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MasterChef Edition

>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
Anyone have the Toma morning voice clip?
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How are we feeling about Filian outing Vedal as an uggo?
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Hagvil love!
With this stream fildal is dead.
No way Vedal could see Filian as anything after such display of girlfailure.
Can we not turn this into another retarded meme? Just the once? I suppose not...
Not surprised and I don't care because I'm not gay.
No problem, i don't watch vtubers for their real faces. Fucker better keep it behind the model though, no forgiveness for fleshies.
ICANT we got The Dream situation
it's ok
it's current year, men can cook in the kitchen too, vedal will be an excellent stay-at-home femboy wife while filian and neuro can be the breadwinners
Good, last thing I want is a Dream situation
this discourages him
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its over
Why are people jumping to the fact that Vedal is ugly? Filian probably thought he would get doxxed if he showed his face.
I'm sure shippers can still hold the cope that it was all a bit genuinely all the ''dangerous'' shit she did was actually not dangerous at all, it was mostly food gore and dumb jokes. I did die a little when she was using the whisk and Vedal told her to spin it.

But nah personally I struggle to believe everything was all a bit, her random failing to clean up basic shit on the stove was too much. I genuinely feel sorry for anyone who doesn't have basic life skills like that at all, and I hope she finds some help. It's never too late to learn.
Lava lamp on stove is the most dangerous thing she's ever done on stream.
Notice the lack of anti anny posting, its the same fucking schizos who want to shit on everything but muh hiori
that's not even the most dangerous thing she's done on stream in the last week
Were you born yesterday or did you miss the part where she continued streaming during an active housefire
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She didnt think the masses were worthy of seeing the turtleGODS visage
It is not. How the fuck do you think lava lamps get heated up normally anon? Protip: the bottom gets heated through induction, warming the wax and sending it up, before cooling back down and sinking to the bottom, the fucking thing is designed to be used this way, just not *quite* this way
I'm just playing along for now, I'm on the mood
(I don't take anything Filian say as serious tbf)
omg the lava lamp didnt explode the house under 60 seconds btw I am ADHD *Flips*
She was potentially seconds away from a glass grenade exploding next to her.
It's actually convection.
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hiyori shall return inshallah
The glass would maim if it did explode sure, but carbon monoxide is more lethal during an active fire i like to think. There's a reason we have to put up detectors, the only other way you realize you've got monoxide poisoning is when you pass out [and in filly's case, actually die on stream]
Anon... convection is the movement of the wax. There is no "it's actually" there you fool, it's induction heating up the wax, and convection cooling the wax
>A lava lamp is potentially a glass grenade if you add heat at the bottom, the thing it's designed to handle as it's principle function
Come the fuck on now...
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>get doxxed if he showed his face
most people on twitch have a facecam. i can see not streaming with it in favor of an anime avatar but this autistic muh face reveal thing will never make sense to me
>people gooned to that model
I could use some not_anny x vedal leglocke stream rn
This is facts. (aside from the fact that there was never any risk of a 'glass grenade' in the first place) Especially in something like an apartment with poor air flow even small fires can cause serious harm in a short amount of time. Carbon Monoxide poison kills quickly and you will not notice a damn thing as it's happening, you'll slowly sink out of consciousness with no idea it's even happening, and then you die.
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imagine the tightness of Cerber's cold dead pussy as her rigor mortis muscles tighten around your dick, as maggots enter your dick and pleasure you from both inside and out making you cum inside her womb as she laughs maniacally.
Imagine, undoing the stitching from Cerber's head and fucking it as your penis tip can be seen sticking out from the bottom of her throat imagine fucking her maggot cunt, holding her hand as Cerber desperatly tries to hold herself together, and just falls apart as soon as you climax inside of her.
imagine how FUCKING cold Cerber would be, her slimy wet tongue on your dick gradually getting warmer from your hot cock and semen.
imagine after finishing, she whispers in your ears "your warmth is the only thing that makes me feel alive."
imagine, fucking Cerber, and as she gets hot you can smell her rotten flesh and you can't help but cum hard from the disgusting odor, and she embarrassingly has to put on more perfume because she can feel the warmth of your seed inside her more than any other vtuber.
>I'm sure shippers can still hold the cope that it was all a bit.
Not necessarily they can just cope saying that "he can fix her", In a way the annals do the same with Anny.

