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Thread for discussion of Japanese Vtubers and all related topics, including news and numbers. Previously known as JP Numbers.

Includes but not limited to: Aogiri Highschool, Dot Live, Re:AcT, NoriPro, Neo-porte, VPI Cafe, Hololive, 2434, VSPO, Kizuna Ai Inc, 774 inc, VOMS, Strawberry Prince, VEE, Varium, Sinsogumi, Million Production, Aikatsu Academy, Hasunosora Highschool, Idolm@ster vα-liv, any other corpos, vsingers, ASMR and all JP indies regardless of scale.
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Previous : >>84732018

A thread for discussion of all JP vtubers and things related to JP vtubing.

>Who is on topic here?
All JP vtubers. Especially if they are without a general otherwise, but anyone JP or in a JP vtubing branch goes, for the most part. That interesting Japanese vtuber that none on this board seems to be talking about? This is the place!

>Are non-vtuber topics allowed?
Yes as long as they are Japanese and have sufficient impact on JP vtubing.
Some you might regularly find to be relevant: JP streamers and content creators, Crazy Raccoon, Anime&Manga, JP gaming industry, Vocaloid, Seiyuu, Jpop, National Television, other Japanese media and news outlets, etc

>Can I shill my small indie/corpo oshi here?
They are on topic, by definition. However, remind yourself that low-effort link-dumping and begging has never worked out well anywhere. Make your post interesting, put some effort into writing about them, and it should greatly help your purpose of shilling them as well.

>What is off-topic?
non-JP vtubers without relevant context.

>Number sites for Vtubers?
Tsuru Uiko

Tsukimi Tsuki

Takanashi Kobato

Usaki Rapan
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>快晴 / Kaisei (cover) *new*
>青と夏 / Ao To Natsu (cover)
>青のすみか / Ao no Sumika (cover)
>Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (cover)
>奏 / Kanade (cover)
>My Dearest (cover)
>名前のない怪物 / Namae No Nai Kaibutsu (cover)

>Utakata Maybe *new*
>Shunkan Heartbeat Otonose Kanade SOLO ver.
>カバー曲 / Cover Songs
>歌まとめ / All Songs

Holy Haneru's stamina
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Kanon reverts her blacked status in today's sauna stream
She has to maintain her bicycle status in the mahjong sphere even when she's currently deep in the SF6 circles.
She's evolved now that she has left Re:Act losers behind.

The once classy courtesan, now Monhun spammer is here
That's neat.
Seems like there are more plans with Moemi ahead (aside from whatever event that was on the news blog)
How do you even create a new perfume scent from your own place?
VOMS midget have it good
Link spamming faggot is half the reason the vsinger thread is such a shit show these days.
So Figaro started naming her streams in English and even installed auto translate.
What's up with the sudden gaijinpandering?
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Inui Toko birthday countdown and announcement
Broken in by white cock.
Where the fuck is this Tamako whore
Anything prepared for tomorrow?
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who cares about daisenpai anyway
skipping stream to play FPS with "friends" again
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The only good idol bu left.
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Reminder that Neo-porte is the only FPS corpo left.
There should be
I missed the start of the stream, but I don't think she has talked about it
Currently her conversation topic is related to the upcoming live tour
I want to do things to Pino's lips.
Wait a minute, you can’t force someone to follow the rules that you made up?
Sana chama doesn't invite correction today.
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MilliPro says hi.
Their best content is Yui genshin, Yui singing and Niu ASMR though?
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we won
Nah their best content is Reid Mahjong, Hal Mahjong and Tsurugi GTA.
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Kotoha and Hanon are adept Valorant players.
Adept cock suckers more like
How good is she (Nakia) tho?
Bets on why anon deleted his tally?
only Kotoha is
Tsuna is under suspicion of being a Gook.
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> 24,155 - Chiroru (Indie)
> 23,062 - Shigure Ui (Indie)
> 22,733 - Strawberry Prince Channel
> 23,062 - Tsuna (VSPO)
> 12,847 - Met (VSPO)
> 11,386 - Patra (Indie)
> 10,884 - Nose (VSPO)
> 7,576 - Rin (Maha5)
> 7,434 - Beni (VSPO)
> 7,307 - Nerumero (Indie)
> 6,768 - GatchmanV (Indie)
> 6,763 - Runa (Indie)
> 6,025 - Aruran (Holostars)
> 5,986 - Nakia (Indie)
> 5,153 - Hal (Neo-Porte)
> 5,086 - Nose (VSPO)

