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Yeah, I Ship Them Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Mouse is LIVE! And at the moment is the only one. Subathon, etc. She's currently playing Alien Isolation for the ten thousandth time since started playing on Twitch but this time is definitely when she'll beat the game. Other than that Michi is set to show up soon so keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

Image source: https://twitter.com/Verilewds/status/1832132556096962716

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/lig/ for more + and former member discussion
/mouse/ for subathon-specific discussion

Previous Thread: >>84724499
I love Michi so much.
Ship them where?
I need to channel my inner Bao
my bed
If you aren't female you will be arrested
I'd get arrested anyway for being black
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good friends
I'd like both of them to my good friends




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I can't believe he would do this...
Michi LIVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Michi live
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Sex with this woman
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Michi live with a fixed Jared + PC Building Simulator
What happened to bao and mel collab I was looking for a vod and there is now vod on either one channel??
Dunno about Mel but Bao's stream just died
Look harder
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Here you go.
Mouse this really isn't the time for a 40 minute piss.
If the subathon dies it will be during one of her 30 min bathroom breaks
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For anyone who didn't see what Michi's talking about. Nikocado Avocado vanished for the past 7 months, then just reappeared yesterday with massive weight loss. Looking like fucking Majin Buu -> Kid Buu
Michi likes Nickavocado
Is he really trying the "Haha it was a social experiment showing the word my asshole"
Okay that's 100% surgical, too. No fucking way you lose that much weight in 7 months.
>weird shit coming out of foot
every girl love horse cock
Here comes the Niko haters, get a life bro
The crazy thing is that 2 years ago he did put up a video saying he was always 2 steps ahead and this is all just a big social experiment. I remember because Vei reacted to it and said that his 2 years old video reminded her of Arcadum lmao Then his new video showing off his weight loss is called 2 steps ahead sooooo
He's claiming to have been secretly dropping the weight for the past two years, with all the videos having been recorded in bulk years ago
It was over the course of 2 years. He claims to have been posting prerecorded videos since then to cover it up
I want that to be true because of how hilarious that would be.
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Geega read my comment bros what do I do
>Michi has a pretty big wound on her foot and she said it looks like a booger
>she said she feels a little feverish and is worried it might be infected
I just hope Tobs can take this. She's gone through a lot recently and losing Nikado is going to be a huge blow.
Me when I don't care and will keep doing it.
( ̄~ ̄;) unless it's some hateful paragraph then ok
Oh man
We gotta get her out of Indo
Log off
Do the guns work on the Xeno morph or is the flamethrower the best option?
(;∀; ) I'm not even trying to be mean but her being in indo is not the problem. She is just an extremely head empty girl who seems to get hurt a lot from clumsiness or accidental circumstances
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The shell is made of carbon and the older and stronger they get the harder it becomes until it's diamond, and they're basically invincible.
boys are vegetables
>no one has gotten their Michi debut merch yet.
Well, no way for me to claim otherwise.
The one major downside to vshojo. Shit merch distribution
Short answer: game mechanics

