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Grindstone Anniversary Edition
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou

Next stream: SUN - Special Grindstone Anniversary Stream (with special guests!) at 8 PM EST | 5 PM PST | 9 AM JST
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3MQlnSHfhA
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide

Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.

Hey, this is just a child and her mother!
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Schejewel TBD.
Possible streams:
FRI - Homework day, no streams.
SAT - ENreco Day 7 at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3MQlnSHfhA)
SUN - Special Grindstone Anniversary Stream (with special guests!) at 8 PM EST | 5 PM PST | 9 AM JST
The stain princess will return
Nerissa actually called the whole plotline while being a potato farming dork, what even is this.
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where are the new emotes?
wrong thread
>gifted person is gifted
She's a millennial that has ingested a great deal of media. Most plot twists are old hat.
is that geow?
Any more bae rape fanfiction for me to fall asleep to?
so what do we do with the fact that CC currently has the princess's soul?
Uhhh that happened in another world. It won't mean anything in chapter 2...
biboo would do anything to be evil,so just let her being puppeted into being evil i guess, she'll enjoy herself regardless
>rape fanfiction
>to fall asleep to
I'm pretty far gone but god damn.
psst there's a message on the wall that said Libestal will return so...
women love that shit
She didn't get it in writing so biboo is fine. VODs aren't a thing in that realm so it was basically a handshake with zero witnesses.
Was I replying to a fempebble then?
Also: Ew.
That digger is obsessed idk why he chose /here/ to do his larping
nah just a digger
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This is your chance to larp as Vergil, Biboo.
If we could combine Gigi's RP skill with Biboo's Chunni we'd have a volatile combination
There's zero proof it's her kid.
I'm happy Biboo saw sense and divorced Shiori. Now she won't have to be tied down tardwrangling her and can have fun with the other holo girls.
>Grindstone anniversary tomorrow (today)
Fuck me... I was supposed to get work done tomorrow (today)...
That was for the larp. Shiboo is still a thing
As much as I love biboo, shirori was the designated tardwrangler. biboo is always quick to take the lead but shiori is always there to keep everyone on track.
Why didn't you do it today (yesterday)?
so why did she say that she was biboo to mumei and shiori?
Don't bother.
It is a mystery.
We'll find out in chapter 2
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Wooden shovel...
that biboo is dead, no gem
Biboo always tells me to do it tomorrow...
why did you take off her gem
someone post the soundpost again, so I can save it, I keep forgetting to
I'll do it tomorrow...
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only half a heart was the differentiator between the fate of the kingdom...
She fucking decapitated her
sanguINAus pulls through in this alternate timeline
that side quest kek
Holy kino. What a great fucking event. Biboo is probably on her bed kicking her feet like a child because she got to roleplay with her oshi like this.
Nothing since CC is way too cute today for some reason
Made for manhandling
Actual kino. I went back and watch from both sides and it looks like Biboo was mentally deciding during the actual fight if she wanted to win seriously or not. She would stop for a second and purposely swing to the side but then go super aggro at the very end. Was funny
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>slay some stains
leave it to me
You don't own the thread
Crazy the packed week is going to follow up with grindstone of all things tomorrow. It's like icing on the cake
This dope...
Well at least you stopped pretending you're here for Biboo, now you can just be the schizo everyone hates to your heart's content
>Stop shitting up my thread
>I told off another pebble for shitting up the thread replying to you
The ironing. I take some comfort in knowing you're miserable and hate life.
I hope we get Ultrakill and NV streams after this, i miss comfy gaming with bibert
NV will come back if they ever figure out that vod thing
Ultrakill certainly. I could live without NV and will assume it's dead tho I was enjoying it. Fucking perms.
What the pebbles up to tonight?
Might play some monkey game
Civ 6 while I wait for Civ 7 to release
I just made dinner and rewatching some of the earlier ENreco vods. Trying to fully piece together her decent into madness
I'm going to rewatch Biboo's Super Mario RPG streams. I hope she finishes it one day.
I want TTYD
I'm not even the same pebble you had been replying to, moron. And you do it to distract yourself from the hell that is your existence, the same reason you watch pretend anime girls. Embracing that hatred only dooms yourself to repeat it in the next karmic cycle, which is your own fucking problem and I'm completely fine with.
Going to bed. Grindstone kino soon.
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You and THE DD2 pebbro have something in common then!
Did they say what the Grindstone collab was going to be?
sex with me
Not yet actually but assume it is either a game they played, like raft
using kaeala's snakes and ladders board one last time
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Silly pebble, (You) aren't me!
>I wouldn't do this if you stopped raiding
>I do this is because of the malicious moderation
You're contradicting yourself and making excuses for being the spiteful piece of shit that you are. Which again, will only doom you and isn't my problem. If you're masochistic that may be something close to heaven I suppose.
>squishy real life pebbles soon
How many do you think biboo ordered?
I'd like to think she got a good dozen of them.
probably minecraft, kaela was making a heart nether portal with amethyst crystals the other day, probs in preparation
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Stain hat was actually a pebble wearing Geow's skinned face.
I assume she has at least one prototype

