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/vtai/ - VTuber AI-generated Images - Waiting at Hokkaido edition
Previous Thread: >>84665169

>/vtai/ Wiki (WIP)

>/vtai/ Resources
https://rentry.org/vtai/ | FAQ: https://rentry.org/vtaiFAQ | VTuber XL Loras: https://rentry.org/vtaiSDXL | VTuber LoRAs (ARCHIVED): https://rentry.org/vtaiLoRAs | LoRA Checklist: https://rentry.org/vtailorachecklist | EF+HLL Guide: https://rentry.org/5exa3 | VTuber Model Mixes: https://rentry.org/vtairecipes | VTuber Prompt List: https://rentry.org/vtaiprompts |Embed/Thread Archive (OLD): https://rentry.org/vtaiarchive| vtaiArchive: https://rentry.org/fhydhwdm

>/vtai/ Scripts
Catbox Scripts: https://github.com/CCC-anon/CCC-Scripts/tree/main/catbox

>/hdg/ FAQ + Embeds, Hypernetworks, Models, LoRAs
https://rentry.org/hdgfaq | https://rentry.org/hdglorarepo | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | Pony Artist/Character Hashes: https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf

>Cloud Hosted Installs (Now Require Payment)
Colab for Complete Retards: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1STL60qfoY-iSlhRb9zFETRLTqhNbznRf | Colab: https://colab.research.google.com/github/TheLastBen/fast-stable-diffusion/blob/main/fast_stable_diffusion_AUTOMATIC1111.ipynb | Paperspace: https://rentry.org/865dy

>/vAI/ doko?

>GPU Performance Data

>More Resources
4chanX Catbox userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Essentially everything: https://rentry.org/sdgoldmine
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
/g/ wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Stable_Diffusion
5ch NovelAI wiki: https://seesaawiki.jp/nai_ch/
Models: https://civitai.com/ | https://huggingface.co/ | https://rentry.org/sdmodels
More links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link
Getting Started (Legacy): https://rentry.org/sdhypertextbook
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request anchor
Futa Ina prone boning the corruption out of Biboo, lots of coom
Futa Kiara shopping for panties
Juna Unagi forgetting to turn off stream and masturbating
Drunk Kanade, any setting, any situation.
Her ongoing drunk stream is too fucking kino I can't think of anything else to request kek.
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Last thread didn't make the timeslot to get uploaded and I'm too lazy to start the entire process again.
Everything else should be updated in both archives.
Thread Gallery:
Catbox Gallery:

Thanks for OP
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yummy armpit
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It was me. I shot the baker.
it'll take more than a niji to kill me
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>making calves with smug-ass muyu
She has such a kissable face
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Afternoon folks

Seems like very few weeks someone asks for more Juna thighs and ass. I don't mind I making them though, like her tail

The whole lot, just these zipped up

Damn that's a nice Brazilian Lion thick and tanned in all the right places
Nah, takes way too long to RNG a reach around then I need to stitch the other components together and blend.
> drink from a beaker or a test tube but its alright.
Could have used the gokkun or other cum drink LoRA, but I've tested this one already so it was easier.
Nice, got her tattoos right
Morning, thanks for keep an eye on us
Really nice set of sexy see-through wears. Also great backgrounds as always even after switching models.
Pretty neat, colours match him well
Looks pretty good to me, you got some really nice lighting
Good too see some progress, and one of the first is Fauna. We really do love her here
>forgot to edit the moles
fixed, but the metadata is stripped
catbox just fucking died for me
Requesting young Noel, prepubescent with flat chest. Cute or lewd.
litterbox is still up
here you go
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Fuwawa and Mococo 69
bless you, love her nips
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ToT I just enjoy sharing in my newfound love of low-fat milk
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Botan (first outfit) eating spicy ramen in her room. Bonus points for making the ramen look appealing and showing the signs of spice - i.e. sweating/blushing etc.

>Then there is the loli hosting issue for catboxes
Huh, since when? Can I not use catboxes to upload Shion/Gura/Rushia for example?

Also hello again, CCC-anon. Civitai actually gave me a useful notification kek
I look forward to trying out the differences. You said it won't be huge but hey, we can't say for sure without testing.

>Could have used the gokkun or other cum drink LoRA, but I've tested this one already so it was easier.
I've seen only one gokkun lora for pony nothing else. Theres more?

