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I love Ina!
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hey man
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Gura cute Gura cute!
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Bae cute!
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Shioriface (hip meme)
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Yeah I know that I'm talking the past month or so before ENReco. Her debut buff month was weaker than her month 2 because people realized she's better than her debut and she's been solidly middle of the pack since. On a good day she does great, like a CCGG collab, on a bad day she's still hovering around 3-4k without raid.
Accurate because Vergil jobs to Dante too
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Why are gremlins so insecure?
That's more of IRyS's fetish, Mumei just likes to watch
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I love Mori!
Minecraft has ended. Minecraft soon.
Took the liberta to make a very low qual webm out of it cause i use shotcut and have no idea how to compress properly
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In what situation do I use the shioriface. Is it a reply or a conversation starter? Or perhaps completely standalone? What it it’s true meaning?
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Texy time soon.
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come to grems side, we have funs here
Are you a bot or ESL?
Oops, I forgot youtube did that if a promo video is playing.
Why do you eat bait and then fish for (You)s yourself?
>it's broken
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I need Bae in my life
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That's the best part, it's both
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We're all gonna go sleep now
You will literally never make me hate gigi
Why is she cosplaying nagito
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He's posting all that shit.
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cute korosan voice
Don't worry, I can hate her for you :D
Does anyone have any funny character break/corpsing moments from ENreco?
That is very low quality I guess. Mission accomplished?
how do you do fellow gremtomos, chumbees, plebbles, moomans, heymen, kronsuckies, luidachi, joshuas. and soramin?
Subhuman animal.
Waiting for the chance to use this
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I'm going to FaunaMart, y'all want anything?
Naruto doe
it's amazing how many shitposters this applies to.
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Yeah definitely she and Raora are both middle in the pack in terms of ccv right now. CCGG helped her out alot and this whole ENReco arc would help her even more. ERB would probably incline as well after this event if she has a better schedule…
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Don't have the timestamp, but someone pointed out that the only time Gigi broke character was when Kronii angrily asked who was eating around her and Ina.
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There was a rare Gigi break when Bae was alone being a schizo in front of the king
Me too buddy, me too...
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>average rosarian brainpower in one webm
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Excuse me but we hate bees
Good rp but sadly Fauna is out of stock
gonathon peaked between ame forgetting him and him accepting it, and him writing a knights tale, gonathon being an humble knight enjoying every moment knowing that eventually its going to end and him wishing it never would is way better than some stupid romance drama
Shioriface is not a meme but "Shioriface is not a meme" is a meme.
Not the big cat I was expecting
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>ENReco performance was strong enough to make schizo falseflaggers oshihen to Gigi
While it makes me sad these people don't commit suicide, I'm at least glad my girl has officially made it.
I have a theory that I won't say aloud because I'm not 100% sure of it myself, but I'm pretty certain Gigi is going to be the next merch queen for Cover.
This meme looks like it would kiss me
Including AmeBees?
She's a big cat!
I have a feeling I will be seeing this so often.
55000 coins
Dude do you want some cheetos, dorritos or Fritos, I don't think they sell that RP thing.
Oh shid
The only time Ame broke iirc is when Gura mentioned Aqua
and Ame giggled and agreed she would like Kiaras dungeon instead of replying in character.
Punished GG was great, I hope her character "inherits" something of that persona. There's no need to be always high energy. For instance, an Outer Wilds with some deep commentary would be so much more interesting than the constant screaming we've been getting so far.
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Except AmeBees
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I feel like Mococo shouldn't be allowed to gamble.
That we must distinguish between big cat and fat cat now is truly a strange feeling
eta on chapter 2?
This is an odd selection of fanbases, what was it that drove your choices?
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Check this out.
months but not years
I hope ERB diversifies her content a bit more after this because I think that’s what holds back a lot of people from watching her and she’s definitely bringing in a lot of new eyes after enreco
I kinda wish it never got resolved in the happy ending way it did but he just learned to treasure his memory but it seems like the entire fanbase was pushing hard for Ame to remember
Mococo should gamble her human rights away
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One spicy BL please
couple orders of FaunaChiki please
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In the end, was moom the richest woman in Libestal?
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Yeah I'm thinking THEY ARE
>Gonathan sacrifices himself to save schizo Ame
>Ame remembers Gonathan right as he dies

it could never happen in Minecraft, but imagine...
>Ame ended up boosting GG's career while gaining nothing in return
>not even subs, money, or viewers
She still suffers the most...
This Minecraft arc was literally aimed at 14y olds I'm so fucking glad it's finally over.
>Amelia's my sunshine
Never forget
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>roleplays as Vergil constantly
>jobs everytime
Most people shouldn't, tbf.
try again bro I believe in you
Alright please work this time around
I agree but also we need a break from RP in EN for a bit
They're going to get filtered soon by her over commitment to bits. They weren't there for Crazy Taxi, for Little Kitty, or even Fallout NV.
Objectively I'd say Ame never remembering would be a better story, but there is definitely an element of wanting to make fans happy at play. It was a good way to end things that left things on a high note, while also letting them move on from the relationship in the future.
It's ok, Ame hates being successful
Justice needs the boost, trust me
what was fuwawas meta reason for wanting to be a chicken farmer and nothing else, did she see the humour in it? is she that bad at minecraft that discovering you can fence in chickens and breed them was like some exciting new news to her?
t. chumbud
D-don't give up, anon...
>rosarians can't webm
fuck you shotcut i can't be bothered anymore
i believe in you, anon
Wow, it's almost like they are having fun and not thinking about any of those things, monkey!
ERB has no talents outside singing and roleplay, nobody is gonna watch her
Fuwawa and Mococo both started playing Minecraft for the first time only a few months ago
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Sure it would be better if it was an actual manga or anime following the life of sir Gonathon. But it’s a fucking minecraft RP event, it would be boring as shit since the actual adventures are half-baked plotlines with the girls being goofy. The romance drama is an easier way to conclude the story and it fits the story way better.
>Ame helps her kouhai without bringing excess unwanted attention to herself
This is literally Ame's ideal.
Did Liz break character at any point?
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She mentioned her stands were selling really well and her ENReco acrylics were the first to sell out from geekjack. Grems support her pretty well.
Not to mention when they finally make a grem plushie that shit will sell like fire, she accidentally made one of the cutest and most marketable mascots in EN with a low effort doodle.
>Ehehe~ wuffians you're so silly... *bounces*
Tbh I'm not sure what you're doing wrong in this case
guys after today i dont think i can stop calling Kronii as TAM Gandr or GG as Gonathan and so on
You could say this about gigi, minus the singing
I for one would enjoy her more if she was calm like she was during ENReco
If she ever changes her regular streaming style let me know
I’ve heard good things about her undertale. She can be the rpg EN
if anything, Fuwawa's career as a chicken farmer just shows that she's obsessed with cock.
I just lost my shit
Kiara saying
>I have better things to do in life
And then complains she's isn't around for en events is kinda backwards. Cc and erb are literally in the same time zone. It's their job. I swear all I see of kiara nowadays is her solo streaming or going on trips every other week which is fine but having the cheek to complain about being isolated is weird. Branch out to jp if you were that bothered just look at irys she's got her cute flare group at jp times. Kiara is just being weird now and people are getting tired of it 4 years later.
I went and double checked and I didn't realize Gigi was there the whole time kek
Bae really didn't see her when she turned
Check the file you uploaded to catbox, anon. It's fucked up. Your webm plays fine.
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She can draw you know
A couple times but mostly for stuff like audio issues.
Its crazy the amount of relevance Kronii had in only 3 days, I wish she was there for the whole thing
Off the top of my head, only on her own stream while muted in-game whenever she was having technical difficulties. I don't remember seeing her break character in front of others but I may be forgetting some cases
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KFP are irresistible, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, Fluffian.
Fuck off anti.
shut the fuck up no one cares about kiara
she was being targetted kek
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GOAT guild
Gigi was also there the whole time when Ame went to be a schizo to the king (though she turned out to be exactly right).
Why didn't you respond to the first post like this
>CC asks if Fauna and Mumei donated to the library as well
>on Ames stream it sounds like Faunas response was just "I am the library"
>on Faunas stream she actually said "I built this with my own hands, I am the library"
kinoer on ames stream desu
tem tribbles...
RICE guild
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There was a moment from Day 6 where Kiara keeps insisting to Gigi and the others that the carrier pigeon just means Discord DMs
Hell it wasn't just fans that wanted it. Most of the girls that were following along were pushing for it in story too
How did one guild get all the main characters
fuck you I pissed myself laughing
I didn't notice Ame laughing at that, kek
I think the audio is the issue, fix that and you're good
i agree but dont let chumbuds see this or they going to have a melty
Drunk and out of practice cut me some slack
>put all the asians in one guild
What did Cover mean by this?
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I miss it already.
The Whore of Libestal...
And it's kiaras own fault she'd had many many opportunities to get herself Involved but she'd rather binge Netflix. It's not like she's asleep at those times too
Rent free
i unironically want to save the broken one because the twitching models is fucking hilarious
Holy shit is there another Nuckies appreciator in this thread
SEX guild
They also were easily the most interesting guild. I think that says a lot
Gigi is an entertaining streamer
shiori and bae weren't there but yeah all azns
It would be a better narrative but this is a fun event and not a full production narrative. As long as the girls and their fans are happy, it’s a banging success.
those hot dogs look pretty good.
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I'm just a hockey guy back after a long absence
you bet i did, they need to let their lazy oshi retire already and if grems cant help it i'll ally them
Also you're the best glad to see you're still around
To show you that Asians aren't just Chineses. There are Thai, Japanese, Korean and Canadian.
Nice, I assume it’s one of the projects she’s been working on or homework
Will she stream reguarly now?
Wonder what she's done with? The recording hell I figure
Ame’s iconic wheeze laugh my beloved
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Biboo should do a bit of GFE and chu ASMR
I think she's done, but i can't tell for sure...
Why did they put shiori in the white woman guild?
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I think that all regular streaming should be replaced by roleplay. The whole point of portraying an anime girl in the first place is to play a character. ENReco is what Hololive, and all vtubing, should have been form the beginning.
Wow, she really fucking hated it, didn't she? What's up with that lol
Is this not just the Fauna nepo guild + Shioris emotional support raven Nerissa
This is so ESL I can't figure out what he meant this time.
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Was there any good EN merch that dropped recently? thinking of anything to bundle with my ENReco merch
Outside of her rp, what is interesting about her
she's pretty dang cute, I'm looking forward to their 3D!
today I found out that I'm asian
I don't understand half of the words in this fucking post
She already said she was off for September, this is probably only one of multiple things she's working on
Fuck off anti.
Don't make me feel feels again man
fuck off brownfeet, mumei and fauna love each other and there's nothing you can ever do about it
i'm with grems, sorry if your IQ cant even interpret that
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I have woken up.
Which ENreco vod should I watch today for the ultimate isekai experience?
The hidden forbidden Mooman charm
Dunno and it was probably a bad idea since she barely interacted with them
Should've put Mumei on scarlet and Shiori on amber
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No, but her wife was
Ohhhhh penitente
ERB and Ame
I watched only ame and had a good time, she runs around and watches a lot of different people
the issue is canadian asian can be actual asian like chinese or japanese or korean or the fake asian brits say like pakis and indians
why? you hate her too?
I somehow doubt it’s about ENreco given that this was just posted, like 4 hours after she stopped streaming
Myth anniversary(merch) is next week
Did you reply to the wrong post
jade is the white guild
So, nothing. Got it
t. chumbud
2 hrs 35 mins into her vod
Seems like she loves her parents a lot, cute
Will she be able to match Kiara's Mario 64 skill?
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kronester cute
Gigi didn't gain anything either. Her solo streams still have the same shit ccv and her subs didn't move
Breaking Dimensions merch, Fauna anniversary, and Mumei birthday (ending soon). There's also stuff like the smol Halloween figures which aren't time limited. Or if you think you can wait, Myth anniversary in a week.
For how long is Kronii going to be away?
The poor woman...
Has she played on single player game that isn’t Undertale?
Gremlins haven't thanked Ame a single time for carrying the plot forward
Do you think her parent are uh senile?
for fucks sake anon theres a difference between nationality and ethnicity
All asians in EN are american, canadian or australian, but theres at least 4 different ethnicities
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You can't - seems everyone enjoyed the incorrect name charm.
Fuck off anti. Gigi got the most subs from this event out of anyone and the most SCs too.
Pesaroso corazon sea, penitente.
It's the Gura schizo thinking as hard as he can for some way to shitpost on anything that involves Gura. He's not very good at it.
Ame, Nerissa, ERB and Moom
No. They're Korean
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Instead of going to bed I had some ice cream...
it didn't sell out retard, cover took sales down when the mistake was noticed
they did lmao
Is she still in last place?
There's good story to be told for Gonathan to either maintain his moral ideal (and never seek out the Pearl again) or finally breaking his conviction of about selfishness is always evil. However in this case the latter kept the finale much more tense and engaging and better sets up future interactions between the two.
Well let's see if she is still watched a week from now
cute, but her parents sound fucking useless.
While we're talking hockey, it's a weird coincidence that Gonathan G was created a day or two after Johnny Gaudreau died.
You just reminded me that there was a record of Start Again being played in the last episode. Where did it even come from and who played it? Timestamp below:

This 1 on 1 sequence with Gigi is probably the closest she's gotten to breaking character without there being a technical/UI issue because they were both laughing so much.

Also if you're wondering what happened to Liz when she stood still for a while after getting the "carrier pigeon," it's because she was completely losing it after seeing the picture
cute! I love her so much
One more week
And she is still at the bottom in every metric except sc
>just putting Mumei with her usual clique
This was a good chance for her to bond with Raora, whether she did or not I don't know
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Are these all the rainforest moments from enreco?

>Ame saves Mori

>Like a farmer

>Ame confirms Mori is kakkoi

>John Watsons Dowry

>Ame gives Mori a hat

>Ame will trade her body for Mori's diamonds

>Mori buys out Faunamarts entire stock for Ame

>Ame's intervention

>Mori found Ame's stain hat
But enough about Shitwhori
i'm not a gura schizo
They will because Gigi is a pro entertainer and has been doing this for years so she knows how to build an audience. She just needed a chance to shine, which Hololive gave her.
where are the holo songs like this
Yeah and by a lot wich makes this funny
Guess that's a yes
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Reminder Mumei was pretending to be retarded, there is no reason she needs to do her dungeon.
Raora seems too ESL to bond with anyone
How old are you? Honest question.
Actually Gigi had more viewers than Fauna in overlap today. So you're wrong again.
Strike two.
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Don't remind me...
45 years old, have high blood pressure and impotent
>I have other things to do I life
She can say that then complain she doesn't get invited to collabs. It's tiring
Here's the guilds for ENReco Chapter 2:

Guild 1:

Guild 2:

Guild 3:

Guild 4:
So when she goes back to 5k I can grudgepost this?
Still waiting for Risu to release that mid-2000s alt-rock song she talked about doing years ago...
he could have turned it around honestly
Yes I am sure you are a grem am I right? *wink*
You really are suck at this.
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I'm not sure that's true.
Anon we are talking about solo streams
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>sundial in a guild
Hell yeah.
ah the usual chumbud, wishing harm for other talents
>Guild 1:
Perfect, don't even need to look at the rest.
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Moombutt on my mind
>45 years old
I sincerely hope that's not true because that would be so pathetic...
Feel free to wait forever then.
wrong threadm numbermonkeys
I have tuned in to her streams before and she was fun but a bit too much for me. Her as Gonathon felt the best cause she mellowed out alot more. IDK if I’ll continue watching but I’ll definitely give it 3 more streams to see.
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Anybody else disappointed we didn't end up getting Executioner Gura? Such a wasted opportunity and the gallows ended up going unused
i'm also a chumbud for real
Everyone who's met her has said she's really sweet but yeah collabs like these are probably hard for her. She did just fine though imo
I actually really liked the chapter 1 jade and scarlet guilds
Kek she actually got the least out of justice. This is fucking hilarious
episode 2 for sure
but if she streams it lmao
Cute hag laugh
Yes of course *wink* *wink*
That's an effective tie at the top due to rounding
learn to read schizo retard
That's not what that chart says. Please finish high school before posting here.
Replace Fauna with Gigi for CCGG Gurame kino.
She's going on vacation every other week at this point I'm not surprised she said stuff like this but contradicting yourself saying you get isolated when you yourself don't even bother to try is dumb.
It's not like anyone believes you're an actual grem for no real fan of hers would 1. try to shit on multiple other ENs like this nor 2. claim she's the next superstar and Gura

Gigi is great and will do fine in her own way, she doesn't need you being a retard and shitposting in her name
This song takes me back 14 years...
>only calli, ina and gura gain the sub for the last 30 days
>4 years
Damn, someone who just entered college in 2020 would be graduating by now
I think this is the most fun song to come out in the past 12 months
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any true fan wants their oshi to get exactly enough fans to not graduate and a not a single one more. who want stop share their wife with a bunch of other men?
She had good moments with Kronii but I don't remember any with Mumei
Much like Bran at the end of Game of Thrones, Gigi had the best story.
my fellow coworker used this ";-)"
Can we all agree that bae not participating was the worst career move she ever did? Even shiori is more popular now
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Do not use that song for something like this...
I love Kronii updating us at 10am while she's in Spain, she's so cute
But she unironically is going to be the next Gura. She's done nothing but incline since her debut. Hasn't happened since Fauna, who's Gura's successor.
I dont care about baes career, it was a good move because I personally dislike her and it meant I didnt have to see nor hear her
I am inclined to agree
Streamwatchers vs twitterfriends
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>that music
this is unfair
You sound like a disgruntled KFP more than anything. Lemme see your membership anon
So, she's accurate kek
>Even Shiori is more popular
Lmao even
Why is this thread so much worse at English than usual
damn, myth bros is time for us to leave?
Look at the last 30 days. She is already the least subbed and is falling even farther behind
She lives in Japan and will obviously be around for all of chapter 2 unlike kiara who says she's skipping all of it.
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I'm old.
Here's to many more years of Myth.
It was a plan initially devised by some combination of Mori, Gigi, ERB, Ina, and Raora (sorry if I missed any) where they used music to distract the stain hat so that they could feed the corrupted people the essence of empathy to purify them. They did it for Nerissa, Mococo and Fuwawa at least, not sure if they did it for anyone else
Good to see vancouverrisuner is still here
kyute. I love these Myth anniversary videos
Kek, so it's just browns who hate Gigi. I knew it.
I don't care about your post, but I love to rub her armpits with my cock
Stop shilling your own channel this could've easily been a soundpost nigger
But also god damn it I love these girls bro
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One of these, I'm feeling lucky
but she is the next gura
Tell me the exact date EnReco started.
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>Love Mori
>Love Ina
>Love Ame
>Love Gura
>Love Kiara
>Love Mumei
>Love Bae
>Love Kronii
>Love IRyS
>Love Fauna
>Love Shiori
>Love Nerissa
>Love Biboo
>Love Fuwawa
>Love Mococo
>Love ERB
>Love Ceci
>Love Raora
>Love Gigi
If you disagree neck yourself and never come back /here/
so we memoryholed oneblock i see
Gigis fans are just very desperate
Yeah? How long until she's at 4.5m? Give us a rough date
ENreco was not the past month
>EN used to be 5 girls
>now we have 19 girls playing minecraft together
proud of 'em
>Gigi got the most subs this event
Holy retard
How does Kara know if she’s skipping it if it’s months away?
Kronii has been edging to 1M for months now and is in the final stretch. If she was a numberfag she would've spammed shorts streams and got it already
Don't you see how desperate they are for validation?
fucking antis, nothing to be proud of from dead subs
Biboo? Also none of her supposed “successors” reached Gura’s height and they don’t need to. You fags are always so obsessed with who will be the next Gura and never stopped to wonder do we need another Gura?
based HoloEN enjoyer.
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>reading filenames
ha ha yea...wouldn't that be crazy i graduated and also got a job. These girls
The Start Again record can be bought from the shopkeep along with 1 or 2 other tracks I don't remember.
That could've been any Risuner man Risu's streaming at this very moment. You're right though.
I could have never imagined I would still be invested with these 5 girls years later.
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enjoy what you have, your oshi getting more popular may not be as great as you think
Fuck autocorrect
I'm not but don't you get tired of this stuff it's draining and I'm sure the others don't wanna hear it time and time again. She's like a broken record
of course, it's a phoneposting SEAfag
Quiet brown.
Is this a dwarf or an elf thread?
thinkin bout ina'nipples
how many people total even post on /vt/? probably not even a thousand. no one's opinion here matters at all
i agree, we dont need another dead sub-queen
why the fuck do people want another gura, do you really want your oshi to stream less than 10% of the year?
Won't go to sleep until I see Biboo in hologra
>List out all holoEN members
well duh my opinion is the only one that matters
Anon I...
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Isn't it wild that we've been watching Hololive for 4+ years?
Based and same
You just said she's the next Gura. To be the next Gura she has to be the #1 so that Cover can parade you around and boast with your stats left and right in every single investor meeting and company pitch.
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That only matters when they do things outside Hololive, and they don't actually have to become more popular for that. They just have to choose to do it.
Gigi will be the next Gura but streams
Bijou is boring compared to Gigi, she doesn't have the "it" factor Gigi does.
>no one's opinion here matters at all
On that much you're correct. Regarding how many people post here though, that's a different story
that's just kiara being dumb
In global? Back before they removed IP count we’d sit around 100-400 unique posters depending on if there was a big event happening
>people come to gigis first stream after enreco expecting something similar to gonathon
>HAHAHA oomfie look at my BL folder HAHAHA
She literally said yesterday since it's gonna be at the same times she's gonna skip it. She also said she didn't expect that many people to play
...is not a holoEN member
Timezones probably
Please at least learn to vary your writing style when samefagging, this is just embarrassing.
yep, least supa, least viewer, dead sub, never stream
gigi was better gura, this is why I said they need to retire her and hand her channel to gigi instead
~200. 300 for big events. Yes, only this thread matters
Can you please stop talking about your shitty corporate mandated, inorganic MC event while actual streams are going?
Talk about Kanatach getting her ass handed to her by the babby version of Mohg instead or whatever.
Biboo just proved you wrong during this event
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>still in this mogh fight
literally how?
theres a reason why gigi is the least popular of her gen
Please stop biting the bait chumbud he's not a grem he's probably the same bvtm phase fan that does this every night at this hour.
Lui is so pretty
>idk hit the random button for everything else
The entire point of these groups is giving the girls new partners to work with

