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Welcome to /mouse/ - Ironmouse Subathon General!

Here we can discuss things related to Mouse's subathon!

Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Goals - https://pastebin.com/vA7b6XWi
Vods - https://rentry.org/pm9cnw8r

Related Threads:
VShojo+ General: /vsj+/

Previous Thread: >>84765563
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I was debating baking a new one myself but given Mouse just fell asleep I figured it wouldn't hurt to wait till she woke up. The pcg troll earlier hopefully got bored. But since it's back Love Mouse! Subathon been going great.
I mean if it dies it dies.
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Pink Rat sexy merch
war hammer is now her most #played game 1 week in compared to fortnite and diablo last year and on course for 50hrs in at week 2.
oh joy, will she manage at least one good collab in the game? she managed to snag shylily for diablo at least
Nope guess the concern troll is still here. Should've waited longer on the bake
Geega saiiren on call, timer not going up. What do?
open space marine to kill more hype and bury the rotting corpse
rip videos and jc, is she escaping responsibilities again from irl to spam this shit like LC and rust?
nothing we know of besides the vod stuff so no, just clout chasing her subathon into the ground
What a sad ending to a yearly tradition.
>>84790561 (me)
Hopefully she really thinks about subathon 4 and how to handle it, maybe even take a year off and put it back in February.
you would hope but instead she’ll learn nothing and continue spamming collabs and ignoring subathon goals. she sucks at wrangling herself
Sensing some negativity round here
There's one whiny bitch that keeps replying to himself.
Very little to be positive about.
Because they are trolling
>Concern trolling involves someone opposing an idea or viewpoint, yet acting like they’re an advocate for the cause. A concern troll offers undermining criticisms under the guise of concern. Their goal is to sabotage the cause being discussed, and to inspire doubt among group members.
love this concert so much, wata was on point.
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Yeah I love it too
>Nyan's part
It still hurts
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Boy. I sure do love Silvervale who was featured in the after party of Mouse's concert, she is a very entertaining streamer who is associated with IronMouse :)
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That's a very valid and cute feeling to have, anon. I'm happy you support whatever vtuber you like.
What was the timer at when she fell asleep? I saw it get pretty low for a while though it's back up now.
I looked a few times and it got down to just above 1 hour and then when I looked again it was 2:15. Sai and Katie are doing a good job keeping it around 2 hours now.
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Vtuber academy VOD up. Wonder if someone will accuse her of using other people's content again.
>VOD up
Oh you know. YOU know.
nta but I don't
A likely story, YT-Strike-Abuser-Kun!
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Enjoyed all the subathons but so far this one is on track to be my favourite.
Spergs seething as usual.
Mouse beating alien isolation was such an awesome moment. She mentioned interest in dead space so would love to see her tackle that as well ( after Elden ring)
that's genuine bravery, as someone with a fear of drowning you literally could not pay me to play a horror game set in the ocean
Agreed. I wouldn't complain if Mouse took a bit of a break for a day or so before jumping into another big multi day stream like Elden Ring but her finally beating the game after 4 years was hype.
So, Subnautica at six pm?
I've seen a guy getting his post deleted in 10min for calling a vtuber ugly but a mouse doxx thread can stay up for 12 hours, cool.
For someone who gets scared easily mouse is really good at handling horror. I have pussied out of alien isolation multiple times
No one cares.
As long they're not spammed here or in vsj im chillin
it sucks so much because everybody on this board already knows so continuing to post it isn't "informative" or whatever the fuck, just purely a sign of disrespect for privacy and lack of care about safety. I always report but it stays up for hours past that report which is insane because they take down holo shit immediately
I prefer when they are up keeps the spergs and the idiots that respond to them all in one place
saiiren is a real gigachad for staying while mousey is dreaming
I like her a lot, besides subathon I saw her a ton in alpharad's mongy monday streams a few months ago and she was just as sweet in those. I don't have a ton of time to watch people outside of mouse because watching mouse is a full time's job worth of hours but she's one I would
Damn, Mouse is getting raked over the coals over there. Kind of agreeing with them, they're making good points.
