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>Official Links
https://pomu.pages.dev/vsmp (MC server)

【Raki Kazuki】 Clumsy girl next door, zatsu, karaoke, rhythm games, ASMR.
【Lottie Shinju】 Silly girly girl, retro and water-based games, zatsu, drawing.
【Chiaki Katsumi】 Chuuni seiso girl, longform playthroughs with pre-game zatsu, variety streams.
【Miuna Usako】 Delulu deredere, soulslikes, zatsu, karaoke.

【Kanna Yanagi】 Motivated planner, soulslikes, action and fighting games, variety handcams, ASMR.
【Chio Chompi】 Gremlin imouto, horror games, co-op horror, RPGs.
【Daiya Fortuna】 Dorky weird girl, collabs, retro games, roguelikes, ASMR.
【Arisu Oshiro】 Chuuni tsundere, card games, karaoke, drawing.

>Original Songs and Covers
idol: >>>/vt//jidf/
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
kawaii: >>>/vt//pkg/
VSMP: >>>/vt//vsmp/
V4Mirai: >>>/vt//v4m/
V-Dere: >>>/vt//vdere/
VReverie: >>>/vt//vrex/
Specialite: >>>/vt//corpo/
Sheeptubers: >>>/vt//wool/
Phase Connect: >>>/vt//pcg/

Previous thread: >>84768070
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Sweaty, back-breaking scream sex with my girlfriend while her dork roommate tries to stream in the corner
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Squishing my ducktective
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I'm in love with a raccoon.
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Is she twelve
I know 30+ year olds who go into CC debt to buy this stuff because it's cute, it's actually a crazy market
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I love my dinowife
I wanna rape a lass in the butt
This costs 15$ unless she got scammed
But why
I want to make love to a lass' butt while we watch lottie streams together
Retards memed "cheating lads" into existence, another case of doing something ironically until you start doing it unironically. The concept of cheating in this context is already overblown. There's nothing actually wrong with watching another vtuber as long as you aren't some parasocial cunt thinking you're in a relationship with them and talking like you are, but by blowing it way out of proportion it just became something to upset Lottie
Because thats how winning is done!
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Chio with a milk snake! First doodle back <3
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Office kana
I'm about to create an HR nightmare
Loose bowtie from grooming her employee (me)
very cute doodle anon!!!
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(AI) - Miuna is ready for you
How do these work? I want to make one but genuinely clueless
no she is raki
Drinking Grand Marnier out of a fancy tulip glass while hanging out with the princess
yeah right im using condoms with the bunny cunny
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Chio schedule
cute cute cute!!!
definitely read that as milkshake at first and was very confused
Oh no...
Does anyone else regularly think about how Lottie has already learnt the skills to raise her and I (me)'s kids?
/vtai/ has a bunch of guides/info.
In general:
1. Get some form of stable diffusion - the AI software. "Automatic1111" is relatively easy to use, for example.
You'll need an nvidia card to use it, but it can be an old one. There are some workaround for low memory cards too.
2. Then you need to download a model, data for which the AI can draw from. For example:
3. If the model doesn't have the specific character you want, you need a LORA to plug into it. You can get Raki, Lottie, Miuna loras here:
4. Start everything up and type in what you want. For example, this image's prompt was:
<lora:miunausakoXL:1>, miunausako, short hair, orange hair, hair bow, brown eyes, rabbit ears, rabbit girl, flat chest, bedroom, orange panties, shy, smile
condom wrappers, standing
5. Repeat and tweak until you get what you want.
Genuinely afraid I would just never stop genning endless Lotties. Maybe when winter hits I can justify it to offset the heating bill…
Furry audience incoming
I don't get it
Look at the art
nta but are AMD cards just a hard “no”?
Welcome back doodle anon!
I imagine it is possible, but probably a pain in the ass to setup. Most of the guides/software assume you are using nvidia
Quick google shows people have got it working on AMD including Automatic1111 but it's not quite as efficient and takes some fiddling, I wouldn't be surprised if someone on >>>/vt//vtai/ could tell you how to set it up
I think only older AMD cards are a hard no, but every time I've tried it seemed incredibly annoying to setup anyway.
Scalies are a different monster entirely
How are my monno- I mean, my femmons doing
Where is Paper Mario...
Paper what?
