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Lineage Edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 9/4:
1: https://twitch.tv/filian (7,716)
2: https://twitch.tv/vedal987 (5,657)
3: https://twitch.tv/shxtou (2,990)
4: https://twitch.tv/CottontailVA (2,900) *Tie
4: https://twitch.tv/OliviaMonroe (2,870) *Tie
6: https://twitch.tv/Sinder (2,671)
7: https://twitch.tv/SquChan (2,427)
8: https://twitch.tv/nyanners (2,282)
9: https://twitch.tv/HalO_Sweety (2,157)
10: https://twitch.tv/Kenji (2,074)

1: https://twitch.tv/tororo_vtuber (7,809) *Japanese
2: https://twitch.tv/orkpod (6,879) *Russian
3: https://twitch.tv/akamikarubi (6,747) *Japanese

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
A corpo that doesn't own talents IPs and has, at most, a single member with greater than 1000 CCV is still allowed to be discussed here until it has surpassed this threshold.

>/lig/ Numbers

>Twitch Clips Guide

>VOD Archival Guide

>/lig/ VOD Archive

>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)

>/lig/ Wheel of Names


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Upcoming Birthdays
September 8th - Vesper
September 9th - Nanobites
September 10th - Jeanfaymas

>OC material for the OP

https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed) (embed)

Other useful threads:

Previous Thread: >>84755319
I love Lucy
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Our Queen.
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I shat my pants
Prepare for a massive frogfag exodus

Numbers for 9/7:
1: https://twitch.tv/Shylily (5,877)
2: https://twitch.tv/Saruei (4,334)
3: https://twitch.tv/bao (3,200)
4: https://twitch.tv/vei (2,869)
5: https://twitch.tv/Limealicious (2,622)
6: https://twitch.tv/Sinder (2,528)
7: https://twitch.tv/HalO_Sweety (2,456)
8: https://twitch.tv/camila (2,421)
9: https://twitch.tv/Kenji (2,045)
10: https://twitch.tv/fallenshadow (1,931)