Holostars tally in a long while. Nakia's ASMR peaked pass midnight yeah!
Tuna is pure blood Nip
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September 2024 PLATINUM

1) 54,772 : Strawberry Prince Channel -【限定生放送】実写カメラ!浴衣で夏祭りに行ってみたWWW
2) 13,412 : Hinano (VSPO) -【 Minecraft 】めっちゃたのしみとりあえず回ってみます #ぶいすぽランド
3) 19,015 : Patra (Indie) - ASMR】ノイキャンなしの生音!睡眠特化でふわ~っと眠くなる。
4) 1,818 : Dr Kanae (Indie) - 【にじさんじが声明】最悪逮捕&実刑も…なぜ被害者を詮索してはいけないのかわかりやすく説明する【Vtuber解説】
5) 12,935 : Chiroru (Indie) -【 阪神公式戦LIVE 】 9/5 阪神タイガース 対 中日ドラゴンズ プロ野球一球実況で一緒にみんなで応援ライブ
6) 13,481 : Chiroru (Indie) - 【 阪神公式戦LIVE 】 9/6 阪神タイガース 対 東京ヤクルトスワローズ プロ野球一球実況で一緒にみんなで応援ライブ
7) 26,977 - Chiroru (Indie) - 【 阪神公式戦LIVE 】 9/7 阪神タイガース 対 東京ヤクルトスワローズ プロ野球一球実況で一緒にみんなで応援ライブ
8) 24,155 - Chiroru (Indie) - 【 阪神公式戦LIVE 】 9/8 阪神タイガース 対 東京ヤクルトスワローズ プロ野球一球実況で一緒にみんなで応援ライブ
x4: Chiroru
x1: Strawberry Prince Channel, VSPO, Patra, Dr Kanae

x6: Indie
x1: Strawberry Prince, VSPO


x126: Indie
x59: VSPO
x26: Neo-porte
x22: Strawberry Prince
x6: Kemomimirefle
x2: Holostars, NoriPro, Studio LaRa
x1: RK Music, 774 inc, Maha5 JP, Ireisu, Kizuna AI Inc, HEIWA

x38: Chiroru
x21: Hal
x20: Hinano
x17: Nerumero
x14: Shigure Ui
x12: Strawberry Prince Channel, Patra
x11: Tsukasa
x9: Nose
x8: Ito Life
x6: Karin
x5: Natori Sana, Rinu
x4: Tsumugi, GatchmanV, Beni, Reid, Ema
x3: Ponpoko, Kuromu, Colon, Met, VSPO! Official
x2: Riria, Sakura Aoi, P-P, Yuuhi, Rikka, Peanuts-kun, Tamaki, HIMEHINA, Sumire, Qpi
x1: Satomi, Root, Nito Wai, Hachi, Sakuma Riru, Akarin, Hizuki Yui, Runa, Haneru, Higeki Rin, Ireisu channel, Macoto ASMR, Kizuna AI, Mikeneko, Sena, HaruLuna, Queue, Dr Kanae
Tomorrow there will be utawaku and new outfit stream on Inui's channel (I didn't listen properly whether it's at 20JST or 22JST)
And she hinted she will upload a MV on her channel at 21.30JST