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ironmouse is sexy
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Mouse take a day off space marines please, I miss react and real JC.
>I miss react
Channel strikes incoming.
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nta depending on how this vod channel shit works out it could potentially be an issue. I certainly hope not but it's something to consider
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Here's my works cited
Okay folks, because you're stupid, anybody who mentions anything about 'react content' and 'channel issues' is a fucking baiting troll from the catalog.

Be smarter.
Go back to your bait threads # monkeys
Anon who archived Mouse's VOD channel, make a torrent. It's time.
I swear to god I've been in /mouse/ the entire time, this obvious didn't happen from react but there's no guarantee that someone won't use a false DMCA claim to try something like this again. it's been a known attack vector for harassment for a lot of youtubers
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That is a nice angel art I haven't seen before.
froogy art?
It's the bait thread anon self replying and posting the monkey vod pic. He posted thrice in the last hour of /vsj+/
Man, Saiiren carrying hard
Why does Mouse have so few friends compared to the first subathon?
could be wrong but wasn't she a slightly different timezone last time
Wrong, when Mouse was moving she specifically mentioned looking into Angel Flights.
I can't remember if Mouse's timezone switch last year was before subathon or not.
most of them are shy
no she didn't
They all got pregnant at the same time
she didn't change timezones
Yeah, dunno what weirdass bullshit these catalogfaggots are doing now. She's always been EST as long as she has been streaming.
First subathon was carried hard by Aetheland Nyan
Second more people joined here and there similar to this one
Are you anons okay? She literally currently streams in jst and last year she was more est/pst in her timezone. I assumed that was what the anon was talking about.
I remember very little of previous subathons
I remember watchalong parties of that zombie series
I remember Snuffy, calling herself a big pregnant mommy nursing her 5th child.
I remember the irls
I remember Geega being invested like Siiren is right now.
That's it
I meant her usual times she's awake, not her actual location dummy
Dude was talking about "angel flights". I don't think he meant just that.

We all know she shifts around her schedules based on her meds. Or 'wct' if you want to bait.
What are you guys talking about? subathons have always been JST ish centric when it comes to time zones
I know first and this one were, I just couldn't remember if second was as well. That was around when Mouse was changing her schedule for meds but I'm very hazy on the timing of that. I was mostly a vod watcher last year so never really paid attention to when she was live.
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How long as she been asleep ?
Almost 8 hours.
Good, she needs it.
there's a chance it's plasma day so she might be doing that too
I've wondered since Mouse mentioned it takes 8+ hours how she does that during subathons. I assumed it was when she was "asleep" once a week.
Yep. She didn't sleep for shit the last two days. She was clearly very tired.

That's the one thing about subathon that always worries me, but she's done this before and knows the ropes and what she can handle. Last time the nurse came in she muted for a long time. I wonder if she'll convince the nurse to say hi this time.
She "can" do the application of plasma herself, but prefers her nurse be there to do it for safety reasons. One time last year she had the nurse there but muted every time she came in to check on her.
Unless something changed Mouse specifically said she cannot apply plasma herself or at least she needs a nurse to be there when it is done in case of something like Anaphylaxis. She mentioned in the past that is part of why it is so expensive.
Yes, in that same conversation she said she CAN do it herself but doesn't for those reasons. Besides her nurse is like family to her.
no she didn't
I can't remember if she said she could do it herself (like physically could) but I'm pretty sure she said or implied she could not legally do it herself.
Rat is ahead of hasan in subs now.
Another 1.3k to overtake caseoh.
wct has never been bait though it was a thing that triggered goslings from not accepting reality.
Damn has she ever slept this long?
Oh yeah. In previous subathons she went 10 hours at least once.
Yeah, so anyway 'wct' if you want to bait.
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Mouse did admin she found time to jerk off during a past subathon.
Saiiren has been carrying hard during her sleep time
She's pulling a Henya.
nah, actually real and proved multiple tkmes

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Best girl in the entire universe is awake and doing her morning routine! Guess she wasn't secretly jerking off
the smol one arises
Nah it would have coasted fine on its own.
