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>takes you on a tour of venice's finest traditional food
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Romantic Pizza Date Edition

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact

>Who is Filian?
White haired and bushed kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomzoom vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
Did Filian Forget To Wipe??
Filian Got Poled By Her Bottled Water
Frog Ridah!

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian
VTUBER SPELLING BEE - Who's the smartest Vtuber?

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Thread baking instructions

>Fansly Archive

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:03 - 24:01 UTC

>Recent Stream


>Previous Thread
American pizza > Italian pizza
>"I'm not saying-"
bros she's cooked by the brit twink
rate the stream ladss
lmao love the idea that filian just broke into an empty home to stream this.
9.7/10, it was great
sick nasty
what was the last thing she screamed before stream ended?
couldn't quite make it out
>no raid
9/10 very good
absolute cinema 9/10
great stream. I loved the chaos 8/10
Best stream of 2024
I thought her friend knew she was a streamer, I feel a little sad for her now.
She's good at it, she shouldn't feel so embarassed about it.
>a nijinigger die
based filian
10/10 way better than yesterday's
The pizza needed more cheese
Apparently she doesn’t tell her friends what she does for a living. probably paranoia.
definitely paranoia
anny is a planet
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yea it’s not something I really considered but then I remembered some schizo infiltrated kiara from hololive’s irl friend group, pretty scary stuff
Posting this again in case someone didn't see this.

Let's make a card for Filian's 1 million follower stream. I am going to post the card on her discord before the stream starts.
Show your love and appreciation by contributing to the card.
>SFW only
>Must be your own creation. Edits and tracings of Filian are fine
>Short individual messages are welcome. Set the background to transparent.
>No mention of 4chan or /flip/
>One entry per person
>Dimensions for entries should be multiple of 200x200pixel (eg 200x400, 200x600, 400x,400 etc) with a max limit of 600x600

Let me know if you want to contribute something. I'm going to sleep soon but I will check back tomorrow if someone posted something.
>she won't even notice
So not Mizkif's?
I buy the my- (something female) rrat
7.5/10. It was super fun, but I am a huge hater of wasting food so that really brought it down for me
no, its one of her irl friends outside of streaming
Will you allow things inspired by fansly content?
Of course not the Mizkif thing was just some shitposting schizo. An anon last thread suggested it was her mom and that sounds plausible. Makes way more sense in the context of her saying "my m-" anyways. Not that it matters, as is always the case with Filian there will never be confirmation of any kind.
yes, as long it's not nudity
Imma keep it a hundred, /flip/

Filian is my irl type. I'm not gonna simp for any girl on the internet, but if she was a friend of a friend I would have made a move ages ago.
I'm being a bit schizo but she sounded a bit lonely tonight.
Ok will draw something, curious if she reviews arts and notices something familiar kek
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How much tomboints would Filian have irl?
>I’m not gonna simp, but [ginormous compliment]
I'm not gonna simp either, but If i knew her irl we'd probably be married
Yeah, it does sound plausible. She doesn't have that many friends, she had a lot of her junk there and she acted pretty wildly, the way she treated that stove was pretty out there. Compare it to how she go super embarrassed after doing some minor dmg to Layna's couch.
great anon, I will be looking forward to your art
Same only I do simp for this particular girl on the internet. First time I've ever done so, feels kind of gross.
the codes, mason
What am I looking for anon?
Same... I was never parasocial before I encountered Filian. I keep on getting attracted to women that I have 0 chance of realistically dating. Fuck that man
I like her as a person, but I wouldn't date her. She is too selfish and content brained. I think meeting her partners emotional/intimacy needs would be difficult for her. Also I want children and she doesn't.
I agree based on her streaming persona, but I’d like to think she’d be more reasonable irl. at the very least she is older than me so I’d hope she’d be able to match my emotional maturity
she can be fixed...
>I’d hope she’d be able to match my emotional maturity
This is curious, because there's times when she's like a child, and others when she's surprisingly savvy. Like in the dating advice stream with Layna from ages ago. I think it would be inconsistent.
around 27 i would say, but the defined muscles and abs bit is just a likelihood
I would date her. My emotional needs are easily met and I'm neutral about having children.
with enough power you can refire a dying star
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nothing, it's just supremely interesting to read the thoughts of such a reviled and influential person when they were in their early 20s
Ah okay. I was confused by you mentioning it rather than responding to the point, as if it in itself made some kind of point. Yeah, he's a real piece of shit LOL. He still has a very high IQ and a set of rare and practiced political/social/manipulation skills. I read The Prince for similar reasons.
Filian is based
Based on what?
this gave me an idea for the card, chotto mate
this is retarded, there has to be a way to minus points.
The average sports/gym stacy would be a "tomboy" by his definition, because
>Likes sports
>Has visibly defined muscles
= 11 points
>but if she was a friend of a friend I would have made a move ages ago.
And been hard rejected because she's an autistic retard whose ideal man is Andrew Tate.
if that were true my chances would be non-zero
Plus Mizkif's kitchen has been seen on stream before and it wasn't that one
>autistic and ugly
That's me!
Her claim that none of her friends know she streams would have to be a lie then. Because she had all her PO box shit at that house.
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Sorry anons you can't date Filian, Vedal beat you to it.
She used emirus po box and did it at an airbnb
home from work now, thanks for the kind words everyone, gofile is staying, i was in a funk earlier lol
why did filian bring all those random toys to this friend's house?
to have hot unprotected sex with her femboy turtle bf
The stove or her gloves?
Prop comedy, definitely not for emotional support haha
Did Filian never hear about the dude who heated his lava lamp on his stove and then it exploded and shot a shard of glass straight through his heart causing him to bleed out and die?
True, they're already planning their marriage.
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Augh, I was thinking of making an edit of the ''baba is you" game puzzles to say 'filian is based' or furry or cute or fussy or put them as rules alongside any other phrases and words common to her but i decided to not pursue it because I got lazy and also.
I remembered I did this edit sometime ago maybe she finds it funny.
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I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt

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