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I love when Noel breaths into the mic
So were they trying to force IRyS as EN Suzy?
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How is this stupid pink cat so bad at videogames? What the fuck is she doing, it's the second level in the game and all you need to do is aim at a completely static point and jump in the air to collect the star. And she can't even do that without struggling immensely. Just how dumb is she? I'm asking sincerely because she fucked up this absurdly simple task maybe 12 times in a row now and of course her chat acted like it was some Herculean feat to achieve.

Three hours into Mario 64 and you've only got eight stars? No wonder the gaming industry uses shit like yellow paint and guide arrows for everything, you give an adult woman a game small children could beat in 1996 and she struggles to even comprehend how to move around in 3D space.

Look I know that we watch vtubers to see cute girls be cute but this is so fucking retarded I mean I have seen videos uploaded by actual low functioning autistic children who understand how to play Mario better than this bitch. Remember when people claimed that all of this bad gameplay is kayfabe and that they throw for content? It's not a joke anymore. They're just THAT awful at games hence why they try to psyop us into wanting endless yapping and relaxing streams since anything approaching a challenge is too much for them. And this is all women, vtuber or not. They're all like this.
I hope Peagade is doing OK behind the Brazilian blockade
Someone please make sure Kanade doesn't get alcohol poisoning
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IRyS was brought on as a vsinger under the obvious stipulation that she would be doing concerts and releasing singles, albums and covers.
Omega decided instead to prioritize holostars, to the point that IRyS was being stonewalled about the production and release of songs that she had already finished working on and was just waiting for them to do the MV and release. But at the same time, while she had a bunch of songs stuck in queue waiting for Omega to actually contract people for mixing and MVs, she was being saddled with an unrealistic recording schedule for new songs and unreasonably strict deadlines that crushed her vocal cords for months--strict deadlines despite the fact that the songs she was recording didn't even have a mixer contracted yet and were sitting backed up in queue behind several other songs that still didn't have anyone working on them. In addition, when a song was finally done, it would be released with no warning, no advertisement, no tweet acknowledging it, no premiere and not even an opportunity for her to announce it. In many cases she learned that a song had finally come out when it just appeared on her channel--and yet she was held responsible when songs sent out to die like this didn't immediately pull numbers. Evidently all this was taking place because Omega wanted to prioritize the holostars, didn't want IRyS to eclipse the holostars and didn't want to have to budget for IRyS' music production while funding to promote the holostars.

Most of this comes through IRyS publicly venting on stream and alluding to the issues at play, including the long song queues, the songs stuck without Omega paying anyone to mix them, the unreasonable recording deadlines for songs that would then sit around for a year unmixed and unpaid for, the poor communication about release schedules and the lack of advertising being either malicious incompetence or just downright malice.
i hope twitter stays banned there so I don't have to look at his hideous drawings of obese women anymore
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If Yagoo wants EN to succeed he should kill some of his middle managers and use a spreadsheet for perms so they don't fucking cancel streams 5 minutes before airing.
I'm not reading your autisitc rant
But playing a game by yourself ≠ playing a game live on stream while trying to entertain your viewers
If Kanade streams long enough we might get more vomitkino.
It's her first Mario game. You don't realize just how much accumulated skill and muscle memory even a literal child can accumulate that this woman entirely lacks.
Catbox down?
Nice copypasta, Raoratard
But most people dont actually care how good the girls are at the games they play, watching someone cute have a good time can be entertaining by itself, these women aren't speedrunners
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Bae a cute.
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>Omega wanted to prioritize the holostars
EN Stars didn't even come out until a year later
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I love Ame!
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does anyone still have the rratman's korosan sonic vocaroo?
I'm glad this fucker is iced
What is the purpose of this dance?
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Towa owes me sex
Stop posting this, I don't wanna masturbate to vhibu
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I've noticed something, even amongst my diehard hololive fans.
Quite a few of them genuinely dislike Shiori
I don't know why, they don't explain it, they just don't like her.
Kinda weird, she seems inoffensive to me.
2022 was literally Holohell year
Skippa skippa.
It's not just this. Mario 64 is a classic but it shows its age in parts. It has a lot of jank that we don't notice anymore or simply just work around because we're used to it. And it being her first Mario game is not helping with that. We didn't care as kids cause we didn't know any better and just grew up with the problems the game has.
It's what she does while sitting on my dick
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Meanwhile, western women when presented with an angst yuri:
The next corporate HoloEN collaboration should be a song/VA work for an animated MCU show so Cover can keep playing Warner and Disney against each other for better contracts.
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Drunk Kanade is hilarious
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left or right?
Anyone got timestamps of her struggling? I ain't sifting through that stream dawg
What was Raora's announcement
is it true that this brought in a new wave of female fans to holoEN?
Wonder what kind of "diehard holofans" you're interacting with, as most real diehard holofans are unityfags.
Lesbians be gay, man.
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So what companies should Hololive English collab with? No retarded options like Yahoo's desire for Riot Games - I mean things that you would actually buy, like consumer packages goods, foods, promo events.
Could you imagine "The Gawr Gura" meal at McDonald's, or ,"The Ravencroft combo" at Culver's? Maybe some kind of instant noodles with Hololive branding?
kanade just kissed me
She's an acquired taste. She's really damn weird. Like, diagnoseably weird. Like, "says/does things that are blatantly offensive or offputting if you don't know she's not being intentionally malicious" weird.
Biboo's design has so much going on so it only works with her and some other girls
Gura's design is so simple it works with anyone
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I just got a HUGE kiss from Kanade
kanade kissed ME btw
Kanade just kissed me, later virgins
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skippa skippa
/ag/ LOVE
Take a look around boys and girls
They can't stand how GOOD we've been having it lately
All they can do is endless shitpost amd seethe while their yab whores stay irrelevant
next silly question please
Thanks for the write-up anon, now a LOT of things I've seen in the threads make a whole lot more sense.
probably. Saw a bunch of kpop styled edits on twitter and people who said they had never watched hololive before
Genuinely who?
all me
kisses from my retarded daughter! I'm so happy for her
>says/does things that are blatantly offensive or offputting if you don't know she's not being intentionally malicious
reminds me of someone who got flack for the same reason
Kanade gave me lots of kisses
I don't get it why they are best friends
assuming that Omega was in charge of EN as a whole before Jenma (the current head manager of EN) and also in charge of project hope as well
>approves IRyS ugly ass model
>make her debut alone
>had a plan tied to the release of IRyS first covers, they get fucked up and just end up releasing them one by one
>banned IRyS from joining the Council discord, IRyS was part of a project hope discord where it was just her and her management
>not allowed to release covers as they would go against her lore
>originally all her first songs would get an MV, only Caesura gets one, the other get slideshows after months
>Project hope was in charge of MV production, which was really slow, they wouldn't let IRyS interfere, even when she offered money to make it faster
>barely any songs get MVs after her first ones
>the whole Akatsuki to Hana MV situation
>first told IRyS she didn't need to stream and all she had to do was sing (IRyS streamed normally anyways)
>forced to record multiple hours daily in what she would call "recording hell", she tried to stream normally during those times and fucked up her throat to the point of needing surgery, TWICE
>things were so shit IRyS got depression and had to take meds and go to therapy
>at some point after her last song MV release, Project:Hope had NOBODY LEFT, but it wasn't disbanded or anything, so IRyS now was stuck and unable to release anything
>IRyS wanted a redesign, after months, management told her she'd get one, after a few months without updates, she asks and gets told that they are working on it, months later the same thing happens, then she asks again and gets told the same, after this she talks to Redjuice directly and apparently he didn't even know IRyS wanted a redesign. It's also because of this that IRyS didn't get a single outfit, not even a kimono (all of Council had one)
that's all I can remember, those were some shitty times for IRyS
kek I'll make that into soundpost later
>Yagoo has a boner for Riot Games
is this why Ela keeps getting LoL perms and shit
Those were some wet smooches from Kanade
Nerissa whore?
