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We're Going Straight To Hell Edition

This thread is made to discuss the streams of Brave US branch, V4Mirai. globie and VSPO! EN are welcome too! Idol Corp has its own thread!

The talents of V4Mirai:
>Gen 1: Crystalis
【Graduated】 Abi Kadabura:
https://www.youtube.com/@AbiKadabura | https://twitter.com/AbiKadabura
Serina Maiko:
https://www.youtube.com/@SerinaMaiko | https://twitter.com/SerinaMaiko

>Gen 2: Petalight
Kou Mariya:
https://www.youtube.com/@Kou_Mariya | https://www.twitch.tv/mariya | https://twitter.com/KouMariya
Mono Monet:
https://www.youtube.com/@MonoMonet | https://twitter.com/Mono_Monet
Yae Yugiri:
https://www.youtube.com/@YaeYugiri | https://twitter.com/YaeYugiri
https://www.youtube.com/@V4Biscotti | https://twitter.com/V4Biscotti

>Gen 3: Lunalia
Alias Anono:
https://www.youtube.com/@AliasAnono | https://twitter.com/AliasAnono
Dr. NOVA(e):
https://www.youtube.com/@DrNovae | https://www.twitch.tv/drnovae | https://twitter.com/DrNOVAe
REM Kanashibari:
https://www.youtube.com/@REMKanashibari | https://twitter.com/REMKanashibari
Yumi the Witch:
https://www.youtube.com/@YumitheWitch | https://www.twitch.tv/YumiTheWitch | https://twitter.com/YumitheWitch

>Gen 4: Soon!

Sensei's Twitter: https://twitter.com/VeeSensei

Current happenings:
>Don't bite!
>Mariya will be singing live on Akiba Live! She'll also show a preview of her first original song! Please go cheer her on if you can!
>Get Nova's birthday merch here! https://shop.bravegroup-us.com/collections/dr-novae-birthday-merch-2024
>V4Mirai new original song, "New Sekai" is out! https://youtu.be/lC_VBk0JYvw
>V4Mirai Gen 4 has been announced! ...Kind of! More info later! https://x.com/V4Mirai/status/1824975752154276058
>New teasers! https://twitter.com/V4Mirai/status/1830349919695077527
>V4Endless Summer is here! Buy the merch! https://shop.bravegroup-us.com/collections/v4endlesssummer
>If you missed it, here's the Summer Serenade playlist! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL38BbaZiGZTfT5c2DNJQAIjB9I8uV8IcU&feature=shared
>Neon City 143 and Butterfly Dance are on Spotify! Make sure to add them to your playlist!
>Listen to some recent covers!
honse <3

Other Brave EN groups:

>Gen 1
Kumanui Miel:
https://www.youtube.com/@KumanuiMiel | https://twitter.com/KumanuiMiel
Reina Ronronea:
https://www.youtube.com/@ReinaRonronea | https://twitter.com/ReinaRonronea
Taring Hu:
https://www.youtube.com/@TaringHu | https://twitter.com/TaringHu
Pippa Pebblesworth:
https://www.youtube.com/@PippaPebblesworth | https://twitter.com/PippaPebble

>Gen 2
Bonnie Barkswell:
https://www.youtube.com/@BonnieBarkswell | https://twitter.com/BonnieBarkswell
Kiri Kilovolt:
https://www.youtube.com/@KiriKilovolt | https://twitter.com/KiriKilovolt
Rhubarb N. Kustard:
https://www.youtube.com/@RhubarbNKustard | https://twitter.com/RhubarbNKustard
Alicja Da Lontano:
https://www.youtube.com/@AlicjaDaLontano | https://twitter.com/AlicjaDaLontano

Remia Aotsuki:
https://www.youtube.com/@RemiaAotsuki | https://twitter.com/RemiaAotsuki
Arya Kuroha
https://www.youtube.com/@AryaKuroha | https://twitter.com/AryaKuroha
Jira Jisaki
https://www.youtube.com/@JiraJisaki | https://twitter.com/JiraJisaki
Narin Mikure:
https://www.youtube.com/@NarinMikure | https://twitter.com/NarinMikure
Riko Solari:
https://www.youtube.com/@RikoSolari | https://twitter.com/RikoSolari

>Idol Corp

Adopted Classmate PillowdearASMR
https://www.youtube.com/@pillowdearASMR | https://twitter.com/pillowdearASMR

