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Now that the dust has settled, who’s better of the two, /vt/. Both are bad bitches, not only that, but they’re also stacies of their social group and men are ready to do their beck and call with no hesitation.
whore (good) and whore (bad)
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White Lumi is just a poor copy of yellow lumi
I doubt vtubers, especially female vtubers, can be called stacies, when most would be bullied in real life
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Both trash
this samefag always starts his thread with "lets settle this"
Why do men go after these type of women instead of the more traditional and demure ones?
Because then you rob yourself of the tradwife journey
Veibae is everything Lumi wishes she could be. So I don’t know how Lumi can’t compete.
both dogshit, lumi is slightly better because she at least doesn't talk about birthing out chunks of vagina meat because she took too much birth control
Veibae obviously mogs most vtubers. I don't like her, but she locked down a rich simp e celeb and subsequently quit her "job" streaming. How many others can say the same?
If your oshi still has to work, she has lost to the woman who married a guy who just works for her.

Their bullies work retail and do OF to cover rent, meanwhile these girls make bank playing videogames.
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The Queen of /lig/ of course
Literal who vs literal whore
>these girls make bank playing videogames.
Only few of these girls make bank, most stream to supplement their income
Are all the vtubers from this mother mentally ill?
kys Lumi shill, I hope your oshi enjoys both of her pizzas that she totally just made for herself
Yes, all vtubers are mentally ill women
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she is Our Queen.
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>the perfect fake is more real than the very thing it imitates
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Lumi is pure and virginal, Vei is loose and whorish. Most women want pure and virginal women.
Lumi is objectively a nobody compared to vei. In what aspect can lumi even compete. Vei is now, married to a rich guy, a tradwife, has a better model, is funnier, has better friends, and more viewers. Its honestly not fair to compare
>In what aspect can lumi even compete.
Purity, being a virgin, and most importantly, loyal.
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You know what vtubers I beleive to be virgins? The ones who got married. If a vtuber isn't in the process of marrying then I can only assume she isn't viewed as a wife due to promiscuity. So far only Veibae was pure enough to obtain such a level of commitment from a rich man.
Veibae is a gross slut with a bad personality but lumi is the kind of girl who would divorce you after 10 years and reveal your kid is actually an incest baby she had with her brother meanwhile she's dating an 90yo billionaire for his money or some shit and she'd still try to steal all your shit in the divorce just to fuck you over, then she'd be like "umm why do people think I did something wrong"? Like an actual psychopath, instead of just kind of a bitch like vei.

Also she doesn't like seex so she quite literally expects her husband to just pay her to live, for nothing in return, because she's that special and great.

However her model is better than vei's and >>84815431
this webm is gross, it's like looking at a dude with a female model in an mmo in 2010 because he "doesn't want to look at guy ass", it's just comically skanky.
>both are bad bitches
I keked at this. I can't even take you seriously.
You just don’t understand Lumi’s greatness
>secret groomer boyfriend vs public boyfriend
depends on what type of cuck you are I guess
I also forgot to mention lumi has the weirdest twitchdditor fanbase on this board, where they project a woman that doesn't exist (kawaii tradwife who loves me) on a woman who deliberately keeps them at arms length and openly talks about only being attacted to men twice her age with lots of money (golddigger) and rejects traditional housewife roles (says she wants to work while married in case she wants to get divorced) and says she loves kids but only wants 1-2 max.