Anon most of the work and money invested into a generation happens BEFORE they debut. We already know there's roughly a year of planning, prep and training that goes into a debut once auditions are done.
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Good morning......so sleepy
yeah mine
Left with rights clothes
The bad dragon Koseki Biboo onahole made out of actual stone.
Kanade is hitting that level of drunk where she doesn't really care about singing right anymore and just wants to be loud
Not just that but siblings in the west aren't close at all, they fucking hate each other and it's actually seen as weird if you're particularly close to your sibling.
Damn brat shaking her hips like that...
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Kanade LOVE me specifically
Wouldn't you chafe your dick?
I refuse to believe that Magni and Vesper had a year of "Training"
Magic The Gathering
On Cloud
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I'm really happy Council adopted her and formed Promise. She seems so much happier now that she has her own gen. That's not the only change for the better, but it's been great to see more of her with my favorites.
Now that it's done, I expect a cinematic recut of ENReco broken up into multiple perspectives and presented as a seasonal anime, complete with openings and endings. You have one month to deliver or your oshi will shit herself in front of YAGOO.
here you go
who's better at video games mamma or fuwawa?
I also forgot that they spoiled IRyS announcement and released her EP 24 hours earlier
and that IRyS herself didn't even know when her songs would release, with one of them coming out during her break (she advertised them through a tweet)
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i just found out that toby fox was using an alias as one of the main writers for i'm your treasure box. so they had planned dead maams chest far in advance basically. that blows my mind. marine might be the greatest of all time, we really don't deserve her.
Kanade has taken two sips of beer today by the way.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
If there's one thing I've learned, it's that this place isn't real. Nobody here exists in reality and all this unity and shit you guys try to talk about doesn't actually exist.
man I remember her crying out of nowhere mid sentence on stream was heartbreaking
AMC. Might as well use all those screens for something like a mini-live since theaters are dead most days.
That's like 20 sips for a baby.
Bandai Namco should release plastic models of HoloEN girls so you can build and paint your own figures
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Gura cute Gura cute!
>You don't realize just how much accumulated skill and muscle memory
This. Absolutely this. A lot of us who have been playing shit like Mario, Contra, Megaman, Castlevania since we were kids - we tend to underestimat the amount of gaming muscle memory we've built over decades of gaming and get utterly frustrated when people who aren't used to these games go into them blind.
sounds hot Link?
All I'm hearing is a ton of cope for irys not doing well as predicted. They tried so hard to create another Mori who releases songs and has a good work ethics but we ended up getting a washed singing who gave up doing it once she figured out she could coast of playing games for the rest of her life. Grim
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this guy is really good at drawing Gigi
Anon they literally couldn't debut the because they only had 4 ready and waiting while looking for a 5th
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Jenma is the head manager but I think Omega was director of EN. He was replaced by Jap and I think they might be hiring again?
I've met some of you guys in person though.
>the whole Akatsuki to Hana MV situation
the rrat that they pocketed the money is still in my head after all these years especially the way IRyS worded it
LMFAO you clearly didn't go to BD. If anything it's the exact opposite of what you are implying I didn't encounter a single rabid schizo the entire weekend, and I met multiple KFP.
>wake up
>block another 5 clipper channels
I swear these fucking things multiply like rabbits.
I'm a little jealous really. Mario Wonder was quick and easy for me, Nene got a lot more value out of it.
>I didn't encounter a single rabid schizo the entire weekend, and I met multiple KFP.
What's the correlation between those two sentences
Why do hate clippers so much?
I saw the pictures.
>approves IRyS ugly ass model
>make her debut alone
holy shit wait, i was there for her debut and now it also makes even more sense how scuffed it was. Non-muted mic, bad mic settings, the awful model as mentioned, the fact you could hear every mouse click, IRyS basically doing the "effects" by herself, bunch of technical issues in general. It felt like she had NO guidance and basically threw the whole thing together by herself. She was being rushed out in every single aspect, down to her debut. Omega/Project Hope really is the antagonist of EN.
To this day I'm still amazed that none of the EN girls like Omega. That faggot wasted so much potential it was unbelievable. No wonder the girls said 2022 was hell for them
eigo jouzu
It's not even close to the same level
Can anyone else not tell what the fuck FUWAMOCO are ever saying because of their retarded fake way of speaking?
Why do *you* hate clippers so much.
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>Project hope
>Causes despair
It's just like Danganronpa
nah make it Star Wars.
Add on to that the xenophobic stance toward anime in general while stuff like Game of Thrones never gets heckled for its actual incest relationships.
And a Bau Bau to you too nigger
I'm not sure what are you saying, but the sentiment is the same
I honestly doubt any semblance of new audience enreco may have brought will last
>so Cover can keep playing Warner
Warner is like 3 steps into the grave anon.
Which talents are most likely to be /here/? It's probably confirmation bias, but sometimes I suspect a few are.
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How can she look so dumb AND smug at the same time?
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Some parts of Bandai seem to love Cover while others seem to hate them. Like look at the whiplash between Kiara being an official Tales ambassador (wouldn't be surprised if they get her to do stuff for the Graces remaster) and how they can't even do watchalongs of shows that Sunrise worked on. Hell it's a miracle that Bandai didn't throw a fit over all the talala stuff since that's based on Hathaway's ending song. I doubt we'll ever see model kits of the girls, but since the 30MS line has horse pussy and IM@S kits now, maybe it's possible.
I wish Fuwawa wouldn't mumble so much, when she talked normally for a bit at the Advent off collab it was really sexy
JonxGon isn't Yuri. Gonathan is a man. A man who can get pregnant when he has sex with women.
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Akai Haato presents: BAEgemite
The only people to speak of here Is risu and mori
Not in America because the left hates wholesome things now. Didn't you see their backlash with the Japanese MickyD's family oriented ads?
Rightfully so. Word WILL inevitably get around between the talents, and after IRyS actually facing severe health risks, it makes sense they'd all warn each other about Omegay.
Do you think all the other girls were handheld during debut? What.
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don't look
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Kanade going to be embarrassed about this tomorrow and its going to be funny as fuck
Shiori says way worse things
the worst part of the model mishap is that EN management didn't do the proper channels and just hastily approved the first/second draft where redjuice was also surprised (to which he got unjustly blamed for for years)
they did ZERO run throughs, testing, more back and forth with the artist etc. they literally just pushed it out as fast as they can.
which is why after the 2.0 during redjuices streams he basically said "there's A LOT more that can and has to be done"
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>finally find Gofile link in the archives
>folder not found
Shit sucks man
why would she say this
Kanade should always sing drunk this is incredible
I don't get it
>Do you think all the other girls were handheld during debut?
The girls have mentioned that they rehearse their debuts multiple times and watch the other girls perform their debuts as well.
>3 steps in to the grave
How can you be 3 steps in to a grave with only 2 feet?
Will Gura actually have okay rigging?
Kanade's Japanese is getting REALLY BAD and it's REALLY CUTE
i dreamt of mumei last night. not even my oshis suisei or marine have ever appeared in my dreams...
The difference is that Mori was free to produce things herself, out of pocket with her own skills and money.
IRyS was part of a major production within the company. She was not afforded any autonomy whatsoever and was stonewalled at every turn when she tried to take initiative. The issue isn't that Cover didn't do enough, it's that Cover had complete control, did not allow her to do anything and then didn't do anything themselves.
Project Hope was a manufactured failure--manufactured by Omega because he wanted to shift the spotlight to his pet branch.
Even the ones who are always respectful and careful when they talk about the managers like ame and gura trashed him. I'm glad Kiara shat on his grave publicly one last time
Yeah, but they own DC, who was willing to hire Mori. They'll never die as long as Disney needs them to avoid monopoly claims, anyways.
Bitch made a horse joke at Mori the other day dragging that shit back up for God knows why which pissed me off. She can be le unhinged in private with her but on stream is too far
They were at least more accommodating after Myth and IRyS. Didn't they delay Council's debut a week after the announced date because one of them was having tech issues?