Yeah me
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We all did. I mean the beep conjured a meteor to crush some cute girls and pebbles straight out the gate.
what ticked you off? his name?
Just because his name is Grand Executioner of Worlds doesn't necessarily mean he's evil...
The name was too subtle but this demon hat thing was really the nail in the coffin
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every grindstone stream feels like oyakodon
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One last HUZZAH for Cerulean Cup, the best guild of Libestal
>Tam photoshopped in
>Contains all three main characters of the event
Jesas they really were the strongest guild.
the duel into drinking the milkshake was the highlight of the day for me
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Man the extra layer of kino with biboo having a cerulean hat after one full WEEK of no guild hat... Actual cinema
>best backstory: biboo
>best arc: gigi
>best development: ina
>best whore: irys
>best afk: kronii
>best guild: cerulean cup

wins all around
The Queen, the Princess, the Hero, the Knight and the Slut
I hope The Slut is a healer, otherwise this 5-man is going to have a hard time in Heroics...
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The kino machine
all i know is that irys's revelation is shit, (also is it irys' or irys's)
God shortness makes me laugh everytime
this is the timeline where it was bijou who won that duel with half a heart
She's so fucking tiny bros...
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I hope the plotline will continue. I doubt Biboo thought far enough ahead for the Stain Princess thing, but here's my autistic lore theory:

Joe Mama was never even a Stain to begin with, seeing how their existence was keeping the king sealed. It would also explain why Biboo was still being attacked by Stains despite being "one of them". My theory is Joe Mama is actually a god of chaos that masqueraded as a Stain to hide it's true form. It merely wishes to destroy the Hololive universe by spreading chaos and destruction. It even has a universe swirling in it's eye, because maybe because it has it's "sight" set on it.
I'm STILL glad Biboo was put onto this team despite how insanely kino it turned out.
She got closer to IRyS and Kronii
She fangirled with her oshi
She was a gremlin with a new member from a new gen.
This was perfect for me before it even started and somehow still became the best guild in the game
This is way too kino for management to allow.
>Stain princess will return...
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Beep yeah
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Vote for the Stain Princess.
What are her policies?
She's going to deport all the non-stains out of Libestal.
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Does anyone have this jif?
You get to live under the glory that is her unholy radiance
I also have to stress the first four words in that sentence
Night pebbros, today was a glorious day.
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is there still corruption within biboo?
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Lewd rock
I love how subtle it is right at the end
I miss my cursed wife
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Grindstone is at BST+2 right?
Also looking forward to whatever she's cooking
Not sure if they said any timeslot yet
Biboo's hologra dropping in 1 hour
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Biboo doing evil RP is basically pic related
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i want biboo to loveit me
I want Biboo to grind my dick into dust under her feet
My wife was very cute and evil today
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Way 2 cute
Someone should make a webm out of her SEX dance near the end
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Posting a Towa.
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Better loop
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towa in the pebble thread…
Look at those hips, she's so sexy.
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How about a Mio too.
w-why is she looking me like that?
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Is it possible to make a perfect loop without the hair jumping around?
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there’s only room for one hag here…
You can't tell me that mo-mama isn't a lolicon
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slightly longer loop
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>All these cute Biboos
She's already moving on to her next target
Next time she needs her "BWEH" animated
my wife can't be this cute
File deleted.
Hello biboo I made a new intro for you, please use it tomorrow
I like it
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I love her so much
Checking to see if I can slightly improve it
My gorgeous, cute, smart and perfect rock gem imoutowife.
Oh yes, thats perfect now
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Cute, I used to play like that
Wow nice job.
If you're brave, post it on Twitter. She might even use it
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Pebbles status?
Becoming corrupted
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I want to kiss and hug and hold hands with her
Biboo x Ina is underrated. They should play more games together, I get the impression Ina sincerely enjoys Biboos company.
I agree. I think this is another great example of Japan arc helping Biboo get closer to the girls. I feel like after Ina met her she fell for her super hard. Sadly we might not get something until Wilds comes out
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Hologras are always a bit weird because it's pure japanese slapstick comedy but I think it portrayed her personality well as a smug brat, cute angel and hag / onee-san charmer
And also her instant loss aura. As soon as she got smug, she got Kaerrected.
>CAPTCHA: hsxhs
At least there isn't a Biboo tax this hologra
Or is there? She just showed off her power is real and works on the other girls. What else would you call that
Biboo too cute. Perfect hologra to introduce her without TikTok somehow. Also that ToT in the English subtitles.
Schejewel correction:
>SUN - Special Grindstone Anniversary Stream (with special guests!) at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
God, it is so fucking cute that they're having an anniversary celebration of their friendship.
Good morning, I love biboo
Just watched hologra. My wife is so cute.
The ToT during hologra
I wish I had whatever they have going on
>the ending is biboo beatbox
Not just that, they were counting on it.
Just woke up. Rock status?
Captured. Subdued. Soon corrected, even.
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Every day that passes, my love for her grows stronger.
What's the lore on why she can resist Bijou's emotion control?
Natural Blacksmith passives?
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it was revealed to me in a dream
Built different, dahlah
What they have is sex. Lots and lots of Discord sex, of every kind. Lovey-dovey? Yep. Corrective domming? Of course. Fantasy role-play? Naturally. Cameras on, mics only, text only, you name it, they've had it.
Good morning, I love biboo.
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Joe Mama...
Mococopi sex...
I repeat
I don't recall seeing it around here, I'll double check it tho
Good biboo, I love mornings.
So is it exclusive to some youtuber then?
In mythology, metals often have purrifying properties
I don't think that "exclusive" is the right way of thinking about it, but yeah. IIRC ludokano made it so if we want a gif of that we would need to extract it from the video itself.
Really not beating the child allegations here.
Making the screen transparent would make this a decent exploitable
>IIRC ludokano made it
And he never posted it anywhere?
That's a fag move if you ask me
>>84782697 (me)
Yup, couldn't find it.
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Not sure about that
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Bets for guests? I'm thinking biboo biboo oo ee oo Raora, Calli, maybe some ID girls, Moom, I don't know.
These beeping gamer dorks are so cute it unironically makes my heart clench. Or maybe those are my kidneys.
Bae, Kronii, Hajime, Risu, Haachama
rumao? nani?
Still dumb but it was very cute
Biboo is evil
>"god of chaos"
>Bae sees herself as a peasant and didn't show up until the final day when it was defeated
...Hmmmm, a pretender to the throne. It would certainly give Bae motivation to show up
There are two special guest Koseki Bijou and Kaela Kovalskia
Good morning I love Biboo
Ina adopted her so yes she does
Pebblebros the hologra was so good I'm dying
Finally, a flat mama. I'm so tired of fat floppy tits being shorthand for older woman in anime. Give me flat hags, NOW!
Reminder that they're cooking something that Biboo said would be quite funny
Do you retards not watch streams? It's no one we expect.
Fuck, this is going to be a long one...
I fully support Mio mama smothering Biboo with her fat tits
This is legit uncomfortable, supporting pedophilia is to be expected here, but doing it officially is doing it right to her face, also normalizing it for normalfag communities. It's just some 19yo intern doing the translations but it's still the wrong place to do that.
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Great expressions in this.
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Let the lands burn.
I believe in dope supremacy.
Not complaining at all, but what's with the huge overlap in pebbles and takodachis? I'm part of that overlap and I can't really explain it well. The two are pretty dissimilar, and yet... somehow they just scratch that itch the same way.
I have no idea. Ina was my most watched chuuba from back in the day before a few things burned me out of the hobby, before Biboo brought me back. Purple woman love, I guess.
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great Biboos all around
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There is no explanation. You have to FEEL it.
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They're both cute nerdy dopes
I FEEL like I really love purple women. Okayu is even my only occasionally watched JP Holo.
wooden shovel
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Gyatseki Buttjou
don't you feel embarrassed replying to your own posts like a 12 year old?
I feel like tonight will be a long one, lads. I'll try to stick a longer ojinap or something...
Don't you feel embarrassed being a retarded cuck?
"Teacher, I really need to pee, can I go to the bathroom?" energy
Sexy cute
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“No, hold it until you can’t.”
Good morning, sex with biboo
Sure *Open mouth*
I really like how they made sure to properly animate her chest gems with the correct colors in her hologra debut.
My teachers license would get revoked if she did that in front of me
Walk her to the teachers bathroom, force her to pee in your mouth, and if she doesn't say anything may be safe
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Fuck teachers who said this
No, fuck YOU. I want to see her pee her pants
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Kosexy is a brat, so she would definitely tell everyone about what happened in the teachers bathroom as she watches me get fired with a big smirk on her face.
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I wasn't a huge fan of the hologra until I saw this and now I think it's the best one they've ever made, actually.
Pissfag please go and stay go
Pissbro please stay and stay stay.
They knew what they were doing. Those looks. Ssssssssssss aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I’d love to be kosexy biboo’s bully so I could wedgie her panties off
A wedgie goes up, not down.
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How did the narrative that Biboo wasn’t sexy even start? Every time I look at the brat my dick turns to diamonds, and today’s Hologra just cemented that sentiment tenfold.
It was brought to her attention that some shitcord with 60 people in it hates lolis.
She was never the same since then.
Because typical sexy is big boin, not chiisai boin.
speak for yourself
It was a few discordfags doing a poll (68 people)
They also voted gura and Kobo as second and third least sexy
tl;dr it didn't deserve any attention
When did I imply that I was saying I believed that? I'm just saying that's what the logic is for why she's "not sexy".
Yes but underwear is flimsy and rippable
Should’ve use quotations for typical, it came across as typical sexy is reserved for cowtits rather than “typical” sexy is reserved for cowtits.
I guess, but I figured it kind of came across because the average person wants big tits. Like... that's kind of how humanity has gotten to this point of us sitting on our asses posting about rock pussy on a mongolian basket weaving forum.
A bunch of safe horny gays
>her chest gem changes color according to her mood in the hologra
Also the fact that she hated that one guy named Kosexy Bijou early on and refused to say his name on stream.
That's because that guy wasn't me