I look forward to this lora anon. Good job and good luck with tuning it. t. someone who still havent prompted flux at all.
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Yeah, it looks like it loses some details (the braid and the gem in her ribbon)
Last is 448x448, "train_blocks=single", ~25 minutes. It's bad too

I'll try training on Kanata's t-shirt next. Would be interesting to see how it learns the print at different dims and resolutions
and I thank you for sharing! thoughts on preg bellies?
Kobo like this https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10539425
Squirting while being throatfucked and having her belly punched
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>Huh, since when? Can I not use catboxes to upload Shion/Gura/Rushia for example?
No, the point was if somebody were to pay hosting for a booru then the host site would have their name and address stored for a website where loli stuff gets uploaded. Most hosts don't care unless reported but some do. It had nothing to do with catboxes.

Ran tests myself. Sometimes they're close, sometimes they aren't
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This was kinda cute

>gokkun lora
There is like 7 on civitai with 4 showing with her holding a mug with so many I'm paralyzed with choice, gotta download them all, save the tags, test them and judge with one is actually the better one. My fault really for taking the easy route.
not the requester but I like these a lot
does the catbox hoover preview script works with 4chan x?
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Cumming on Shondo's collar bone
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Good afternoon /vtai/. I finally uploaded something to pixiv for the first time since January. I figured some of you might enjoy some cat ass too!


(self delete and repost because I messed up catbox links)
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Mumei likes to watch Mumei
Thanks, I like how these turned out too
Afternoon OkayuAnon, sexo set of cat butts. thigh strap on the second one looks partially nice, the way the skin tone turns slightly rosy
Requesting Mumei carrying Gura on her back while traversing a beautiful ancient town or city.
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Oh she looks kinda cool
Kek damn he got away. I appreciate you playing along with stupidity anon, just wanted to say
Thanks for the update!
That's not too bad (though I am not a stickler for details) the gradient is coming out well too. Kanata seems like gonna be hell on low res kek
It didn't when I tried it last, they seem to conflict (works great without). You can use the imagus extension though, I think there is a version for all browsers)
Oh yeah just saw it on pixiv, great set
Like this one, looks like she is letting it bounce
People bustin ghost by themselves now!
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>Most hosts don't care unless reported but some do. It had nothing to do with catboxes.
Oh I see.

>Sometimes they're close, sometimes they aren't
Dont forget to try various styles.

>There is like 7 on civitai with 4 showing with her holding a mug with so many I'm paralyzed with choice
I took a look at it and yeah, some of them are hyperrealistic so I'm afraid to use them desu.

>gotta download them all, save the tags, test them and judge with one is actually the better one
If you ever get to it, I'd like to hear the results.

>My fault really for taking the easy route.
Considering the amount of requests you complete daily, I can't fault you.

Good job Okayu-anon! Nice to see more prompts from you.
OR here. Thank you so much!
Delicious Fatto Catto ass
Damn that tease
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Beeg day for a beeg kitty!
(The mom jeans are not going to survive, RIP.)
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Nice peko butt
>The mom jeans are not going to survive
Good letz goo!!
Kek look like frame from dramatical climax!
>Fuwawa you can't do this!!
Requesting Pekomama giving a sloppy kiss to Pekora

I want bury my face in there and motorboat all night
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Nice censoring, adding some creativeness to a simple request
>Considering the amount of requests you complete daily, I can't fault you.
You know me well
Nice Peko butt, we kinda get a double cameltoe here with the meaty flesh between the leotard and the thighs too.
Face of little sister being bullied
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Afternoon TWLanon! Thanks, I really like how my model handles thigh straps. I gotta start looking through your catboxes to see how you do stuff like those Mints, they really are something!

Like this one, looks like she is letting it bounce
Yeah I've been impressed with how pony does motion, it really allows for some more dynamic outputs. ERB looks really cute in that getup, it suits her kek

Thank you! I love the colors on the peko and that's a nice teasing pose.

Happy bday big cat!

Me too brother.
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>You got some really nice lighting
Thank you! Nobody will know that I cheat using pixlr to do color correction I started manually editing gens that I really like using SAI to fix some imperfections. I had to draw a little bit over the gen to fix this Bae pic, but I like how it came out.
I like the sunset vibe you used with this Peko! If I didn't make it clear enough with all the Shiori/Fauna gens, I love sunsets..
SO MANY PEKOS *lick lick lick*
Cute look like she is up to something
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That's Peko for you, and precisely why I love prompting her. She's tease incarnate.

Thank you.

>You know me well
Only people who fulfill requests understand the effort it takes to do them.

>Nice Peko butt, we kinda get a double cameltoe here with the meaty flesh between the leotard and the thighs too.
Precisely. It's very nice.