Please attempt creativity
Fuck off anti.
That’s subjective anon and you were implying nonstop incline since debut (Gigi and Fauna) and so Biboo also fits in that category.
Kanata is doing her best
It’s unfortunate the Euros have to suffer but it is what is
Better the streams are at en primetime than noon or something
the hololive thread for JPs migrated to /vt/ the same day the global thread did
go there instead
chumkek thats not a good thing
>the only posters online right now are chumbuds and gremlins
is the mooman thing still gonna be shipped to the people who already bought it?
if only you knew...
has gigi ever spoken about real books (not yaoi or fanfiction)
This is unironically good is it not?
she's a dexfag, using a cold Katana against a boss who's immune.
Dumb anon he's just biting his fellow shitposter's baits with more shitposts.
yeah aside from RP... Gigi is just annoying
What song is it
Maybe they could have it at non-shit hours instead
>Mococo was the one who destroyed the fields, she's the one who got corrupted
>decent "I don't know who to trust... my head hurts! aaaahhh!" RP
>previous events (being scammed, labeled as a criminal and being on a run, an outcast) making it believable stain would take advantage of a broken cutie at her lowest point
Holy kino
I love this Clock...
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No thanks, I would rather enjoy streams than "try new things". I'll stick with the Gura approved streamers.
I just realized Guras gallows and the court never got used.
Also, was there an in universe rp explanation for Kiara being gone on the last day?
>Gigi vs Gura
Now these fucks are getting a new angle, they aren’t even remotely the same.
i still think of Raora mispronouncing Tam's name
The poster:lurker ratio based on when we last had IP counts paints an alarming picture
kanata is really really not good at this game
>The entire point of these groups is giving the girls new partners to work with
Chumbies don't want "new groups" they picked their allegiances long ago

as I was typing this lol
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How? Her RP was stale and died in two streams. You can't honestly compare that to Gigi who produced kino for 7 days straight.
Her views are mostly botted anyway, but just to humor you, she isn't inclining. She's stalling out.
>enjoy streams
blud your oshi is gura
Nah, people just forgot about her to be honest
You're right. Gura is actually entertaining. Can't even compare the two
Gigi vs Gura is the new hotness since Gigi cucked Gura
Gigiame will get a fuckton more fanart than Gurame for years now
They are
She's not gonna skip it all anon. At minimum she's gonna have to participate the first and last day for chapter 2 and as soon as she does day 1 she's gonna get FOMO and participate anyway
>was there an in universe rp explanation for Kiara being gone on the last day?
yeah she's a selfish bitch
Ah maybe you're right. Antis replying to antis.
I want to get a janny position here, I'm a night shift American I can clean these streets for free on the clock
Erb and cc have no problems breaking their sleeping schedules to play because they are happy to get involved and make content. Kiara just sounds like a grumpy woman that isn't getting the world revolved around her.
Gonathon the knight wouldn't reply to numberfags and threadreaders
>Gigi who produced kino for 7 days straight
Grems actually believe this lmao
This is like discussing who would win in a war between america and luxenburg
Ashes take a while to reform. But the gallows getting ignored was bs.
important timestamp
That's just how menheras are, anon. If you had a membership to Marine or Nene you would realize that that aura of pessimism is not just a Kiara exclusive atrribute
kek, delusional chumbud
you oshi can only use peepee poopoo jokes
>Shipfags are disloyal pieces of shit
You don't say?
/ggg/ hates Gurame fags so idk why you think they care.
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What's crazy to me is that when I started to watch Hololive there was only 4 JP gens(without 0 and GAMERS) and now 4 EN gens. Time...
True! She can't help but be cute.
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The longer time goes on the more existential dread I have whenever I see old images
She's not bad, she's just very slow as she's exploring everything, literally
kys crossposter
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>the "it" factor Gigi does.
Gigi doesn't have the "it" factor either grem. No matter how hard you shill your oshi, it's not going to make her the next Gura. I don't foresee any new EN members reaching the same level of popularity as Gura, because Gura is Gura. They're not. That's just how it is. There's no such thing as "the next Gura".
You need to make your baits less obvious
Shitting on kiara won't save bae
kys crossposter
I'll admit that I came up with the first guild first and worked backward from that but there is logic to the other groups. At least Guilds 2 and 4.

Guild 2 has Ina and Bijou for their plotline together, and IRyS to be their third. Shiori and Nerissa are also kept as a pair and they have chemistry with the other three girls. Guild 4 is...well, the connection is there if you want to see it.

Guild 3 is the one where the people who didn't fit into the other 3 went.
They shouldn't have to. They could just stream it a few hours earlier.
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good day
Based and truthpilled
>they were relieved to have me
>I'm happy to hear that at least
Asian parents are fucking brutal, man, I can't even imagine.
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>meanwhile Fuwawa is just a humble farmer
who is the luxemburg here? Gura?
because Gigi is a continent of contents
Why do you guys treat the girls like horses in a race?
Does it need to be a competition of who is better or worse? Isn't it all subjective?
>she's gonna skip it
kfp lol
Unironically true, for better or worse

at least she showed up
go back
Just got back and felt like responding to their bs while I have the opportunity
it's sea hours, anon
you mean Tim?
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It's a shame, they really went out of their way to avoid going through with an actual court session, trial or event at the gallows.
Wish we would have gotten one at least. Could have been fun to see two of them act as lawyers, all the accusations, proof etc. and then the verdict.
>one good moment
>Ame carried that moment
Gigi is a fraud
She's like, going over every square inch of the map with a fine toothed comb
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Tam took Shakira and ran off knowing the king was evil
no one asked, kys
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Based we love all holo gals here
>Gura is actually entertaining
>Saying this when Gigi single-handedly started or participated in all three major storylines
You didn't watch ENReco did you? Of course not, you were probably one of the shitposters who kept saying this event was a flop.
>She also said she didn't expect that many people to play
Man she must be seething at how wrong she is at this since she missed most of it while almost everyone played on the finale
>Why do you guys treat the girls like horses in a race?
because they're also Nijishitters.
>worlds ending
>fuwawa just wants to make sure her chickens are safe
kind of comfy desu
Cooked as fuck
And did absolutly nothing memorable
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I married this womans
You say this like she hasn't skipped a million other collabs and guerrilla streams around that time hell remember the Minecraft launch one. Just say you can't join and end it there stop trying to spin it around as its not her fault.
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So, knowing that ENreco chapter 2 is more than a month away when do you think it will happen? I think December at the earliest
I hate that the most effective response I can give you is
>How new?
This is and always has been the worst part of the foundation that makes up /hlgg/. There's a reason we've been dealing with tribalists since 2020
I don't hate either of them but this is very true kek
at least she wasn't actively ruining shit by breaking character to blather on about IRL shit
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I genuinely find that part of her annoying. Just be normal
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ahahaha wtf
>It's another day where anons argue about Kiara for a full 24 hours straight
Probably November. Isn't December when the girls start flying out to Japan to record for HoloFes?
neck yourself
None of them actually care they just have free reign to shitpost this thread for 16 hours a day because this board is run by phase fans.
0% of these anti posts and numbermonkeys are genuine or even watch hololive.
Depends on if they contract more people I guess seeing how this one was in the works for at least five months
How are schizos still obsessed about this minecraft launch stream? It's always their fall back.
i agree, gigi was entertaining in ENreco atleast
No one's going to care about gigi by next month.
Gura is forever
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I'm gonna redeem a coupon now
I kneel
You have more en's that live in Japan than Europe so you want to just remove then instead. That doesn't make sense
2 reasons
Some are straight up shitposters trying to cause seethe
Some actually live vicariously through the girls because their life is doomed, so they "need" to feel superior
Fuck off anti.
That's assuming they use the exact same world as chapter 1. We already know the guilds are gone because the leaders all disappeared, so it's not quite a given
I want to disagree but i can't even remember a single thing she did. And she isn't in any of the fanart
Actually we were arguing about Fauna and this thread we're arguing about Gigi
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I miss Holo Disney karaoke... when is Yagoo going to acquire Disney?
Waking up early is healthier than staying up late so the ENs in Japan would actually benefit from that schedule adjustment
Not today. The new angle is false flagging as grems then starting Holo v Holo against gura.
It's much less convincing than the KFP strategy but it gets more (You)s.
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I only disrespect girls who are unable to stay in character for even a few hours. If you can't stop yourself from mentioning Discord, streams, vods or other non-RP stuff you suck at this.
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at least the numbermonkey’s thread has less shitposting or they don’t bite bait as easily as here.
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The other list had some pretty blatant bias so I tried my stab it, with fresh new guild names too!