Horny Mouse how I miss you.
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what we doing for canvas and discord knights will invade us again surely
Well if we know anything from last time just add hearts and it will piss them off.
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Your account will be banned if you try it.
mouse wont put any shipart this time so it will depend on what the fans do
Unlike Monke's canvas where Mouse's mods had no power I'm sure Mouse's mods will be able to ban people from placing tiles this time around so doubt we can do the hearts and rings this time around.
Just saw in a thread some ezzydesu was the one responsible for mouse vod channel for 2,5 years, i remember so many anons shitting on mudan for being incompetent because her vods took so long to be posted. So the poor man was being shit talked for no reason? also why didn't mouse never find someone competent to run that channel, apparently most of the income of that channel also was going to this person
I think the person who runs it is one of Mudans employees.
>rolled cigarettes
>a cup of black coffee
>mouse stream
yup, its time
Old vods make it more clear how much she changed.
>That moan
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VOD channel video descriptions say "Channel Managed By Mudan".
So Mouse is paying Mudan to have a dedicated person that was unable to get videos up in a reasonable time frame to be watchable for stream viewers and did not properly label them to be useful as an archive.
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It's so over
Yeah went to check and apparently she is, i don't know shit about youtube channels but i really thought that channel didn't make much. Her vods don't really get that much views but it was the main source of income of the person managing crazy
kumo about to have a power trip fantasy
Doesn't have a ton of views per video but all her VODS are crazy long so probably a lot of ad placements throughout help make up for the lack of views.
It was easier to watch streams when I was in Alaska.
its true unlike last year mouse has been ignoring art of them for some time now at most you will get her and bubi art
Mouse is back from her morning routine.
They could be paid by some other metric other than a cut of ad revenue, unless they said they were paid via revenue split.
It's just insanity that Monke's vod channel is updated within hours while hers was left in such a state when they're both managed by mudan.
Once again mouse recycling connor content, i don't mind but she could come up with something herself
He has a different guy, was a fan uploading the vods at first then made official.
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>Mouse just said she will be judging her audience presentations.
Looks like you can submit a presentation to be judged. This is your time Daki anon on why it is a good business decision for Mouse to provide fan service and NSFW merch.
Please do more, I want Mouse to do things like room reviews.
That is easy I could do that but Mouse's are edited down for some reason.
his uploader junxeno is extremely good he was a fan uploader at first
If its novelty streams like that I'm thankful for it.
But the confess your sins was supposed to be a goal from last year so she planned that before he ever did one.
Like the anon said some fan was posting his vods before he had a vod channel, connor was smart and just made the channel official. That's why it's so good and so fast it's someone who like his content and watch him
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Mouse finally realized you can submit your lawyers address and information in a counter claim and not your own so she's fighting for her VOD channel.
These goals turned into a joke for a while now, can't make this shit up
If she does them I don't care if they are recycled.
monke having a chatter with a torso with mouse on it will never forget
>We there goes the react she said she would do.
1/4 the days done, 1/4th the way to goal. Easy peasy.
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Games with Monke tonight into gamejam later. You can kill yourself now Monkesperg
>people believing she would do anything she said she would
dont worry she’ll find another trash collab to join and skip gamejam too
Games with monke later, also he said yesterday on his stream they may be doing borderlands soon
he's leaving to do work till the next irl
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Haven't 2 of these already been used
Wasn't Bubi showing up this week? Or am I confusing weeks?
It's randomized.
yes mods are dumb
Yeah it does not eliminate them so the more we do them the more we will see duplicates.
Yes because Fugi is a hack and made a shit model change system where models can be repeated.
wensday he has lud then bubi technically not him he's got some TT recordings this upcoming week
Yeah this changer is fucking useless. Fuckin have a mod pick out five random outfits that haven't been used and bring up a poll.
connorsperg told mouse he was going end it all POG
I could actually believe it kek
When you think how much time it took to made that changer and how much mouse was stressed because of it is depressing, if she ask connor mods to make one they will make something better in 2 months
I know it's with good intention, but I am SOOO tired of that sound alert.