>I love the colors on the peko
It's my favorite style for a reason.

>and that's a nice teasing pose.
I swear I wasn't influenced by your Okayu, the ass gen was just nice. Or maybe I was, but subconsciously. I dont know...

>I started manually editing gens that I really like using SAI to fix some imperfections.
Welcome to the true endgame of gen editing. Except I use photoshop, ultimately its the same thing.

>I had to draw a little bit over the gen to fix this Bae pic, but I like how it came out.
It did turn out spectacularly! Neon city bg + expressive Hakos' eyes go very nicely together.

>I like the sunset vibe you used with this Peko!
Thank you. I also like how it turned out but there are some weird anomalies with the style. I tried my best to fix it. I also uploaded it to pixiv.

I saw the Shiori gen just now but where's Fauna? And yes, sunsets are very pleasing.

>SO MANY PEKOS *lick lick lick*
All it took for you to get back to me is these pekos... Not going to lie I was very disheartened that you missed/ignored my last reply to you. It was very important and I wanted to hear your answer on my offer but you never did tell me. I assumed you ignored me on purpose that time.

I completely missed these Shioris, they're awesome. Absolutely love the shiny/wet skin in this lighting + glowing eyes combo. Can I request a Botan in this setting too?
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Is it just a skill issue or is Henya's jacket just part of her being?
>(off-shoulder, jacket, coat:1.6) in the negative
Jacket still there...
Didn't realize I made is little sequence too

>I gotta start looking through your catboxes to see how you do stuff like those Mints, they really are something!
Got a wildcard to just call these tags for rough sex, goes a long way to show motion
rough sex, ^^^, trembling, !, spoken exclamation mark, motion lines, motion blur,
> I had to draw a little bit over the gen to fix this Bae pic
Good stuff, fixing minor things shows good craftsmanship even though it might take just as long as to hit the gen button.
Mumei... what are you planning?
>Only people who fulfill requests understand the effort it takes to do them.
Yeah some requests requirements can feel like the person has no idea if that composition is physically possible, so I'm left to decide if I drop one part just to even have a chance of getting it.
thanks for all the yuri!
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https://catbox.moe /c/6lnd5i

Atlas Anarchy Lora is done and tested. Sometimes specific tags and artists cause issues with the lines, but overall, it works pretty well and does understand her concept really well (seeing as it gets the colors correct for the naughty bits.)

Trigger is "atlasanarchy": https://litter.catbox.moe/uiffi8.safetensors
Nice Liz!
Always happy to learn about new cute chuubas. These look nice. Tailjob doko?
Very cute Ina. Looks like the model ended up pretty good. Nice to see.
>I started manually editing gens
NOOO, save yourself while you still can. I have to fight the urge to spend an hour editing everytime I get a good image.
Looks good though.
She looks cool, thanks for the LoRA
What an interesting vtuber design, might check her out
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She is!
I should pick up photoshop but I'm too lazy to search for a tor- I mean to buy it.
>I saw the Shiori gen just now but where's Fauna?
There are the old Faunas that I did threads ago. They are probably in the archives but one teeny tiny repost shouldn't hurt...
>that you missed/ignored my last reply to you
Oh sorry, I didn't do it in bad faith. If someone asks me for something I try to reply to them whenever possible... I suppose you mean the post that you made after I complimented your Peko? The way you worded it and with that spoiler I thought you were memeing and that was the end of the reply chain, whoops. For obvious reasons I can't share my NAI account. But even so I still think that the Pekora you made is one of my favorites ever. If I fail to reply back it's either because I didn't see the post or like in this case that I didn't understand it was meant to be a question. Sorry if you felt disheartened, but don't give it much importance. I have adhd for real and missing stuff is a common issue for me. I don't have any 4chan extensions either.
I appreciate the reply, your edits motivated me to give editing a try in the first place!
It's too late! Now I get why people can post gens that "don't look like AI at all". Such is the power of manual editing...
Delicious Okayu like always

There's no going back once you start fixing stuff manually... thank god it's 100x less hellish with XL models now.
requesting Shion in nun outfit with a pair of long white horns
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> Or maybe I was, but subconsciously. I dont know...
The ass psyop is working!

>Got a wildcard to just call these tags for rough sex, goes a long way to show motion
Nahone. I might have to ask you for those wildcards soon...

Thanks! Cool Gigi, I really dig the expression/pose.
>There's no going back once you start fixing stuff manually... thank god it's 100x less hellish with XL models now.
Facts. Once you start there's no going back. Fortunately with XL it only takes me like 15 minutes to fix stuff up instead of 3 hours.