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I think the "feminization" posts were a bit overreaction, maybe due to monmons expecting Daiya to get weird with it. Make up kits are pretty common in normal asmr.
Face massage tools yeah, but makeup kits aren't that common
I think the concept of "sleepover with a cute girl" but the twist is that you are the girl is hilarious
I'm surprised she went with subnautica if she's worried about getting all of her long series out of the way. Maybe she's still worried about yapping to much when reading the dialogue.
Kanna on the skeb front page
I look cute
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axo'ing my lotl until I woopyo
Are there any specifics for what shows up on the skeb front page? Or is it everything and you just have to catch it in time before something else replaces it
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I love in Kanna's skeb requests how she always makes sure to mention her breast size
The front page is just most recently released skebs
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Yeah, I
What is 4chan?
4chan is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images.
Generally it's polite to wait until the talent or the skeb requester posts their art on twitter before posting it here
So is the second part of my post true?
>Get lewd kanna skeb
>keep it public
>it gets delivered
>boost the artist with the message. 'Thank you for the work! I forgot to mark this one as hidden so if you see this Kanna sorry!'
>Kanna sees it and thinks theres more lewds of her out there
What do you think her reaction would be?
Yeah, except for requests marked as private, but you can just use the search bar and search "Kanna Yanagi" and see everything that's ever been requested of her too. Being on the front page basically just means it's hot off the press
I mean, it'd depend on how lewd we're talking. If it's something like the icecream eating summer art she got it wouldn't be that far from the norm. If it's something more risque than that then I'm not sure what her reaction would be because I don't think she's ever seen lewds/nsfw she's gotten in the past, publicly at least
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kanna nursing handjobs while she calls me sweetheart and darling and cutie
I see
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I agree with this sentiment
How long until tourists make this thread unbearable?
20-30 minutes tops
did something happen?
Depends on when they notice I guess, wednesday was actually fine
I woke up from a nap while listening to Raki ASMR.
Kanna tourney stream again
You're starting to make it unbearable already. Are you sure you aren't the tourist
Not my lad
Rape the "lad"
Let's goo Kanna sweep
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I am a lad
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Sure FakeLad, sure
Rape the "lad"
Do not bite the bait, instead bite your oshi.
i's a tourney and kanna has been happy with it, I don't see the issue with people getting excited over it
I'm biting you.
What if my oshi is a bait themed chuuba
I will watch
they've been nice so far
oh right, for a moment I thought there was some yab or something, phew
I sometimes happen to catch stuff when looking through recent releases for artists to commission. Strangely there is also a lot of art of girls getting constricted by Arbok on the front page for some reason...
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My oshi is the one who bites.
Is it all from the same skebber?
>males already on stream
Nobody cares about your opinions, Gabe
Stop slandering Gabe, he's reformed and he actually watches streams
I'll bite her gills. Tail is no longer enough to satisfy me.
what's the gabe current status anyway?
I don't suppose there's anyone more motivated than I who wants to volunteer to do all the stuff needed for /pxl/ divegrass?
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About 3 weeks ago
kanna is getting gangbanged as we speak...
sajam's such a cute fuck and then there's... ugly bastard
Can someone edit a salamander banishment version of this
He watches Miuna, Lottie, and Kanna. Probably a bunch more but that's where I usually notice him
No, that's not me
Put some respect in Jwongs name. The man is a father
>blue glasses
>orange hair
>pink headset
>lime green wall
>red microphone
mr wong... wtf
are you kidding? have you seen how big and birdlike his nose is? dude's part parrot.
Jwong is a new york hood nigga through and through.
Hey, if ugly bastards can get married with kids then there's hope for all of us
listen, not everyone can roll 10s in everything
I'd still give him a lil smooch and a noogie, but come on
Gabe is a fgc fag
chances Kanna can beat Doki?
I love kanna but I say it's going to be a repeat of friday.
it's called drip
you wouldn't understand
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I want to give Lottie sloppy bitey kisses right here.
If she just reads Doki's mind she's got it. I hope she beats her because that's the only opponent that she hasn't beat
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I wrote this
I've seen so many versions of this image, but I still have no fucking clue what this animal even is
I'm watching doki play on stream rn and it looks like she's trying to have a gameplan LOL
that's going to be her downfall, she's obviously too stupid to execute a gameplan. That will be to Kanna's advantage.
Surely this time
Selen was a huge choke artist anon. It's all or nothing today.