Would be fantastic news
I would cry out of happiness
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Mouse remember if you have a guest with room reviews you will never finish them.
Of fucking course it's space marines goddammit.
React bros we got shafted again.
Mouse was probably gushing to him these past few days in texts about how good it is kek
at least connor will only play it once but god dman mouse pick a different game
funny thing he wasn't that interested in it but mouse probably kept telling him to play it.
>everyone is becoming a brother
Big sibling energy
See this wouldn't be that bad if Mouse hadn't already spammed it 3 days in a row. This is why you pace things Mouse.
her addiction fucks things over
I thought mouse don't read dms
pretty sure its more than 3 with her shit taste
Go dm mouse to play less warhammer
At this rate we aren't getting a real Mouse and Monke collab this entire subathon. Only events and random multiplayer game spam. The next dark pictures game can't come out sooner.
What is todays itenerary?
Nah they'll just whine non stop instead of watching the other 10 hours of non-warhammer content she tends to do a day.
Mouse can we have a 'put nsfw art tag in twitter bio' goal.
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3 guesses on who is joining them
3 choices 2 are bad
5 hours of space marines with monke and someone else mouse finds then game jam
We eating good tonight.
Buff Mouse and Monke are a fun group. Please be them.
my first time complaining this subathon, yeah fuck space marine shooty generic shit. it's diablo and helldivers all over again. I'd love them to have played literally any other game
>not willing to travel for Mouse alone it needs to be when he's traveling anyway
weve been over this connor is an inconsiderate asshole that will always do only the bare minimum
Lack of react we got a huge list of videos.
> 5 hours of space marines with monke and someone else mouse finds then 5 more hours with that other person and a 3rd person because mouse has no self control
It's going to be a great day.
i would have taken your place complaining about many of those literally any other games
He always said he will never travel without having a good reason, he needs something to justify he has a life and is really busy
I sure hope this is a threadshitter spamming or I'll have to start believing the mousefag spergs from /vsj/ were actually right about how shit you fags are.
Helping someone who can't travel see the world is not a good reason?
go back
People don't space marines much and Mouse said she would finally do react today.
Haruka from the top rope.
Can she just move Game Jam to Tuesday instead?
What's the point of doing it at 2-3AM and even for UE it's bad it'll be 8-9 AM Monday morning
unfortunately at least one of them (me) is real, I would guess at least one or two others are as well because this happened last year with diablo and it fucking sucked. I don't whine about solo vs collabs I just hate her doing the same fps/strategy game continuously
Like i said he lives in the other side of the globe and has responsibilities he can't just travel whenever he wants. Also where are mouse other close friends to do this for her? i don't see any
You should DM her if you actually care
>can't just travel whenever he wants
He does for Ludwig
I hated the spam and push back last year and it's already happening again
shell move it to monday so she can collab all day then skip elden ring and the other sub goals for the 5th time
Then come back when she's not doing it. She's streaming all day she'll do something you like during the rest of the day. She was doing Diablo and Fortnite ALL day last subathon, this is just one session a day and you faggots are whining about it despite her playing a shit ton of other stuff and doing a ton of karaoke. No, seriously, go fuck yourself entitled prick.
why can't candi go you spergs attack monke but not mouses other friends that dont do shit?
He gets multiple videos out of that travel.
I'm just sad, I was looking forward to what sounded like a solo day of chatting videos and game jam.
Bro wtf is this
one session has been 5 to 9hrs each day
I'm annoyed we are wasting a perfectly good Mouse and Monke collab on this game. I don't hate it or Mouse playing it, but their collabs have become nothing but lame shit recently. I blame his insistence on beating everything in one stream. Instead of doing the normal thing and playing a good game over several streams we get to deal with bad games until he has time to do it all at once. His content brain is ruining things again.
Mouse doesn't ask them I would love Candii or Buff to take her places.