>It's too late! Now I get why people can post gens that "don't look like AI at all". Such is the power of manual editing...
Welcome to hell.
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my bad on the slow rentry updating cycle, been distracted by things and divegrass. I'll be doing some changes to the XL list either later today or tomorrow.
Raindancer Raden.
If you can match the dress with her default outfit's color palette the better.
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She has really interesting design, her clothes are line paper textured, love it.

Sick Gigi, you got closer with the capelet than I did,
That's haram!!...I like it
Don't worry about it and thank you! What kind of changes?
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>Yeah some requests requirements can feel like the person has no idea if that composition is physically possible
Those requests shouldn't be tackled to begin with. It's as ridiculous as they sound unless you seriously want to challenge yourself.

>so I'm left to decide if I drop one part just to even have a chance of getting it.
I personally don't bother with impossible requests and try to fulfill the ones I actually like the idea of myself.

>I should pick up photoshop but I'm too lazy to search for a tor- I mean to buy it.
I use a version way back from 2012. CS6 I can give a link to you but you're probably off better installing the recent spyware versions with major improvements, but then again you'd have to deal with spyware and the means of disabling their anti piracy measures, which I personally have no experience with, hence why I stick with a 12 years old version.

>There are the old Faunas that I did threads ago. They are probably in the archives but one teeny tiny repost shouldn't hurt...
I missed them and I'll try to find them later on, sorry.

>Oh sorry, I didn't do it in bad faith. If someone asks me for something I try to reply to them whenever possible.
I just assumed you didn't know how to decline my request politely, so you didn't reply at all.

>I suppose you mean the post that you made after I complimented your Peko?

>The way you worded it and with that spoiler I thought you were memeing and that was the end of the reply chain, whoops.
Nope, it wasn't a meme but I made it sound as such to make it more lighthearted.

>For obvious reasons I can't share my NAI account.
Obvious? What are the other reasons besides the pure factor of trust? Can you get suspend if they notice multiple IPs usage?

That's precisely why I want to make more... And I can't afford NAI right now due to many circumstances I am currently in. I wish I could make some light money from my gens so I could pay for a monthly sub but I can't...

>If I fail to reply back it's either because I didn't see the post or like in this case that I didn't understand it was meant to be a question.
I understand, sorry for misjudging your emotions. But it was a genuine question with a joke in it.

>Sorry if you felt disheartened, but don't give it much importance.
It just felt weird how you praised that my peko gens were the best out of everything you've seen only to go radio silent right after.

>I have adhd and missing stuff is a common issue for me
Oh, don't worry I have it too. Here's solid proof of my personal hell of adhd.

>I don't have any 4chan extensions either.
Ok now that won't do. Install this right now https://www.4chan-x.net/
I don't care why you haven't installed it yet but you absolutely must. Default posting is simply unbearable, you will thank me later.

>The ass psyop is working!
In a sense.
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This was another fun one to cobble together

The process
>Gen Kronii with the tissue wipe LoRA
>Gen IRyS fingering a clone of herself, (easier to just do this than mess with genning 2 different girls and RNG the right girl doing the thing you want)
>Stitch Kronii over the IRyS
>Mask off IRyS and use the same prompt used for Kronii and upscale it at the same time
>Mask IRyS and use the fingering prompt + tissue prompt
Didn't like IRyS' eyes were wrong and Kronii's thighs were too thin so I made some edits and img2img to blend them

>I appreciate the reply, your edits motivated me to give editing a try in the first place!
Oh thanks, glad I've inspired someone even though 99% of my gens are coom, but I do enjoy some of these more complicated gens. Putting in some work and seeing the img2img magic make your vision a reality is very satisfying.
My goodness... it's the humble knight! The star of ENReco!
Sure just ask and I'll provide the tags, though my pony wildcard is a bit of a mess.
Never would think we would get to lewd a paper now. She really does have a unique design in that it's not some wacky impossible clothes or hair.
I'm not sure whether I should be happy that my Lora works this well for you, or sad that it never looked this clean for me.
Kind of curious where the difference comes from.
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More beeg soccer players from the {{{biggest}}} thread's team! Stop deleting our thread goddammit...
Catbox if you are curious, it did confuse her skin with bandages every now and then but it went away by putting it in the negatives. Seems pretty good from my limited testing

Thanks for the breakdown. Informative. Kronii expression made me chuckle. She done with IRyS's shit kek
The impasable team kek
Why are they deleting it?
Steamy closeups of Ollie's chest and armpits, squeezing her own nipples, spreading her armpit etc
They're actually pretty fast for their size.
After months of being able to have threads here with being banished to /d/, the threads started to get deleted again minutes /ag/ won it's first divegrass game in the VTL. It reeks of petty divegrass salt.
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Ah fuck that sucks man, hope he lays off you guys soon.
POV you're IRyS' side chick
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I'm so mad.
Use lube to avoid papercuts.
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Hagbot lioness
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Good night /vtai/.

