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What a joyous glorious day! Huzzah!

>Latest & Upcoming
ENReco Yapping: Monday
Schedule: https://x.com/gigimurin/status/1831111368742994383
Four Types of Extreme Love Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_4types_extremelovevoice
Back to School Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_backtoschoolvoice
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Previous: >>84723780
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I love Gigi the most!
Can’t wait for Gigi on Monday
Huzzah Gonathan!!!! A cheerful ending well deserved for how loyal and courageous you were!
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I am a rabid Guramefag, but I must kneel to your oshi for creating pure cinema with Ame. I hope some day Gurame and CCGG can have the ultimate kino collab together.
We're so back grems
Gonathan is sexier than Gigi.
>gigi's first outfit will be a knight costume
I missed the second message that CCGG got. Does anyone have a tinestamp perchance?
100% but I think Gigi is a more entertaining streamer
The mantle does Gonathan a lot of favors.
I want to suck Gonathan off while Gigi watches
Ceci reactions to those were always funny
trying to find it based off of my post when it happened >>84745982
i think it's around 1:55:00 onwards but can't find it
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We fuckin love you grems
t. /ope/
God damn
Gonathan's epilogue
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we love you guys too
your oshi is based for playing along with our beloved ser knight
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What an odd fetish...
just me getting different povs of tonight's events.
here's when nerissa decides to intervene and set gonjyon up after reading A Knight's Wish. she made ame call gonathon to the bathhouse

She also gave Ame the A Knight's Tale, dragged Shiori away from bath house at the last minute, and made Gonathan say married. Best fucking wingman
huge fucking w for rissa for this.
i'm ashamed i ever doubted her
Oh I knew about the other stuff in >>84764178 but this part is new to me. I'm really glad Nerissa got more into the RP in the last few days
Those are my wives, buddy
DOUBLE ding dong
>I'm really glad Nerissa got more into the RP in the last few days
I'm almost sad it's over BECAUSE of this fact, she was getting so into everything happening and even the actual main plot.
Gonathon and Lady bloodflame's whole enemies to friends was an underrated development.
slow and steady they both ended up recognizing the other's good morals, and in the end they swore an alliance of knighthood
Grems… please tell your oshi to turn down her cuteness levels…
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Cheebs HATE!
Gonathan is the literal protagonist it's hard to compete with that.
But this is what gave Gonathan the resolve he needed to make the final push. This might not have ended the way it did without a push
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did you guys expected GG to have so much protagonism on this event before it started?
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I expected her to do well, but I doubt I'm alone when I say to blew away even my high expectations. My heart was already full for her even before this event, but now it's like a dam that's about to burst.
I expected RP kino after her Fallout streams but not of this level. She really shines RPing with others
>talking loudly and constantly is good RP
coming from someone who bailed on hololive for a few years only to be violently pulled back in by gigi herself, i can't give you an unbiased answer.
i believed that she would shine bright, perhaps not the brightest in the lot since i'm unfamiliar with the other girls.
but she turned out to have shone brightest of all. and for that my devotion to her as a fan only grows
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I knew her rp was good from her NV playthrough so I expected her to do well in terms of rp, but I didn't expect her to hit it out of the park like she did and become the main character. She truly became the protagonist in every way imaginable.
I actually got legitimately invested in Gonathan, his journey and his suffering. I almost cried several times.
More than that she committed to it from beginning to end. I'm proud of her!
god she's so fucking based for giving us this moment. it's straight out of an eighties romance movie. i fucking love nerissa
I've heard rumors Gigi may be planning a ffxiv stream in the future. Is this true?
there have been talks. i wanna say biboo raided her during an outer wilds stream and she mentioned they talked about playing together. she spoke about streaming the game a few times, and she usually mentions that she'd probably do raids, but not msq
Probably a good idea. IRyS' attempt at doing msq went terribly and only some JPs of admirable autistic power were able to do it successfully. If she ends up doing raids on stream I'll member instantly
protags are overrated, her strength is yes anding the fuck out of whatever anyone wants to do
Nerissa was a straight up puppet master pulling the strings so Gonathan and the Pearl would be back together. I kneel.
does anyone have an estimate for when the neil breen watch along will be? i wanna have some vodka prepared
when tam- i mean kronii returns, or later
after kronii gets back
Gigi Cute
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I hate Gigi break days... But I hope she gets some rest and has a nice relaxing time. She deserves it. I will suffer without my Gigi, but I will suffer for her.
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Gi night, grems!

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