Longer, stupider answer: >>84760032

Shorter, stupider answer in the same vein as >>84760032 : writers are hacks
Mata was talking a lot about that. Worries me what she was saying. She's been on VShojo about merch issues for a while and apparently so have the other girls. I'm not sure what they can do tho. I don't know if they do either.
I mean it's not unique to vshojo. Indies and other small corps run into the same issues. Shit quality, distributer delays, outright scams. Only thing they could do is bring it in house which is extremely expensive or find a good partner which seems to be impossible as the last 2 sucked
I recall with Michi they were setting up something *IN* Indonesia to help with this, but maybe it was not on the level.
That's the problem the last 2 partnerships have been dog shit
The issue is that they are also trying to cater worldwide so finding partners to do merch is hard
Charge more, get batches pre-made, and requiring the girls to have longer lead times on model/merch designs. Pre-making and warehousing merch makes it exponentially more expensive. Or it can be cheaper with long wait times, especially if there are production problems.
I'm glad Mei has been bringing her around VShojos orbit a bit more. Tob is awesome.
>Michi was misdiagnosed with schizophrenia and had to take schizo meds for 6 months at one point
Yeah, there aren't a lot of great options out there. All the providers seem to be similar levels of expensive and slow.
It doesn't help that a certain large company in this space forces anyone that does merch for them to agree not to for any other org.
That's a common experience for a lot of people in this thread. People make jokes like 'take your meds' because a large fraction of posters have quit.
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grooming henya and her viewers
Stop projecting woman
Holy fuck my country sucks
im not projecting also im a man don't do your fag shit with me
Mouse do another happy hour you greedy bitch
Whatever you say Rebecca
Is their merch any better?
men don't bitch that much
When I say that I was happy on meds but I quit because I wanted to be sad, do they think I'm joking? Even if I'm joking a little, do they think it's not the truth?
Snuffy lost $8 million on bad merch
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It's just you, ma'am
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People replying to him are the real thread shitters.
She did it bros! She finally beat Barbara!
you need a fat tranny cock to jerk off so that you cant type
need one for your mouth too because you would be just as insufferable to listen to
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OP here feel free to throw tomatoes at me for doubting she would do it. 4 years, 20 streams, and 60 hours and I thought this time would be no different but she actually did it lmao.
Is this a draco larper? The vitriol doesn't feel the same
No this is just the >She guy
Michi cheated in physics...
That power hour was bad and set her back by 2k subs yesterday. She usually ends each day at multiples of 10k, she was stuck at 57k yesterday and made it to 58k only because people were gifting after the vod channel issues.
Ari got her another 1k while she was sleeping to hit 60k.
Not being close to the next 10k means that there's no hype to close the day out.
Mouse dont stop at 2 hours keep the hype up
Man I've been saying she needs a hype man She is terrible at this
She's good when she wants to be. She just doesn't want to yet.
And when the world needed Bubi most. He vanished.
it's just the lame ass >she poster he pales in comparison to Draco (who is MIA), tranny schizo (who is reformed and was several other spergs as well) just ignore him he will post doxx and get banned again.
Now would be the best time to do it
She has been just milking the same timezone 90% of the subathon she needs to do a big push at night time
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>tranny schizo (who is reformed and was several other spergs as well)
Geoguessr with his boyfriend
Michi's never finished a mainline Pokemon game so that's always an option in the future
Which partner would be best for mouse to do the god gamer challenge? Haruka? Zen?
I never have either. I always get bored of them because my pokemon become way too powerful to be beaten in a normal progression.
I'm just saying how it is anon. Last time she barely did anything until the very end but when she did she easily raised more than anyone else.
someone who can carry in all 10 games
Mouse karaoke now
I promise you. I am going to rehab soon. I am scheduled to go in soon. I am sorry I made such a bad impact on your thread. I started watching ironmouse. I never watched VShojo before, but because of you guys I tried she is funny. I am sorry again.
I don't even think Zen can do that challenge solo
Showing up late to interviews to play PalWorld is definitely a choice of all time
>Michi wants a group of gamer friends who are up to play anything.
Bah god that's Zen and Matara's music
I think the games would have to be tailored to be more vtuber friendly choices. Or lowered to 5 games
in that case you pick every nintendo game and choose haruka
the challenge is 10 different pvp games online against randos
so cutting to 5 would break the challenge
Also Bubi and his boyfriend are taking the hard path tho it doesn't have those 10 games
before you get in too deep mouse's channel is an inclusive safe space, she is friends with hasan, you wont see her collab with vtubers or streamers that would schizo over trans people
if any of this scares you then the rest of the board is for you
Michi none of this is relevant to me.
Hey I'm autistic, and I analyzed your typing style. Please stay in /pcg/
>>84762878 stop using "nah, and bro" and all lower case. It makes you really easy to find out who you are.
I want to learn and do better. I will do better for you guys, and my own health
I promise.
every time
You should do this more often
I am invested in this recovery arc. Best of luck brother.
>90sec ads every 20 minutes
holy shit
It's seems kind of explotative to have ads going at the maxium allowed rate during something like this. I know it's just buisness, but it comes across almost like trying to drain every dollar she can from her audience.
that's a lower setting if I understood correctly, she said the reccomended was 2 and half minutes
I can see it working for mindnumbing gameplaying, but for yapping that's unbearable
Isn't 3 min of ads per hour the minimum on twitch? So it would be 90 sec ads/30 min
Mata joining Mouse for sin confessions on Monday
The last time I posted about not getting ads for years in my continent on /here/. I got ads immediately after.
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I've been analyzing his typing style for awhile. He types in all lower case but uses punctuation. Frequently goes "nah bro lol" brah and is super antagonistic. Specifically usually follows up a nah with bro or lol. I've scanned a few anons and their typing style.
It's not the lowest setting though.3 min of ads/hour is the lowest setting.
Mouse seems... Different. She's not normally in command of her stream of her stream like this.
I think (not 100% sure) the lowest setting makes preroll ads mandatory, so she has to use the second lowest setting
lower, she said lower than that one recommended but not the lowest
what twitch was recommending to michi on her first month streaming