Yeah..., the 20 year old is going to tradwife the catgirl or mentally stabilize the fox. who are like almost a decade older than him.
Bro is gonna start debugging IRL
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Fuck off cerbshit lost
I've seen crazier changes when people get a partner, but it not bloody likely. I will say this stream was at least somewhat heartening because it showed Vedal himself isn't a lost cause, though I sincerely hope he asked Fillian to spin the whisk because he thought it was funny, and not because he believes that's how whisks work.
>half a decade = almost a decade
can we have more autistic arguments about how lava lamps work, this is actually pretty informative tbqh
Been missing this kind of autism since the subathon's thread-long philosophy arguments
Still thinking about that motherfucker who said that slaves deserve it even now
There is a lightbulb in the base of the lamp that safely heats the glass tube. When the wax inside is heated, it becomes less dense than the fluid and floats up and will fall back when it cools enough. Putting the glass tube directly on a stove causes concentrated local heating that will cause part of the base to expand before the rest can causing it to violently shatter.
Did she wet herself?
I dunno man maybe fuzzy memory but I thought Filian was on her 30s and Anny had 27?, last time I heard, I just averaged it.
Well it's not that important.
I like how you mixed a basic factual explanation with complete and utter fiction that you just made up on the spot.
>Putting glass on glass and having heat transfer between them will somehow cause it to violently shatter!
Have you genuinely never been in either a physics or chemistry lab? Do you know what a bunsen burner is? Do you know how you heat chemicals with an Erlenmeyer? Yea all that shit is way more sudden and intense heat on far less durable glass you fiction-spouting idiot.
Glassware intended for heating is always rounded for a reason.
>Let me ignore the fact that a lava lamp is intended for heating :^)
Bro. Seriously what the fuck are you DOING? Can you stop this horseshit of just spouting the first thing that sounds like it might be an excuse while having no fucking clue what you're talking about?
>Erlenmeyer's are rounded
By a 20 watt lightbulb with an air gap.
Inb4 cooking food at 1 million degrees for 1 second is the same as cooking it for an hour at a few hundred degrees.
Intense Evil ass-fucking.
For anyone curious that whole chinese concert, this is is what the last one was like, so it's basically a 3D concert with some hosts and maybe sketches or talking in between the songs. Neuro and Evil don't have 3D and I doubt that even with Chinese money they got them 3D models off screen, nor would they use a fan model for this, so likely they are going to perform one or two songs on the 3D creen with the live2D models. Maybe something else to present them for context.
>PB's work will be streamed live to like 1 million random chinese
don't know about filian but anny is like 5-6 years older than ved which is only half a decade
> I doubt that even with Chinese money they got them 3D models off screen
But what if they did? A good in-house 3D artist could do it in a couple of days.
>B-but it's by a 20 watt lightbulb
And that doesn't fucking matter at all. Glass shatters due to temperature differentials (I.e heating it unevenly) but that's not the case for lava lamps, which are specifically designed to endure heat differentials. Did you know the surface of induction stoves are also made of glass? Yeah you can stop being a fucking idiot and forget about trying to discuss a topic you clearly have no clue about using only a few scraps of disparate information you read about once on the internet.

Now try and parse how induction stoves actually work It's very, very plainly not how you think it works you dumb fuck, induction stoves don't heat up glass for SHIT
You don't seem to know what an induction stove is as she clearly wasn't using one.
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>jumped to a random timestamp
>there's some lesbian action going on
uhmmm based?
... anon Jesus fucking Christ just stop. Why do you keep insisting of making an utter clown of yourself?