1: https://twitch.tv/tororo_vtuber (6,634) *Japanese
2: https://twitch.tv/akamikarubi (5,147) *Japanese
3: https://twitch.tv/KSPKSP (3,836) *Chinese
She is so fucking hot
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I want to die but vtubers are a great drug
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bnuuy cnuuy
I didn't realize Dr Manhattan was literally Tomaru Sawagoe.
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I can't believe clauv is not a vtuber anymore...
always has been
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now do a futa version or a gaspar version
for the immersion
how do we save Vei
I didn't expect a sad panda reference. she's such a cute little gooner
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I know. It works pretty well with the cameraman POV.
I want to rape pipkin pippa's feet
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We lived
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Remember when liggermen did something similar to this for Christmas?
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you've been dead all along
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good morblin
finally grimmi sloppa where it looks like grimmi instead of some fat greasy monstrosity
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I love my dog
make her stop playing telltale slop
did bepper like it
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she said what the scallop
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haha yay
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The odds of Vampire Beribug mind controlling you into performing unspeakable sex acts on her and her other victims is low, but never zero.
They're literally all /here/
Giga like it of hell
Good morning /lig/. I love my cute, horny and bratty sex fox. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Erm!
Bug sex bug sex bug sex
I like Grimmi, she's pretty cool
Good. They should know I want to breed them like pigs.
Please tell Nino, no bouncy house, too many accidents
this but bat's butt
Sexo but isnt Grimmi the type to fail the challenge then post it in her friends group chat anyway while asking for help?
Damn this is a cute little creature
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It was very charming, we should do it again this year or maybe something one for halloween, please don't mind the safety Glunk
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Didnt think about rape once today and to top it off I only jerked off 4 times. Im getting better bros :)
every time you don't jerk off to rape, i do it 3 times
mmm. you look like a cut of fuckable meat.
what is clauvio doing
Aaah, you made me open it again. Haven't seen the 2020s section https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unusual_deaths#2020s
>that spanish dude that crawled into a papier-mâché stegosaurus and got stuck
yeah that
whoever that girl is
now do a futa version or a gaspar version
I want to give Grevillea Grimoire a toe-curling orgasm
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>vei with 2,869
shylily fell off
no more womp wompers here
I would suck the pubes off grimmi's pasty white clunge
I am in love with Olivia Monroe
I would like to start a family with her
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check it out
Hey just want to take the opportunity to say that I genuinely love my oshi and unfortunately she is not you because she is asleep. I'm sorry but your followers just want to fuck you. Except for that anon that loves Olivia Monroe.
she has so much good porn
I dont use images of Moriko "Batatvideogames" Kyoho cause I dont want people to think im a batfag.
Would you wear matching Shadow costumes with her?
I actually watch her in holo now, she's taken to it pretty well
her asmr last night was bretty gud
very energetic clauvi tonight
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Recently I have been thinking about my oshi raping me 4 times a day.
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Does anyone else in Vershion have as big as a marketing factor than Jets and her Cynapse brand?
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Really upset I didnt watch her as an indie, her cici and gigi have quickly become 3 of my favorite chubas.
Maybe she got into the cheese
She's putting on the rogue one
Weird looking lentil Grimmi
my cheesed streamer
great, so no vei again for weeks because she can't play a low numbers game but also doesn't like the meta games that bring high numbers
i don't get it
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hey bugbro
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She streamed for an hour and started throwing up
>mako takes days off for the first time in a while
>immediately gets her mail stolen
>house starts injuring her
This will only make her more neurotic about overworking herself
whats this about
lacari got her pregnant
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>house starts injuring her
huh? did her house become sentient?
it was a third stream of a telltale game
I was in doubt if watching but I had already missed the first two
I agree. Community doodle boards are fun.
manish eyes desu
Does anyone else have trouble watching Clauvio without thinking of her cute tiny penis?
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the masterwork is finally finished
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Went to the bathroom to puke and Soda had to end her stream for her.
god damn it, beribug is so fucking cute
imagine if she had a big bush down there hahah
neighing while slaying
all the rapebait girls doing canvases lately
I think this piece and the artist should be burned
...why would anyone rape para? doesn't she have terminal Yeast Pussy?
not just cute, sexy too
Pretty sure he would be more likely to fuck chance desu, think they have jerked off together before already
She's been playing TWD for the past month now, she's got one more stream of it left and she said she's starting life is strange after but who knows with her
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Why is Bao trying to be Chromu?
Okay Grimmi, that's enough about Nikocado. I get it.
OP worthy
>chromu invented chibi models
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lmao actual veiPregnant
She wishes
Needs to be more onahole shaped to be pink thing.
kill yourself
because this model is fucking cute
look, its weird and unsettling when a dude draws a dorse, but if a woman does it its based
It'll last about as long as the slime model
If you hate male collabs like most Holofans, you probably wouldn't have enjoyed her as an indie.
the design is ok but the model is overrigged as fuck, I hate it
I love my oshi and she is possibly awake doing some stuff
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Chikawa Callie being really cutely drawn just makes it worse
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callie usually draws chikawa being mauled or molested or murdered in every other piece of art she does so it's a nice change of pace
callie is doing 20 squats right now and it sounded a little lewd. if you want to clip it and reverse the counting for something funny that'd be cool haha
sup holoshart
these are bao's actual proportions
I look like this and do this
Someone post a webm of chibao so I don't have to watch her stream
I don't think so. There's not many chuubas who have a fictional company and even fewer who actually do in universe merch, and yes I'm still outraged that Juni never did Lune Research patches/caps. Also Mint should do Castella Heavy Industries ones
>Castella Heavy Industries
>Passing up the opportunity to scream chaos control as you cum
>and yes I'm still outraged that Juni never did Lune Research patches/caps
damn wtf you right thats an easy layup
Just jacked off to joi and it was good
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Stop making up liggers
I prefer baldo
Nah slpoo is better
Grimmi getting raided during that is so grimmicore
What time is vespers bugday stream
Feeling kinda stressed and glum so I'm defragging by having head movies about cuddling and hanging out with Alice while lying in bed. Boy am I starved for affection.
9am for me, so a little less than 8 hours
11:00 AM eastern standard time, i have no idea how that translates into make-believe european timezones
well does she have yeast anus
Juni does nothing with her brand if it isn't related to drawing and rigging her own model
12:00* est, noon, i'm retarded
That's what condoms are for dumbass.
She has the little baby moth plushes that are so popular the company that makes them ran out of boxes to ship them in a couple of weeks back, but yeah she's missing a trick with this
just jorked my peanits to my oshi being killed by other men like a good cucky i hope she praises me
Sometimes I look at the baby jupi plush and flick it
Do you think it acts like a voodoo doll and she does a little yelp each time you do it?
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Patches seem cool but what the fuck do you do with them even?
What the scallop that's a weird timeslot for her but it means I have time to actually sleep.
>meat doing dress to impress
Finally, my comfort slop content
Fix holes I think