Feels good to have better night life quality than Aogiri chuds.
Norio might not make it
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Good for vanilla youtube
There should be a tier list of ASMR whores.
All my tier 1 Sera, Sentsuneko, Mare, Karin, Uise are nuked from youtube
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I like this slut
>no Komaru
The Empire prospers.
new belly-exposed outfit?
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The new outfit reveal is at 20JST
Picrel is the silhouette
Looks like winter cloak style to me
Let's hope she's a freak that would reveal her midriff when it's cold.
I think she pulled a Tama on ProPro, except they didn't even find out and she became their solo talent, free to enjoy all the budget and manager cocks.
She's crazy with it.
NJU is back
>reveal her midriff when it's cold.
That's just crazy ww
I've only seen girls with short skirts showing off legs during winter not exposed tummy
The winter theme is just my own guess because the silhouette reminds me to fur cloak and she already has 2 seasonal outfits (summer and autumn)
not until December
What's the appeal of tummy?
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FSP is getting desperate now
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If this doesn't explain you just don't get it.
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Aogiri chads know.
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The best and sexiest Vspo is servicing men only.
nah sexiest buispo is Karubi
That sexo illu could have been Amae Ten...
Too bad she services burgers only.
Holy fuck it's so over for JP keks
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Etora-san cute.
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yeah I don't think Panechi has anything on this.
Ren is the most feminine Buispo btw
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Ado you will save (you)

Haneru enjoyed the Haitani session
She trended again because people just like seeing pro eSports/chess players rizzing up a wombless hag I guess.
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Kenki should share some of this with us, this is ridiculous.
She can't even save herself from her dying career.
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weird Gartic Phone buddies by Kakapo
>Hoshimi Madoka
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I wanna fuck that dog
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Idol - Yoasobi.
proud dogfucker, I kneel
Didn't Natsume graduate?
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He's too powerful. Or rather, Ohtani.
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Sextama tomorrow
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Skinwalker fabulous
Hiyokobaba really deserves the mesugaki treatment
Ho I would Otome Kaibou the hell out of her if you catch my drift
Yes but she's still with them as a background staff or something.
never forgive
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The better Niner
>loss streak
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Actual OG collab? In this day and age?
Praise be with JSDF Resident
Nekomasu sexo
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I'm not sure about the tail
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Let's cheer on this vibrating sex bullet from VASE in Herz Ignite as she is 8 subs away from 1K while playing GB4
She's not bad. Didn't VASE has a 3view chuuba.
Why only small corpos are playing gundam breaker?
It's for folks that like reverse penetration
They seems to be inclining from it...it must be a really good Gundam Breaker this time.
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The only VASE I watch for her FGO stream is still 2 views without buff stream
perms stuff possibly
We're so very back

Peanuts-kun lewd in latest vid
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Kasuka love. Remember the hotel with Reality investors?

I only remember the Nigerian prince she was trying to save
imagine the sex

Time for some boob-viewing
Yomikeks lost?
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>Divegrass Anchor
Sorry for the late post, I've been out of town. We had a great start against fig with an early goal, but sadly we lost in our debut match. Hopefully we do better next week. We need a strong showing to have a decent chance to make it out of the bracket. Next weeks match is on Sunday the 15th at 21:00 UTC. Reminder to follow closer to the game.

I was a bit bummed that I ran out of time to make a hype video, but I'll try to have something in for next week's game. No promises. Also, I've got tickets to see one of my favorite bands right after the game, so I might not even be able to watch next week. A bit unfortunate, but it is what it is. I'll try to be there if I can.
bad luck I guess
Both the games outcome and next weeks schedule!
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Also, with feedback from a friendly anon, I've revised the team uniforms. From left to right Home, Away, GK, and an alternate yellow kit in case we ever want it (but we won't be using it for this season). There are also logos on the kits, but they aren't pictured here.
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If sex why low noombers?
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Haneru will regain everything.
Skills and pro gamer bicycle status.
Mahjong pros lost. FGC chads won.
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How about mahjong?
>not Mizushii
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BEEG NEWS Yukker slim dowb
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The new promising MiHoYo sister, Penpe of the Empire
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We love FPS here