I used a randomizer at the first step, then a bit of personal shuffling to try to do do some new pairings, feel free to call me a retard
I'm glad we're free of the slop
Those "major storylines" were all ass and it genuinely wasn't funny, original, or entertaining.
Holofes in live and in March, retard
Most of EN is Canadian or American so it’ll probably just be at Ian prime time again. and the rest will have to adjust.
The tenth dentist is not affiliated with the toothpaste companies.
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go back then, monkey.
we are arguing about Gura anon
You are autistic.
Why do you people act like Kiara stopped doing collabs altogether. For fucks sake she has stayed up for collabs in the past, with the most recent one being the Spelling Bee collab
This is bait
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Not even an anti. I'm just telling you how it is. Sorry you don't like the truth.
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Idk about you but me personally I'm watching Risu go fishing at this very moment
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JGH, but I feel like I should have stayed home and watched enreco instead of going out to party
the party also sucked :(
The fact that you can unironically type this when the entire thread was filled with Gonathan is honestly sad.
>Gura and ERB did not speak to each other a single time this entire week
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Gura cute Gura cute!
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IF anyone is serious about the reps tune into Lui DQ its a big help!
Cecilia tried to do trials (Mococo, the corrupted Princess) but sadly never happened
Why is it autistic to expect them to not break the 4th wall or do non-RP meta talk for just a few hours?
Almost all of them were able to do that except for a few.
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but i wish its not Dodgers...
>Schizos watching streams
I wish I could say he doesn't but he flips his sleep schedule to match Kiara's so he can hatewatch and seethe.
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Swap Kiara with Ina and ERB with Fauna.
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How angry is yagoo right now?
then again, you have to read their boring pointless posts about numbers and arguments about them, AND they're obsessed with cock because it's technically on topic
i'll just mentally filter the threadshitters here
So we're just going to shit on the girls all thread?
It does not improve the experience.
still Gura for the next 2 hours
Move Ceci to Orange Zest. She was already with Gura and Nerissa (and unofficially Mumei) and they need a Justice. This also achieves a Council of Ames quorum.
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maybe you shouldn't be part of a company if you aren't willing to fucking stream in their target timezones
Yes it does, are you retarded?
I'm watching john wick with reine and even after like the 6th time this shit is still so kino
Yes? Its what people do here all day
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What did the JP nikkis think about the GonJyon stuff?
Idiot. You'll never experience that kino.
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It's over
>pls make SNO
read the thread
yeah but she might miss golden rune 1 if she doesn't roll over every single piece of breakable object
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You know the rules, better streams = worse threads afterwards
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Now that enreco is over we can finally talk about the krofau issue again
Fauna clearly not only mentioned kronii, but mentioned watching her and even saying positive things about her building so now its proven beyond a reasonable doubt that kronii is the one still holding a grudge
So you could even say that crab game moment wasnt fauna ignoring kronii but being respectful since she knows kronii didnt want to speak to her.
What could kroniis issue with fauna be?
>The truth
You mean bullshit you pulled out of your ass.
It's the most powerful combination in EN. We should be using it.
No. But you are autistic.
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I wanted the scarlet wands to touch tips more. Moom should've also been in the group tip touch.
>Now that enreco is over we can finally dramafag again
I think its hilarious that Ina in 4 years managed to dodge all antis and seethe and the most she gets is "she's boring"
While some girls get shitposted all day every day
You guys have shit taste and you lapping up this contrived yuri slop as "kino" is not surprising in the slightest.
Because it was on off the cuff spur of the moment thing. Has kiara joined a single collab in 4 years that was spontaneous and hasn't been set up. All it shows me that's she treats it like a 9-5 and it's an obligation but then spins it on herself and complains she doesn't get invited
It's a good thing if she keeps skipping them. Let's hope for the best
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based and /#/pilled, let the beggars beg
the shitposter are takos
I know there were a few JP SCs given Gigi's way. From what I've seen she's decently popular for a Justic member, the 5ch screenshots I've seen have less antiposting about her than we do /here/.
You'd have to be a KFP or jailbird to defend their level of shitty RPing and wall breaking and inability to not use streamer lingo for a hot minute.
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How about I slap your shit?
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wonder who's behind the shitposts hmmmmmm?
Lui needs a huge hug and a big kiss
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no one here is genuinely enjoying this, right?
The only five girls in EN worth anything.
They don't understand eigo... I don't think I've seen any JP clips of ENreco yet
Good thing your opinion is the minority huh?
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>grem wants their oshi to literally be Gura
>tell them it won't happen because Gigi is literally not Gura
>(you) seethe over actual facts
Why not just make Gura your oshi if you want Gigi to be "the next Gura" so badly?
She's a chronic complainer that creates material to complain about even when it's flimsy
I gotta say I feel kinda bad for Bijou cause I noticed several different times she tried running up to Gura to talk and then every single time something unfortunate happened (like being muted or happening to teleport away) that made it so there was little to no conversation.
I know people are gonna say Gura just HATES her or whatever but it just felt like comedic error compounding on itself.
Yes she literally joined Ame and Gura for a silly "horror" game stream at like 2 AM her time. That's just one example. There's plenty more.
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>crab game moment
Fauna wasn't ignoring Kronii, she just didn't want Kronii to talk to her because Kronii was on discord voice unlike everyone else. Everyone would've heard Kronii, and only Kronii would've heard Fauna.
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Everybody simply loves Ina.
There were no rules telling them not to metagame, it's a lighthearted roleplay session where 4th wall breaks are easily glossed over
I feel like they were steering towards a trial for Biboo tonight but then they switched to the cure arc instead.also Kiara had some charges but she was gone on the last day
I guess they could’ve done something with it if gura was absent, but they probably didn’t want to step on her toes
Dearly hoping for a Twitter Space soon, hers just hit different.
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Arguing with retards? It's surprisingly fun.
God why is CC looks like Furina...
What if biboo calmly walked up to gura and talked to her normally?
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Maybe you should save your dying thread chimp
Cmon man you can't be serious
>Butthurt Nijishitters
>BVTM simps
>Seething 2views

take your pick.
Stop replying to yourself.
Because Gigi deserves it more than Gura? Fucking retard.
Amesame fags are a powerful force, IRyS doesn't fit in with these girls either.
We're still doing gigi v gura. Come back later
I think Biboo would be the same with how friendly and harmless she is but she's a loli and just that fact causes seethe and holo vs holo
goddamn island monkeys, why are the taiwanese so much better at clipping EN
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It's a good look.
Are we now at the phase where we have contrarians that don't like ENReco? That was fast
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I'm so sorry pebbles but your oshi might scare my oshi, again I'm so sorry
They don't count collabs that don't fit their narratives
Don't you remember the "Guerillaz" collab? That was at like 1 AM for Kiara
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It's all fake anon.
Gigi isn't the next Gura just like she's not the next Bae or Shiori.
They're all wildly different in their personalities, talents, and humor. Grems know this we just support our oshi and look forward to her incline and idol journey.
Anon she was already not getting involved with others since promise debuted because of time zones and now since 2 others gens have come in there's been minimal collabs with any of them. You can count on both hands how many times she's done a collab with advent and promise other than nerissa. Her streaming hours have taken a drop over the last 2 years too. How many collabs have been set up by someone else that haven't had kiara in them vs has.
I think gigi needs to cut down on the fujo stuff if you want her to make it big
OOF Numberniggers live like this?
Learn to read. Retard
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>next day
>excited for next episode of enreco
>there are no frames of it
>realizes enreco chapter 1 had already ended
It's because Ina is spotless that shitposters hide behind her.
There's a reason glasses ina is hated.
you don't get it anon, she should be staying up all night every night on the off chance someone else wants to do a spontaneous stream, like all the other girls do!
Now that's a shitpost I would expect to see in 2020!
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Ame isn't white.
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I feel like if you want to make a 4 guild system work you need to intentionally put some of the power streamers in the 4-person guild since one guild gets the short straw. Your 4-person guild example would fall apart quickly with their stream frequency

I did a 3-guild system instead, thoughts?
No one cared for Gonathan before Ame joined
I'm not even trying to do a "holo vs holo" I just thought it was kinda funny but also sad.
Chumbie I dunno if that matters I'm pretty sure most people scare Gura because it's Gura.
>reeee she dont deserve it!!!!
>Hololive English Stacies
It isn't. I didn't give a shit about any girls povs who blatantly didn't rp
Holy fucking BASED. Ame BTFOing shipfags lol. I've never understood shipping two real people as if they're characters (yes I get the irony because they're vtubers). But again, I'm not a woman.
>uh it wasn't hard written in the rules so it was actually good!
I just realized Justice isn't getting outfits until their New Years kimonos. I really want to see Gigi and CC with more outfits.

Advent still needs outfits.
To be fair, for that collab and the spelling bee she was asked to play (remember, she was about to skip the bee until Ame did the rounds to see who would play)
The good part of this is that if Nerissa or Raora or Gura or Ame, etc asks her to play ch2, she will. Probably
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They're a bit better than JP...
And IRyS is...?
whiter than you
Only if you’re a one drop rule type
Castizos are basically white
>plenty more
Such as
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not really though, she love green woman
pink/red might scare her
Yup they spend 70% of their time here making the most downright abhorrent posts shitting up the thread and then, like clockwork, they go on about "why is /hlgg/ like this? /#/ is so much better than this anti thread".
It's a shame cause I know Gura and Biboo would have an absolute blast both RPing as cowboys together for some collab, they both love it
IRyS is an honorary Caucasian.
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>blatant numbershart raid
Why do they always come here?
Guess only a minority of us have standards, yes.
So who is the queen?(s)
Nigga what are you talking about. She's had multiple collabs with Council/Promise members. She literally has a talk show were 2 of her co hosts are literally from Promise
Only because Ame asked her to
Ame is honorary white
but Irys yap so good with Gura (like in Rust)
>JP clips of ENreco
Think I saw one about Kiara's dungeon
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Based. Green is the best color.
New Hologra:
Where's my biboo hologra
Its her instincts kicking in. Aggressive colors trigger her fight or flight response.
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>deserves it more than Gura
>Gigi's only been around for about 2 months
You're mentally ill
Ame was playing minecraft alone and Kiara swooped in on eleytra at like 1 AM her time to give back all her shit after she had fallen and died.
Not a single soul is saying that but she shouldn't complain a about people not inviting her and not getting involved if she's not putting the effort herself to do so.
Stop saying Promise. I keep thinking it's one of the new gens.
>Gawr scares Gura
Kronii because she is taller therefore making me want to fuck her more
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>Open HoloGra
>Close HoloGra
Gura literally went back to apologize because she was testing teleport and they had a cute little interaction
She doesn't hate any holoEN girl, she's just autistic as fuck
Even girls that she didn't talk at all like ERB, they just need to be more pushy with Gura to actually get closer to her
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It is, promise isn't even a year old yet.
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I remember when she told this story, cute
>Bijou is boring
The most hyperactive, talkative, the most engaging with tons of members, crafting relations with all that she can, which pulled tons of people into her ending story, is "boring"? Gigi's only gig is one RP event with Ame and that atmosphere was setup by Bijou in the background.