9 Hours was the first day. The rest have not been that long. Again, go fuck yourself with a rusty knife.
He found a good reason he recorded some kind of sponsor, i don't need to say ludwig always let him and his house without even asking and help him a lot with his events when he is there. So i would say being part of qt and lud events is his way of paying them back
retards expect monke to do everything meanwhile her other friends are just leeches
im glad mouse is looking to do irls with other people now connor ruins most of them with his insufferable assholeness getting people mouse vibes with and laughs with will make them more entertaining
I assure you, everyone here is shit.
mouse been bugging him to play her new addiction and it's her subbathon.
If only they realized it is the other way around. He is the leech.
And you are the biggest shit of all
only insane people complain TO her
I'm not watching right now for exactly that reason, I just have this tab open to check when she switches but it's probably going to 4 hours from now
truly I don't have a preference other than 'not fps/strategy game', it also feels like a bit of a waste for a monke collab since they're the most fun to watch doing other types of games
Thank god Pete is joining he might make this fun at least.
Wonder if we'll get an emote out of it like we did with Helldivers.
Monke is too obsessed with beating things in one stream now. They won't play anything fun like that unless he has the time to do a whole stream which means we are stuck with this crap most of the time.
She isn't even doing it yet, go swap to the other thread and close this tab. Someone will update when she changes over there.
Oops, looks like it's garbage.
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Already got one, obviously 7tv tho
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Momotexx? More like Momosexx
Oh look its the false flag connorsperg.
Didn't she get banned or something?
Write a polite suggestion message, if you want change, go and try get it
never going back to /vsj+/, fuuuuuck that schizo-filled hellhole
Good luck after subathon then.
Am I crazy? Didn't she just gift subs a few minutes ago? Maybe she got banned during the twitch allowing nudity but also not arc, but not now
Why do you always try to get people to do this?
You are being way more of a sperg by suggesting it than people complaining here are.
she won't read it
I'm just leaving the board after subathon unless people decide to make /mouse/ permanent because it's just not worth it, vsj used to be fun but it's been bad for months now and doesn't look like it'll get better
It's been bad for over a year.
I'm happy we are getting some nice chatting now. Connor will have to play the tutorial so we might have a bit more.
Better than screaming into the void in this thread, and i've only said this a couple of times, go dm her if you want change
never mind.
Nah she has Confessions tomorrow with Mata unless she cancels on her it's not happening tomorrow
Anon it is crazy to do that some people just want to scream into the void.
Shaking my ass
look at the connorsperg yelling here instead of donating 6$ to mouse TTS his gripes
He can't even be present in a scheduled collab. You people enjoy this?
Borderlands 2 with Connor on Tuesday.
if it wasnt shithammer. not even a mouse pete connor collab can fix this
we all hate connor but as long as he is "friends" with mouse we have to deal with him
Speak for yourself. I don't hate him. I don't really care about him one way or the other.
I bet you hate jerk off to him
I don't want this collab right now because it stole a day of react and solo but fuck you WE don't hate him.
Wtf are you talking about
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I don't usually comment on stuff like these, but why are you guys keep responding to him? Dude doesn't even use punctuation, at this point you could've filtered this shitter in your brain.
Mouse is happy and hyped to play this with connor and you spergs are here crying, just shows you don't really like mouse you guys just want to talk shit
like mouse hate connor simple
Sure connorsperg is here but surely you can see why people might be disappointed. Too much of this game. solo always getting pushed. huge video queue barely touched.
dont forget good goals never happening
you don't have to like everything she does, it's that simple
>Can't we beat it in one day.
Please no Mouse
Damn Mouse that was harsh
You guys should smoke and chill
>it stole a day of react and solo
Any day that isn't react and solo steals a day of react and solo, you disingenuous fuck.
No I'm not going to complain about things that have not happened yet.
I know it was great. I miss that kind of banter
No she said today would be react, game jam and ER. Collabs are great but at the start of subathon we had such a good mix now collabs are so long they are a massive chuck of time.
trying to hard connorsperg noone likes you
its not going to get better either. she already is trying wrap geega into this shit game
if mouse didn't spam this game it would be good
How long have you watched Mouse? Seriously. You reek of newfag. She will drop anything when Connor is available. Every plan she says always has the * 'unless Connor wants to collab'.
