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Gaming Rat edition.

Welcome to /mouse/ - Ironmouse Subathon General!

Mouse is playing Space Marines and Game Jam later
Here we can discuss things related to Mouse's subathon!
Please avoid talking about chuubas other than Mouse if it isn't in the context of the subathon!

Image source:https://x.com/azuIotus/status/1832963192785432666

Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse (embed)
Goals - https://pastebin.com/vA7b6XWi (embed)
Vods - https://rentry.org/pm9cnw8r

Related Threads:
VShojo+ General: /vsj+/

Previous Thread: >>84787919
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ironmouse is sexy
100 subs ignored
Mouse bring back funny afk faces please
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has connor left yet is mouse watchable now
She's been zooted for a while and i think she just went to puke, she been out of it for a while
She's not zooted she just tends to go nonverbal with this game after an hour or so.
The moment she took her meds she got zooted, it's easy to tell this is different
holy newfag
hope he stays forever
Being called newfag by newfags is ironic, you can go back in the vod and see for yourself.
Nah that was on mouse just agree with him or he'll cry about this for the whole thread
God mouse is lucky to have sexy monke moans
lucky implies she wants to hear that she would rather puke
well it's her so it gets moist
If he can moan on stream surely Mouse could do a few every now and then.
She moved even lower now.
Mouse please people like to see your models.
mel or candii definitely connor hell no mouse would be desert dry
Sorry the BLT's belong to Connor and Pete only
unfortunately married
So naive i wish i was that innocent, did you forget mouse always thirst over deep voice man? did you forget when she almost melted when he called her young lady
Did Mouse get plasma while she was "asleep"? I'm getting old slightly zooted Mouse vibes from her right now.
how often does she get it these days? been busy with life and haven't been able to watch her much the last year
This is nothing like old zooted Mouse and plasma is not what makes her zooted.
Once a week
it's the model
She took her meds a while ago, she's been a little zooted for a while you can tell when she is slurring her words
Shes gonna need a big push later tonight
the timer on average has been losing potency little by little
Obviously not the plasma but medicine she takes with it. And by old zooted I just mean that tired zoot she would get sometimes when sick not the crazy hyper one.
Thanks, I can't even remember if it was every week or 2 weeks last time I had time to watch (if that was ever a thing)
I want to say its been every week since she's been on twitch but I'm not 100 percent sure.
the more she spams shithammer the lower the rebounds
it's been once a week since she's been on twitch
Well I'm glad to hear she doesn't seem to need it more often. That story about her friend who needed it every day and went to Canada still haunts me
Good night
Keep the fire going please
It's getting cold
Game jam should drive more chat interaction so it should be good.
I just think she sucks at hyping chat up in general
She usually riles them up to get the timer back to 3-4 Hours
But last year Haruka or even Pete used to hype them to 12-16 hours consistently
Also I know there will be a big push once that timer gets lower than 30 mins but she needs to hype them up to a big number and hopefully the timer is not low while she's on her 30 min bathroom breaks
all three of them said raise the timer along with the bubi alert and got a grand total of 20 minutes. this game is where interest goes to die
going off on monke for not playing game with her. she must be releasing her fomo from when monke and aircoots were enjoying each other.
Mouse you don't need to be jealous once lud and connor finish they will not collab that much for a while anyway
Anon last year was very different when Mouse did do a raise the timer last year it went up a lot.
10 seconds makes big bursts harder and more people are prepared and pacing themselves.
She is fine at hyping them.
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Welp night anons hope she's still live when I comeback from work tomorrow
They plan to do the new jump king when that comes out
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It was a good weekend. Wish I could watch the Game Jam but I'll have to VOD it.
yep same at this rate who knows when it'll be
Because I can easily see Thor joining once Connor leaves
lud keeps joke gaybaiting during their collabs, more than I think I've ever seen a straight male streamer do before which is kind of wild. I'm sure mouse and qt get a kick out of it
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>Nah he would never betray me
>I trust him with my life
Connorsperg close your ears
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He's already prepped
god i hope he kills himself
I'm don't think she will continue once Connor leaves but if she does skip game jam to play this all day I think I I'd stop caring if subathon ends today
I wanna watch it live so I actually kinda hope she does lol
Same kek. Should be the thing she does once she wakes up.
typical latina
she has elden ring and confessions so she better fucking not
Bubi stream takeover? is this the collab she already said or another thing?
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I hope it isn't the collab she promised but based on previous goals it probably is.
Elden ring should be a weekend game anyway as it will be multi day
it absolutely is and its already scheduled for thursday i think. its another joke goal
With these impromptu collabs she will not have enough time to do everything she's planning, don't forget goals keep adding more planned things.
personally I don't mind if long games like ER get dropped or she just play a bit here and there but I want the fun novelty stuff.
Oh hey threadshitter
it took her the entire week to beat alien isolation because she can’t focus for 5 minutes. she either starts it now its never happening at all
takeover? So Mouse wont be there? maybe she has something she needs to do.
I don't want full days of one content its bad enough only getting like 2 in a day.
Alien is constant adrenaline gameplay for a long time which wore Mouse out quickly. Elden ring has a decent amount of downtime so I doubt she'll take breaks from it quite as often.
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Ludwig was being so extra. I really think he was trying to get under mousey's skin. Although he probably does get jealous of mousey and he's comfortable with showing bisexual tendencies thanks to Hasan.
she quit alien after a couple hours several times because of spontaneous collabs she wouldn’t say no to not because she was tired. she marathoned the last half the game so it wasn’t a “needing a break thing”
you are mentally ill, everything isn't about mouse
kamala harris is going to lose the election because of mouse
this is literally an all about mouse thread
the thread is about mouse, it doesn't mean that reality bends around her.
uhhh no, this kind of thing (flirting with and kissing men) is just par for the course with him. good content. that's why they joke along with it, shit's funny and not serious
so I absolutely could have been blind and I just never noticed but is the vshojo v icon next to the talent's names on twitter new or
I only ask because I'm wondering if they've expedited a bunch of things like that since the vod channel issue
no its been there for at least several months
nah, not new
Its been a year
but 6 days of marines is fine?
Maybe she took those spontaneous collabs because she needed a break. Chicken or the egg? ANd she pushed through the end and she went to bed earlier than usual and slept 8 hours saying Alien exhausted her.
No I did not say that. I don't want more marines.
it was part of the revamp of all the verified shit
see also the main account's affiliates tab
it actually triggers qt kek
holy crap it's just hovering around 01:00:00