I think you need to scope out a bit.
This is true
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The year is 10:30
You have to piss in the sink again.
Your wife won't let you come home.
A tiny man named Bambi descends from the ceiling,
it's not even 3 months since one block my dude, that was all her, she's putting in the effort
shes just very inoffensive, the only bad thing she really did was disappear for months then claim she didnt tell anyone because she left her phone somewhere. She doesnt really have any strong opinions on anything, her humour is jokes that arent really funny but they arent obnoxious, she isnt loud, she talks enough to be present in collabs but not so much you could shitpost about it. Theres nothing for people to actually latch onto and theres nobody biting when they do talk about it, the ina antis got starved of attention and died
Bijou is louder than ina and spams her dogshit nerizzler shit, Inas most offensive joke is the tomorrow bit but its more confusing than anything else, it doesnt make people irrationally (or rationally) angry like jdon my soul or nerizzler, pebbles also try and hail her as some great thing when in reality she just streams a lot, takos never attempt to actually try and claim ina as the second coming of christ they just call her a dope and say shes dandori, which essentially dont mean anything to other fanbases, spamming about ina being dandori is funny, spamming about bijou being the gamer of EN because she beat elden ring after already beating it is annoying, takos literally never compliment ina in this thread outside of posting images of her and saying shes cute or posting images of her flat chest and calling it erotic.
yes that's why Reflect exists
Man I love socially autistic girls
Is this Loss?


>I wonder if someone could compile Gonathan G's story for Japanese people.
I disagree with the premise that putting together guilds based on groups we already know will work well is a good thing, but if you're going to do this you need some semblance of gen balance so gen meetings don't completely fuck over a guild. Based on your reasoning, move Gigi into 4 to create a Tam Gandr loyalist group (+ Fuwawa who also has a connection with Gonathan) and move Nerissa into 3 for the BloodRaven pairing.
>died immediately
This "genyasu" seems a little... you know...
Nice. Based and logical grem. Thank you for gracing the thread
Gura also made sure to apologize to Mococo from when she tried to talk to her and was muted. Fucking up social interactions terrifies her.
is true, my oshi have a mental illness
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You know if gura messaged SNOT to collab basically at any time of the day 7 days a week they'd say yes, right?

That could have happened any day in the past say like, year. 365 days or more. You don't need ENReco to do a SNOT collab, and clearly the event itself means nothing to you anyway since you don't want the non-SNOT members around.
Gigi works 5x harder than Gura ever did for only a fraction of her subs. She's been grinding at this for over three years straight now. Fuck yes she deserves it over someone who's already burnt out and basically a mascot.
You don't understand anon. Kiara will never be enough for him.
>most hyperactive
Not even in her gen
Not even in her gen
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Kek, that fucking ED song
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ok hitting the numbermonkeys with numbers like this is too funny
>that seductive dance at the end
wtf someone webm that SEX BIBOO
True. It's hard to watch when you get instantly erect
>he fell for the falseflags
haha... good, good....
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Ririka owes me sex
Yeah this is exemplified by her interactions with Gigi. People shitpost that she would hate Gigi for forcing herself on them but no, in both the spelling bee and ENReco Gura was fine having her around and was even laughing and having fun.
Antis just keep losing every single day, its really weird that they keep it up.
She tried multiples times but was ignored because of funny coincidences
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large cat kinda day
Why does this look like a porno cover?
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dont worry, not only apologized she also overthinks it before she sleep
The one she set up herself. People want her to invite her to stuff not her setting stuff up her ratio of setting up vs being invited is 90/10.
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That was fun
Being forgotten isn't exactly the best fate.
bro ame would be happy anyone fucked her psycho-ass mom, maybe itd help her mellow out

I miss old nabi so much, her cunny look is such a downgrade
Sounds like you're doxbaiting me, gremlin.
>Gura is the only one who can set things up
>shes just very inoffensive
That goes for most of EN. I mean Fauna is one of the most inoffensive EN but she has tons of schizos.
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I know, I don't think she hates any HoloEN either - or anyone in Hololive at all for that matter. It's pretty tiring seeing people attribute malice to a girl who's just kinda stupid and one of the world's most socially anxious girls. She probably goes to bed every night thinking about something she did or said in a conversation and wants to die.
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>that face
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This outfit is too yabai
>the only bad thing she really did was disappear for months then claim she didnt tell anyone because she left her phone somewhere
what kind of catalog telephone bullshit is this
So that shows she's actually putting in the effort then? Genuinely what are you mad about exactly?
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three years?
DQ music fucks hard
Nah, Mumei has less antis and shitposting than Ina
P3R menu screen.
>>Gura is the only one who can set things up
Do you realize that makes it fucking worse? Not one single person is interested in keeping the group going?
If people invite her to stuff she shows up. What's confusing about this?
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The best
I'm trying to find the timestamp but there was a moment in Fauna's stream today where CC(?) and someone else were talking shit about the king and his giant throne and then started talking about how he would have been making out with Tam or having sex with her on it or something and Fauna started to act kind of upset and shut the topic down saying "I don't think Tam would do that and I don't like this topic" or something. It was a bit of a weird reaction since Tam and Fauna never met. It's not like they're dating so why did she react like that when they started speculating about her getting it on with the king?
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So which girls actually formed friendships with members they don't usually interact with that will continue after ENreco?
>better things to do in life
>You know if gura messaged SNOT to collab basically at any time of the day 7 days a week they'd say yes, right?
No, you're a retard that doesn't watch streams. Gura even said as much that she wanted Scarlet Wand to stream at the same time, but there's been scheduling issues. It was probably because of Fauna wanting to stream at FST.
Actually yes, since if someone else asks Gura could ghost, you need the top dog to initiate the collab.
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You now remember that one time it took Gura roughly 15 minutes to send Towa a message, inviting her to play Overwatch
And I know indies and smallcorpos who work a lot harder than 99% of holos and yet have practically nothing to show for it, what's your point? Life is not a meritocracy.
>that will continue after ENreco
How the fuck woud anyone know
Holy sex
I don't even like Kronii anyways so I don't care about this argument
Gigi has existed for a couple of months, retard.
Biboo's hag wrangling is top stong....
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That's a big mouth.
why did you skip Breaking Dimensions watchalong? She basically acts like that schizo k-pop stans toward Gura
Most based take I've see in the past few weeks.
It was a message on twitter, and it was like 3 words and an emoji. And it took her like 20 minutes.
None of the other girls like Kiara. Even Nerissa only uses her for yuri shipping
yeah for my penis
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The "debut" Hologras are always so nice to the talents, then the next time they appear they begin to act like a total retard
RP goes too far when it involves sex with males.
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This thread is raided and invested. /ehe/ please send cheese pizza.
CC got an in with the SNO gang.
guess what, the grind didn't grant you any success
life is cruel I know
>/#/ talking more about the hologra than Here
This really is the anti thread
sounds like you need to take your meds
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Then why did she ignore Mori the whole event? aren't they friends of 4 years now?
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She's not making the effort to mingle and make friends she's made the same comments ever since gen 2. She's only got herself to blame
CC is basically join the list of Gura's approved streamer now
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we just had like one of the best collabs in EN history, most general holo fans are cooling off after such a big event and/or sleeping
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To use as an example, Gigi and Kronii since Gigi said she and Kronii started talking quite a bit in dms and Gigi invited her to a watchalong at a later date
>Why did you skip Breaking Dimensions watchalong?
Because I was in the theater watching it.
>She basically acts like that schizo k-pop stans toward Gura
She loves Gura and Ame, she's obviously been a fan for a long time. Why did you even make this post, ESL?
They're not Gigi so I don't give a fuck. And while life isn't a meritocracy Hololive should try to be. Gigi just needs more eyes on her like what happened in ENReco.
>gremlins start PLbaiting with their oshi to win pointless arguments
Kinda fucked up
+ Mio's actual crystal-collecting hobby
+ Grindstone
+ Using the office moai statue
+ Remixed stream intro music
- Towa
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Flew to Indonesia to hang out with ID girls in person. Whatever you say schizo.
I want a slut guild:
he is a naive, i saw some indie keep grinding up after 4 years and stays at 25 viewers
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I'll post some cute bibbert
What talking? This >>84771820? KWAB
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It's just one guy. He's been doxposting since Advent's 3D debut.
ogey rrat
Literally Biboo's mom
Isn't Biboo a little too sexy?
Mori has absolutely 0 desire to interact with Gura, fauna and mumei. Gura did nothing but bring the worst out in Mori and right now she's on top of the world with advent. So yeah she's couldn't care less
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Yep, at this point I think she likes going around with a persecution complex that she dreamed up
Is Towa in literally every single Hologra?

