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Did anyone else not know Moai had hats and bodies?
Right before this clip, Kronii was in the middle of another conversation and Raora was getting food, when Raora got back Kiara nudged her to go tease Kronii. Raora's mouth full voice and attitude was just so funny
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Every day we pray that kiaraschizo suffers a deadly infection and dies in his home. Amen.
Can someone explain to me the goings-on of ENRECO like I'm retarded? Why is Mori's cafe gone?
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Bae a cute.
See >>84791631
and may his oshi Bae continue to recline into irrelevance
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I love Ina!
I mean if it quacks like a duck then... he only shits other holos to defend Kiara
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I love love love Gigi!
i ate it
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>Meidos hate half elves
I knew we were run fucking DWARVES.
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posting gigi in hololive gigi global
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damn over 8 hours and my wife is still not giving up
Ah yeah i knew id forgot 1 other person she's also good. There's not many others that even play platformers so it's hard to gauge
She peed on the food she served to people.
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The Enigmatic Recollection was inside of all of us all along
Dwarf or Draph holo when? I need a proper shortstack.
He only shits on the easy targets like Bae to try and get her failure fanbase to cry about Kiara
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sea people are basically tropical dwarves
See >>80544699
This was quite possibly her best moment, at least in my eyes. I can only paraphrase a post i've seen a couple days ago
>uses the wrong name
>doesn't care it's wrong after being called out
>talks with her mouth full
>disregards whatever Kronii says and reaffirms what SHE wants to talk about
>calls her a second grade bitch queen
It's just perfect, Raora can be so goddamn funny
Yeah, Deso is done
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It was yummy
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Kiara won
Bae bleeding to death in a ditch
Need to get my passport asap bros
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God is not evil retard
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Make way for the actual best guild
See >>84791631
>kiaraschizo wishing death upon himself
ummm based?
Is Kanade gonna sing through the entire night?
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Be honest, if the path to the treasure in the fire dungeon was actually on a second platform that required TWO of these jumps back to back, who could've made it?
What if ENreco will be seeds to future outfits? Like Knight Gigi and jewish fauna.
Imagine of Kanade had sex appeal
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I'd like to remind everyone
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I love Ame!
so he's a good retard?
Very cute indonesian women
go the fuck back >>>/jp/
And may he take his oshi Kiara with him.
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cc was so disappointed that it didnt turn into smut www stormy and grass
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Which Holos have completed Shadow of the Erdtree, so far?
I need to cover Mori's tits with my cum
Not Ina or Fuwawa, that's for fucking sure
See >>84791631
False. Anya is neither cute nor sexy.
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> At that time Joshua went and destroyed the Anakites from the hill country: from Hebron, Debir and Anab, from all the hill country of Judah, and from all the hill country of Israel. Joshua totally destroyed them and their towns. 22 No Anakites were left in Israelite territory; only in Gaza, Gath and Ashdod did any survive.
Then why did he become a lazy fuck on the seven day and allowed Satan? Explain that Christiandachi
behold v2.. I messed up name
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from HoloJP, I think Peko and Noel
from EN, Biboo and Mori
and sexy
Peko, Mori, Bijou...uh...
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My wives
sex with this mentally challenged korean
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>point out his falseflag is not working
>he triples down
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We finally did it Fuwawa, we finally achieved Enigmatic Recollection™
Actually hilarious
Ina's was hard to watch... did both Fuwawa and Mococo make it?
She went full Italian mama on her.
dawg what the fuck are these EU hours
See >>84791631
When was it gone?
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One day you will have the audacity to use all your earthly assets tovgo to a Hololive event and be gunned down in the streets of America.
Sir Gonathon gave one a spare copy of the vinyl
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See >>84792454
[IRyS News]
She needs to pee but she's still playing Splatoon with Flare.
I've caught him running this routine in a few splits now too
The pathetic faggot is getting desperate
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Satan is a necessary test, free will is worthless without temptation.
I actually broke you lol
Fuwawa's was barely any easier to watch than Ina's if i remember it correctly and it wasn't Mogojan doing bad. It was basically what happened to Ina except Fuwawa took it lightly, but it's worse in that it took just as long but at some point Fuwawa gave up and they moved on to the boss together.