Iron them onto leather or denim jackets.
Checked recently partnered streamers, these are your newest liggers:

>Miya: German spooky swom swom, actually a decent streamer, we're up to 3 partnered swom swoms now

>HusherX_: coomer model, actually plays games, sounds like Singapore or Malaysia

>wushii: new Australian, usually sings, nice voice

>OrcaTsukii: Fat woman that only plays DBD, even has a fat model lmao
I think it's special occasion so she can do a full day birthday stream
If /ag/ wasn't dead I'd tell you to post that last one over there, that's one for those lads
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Inform me more about your moth. Is she a creation of a research company or an eldritch being?
Stick them on a jacket/hat. The benefit of a patch is they're very cheap to make
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she flips between both actually, her more fluffy and mystical looking forms are a moon goddess, her more human forms are experiments by the 'lune genetics' research company
she doesn't really care that much about lore though, its all just scenesetting
I love German girls
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>Iron them onto leather or denim jackets.
I feel like unless you have a solid amount of them already it'd look kinda weird. Are they even properly reusable, or is it like with stickers where they get less usable with time?
why is juniper like this? https://files.catbox.moe/5rwj28.jpeg
she just wants to do the same thing to small men that i want to do to small women, and i think thats brave
margo too. god i wish i was their younger brother
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Peak onahole
clauvio is such a fucking hipster
True. Bao looks cute there too
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Also the current "timeline" has basically no lore at all. Besides that though, lune genetics was like a setting with her being a bio experiment in an enclosure, or out of the enclosure in case of the orange one.
She says dumb things sometimes but she's cute
She's so /mu/tant pilled
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Could be a cool shoulder patch if it was by itself
i still think about the cilp where she freaks out and is geniuly upset when someone toko the antenna off and made it bald kek
So have we found any scientific explanation for dm_'s huge tits yet?
juniper has that perfect mix of hostility and patheticness that makes her unbelivably erotic
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Maybe? I guess I don't really see people wear those types of clothes where I live so even regular leather stands out already.
She has tits?
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Someone should make a vtuber model based on this design
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I feel the same reaction to this thing
shut up i'll kill you
yes, the amount of estrongen receptor on her mammary tissue and blood estrogen levels are related to how big your tits grow
juniper has that perfect mix of hostility and patheticness that makes her unbelivably rapeable
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goodnight /lig/
Meat showing us her BJ tech
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High speed low drag.
Wear would you do if a couple leatherheads showed up in your town wearing Juni patches?
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orange moth is such a cutie
Sleep well meathead
you haven't seen the clip?
go on
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I probably wouldn't realize.
>come home from work
>find out that nikocado is skinnier than I am
it's over
Fat fuck. Exercise
yea apparently he spent like a year dropping all that weight and his most recent videos were stuff he had backlogged
hi Juni please let me grab your tummy
I'll always be an orange moth defender but I miss how chunky green Juni's mandibles were. They looked like they could snap bone
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>Clauvio wants to collab with Nina
My crack collab may actually happen.
too many mi*as
Do their timeslots even overlap?
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My issue with the scp moth mandibles is that they don't really look like they could move unless they're like pneumatic pistons or something.
You okay liggerman?
i thought anon was exaggerating but these are really big wtf
how has she resisted the urge to become an ewhore and flaunt these for money?
I will now watch girl_dm
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Eep well
no you won't
Hm yes. Filled with mayo I believe.
lmao an extremely flattering angle for her
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this was all a part of my master plan to replace husband_dm_
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>slut_dm_editanon knew all along
They don't, but Clauvio's timeslot is so erratic she could probably match Nina's or be close to it.
I always assumed she had some kind of funky bug joint in the back of her head that could fire them together, kind of like how a flea's leg can generate a load of power with only a tiny movement
>he doesn't know
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Heckin' cheers!
come on, she doesn't have squ face. she's just mid
the mandibles serve only one purpose which is to provide additional stimulation when she's fellating my cock
snail shill... you're slacking...
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You tell em sister
I still miss the old dm models. I miss cute dm.
this guy likes chins
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If you seriously want to lose weight, I ate at a 350 cal deficit only drank water and did cardio 3 days a week and lost 50 pounds in 4 months. It was honestly not very challenging and will be easy if you have any will power at all. It completely changed my life and I believe you can make that change too anon!
So uhhh Meat has been a fish this entire stream?
This is the best dm model
i want to rub my cock on wolf lumi's chin yes
What the fuck am I supposed to do with this
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Well, iirc the flea joints are still regular pivots, they just have like a muscle or whatever that locks into place so it kind of acts like a spring when it unlocks while flexed.
she's on a collab somewhere but i dont know where im sorry im watching callie calico's breasts swaying back and forth
you put your cat in a box
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*waiting patiently*
I masturbated to it, you can probably do the same
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wolf lumi mogs tf out of dm
Nta but I've been a skinny skellington and I struggle to gain muscle weight and it's so funny hearing about people struggling to lose weight just stop eating dummy it's easy
*rests under a coral overhang*
She's been a morb for most of it
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i love this
use the files.catbox