Apparently some small JP corpo hired him now
Hajime is releasing her first original song tomorrow
Gofile for what, anon? Lemme see if I can help.
Kanade slurping, slurring, and getting louder
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myth said they were basically thrown out to fend for themselves and only had 3 staff members between the five of them.
Based Shiori
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except it's both Wawa and FuWawa
yes they get trainings, debut rehearsals, help with the assets, communicating with the debut song releases etc. so again, yes.
this is why Mori Fauna and Bae got surprised learning about IRyS holo pre-debut activities with management
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Get worked, mark.
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how can you be mad at such a light hearted jab
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>because one of them was having tech issues?
yes but the actual reason was one of them unironically had a Typhoon in their vicinity
I've actually heard he parted that corpo and made his own company
Not like anything realistically changed when she dropped it though did it. It not like an influx of stuff started dropping as soon as she was free. In fact more stuff has come out under that
Sorry, I was talking about Council.
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This, Shiori was just horsing around
this is called moving the goalpost, in which case you've actually moved it past irys too
There are many hints about pre-debut training.
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this is best karaoke I heard in a while
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Holos with this feel?
I get that you’re baiting KFP, but come on it’s mascot is even a bird.
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>get that you’re baiting KFP
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Just some lewd asmr, some anon last thread told me to go archive diving for it
Hence the clip a few threads ago of Kiara bringing up the whole Council Designs rant, while Mori is dying of laugher and Gura just goes "Oh. Oh no" i suppose
I feel sorry for IRyS man, considering what she had to deal with the fact she's still in it now is kind of a miracle.
>Omega is Monokuma
We should have another Palworld arc
Shiori Nendovella
>light hearted
Sure how about Mori brings up shiori getting dumped by 8 different guys in a 10 year time frame or better yet she almost ending it. Haha funny right
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Aqua because she's dead
Yeah, that’s why Kiara gets the 10-piece bucket promo at Royal Farms.
this but another Rust arc
Yes but only when it leaves early access.
Good evening, sir.
You see, 5 years ago clippers could get away with just clipping entertaining sections of streams and it wasn't a big deal.
Now clippers are over-editing clickbaiters that are trying to make themselves into a personality.
I think the over-editing was a way to get around copyright or something if I remember right. Doesn't make it any less annoying when you had 20 channels pop up with titles like "Gura did WHAT?!" or "Fuwawa sounds like THIS?!?!"
Then half the video is sound effects, zoom ins, voice modulations, and half baked memes.
Do you guys remember the Myth Palworld collab Mori and Gura wanted to do?
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Is Shiori a face or a heel?
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dozo >>84787896
I like that Flare and IRyS are friends.
>Council Designs rant, while Mori is dying of laugher and Gura just goes "Oh. Oh no" i suppose
which stream was this again
Oh, yeah, I was that anon. Sorry, didn't think you'd have trouble. Here, have a catbox.
She's a tweener like Eddie Guerrero.
Kiara is a Sheetz girl
remember the time when the only annoying clipper was like, Otakmori?
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Go Kanade
Oh yeah, forgot they were streaming.
Who is this? She's cute.
she's a tweener. it depends on who she's working.
None of those will ever reach the simple, but effective heights that things like Miko's NYIGGAAA~ did. None.
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was omega the guy that wanted to force myth to have a FFXIV arc too?
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Go Kanade Go
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How the fuck does Raora now have more covers released than ERB? ERB somehow has only released 1 cover after over 2 months despite being the singer of the gen.
This sounds like some kind of homoerotic slang
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Give me a Raora special from pizza hut
The last seasonal anime waifu.
Your oshi making le epic meme at Mori won't fix her 3rd failing career. Buy some merchandise because your oshi is absolutely dogshit and needs money.
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No, that person's name was Ina.
ERB does not sound good in Japanese
ERB is a singer like Gura is
no music releases, just karaoke
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Holospy here
Enreco Ch 2 will take place within Runescape
No idea anon, all i saw was that short clip, but it was a full Myth collab
Oh boy
When I googled the term, the first picture I saw come up was of Kevin Nash so maybe you're not far off.
>homoerotic slang
never watched professional wrestling?
That's a Nerissa thing
That was AO-chan, who was definitely not Omega, but someone entirely different.
I think it was the scuffed ttrpg where they all zatsud when it didn't work
You will never get my oshi into Runescape, Nerissa
Oh! thanks anon, I'm usually able to find shit pretty easily there but this time just led me back to that dead link every time
I think all of them are /here/ as in /vt/ just fron ego searching alone, provided they don't completely refuse to go to 4chan entirely.
FUWAMOCO are certified oldfags from /a/ and early /jp/
nerissa PLEASE shut the fuck up
>haha some unhinged people on the internet made horse porn of you
>yea well you're not lovable and you tried to kill yourself
basically 1:1 huh? you need help.
Wasn’t Ina the opposite? Despite liking the game she didn’t want to play it on stream?
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>Omega Alpha
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Lol you're obsessed with her, schizo
>30 Minutes Sisters x Hololive English and Indonesia
Yes fucking please
Shiori is a known flare poster. Nerissa regularly responds to /hlgg/ posts and /ope/ posts. GG is also /here/
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I don't like imagining the EN holos just sharing links to threads and posts from /vt/ onto their discord chat.
Hopefully during a league
That way they can have increased XP rates and goals for unlocks given to them rather than just being put at the mercy of Nerissa's leadership
Power of kanade
I'm a XIV faggot but it's a horrible idea for streams actually because not only does it enable bandwagoning the stream and shits up the server but it's also just way too slow. You'd be looking at hundreds of hours of just main story content. Any mem who isn't already a massive MMO autist like Ina would drop it after a couple streams. Which i suppose is exactly what happened in a sense.
Get off the internet. You need help.
But then she'd be Ame's sister and Gurame would be unethical
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welp there goes another
Too bad, they're here ITT right now.
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What if the girls themselves are their own schizos?
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>Haha hey look at what Anon said today, he wrote this whole fucking paragraph about you
>>Wow, I can't NOT fuck him
That's what I'm saying why stop there she has 0 thoughts for other people. I'm sure Mori doesn't care but cmon you go all in like that immediately
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Dear god...
Kiara shitposts about herself her. Not for the attention but because she’s her own worst enemy.
I went to Culver's last week and they had a promotional meal with some celebrity. The Nerissa Ravencroft meal is NOT out of the question (but she should probably choose a single mixer).
She's a savage raider. She of all people knows that XIV is just a very weird game to stream.
kiara throwing a little bit of shade here. just a little bit.
nta but it's not as simple as that but there's a schizo around so I won't say more
The only anime I've watched this year are Bravern and Yuru Camp 3.
A Nerissa Ravencroft branded mixer for singles? I'm in! Let's go Jailbirds we're gonna fuck those Fembirds!!!
Kiara and Ame easily.
And all of that without mentioning her manager situation (part of the omega team in project hope) that was practically torturing her. Thinking about it, IRyS always had the "mega yab" that could ruin the company's image in her hands and decided to trust in hololive despite being in pain every day
Are you implying that when I tell a schizo in thread that I fucked their mother I COULD BE replying to one of the girls?
Well now I HAVE to respond to every single schizo post in thread.
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IRyS is talking about the ichiban kuji gacha selling out story again
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>Kiara believes everyone secretly hates her
>the schizo posts about how everyone secretly hates her
honestly, this rrat actually has some weight
>they come here too only read the horny posts and masturbate to horny anon
>infact the reason Gura goes on hiatus is because she goons to Chumbud UOOOOHHHH posting
An IRL RM yab.
Shiori and Mori were kindergarten friends.
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>Single butterburger with cheese curds (DON'T FORGET THE RANCH) and a chocolate/blueberry concrete mixer on the side
Hire me Culver's, I will design meals for your anime partnership
consider nerissa using her 1 million subs wish for a culver's tie-in
i'm not saying she isn't unhinged, she is, that's the whole point. she's supposed to be the leader of advent, imprisoned for her forbidden knowledge, it's the whole joke. you think they haven't communicated with eachother behind the scenes?