I want to splat her toon while she pees.
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IRyS and Flare have been touching tips
flare's mouth is right there, IRyS
Why hasn't EN played Project Winter?
What if he goes to an EU event
I am just sticking around for the suityan doujin
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Reine ruined the collab unironically
shit game
Why hasn't EN played Project Zomboid?
See >>84791631
That's a boy
This Mori is telling me to kill all of the Japanese...
behead all schizos
>au naturel
>wearing a towel
Even in the doujins Suisei is a prude
One sick Reine and some bribery from Among Us
I can't tell if this is an actual butthurt brrat retarded enough to fall for the falseflag or some autistic 5D shit from the falsefalgger
Desogo-- wait she's still going
Kanade just had a really deep chuckle...
Go back to trying to convince /morig/ to hate KFP and that it's TOTALLY KFP shitposting and get laughed at, you fucking failure
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where yuri????????????????
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this fucking brat
god i wish suisei sexually assaulted me
Bad bot. Change up your routine, schizo
Gruesome beheading.
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Raora and Kronii interactions were one of the best things during ENreco, i wish we could've got more of them
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See >>84791631
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Has there been any mikodeso this past year?
What happened?
there are nipples and peanits in this thread
just drop the link nigga
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and this is how you sexually attract the male partner
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God I wish I was her
They had a CouncilRyS + ID2 group setup, Reine gets sick just beforehand, they think about subbing in Kaela and decide they don't wanna play without everyone so they postpone it, then Kronii gets sick IIRC when they tried to do it again, and the idea died.
>17/69 (nice)
damn, that kid has better stamina than i do
I don't really understand how her hips are moving in a circular motion but above her waist she's only moving side to side.
It's funnier because nobody knew what the fuck he was getting at because he's so retarded so he only got one reply just mentioning another of his retarded copypastes
godspeed anon
IRyS wishes she was that big
Kaela is male?
Why are we even calling the guy Kiaraschizo or Baeschizo when it's clear the faggot just rotates girl every single day on the week, literally uses the same fucking angles and wording in every single thread
>Gura 2.0
hello??? my ads????????????
Kanade might be insane
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Doesn't seem like the same person
ssshhh we don't think here
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Lapsama my friend
Because his self-admitted goal that he revealed during a temper tantrum was to get all discussion of Kiara banned from the board/thread by being an obnoxious faggot and demanding people filter her/mods ban KFP
Remember Fauna's analog horror phase?
its ok, i want to watch the rest
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There's a reason why she has many wives
why someone is posting porn
Same retard
See >>84791631
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IRyS should act like a loli with Flare
why isn't everyone posting porn?
that someone has a name you know
Why is everyone into enemies to lovers anyway?
>>84793060 Wrong post
Meant for >>84792940
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sex with indonesian women
Now that StartEnd is dead, this guy should go back to making DeathStar or Takamori porn
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Fucking hate how long birthday merch takes to be produced and delivered. Fans can legitimately die in the months waiting for the merch.
He went crazy after edging to Kanade for three hours.
Because enemies to lovers is the best

Are you sure he doesn't have triple downs?
lovers to enemies is just real life
Just don't die lol.
she's cute. would fuck.
prolonged exposure to her bgm does that
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I'd colonize her
>no more cringe RP shit (for a while)
>back to normal streams
>less dogshit threads (yes, the ENreco threads were even worse than the usual threads here, like this one)
I am so back
i'm bored
>>84790855(samefagging the post above)
deleted 17:03:39 UTC
>>84790761(samefagging the post above)
deleted 17:04:21 UTC
deleted 17:05:45 UTC
so we either have 3 schizos or one schizo with 3 devices shitting up the thread here
>one schizo with 3 devices shitting up the thread here
this is known
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Think of all the corn in Kiara's shit.