Try spelling correctly, SEAbro. People might take you seriously when you defend him.
ironic connorsperg kek
4 years
Your lack of understanding is astounding.
Bro going from mouse to connor stream the audio difference is so jarring, when will mouse learn to adjust her audio levels
She wants you to watch him.
She's going deaf so has everyone louder than normal. Not much she could do about that without getting some audio setup that lets her change volumes of voice just for stream and it's Mouse so that isn't happening.
Its not even that bad today. you can hear Mouse clearly at least.
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ironmouse is sexy
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Pink rat love.
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Since it wasn't mentioned with all the whining above Mouse confirmed earlier that for all her 3d videos going forward she'll have the S2 face. She went with the discord vote on it.
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It seems the tracker is broken because mouse has 68.4k on her goal currently
I think that one tracks new subs and old subs at the beginning of a period even if the sub drops and resubs but it counts that as a "new" sub. Mouse's tracker drops subs once they run out until they resub.
Nostalgiafags will never let anything go.
This art...it's doing something to me...
Just imagine it will be an official model eventually
I want this model so badly along with its casual outfit.
mouse needs more kk models
Looks like since Mouse is the top streamer in the Warhammer category atm she is getting a bunch of the Space Marine players giving her 2 subs for the drop.
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Business Rat
poor monke
Mouse pays for most of their irl trips, he just has to show up. He can buy some merch for her.
He's such a fucking leech
As far as i know the only irl she pays for is the disney ones, the rest is on connor and it's not like he spend something beside merch. He has to pay paul for the ones with good cam i guess, wich only had two the aquarium and the ff cafe
She just mentioned recently paying for the ff14 and kamen rider cafe trip and there has been multiple times it was implied she paid for many of the others.
>it was implied
aka I made it up
Can you give me exemples of wich irl she paid for beside disney? also the cafe one when they played fall guys later he said spend more than 500$ for the merch and food, so the only thing mouse could have possible paid is paul for his work
Pretty sure aquarium was another but I could be wrong. It's hard to tell because often geex gets them the connection but connor doesn't always pay.
>You want to try me?
What did Mouse mean by this?
calm down candi you out leech him 10fold
Why do Mouse and Pete get to play all the fun games and we get stuck with bad Mouse and Connor collabs instead?
Like you said we can't tell the only one she outright said she paid for everything is the disney one, so it's safe to say connor pay for most of it also he's responsible for getting permission with the help of geekplus. Otherwise many of these irl wouldn't happen like sanrio, sailor moon and kamen rider
Did Monke end up gifting those 50 subs yet?
Leeches don't gift.
At least the 5 hours is nearly up.
Wait how long has it been?
some posters here really have unrealistic expectations.
he's a friend, he doesn't live to serve her, and he has his own shit going on.
Many anons here have no common sense and live in a world of fantasy or something, they expect connor to be her slave or something
mouse just shows up
donate them anon so you can feel superior if you don't you're just a poorfag
don't listen to these 3rd worlders
it's just sheer jealousy of him
Its literally one guy
It's cute you think it is only one.
Keep fighting the good fight then
I appreciate connor calling out his rat
She won't listen so nothing will come out of it as always
Well at least when they play together he will force her to use, at least one person gave her shit constantly for it
yeah. on one hand it shouldn't be up to him to force her to take care of herself, on the other hand he is the only one willing to push her on that so...
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Will Mouse go through with her promise to Connor to build lego on stream?
No she's relying on him forgetting about it and clearly he has.
What do you want to hear? I'll say it
Tell me I'm sexy.
>Will Mouse go through with her promise
did you really have to write more than that?
I want to hear that Mouse will bring back her nsfw art tag and do a spicy art review.
You are the sexiest anon in this thread
Mouse will bring back her nsfw art tag and do a spicy art review.
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I know its probably not intentional but I like Mouse having her model higher up.
New Thread
Why, I do like having the model a bit higher its nice.
it's been a week of subbathon anon what you think?

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