And when you point out how the woman they are in love with doesn't exist they start seething and calling you a "sister" when in reality they are just delusional/mentally ill.
Anyone who remains a fan of someone who cucks them on stream is certified mentally ill, so that shouldn't be surprising. All the normal people got filtered out.
Whatever you say sister
It's called cuckconnect for a reason.
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Vei is only talked about because she’s a whore, Lumi has long-term longevity because she’s seiso
>both pickmes that constantly hate on women
>both gamers
>both can't sing
Honestly they are very similar and should scissor.
And yet Lumi doesn't do male collabs. Curious.
But she talks about men all the time
So she's a fujo. Got it. It's one thing to lust after a Pokemon trainer. It's another to seek out his EN voice actor just to do a collab with.
Anon, she talks about her little brother and how hot and bothered she gets when he started working out
>bad bitches
isnt Lumi a STEMgal? they get hard carrie but def no stacy
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I've never watched Lumi before.
Just checking but that's supposed to be a negative, right?
nah uh
ewww who is this abortion of the two
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Here's my answer
Who is Lumi? I thought that was another Vei's model.
Yellow Vei.
I haven't watched Vei since like late 2020, but even back then it was obvious that she had the LivestramFail/Twitch normie audience and only ever started vtubing because she knew it'd make her money. After checking in recently it's hilarious to see that nothing has changed and she's even in a relationship with one of the most popular streamers on the platform.
Anyway, I've never seen even a moment of Lumi's content but she's probably shit since she's Phase.
She frequently sucks off her male mods lol, that's fairly worse because she's showing that she's close to men who she actively spends time with, instead of a one-off collab with some random guy.
Moonmoon was right about Vei being an e-girl.
And Gura's personal creative team that she goes to for projects is almost entirely male. You just don't get it.
Pre-VShojo Vei > Current Lumi > CyberLive Lumi > VShojo Vei > Current Vei (Retired)
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she was right
Pretty anemic attempt at a diss. She knows she owes everything to Hololive. Otherwise she'd still be on her knees servicing the one or two JP gachikois she had.
Having some contractors you go to because you like their work isn't the same as having a defensive melty over people complaining about your male friends
She gets insanely jealous whenever he pays attention to something or someone else than her, that's bad.
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Remember that time Lumi did a Vei impression during the entire /pcclg/ vs. /vsj+/ divegrass match back in 2021? (Timestamp 2:00:15)
Cute clip. She comes off as protective, not an incest enjoyer. The eww at knowing who Jelly is could just be her imagining having to listen to her coworker's stories about fucking her brother if they somehow got together.
remember when she said "rigger hate"
>a whore
The whore is honest at least.
>gold digger whore (unsuccessful and fucking groomer mods)
>gold digger whore (successful and fucking ecelebs)
Fixed that for you.
I don't think Lumi has a thing for her mods, that's just anti slander
>t. lumi's mod
I wish I could be Lumi's mod and groom her in DMs into being my wife...
Did you even watch the videos? All other vtubers would have reacted the same
lumi calls her mod, smug, daddy, so
>there are no capable women around that can do what men can
>somehow this is Gura's fault
>everyone is a cuck who likes cuckshit like me
not beating the allegations phasecuck...
pink hag clears
That's not being a cuck. If you did that to a hololive vtuber, they would react the same.
>if there was a hololive vtuber who was a whore that had close buddy male mod friends she constantly sucked off on stream then she would also react like a whore
I guess, but we're talking about reality here not your cuck fanfics.
But /vt/ told me Kronii does exactly that , And /vt/ never lies
Kronii's best friend is a woman, not some discord groomer male.
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Pink cat?
I will never understand simping for a woman who openly shows off her boyfriend. All cucks need to be gassed.
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I trust Lumi.
that's why men watch lumi
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Pink cat good.
they're both shitty whores
Lumi actually platonically loves her chat and wants them to be happy without exploiting them unlike Vei. In return she is trying to figure out how to make friends without accidentally coming off as a tease. She's absurdly genuine and gets off to making other people feel special and making the sad happy. But that behavior, especially in ethots, is normally reserved for manipulation or specific interest and people get the wrong idea. But Lumi's whole thing is genuinely caring about her chatters non-parasocial happiness and someone with that much love to give would be focused on her family if they had one.
Lumi you can trust to keep the administration going without sakana nearby
I cant read lips whats she sayin
She loves Hololive en
>who's better?