Flare and IRyS being quiet and focused always reminds me of the long pokemon shiny hunt arcs that the EN girls did together
Nah that isn't me. They seem to have the right yes though unlike the idiots here who think it's some big brained attempt to get discussion banned(never gonna work so it doesn't make sense)
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Would bleach
I don't like the other alternative like IDs have where they ship like immediately but they only have a limited amount before no one else can buy it. A mixture would be nice where you could get it early if you're within like the guaranteed number Cover thinks they'll sell but then otherwise wait like the usual made to order.
I would say everyone knows this already, but too many retards still reply to him.
Apparently Nerissa, she did it first try every time she demonstrated it
Kiara will tweet that she's back home in the next few hours
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I like this loop more
kanade karaoke marathon until she starts throwing up
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It's almost like the ones shitting in Kiaraschizo aren't him
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>Just don't die lol.
Your ESL betrays you
And everyone's known the schtick since the start, ESCPECIALLY /morig/ that's cracked more eggs than I've eaten breads in my life
>didn't even finish it
big if true
oh nyo I made a typo, I'm so ESL. I fucking bought Kiara merch before you retard. I'm not the schizo
Giving FUCKING KANADE of all holos tsurime eyes
I fucking hate artists sometimes
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I'm scared that the 2.0 model is going to be too good. I'm going to miss the grombus
Kanade is collapsing into herself
Does Ririka ever do English streams anymore?
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Why didn't they let Mio have a Biboodaughter?
>Kanade taking hostage of 8k ojisans that has to wake up for work in 3hours
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Kronii organized a big EN/ID Project Winter collab in Nov 2022 that got cancelled due to Reine being sick, and was never successfully rescheduled. It turned into an Amogus collab that turned out to be sponsored.
Wouldn't even be the first faggot with a computer/phone/tablet shitting the place up
It's more common than you think because meidos never rangeban and it's so easy to do on a phone
She won't stream either way lmao
I too don't like change
only when she needs to whore herself
>open holodex
>Gura streaming in 6 hours
>FWMC watchalong
>More Minecraft
>I bought Kiara merch so I can freely shitpost about Kiara
This is not the own you think it is, it only makes you sound even more like a mentally ill person
Man I really want this... And I really want ENReco back.
Do you deserve it? Have you been a good boy?
But she doesn't have a rhombus head on the model she's getting an update on???
can somebody give me the reandown on kiaraschizo?
but she isn't speaking english right now...
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doxxed to high heaven
Share a good example
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Aki is cat
On one hand me being neet for about another week is good cause i'll be able to watch Gura tonight but i haven't slep last night already and really shouldn't do it but alas
I never shitposted about Kiara. I just don't agree with the common narrative that's pushed about the schizo's motives
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I'm worried that the next chapters of ENreco aren't going to have the magic that the first one had
fucking kek I missed this, Gura tried to escape
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Sex with german panthers
If you want ENReco back so bad, you can just watch the POVs you missed. I doubt you'll finish everything even if you skip all the overlap before the next chapter starts.
Why is there so much corn? Corn sucks
you suck
literally shaped like an egg
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Corn is a traditional staple of the Japanese diet
Yes. Very good.
You will never experience a friendship like this...
But she's a genius CEO?
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Whats your merch situation like
You suck.
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You may not like, but this is how the perfect boyfriend looks like.
Chicken feed
Is it really a narrative when the faggot declares his goal in the midst of a tantrum?
Occam's razor and all that
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my wife may be really bad at mario but I still love her
Corn is the perfect food to eat if you want to eat something but don't want to worry about having digesting it at all.
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how effective is this ward at repelling females
>playing a truly horrific video game every week
thank the gods
In the boxes it came in, stacked in my closet until I move to a new apartment.
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she is my personal whore
As long as everyone expects more of the same, it won't. GonJyon's story is over, and I hope fans respect that and let it take a backseat, so that other new stories can naturally emerge.

Even though I'm aware that the magic lies in how impromptu everything is, I hope the girls that are good at RPing give tips to the ones that were trying to, but struggling to make it seem natural. It's why I think Nerissa metagaming was perfectly fine.
where did that diorama came from
Is Goob the furthest on the spectrum in holoEN?
That hasn't happened in ages and might have just been some third party egg latching into the schizo for attention
What if Gawr Gura was an irregular nonagon after her 2.0?
Would her 4 sided nature be missed?