90 min of ads per 20 min is not the 2nd lowest setting though. Other streamers do 90 sec of ads per 30min (pretty sure mouse does as well)
Anon, nobody knows who the fuck you are. So if you're doing this for yourself, then good. But the rest of us won't ever know and frankly we don't need to grant you absolution or whatever you're seeking. Just do it and be better.
My point is she could have gone for a lower setting that didn't have pre roll ads
oh, got it
She rightfully coasts until the time gets sketchy then takes over to push
She went from suffering through her VOD channel possibly getting deleted to beating a game that's been haunting her for four fucking years. She's probably glowing right now.
Cracked gaming rat, elden lord and xenomorph killer
I am doing this for myself. I don't want gratification. Just satisfaction. I was sperging here for years to feel something.
Okay, bro. Good on you and get that shit done.
God this is the most angsty teenage girl shit I've ever read on 4chan. Grow up faggot
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Based autism god. It's literally always a Phasefag every single time.
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Why is Haruka not streaming?
Michi telling her family she makes her money on a podcast reminds me of what Mata said on the last podcast. That thanks to the Summer special Mint realized she's not cut out for podcasts, but Mata realized that she loves it.

So basically what I'm saying is that when Mata and Mint ends Mata and Michi should begin. They don't even have to change that much the initials are still M&M
TV shows 15-20mins of ads per hour. If people are invested in a stream enough to seethe at 3mins of ads per hour maybe they should just sub to get rid of it.
It's always weird to see people who neither want to sub nor watch ads and still complain about it. What then, do they expect the streamers to create content for free?
She hates (you)
I think the podcast format wasn't that bad in Mint, but I feel like they were a bit directionless. Wish they would've planned going on trips and actually talking about it more. Then again the covid stuff and more stuff affected them more
TV shows are also made with ad breaks in mind so there's lulls in action when it's time for an ad while a stream can be cut off right in the middle of something important.
Oh I'm not saying the podcast is bad I love it and still watch every ep. It's Mint who said she felt like she wasn't cut out for it because it's too much being social on too strict a regiment for her to be interested in doing it again, even though she enjoyed it.
Ads on twitch are much worse because they interrupt live content. Tv and live tv doesn't have that issue. Also michi is doing 4.5 min of ads per hour not 3 min
Twitch has ad countdown on the streamer's side which tells them when an ad is coming so they can prepare to pause their content.
Alternatively they can schedule or run the ads manually every hour and take a break during that.
The content is interrupted only because those streamers are not prepared. Girldm for example runs a 3min ad break per hour and get water or bathroom break.
Kill yourself. People like you are the reason why ads have gotten so bad.
Gonna donate to adblocker services now just to spite your bootlicking post
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Grim. both of those are #ad streams yes, signing posters is an ad
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It's almost like you forgot the part where when a TV station cuts to an ad break they pause the regularly scheduled program unlike on a livestream where you just miss shit
I have seen mouse mods mention in chat that they ran out of snoozes. So eventually ads run whether or not you want them to. Streamers can't always pause for ads so inevitably some content is missed.
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nta and not really the point, but many streamers play ads on command while taking a small break
it really helps
>Twitch unprofitable for years and likely still is if it relies on just subs and bits
>Youtube and Google literally king of ads with highest ad revenue in the world.
>"Why can't I watch for free!?!"
Transcoding and content distribution all cost money anon, have some sense of reality.
As the other anon said you can also snooze ads and preload ads to have multiple hours ad free.

