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Nyanners 2.0 but French.
Nyanners but a boring french whore.
What happened?
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Saurei has a boyfriend that she cheated on?
Yeah... me... :(
Literally who
Whats the new drama now?
Boyfriend on stream
Don't know if bf but male on stream and one that /lig/ and her fans seem to hate. Lost 1.5k viewers in the five minutes he showed up
so, trash 2.0?
Nyanners was able to survive and some accepted the bf because he is likeable. I don't think Saruei will because Hoot is disposable to her fanbase and what she represented.
What she do now?
Had a male on stream for a few minutes
Nyanners went to shit when she rebranded as a Veibae derivative
Nyanners got dicked so good she became a normie.
Love how indiefags always mock unicorns but then end up fucking off too once their indie had a male voice onstream.
Most of the vtuber audience is lonely and will fuck off if they suspect their vtuber has a boyfriend, simple as.
Her losing her "nyatasha nyanners" model after kson joined had quite the domino effect as every model after that fucking sucked fat nuts. Yes, especially when she debuted the whore model which made her completely unrecognizable.
Kek she didn't lose shit. She needed an excuse to become another veibae clone once she realized veibae clones like shylilli dominated twitch vtubing.
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Pink cat good.
Not even close
Have you looked at Nyanners numbers

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