I thought that was celery
if you dont chew corn then the kernels have 0 calories
Can you start tripagging? Everyone knows you're a single person anyway
Scattered around my desk mixed in with plamo
I've still gotta buy proper shelving and hang up my scrolls and posters
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>EU overlap is now a thing
This thread is beyond saving
>and I hope fans respect that and let it take a backseat
roru. rumao
Hey me too!
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That's actually an excellent point. I can just watch the POVs I haven't seen yet. I don't suppose there's any hints at when the next chapter is?
this brings back memories of that anon who went feral over the idea of fucking Risu and her just having her Risu voice the entire time making shitty jokes and laughing about it
she'd do the exact same thing while giving you a footjob with an added side of calling you disgusting for it but not really meaning it cause she's into it too
FlareRyS are peeing together.
Does this attract white husbands?
I like his Tako one a lot more. Maybe because it's more polished.
wait this isn't Hall & Oates
>This thread is beyond saving
global is the reason why the rest of 4chan calls them "vtumours"
this thread has always been a glorified subreddit
>I don't suppose there's any hints at when the next chapter is?
a long time away
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Its almost 3AM and Kanade is still singing!
>GonJyon's story is over
But they declared their love for each other and they're going together into the next world
Also the entire point of ENReco is a continuous plot that changes in respect to what they did earlier
I can't imagine how Ame or Ina 2.0 will be like. Do they even need any changes?
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Realistically, how hard would it be to give the king a few extra lines and place his model in the final boss arena?
I don't waste money with vtubers
A singular cramped shelf with a closet full of unboxed figures and birthday merch because I have no room for them. Maybe one day I'll move into a 2 bedroom and can turn the extra room into an office/display room.

Thinking about at least setting up floating shelves near my desk so I can at the very least get all the pop up parades and keychains displayed.

>rolife DIY kit
Woman detected.
IRyS mentioned it will take at least one month before the next chapter.
Damn sounds like you should go back then /v/ faggot
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There are 5 holos streaming right now.
I think IRyS said that it won't be TOO long until the next chapter but also not TOO soon
all the "new audience" that got attracted by her romance arc and mpreg memes are absolutely gonna keep bringing it up next round
buildable bookends
This but /#/ instead
a mess next to my computer and some acrylic stands and tapestries through the walls
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ahegao face
ey nice
I can repel females by being myself just fine
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Actually the reason is because it's streamer adjacent and there's still a stigma against it from /v/
In fact, the board's reputation is built entirely from the catalog with the common faggot's assertion being that it's a shitty gossip board
I don't pretend to speak jp or give a shit about them
Do we like auntie?
This was actually extremely kino yesterday. Ina had half of a heart left when she won the fight, it was super close
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Just what about IRyS is hot and pink?
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Is now a good time to post this?
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Gonna rewatch Lucky Star, haven't seen it since it aired last year.
Her drapes
Her physical appearance
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Why wouldn't you judge a board by its catalog instead of a single thread which is still a less smelly shit in an ocean of shit
Unfortunately, nothing like this. I like how unity everything looks though. What's your most expensive piece? The Danchou figure?
her beef flaps
Her anus
There's literally no where else their story can go without retreading. No one actually likes when concluded romances go back to square one, despite what writers try to tell you.

Besides, I'd like to see other characters take the spotlight in the future. There's 17 other girls. Ame can't always be the main character, even if she is.
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How was the finale? I hope I didn't miss important lore for Chapter 2
Motion sickness I think.
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>How do you say LETS GO in english?
>actually it was a different schizo latching on to it and also that one is just gone now!
The fucking mental gymnastics you're jumping through to defend a faggot anti is obscene and just makes me think you really are him without a doubt
That's how antis are
That's what they do
They act like this, and we've dealt with it FOUR FUCKING YEARS so excuse me for saying you've lost the Great Game and everyone knows the routine
Kiara said to go watch Dokomi instead
>common faggot's assertion being that it's a shitty gossip board
I mean....