Verification not required.
>AO sexier than Kobo, Gura and Biboo
fucking discordfags
Emphasis on the fags
She hated him because he spoke the truth.
>not sexy
discord troons cannot be trusted with anything
>acts smug
That would just activate her instant loss aura. She'd find out that Pedo-sensei had been grading her VERY generously, then with her new normalfag sensei, her grades would start slipping. So she'd have to go off on an adventure to find Pedo-sensei, apologize, and scheme with him to get his job back so she doesn't fail out of school.

New romance anime, airing this winter.
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Woah hey, you’re saying that like it’s a bad thing. Sitting on our asses to masturbate has been a part of history since forever, it’s just basic human nature wanting to jerk off to rock cunny.
um.. why are did they make biboo do the henry tsukamoto dance
Heh, fair enough.
Hope they release the MC maps someday so folks can mod a stain corrupted version of Libestal led by Princess Koseki Bijou. Complete with its own chuuni isekai revenge quest line and a special mind fuck route for any character with type=bijou. If you answer your first meeting with Bijou with, "But wait, I'm Bijou!"
Probably break tomorrow then what for the rest of the week?
She said she would post a schedule for this week, you can expect one soon (tm)
Oops all Wu Kong!
But genuinely I would like to see either some CoD zombies, TTYD, or Fallout sprinkled in there. Not sure about the last one since the VOD is still dead.
The MC maps were created by literally ONE guy so maybe that's possibility.
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Don't you EVER nipah here again
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“You’re weird, lol.”
kosexy bratboo...
members stream this week !
My member streams onto her every week, nyehehe...
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kimi wa warui ko na no
I thought we had a credit list that said most dungeons were done by different people each?
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I'm glad artists are doing this scene justice
New bread:
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