Thanks for sharing. At first I thought it could have just been an issue of me using too many loras, but that didn't make sense as even those without Loras had issues.

Turns out it was the sampler. Euler a probably just isn't the right one for such small details, and I didn't even think about it. Usually I like euler a more, so I just had it on by default.
RAUnet might also have played a role, though I'm not sure how much.

Also interesting to see that partially using natural language can work so well.

Also, Comfy tried using the flux vae with your workflow, and combining that with the natural language and me not knowing Equos, I thought you had somehow found a way to use XL loras with flux, kek

She has my vote, that's for sure!
I wasn't trying to play along I was trying to get him to fuck off
What did I miss?
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Cute, looks like flux is very flexible for a lot of general anything goes type prompts, even added creases and aged the paper too.
Good night
Hot af! also appreciate the workflow
Sexo bot
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thank you, I see the age of yuri is going strong
That's... Ririka.
uploaded the wrong file
gyaru irys group bukkake in a public restroom
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I wish, just using XL to inpaint character and styles into flux right now.
Holy trinity, 3 person yurI damn, taking it to the next level.
Yeah wish it was bit better at lewds but still this model is honestly a ton of fun to use.
Kek apologies then, also I just realized I forgot a word which may have made it seem I was calling you stupid meant to say "*My Stupidity", again sorry.
Cute, may have been a mistake but the Ririka one is really good too.
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Ah, man. I'm getting persistently flawless feet for Amelia making this set for her! She's getting perhaps the best feet out of anyone for whom I've genned. Now why can't I have that for Ina? Here's the set, you're definitely gonna like seeing all this:

And some bonus close-ups of nicely shaped, highly detailed and very cute Ame soles:

And now just Mori and Gura are left for Myth. I'll have their sets up as soon as they're ready!
Nice Ame's turn to have her feet exposed, cute set
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We'll be back.
I’m deciding essentially between comfyui and forge atm, I’ve heard comfyui allows for much more customization but Forge working a bit quicker on low vram gpus. Is Comfyui worth it or is it a bit of a learning curve to run effectively?
If you're new just use forge or reforge. If there's anything you need to do that requires comfy you'll figure it out and you can just use it then. Plus it's not like it's one or the other. You can use the same model folders on comfy and forge.
I use forge but with the comfy extension so I can use comfy within forge if I want certain workflows.
botanbot's big, bouncy bountiful breasts
indeed it is
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Forge uses similar coding to comfyui so memory wise they should be the same. If you are starting out I recommend forge, it will give a good overview on how everything works. Comfy does get support for newer models quicker than others so it's definitely worthwhile to learn eventually.
She got an upgrade!
Great feet set, anon. Always look forward to these
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Requesting Marine doing various poses on the beach <3
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Spent more times re-rolling the duel disc than anything

No problem, not many people take the time to post the intermediate gens, me included. It's not all prompt and tag magic for the 2-3 girl gens or some really specific requirements.
Learned a lot of the flexibly of img2img and making good use of masking weather to get the AI to change what is under the mask or to change what is not masked and change everything else including being able to upscale in that mode.
>Holy trinity, 3 person yurI damn, taking it to the next level.
3 girls I build the composition in photoshop, extra work but getting 3 girls in one is a rare treat.
Unless you want clones, was able to gen like 5 Faunas without too much issues getting it on.
Given all my gens have been coom, seeing flux do some really unique outputs that isn't just some kind of pinup and great text has be optimistic of all the applications we can gen.
Great to hear the yield rate on all the feet, maybe the Ina LoRA just isn't great, I know I've had issues with the one in civitai
Pov putting a ring on Ina's finger
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thanks to whoever recommended diffusion toolkit. they made an update with "partial comfyui support" for some workflows. my workflow works with it and i can now browse/search my images through their metadata.
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Request to the anons here using NAI:
If possible, please gen some images based on the artist combo (and gen config, if it makes a difference) in picrel

I wish to create a style lora based on this style
I can get similar with local, but I can't match the rendering (likely skill issue from my side)
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Trying to get a ring. Will try a few more.

