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Previous Thread: >>84658708
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Sex with Koa!
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Sweaty sex with Poko
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Roca is hot and sweaty and out of breath and dancing while she sings
Roca makes me happy.
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Trust the plan
I'm curious.
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I want to sniff Coni's feet
Maybe. Depends on the character design reveal.
For this specifically, imagine she debuts with the model of your dreams.
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That's a lot of food.
I already voted no because I'm skeptical about that. You should have phrased the question better.
It's a silly poll, doesn't really matter, and you can switch votes at any time.
If she hadn't started posting on her PL, I would still believe her plan to this day.
Roca, please spit in my mouth!
model isn't going to change the person. But it would give some value to her lewd asmr if its a good one
Momo's rigging is a bit outdated/hololive quality, it would be a lot better if she gets something the quality of Koa/Lala/Coni
Poko love
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I like when girls are eating not because I'm an architect, but because they looks very cute
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Momo will redebut as a loli catgirl
I won't believe it until I see it.
Momo will take Juna's model
She'll stop streaming after a month again so it doesn't matter.
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what did she do wrong with her PL posting?
people seriously believe her new model won't be some hag abomination?
She fucked up the illusion.
*licks your eye*
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I want Momo to come back already, not because I watch her but because once she's back threadshitters won't have an excuse to spam this whole discussion ad nauseam..
Momo thread
Roca is a cultured white girl.
you don't understand, this is the only place they can do it after they got the discord channel locked
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roca kisses...
>once she's back
oh sweet summer charm...
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Roca is my wife
I miss Roca...
yeah I get that all the time
Alien Kai live
I miss her more
But half this thread are indiefags and say that shit doesn't matter?
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>half this thread are indiefags
Only the threadshitters.
that actually works
I genuinely think momoposting is funny, maybe I have a bad sense of humour...
Do not the aliens.
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Reminder that Momo is pure
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the alien noises are gonna make me schizo
Can't fuck this Kai, it would feel like I'm cucking Piccolo...
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>Alien Kai performing experiments on Muyu's cunny with her futa cock
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Idol Kenshi when
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>Adult breasts
>Cuny torso and plump lower half
>adult hands
>Long hair for runny
It's alright i guess
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We're blessed to have Roca
I didn't stop when we had our last alien
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Fuyo sexo!
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good night, jewbros.
Good night, jewbro!
She's leaking notfuyo mascot design wtf?!?1?
I like what NotSahelantropus came up for NotFuyo's NotMascot
up with*
im eepy
Everything heavily depends on if she'll be allowed to do ASMR.
I kind of respect it but it's still really silly when artfags and the like make PL accounts
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she's leaking the whole fucking plan bro
he initially made that account to post that drawing of notfuyo and the fairy
Roca is 45+
too young
Poko doko?
he can go die
only if she's still a loli, if she changes that then ill take it as a sign she's going to make more bad decisions that I'm not going to like
cuddling with me
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but your honor, the alien clearly asked for it
why not post the full pic then?
>verification not required
Poko has diarrhea.
wait, I have diarrhea too
Because there's always a seething troon lurking.
Its NotClover...
She could have larger tits
Good that she doesn't have them.
Unno i am not vtubber
Ass could be bigger
is pogo ok?
I hope so
Probably overslept again.
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she is a tired sleepyhead
She ate too much (half a smash burger)
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Sorry, I tuckered her out after dinner
she fucking hates us
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idol corp will never recover from this loss
Based on real events
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HOLY SHIT I suck at drawing in gartic phone and I didn't understand the instructions Lala hates me now
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I can only work extra shifts and send more supas... that'll do
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She is so sick... is lovely
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You guys should've joined Lala's membership. We played gartic phone and it was fun. In another girl's hand she would have cancellled the stream but lala gritted her teeth and swallowed her snoot
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how is everything going jewbros? it hasn't been too much time, but for someone who used to be /here/ in a daily basis it truly feels like it's been a long time
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Things are going well, feeling hopeful
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Tata is such a nice girl
Tata is so cute
Tata's Wukong streams are so comfy
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I love Tata
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her voice goes really well with these kinds of songs
also holy shit the comments on the original she linked are dour
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10/10 it made me feel nostalgic...
I thought something was wrong with my ears, it's just the vocals moving side to side, also nice
tfw no pogo tonight
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feels bad man
Never forget
I don't understand much but I think I feel my heart beating.
