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What went wrong?
we educated ourselves
hiring a pre debut vtuber. She needed at least 2 years in the indie mines to find herself as a streamer, out of the very public eye that was being in nijiEN.
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retarded (derogatory)
poor guy
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using a fake voice. fucking retarded. I'm not a nine year old
This is the self flagellation of the online era.
>parasocial freaks
that was all in the span of a year btw
Even during the golden age of NijiEN (lazusydia era) Finana was hated for being a whore. What went wrong was her debuting.
What went right?
It was half and half.
There was a surprising amount of good faith towards her from /nijien/ early on, but she did everything in her power to prove her haters right and then some.
not going full JOI/sex RP asmr
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Finana did nothing wrong
*Finana did nothing right
fixed it for ya
The fish was never good
What went right?
Not doing more of ~those~ ASMRs.
Is finana still with nijisanji?

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