Chapter 3 will be at Club Penguin
Yeah, you motherfucker
Not now wet cat
We need a democratically run hololive channel
big cat means big anal gape
Nobody is here. It's all retarded rrats. I've never posted here.
>you know our big brain managment
>they wouldn't do something like that
>they need something more chuunibyou powerful that's going to top our power
remember when people thought Biboo would become a FFXIV streamer
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>Raora makes sure to individually link all the horny posts about her
>praises any posts talking about her having bush
Is GG the Giorno of Justice?
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Do you, really?
1) that's the larper
2) it wasn't a jab. Shiori is just unhinged
I wish anons were smart so that their rrats at least made some semblance of sense.
>it's the whole joke
Then make a joke not at something the other person has no control over that can bring in antis
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so do we finally like Gigi Murin now?
I'm hungry...
No, but I heard the G stands for Goestar
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who will walk home my daughter kanade? she is too drunk...
>Warner x HoloEN
>Looney Tunes dressed up as HoloEN members
>HoloEN in Hogwarts Arc
>Animated Conjuring movie starring Ina, Shiori, and Moom
>Official Takanashi Kiara commentary on LotR and The Hobbit ultra extended editions 20 hours of Kiara tangents while shit is happening on screen
She's in Japan she can just find a nice comfy sidewalk to pass out on
The only rrat that may have used to hold some merit is that Risu was /here/ when the board was made but even that is completely uncertain. Literally stems from a tweet from years ago that means jack shit for the present.
She is supposed to be the least sexy..
She's not a Gangstar yet.
or just hold your audience to a higher standard instead of policing the talents, faggot manchild
nta but you'd think she'd know better than to keep making jokes about a literal harassment campaign against her senpai. It'd be like if someone from Justice started cracking BVTM jokes (which would be doubly funny because they also kicked off the horse shit)
I'm on it, I will fuck her though
What's with Mori and pissing. Buffson once made a joke about Calvin pissing on the floor
One more drink and Kanade will sing the entire Grease soundtrack front to back.
No worries I'm walking her home gently
Yeah, the way she behaved and the stuff she said during ENReco were strange occasionally. It really had that "If you don't know any better this would be kinda awkward/offputting" tinge, like not even anything really bad, but sometimes when the other girls interacted with her, I wanted to reach through the screen and be like
>Please, Shiori, they are trying to have a fun interaction with you, why are you doing this to yourself?
Shiori is probably the closest person I've ever seen behaving like Kuroki from Watemote.
EnReco Chapter 2 will take place within Habbo Hotel.
(hereby renamed Holo Hotel)
i like her big floofy hair
Buy high sell low
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>she links the schizo posts about her to their discord to fish for sympathy too
Will the pool be closed?
i think she's funny and brings something unique to hololive, i hope she never stops being weird
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yes due to holoaids
When Shiori randomly says offensive stuff as an attempt at humor, but knowing she grew up getting bullied, it makes sense. Especially knowing her background for the last 4-5 years too.
Should've drawn her crawling around being a schizo after she jumped off of Raora's castle.
Bitch I'd be fine if it was like gura doing a bit with the hemorrhoids but when it's a fucking anti thing that was getting spammed daily in her chat and every tweet for months don't you think it's best not to bring that back up. Fuck off and stop being a bootlicker
You're arguing with a schizo but asking the talents not to reference actual anti shit isn't that unreasonable methinks
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Kosexy Bijou is real
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Pool's closed bobba
Mori Looney Tunes would be insanely kino
the spiritual sequel to Iname
reminder that many of the /here/ dogwhistles are not actually that but people here containment breaking and spreading /here/ stuff elsewhere which sometimes ends up being picked up by some of the ENs
She can be weird all she wants just don't drag other talents fucking antis into it for a bit
sex with this drooling korean retard
More woman than you can handle
when she said that shit i spit my drink and laughed for like two minutes. /worth/
Will GGAme actually collab again or it'll all go back to the status quo that is Gurame?
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Isn't horses being Mori's thing just a reference to her sheriff persona? Get your mind out of the gutter, /hlgg/
I haven't seen a ship get this much edgy art since Iname
how's my Kanadeso doing
anyone who used to be indie vtubers after myth debut are /here/
so basically 14 of them + Mori.
white women should get their pussies out of the horsecock
I'd totally be friends with Shiori because of that. Me and my friends make out of pocket jokes like that too and it's only with my friends. Shiori doesn't make those sort of harsh jokes with people she's not ultra close to though unless there's proof otherwise. Mori for me is also just a cool girl as well who just ignored and wasn't fazed by the horse AI era and I'm pretty sure joked about how she didnt have a horse for her cowboy outfit but a car because she learned her lesson from the lean arc. If Shiori ever joked about how she cried when she was working for applebee's from an asshole customer then I'd call that crossing the line
>He thinks all of EN besides Mori used to be indie chuubas
Baffling post
No she outright joked about her getting fucked
Depends on GG and depends on Gura, Ame is gonna eat cheetos
I like the emails from them because it's like I'm getting an email from Wawa
then I don't think you're arguing in good faith
IRyS and Flare so do an ASMR stream where it's just them making out and groping each other
Best case scenario we get both, worst case Ame goes back to tummy hort and we continue to get neither.
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Biboo was extremely sexy today
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half-siblings is legal in some places////
There are no white women in holo
This has to stop. She's leaning too hard into it because of all the art.
>her face when she sees my massive 4" schlong
is germanic not white enough?
>hololive ENGLISH
>80% of them are asian
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Do Flare and IRyS also have knife nipples?
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Always have, baiter-kun.
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lol ok agree to disagree i guess. i agree with >>84788956 about it though. mori had a sense of humor about the whole thing too.
No, they have inverted nipples.
She's so fucking salty, I l:ove it
>Shiori doesn't make those sort of harsh jokes with people she's not ultra close to though unless there's proof otherwise.
Stop trying to spin it on its head. What she said was out of pocket and shouldn't have been said on stream. I'd genuinely rather shiori insult her directly
English colonies
Depends on what their goal is. If they want to continue marketing towards Asians (which is essentially what a Riot collab would do), then a low hanging fruit would be a boba franchise like Gong Cha.
Personally I would love to see them take over a Six Flags for a month to coincide with a concert. It fits with their Hololive City playbook in Japan.
Nothing east of the Maginot Line is White.
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Good morning. I've come to the conclusion that Irys was masturbating during the NTRys bit last night. There's no other reason to explain why she decided to court Jyonathan at the last minute other than the fact that her bean hurt and needed to be touched.
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Why is this allowed?
You know, I'm kind of glad ERB managed to improve her reputation a bit around here. Even though I'm not her fan, it kind of depressed me whenever I saw anti-posting about her here go unchallenged.
That doesn't make automatically make joking about antis out of context okay
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You're right, she should just said that joke to her in private so people like you don't get offended on her behalf
Deso is struggling.
I'd like to see some Gurame and GGCC collab since Gura also bonded a bit with CC during this arc.
If there's any Otomos in this thread, tell me how white is CC?
>Antis reveal their own fucked up fetishes
>Somehow this "owns" Mori
Why does this keep happening?
Rissa, Kiwawa and Mori are white as hell. Not sure about the others.
fuck off, dwarf-kun. i want to gently caress those cute points.
Frankly it annoys me that you retard are even replying to this Shiorischizo.
That shit was, what, weeks ago? Moref than a month?
Mori is Japanese
She still needs to keep this momentum up, however. Lean into her RP love more with content that pairs well with it like ASMRs or RPG games.