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King was evil and Libestal is fake, everything else got undone
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My Chammer's desk companion is all I need
>Ame can't always be the main character
Don’t be so obvious, KFP.
her pubes
>how was the finale
absolute kino
Biboo's stain princess arc resolved by Ina fighting her to exhaustion and then forcefeeding her the cure, Gonathan got another evil twist arc but got his happy ending, Liz put out RP kino, the list goes on
>pretend to
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Well I didn't say they were wrong
Generals/splits are just islands in the ocean of shit that's been poured into a board that should've been generals only from the start
>judging this place by the catalog

That would just make everyone's opinion of >us worse.
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Women and SEA schizos are to blame.
That doesn't make any sense, it's a continuous narrative so why the fuck would it go back to square one?
They aren't losing their memories again, so it would just be a continued romance
well whatever. It seems we'll never agree on this but one thing we can both agree on is to hope the meidos finally get rid of him for good one day or at least snipe his obvious samefagging once he starts raiding the thread
Kanade is going to make all the sleep-deprived ojisan cry
Kanade should sing Shunkan Heartbeat at least 10 times again before ending
where the fuck did the name tam gandr come from?
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I took this screenshot over 3 years ago
Getting goosebumps listening to this thinking about BD
>common faggot's assertion being that it's a shitty gossip board
>making the implication that this isn't the case
Their L2Ds are quite good but they still aren't even as good as Mori's 1.0 was, you could improve them for sure
Kanade is thankful for Hololive
Danchou on FIRST TAKE when?
It's short for "The Azure Maiden: Great and Noble Dick Rider"
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I fucking love this dork
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Tim Tender?
If Shiori released world.execute(me); as an animated MV, it would've been a 5M view hit.
For some reason people think they'll start with new characters even though nothing in the official story indicates this
Gura wasn't into the RP but she did yell at the sky and get God to answer her and jailbreak the white room.
Chapter 1 wasn't an official story either
This board exists because of that single thread, and the rest of the catalog is just a lite version of what an actual eceleb board would look like because that's what most of those people actually want
I want to bury my face in them.
>Tam Benis?
What is that fat fuck up to nowadays anyway?
I haven't been able to keep up with outfit reveals on the JP side. Last I remember it got turned into Towa's belt or something.
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This time 3 years ago she thought the only path forward for her was graduating. I'm proud of my daughterwife.
>bibi (tokoyami towa)
Look, im not saying anything but...
the single thread that's supp to be good isn't either. Have you seen the thread in dead hours or even the last couple threads?
dan danger
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They explicitly state it's an evolving narrative that will build from previous chapters, how are they this dense
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Flare and IRyS are moving to the bed now
She beleeb....
Gigi doesn't want to do any more romance stuff with Ame, she made it pretty clear.
Mumei plays Overwatch with other EN's summoning circle.
I wish I was Smoovie right now
The phoenix has landed
Her English handwriting is pretty good actually
Good job, chammers
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>cute as ever
Strange names to give to your cats. What was she thinking? KFP explain.
If you don't post a link three times, something bad is going to happen.
Why is Hololive so dykecoded?
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We need more Advent vs Justice arts
Wonder if there's any chance of Kronii taking a detour
Multiple girls have already said none of this is official lore. It's all just What-ifs and non-canon.
They are as stupid as the people who think it'll be in a new game like GTA
>smoothie is still alive
And now she will fly off for sex with the mystery member (who I hope is Moom)!
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good for her
ENReco is a self contained story
I don't really disagree, but there's still a core set of posters here that are better than that I think
Kanade couldn't put her cover thumbnail on her forehead because there's already something else on her head.
Bruh this project may potentially go all the way until Justice dungeons and storylines. It will be boring as fuck to continue the same character stories from chapter 1
So was ENReco a custom made mod in it's entirety?
Cause thats pretty fucking cool if so
I'm talking about the official enreco storyline indicating the heroes are still alive and won't start over in chapter 2, keep up. Not sure why you're bringing up other stuff
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>five stroke 五
Haachama has truly become EN.
I mean they're free to roleplay as new characters in the next chapter if they want to. What are they going to do, management-mandated roleplay, or will the girls insist that someone is a different character than what they're choosing to play?
When? I didn't hear it.
It's over...for real...