Her and Ayame
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>the brownfeet guy who hates fauna is a deadbeat
I'm really not surprised at all
How is being the fastest thread any better when 99% of it is anti shit? Retards
This was about en anon who was taking about id. Same can't be said about jp she's basically removed herself entirely from em.
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I've noticed an increase in :3 faces in Holo3D animations lately
She was literally in NYC just a month ago. And prior to that she did a collab and had dinner with Raora, IRyS, and Kronii.
Tough luck, be happy for your oshi even being in hololive and being able to live a good life off of her work now. A luxury most don't have.
And it'll never be fair. Other holos will gain more subs and money than your oshi during a 3 month hiatus while your oshi puts out content day in day out, such is life.
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>watch Mococo pov
>she's roleplaying as a deranged chaos cultist
Going from this to doing the whole Gonathon and Pearl arc must have been special for her.
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They need to give ENs better direction lol. Sometimes they have no emotion in their lines.
She's the correct amount of sexy
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Kiara will just never be liked by the rest of the girls. It's sad but her personality is shit.
There was a bone bro moment when Mori logged on and said the tavern was back in business and gura typed back hell yeah or something like that
Except for Risu who fled the country...
He's not even trying anymore.
Towa sama on pizza man channel
>Biboo is not perfectly flat
>watch fuwawa pov
>shes roleplaying as sneed
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>how is big number better than small number???
you tell me, monkey
nuh uh
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She looks like the Konata :3 here
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We aren't taking about her taking trips anon it's when she's being a loner in Austria and complaining she can't participate
Biboo already said herself that her corset is padded
Still posting his shitty edits that he becomes fixated on. Go ahead and post your drowning Kiara while Gura watches. You spammed it for a few months until you got bored.
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its called breastplate. Her model is flat according to her (and that naked cgi)
More gave up because her genmates aren't active enough. Thats why she's doing more with others. Biboo is Gura's replacement
Based, glad you're using my edit
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Kiara vs Goku debate go
Numberchimp we know you raid these threads stop acting like monkey niggers for attention
When's the last time any of them brought her up? Didn't Suisei even forget to mention her when it came to a list of ENs who could speak Japanese?
I thought this was Condorito from the thumbnail.
>now its proven beyond a reasonable doubt that kronii is the one still holding a grudge
everybody knew this already
guess what life is not fair, imagine her seeing you posted like this
hell, as a chumbud I also didn't want my oshi to be the "mascot" of hololive, you got shitposted basically from every jealous people, gura also thinks like that and that's why she still having imposter syndrome to this day
Biboo is kind of sexy, isn't she?
*saves the gonathon arc*
you've been wheeling the goalposts around all thread, it's pretty funny
She's just a child.
Ah right
Reading comprehension, you fucking retard.
Maybe stop giving them attention then, you fucking idiot.
kek, it really is like fucking clockwork. They're nothing if not predictable. >>84772407
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He really steals all his shitposting angles from the catalog. Dude can't even think for himself.
Explain to me why the trip where most of EN and some JP went to didn't count as her bonding with them?
Post the dancing Biboo webm already
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I bought it.
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She hasn't stopped winning since the Spelling Bee as a Gurame fan. I'm surprised she's kept it so cool in person when we see how she is in private (the watchalong).
I'm not your boogeyman just pointing out that Mori isn't forced to speak with people's she doesn't get along with. She's been the happiest she's ever been since she had the onsen trip with advent and from there it's been great.
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I wonder if Gura would have stayed more active if she didn't have more success than she asked for. I mean maybe not, but maybe there's something to it and all the pressure of being the "cover girl" and frontrunner got to her and contributed to her burn out and just distancing herself from work and hololive for many weeks at a time.

If she had had the growth of say Ame, maybe it would have been slightly different.
Outside the first and last day where they were busy with their own storylines there was like a grand total of like 2 hours they were on the server at the same time because Mori getting sick and much of it was when one or the other was already in a dungeon. Gura did seem to really want to use her tavern though.
idk isn't that your fan name? i don't really care
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She's the most sexy
It just doesn't. Only certain interactions with certain people count and only certain times of the year. Maybe a full moon.
Of course you wouldn't know anything about meritocracy. Gigi wouldn't have nearly the same problems that Gura has. She's not going to burn out because she actually likes streaming and always wants to give back as much as she can to grems.
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luv this fennec
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Are GG fans called grams, grems, or gremlins?
It seems to change a lot.
Literally nothing would have made Gura not be a perpetual flake
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Very nice
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just remember, this is who's shitting up the threads all the time.

Gura still didn't deserve it
"Gigi's Gremlins" or "GG" for short.
This is why the entire Gigi vs Gura thing was the most fake forced shit ever

Gigi of ALL people would always push for Gurame to happen she loves that shit. ENReco was a fun one-time thing but she'll definitely go back to suckin doll pussy
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Will Taso become the Elden Lord.
She wants to watch Kaela and Biboo having sex
Yes. It's sad that you can't say this out there because she's a little girl so now we'll never get biboo imoutowife GFE.
Yeah it was unfortunate timing
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The fanbase is Gremurins and the mascot is a Grem.
is this a question
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>*enters thread*
Based, go get 'em, Rissa
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Gura should get revenge by tickling Ina's pits and feet.
What the fuck, polka is me?!
Idk but its really easy to spot antis when they cant use the correct name
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Why are you guys still here? ENreco ended hours ago. Or perchance you're watching Kanata/Risu/Lui/Ollie/Ririka?
ESL? yes English is not my native language, go on tell Cover to put the spotlight to your oshi then, go make a petition to Cover about how they should value your oshi
Is this manzai?
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Fuck off anti.
They had several opportunities to speak with one another. Mori just doesn't want to waste her time nor energy kicking the hornets nest with chumbuds. She's much more happy to chill with all of advent.
Gigi literally did push for Gurame to happen during EnReco, that was her idea for Ame to go back to after she regained her memory. But shitposters don't watch streams.
I'm watching VODs
Legolas still didn't deserve it
That's a sexy Biboo face
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>when you put it in the wrong hole
Who the fuck watches jpslop in 2024
Just went through that part you're talking about and your full of shit she said she has other things to do not better.
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reminder that all these people didn't make it
I'm masturbating to this
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Sorry it should be a big bigger.