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Frame for Inui's outfit reveal + utawaku
Don't miss out on the rare utawaku!
And this is the frame for the new MV
Wonder what song it will be
>supported by DAM
2024 EVENT ANCHOR - JP Vtubers
Feel free to suggest additions

Vtuber Legend gathering ft. Baacharu, Nora Cat, Noja loli: https://x.com/irodorimayoi/status/1831980699668345201
Vesperbell Kasuka birthday: https://x.com/vesperbell_info/status/1832615308806520841
Finding Urame a girlfriend collab hosted by Tamaki: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8-ad0QPfgI
Inui Toko birthday & new outfit
Kamishiro birthday & Kurea new outift: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bd1wMDDTC2Y

Avex Muchoo Live Session -unveil-: https://avex.jp/muchoo/news/detail.php?id=1116814
Noja Loli’s new model debut: https://x.com/kemomimi_oukoku/status/1829450260395315645
Nornis LIVE TOUR 2024 in KT Zepp Yokohama: https://www.nornis.com/event/live_tour_2024/
RIM x KAF Singularity Live Vol.3: https://x.com/kamitsubaki_jp/status/1796483999583645805
Leona’s 5th One-man Live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdFKikuFZi4
Live event ft. Kano, Nanahira, Kagura Nana, MKLNtic: https://x.com/kano_2525/status/1817848568352580003
RIM’s 3rd One-man Live: https://x.com/kamitsubaki_jp/status/1796483999583645805
dot live x 774 inc two-man live: https://x.com/dotLIVEyoutuber/status/1825143728056725971
Natori Sana’s live in Ex Theater Roppongi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adiQx_v-tt4
Nornis LIVE TOUR 2024 in Zepp Namba: https://www.nornis.com/event/live_tour_2024/
Neo-porte Live 2024 ft. Gen 1 & 0 at ZEPP Yokohama: https://x.com/NeoPorte_info/status/1814256178903552010
(to 22nd) Aniera Fes: https://aniera-festa.com
Nagase Yuka Live Tour - Osaka
(to 23rd) HIGHWAY STAR PARTY 2024 ft. Claire-sensei, Miria, Kanade Mimi: https://x.com/highwaystar_inc/status/1806859631878353327
Utano’s fan meeting event: https://x.com/UniVIRTUAL_jp/status/1807006103185813972
“Our summer vacation” by Queue Tan (for 2 weeks): https://x.com/ume_design/status/1827706287871910043
Nornis LIVE TOUR 2024 in SENDAI GIGS: https://www.nornis.com/event/live_tour_2024/
Idolm@ster vα-liv's first solo live event: https://idolmaster-official.jp/news/01_11836
Mokota Mememe’s 2nd solo live: https://x.com/dotLIVEyoutuber/status/1817870404792561927
Meta Voyage Live Project VR live event ft. Figaro: https://x.com/MetaVoyage_pj/status/1830198945815097626
Utai Meika’s birthday live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfRiEZ2zx9s
Pmaru’s birthday
Kamitsubaki stage play: https://panora.tokyo/archives/90744
Else and the shark Poki, last one-man live: https://x.com/Else_PJblue/status/1824023339758760366
Nagase Yuka Live Tour - Yokohama
Vtuber ON 2nd live event: https://x.com/VtuberOn/status/1807751691506430209
AWA UPSTREAM 2024 AUTUMN: https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000002844.000022425.html
Asano sisters x HIS: https://x.com/asanoruri/status/1820100789328871881
Koaku Manohime 3D birthday live ft. guests: https://x.com/KoakuManohime/status/1832736329479909521
MonsterZ MATE's first outdoor music concert: https://x.com/monsterzmate/status/1809180725486448702
VEE music event “Seek the Brilliance”: https://x.com/_vee_official_/status/1831603180020392199
(to 3rd) Kamitsubaki KAMITSUBAKI WARS 2024 Kamitsubaki Makuhari Sensen https://panora.tokyo/archives/90414
Melty RIP 1st sololive: https://x.com/Re_AcT_/status/1829489314994237774
Sugar Glider (PJ Blue) graduationr: https://x.com/sugarrrglider/status/1822574013719384438
HimeHina national tour (Fukuoka): https://himehina.jp/pages/special?t=live2024_namidanokaori_tour
Hizuki Rurufu 1st one-man live
Re:Act full concert: https://x.com/Re_AcT_/status/1822968777362817525
HimeHina national tour (Osaka): https://himehina.jp/pages/special?t=live2024_namidanokaori_tour
HimeHina national tour (Nagoya): https://himehina.jp/pages/special?t=live2024_namidanokaori_tour
Post the actual good POV from that furupa
Digusting pimping show
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You mean a rightful showing of Aogiri chads' influence.
Here's Leoporte
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But Siro's regular pimping show for Baldjisan is all fine and dandy amirite?
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Aogiri chads run these threads.
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[Missing notice]