Evening! Oh diffusion toolkit seems interesting.
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Night lads, dream of cute kitties with big titties.
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Good night, will have, Botan and Raora in my dreams
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>The mix breaks pretty hard on full body, but here, some Shiori noods
Guessed there was something like that going on. Still, Thank you for going for it. Those Shioris look very good.
Neeee, Okayu has big boings too!
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>Fuck you! I bet on the other guy
There's a hidden face in this one too
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Plase make more of that Utatane Nasa in black Bunnygirl suit.
No need to apologize, I may be confused. I didn't think you were the guy posting dino guras
rerequest >>84709680 Aia Amare tied up and cream pied
I am anti-prego because it will never be mine
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Ok I think I got one.

That one middle finger guy got me KEK
Pretty sex tanlines
Thanks whoever put the PixelLink Loras in the OP links. I played around with them
Got a question about inpainting, there’s a black and white manga scene I want to redo with Hololive girls. What should I do to keep the girls in roughly the same positions as in the scene and for similar expressions too?
Cute set!
Easiest way, just inpaint the heads into whichever person you want.
If you want a bit more of the character and their features in there than use inpaint + Lineart CN + high denoise if available use similar artist LoRA or artist tag.
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Sorry forgot about the fatto catto, will think of her too
oh creepy AI face, wonder why it added that in the upscale, maybe some AI ghost trying to escape
Mask the girl you want replaced and prompt the holo, you might need to make several passes to get all the features. Use photoshop to place heads if AI is not doing what you want or don't want to RNG too much. Can be faster to put in 5 mins of that than to wait for a good roll.

Goodnight /vtai/
Kindly requesting Scarle Yonaguni hypnotized like
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Really like the wedding one, her crying face is cute AF
Great cozy vibe. Goodnight TWL
gura or any small chuuba armpit carry, like this https://files.catbox.moe/45h80j.jpg
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Ina like this
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(uploaded wrong file)

Failing my reading reps, I did up a small set of her chained up instead. Oh well, hope you enjoy.


It's probably the AI reading the "jacket" in "jacket off" positive tag. Took your prompt, removed jacket off positive tag and the jacket negative tag: no jacket.

I see you've incorporated laserflip; how are you finding the LoRA?
Thanks for the LoRA, unique design!
Fuck that's hot
These will do nicely thank you
loving the chubby tummy on the aias
pregnant gura bending over and lifting her tail
Jackets or anything that could possibly be a jacket is the bane of lora training. Clara doesn't even have a jacket but it seems to turn the arm garters into a half off jacket semi frequently.
Short hair Sui working as proctologist, wearing a glove and smiling, ready to fist some asses
>big tiddies
I'd like a "little" improvement
Gigi x Ame with their kids
I can help you with this. Keep an eye on the thread later today. The current one is just a bit too stiff because I tried to add all of her PLs and those were just from standing screenshots.

I recognise the ridiculous difficulty of this request, but I can't stop thinking about this image and what it could perhaps be with AI.

I don't sleep, eat, piss, all I do is think about what this image could be with a proper foot focus and a cute chuuba.

Rosemi? Chisaka Airi? Any chuuba you can wrangle into this desu. Probably with a black pantyhose, but whatever makes it easier.
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Surprise, surprise, she isn't waterproof
Requesting Anya lactating through her top like >>84797942
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>lora jacket
yea i always had that problem with anya, sleeves comes where ever she goes. However, jacket and coat in negative (at weight 1) solved it for me. I do suggest trying "sleeveless" if you haven't tried it. If that doesn't work, try switching models. pic unrel
catbox please?
Requesting picrel but with Shiina from Phase Connect in black stockings with a big ass and the same face (please include the hand print and creampie): https://files.catbox.moe/lx4wkk.jpeg
Kind of looks like Bayonetta,
Sexo Anya
Shion LoRa because she's a bit weak on HLL for me, otherwise simple prompt.
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here's a couple Pony LORAs for indie vtuber HinaBoBina:

Pirate outfit:
>score_9, source_anime, hinapirate, 1girl, solo, ahoge, red hair, star-shaped pupils,
fur trim, coat on shoulders, blue suspenders, white collared shirt, crop top, navy pants, lace-up boots,


Space ranger outfit:
>score_9, source_anime, hinaranger, 1girl, solo, red hair, side ponytail, hair ornament, pointy ears,
jacket, white thighhighs, shorts, strapless bra, red bra, belt, stripes, red boots,