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Give me spanish gf
It's a very depressing song, actually. Like she's singing to a dead partner and the chorus says "without you I'm nothing". Here's something more upbeat
is she straight
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>comments on a breakup song are dour
The last line, "That guy's already dead, they just haven't told him yet," good stuff
Original song, the ES girls have good taste
is a amazing song, the lyrics hit hard indeed
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There're my bros. They're all here
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Goodnight jewbros. Hope you have sweet dreams of your oshi.
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That soft voice hits specially good at these hours, great job brat
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Nini bro
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nini, jewbro
sleep tight!
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I miss her and her sexy member streams
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i was thinking about a sleeping twitter space she did just earlier tonight.
we ate that shit up big time. good times. good memories.
I've lost so many of my potential children to her voice...
>we will never get little sister RP dick sucking ASMR from an idol chuuba ever again
Ni ni get good rest
Rie will cave and do it soon
absolute copium, it was a grift and she's never gonna do it again
Dude that was the comfiest shit. Some of the best times of my life
Phase Rie, not the bread rabbit
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it was too good to last forever. at least we have those memories.
ah, my bad. i've never watched phase's rie, is she cute?
She's... fun.

well that was certainly interesting. her model is way too old, though.
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i hope pogo feels better soon
Okay what the heck is going on? People I know irl and vtubers are having these symptoms. Including me. But I was at a con so it's to be expected. Still is strange how many people I know it's affecting
temperature swing, winter is coming.
People start getting sick in the fall chill. Exacerbated by traveling with old sick people coofing on everyone in a small enclosed tube for 9 hours.
New school season causes a microbial thunderdome which backwashes the parents who then backwash the community when they go to the store/post office/bank/etc and their coworkers who then backwash the community if they're in a public facing position
Con crud's a constant
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Lumi has a dirty pussy
i'm more of a banshee guy, but wraiths are cool too
your tabs, anon
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at least post her having sex with dogs if you're going to keep doing your mini raid routine
I got bored of Idol chuubas back in like April after a few months of them not putting out lewd ASMRs anymore and deleting/privating a lot of their old ones. Have they fixed that yet or are they still being boring prudes?
No rate the stream post?
go back
I literally did, that's why I'm here. I came back. Did my question upset you anon?
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Tonya is drunk!
I want to kiss this STUPID lush's face!
That's a youtube problem blame the jews, the pearl clutchers acting as a cover for encroachment on constitutional rights, the tyrannical illegitimate government power grab overreach, it's not Idol's fault for not martyring themselves leaving spicy ASMR up or making new spicy ASMR on the consistently hostile platform. They had to do it so their channels don't get striked/banned. No, jewgle and jewtube are still shit.
You had all that time after the previous 969029062 ASMR crackdowns to archive the existing ones and keep track of everyone's schedule to archive new ones as they cum.
You can try to get together enough other paypigs to convince them that they're enough interest to produce ASMR voice packs to sell directly on their website shop
Bandwidth and equipment has costs. Somehow I doubt you bought anything though.
Fuck off Phasepag
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green-eyed moom
no, i'm not upset. why not just watch avtubers when your entire experience with our girls is just to have another nut?
i'm here to watch cute girls do cute things and nothing more.
a lot of their ASMRs were flagged and had to be taken down so their channels could remain intact.
stop blaming the girls for failing to make content that you want and just find someone who does. it's not exactly hard.
Don't engage with phase tourists.
retards should know why they're retarded. repeated engagement should be discouraged, but they need to be put in their place.
More Poko ASMR when
I want to have FILTHY, SWEATY, ANIMALISTIC SEX with ROCA and stick our TONGUES down the other's THROAT while we MOAN like DYING HIPPOS and ORGASM hard enough to PARALYZE a GODDAMN BEAR
i want to headpat poko and take care of her while she's sick and keep her entertained during her recovery
You sick fuck
I will beat you to death with a brick
you're retarded if you think simply ignoring shitters will make them go away.
if anything else, that allows them to just double-down or false flag as regular posters.
>resorting to violence as the first answer
niggerbrain detected
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Cute girls..
Doing cute things...
Maybe things aren't so bad after all
Cute pic
I feel kinda bad for the frumbros who still don't know about her PL. She's having so much fun with her debut prep.
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>i live 36 minutes away from an ikea store
should i go?
Worth the shot
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>nigger lips
tonya don't announce your kidnapping plans to the public
Rrat: Fuyo sexually harassed Momo so much she doesn't want to have tentacles anymore.
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I'm not into tentacles. I don't mind Momo losing them.
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supreme sexo
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