>Other Useful Links

Previous Thread >>84699642
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I think Yae might be a little bit dumb...
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>Why did I put 10 games? What's wrong with me?
She's really regretting this.
yae is impressively bad at this
all her stat points went into sex
Yae is different from most women, she actually improves while playing games
>Why can't I just be normal like Riko?
Riko is FAR from normal Arya...
That's good, the game could get annoying for her if not.
I love my wife
I love my daughter
I don't love the babysitter but I want to rail her
>all she does is play pubs (derogatory)
What got me is that she picked up the mechanics perfectly, only to forget she can pull after a retry.
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>She stopped narrating as much because she needs to focus on the puzzle to beat it.
I love yae!!
>Bro really thought he did something
>Wattson players
Arya has already played her first game of Deadlock
>Her first impression of Katherine already makes her not like Katherine.
Katherine does it again!
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I think Mari noticed that kouhais are having constant meltdowns and is trying to fix them but it's only making them worse
Jira has an RBF...
Deadlock scares and confuses Arya
Jira too scary, guys. I don't think I can watch her streams.
>you don't call other girls gaowaii right jikama
it seems to be a recurring thing with vtubers
Nah, she's just not a good woman at all. I don't know how people put up with K. She's just so toxic.
There's no such thing as a good ending for kouhais
I haven't played the game but I just like women in glasses
>unironically using the word toxic
snowflake faggots like you deserve to get assblasted by every minor inconvenience in the world
There's a twist in this ASMR...
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nahh, you're imagining things...
I was broken before Mari. She can't fix me, only break me in different ways.
>Literally cucks you in one of her new endings.
If being a snowflake means not being a cuck, then you can keep all that bull jizz to yourself, thanks.
I never played this game, but they really put all the big seiyuus in this
>Doesn't get motion sick in Apex
>Gets motion sick in other games
Arya is really weird
>kana asumi
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Bunny garden repeats itself
>You can choose Catherine's voice in the JP version.
Woah, neat.
>now doing a poll
its so over for her
truly an impressive skill
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I love my girlfriend Arya
stay away from my daughter anon
>narin semi asmr valorant vod
narin and pillow follow each other.........
wish jira recorded her voice in her vod
>I'm convinced doctors don't do anything
Arya is a schizo
Is there even a point if theres no voice in a vod
yea it might as well be anybody else playing but i guess those that are also either super into the game or super into narin will watch anyways
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Arya just got hit by a 50 gift bomb and she's already breaking
jira used to have a gift spammer but he never SCed so it was probably ARS
>I've never had a facial
I can fix that
Okey that made me laugh
>Genshin Impact character
At least say Taimanin
she's so innocent yet so...
Yae is looking for her oil baron...
She should stop turning donos off then
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Pillow knows exactly what she's doing
Wouldn't it be funny if she goes on a 2 week break after this
Mari's gonna make me cry again...
The tower with only one sheep managing to make it to the end while every other one dies is really just one euphemism for spermies and their death journey up a woman's hoo haa, huh. Bless those little soldiers, it's a hell of a climb.
If she does I'm GOING to cry
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I love my wife
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God, I love fujos.
Not a voice tweet so it's ok
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>this is u at club m0n0 tonight at 9pm PST on youtube
jira sniffs and licks her dog's paws
you just know
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Jira has these socks
Jira what the fuck
>we must harvest the animal pheromones and bottle it and sell it as a perfume
What now, im with girlfriend
i've heard of weirder perfumes so it has to exist already
I think Serina has a potential best friend in Jira
jira gfe
this is why you don't trust korean women
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>I see how unhappy my parents are. they are married for 20 years. I don't think they had a happy life
Yae will always be my escort but never my wife, I still love her though
There are too many things going on in this thread at the same time and I don't like it.
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Arya carrying hard, but she ran out of ammo
jira gives me a new fetish every stream
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I love my wife that I wont officially marry so that we don't have to feel the ties of marriage!
Jikama, your daughter...
Listen... Kids often do disgusting things. You gotta love them anyway.
this stream has been enlightening
This is what overwatch does to people...
Common law marriage will make you married anyway, silly.
she's fated to be a brainrot since birth
Narin Minecraft
Korean woman
Yae is kinda dumb
don't worry, soon there'll be 4 more talents to overlap the same timeslot
Why don't any of them, you know, stream at different times?
They think they won't have a good audience
Meanwhile Yumi's doing fine (not collab-wise but still)
Yae just cheated
Kohu! Video tweet
jp perms are so dogshit
Serina has been going for 3 fucking hours
If the japanese have such a stick up their ass just for playing a game, imagine getting real shit done.
>Dinosaur hyperfixation
Can you make a stream about that Seri