Ah I forgot about fingerless_gloves for the 1st one
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Love spaced fishnets like that, wish there was a consistent way to get it
Cute Biboo
She looks cute, thanks for the LoRA
10/10 would motorboat
Can you give her a big fat dick? she already has a futa dakimakura so it isn't out of character
Thank you. Cute Ratto.
Lewd Biboo.
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I like there is a bit of sequence between the two pics.
Mecha Lulu is surprised at the upgrade
Why is she sad?
Threesome with any chuuba and a clone version of herself.
You can go for the femdom route if you want.
The expressions are amazing thank you so much!
Very good fun bits
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She didn't appreciate being recorded
Go go diamond knight
Dont know if you are still here
The last two are fantastic
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Amazing set, she looks great with her hair like that, feels intimate.
nta but KEK someone did it, nice touch with the foot focus.
I think he meant like a "from below" shot where her feet are quite close, and more front-on than the side view in the original

Also, filename says that's a screenshot. Could you share the original?
menhera rushia is always hot
Thanks for offering that photoshop link but I'm fine, I would've downloaded it already if I *really, really* needed it. Also, no, there's no multiple IP notices, I just don't want to doxx myself. I hope things get better for you in the future but don't stress over not being able to use NAI. NAI is a luxury, not a necessity, it's perfectly fine to focus your budget on your priorities first. In fact, I'd say it's great that you're getting a grasp on using local, it's much less limited than NAI and it's free. And yeah, I know of 4chan X, I'll download it though I mostly post incognito.
>this is AI
I'm scared, I didn't know that you could generate stuff this good.
Those are nice, but they're simple shots. Plenty of stuff at that level and above in these threads.
No backgrounds either and the censorship means he doesn't have to sit there and inpaint the penis.
Honestly, I have mostly ignored AI stuff until now, but if it's relatively "simple" to get stuff like that, I guess I'll take a look at the guides of the thread
I think >>84860445 referred that it's a simple gen, not simple to get it. But once you figure out Local gen and have a decent GPU or buy a $25 NovelAI subscription it should be simple
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I have a 3070, but maybe it would be better to bite the bullet and get a NovelAI subscription to play around with first
Surprised you know what NovelAI is since you were ignoring AI, they are pretty niche and stay on the down low on their image gen.
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3070 shold be good enough
3070 should be decent and supports 1-click install on windows but the choice is yours. If you don't want to have free heating in the room where your PC is, go for NAI.
I mean, I just googled "NovelAI subscription" and read some opinions...

Alright, I guess I'll try the local generation first
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>I just don't want to doxx myself.
Please elaborate how you sharing your account with me will lead to doxxing? You obviously dont need to go over details here, you can just DM me on pixiv and we can talk there. I promise you from the bottom of my broken heart that I have no ulterior motives of doxxing you or doing anything else malicious, I merely want to use NAI for a bit since it has improved a lot. I won't even take your credits or anything for upscaling, just basic gens is all I ask for. In return I promise to share more pekos and other chuubas you want. I know it must be very tough to trust a stranger from a bangladeshi basket weaving forum but I promise you that you have nothing to be concerned about.

>I hope things get better for you in the future
They probably won't, but thanks.

>but don't stress over not being able to use NAI.
I can't. I have massive FOMO and a fear that NAI might be censored/be gutted soon. I don't know why I have this feeling but I can't shake it off.

>In fact, I'd say it's great that you're getting a grasp on using local
Sigh. I don't have local, I am using third party gen sites to make my stuff, it is also unreliable and who knows what will happen to them in the future. I do need to upgrade my pc to gen local however. Maybe somewhere in the future.
Do people use Forge nowadays or reforge?
Anyway, the Forge one-click install is here
Our guides are pretty outdated and do not touch upon SDXL/Po(r)ny models but feel free to ask questions.
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Needs further testing but looks ok-ish
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More cultured version
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01 https://files.catbox.moe/ckobjr.jpg
02 https://files.catbox.moe/26vsc6.jpg
03 https://files.catbox.moe/j96631.jpg
04 https://files.catbox.moe/zt8zcz.jpg
05 https://files.catbox.moe/etxiv7.jpg
06 https://files.catbox.moe/jyrt8m.jpg
07 https://files.catbox.moe/l65d21.jpg
08 https://files.catbox.moe/suzy9i.jpg
09 https://files.catbox.moe/n8bytx.jpg
10 https://files.catbox.moe/jlrsb2.jpg
11 https://files.catbox.moe/0ma483.jpg
12 https://files.catbox.moe/akrywy.jpg
13 https://files.catbox.moe/11arqt.jpg
14 https://files.catbox.moe/kydpup.jpg
15 https://files.catbox.moe/xex7fm.jpg
16 https://files.catbox.moe/f1fdzz.jpg
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Looking good.
They are going in a different direction in the latest Hologra kek. Those Choco are great.
(nta) blessed glove+smug

took a look at the person's gens, highly likely to be from NAI, judging from the artstyle and the ease of multi-character prompting