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Lottie is cutie.
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Well she just choked
if she loses to kanna she will go menhera
She always fucks up when it really matters in big tournaments. She's a great gamer but her mental fortitude is cardboard tier.
Looks like a proto crocodile
God, that's hot
grifter rose knows jack shit about fighting games, she's below even a casual, unlike Doki who is new to fighting games.
Is it normal to feel super nervous? I just hope she knows that kamos love her no matter what happens.
I will stop loving her if she loses so it's a lot on the line
Yes. Imagine how Kanna feels, give her all your support and energy.
PNG Lottie is a harlot
seconding this, the love of her kamos is conditional and she HAS to be good at video games
It is a tournament after all so it's normal
Even at online tournaments you do feel nervous
t. choke artist that enteres online stuff
Looks like walking on land didn't help him much
Nerves are a big deal in tournaments, top players that could be champions never win anything because they never learn to control their nerves
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Salamander behaviour.
Kanna is locked in.
She wants to press buttons alredy
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God forbid a guy acts like it's a sports event
Lottie said she was originally only good at three things: art, breathing, and fine dining
>Good at fine dining
so... eating?
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Can someone post the Raki version of this
Others went through the same changes. This one was around 100 million years before the dinosaurs era
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Here you go.
If she didn't they will draw her flat. Look at the reference she gives them.
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Thanks anon
my two favorite teams are already up against each other, it's going to be rough...
You can see the suspenders giving way to her breasts but I guess it's easy to miss if you're not paying attention
nta but, I never really considered that flat chuuba pngs don't give much of anything for artists to go off of unless you have a reference sheet
I need a thread schizo to analyze this and use math to find the real lore accurate kanna booba size
It's D-Cup, she says it herself in her skeb requests
It's officially D cup. The model technically should be the same if Mo mama got that info when drawing
Today will be a good day for PixelLink fans.
>they're all shitting on modern
>Kanna modern
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>add lad to cart
>go to checkout
>see shipping costs
>remove lad from cart
DHL eCommerce Parcel Direct has won the fight with my FOMO
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it's funny as shit lmao
the answer is b cup and no math needed just trust me.
what mental illness is this?
idk but toki cute
They know what they like
Why isn't he spinning? I hate it.
Minecraft movie still living rent free in Lottie's head.
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jesus fuck
It's been a very good summer for PixelLink fans, we got PixelChron, revamped website, VSMP, the Mario kart tournament, and the pixelsummer cover
do it nigger
snakes have two penises so they're getting squeezed and doublestuffed.
That person has spent so much on arbok art they are in the top 100 on skeb for money spent.
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Sucks to be you
I wonder what % of all Arbok art online they would make up
got an error when i tried to upload a spinning gif and i don't care enough to not just save a frame as png
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so many voices and games on kanna's streams I'm getting anxious
holodex inclusion was pretty big too since youtube is unusable for checking upcoming streams
He had a plan all along
I can still hear the sound Slippy makes in the SNES game.
Thank you, I feel better now.
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I admire his dedication to art
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>youtube is unusable for checking upcoming streams
Ironically the mobile version of yt is ok for this purpose
Subscriptions -> live and you get the upcoming streams after the live ones
If you want any of the individual images on transparent background I can post em, I just didn't wanna spam the thread
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I want to imagine that the seam is his cheeks.
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some people buy cars, others buy pokemon x kancolle crush porn
to expand on the first step from the other anon's list, i would follow the one-click tutorial section from this video to install "Forge" webui.


it's quite a bit faster than the other popular frontend, "A111", especially for old hardware (about 90s seconds to generate a 1024x1024 image on a gtx 1070). you don't need to tweak any settings either, it detects your hardware and optimizes everything automatically.

the only thing to be aware of is the space it requires, about ~20-25 GB after you download the prerequisites, the models (this is the one the Pixellink characters were trained on: https://civitai.com/models/260267/animagine-xl-v31) and the loras
I'm scared to see how much I spent on skeb this year.
this jamie is getting cooked
The Lad crack is canon
I don't think she could match me.