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My wife just blinked at me...goodbye
when EN did that crab game collab after justice debut, mori said EN will do monthly collab; has that been replaced by ENreco?
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Kanade a-actually ended...
Bros... I JWU and the realization that there is no ENReco today just hit me like a wave and now I'm sad as fuck. How do I overcome the withdrawal?
I've been thinking about this image for the past 15 minutes. What does it symbolize?
They could yeah but they won't unless the enreco story guides them to that
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Made by one chad
Made by one guy btw (except for some art assets and a bunch of scripting)
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deso gone
No they hired someone to keep generating random new worlds until they found a seed that looked like that. It took 5 months of constant clicking.
Why would towa do this...
watch the povs you haven't before
Watch different POVs you didn’t focus on.
based and D&Dpilled
ririka NEEDS a cleavage-exposing outfit
Cute, glad my wife is home
He kinda slacked off on the non-Kiara dungeons
hopefully they give him more time for Promise.
Tam Gandr having rough sex with Queen Mario, for whatever reason the kissmarks and bitemarks don't show up well on Yotsuba B
Anon, the very fact that it's a confirmed non-canon AU already implies they're going to do whatever the fuck they want.
I don't get all these arguments that "these girls aren't strong RPers so they can't start new characters!".
If anything, it's the opposite since no way in hell those who were on the side-lines would be able to work with what they were left with so starting over is easier. Get over it already since at best you'll get references to Chapter 1 but they're not going to "continue the ""story""".
Do you only play one-shots and never a campaign or something?
it's pretty fucked they don't have a single outfit
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The crab game wasn't a full EN collab so I don't know what she meant by that.
Well if someone wasn't happy with their character or roleplay chops in chapter 1 they could pick a new character and start fresh in the next chapter. Or just decide that their previous character's characteristics and backstory are completely different and play according to that. Or maybe they think they nailed season one and want to do something different next season.
would explained why the dungeons were a little lacking and dude is probably a KFP
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>It took 5 months of constant clicking.
Impressive. Most impressive
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say something nice about Kanade
cute af
Risu should stop trying to get a husband here
Actually, the Kiara dungeon was made by a different guy here https://x.com/ChelcyNetwork/status/1832629418864603256
Which explains the huge quality difference.
She is not poops
but anons... I already had like 6 POVs open every time in Holodex for every episode, I already saw most of it
and it's also not the same if it isn't live
Me trying to find a "random" seed for my friend group's annual one week burst of Minecraft hyperfixation.
something nice about kanade
The video for Regloss ochame kinou is really well done
yeah, she should start looking for a husband at my house instead
They're gonna do whatever they want yes but most if not all of them will keep the same characters unless forced to change. They don't have to continue any old RP storylines, they can just create new ones. It's like saying an anime has to have new characters every season which isn't true
I mean unless you were schizomaxxing I’m sure you weren’t listening to every POV, right?
And still Cover ruined it by the brain dead "börgar" lore they gave Kiara as her backstory.
The Omega talk from earlier made me realize that's there's a pretty nice visual throughline for most of the EN girls with a blend of modern and low fantasy, and that Advent and Justice's designs nail it pretty well.
Now that there's more to juxtapose them with, it really does stand out that Council was initially branded as being conceptual gods incarnate.
>3 years ago: 24k
>today: 200K
10X growth
That'd require a fully grown man being there
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An ass that begs to be slapped
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Do you guys think they'll put out EN Reco Chapter 1 for us someday? you guy wanna RP our own adventure together if they do
This feels like the opening to a sick as fuck JRPG
In this particular instance with these specific set of girls I just believe it would be beneficial to change plotlines, and since the kingdom was destroyed anyway it makes no sense to keep the same roles
It's actually kinda crazy how fucked Ina's dungeon is.
>Quiz literally doesn't matter. You can smash all the pots with zero issue and move on
>Maze is alright but it's simple and if you die there's a respawn literally in the maze anyway
>The secret is lazily hidden in the maze despite every other secret being properly behind puzzles or properly hidden
>Finale is literally just a treasure hunt
>Nothing interesting was even used with the sanity meter
No wonder Ina doesn't even like her own dungeon.
my dark
No. We don't deserve it
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Wawa space
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She is a ball of sunshine on dark days
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I dunno, Anon. That sounds kinda gay.