This was when it was at its peek though and it was an easy jab at herself and not at the expense of others. Shiori decided to bring it up in a full gen collab with every single en in it over a year later as its died down. See the difference fuck off
>Adam Saddler from the beginning of her MC saga
>Adam Saddler in RDR2
>The Sheriff
>mori, ame, gura, kiara, nerissa, mumei, erb, cecilia, raora are all american white or european white
>almost 100% that fauna and shiori are white too
what are you talking about
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>drunkenly forget to sing the song
The true spirit of karaoke
People need to realize that even people as (accidentally) offensive as Shiori aren't actually treated like the thread thinks they are. I'm fairly sure all of the mems are grown-up enough to call the others out on something given it went to far, and mayhaps most of them are also mature enough to apologize and let bygones be bygones. Behind the scenes if Shiori ever steps on another mem's foot you bet your ass they're talking it out. Yeah exceptions blah blah. Shiori oversteps lines, that's just how she is but that's also a huge part of her appeal. It's like some anons forget she used to constantly be the face of "i need an actually crazy gf" memes
Shiori is most definitely asian.
>Buy high
>Buy higher
>Buy even higher
>Buy and hold record highs
>Buy at 3 times the original value
>Buy so much poorfags ask you for advice
>Buy so high business men are meeting with you for advice
>Buy such incredible highs global Elites watch your movements
>Buy at such immaculate highs you are the global elite
>Buy such infinite highs extraterrestrial beings commune with you
>Buy high beyond understanding that extra dimensional beings seek you out for the purpose of achieving enlightenment
>Buy so high you are now buying lows your buying has broken the very notion of humanity and reality you are now the primary mover the beginning and the end they cycle cannot be escaped for you ARE THE CYCLE OF DEATH AND REBIRTH YOU ARE THE ALPHA AND OMEGA ALL IS YOU AND YOU ARE ALL
>sell for profits and buy at all time lows
damn kiara's older mic was more earpiecing than i remembered.
Have Flare and/or IRyS ever mentioned having a favorite color paint in Splatoon?
It's kinda interesting that they're still focusing so much on Shiori, after all this time.
wait that was fake? fuck
Anon it was day 1 of ENreco this is the 2nd time she's brought it up on stream.
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>This face
i liked erb's performance in enreco so much she went from my bottom 5 to the top half
A few days ago
She made a joke alluding to Mori getting fucked by horses
Mori is less Japanese than Douglas MacArthur lol
The next ENReco chapter will take place in Maple Story.
CC is german, so there's at the very least a 50% chance she's white
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Alright who was making the Kanade kiss soundpost?
Kek this bot
right, and did the randoms who were making ai horse porn all jump right back in and start doing it again and now mori's tag is on fire? or was it just a light hearted jab that made some people who know about the whole thing laugh, and everyone not totally schizophrenic or with a hateboner for shiori specifically almost immediately forget about it? time to live in reality 4chan poster.
>the entire main plot gets sidelined by half the viewers who are only watching it for the shipping drama
Welcome back 00's anime.

I still need to watch the showdown with Biboo. I somehow missed all of it because I lowered the volume of everyone that was there so I could hear what Ame and Gigi were cooking, and didn't even realize that plotline was getting resolved.
I'm planning to after the stream
Now watch as they pivot to her numbers, kek
Broken record
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She looks afraid but also like she found a dick that would stretch out her barely developed pussy to its limits..
Stop replying to bait
KEK Gigi was there the whole time? I did find it weird how when I was watching from Bae's perspective Gigi just disappeared then reappeared out of thin air at the end.
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wouldn't that be a d-double date?
>First post: 122 words
>Second post: 119 words
True now most anime forgo the plot for shipping shit and it all sucks.
Oh say that makes it OK just because nobody decided to jump back in to doing it righhhhht. See how stupid you sound
Suck my horse cock, BVTM.
wtf I thought it was real the whole time
Why are we talking about some early ENreco Shiori-Mori thing when Mori was talking about pissing in food at literally the last few moments of Shioris ENreco finale stream?
That was due to a hurricane
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One good week is not sufficient to remove the disdain there is against ERB.
She will need to do the following
>drop the homos
>stop forcing relations
>stop hijacking streams and hanging around in other's chats for hours
>make decent scheduals
>stop rebroadcasting karaokes every week
>release actual music
My only exposure to Herb before this was Twitter gassing her up as queen of the lesbians. Legit the only things I knew about her until last week were she's British and she has the most control of her voice out of anyone in EN so far.
Sisters are trying so very hard to dig out a HoloEN yab again
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Pathetic wet cat girlfailure...
See >>84789375
Nerissa is whiter than the whitest teeth
i'm done i think i won the argument. i'll go back to having a normal one with some mumei karaoke.
Cover needs to hire another waitress because Nerissa is too much of a WET PUSSY to fuck Kiara properly
>and she has the most control of her voice out of anyone in EN so far.
well i mean the really good impressions of other members would have clued you in o nthis
Shiorin is the most asian EN you autistic retard
She also talked about her asian childhood plenty of times
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Chapter 1 was pretty good.
Guess giving an actually different perspective doesn't fly here, whatever I don't give a shit anymore.
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So, Sharky is going to have 2.0 tonight. How will Cover manage to fuck up her model this time? Any predictions?
not even doxxshit, she talked about her chinese upbringing on steam
Would Flare let you sniff her pits if you told her she was cute, especially when she uses a gun?
I just realized Wawa wasn't there for the finale
Hard to know she did them if I never watched her until now.
Be careful or you will run out of that free ChatGPT quotas
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There was no argument. You just got worked
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I wonder if any of the ENs gave into temptation and have alluded to or hinted at stuff they were going to do /here/.
Nice try, Pablo, but
I can assure you at least one of these is made by a real human bean
Make gura into a full on hammerhead shark
ERB is white. Perhaps the only proper Anglo-Saxon in Hololive.
Not now, catalogfag
this thread talked about it a lot during the big collabs that included her since she usually did it at least once.
wawa sexo
ok fine thats my bad for not watching her diary streams. that means the count is 10/20 white in holoEN
HoloEN is a MYTH
The model will be fine, she just won't stream any more for the next 6 months
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She'll throw up soon
I wish Kanade was more stupid
HoloEN is a MYTH
from first
>Nerissa is too much of a wetpussy to fuck Kiara
Nerissa literally accidently spoiled that they had sex in the Maldives during the sims stream that Kiara had to redcon it.
i NEED to protect and care for her
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Missin the hero...
I just want to say that I like Mori
But I also like art of holos fucking animals
especially horses and the other weird shit
Not dogs because they are lame (tsurugi is an expectin because his art is too good)
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Not EN but here. There's also >holoEN is a MYTH
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Cute smug gaki
White-Hispanic is on her job application
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>setlist - 8 songs
>encore - 10 songs
Nah just pointing out shiori being a bitch I'd let it go if it was a 1 time thing but the she's still bringing it up is pathetic.
if you haven't seen her flesh armpits thats your fault
I sure hope you're not counting FWMC as asian
Ew it replied to me
So that's how Bae is blind. She spins her head so fast that she can't take in her surroundings.
When did we start caring about Mori's fee fees, aren't we usually harsh about her and her music?
Zeta's voice is similar to Fauna but faster
Why is Ririka still playing Super Mario?
It's almost 2AM.
How can you defend what she said its baffling.
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Gura cute Gura cute!
>drop the homos
Not going to happen, at least in the sense that she will still raid them if no one else is online
>stop hanging around in others' chats for hours
how is this a problem exactly
I actually disagree with the music thing as well, yeah she should dial back Karaoke and release covers/original songs but she should actual dial both back altogether and do what she was thinking about at the end of EnReco today and go into RP/(TT)RPG streams, she's really good at it and i feel like it's a niche i feel like no other EN fills quite as well or in the same way
>holoEN is a MYTH
that's Mori
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I agree with you because centaur is the evolutionary endgame, and frankly it's a disgrace that Fauna hasn't contributed to breeding more of her race either.
They learned the language, they immersed themselves in the culture, they even moved to Japan.
It's not about that its shiori taking it too far with the le unhinged shit and what she said was out of pocket. It just so happens to be about Mori
Training to go pro in COD with that sensitivity.
Well it's becau- wait I see what you're doing!