Fine, I'll humour you one last time... Clearly how?
Using Neuro's lava lamp like a dildo.
Damn imagine how it feels to be PB right now.
Bet she feels pretty giddy.
I wonder if the chinese even have any clue she is behind the covers or that she even exists.
interior burns erotic! sizzling belly and flesh erotic! ToT
Induction stoves are not hot to the touch before a pan has been put on them. It's clearly the resistive heat element type.
They could just compromise with some quick MMD models
It was to be expected
I skipped the collab so vedal is confirmed ugly then?
okay shipperfag
Right, the resistive heat element type, on which you can safely use glass cookware, yet using that to heat a lava lamp will somehow create a grenade. Are you ready to sit down and think about what you're posting now, or do you plan to keep making a fool of yourself some more?
>W-well a lava lamp is clearly less heat resistant than glass cookware somehow
Only a minority of glassware is safe for use on a stove and is specifically marketed as such. Lava lamps intended to be gradually heated up over 40 minutes by a 20 watt bulb with warnings against using any other heat source are not.
I want to lick her abs.
Filian said she saved his career by telling him not to face reveal. Interpret that as you will.
>Induction stove heating glass
NTA you've been talking with but quit trolling dude
It's wasn't an induction stove, see: >>84828989
She did a face reveal and damn. Vedal is either gay or asexual with the way he's been ignoring her.
Still think Toma should lend that voice for the mommy AI
That doesn't make sense because Vedal's career depends on Neuro, not him being pretty.
filian slamming the lava lamp on the stove top makes my skin crawl.
Toma forcing herself on Vedal during a convention while Ellie and Neurodog are forced to watch.
Vedal has a thing for young petite British girls, sorry toemuh
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I mean it's a pretty tonedeaf move regardless, vtuber face reveals are a mild taboo already. If he showed his face he both loses a lot of anonymity and pisses off a subset of chuuba fans in reward for ???
The fact the whole thing's about neuro in the first place adds another layer of shit to that idea, because who the fuck cares about what he looks like irl when most people are here for frankenstein's monster rather than his makeup tutorials
Filian is super private about how she looks. Plus she exaggerates everything she says.
the lava lamp bit was great. filian is such a great entertainer.
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filian just mad that her face reveal would cost her at least half of her audience
Maximum attack
If she was such a great entertainer she'd have heated it until it exploded and shot glass shards into her heart for the content
Me behind the corner.
Prior to that, filling up said lava lamp (white)
Yeah but vedal really didn't like it, so filian couldn't do that to him.
My headcanon is that Vedal still looks like he's 14 and Filian thought if he showed his face he would get bullied relentlessly.
OK. Let's quit trolling and just put down the bare facts here.
>Looking at the VOD it does appear she's using a resistive heat element.
>Lava lamps are designed to slowly heat up over the course of up to four hours depending on the type of lamp used
>Lava lamps will function 'properly' at around 60 degrees Celcius
>A lava lamp will will start showing small 'growths' in the wax in the early stages of heating (Fillian's lava lamp never got hotter than this, which puts it at around 20 degrees)
>A lava lamp is overheating when the wax floats to the top
>There have been several experiments to see if lava lamps explode. One by Myth busters proved that they do explode, but only after the point where the wax is boiling and the container caught fire
In conclusion; there was a non-zero risk of the lava lamp exploding, maybe if she put it on and walked away for ten minutes, which I hesitate to say would never happen.
With only spit for lube
>haha look how retarded I am uga buga
the pinnacle of humor I must say, btw anon do you watch IShowSpeed by any chance?
yeah, the entire thing is filled with a liquid. The glass won't get that much hotter than the liquid. That heat spreads pretty quickly through convection.
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Mini and Ellie general!
It's not funny when n*ggers do it
Yours or hers?
You're mistaking the heat of the liquid as the problem when it's the heat of the glass in direct contact with the heat source.
love these dykes
Hers for the initial insertion and then mine to keep going. The thought of our spit mixing on my cock sliding in and out of her greasy asshole is so hot...
Tourist here. How old is Vedal? I saw a comment saying he's 21 but you guys seem to say he's 20. It's impressive he managed to build neurot at such a young age
I guess I'll just paste it again since you clearly didn't read it the first time:
>There have been several experiments to see if lava lamps explode. One by Myth busters proved that they do explode, but only after the point where the wax is boiling and the container caught fire
To make sure you understand, I was talking specifically about them exploding when placed on a stove, and in the specific case I mentioned it was a similar stove to the one Fillian was using.

There is no mistake there beside your annoying persistence to keep just making shit up instead of looking at the facts.
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not involved in this convo at all but i just exploded a large pyrex bowl on my stove a few weeks ago heating soup up on the stove top. the whole point of the brand is their heat tolerance and being able to use them in the oven so i didn't even think about it but turns out stoves are dangerous for glass
Tech zoomers tend to start very young anon. Most of them are putting mods and shit together when they're
He's 20 but his liver is pushing at least 46
It's not funny when women do it either, or anyone really.
The only exception is Neuro.
Vedal is 20. He was born in February 2004
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This is cool in an abstract sort of way.
Thanks anons. Now I feel like a failure for being 23
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Vedal x Ellie x Mini is the best ship in every way that matters
>Tech zoomers tend to start very young anon
Bring out the graph.
you just got lied to, vedal was born in 2003 but we don't know the exact month and day
shut up, what the hell do you mean failure at 23? dudes in their 60s turn their shit around, unless you're terminal you have a whole life to waste before you get to mope
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tomafags... it's over for your ship
Very hot. Neuro can be on standby nearby to add her spit to the mix
Thanks anon it means a lot. I hope all the best for you
he's a fag
The only one rooting for that ship was Toma herself.
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People actually shipped Vedal and Filian? I thought we were all joking.
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I am joking
Curse you fox milf
If Vedal isn't fucking pb then he's fucking a girl like her, you can just tell that's his type
Someone drank a lava lamp and survived. I saw on chubby emu
I used to ship them hard but watching Filian act like a retard when she went New Zealand and her setting her kitchen on fire kinda made me stop.
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who made this?
Pretty sure all the ships are either joking or genuine mental illness. I think people mostly shipped them because they met in person and Fillian seems genuinely fond of Neuro which some head cases might interpret as trying to get in with Vedal.