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I think only Ina and Mori figured out how to use their shields properly for that fight lmao
maybe if you've watched like 3 Hologras
I thought it was a meme but you guys really are sisters...
>Kronii hates Fauna
>Mori hates Gura
biboo butthole
heh... ame's still got it in her
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The latter, yes
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>Biboo isn't a poor victim of her mind control powers and is in fact very aware of them and will gladly abuse them
She deserved jail and Justice should do their job and toss her back into her cell.
Lesbians can't have male offspring!
I would have soloed the stain king fr.
bitch ass nigga ain't shit.
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New sexy dance
Goob... ERB...
Have any of the JP girls talked about or show any awareness of ENReco?
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>how can I corrupt Faunamart if it is already corrupt?
aw fuck yeah gura selfcest
Mori literally saw Gura start a huddle with the her guild and then those 4 started rping and instead of even to move towards the direction she turned around and walked away. She's purposely avoiding her.
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Because she's a fake "fan", and she's only showing interest in them for views. Why do you think she latched onto Ame in ENReco? Good for her that it worked out, but she's a leech.
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This damn brat.
Can you make the hair loop better?
About time! Thanks, now I'm going to use this for nefarious purposes.
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All of Advent are evil
Sweaty Kronii...
Mori doesn't hate Gura but Mori definitely hates chumbuds after all the shit they gave her after the "party incident."
>go through trial and hang someone
>they respawn 5 seconds later
Meant for >>84772737
Justice was compromised even before debut. The only reason they want advent back now is to lock them in their basement so they can talk to them and have fun forever.
Kanata will never beco-
actually she has shown dedication so perhaps she will
Is sex a cardio workout?
If that was true she would have been with CC for most of the event rumao
i thought you are with grems
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May I ask why our neighbors or whatever shit stirrers crave our attention so much? What has this thread ever done to attract such impotent anger/
>Kronii loves Mori
>Gura loves Fauna
It's starting to make sense
Isn't that the Koyori Hologra dance.
Gigi and CC had Biboo and Shiori in their HQ, but they seduced their way out.
So you wanted her to intrude on something she isn't involved in, instead of continuing with the other stuff she was part of? You autistic or just dumb?
This is unironically true if you know who her actual Hololive oshi is
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Well it IS a meritocracy (along with a good deal of luck)
It's just that in a meritocracy you don't necessarily need to be a hard worker but you absolutely need talent to reach the top, which is a hard truth to accept
For instance, in this industry, voice and all its various qualities including singing is one of the most important attributes, and no matter how hard you work, there's limits to how much you can change/improve this talent to maximize your appeal
That dress makes her hips look bigger than they actually are.
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You know the reason
And from then on when she's removed all of the bad things from her life look where she is now. That p3 stream made me very happy and I'm glad she has people like bae, irys and advent in her life
The core hololive members didn't even know the EN concert was happening (Pekora streamed over it). Why would they care about some sidebranch maikura thing?
I feel like gigi should've made the gurame reunion bigger if that was her idea
Reminder that gigi knew NONE of the lyrics to any of myths songs when they were being played in ENreco
Including reflect
Thanks for the crucial holiday update, Kronii
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The first one is actually real though
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It's just a hip sway.
Success breeds jealousy and whatnot.
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Shark Breeds..
The only fake fan here is (You), faggot. Literally nobody is buying your false flag. The Gigi angle is fucking retarded after a unanimously great collab event.
Go back to shitposting as a fake KFP, bvtmcuck.
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We have things to enjoy
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>to save her sister, she must defeat her in battle first
I am so fucking invested in this corruption plotline. So glad other girls quickly caught up and played along with the milkshake idea. Except IRyS and Bae, holy shit, shut up! Read the mood! Stop with this side chick shit. And I say this as an IRyStocrat.
>government-mandated Towa episode…
Cool story kronii
Where did I say this was before they all came together those 4 were spread out and then she left. Was even more telling that it was mumei,fauna and gura too
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Looks awkward as fuck
Yes anon, even if a girl is flat, the moment they put on a bra, her chest will look padded, because it is
You’re talking about Gonathon
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hey me too!
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Is it really that petty? Goddamn.
I tried to do this myself once
I failed
It's hard
Feel free to check the comments on that VOD as well as all the comments in the archive from chumbuds attacking Mori because she was "putting Gura in danger."
She knows it makes Fauna horny
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Uhh slightly longer to reduce the hair issue. But its still there since its not a perfect loop
Not Ina.
ok so you are autistic AND dumb.
I want Bijou to gyrate her hips like that while she rides my dick, is that too much to ask for?
I hope Mori gets Kiara'd.
Gigi and Ame were planning out things on Discord to some extent, Ame probably explained her idea for how she'd play out the diamond schizo arc which kept it contained to themselves and that's what they went with.
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Men shouldn't dance like that.
Mori was so stupid back then
Who the fuck is Gigi? Humble knight Gonathon was unfamiliar with those songs but certainly enjoyed them.
Okay but why does the one in the background not have her crown?
I'm not obsessed I'm happy and I'm sure you are too. I don't care if it's bad blood, autism, doesn't care or whatever. In the end it came out perfect and let's leave it at that instead of forced reactions Mori doesn't want to indulge in and kick the hornets nest.
this mori/gura guy was in morig the other day and me saying full myth lose lose days would be kino set him off
Mori deserved it though
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Kosexy real... wait doesn't that word roughly translates to "sexy child"?
I'm going to fuck this rock child
Ina doesn't wear a bra she wears a perverted exhibitionist leather strap because she likes to flash grown men her flat chest and pink nipples at night.
I'm in the middle of a 3 hour goon sesh while periodically checking this thread during the short edge breaks
She already collabs with CC often, that doesn't bring new viewers.
>false flag
You don't know the meaning of half of the words you speak.
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>gets a call from ERB
I'm starting to think Mococo was a wrong pov for my first watch but it's certainly the funniest
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>back then
I tried doing it myself just now and also failed.
Out of 10!
I would very much like to have sex with Koseki Bijou.
To make it looks like she's starting to strip naked
What an obscene design...
When your preferred corpo is hated by literally everyone and constantly burning down, the closest you can get to feeling good about things is trying to tear down the neighbor who is enjoying success after success.
Maybe not the best for a first watch but definitely a POV work watching
All is well in the end though she's doesn't acknowledge Gura and her fanbase full of incels and is having a wonderful life in Japan hanging out with irys, bae, fwmc, jps. Life couldn't be sweeter
There’s more Girlstalk without Fauna than with (2/3)
also ERB just audibly said *pushes you*, this fucking dork
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someone is having an acute rent-free syndrome with my oshi
She's smart to latch onto Ame for a chance to get closer to Gura, I'll give her that.
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>just tried it
Huh, you weren't kidding
Not easy at all to swing my hip that far on either side
I apologize but I am currently having all the sex with Koseki Bijou
i do not want to hurt deadbeats feeling
Someone draw a silhouette over her so we can find out
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Don't reply to me ever again you disgusting bvtm phaser. Execute yourself. Go watch dox nousagi while gorging on your leftover dumpster feast.
That's my based gamer gf!
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>no seriously, all these girls LOVE mori
you aren't fooling anyone kek
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so what do I watch now
Kiara only mentioned one mystery HoloJP who asked what ENReco is about
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It was great when she and CC were fucking around at the Gallows, and CC fell in, then when ERB came over to the hatch CC just says *pulls you in* and ERB topples straight into the cage
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2010s called you anon
Lmao you can see the brown starting up.
This gif is both low quality and poorly looped.
lmao, based incel giving her ptsd
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Don't be self hating
OK so what's your point she's the happiest she's ever been in years right now. Gura not being part of her life has aided that and it's just the truth. Truth hurts I know but it does
wrong tab idiot
>t. yellow
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>n-no u
can you say squirm? I feel like you don't say squirm as much as you used to
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You really deserved to have your soul stolen, rock
>I'm just tired...
my point is that you're obsessed with hating gura more than loving mori. mori doesn't care about gura so why do you care about gura so much?
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so I guess she is the one who can speak to God?
nice self report
me on the left
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post pregnant stereo
I think they were actually waiting for Gigi and Ame to finish their moment before starting.
Biboo's artist mama definitely has a certain taste. Biboo also retweeted it
One eye on chat, the other on the sky.
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Fine I made it faster
Stop pretending to be a deadbeat.
Anon, how new are you that you don't recognize the larper. Dude has never been able to answer a single correct thing about Mori.
I want to get captured by PoliceChoco and have her do things to me in the cell.
shut up sis
Why did God make his chosen speaker have a lazy eye?
they should just kiss already
>have her do things to me in the cell.
Like what?
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Like less than two weeks, /ggg/ is a shithole so I'm colonizing global.
Biboo really got lucky and got the best mama
oy vey
I don't im not the one forcing those 2 to interact I didn't start this. I'm just saying why they don't do it and why Mori goes out of her way to better herself and not be surrounded by people who bring her down.
Add a couple more buzzmords and you might break the record. Has there been any solid proof off her being a Gurame fan aside from her reactions to the performance, and your schizo delusions. As far as I know, she hasn't talked about much about Gurame and hasn't shown any knowledge of past Gurame moments. Liking GG is fine, but stop being a retard shipsister.
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Also: better colors
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I don't even know what he's planning to accomplish with this melty other than being the designated laughing stock.
Just like every other post here.
The best kind of police brutality
You got a flashing frame or two, bro
Was there a final version of the ENReco relationship chart?
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That was a good Ririka laugh.
lets test if opus works
Things that would give me pleasure.
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extremely silly mikochi
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We love Lyrica here
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Good dog
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Spainbros it's time.
Then why does she still hang out with male e-celebs?
Didn't we rank Hologras back in the day?

Rate the Shiori and Biboo Hologra
Ah, like you cooking for you? Understandable.
Why the fuck is Gigi trending in JP twitter right now? My 9 yo jap niece is suddenly knew about her
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God she's so cute, I want to french kiss her
Listen to this sneeze

Well that dude just larps as a deadbeat for some reason. You should be able notice his odd posting style by now. He's never been able to answer a single thing about Mori correctly. He gets things so incorrect it is almost like he is trying to be wrong sometimes.
You have no comeback to what I've put because the truth hurts. It's obviously not just her but all those things add up in the end and Gura being out is one of those. I couldn't care less If it's just autism and that's it Mori is happy and at the end of the day that's all that matters
Nice armpits. I guess I'm under her spell (pits).
She should be splashing sweat from her armpits
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No HololiveEN fan would be upset after this week's ENReco streams. There's nothing to be mad at any of the girls for, any and all shitposting and baiting is from one of these following >>84771831
Keep in mind we are firmly in SEA hours, Phase Connect fans spend more time /here/ than /pcg/.
In other games, that fucker barely kicked the ball at all
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Pics of your niece?
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Same but her pits.
>cried at persona
>she's happy
which is it anon
CC was hanging with gura and fauna the entire time so if she wanted views she would have just hanged with her side bitch and passively orbit the EN bread winners. She isnt a numberfag, so every angle you try isnt going to work.
OK nice whataboutism there's a clear difference with people she's in the company with and randomers. Plus how do you know not like you watch her.
I miss Ayamefriend.
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Would you guys have stayed ignorant to the allure of pits if not that sheep's corruption influence?
9 yo?
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9 INT tenshi
You somehow made a even dumber post than the one you are replying to.
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I've always liked armpits, the sheep just reinforced it.
No, because my oshi has puffy pits
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actually she goes by Amane Kanata now
Oh so every post you make can be whatabout Gura but I can't make a single one? Seems unfair to me!
Did you watch the fucking stream it's tears of happiness she's got friends who care for her now and how the game really resonates with her. Fuck off already
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Ah I missed this earlier tweet
No because I came from /jp/ and armpits are culture there.
Doesn't that mean you have an infection somewhere
That was a misclick by Mococo, right?
This is the best GG armpits I've ever seen. No retarded pitpussies aka. "draw a pussy, call it an armpit" bullshit. Just fucking right amount of eroi and details.
Semi-related but why do they call Mococo 'Moco-sauce'
Is it some kinda circular translation of mogojam?
I don't know enough Chinese to even isolate out the characters and google them
/#/ got raided kek
Didn't care about pits before, don't care now really.
Was already into cute smooth pretty feet before so hololive changed nothing there either.