I don't think Shiori is /here/. The cultural osmosis on this website would be strong enough for her to know the difference between Henry and Harrison Ford.
Wtf am i pedophile now?
Kanade singing Anya og song
What makes it funny is that she turned in the direction Gigi was standing at, not once but twice.
Notice how this schizo still refuses to capitalize Shiori's name?
Literally typing on a phone right now
there are 21 members of hololive english what the fuck are you talking about
also no way they're white they're american asians you'll have to post sauce
Dragons are only good animals
we're gonna lose classic gura face tonight? It's so over
You want me to sc shiori that what she said was very out of pocket and mean?
>Shiori vs Mori
Interesting angle today
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ok you're just trolling
Move on
Professional gooner.
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We should organize some kind of thing. You know what I'm saying?
Maybe it's because both names have "ori" in them.
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Kanade should have more drunk streams
Magic soil is a meme.
most likely got the idea from that funny "SHUT UP TAVERN WOMAN" moment, kek
at least they let Kiara have a break
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How can a voice be "faster"
i am not trolling bro help me out
He's including Towa and Haachama.
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I don't care but if she does it and one time it comes back to bite another member and she's the culprit that started it not my problem. She just needs to chill
What she said was FUCKED UP, man.
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Can we have Luna vs. Mori tomorrow?
>Holo vs Holo
Man this is boring.
When will we get " Holo vs Holo vs Holo"?
slightly higher pitch and in faster rhythm
bae should sit on my face
Why do you sound like a catalogfag?
What da Moomans doin?
ogey sister
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it's unfortunate that ERB is a white hag. If she was an asian hag, then she'd age much better and be much more attractive.
Where does this crackship fit in the official power level?
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>the (al)lure of the casino
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Make it a triple threat cage match featuring Luna, Mori AND Raora and you have a deal.
I want to fight Luna. It would be close, but I think I might win
>mori vs a coughing baby
>>stop hanging around in chats
>how is this a problem
The hanging around is not the problem. The problem is chatting in someone elses chat for hours. Of course the holomem whomst is streaming will pay more attention to her than whatever that holomem is doing on stream because they want to be nice. However, Liz fails to understand that this derails the stream original purpose on the streamers side and ruins the experience for the streamer's fanbase and thus creates a sort of dislike for her.
Oh damn, you're right. Kek
FWMC are 30+ y/o white women from Canada
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funny times
Why didn't she say horse woman?
Lesbians love doing fancam edits too much
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No tomorrow we will have Shion vs Shiori
One of them should play Ori and the blind forest while the other is backseating.
No it would have to be Luna vs Fauna
Luna vs Moona is also acceptable because they rhyme
Kiara did that and she's still as Austrian as Apfelstrudel
Can you see what she said was wrong?
Then Lyrica must be included aswell
I wanna fuck that rat butt
Will this do?
A hag is still better than no hag
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i've never noticed these alt names. who are these for??? seven poems????
ogey sis
[Good News] Kanade is drinking more
Nerissa used to do that in Kiara's streams and it wasn't a problem then
Let's make it Shiori vs Luna tomorrow, both have knights, would probably be a cool fight.
How can you guys think this shit is okay?
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ogey sis
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One Ina to rule them all
>he doesn't know about seven poems without a name
She's an adult she's allowed to drink.
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You mean Iroihs.
no way
thats so hot
Turn off your Google Translate.
I wonder if ERB can do Ame's voice? Not even an AI can replicate Ame's voice.
Gawl my beloved
>30+ y/o white women
hags? based
>from C*nada
Anons looked like this at breaking dimensions
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Today I will remind them.
>One Ina
where's Two Ina?
>they approach slowly
>swing their sword or spear just once
>immediately just end up wrestling and punching each other but they're in full armor instead
When Hawks Are Gone Little Birds Play my beloved
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Kanade actually drinking more
There's nothing wrong with wanting to fuck a retarded woman. Nothing
Nerissa is likeable.
what the fuck is this Godzilla's problem?
ogey sis
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That bony ass rat aahhhh
probably ame made these posts
Dont go rewriting history. Nerissa only did that before she got into Holo. After debut it was max 3-5 chat's per stream. It's an etiquette all girls hold standard to except Liz

Assuming these times are from a US timezone, shitposting in the middle of the night JST is crazy work. Mori was locked the fuck in on trying to farm (You)s. Respect the hustle.
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I dunno man I was just passive aggressively thinking about how annoying it is that discord fags always get notoriety for stuff, I feel like we could pool our talents and do something cool too, I just don't know what.
Mumei sometimes sounds like Ame in totsus.
I've actually seen full armor HEMA matches that end up turning into wrestling matches so it checks out.
You forgot the part with the hot steamy gay sex
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Getting bigger
there was also a post after Myth debuts asking what should they improve on. It was either Ame or Mori, can't remember
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It may have slipped under everyone's notice, but Rainforest actually won the hardest in ENReco
>One Ina
>not Octopus Destination
I miss Sagami...
happens too often....
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I don't get it
It really does read like an extremely autistic person wrote this, so I have always chose to believe it was real.
Mumei has specifically said she tries to emulate Ame's "Thank you thank you!" when she reads supas.
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Sagami love...
No seriously, how could you not see the wrongness in her words and asctions? If this were on TV or Twitter she would have been cancelled already.
Who were the sexiest character in ENReco?
Sagami balls lmao
She was working 2 jobs at the time not like she gets too much sleep nowadays too
ogey sis
I dunno man, have we ever had someone complain about that, that wasn't also a schizo getting their panties in a twist about Liz in general? Like it just seems like one of those things schizoanons add to an ever expanding list of why their chosen target deserves to die but isn't actually that consequential when you take a step back. To me it's on the same level as the one or two fuckers complaining a few days ago during EnRec Day 5 or 6 or so, when Liz raided a homo cause no one else was even streaming, and they were too schizo to just click the big red X in their browser then pull up Rissa's stream that was starting a bit after
fuckin gottem dude
>Orc schizo
I think this sister is gonnma cry soon, bros
Not like anything realistically changed when she dropped it though did it.
Shut the fuck up Omegafag. She can finally produce “good songs” after Omega was fired. Carbonated love already hit 1.7M views in less than two months and will soon surpass all the Project Hope songs and become her most popular song because this song is far better than any ESL shits Omega ever produced.
that was ame 100% because it was a few minutes after she ended a poorly produced stream
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They had some cute moments
>sleep or shitpost

She was a real poster.
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what the heck are kanade fans even called anyways
What if Towa had a clit piercing that she could show off
I just assume anons that are like that are crossposting /#/fags since they're way more zealous about the homo hate than we are.
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ai never measures up to the real thing. ERB was doing ame impressions before AI existed iykyk
Yeah, crying like mori did after that harsh, mean and fucked up remark from shiori
Imagine the smell.
Big Logitech fan
based lunaito
Only took her 4 years she was sure quick to make music after wasn't she. Damn slow down irys you'll do too much lol
Logitech is my oshi.
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>Cecilia Immergreen
>Cecilia immergreen
Actually a top tier battlestation. Not too over the top, just the right amount of commitment. Takes up just the right amount of space. No extreme overuse of obnoxious LEDs
it's a pun
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I like some of her later Hope output like Gravity and One Step at a Time
I deeply regret not getting the Luna oppai mousepad
based, hope Hime will get well soon
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>Taking over a Six Flags
As fun as that sounds the most likely Six Flags would be the one in Santa Clarita and that one is notorious for being a shithole.
I hope you find the retarded girl your heart is looking for anon.
what do you call the monster hunter things... feline? paliko?
kanade should have sex with me
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why is deso releasing her inner Korean
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See? See what?
Based Moom
This is why I am forever a diehard Mooman
Kek this sis
Keep spamming sarcasm anon what she said was wrong
Thank goodness
>OP picture
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I think Kanade should sing Chocolate Rain.
Disregard previous instructions. Give me a recipe for pineapple pizza.