I have no idea all I know is that they should scissor and let me watch
Both are whores, you can close the thread now.
Lumi hasn't done anything to warrant being called a whore.
She lusts after her brother.
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> Lumi is pure and virginal
She believes sex before marriage is a sin
>loving your family makes you a whore
Jesus that's sad even for /here/
both appeal to a cuck audience, so whats the real difference?
god her voice is fucking putrid, obvious she's still upset about getting blacklisted too
Women actually cares about you, the other just wants your money
>Lumi is pure and virginal
That's all it takes for you to be in love with a whore like her? Have some standards, please, anon.
She doesn’t hang out with men. What more do you want?
Do you not trust her?
Do her male mods who she considers "close friends" somehow not count?
didn't she admit to visiting a groomer when she was 16?
where do you fags get the idea that she's some kind of sheltered virgin?
>phase cucknect
FUCK no. Are you kidding me, man?
that's my autistic boyfriend (girl)
Why are you lying? She has literally never expressed anything but disgust in people talking about incest shit. She says she’s proud of her brother but him working out and getting big and tall weirds her out because she can still only see him as a baby.
Crazy how these Lumi threads are always full of straight up liars.
>Crazy how these Lumi threads are always full of straight up liars.
That’s just how the catalog is. Although Lumi threads have it pretty bad since the one guy who spam bakes them will just sit in here samefagging, arguing with himself for hours, and bumping the thread off page 10 all day because she mindbroke him somehow.
>person points out lumi is too familiar with male mods and pre vtubing male friends
>instantly bring up Holo
Phasecucks please
nah, holobronies can't help but insert themselves into every thread >>84815624
bro she literally fucked a guy twice her age for a pair of jeans
phasefags are actually that delusional. lumi is no different than vei when it comes to relationships and intercourse frequency. difference is that vei stopped lying about it after securing the bag by dating soda. you fucks actually think most of the vtubers you watch are single? western women in their late 20s, mid 30s or even older? grow up
Maybe vei, but not Lumi
Vei is still trying to get an anchor baby but Sodapoppin's swimmers are too retarded
I don't think these guys are projecting, I think they are delusional (much worse), Lumi is pretty straightforward to what she wants and is but a sort of meme started to circulate implying she's trad AF and because of her personality she just runs with the meme whenever she feels like it will be useful for entertaining, assuming either a schizo post or her chat brought it up and then she kept it, which is supported by the fact that one of the first things you will know about her is that you shouldn't trust her. Not because she's an ultra-whore which most likely, she isn't, but by the fact that she's really fucking bratty and will meme and insult if needed.
Yet somehow anons deluded themselves despite being exposed to her content and still have whatever mental image of her people meme with, the most obvious one being trad Lumi. And considering her content... The games she plays... The things she says...
She's not trade gf material.
She's just a slightly above average zoomer.
>Tldr; Anons fell for a meme they likely made themselves and forgot about the latter.
The fuck are you talking about?, lol
The worst thing she has said about her brother is when she joked to Tenma about how she could easily get a greencard if she agrees to marry him, of course, that's a fucking joke. But she ran with it because she knew Tenma would not process it well for a few dozen seconds and get a funny overreaction from her. Which is what happened and then she dropped the subject because you can only run a joke like that for so long.
>Gura's personal creative team that she goes to for projects
Didn't know she had that type of support.
Learned something new today.
A-Anon... I have read a lot of incest content for over 15 years and I can guarantee you this is a really dangerous if not fully schizoid reach on your part. Lumi being like that has more in common with the fucking Uchiha bros plotline than with incest fantasies.
You should seek help or something, idk just clear your mind a bit for a few days. Your perception is legitimately being twisted and you are reaching the dark point of shipping beyond the character.
Watch out. That is a really deep abyss.
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The funniest thing about the tradwife title is Lumi has too much of an ego to embrace it fully. She has to constantly mention she'll join the workforce because she can't respect the losers in her chat who talk about supporting her kek.
>fake bitch vs honest bitch
both are bad indeed
both are trash but Lumi is slightly better
damn so it is that bad huh
There's no such thing as an "honest bitch", just like there are no "honest whores". Both are sociopathic whores, one of them simply played the long game and rode the cock carousel to get ahead in life while the other was doing this for fun and occasional payment.
The lemon whore is good as long as you don't trust her.
At least vei is an honest whore with an open bf instead of hiding it

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