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Are you even really cute if your oshi never made you in a bento box?
she's vibrating
But what about Sven...
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They should do a boss rush of all the final bosses of all the ENReco seasons for the finale. And then cap it off with the endgame boss being The Soul of A-chan.
>the kingdom of libestal will return in chapter 2
>It's just cat noises
jwu qrd on today's streams? Why is Bae playing Overwatch should I blame Mumei? Also Gura finally losing the rhombus face. Anyone else streaming?
Damn Kiara has a loud pussy
Duel theme:
...there are people that don't use dark mode twitter?
why doesnt she stream using this model
She's recording in northern Norway for her role as Chess in hit Netflix series One Piece season 2...
This sounds like Reine's massager
Why is she broadcasting her pussy?
Dark Mode ANYTHING hurts your eyes more than it helps it.
I was darting from stream to stream muting and unmuting whenever members encountered each other in the same area and raising and lowering volumes to balance the sound like some kind of sound engineer god the entire time
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Stop watching hololive and have sex

Books I read that helped me lose my virginity

1) The Female Brain - Louann Brizendine
2) Why Women Have Sex - Cindy M. Meston
3) The Manipulated Man - Esther Vilar
4) The Secret Lives of Girls - Sharon Lamb
5) No More Mr Nice Guy - Robert A. Glover
6) The Art of Seduction - Robert Greene
7) Models - Mark Manson
8) The Manual - W. Anton
9) Mate - Tucker Max
10) As You Are - Nick Sparks
11) Undercover Sex Signals - Leil Lowndes
12) She Comes First - Ian Kerner
13) The Guide To Getting It On - Paul Joannides
14) Liquid Love - Zygmunt Bauman

You guys have no excuse
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do you think ririka has ever masturbated
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I really should join one of those sometime... it always starts early when I'm asleep
watching other povs still give fresh perspectives. I still haven't seen Fuwawa walking in on the BL talk momeent
she would have to stream first
nice vibrator wawa
>Kiara’s dungeon clears all the others because it was made by a different guy
Just let this guy make the dungeons then and leave the map guy to the maps, the other ones were lacking like >>84795196 >>84795264 said
Bae is playing overwarch? Where and when?
it's P3R.....
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Why is Kiara rubbing her pussy live?
Shut up nerd
Only with her fingers, she's too embarrassed to buy herself any toys.
It's only gay if you make it gay, anon
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I already lost it in HS biggest mistake of my life
This is a lie
Nice pussy
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4 years ago I was spazzing out about her cats, but I improved myself.
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I got bad RNG and wasn't born in Japan.
Now that I rewatch it the ding sound feels familiar.
I will never understand you autists
Is this the entire space? Not that I mind at all
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I do both though. That being said it's been like almost a year since the last time.
damn no warning at all
I already lost my virginity in highschool, I don't need to read your useless books
Is this the teal pussy, the orange pussy or the bald pussy?
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Actually, Nerissa made (me) and placed me onto her birthday cake
wawa at peace
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people who don't finish their meals should be made to starve for the rest of the day
Now you should spazz out about cars.
JWU, how was rara's sm64 stream? lots of suffering?
I swear I saw a frame of Bae with Overwatch, I'm not crazy, you are
I had sex by watching hololive
>best idol
I hate yet to see your improvements in dancing and singing chammers but I know you can do ti
Biboo Gigi and Nerissa? were doing fairly consistently from what I remember.
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I've had sex. The feeling of dropping a fat akasupa on your oshi is much better
Sexy child
ok mom
I've lied about losing my virginity for years, and will continue to do so.
destroyed and rebuilt to start anew
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A hag that begs to be bred
Gura doesn't have a rhombus face on her default model either so I'd say you're a bit delulu.
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There's too many sex-havers in the thread, I'm super scared now.
It has gotten worse for me but i just dont say anything kek
Go fuck yourself Aradia beggar. Nerissa is my perfect babygirl girlfailure wife
What will ERBs on stage movements be like?