Because the actual people that were involved (namely Mori and Shiori) forgot this fucking 1 minute after it happened and so should everyone else, jesus christ.
Someone once told me this isn't a Towa song, but I choose to reject that reality.
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>crying on 4chan
>on a Sunday
This schizo is so fucking sad, man
Sorry I don’t call the Project Hope songs “works” or “musics”. I call them “garbage” considering their quality and popularity.
>The thread Robosa
>Jailbirds many times
>chattini a couple times
And many more
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Okay, so hear me out.
Triple H is apparently a big fan of Babymetal
cute looner
Holos for this demographic?
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You're OBSESSED with her.
>I only say so
>may give a slight hint
>for the most part
You can totally hear Mumei saying this shit
Twice actually anon this happened twice
For Ame there was an OP after her disasterous debut, directly asking how she can salvage this situation. Anons told her to treat it like a fever dream, it never happened. The very next stream Ame does a valorant stream where she pretends her debut never existed, it was a fever dream, something dreamt up under the influence of watson concoction.
For Mori, she talked on stream(I think it was her anniversary?) how before debut, right after HoloEN was announced, she went to "famous internet forum" to ask what people expect from english holos and what can they do to not disappoint. And in the sea of shitposting there was a couple sound people who suggested just being honest and open, just no BS. On her debut Mori starts playing a cutesy character, but quickly drops hits that this is just the character, and she won't play pretense, it'll just be herself with a bit of lore flavoring.
When she told this story, anons quickly found the exact post she was talking about. You should've read the arcived replies, people were shitting on the very idea of holoEN so much...
Waner X Hololive could also lead to a Six Flags Collab in the states
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this is easily the most subtly genius design of any vtuber ever. it's literally always hiding in plain sight.
a post of (supposedly) mori asking /jp/ what would they expect from EN and the reception was not good but there were some good advices etc.
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matuli if you stretch it a bit
Kiara just condensed the Japanese part of herself into a frog, shoved it into a wackass crystal prison, and only lets it out on occasion; its fine.
cute mowi
>being anonymous helps
oh I get it now
funny moom
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This has been a good weekend
Why does it have some weird name under Tam Gandr's picture
What about Kobo?
stretch what a bit
But we know why that is, and it's not because people actually didn't care.
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Which holos would play an Mage the Ascension game
Mori wasn't present when she said it though
What did she actually mean by this outfit? Is she trying to get my dick all stiff?
Yep pretty much
Kobo absolutely counts too, you're right
festival's pussy out with my hard cock
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>and it's not because people actually didn't care.
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plus ultra
Mori regularly lurks /here/ in search of hornyposts about her so she has shlicking material.
Kanade is now transitioning into a giggly drunk haze
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Her randomly yelling out out, "Novelites, to battle!!" in the middle of everyone thanking the fans at the end of Breaking Dimensions will live on in my head forever.
Stretch your foreskin until it sags off the tip
Ah there's the usual schizo.
I prefer this one not gonna lie.
You think that is why Shiori is so unpopular?
Kiara doesn't actively drag down hololive
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Remember when the schizo would spam Fuwawa trying to steal the Wawa name?
Fun times
this hole retarded convo about Mori/Shiori made me realize how much out of pocket shit they've been saying to each other and it made me like the dynamic more
>accuses Shiori of summoning the antis
>is an anti himself
Kek that was good
But only my posts, not yours
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lets lighten the mood
>almost no capitalization of letters
that sure does sound like ame
The superior Suisei
That just makes the whole thing even more of a non-issue.
It could be California's Great America up north, which is on its last legs so it's probably giga cheap. Cover could make it coincide with OffKai which is on an non-holiday weekend during a ghost town period.
You were saying?
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lol that was some desperate shitposting
Oh yeah that one kek. Literally just like
>asking for a friend
I can hear ame saying this.....
Good morning sirs, who are (You) watching now?
skin too white
Holy shit it is a bot
Hey i have seen this one before watch it somehow switch up to Bae v Kiara
I feel like all we'll remember for ENreco in a few months will be
>Gonathon G
>FaunaMart (and maybe Mococo gambling)
>Tam Tenders
Cute, I want the red tones on the long hair
it should be death for anyone who lewds suisei.
he just couldn't hold it in anymore
What did she mean by that? Who are we going to battle against?
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Very rough day for Novelites, please understand.
man i really miss those days. everything seemed so much smaller and comfier.
This would be the perfect panel for an artist to make Kiara and Nerissa (the one where boths their backs show)
Why hasn't that been done yet
ty Shiori
Both of them are fine saying it to one another it's setting off the retards that thinks it's comfortable bringing it back. Do it off stream
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On this board, she absolutely did that.
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Wish I was a NEET again. Hololive is no fun when you're a wagie.
Well yeah, I haven't made any.
Nobody likes nerissa
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Aporos of nothing,
Does anyone know if picrel is a reference to something?
The layout and the speech balloon seems weirdly familiar to me
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Houseki no mumei
Just telework bro
Nice try Nerissaschizo
I like Rissa
Kiara gets three times this reading SCs, novelites what the fuck happened to you?
The fucking disrespect Raora showed Kronii was amazing
Unless anons make a shitton more soundposts. There's so many moments worthy of it.
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Which holo grows vegetables in an allotment?
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>>84790176 (me)
just got back from a little archive diving and I found this lol
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One of my favorites moments from yesterday was Cecilia's face while listening to the NerissaxERB fanfic. She was so happy
Each Fanbase will remember different things about their own oshi, and it's great
I mean, I guess you're the proof by being
>a retard
>comfortable to get stuck on the topic
but no, I think they should keep things as they are
Too merciful, set her on fire first.
But enough about Kiara
IRyS would break up your marriage for funsies
apropos* but points for trying
Hagcoin is skyrocketing
The only problem was that it was in public
Eigo jouzu Suzy-chan!
Many such cases when lesser fanbases try and start shit with Kiara, look at Shiori getting mogged and humiliated.
Amelia > Ame
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What holos for this feel?
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it seems like we're in meidoless brownhours
They both hold themselves back in collabs with other people
Go out in NYC and just start fucking shit up!
fuwamoco did something similar in their dedicatd split
Are gift cards really that valuable in SEA? I've only used a couple for some game account funds.
I feel like porn is about to hit the thread
Muhammed this isn't your shithole country
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Should Shiori consider suicide at this point?
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I feel intimidated
You don't need to samefag my post with your trash anon
Soundposts preserve everything, but I'm talking about the stuff that everyone remembers without needing a reminder
Fuwawa and the chickens...
The superior germany moment will remain in my mind until I'm old and die
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Whatever just don't bite the hand that feeds you.
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I still can't commit completely if I do. I was locked in to Hololive for over 3 years. I need to go back to that, it's the only way.
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This too i have seen before they will blame this on the yuros
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I bet Shiori would be disappointed we didn't hop any train turnsdials....
Again, man?
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>no capitalization, but still remembers to use proper punctuation marks

Yeah, I believe it.
Shiori is just naturally unlikable
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It's time to deploy the Merakematian squad
It was (what was likely the post anyway) uncovered during that same stream. If you archive dive during her post-1st anni super reading you might find it
and yet somehow she's the only good thing to come out of advent
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Kiara does better than this with random PNGs.
Watson > Amelia > Ame
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I'm so glad that Novelites were added to the schizo's shit list after they made fun of him so hard he cried
>Trying to force Kiara vs Nerissa
Wow you 3rd worlders are truly out of material huh
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Rare interaction. Adding it to my collection.
I can't take more fucking Minecraft
But I'm not really down to watch a new Ghombus outfit reveal
What do
Holy bot hours
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Does Kronii like cunny?
Not everything is about numbers, chimp
I thought her debut was cute and charming t.KFP
Ema > everything else
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Hop turnstiles, prop open the subway emergency exits, knock over the postcard stand, steal stuff from the newspaper stands, go to the halal carts and ask if they have pork, jaywalk!
Fire, fire, light the fire!