7 days since last Koharu (YAB Entertainment)
4 months since last CIEL
4 months since last Oshiro Mashiro
5 months since last Eilene
11 months since last Cocoa
a year since last CAMOMI
over a year since last VT-212
2,5 years since last Kizuna Ai
4 years since last Fujisaki Yua
>runt of her gen
Mikazuki Chiyuru shorts

Rourou Hatsuki

Saotome Azuki
What's wrong with DAM?
Nothing is just the industry's bicycle that keeps sponsoring even after they signed deals with its rivals
Himeno Ria Shorts

Ririsya Acoustic Guitar Street Style Home 3D Live
If Himeno keeps singing like that she wont stay a 2-view...Riri my beloved.
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Posters who abandoned /vsinger/ the moment it became shit and seek refugee in other threads don't deserve anything, at least that's what I think.
Eba Kyouka shorts

Coucourua Creil Gundam Seed Destiny Shorts

Suzukaze Shitora shorts
Can you vsinger fags settle this in your own thread. We used to have fun relay tally then vsinger fag came and rant about link dump spam and killed it. And now we are really having the link dumper schizo bring the fight here.
That's what I used to do, not this link dump faggot.
3-3-4 today...
As long as the link poster stays on topic it really doesn't matter what he posts.
the subhuman posted fucking EN chuuba yesterday
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she's a real nihonjin though unlike the gooks
I’m dumb. The guy that’s bitching about the linkpost is actually a troll.
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again, you know who I am.
So anon would rather die on the hill of defending this link spammer, am I getting this right?
>you know
I don’t and I don’t care. Take your bitching somewhere else. This is my last reply.
Some low effort links posts and we are fighting among ourselves. Just keep calm, ignore and say on topic.
simply ignoring won't work because newfags in the future that aren't around today will mistake ignorance for acceptance.

TOWA sex
her style is outdated now
Robe x Mea
Ito Life x Fraudman
what is her style even called?

All Tarkov players are Qpi's boytoys
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This is my autistic, wired VEE wife.
She wanted to draw snacks but she just had to make it creepy and gloomy.

Vesperbell Kasuka birthday

Inui Toko birthday & new outfit

Vtuber Legend gathering ft. Baacharu, Nora Cat, Noja loli

Kamishiro birthday & Kurea new outift

"Finding Urame a girlfriend" collab hosted by Tamaki
Imagine Lui 3D
Now so why is this linkdump ok?
None asked for your opinion linknigger tourist.
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>Overdose - Acoustic / 綺沙良 cover
Man, I love acoustic
The sigh at the end is quite sexy
The contrast between Kisara's feminine and low singing voice..!!
I don't remember any name from that gen aside from Lunlun
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>Vtuber Legend gathering ft. Baacharu, Nora Cat, Noja loli
hyped for this
her channel is kinda grim
we love baldjisan here
Baacharu x Nekomasu is still the only acceptable V ship
she:?'s washed
>No Death Scythe
Trash like all the rest

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