Biboo would do it every time
Cosplay conventions were a mistake.
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Aki is Netori and Netorase-coded.
that doesn't mean their characters were destroyed, they're in the garden right now
Biboo was the first to discover the trick lmao. And then others followed her afaik
She'll make use of that pole they have at the studio.
wawa cute
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I'm not a virgin though.
how did you NOT lose your virginity in HS? you were surrounded by equally lonely, insecure and horny girls, they were in the same situation as you
domain expansion: infinite riajuu explosions
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Sexy enough.
Fauna and Ceci did it for the first time in like 3 tries
Why do people consider sex hard to have? It's literally one of the easiest things you could do. The ones who struggle to get sex are those who just have standards higher than they can handle. You guys don't want sex, you want an emotional connection to a hot whore for a day. If it was just about the physical act, you wouldn't be struggling so much.
explain this one
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I never understood the difference, honestly.
funny how no one got the treasure the proper way apparent
>actually thinking you need to read books and have a convoluted pholosophy to understand women's whims and how to attract them
the real blackpill is realizing that women actually have no fucking standards at all and the kind of men they are attracted to is almost completely random other than like one or two traits that you can't really do anything about (e.g. height)
also most women are fucking boring and unimpressive anyway and would just a waste of time to associate with and bring you no secret special value or feeling of worth (unless you think the approval of all their/your retard normalfag friends actually counts for something)

watching holos basically means you're already seeing the rare top .00001% cream of the crop and so is a perfect replacement
Hololive is better than women, Hololive is better than sex
I cannot imagine her having any coordination but I could be wrong
I had the misfortune of being in all all-boys HS.
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Yeah by me

Yeah, from her weak Japanese husband
By not talking with said insecure and horny girls? It's really quite simple. I distinctly remember speaking with the same 4-5 friends for my entire high school life.
sleepy wawa
>global now loves ERB, Shiori and Gigi more than Kiara, Gura and Fauna
What happened?
yea I'm just going to pay prostitutes then
This guy gets it. The average woman is infuriating and annoying/boring
Wait a second, this is just porn
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You remember how everybody expected Nerissa to be like a stick due to her platinum spine? Turns out she does picrel Yeah, those expectations is how ERB will be
double explode
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>umbrella sloppa
Yeah this guy should've made all of the dungeons
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Netori - the protagonist is the one stealing the woman (I.E (you) if you're playing the MC in a game)

Netorase - offering the woman on a silver platter (I.E I am impotent, please impregnate my wife)
NTA but
The MC of the story attracts someone else's partner
The MC of the story is happy to see their partner with someone else
The MC of the story's partner becomes attracted to someone else
They watched streams, I know that's a foreign concept to you.
>I hate yet to see your improvements in dancing and singing
You don't watch her
by being an actively antisocial autismCHAD who intentionally rejected everyone
It's titanium, but platinum made me laugh a lot. Thank you.
I just don't want to hear the same storylines for 4 chapters, some of these need retconning like the harem side chick stuff
bros how many 9am copycats are there?
you woke up and decided to shitpost that's what happened
I know what Netorase is, I meant explain why is Aki Netorase coded. Netori is obvious
Being better than HOTD Season 2 is a VERY low bar
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I've been a wizard for four years, I just don't think it's happening
>9.5hrs of super mario
Women just threw themselves at me. Sadly it all ended there once it was over...
>loves ERB
You got more jokes anon? That was a good one. Keep em coming
where is she reading comments?
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>You guys don't want sex, you want an emotional connection
Anyone caught fucking in my school would have been expelled straight up no questions asked so no one would do it since it was a renowned one
Yeah fuck i forgot it's titanium, whoops i'm just a silly little jailbird
>10 year anniversary
and retards were saying she wanted to graduate
Kinda true, women only have hobbies if they've had boyfriends before. A woman with interesting hobbies and interests is a sign that she's been with like 5+ dudes who'd probably be more fun to hang out with than her anyway.
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Curious how so many NTR experts quickly replied. What does this say about the thread?
Wasn't there jump boost food
Ok, this makes it much more clear. Thanks.

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