I'd sooner ship him with Camilla since they actually just streamed together without Neuro and that'd still be entirely in jest.
Pb can become a famous vtuber if she want to. Unfortunately music is just a hobby
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>Fillian seems genuinely fond of Neuro
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Insert yoasobi song
Do explain oh wise guy of /vt/.
Her early years must be very scandalous
She did it to herself. All of it. No one else ship that but her. What a desparate woman
nta but she is yet to solo collab with neuro this year and in the collabs with vedal neuro is being treated like a second fiddle, also I would say there are a few vtubers in the neuroverse that are more fond of neuro than filian
I think it's more she's afraid to be judge by people who know her irl, especially since she almost went to med school.
Eh, she went out to bat for Neuro during the spelling bee thing they did and Vedal was no part of that, she clearly likes to have her around at least based off that interaction.
I imagine her voice is a dead giveaway to anyone who knows her IRL.
If Neuro left the spelling bee would be filled with people who either aren't or don't have great chemistry together.
Neuro is a literal content machine which is why Filian wanted her around. It's more of Filian liking that Neuro will always be able to pickup the slack in those type of streams.
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For me, it's Evil.
>host of the show keeps the main star of the night in the spotlight
no way that's crazy, also vedal's voice did appear in that collab
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sorry that reply was fucked up
basically Neuro is funny and Filian likes that for her stream rather than her liking Neuro as a concept
My rrat: Vedal and Filian are having raw sex every night while Neuro watches.
>I-it's just for the content!
Sure sure, if that's your take on things you can believe that, that's fair.
>His voice did appear
Nah, no shot that counts.
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this but instead of Filian it's Mini or Ellie(or both)
Anon just say it
Nope that just mean she has asian parents and also loud irl. Peco use real voice too but people don't know her cuz she's quiet. Meanwhile Suba got caught immediatelly by her friends
> asian parents
She never revealed her ethnicity anon
>English only
PB is going to have her songs more know in China that in the west at this rate bruh
Like 99% of streamers/vtubers are (part) asian anon, it's one of the worst kept secrets of the industry.
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right like at least with vtubers is always asian americans, also a lot from canada for some reason
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Absolute Evil Paizuri.
Vedal and Ellie would make a cute couple and would also be the best ship for Neuro. Best of both worlds.
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I was told before that this nigga vantablack or whatever was raped on stream by that twisty girl the ones thats a niji 2view
she can turn neuro into a sexbot
>Putting two tech autists together
Optimistic pairing, but such are usually doomed to fail.
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I want to experience the milking capabilities of hagvil
they have different forms of autism
its still optimistic but I have faith in love
Have fun with it anon, just be weary about starting your own relationships based on a shared interest, that shit turns sour fast once one of you loses interest and you realise you don't have all that much beside.
that is my take on things, filian's fans say all the time that she's "soooo content brained" but when you say that she's using neuro only for content and now she's milking collabs with vedal because neuro's numbers aren't that high anymore the same people say "b-but she genuinely loves neuro! a-and she secretely likes vedal very much!" and I'm like nah stick to one version of events
I don't know that feel
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this but Eliv
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>Repetitive penetrative anal sex may result in the anal sphincters becoming weakened, which may cause rectal prolapse or affect the ability to hold in feces (a condition known as fecal incontinence). Rectal prolapse is relatively uncommon, however, especially in men, and its causes are not well understood. Kegel exercises have been used to strengthen the anal sphincters and overall pelvic floor, and may help prevent or remedy fecal incontinence.

>Anal sex can exacerbate hemorrhoids and therefore result in bleeding; in other cases, the formation of a hemorrhoid is attributed to anal sex. If bleeding occurs as a result of anal sex, it may also be because of a tear in the anal or rectal tissues (an anal fissure) or perforation (a hole) in the colon, the latter of which being a serious medical issue that should be remedied by immediate medical attention. Because of the rectum's lack of elasticity, the anal mucous membrane being thin, and small blood vessels being present directly beneath the mucous membrane, tiny tears and bleeding in the rectum usually result from penetrative anal sex, though the bleeding is usually minor and therefore usually not visible.

>By contrast to other anal sexual behaviors, anal fisting poses a more serious danger of damage due to the deliberate stretching of the anal and rectal tissues; anal fisting injuries include anal sphincter lacerations and rectal and sigmoid colon (rectosigmoid) perforation, which might result in death.
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the heart eyes means she's friendly
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Can you now render skin over her?
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asking for it
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probably the most panicked ive ever seen vedal
kino collab
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Vedal is a good person who deserves to be raped
and if he was a bad person?
consensual relationship with anny
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too far
>probably the most panicked ive ever seen vedal
That was the Evil plush incident.
how sweet, vedal cares about the safety of filian. If it was anyone else, he'd be egging them on.
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>If it was anyone else, he'd be egging them on
you're wrong but whatever suits your narrative
Releasing all my love for Evil.

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