Fuck off and kill yourself faggot. I hate ads and I hate people who just accept them like you. You don't deserve the internet, go back to TV retard
Michi wants to eat Mata’s pussy
we all do
Talk is cheap. Start your own streaming site and show us how you can do it without ads. I'm waiting, genius.
Mouse has been running a lot of ads when she wakes up and is afk to build a decent amount of time without ads
Youtube ran for years without ads. There is nothing left to say to a bootlicker like you except blow your brains out, dimwitted scum
Nta but you realize youtube has more content uploaded in a minute than it did in a year back then? That comparison is just straight wrong. I don't have an opinion on ads personally but they do need to have money to host that shit. And that takes money whether it is a subscriptions, paying for individual videos, or ads. They have to pay server costs at the very least somehow let alone workers.
I dislike ads too but you're not winning this argument by seething.
>Youtube ran for years without ads.
YouTube was literally powered by ads from their video content which is still the majority of their content.
YouTube streaming was a new, loss-making investment to enter a new market as a new competitor. It literally piggybacks on YouTube's vod infrastructure and now that they've gained market share they are running even more ads than Twitch does. Also Chrome killing adblockers.
How does that dose of reality work for you?
Are you aware that YouTube also costs more than it makes, and has been for pretty much its entire existence?
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Bro thinks we're in a business development seminar instead of a anime e-girl fan page
just woke up. Mouse finally beat alien? Nice, Did she watched bideos after??
No, she did some karaoke then just started this collab.
Mel the pirate... I remember i really nice early 2000's pirate parody porn
thanks man
YouTube overall operates at a loss even with ads. Google uses analytics to make money off it. Otherwise it would have gone broke years ago.
Which is why YouTube is full of ads. Market survey puts the number of non-adblock users at 7 out of every 10 users. YouTube also benefits from being a part of Google and the AdSense network which is the largest ad distributor in the world.
YouTube streaming not having ads is just a temporary market share gaining measure which YouTube has ceased. It runs on ads now and will be even more aggressive about it in the future.
... WTF are these girls talking about KEK
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Everyone shut up I need a favor. Can someone post what Henya's nametag says in a copy pastable form. I need it for something.
thats google accounting bullshit, it fueled their datacenter growth, distribution network, and ad products
if it wasnt actually profitable it wouldnt exist or would have been sold
ARRR Mel do be lubbin' swuabbin' tha poop deck arrrr
It literally says 'Henya" anon.
It says henya you baka gaijin
I keep being surprised at how little stream discussion there is the rare times I come here
Yes that's why I didn't ask for a translation I asked for the characters so I could copy paste it
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this is the game froot mentioned she mata mouse geega are gonna play, yeah?
also mel's dead already
Thank you
You baka
>Mata raids Bao
>Bao and Melody have a kino collab
>Melody raids Bao
>Haruka hangs out in Bao's chat post raid
>Bao raids Michi
Bao confirmed in? godihopeso
vsj/+ has never been one for large amounts of stream discussion. we had more in the past but even then it was more meta discussion about the members than stream discussion. things like irls or events were the few times streams were ever discussed.
>mouse do your thing to get the customers in
>hey look at me i'm shaking ma bits
your not allowed to talk about streams without being attacked
I will forever hate that we live in the universe were Mouse isn't being her best sexy self showing the world what god gifted her.
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>a lot of Michi's family want their kids to also become streamers because she's had so much success with it.
Figures her family is also retarded
Little Nephew A and Niece B getting on stream to leech soon. KEK
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did they ever watched her stream? It would help them to go back to college KEK
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>Michi was telling them the downsides of streaming and said people will dig into your personal life and send death threats
>her family's response was basically cyberbullying isn't real just close your eyes lol
Usually is just a couple of anons watching a stream and discussing something that happen before, the others try but some are just chillin
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Even being a small 3 view is worth it in ID due to getting paid in USD from twitch
Good morning, is the beer making game fun?
Dunno they just started
they get that michi is in the top 0.0001%, right
If you see Michi IRL, she doesn’t want you to run to her
Ok, I will just casually approach her
Saiiren, Meicha, ObkatieKat, Grimmi all /in/.
i'll just use a spell slot to blink or dimension door to her
I’ll pull my pants down
This but only the last one.
>doesn’t have a Japanese keyboard
It's not an argument. I want him to kill himself for ruining the internet.
Oh she beat ehlien, nice.
Cracked gaming rat.
Grimmi mentioned!
All or none.
Id be really happy with this.
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On average, there are 25 viewers per streamer
once I did it and the girl got scared
Hello this is Sundar Pichai. You called?
Do you think they will make a split if grimmi is in?