This pose came across my mind, seemed like the most "innocent" pose Nasa could make without making her too intentionally seductive
Given the choice between a fp16 or bf16 model, which should I choose? The bf12 has about twice the file size so I assume it has more training data or something.
For flux? I think you can only run that if you have 4090 or similar. Strictly speaking it doesn't have more training data but quality wise should be the highest.
I need 16 as an episode rn
It's a Pony Model.
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Very nice. Please more of Geega with normal body proportions
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Thanks for the help, I downloaded the based67_v10 checkpoint and then a random Azki lora and I was able to generate this pic. I'm guessing that I should combine different loras and just play around with the tags in the prompt
thank you lol this is amazing work, really thanks. rushia was an incredible choice

I didn't have concrete image of how exactly the feet should be, this is as good as i hoped for :)

Screenshot is from here, no actual image source, reverse search got me nothing (not my playlist this isnt a self dox)
Hmm seems to be a merge, no idea why it's so big though (someone else can chime in) but I don't think the size would matter, since merging is kinda just finding the average between two models rather than adding.
You want the SDXL or Pony models. Goto civit and sort by SDXL and pony, you'll find a bunch of models pick the one you like the most. For porn you want the pony models, for general anime you want animagine or similar models.
>You want the SDXL or Pony models.
Gotcha, let me try.
Nice! Not only the pose is good but the look her hair gives her when it is not in twin-tails is also Great. Thanks a lot.
I assume it's a mislabel or something, you can go for the 6 GB one
Only the SDXL VAE has issues with FP16, so grab the fp16-fix VAE if you run into blank outputs

from hologra to hologravure

please share artist mix if possible, lovely style
nice sword holds too
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Tried retraining with Onetrainer.
Flux can learn fine details even if you load the model in nf4 and train at 384x384!
I used nearly identical settings, only difference is changing timestep distribution to logit normal and adding 0.5 logcosh loss in last lora. 0.5 is probably too much
that is amazing
IIRC, logit normal is the correct timestep sampling for Flux
log cosh looks interesting
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Like this?
Don't worry, she missed. Twice.
kinda funny that AI can't put anything inside a girl's mouth without adding mayo.
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>please share artist mix if possible, lovely style
Just testing some style LoRA for flux, it's this one. He lists the artist he used in the mix in the description. I think people are finally figuring out training on this thing, the LoRA quality took a huge jump recently.

Fantastic news, dang. I am gonna try to spend a few hours later today see if I can get training going.
3rd times the charm! jk pls no...
Are you on Comfy? Can you share your workflow? I am stupid, not sure how to use loras with flux.
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>[artist:ningenmame], [artist:ciloranko], [artist:sho{{sho_lwlw}}], [[artist:tianliang_duohe_fangdongye, artist:as109]]
Sure here you go, should be the same as loading LoRA regularly (ignore the stuff on the right, just have a XL inpainting stuff there)

Yeah I feel like I have seen an anon here use that mix at some point.
In short, if you want to keep using loras and making porn, try Pony models. If you want to call them out by name without bothering with loras but with less 3rd person porn, use Animagine or Kohaku or any of the other merges floating around. Make sure your resolution is one of the resolutions suggested here https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/15c3rf6/sdxl_resolution_cheat_sheet/
Depending on your vram, you can use hiresfix to upscale more or less during a second pass over the image. Ideally around 1.3-1.5x
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trying out a new base resolution. ocd gonna fuck my head whenever i see my archive
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>I am gonna try to spend a few hours later today see if I can get training going.
Note that you'll have to download flux in diffusers format to use onetrainer
Gonathan and his pearl kissing
thanks for the link
didn't expect it to be Flux, promising progress
Rabbit Hole Suisei
Thank you for the heads up and tips. This will save me some headache.
Nice even numbers kek. Cute Anya
Flux is really good with weapons. even does bow and arrow correctly without any hassle and POV weapons. Haven't had this much fun with a model since 1.5 ngl kek
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Anya ojou on a stroll
Requesting pink haired ame
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Lewd. I like how your style works on everyone, and seems consistent across models.
Great Rie sets with a nice soft style, I like the expressions especially in the first set. Almost hard to reconcile with how she's like on stream.
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Love sunshine after rain.

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