I spent almost 13k last year.
he can make the comeback I believe
13k of real money?
he actually could have won but he dropped his combo
Total payments
JPY 1,840,000
Converts to like 12.9k
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you hate to see it, I don't think lvl 2 when deejay was that low on health was a good idea at all either, anything would've killed and it's better to have lvl 3 on deck
>lottie loves mvc games
Funny, that's about where I checked out of fighting games.
damn. I've spent like maybe $200 a month and I thought I was insane
she might be interested when sajam slam does mvc
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Sucks more to be you
The gbp really lost all its value...
The lads are free? Can you just take them?
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Chiaki Spongebob
Daiya Miuna collab
has he said what he's planning
don't really follow fgc, but these ones are nice from a unityfag perspective and he's good at it
fg stuff*
brain is melt on fuel fumes and gin
>Doki is practicing against modern Bison on her stream
It's so over
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>Women love giant monsters
She's right you know.
lmao. good, the more she tries to think and the more she tries to learn, the better for kanna.
Doki's worst mistake will be her trying to play a fighting game the way it's meant to be played.
You're doing God's work
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I like Tomoe because she's white. Am I racist?
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>chicks dig giant robots
>this is true!
I like Tomoe because she's a train. Am I autistic?
people called me crazy spending 10k to get a really nice model made from the artist I fangirl over and a rigger they recommended when I don't even stream. I just open vtube studio and talk to myself like the loser I am.
I haven't seen a live Tomoe stream for like 2 weeks. I keep checking in Holodex but I never manage to catch her.
Let's Go Kanna
Kanna SWEEP the choke artist
Nah, not yet
If he annonuces anything it will be at the Grand Finals of this tournament at twitchcon, but he might do newer games first so maybe Strive, Granblue
That's cute, I hope you enjoy yourself
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Reminds me of all the female streamers going crazy for Svarog in Star Rail.
just alley kick x5 4Head
Kanna v Doki time
Trust the plan
lets goo Kanna!
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>Kanna streaming with males
Remember when you guys collecitvely cancelled Nebi for doing the exact same thing?
It's over...
kanna keeps jumping, man...
jesus Kanna is playing worse...
Lets goo Kanna
more grabs! you got it!
>play how you normally play, just kill them
thanks coach, unironically helpful somehow
Kanna please you had CA!!
I'm shitting my pants here
What was bullshit? Just grab and win?
You should get some Depends
Lottie AI on stream
Lets fucking goo KANNA
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Barely woke up... I don't even know what the fuck is going on in this game
She's been traveling a lot but she just put up a full schedule
1hp is all you need
clutch qua
Choki is just a trash player lol.
Nijien here. Thank you for killing the great evil pixelbros
I dont care about that, I just hate lazy grab strategies
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Couldn't even get carried by modern gief ohnononono
God DAMN that was a hype match
>>84811889 (Me)
update: FOMO won, lad and two keychains cost me 126USD
>inb4 fake currency
feels so good
>his currency is literally called slutty
That's only half fake
LOL pln is literally one of the strongest currencies in europe now.
polad when he sees the shipping: KURWA
Miunnies you're gonna get a too scared to sleep space
AI Lottie won.
She has school after this I'm sure her brain won't have enough space to store any horror thoughts
forget fake currency those are fake letters bro
Ja pierdole...
how, unless something changed PLN has the most expensive akasupas, one of the highest regional prices on Steam, massive electronics tax etc
Vivi sweep
Lion Daddy Leo is my oshi now
for me it's Bura
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What the fuck how is shipping for keychain and standee the same as for a fucking plushie?
Wisu sent a signed doodle to people that met her for the summer meet and greets. Now I'm even more sad that I didn't get chosen for it...
AI Lottie has been taken out behind the shed. Her final words "What? You make it sound like I'm dying"
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It just keeps going up.
that's because it moved from 4.99 USDPLN to 3.86 USDPLN and corpos decided to keep the former currency rate
Wisumites getting segregated based on their class.
>What are you going to do, kill me?
-last words of AI killed
Lottie kumpel...
shipping for keychain, standee and a plushie is almost the same as for any single item
Raki Kazuki live on Lottie's stream
well her AI version at least
AI Raki sounds weird
I like that Lottie's reaction to other Lotties is to kill them
There can only be one
Fatcat never tell her about the cloning thing I'll still pay
Don't you just love paying more for services of getting the items to you than the actual items themselves
AI Raki thinks Lottie is a raccoon, Chiaki is a bunny, and Miuna is a hamster
Lets gooo Fumi
Jesus, Kanna's team is tearing through them
They're just better
Chio is also a raccoon, and a male apparently.
fr is Shine that good of a coach or are vtubers actually putting in the work? I'm so happy for Kanna.