they're being vague retards

if you can't do it now you are beyond retarded
It could be something like that, then again seeing as she's a shapeshifting goop in that timeline there's a chance it actually is some kind of wacky internal pneumatics
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Snuffbros does snuffy talk about sumo when she yaps? I randomly tuned into her stream like half a year ago and she was talking about the current sumo basho and seemed really passionate about it. Id love to tune in and hear what she thinks about the tournament as its going if she does.
just drink a gallon of milk a day in addition to your normal diet. you should gain about 15 lbs a month. if you’re worried about getting flabby lift some weights while doing it, maybe a basic 5x5 routine to start
but food is good
Which timeline does /lig/ prefer?
no it isn't
you make me sad
food SUCKS
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>bUt FoOd Is GoOd
the yakuza got to play with these
god papa johns breadsticks are the most pointless things in existence
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The only reason I haven't killed myself is because I've always thought that there's nothing more humiliating than dying before nikokado has a heart attack. Now that he7s proven to be a better human than I am... I guess now I know how all the liggers who have friends who have become popular, without them themselves becoming big, feel

I always made fun of the people that said that they're fat because of genetics, but I'm starting to become convinced that that's a thing now. Cos I genuinely don't eat much at all, and I don't mean that as a cope, but I've only lost around 3 or 4 kilos since January. I guess its just because I'm pretty sedentary. I have an old bike, maybe I'll start riding that again, but i live on the one fucking hill in my city, I can't be arsed pushing it back up the hill. Any other good exercises? Thanks for the encouragement, former fatanon, love you non-homosexually
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what the fuck is going on
hello? moderation?
hello please post chromu rtx
it's weird that some peoples bodies can endure that much punishment while someone else who doesn't weigh the same as a truck loses a foot from diabetes or something
it kinda is, guys with unfavorable genetics will be dead long before that

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