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or approach from behind, she's easily confused
nha, her community is too lazy
Finally, Vshojo 2ndGen will be real.
Why every streamer no matter the size always develop overinflated ego?
Fuck off fag. The only reason ads are so prevalent is dumbasses like you. You are cancer personified.
Chill out man
Michi will never be in IRL, she doesn’t want to be like Kuro getting run by everyone
real nepo hires finally
She won't cause she ugly
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Anyway I'm working on a short-haired version of Henya for Koikatsu since the new pretty good card only has her long hair look on the alt outfits. Also making some other small improvements like what I needed that for which is to make her name tag. Gotta add the cube to her choker and some other stuff but hopefully it'll be done tomorrow.
Meicha would cause such a shit storm /here/ if she ever got hired
I'd be so scared to see it. Like what would happen right would it affect her?
Oh KK anon good to see you. Outside of Henya what have you been working on?
No. He'd be defending 20 minutes of ads per hour in the same way. Everyone who defends ads or worse, works as a marketer, should be drawn and quartered
If meicha is /in/ then i'm /out/
Is that the card I edited here? Help me with the straight hair for the swimsuit one
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>Adschizo <-- You are here
A new one is born.
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no one tell roach mom, but it looks like shindigs built an interactive 40k lore bot for twitch chat lmao
End of the month every month is super busy for me so I didn't do shit for like the last week of August. Then I wasn't feeling particularly motivated until a couple days ago when /beeg/ started and I wanted to make something with Henya but her long hair was getting in the way so I need her short hair look and here I am. Getting motivation back lmao.
Don't think so. Found this one on Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/120968423
Sure I'll be your boogeyman for standing up for a usable internet. Why the fuck not. Just remember you are the problem.
Oh, yeah I used that to create this, but I forgot the hairstyles. But you added more to the school outfit one lmao
Like it so far, if you wanna add the swimsuit and the Daki one, take it.
Here is a list of all the women I've ever geeged to:
Instead of bitching about it fetch some ideas for stream monetization that doesn't involve taking money from viewers, or sponsorships, spoiler, you can't ads unfortunately are the only option
Wishing you good luck! Can't wait to see what you do next.
Need her /in/ twice. /In/ VShojo, and 7" deep /in/side of me.
Yeah it's donations and not involving huge corporations that are pozzed dictate what your viewers are bombarded with. I don't give a shit if you dislike this answer, neck yourself then.
>not geeging to notGEEGA
She has a 7 incher?
to be fair the first hour of his last (?) irl was him being mobbed, now imagine that happening to someone 1/4 his size kek
also does michi not know of code red
I love Geega so much she is so perfect I wanna wife her I wanna hold hands with her I wanna pick her up
I wish. If what I read in the archives is true. She is 1.6" hard.
This, but I want to have sex with her
I hope you like pegging
wtf, i've seen femboys with bigger dicks
Anon, I've literally made dozens of posts here talking about how I want Geega to femdom me.
Mouse passed the fuck out, her mods are saying she's brb but the model is tracking.
Mouse died on stream
So it finally happened
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now I wanna suck it...
but seriously she is gettting old for this
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Never mind the model is haunted.
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Be ready to end up in a dead bedroom
How is my clit bigger.
>On my way back
that is a long hallway to the bathroom
I can hear Mel cumming when Haruka calls her a bitch
So she has a clit
I would do the same
That is a wide glass of milk
Imagine the smell of her pussy juice soaked chair
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Why are vtuber fans so submissive? Don't you guys want to dominate the girls?
I am, but I keep it to myself couse I don't want to be the weird one itt
Damn Michi, that's some nuclear levels of chuuni.
I didn't know anyone actually did that iRL.
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I love and respect all women
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>be a small streamer
>apply to No Pixel
>get into her GTA RP gang
>grind for 12 hours every day and impress her with how much you're earning for the crew
>you're the second coming of Aethel, everyone likes you and your channel begins to grow
>GEEGA invites you to a big Cypress group collab out of game
>talk to her out of character and impress her with your personality
>GEEGA invites you to more collabs because your channel is decent sized at this point
>GEEGA grows to like you
>secretly begin dating
>move in together
>manage to keep the relationship secret due to GEEGA's OPSEC skills
>GEEGA gains millions of viewers because she decides to become a lewd ASMR GFE streamer
>you both live happily ever after in your newly acquired mansion
Depends on the girl
not really
This except she rapes and kills me when we meet for the first time
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If I said what I would do with a chance with Mata I would be locked up. Or I would just be writing bed breaking smut itt
But I am the only one who fuck her
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What if I want both?

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