Leak on Lottie's stream. Gen 2 are men.
Kanna the fox, Daiya the bunny and Chio the dude
Yes, me
the format's also good for inspiring people to do their best
I want to give Kanna some headpats so bad
the chompenis...
both, sadly brine didn't teach them all that well it seems, doki is his best student somehow
Yeah, me?
You deserve some smug panko image of shame
I want to have sex with you.
Miuna's dying so this is the last one before they yap
>boosted bitch's team is losing
KEK I said last Wednesday that modern gief can only get you so far
Please stop being schizo...
Kanna put in the work and learned the match up.
I was born this way
reminder that Miuna has to play Visage...
It counts if she only watches the intro and quits
Medication exists. That's like an asthmatic saying I was born to die without even trying to use an inhaler
Yeah, by me
Remember we are the unity corpo, let's not try to talk shit about other people! Leave your grievances at the door and enjoy cute girls doing cute things
How does twitch con work with vtubers? are they supposed to go there and play in person?
Good Lad, no tribalfagging here
Meds bad
Lottie will do Lad molestation handcam stream.
Meds make your dick smaller too, don't take them.
She'll cut a hole in the Lads backside and finger it.
Yeah, which is why both Vivi and Kanna will have to drop out and be replaced by someone from one of the loser teams. The same goes for any other chuuba that doesn't fleshstream
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>Oh there's a gun?! lets go!
>Why is there a girl constantly crying?
I can hear it
bad example, that actually worked for me
What the fuck? can't they just play from online against the people at twitchcon?
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Thanks Lottie I was going to say the same thing. Every Dragoon that has stopped by has been polite so let's show them the same kindness that Kanna would!
Apparently not, she said that the lag would be too shit and they probably want zero lag for the finals which means they have to be in person only
the goons are generally a good bunch
helped them out a bit when they were getting reestablished
Lottie, Raki, Essie, Jira, Pillow
overlap will kill me
Sounds like a you issue for not choosing only one
Lottie just ended stream...
you slut
Kindness to all is the true master plan
Just be glad they're shipping to your location. I had to use package forwarding service because for some reason pixel shop doesn't deliver to my country even though they do deliver to every neighboring country. Can't wait to get ass raped by whatever I'll have to pay to get it shipped again, this time to me.
god she's so sex
Essie's oversized banana...
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I'm sad Kanna won't be able to compete at twitch con but it is what it is. Different situation since everyone was probably centrally located in japan but the event the Sajam Slam is based on had vtubers at a LAN event and they just played remotely. Pretty hilarious seeing Daigo next to a standee of an anime girl.
again, public PSA for /pxl/ bros like you, if this happens try to contact PixelLink directly, they are open to hearing your concerns about merch
I want to get rough with her after listening to her last asmr at 4am.
Daigo watches vtubers too.
Clearly I'm not sending enough sappy maros, time to pump those numbers up
she forgot about us..
one good night of drinking in college, you know how it is
Daiya and Miuna talking about scary movies and experiences
I tried it (after someone suggested it to me in the thread, maybe you) and they replied they don't have shipping options to my country
oh...well you tried
Never have I wanted to smack a woman as much as I did while listening to that.
Oh hey that's the red gura sister
That's cool, I wonder who his oshi is. All I know is that miofa that won capcom cup in a mio hoddie. Insanely based.
can any archive pans archive this one? I have FOMO and will only be able to catch half of it because of delays...
is that fucking akami karubo (karabi? kafuckingsomething?) or whatever
Karubi and yeah it's her
huh? You can just watch/archive it later on youtube anon
yea it is
knowing raki there's a 25/75 chance she deletes this VOD...
Japans infrastructure and culture is more prepared for this having a chuuba at a tournament and have her like close to the area is easy
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jwong did it.
What's stopping you
sure, if it goes I'll find a way to post it with a password based off a members post.
Looks nothing like Luto
Going outside and autism
just a thought, but given how many vtubers might be involved, there could be a shift where they get to compete from the hotel or a hidden booth at least if they really want to be adamant about it
man his wife looks young
Asian genes
Raki live, praise be to Jesus
>too young
seems to be a common trait in the fighting game community
Mono and Serina raided Chiaki

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