of our talents
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she's already the most menhera person i've ever seen so don't think anything anyone here says matters
Zumi should do more handcams
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>With a voice to show for it
>Has a chat oshi who she favors above (You)
>Isn't afraid to show how much more she likes him than (You)
>Says "fuck you" to her genmate mid collab
The rapid typing after that moment was kinda crazy
There's no point in anti'ing Mirri anon. She has no regular defenders /here/ and is one of the few girls who doesn't read the threads.
t. cucked by raz
You are both fags please shut up
Nice try, i don't watch mirri
I'm going to miss Kilia
Until we meet again...
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