>I got into BL like in the middle of middle school
Imagine if she had shown how much of a freak she is earlier
Arya is going rabid on stream
Yeah, it's 100 meetings between different managements to approve anything. Then after few months some 80yo from upper management shuts it down.
She knows what she's doing
My wife's so cute
This is a crazy inspired speech after talking about your fetishes for hours
The day all the decrepit boomers sitting at the top of these companies retire or croak the sooner we'll see some actual change to how things work.
Mivi just called The Stanley Parable a perfect game
I see
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Arya has given up on life
Wow, the old ladies are FAR worse in Japanese.
they sound like dudes doing an impression of old people
i miss my melonsis...
I'll be there for you yae, no matter what
this IS the korean thread
I'm watching some vods I missed and man, Melonbro says some kinky shit from time o time, her saying I can be her dog and she will step on me hit different
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>Yae starts talking about relationships
>Really like what she's saying
>Heart starts racing
>>84743348 (me)
but, some anos liveposting Jira are making me want to watch this stream insted lol
Mono DJ in ~90 mins
let her in, and fall with the rest of us brother
It's interesting to watch a woman play this game, but yae isn't a very typical woman
she's an actual tomboy gf
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The more realistic she is about relationships, the more I can't help but fall in love with her.
Yeah, she's really perfect for me
Is this maximum overlap for people who the general actually talks about? Mari and mono both soon too
Yae is describing the perfect girl and saying it's a bad thing
>>84743561 (ne again)
Well, I join, and Jira just wants to be praised
No one talks about Mono's streams here
gaofriend experience
not much to livepost when it's a dj stream tho. Just good chilling & good vibes
only livepost dj streams if I'm withe girl drunk
sounds like you're 60% there. keep it up!
the pre-game was strong today kek
Narin rape
what was she saying?
at that moment she was talking about being a scab connoisseur and knowing when they tasted best
at the time of that post it was about picking and eating her scabs and licking her blood
before that she was talking about licking and smelling her dog's paws and wanting it in perfume form
When she was a toddler she says
I mean arent all kids scab connoisseurs? I knew exactly when to pick them for optimal feel and taste as a child
>arent all kids scab connoisseurs?
Yae is never finishing this game
>Yae finishing games
I don't think she likes it enough
Wait she played Furi? Holy shit I've been wanting a vtuber to play that game for years, it's awesome. I gotta check this out.
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Have fun!
I miss Jira...
i miss jira
I need Mari...
Kouhais have a shred of patience challenge: Impossible
Yeah it was pretty early on, but she did beat it, just expect a lot of redos. She's not the best gamer, but she really does put her all into trying.
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I'm needy
She never should have done mariyaugust
I guarantee that I will livepost if she talks about food.
I love Arya
I think considering the last week of the month she ended up just streaming at her normal rate of 5ish days a week anyways
architect and gosling posting are my main liveposting tactics
I love yae so much
She missed the day of the blbl stream and the day obs didn't work, plus the 4 days off in the last week. She streamed 25 out of 31 days.
25/31 and the kouhais still acting like that?
She went 10 days with no solo streams at the end of the month/the beginning of this month...
I can't help the way I am
And that's literally your fault
I can donate her $ but I don't think Brave group takes blood donations
Just let a bloodbag in their booth when in cons
Yae cheated again
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That was cute
>Narin found Jira's loot she lost like more than a week ago
holy shit
Imagine being a random at a con and walking up to this vtuber booth to see that there's a massive pile of blood bags on their table
does she have a blood type preference? your blood type can dictate what class kouhai are you?
I wouldn't be like this if the days off were more spread out... it's the long stretches without her that are hard...
Stop lying
The only true first class kouhais are the O- blood types
lmao, I'm not even a kouhai and I'm better than them
Wife time
Surprisingly, Mari not late
>she didn't forgot the press go live
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Yeah, a lot
Too late Mari, I'm already at the clubs door, the DJ tonight is a cutie and I'm not missing it
damn, lap pillow, maybe I'm going home earlier
I love my wife
Petalight overlap...home...
When was the last time we had all three overlapping each other...
I love her so much
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honse just ended stream too
Been a while
Relatively new petalite but never thought the girls could/would overlap this late on a weekend... Surprising
narin's being yandere again
Get used to it
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Mari overlapping Mono's dj is not uncommon, but Yae is rare at this hour
Oh shit. 3D mono DJ time
V4 overlap is eternal. That said this is probably the latest i've seen yae stream
tried watching a bit, but found it hard when I don't know her collab partners that much kek
I just realized that this ASMR is Mari's response to gen4
V4 overlap until Yumi is the new meta?
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Mono in 3D is pure SEX
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Just fold her over the controller table and go at it
>Mono is pure SEX
just realized Petalight is in 3d, cool
I love my wife so much bros

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