The only thing hololive did is make me appreciate blue and yellow nail polish more, I wasn't really into painted nails before.
How does it relate when I can see Mori going out of her way to dodge her even being in the same collabs compared to some random e celebs? Make it make sense
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That fanart is uncanny as hell, Raora...
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Biboo is going after Polka next....
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God, I hope not
IRyS please stop pretending like you helped with the remembering
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What else are the voices telling you?
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i prefer feets
Can Polka be a mom? She's more of a quirky lesbian aunt.
I like Gigi I think she's neat
Voices tell me nothing actions do and the time frame in which Mori Is a brighter more happy person correlates with Gura exiting that is all
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There's a resource pack for this called "Bijoulite"
Armpit fags understand that
It's mostly the hentai artists who misunderstand the appeal
Ok, but try again in English please.
Mori fat
She did, though unwittingly.
That NTR attack pushed GG to go write A Knight's Wish.
Before that, both Ame and GG were happy to let it be bittersweeet.
That's real as fuck brother
Hang every artist that draws pitpussies.
They don't get it.
It's fucking over. Biboo pulled her in
I'd kill for more Holopits with stubble and sweat drip. I hate that every drawing has them either bushy or completely smooth when slightly stubbly is the most likely for the majority of the talents.
Surprised it took you this long to bring this out. Always funny watching you on the back foot not being able to say anything so you spam lol. I'm happy anon and you should be too
Was it intentional?
This would make a good wallpaper
It's IRyS, anon
on my face
and dick
not your boogeyman
That's an English word anon
What beautiful pits
>bushy pits fanart
I can only think of like one or two, they're still a rarity like stubbled pits.
I think Polka is the only JP that watches EN regularly.
nice samefag, doxbeats at it again
That anon will never be happy and he doesn't deserve to be because he's a Phasenig bvtm twitterposter.
this thread has much more Gigi mentions than the thread when the ENreco just ended
taso-chan... that's not the real godfrey
Gura and Mumei were so checked out of this event
just woke up for my daily mori fat post. my kiara is still better and popular compared to her though
Bijou is pulling in all the mammies
they use many emojis for the subtitles in Hologra
and Mori is still fat
Well that's a good warning the next thread will be full of doxx and the only reason it isn't in this thread is because its already image capped.
someone tried to make me hate her I guess
/writing/ is the other tab
did bijou or nerissa invent nerizzler
it's the only one we're gonna see this year though
Kiara was crying about skipping collabs and not getting invited to them. I'm on top of the world right now. Insult Mori all you want actions speak louder than word and I won
>Grindstone Anniversary
huh? why
Slight stubble is the best, too bad art of it doesn't exist.
why are deadbeats like this?
I'm going to post Mori's fat tits next thread
Thanks for letting us know you woke your discord friends up.
Because it's been one year since their first collab
Why are you (brownvtm) like this?
pebble please..
that is the real taso scream though, let her have this one
Mori is happy today but someone with BPD like her won't be happy for long
i can save her from her retarded parents
i know anon
It's been like a year anon ever since advent debuted. Keep crying though it makes me happy
>speak louder than words
it's only loud everytime she walks thanks to her being a landwhale
meanwhile my kiara is sexyhotgirl69
Cause they like each other and are basically tied to hips
Breaking Pro Dimensions?
Is that the name for EN's 3rd concerct?
Why would someone try to make you hate Gigi? She's on top of EN hype for giving us so much good content this event.
Could it be we have antis /here/? Nonsense, we have staff monitoring this thread to prevent them from doing such things, right?
https://youtu.be/lNIoudshEkQ?t=9423 lol
Most of it is about her armpits.
nice rp there moricuck
your oshi is still jealous about chimera
Been MiA for almost 3 hours.
chumbud are insecure
You know in your heart it won't last
so theoretically what improvements should happen for enreco2?
yea yea let me guess, no kiara, no shiori, very funny
Do U luv Pekora?
Heh that's what I thought
It's very close second for me
don't schedule meetings during the event, don't invite mori
Fauna actually logging on when the other girls do
More like why does Takamori and Amesame have no anniversary if they are so popular (self proclaimed)
More stuff to do outside of dungeons for one. Also secrets being a thing outside of dungeons as well.
OK what's your point exactly if she gets sad then she has people around her to come to her aid. That p3 stream was beautiful
I plead the 5th
*Image of Sakura Miko Hololive 0th Generation*
Better schedule
Break up cliques as thats not helping them interact with others
waiting for towa to show me her towabutt.....
Give the girls a rough outline on what the point of the server is and what management wants from them. Some were completely lost.
Those don't really have solid start dates since they all debuted together.
More kissing
Because those ships were born right when they debuted?
i accept your concession and squit for me
Sorry kiara is isolated in Europe not my problem
No Australians.
>Unfortunate timing
>have time
>spend it on Fauna
Gura has her priorities like the frontrunner she is. Ame, Mori and Ina are worthless because they won't give the numbers Gura wants.
fuck up cunt
Now tell me who would you put in the jury of the for guilds?
lol no they don't
this one is definitely a bot
hey dont shitpost my oshi
Sana dead, Bae in Japan. There are no more australians.
Cecilia is also isolated in Europe but she's been doing great
Lol keep playing back that timestamp when she doesn't show up
....you know Ame was just busy with her own story with Gonathan right.
Besides Gura and Ame did the Ina and Kiara dungeon.
How about two Kiaras and three Shioris?
The 12 hour raft collab was just that good
shitposting is hard right now because /#/s is shitting on ironmouse
that's a full house, baby!
I thought Justice would be the one to prison Biboo? Even a human blacksmith can handle Biboo's power rendering her useless
More interesting sidequests.
More unique items/abilities.
Enemies actually pose a threat.
Both erb and cc are willing to join and have fun and make some fun memories while kiara would rather cry about the world not revolving around her. She was seething so many people played and she couldn't join
Perhaps this is just me on hopium but I really want Ceci to be the SEX dancer of Justice.
Gura doesn't acknowledge anyone not named Fauna now.
You're right. Takamori already came into existence before they had their debuts
Takamori definitely was. They were already hanging out pre debut since they were both in Japan and Mori even has a Kaira line in RIP.
[sad news]
Glad to see "pitpussy" haters. I don't even have a pit fetish, but anytime I see a doujin or hentai artist draw armpits as cunts, I fucking hate it and genuinely grosses me out.
>all this shit about the best RP that no one cares about
>the best moment was Gura opening a box and getting a hat
New guilds to freshen up things.
Try to get everyone to stick to their guilds more, you can hang out with anyone but stay loyal to your guild.
Allow PVP outside the arena, it would make for a lot of funny moments.
Surprise raids can happen in the kingdom and you have to defend it.
Don't schedule meetings that overlap with Enreco.
Don't make any EN's busy on top of Enreco, they should be free the whole week to play it.
Holy shit Biboo has hips for days
See how cancerous chumbuds and sapplings are?
someone need to die
she also call her mother "Fauna"
That shit is literally just for censorship bypass in Japan. It's so dumb looking.
>samefag astroturfing holos vs holos
nuke Philippines
>Bibou unironically sounds like Illya in Japanese.

.... In Minecraft right?
unironically kys discordfag
its 5:13PM in my city, Jakarta
Sorry, but the Philippines is a strategic ally to the Americans. They willingly let the US use their old bases there to scare off the chinks.
Add Towa
so is ame still a diamond schizo inlore?
Yes and?
no need to nuke Philippines, nuke me instead
mine is 6:15PM
and now theyre infinitely fucking useless with 55% of the population identifying as part of the LGBT. nuke philipinos
>shipfags unironically think all the marriage and NTR RP was good
the only good plot was the corruption stuff
If her Japanese got jud enough
Kanata has acquired dragon lightning and is enjoying it.
it doesn't matter, anon, they hold a strategic position that if lost, the US loses most of its influence on the region.
>morning show
>evening radio show
Polka has become addicted
and I am enjoying kanatach!
(Pretend I posted a picture of Gozaru)
isn't that every hours?
Rebalance the guild so that in every one there is member of every gen
Get power of Revelation up, while cooldown down (or add another one, for rotation)
More hats, custom armor (and since it's datapacks anyway, I am sure you can force capes being capes and not elytras)
Damn that's a cute Gozaru brother
Well, when it's not southeast Asian hours, it can be southeast American hours.
who is the fattest Holo?
Kanatach fighting Morgott soon.
Late EUhours/early NAhours is this thread's best hours
>Late EUhours/early NAhours is this thread's best hours
You joking?
well, not so soon
otsu kanata
only meppas can access this powerful slorp
Nah its late prime time where everything is winding down but not early enough for sea to be up
bros is this a real soccer move
More like leeching from kiara
That's pretty comfy a lot of the time
Around like 3-4pm JST?
No the guy is clearly using the power of the Monado to cheat, disgraceful.
Remind me again who's got the more successful career anon. Stick to your shiori or bae trash and keep Mori out of it
Dude kiara said last stream that she is glad mori isnt in her life anymore there is a reason why an asshole like mori is unlikeable
The debut Ame ship was InAme
Yeah like an hour before that there's usually like a few people on like irys, biboo, mori, fwmc among others and it's normally chill
I find late hours when it's basically just Bae/IRyS/Biboo/Mori streaming into early JST nighttime is usually pretty comfy
Threads are the good kind of slow
Who is the most talented kisser in HoloEN, based on ENreco
pretty good slorp indeed
In another life IRyS would have been a lady of the night, she's skilled
What do you mean? Every time Kiara was on people tried to include her in their shenanigans.
She even had that impromptu duel with Gigi and it was her best moment of the event. Why would she be upset?
>EN Reco should've been a Gundam Timeline

How would this work?
>right into bowser's crotch
Pretty rancid thread tonight.
It wouldn't.
Good morning I missed everything because I fell asleep before it even started
Fuck my back hurts
Don't waste your time here and get to checking out the vods then.
This is the 6pm-2am timeslot the meidosan who actually likes Hololive is active
Which one first I have stuffs to do
Yeah, that’s the stuff.
I checked all the vods.

All I saw was CC, Nerissa and Ame saying they were right.

Then there is Bae who doesn't fuxking exist but says she knew it
Ame Biboo ERB
Go to the archive and check how many posts have been deleted in the last few hours for a laugh. Any meido would be nice right now.
Thank you Nerissa for hardcarrying the plot
You don't have to self-censor here, man.
Gozaru singing Kickback
Sometimes JP primetime is kino but it depends on whether or not a great JP stream or event is on
she's just dreading yet another EN event where she has to stream starting at 2am, it gets a bit old 4 years in
I'm just waiting for Roboco. FBK's hardcore MC isn't anything special to me.
It's from Kronii's community post
What the fuck ERB
member post
Just break the sleeping schedule it's her job. Night shifts exist and it's not like they are that frequent
Don’t reply to Kiaraschizo.
>your oshi
>something that happened in ENReco season 1 that's living rent-free in your head right now
>The chapter 2,3 and 4 songs are practically guaranteed to be worse than START AGAIN
I had my first dream about a Hololive member. I was walking around the Univeesity of Texas campus with this 4'6" homely, dorky but cute Chinese girl with greasy blonde and brown dyed hair. She stunk and was sweating profusely and I was extremely embarrassed to be walking with her because she was loudly making sex jokes and talking about my weeb interests as people stared.
It wasn't until I woke up that I realized I actually just had a dream about hanging out with Gigi. Now I'm sad because it's her rest day.
Have you guys ever had a Hololive dream?
so when we will get a holo that good at rally game?
Mori piss
This convo between Ame and ERB when Ame was still on her seeking diamonds arc was so good.
ERB is hella poetic even during improv wtf. Crazy how symbolic the diamond and pearl became over the span of 7 days.
>Shirori Endings
Tim Tenders invert ass.......
Fuck it, one of you repost the link in the new thread, I'm going to bed
CC is EXTREMELY cute holy shit fuck God damn hnnnnnggggggg
The moment where Mori heard RIP and tried to run away
she will
Just Mococo's hilarious statements sometimes. She doesn't even do it on purpose but sometimes she responds with one liners that are just fucking funny cause of how stunned they leave the other party.
We will NEVER get an /o/tist holo and I've made peace with that.
IRyS proposing to Ina out of the blue and Tam going full emo
So what's the status of the Gonathan brainrot on twitter right now? Is it still lingering or is it finally dying out?
Nerissa's clutch wingwoman moment, just minutes before the final boss fight started
what a fuckin' bro
>"I'm nothing-- I am but a humble knight."
ERB randomly kissing IRyS and running away
Biboo and Ina perfectly timing Violet while Gonathan greets Ame who got her memories back
When Mococo's voice was cracking while calling Nerissa lying witch kek
Yeah? It's not like she's gonna miss out on both the first and last days of the chapter and at that point she might as well participate for the rest of the week with a break day in between if she wants
Anon it'll last at least a whole year
Ina getting embarrassed by Violet
It's /here/ to stay, anon. One of the best collab performances in EN history doesn't go away after 12 hours.

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