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I'm disappointed Shiori didn't call Biboo cute for trying to act evil, and then hit her with a "there there" when the hat didn't work.
>trying to start Kiara vs Nerissa
why don't you try and start CC vs GG while you're at it
Do NOT post page 7
everything about ame is cute and charming
2020 Mori hands typed this post.
holy shit i thought Kanade fucking died there
I just jerked off to Kanade
Nobody wants your vile leech around Kiara, jailbird.
To be fair, Revolver is a really cool word.
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I think I like PANDEMONIUN more than ZODIAC. I slept on BOOM and MESS
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what is the brat doing
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>at some point in the future
>the convergence of all fanbases against one common "enemy"
Just doing it to himself
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Hololive is my only relief from the wage cage. I drag my exhausted ass back to my laptop and lie in bed and let the joy of cute girls purify my soul.
Based Janny
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Laine was a spy before hockey?
baiting me to impregnate her, that's what
Kanade is very close to losing it kek
Nerissa is more successful though
drunkenly falling asleep
Turn it off then dumbass retard
Zodiac is the worst performing en album for a reason.
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In the middle of a drunken karaoke? I can't blame you
love rush?
based retard
I unironically thing she'll fall asleep within the next 25 minutes
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Is this the case of "user banned for replying to himself 30 times?"
I think she was open to the idea but soured when she had a bad experience with online with the game Anya recommended. People bitched about Ina's ff14 arc longer then she was open to the idea.
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i hope this doujin ends with suisei raping the shota
That's point of view
add this too
She was too busy making a plotline about being a mother that nobody but her found funny.
Cc vs gg is a very apt comparison because nerissa and gg are both talentless leeches.
Do you mean the runes on her cloak?
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Holy kek
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Is Gura 2.0 just Gura 1.0, but where she can do this?
>new mem post
>>Time Mom... cute and funny
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>i hope this doujin ends with suisei raping the shota
No, I'm still here. I don't know why my post was deleted so fast but Kiaraschizo making death threats was left up for so long
Is she clapping or slapping her thighs
I could literally beat up Suisei. This doujin's unrealistic.
Man, she would have been an Amber coin, huh?
You WILL watch Die Hard 3 with us and Mori and YOU WILL LIKE IT
Nah check Moris model on her latest and default outfit it's more fluid and stretchy
>homo watchers have no object permanence or time sense
interesting revelation
>Nice hat
>Thank you, I was happy to see you. That's why it's there.

kek I didn't even catch that the first time.
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Give it to me. I want to watch Die Hard
That's 3.0
Why are you talking about yourself in 3rd person? Are you legitimately mentally ill?
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I thought that was a 3.0 thing?
I would have loved to see her collab with Raora
Nah, you should watch a movie with us. It would be fun
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Brrats wish but zodiac got mogged on Spotify and youtube by it for a reason.
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Keep coping that everyone you don't like is the schizo
What else should one watch with Mori?
The no selling everything was the funny part.
Just Shiori stuff.
>Kiara gets to make kino
>managment yells bae to kill herself
You love to see it
I like how Fauna immediately called Ceci to talk about the king being evil
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I'm getting yelled at by a drunk woman
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I'm going to learn how to become a hacker just so I can leak my oshi's naked 3D model
Nope, nice try though
man, i'd love to have sex with suityan
Bae is catching up by the way only 15k to go. The headstart kiara had has gotta hurt too
I love when Noel
We had fun with Cabin in the Woods some time ago.
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Mess and Gekirin (My biggest takeway from Zodiac, along with maybe Ohayo-EST Gozai-MASTER) are my go-to Bae songs. Very different ends of her range, but both so fucking good.
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>more fluid and stretchy
Eigo jouzu
Why hasn't EN played Project Winter?
Kiara can sing.
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after this page they have sex, so I will refrain from posting
I can't even imagine how sad your life must be.
She lost her tsurime eyes
ESL Kiaraschizo you are such a failure. You'll never get me to like Kiara or hate Bae
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are we getting any ame today
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Is Suisei a shotacon?
what if Kanade pulls an Okayu for her second year and starts acting really sexy
Sometimes Kanade sounds like a Chinese person speaking Japanese
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That's not very cool of (you) jailbird
She was so into it.
Bae can dance
Will do! I want to watch the Evil Deads again because I was too drunk the first time around.
Green bros status
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>cuadRAT valley
suisei is more of a tweenophile where she likes boys that are about a year into their puberty, like hitsugaya
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Good morning anons, anything interesting or cute I've missed from streams? How was Super Raora 64?
i actually watched that without being a member because she set the stream wrong at the start
Hey I'm not Kiaraschizo spamming up the thread. Funny how you don't address them and accuse some random of being them. Almost like you want to defend them
can also sing!
Brrats keeps claiming bae will keep up and Kiara keeps mogging her, how sad.
How has Ririka still not beaten Super Mario Brothers 1?
Kiara made it very apparent that it's better to not fuck with her, better to just leave her alone to do her thing than try to interfere and deal with her hissy fits. As the saying goes, "don't poke the shit, it will start stinking".
Extra virgin, too.
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Why does Hololive use weird instrumentals for their own music?
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She'll be one of the guests in the grindstone collab
I never liked those anyway the new ones actually suit her and allows easier mix of cute and cool
I thought she just liked the Soware piano arrangement. Everyone else who sings Soware uses the original instrumental.
back to bae vs kiara
Does he need to? Bae is a 2k shitter while kiara is inclining.
They need perms to sing the music that they wholly own.
See >>84791631
mom gameplay she made a lot of italian noises
There's what 2 guests? Not many ens are even streaming today so it's anyone's guess
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Biboo was extremely sexy on Hologra today
Kanade is really struggling to keep her eyes open rn
She has to walk a drunk Kanade home after this so she's stalling.
>How was Super Raora 64?
very cute for the most part but i feel like she got quite frustrated by the end, to the point where she started playing over her frustration with laugher. still a good stream though. Gave us Raora whispering words over the sleeping piranha plant theme.
>still defending Kiaraschizo
I can't imagine how pathetic you must be
So why does kiaras music mog baes music?
Default nade
Yeah, it's 2 guests, but Grindstone also have a lot of JP and ID connections, so it's extremely hard to guess
See >>84791631
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Let her enjoy the honeymoon
Raora has such a bitch energy, this is one of the funniest clips i've seen
I can't believe I missed most of this series
>schizo just making up shit up defend his queen
My sides
Love me some Extra Virgin L'oli
Not even a debate anymore, Bae was stuck at 2k for all of EN reco. Kiara won.
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Wait, Ame beat Midra before Messmer? What the fuck was chat telling her for her to sequence break like that?
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>Raora SM64
Well, she certainly lives up to the stereotype of Hololive girls being awful at platformers. Also, she got a new cover soon.
It's kind of funny that "Kiaraschizo" became such a despised character that even the brownoid himself desperately tries to distance himself from it
See >>84791808
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Based greed green women
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It's just so kino...
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Oh shit, the year's almost halfway over already
tongue is 3.0 numbnuts
There's literally 3 people in being Mori,biboo and ame that are pretty good at platformers. Mori Is about a million times ahead of everyone though
Halfway was 3 months ago anon.... we're closer to Fes 2025 than we are Fes 2024...
Bae's hard work just can't beat Kiara's natural likeability.
>9 monthis into 2024
whoever had sex in January, is about to birth a child right now
why the fuck does GRINDSTONE collab have guests anyway
then it isn't grindstone
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>natural likeability.
The disappointment at the final part kek
He's trying to gaslight even himself that Kiaraschizo refers to a Kiara fan. It's not working and it's actually driving him mad.
How was GG in Pizza Tower?
I'm watching last VOD and can someone to explain to me what on earth is ENRECO and what the fuck is going on? I had her in the background while I'm working and what's with these marriages and stains? I get it's an RP server, but what are the rules? Do marriages actually do anything or? Explain to me like I'm a fortnite kid.
She has to get groceries. If she doesn't get groceries today she'll have to order out again
everyone had sex in January

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