what is it going to take? are spooky watch alongs a big draw?

pete and mousey chatter is so wholesome
Why is Pete better than Connor in every way? All the good guys are already taken man.
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Most evil creature in the world
give connor 13 more years
5-8 hour spontaneous collabs not pushing the already huge list of planned content.
I'll gift when we do some more of the react queue or if the timer gets below 10 minutes
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>are spooky watch alongs a big draw?
Fuck no. They usually let the timer bleed to death during YT brainrot, reactfags get too distracted by whatever they're watching. It was a big problem for the first subathon at least which was react heavy, it would always run down while she watched videos and would take her singing or a guest calling attention to it to raise it back.
That's not true at all
>under an hour
She talks to chat during react and chat engagement gets more subs. Just because you don't like react you can't just make shit up.
Stop saying this it will hover between 1-2 hours most of the time for the next 20 days
would love to see you suck me off anon.
Yeah its just going steady. If it was hovering around 10 minutes already I would be a little bit worried but I guarantee there are loads of people who will gift if its needed.
Gauging interest
She's a gamer!
Rolling queen
Just saw people whining about the timer in Mouse's chat. Figured I'd look and at current subs she gets about 8.07 days worth of time (the rest comes from bits and cash and a couple of bonus hours from the "power hour"). If we were still at 13 seconds per, she'd have 10.5 days worth of time and at 15 seconds per 12 days worth of time. That 3 seconds doesn't seem like much but it's definitely having an impact. She probably shouldn't have dropped by 3 seconds after dropping by 2 before but whatever. It's what it is. Still gonna be here at least two more weeks and it's clear anybody whining is new, but it is pretty interesting seeing where we are vs what could have been.
the subathon ends tonight it's officially joever
10 seconds was the right decision it will be fine. The problem right now is this is very second monitor content so people are not paying too much attention.
Mouse is hard carrying
she was legit gaming there, she held her own a bunch
Yep. And the drops aren't doing much. A lot of people already have them by this point and... I mean it's fucking Warhammer. Not exactly a massive hype appeal game even if it is good.
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Yeah they are not running out yet.
Heh. Pete the hype man. Just what she needed right now.
If Connor won't do it at least Pete will.
Pay day is coming up for a lot of people this week for the bi monthly folks. Just gotta make it to Tuesday
People just don't understand subathons. People want those hype moments! They want to be part of something and have some fucking fun donating! Pete with Mouse's audience would be frightening.
Even if pete didn't asked for subs mouse would be able to get the same result, it always happen after collabs when the timer is low
Yeah and they will still donate if it gets too low. the only risk it if they edge it too much and gift subs a few seconds late.
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I'm waiting for Elden ring to drop fifty subs myself
I'm sad he seems to not want to hype it at all. He is one of the best at it when he wants to but I guess he is chilling this time. We'll probably get it from Bubi instead.
Is it possible Mouse told him not to or they have some kind of competition between them to see who can raise more money for the IDF?
Doombros... we got too cocky...
He seemed in a hurry he finished fast probably got somewhere to go, but in the minecraft stream he said he is saving the raise the timer hype for later in the subathon. We also have bubi this week
Connor is busting ass riding across an entire country while mouse just wiggles her worm around
You were always retarded. Only newfags on their first subathon would actually panic.
I think he is just being weird about things like he does. Probably feels like it should be her event and wants to stay out of it as much as he can.
Not a competition anon.
he knows she can do it and needs her to stop relying on others but most anons never had friends let aone best friends.
Yeah how come Connor isn't the one wiggling his worm around for money.
for rat eyes only
You heard Mouse this is your chance to become her daddy
>Goals we didn't make it to will return
The shower stream!?
it might be happening
We never made it there did we?
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Please Mouse do it.
Is she also going to complete the ones we did beat.
She completely ignored any mention lol
I will gift her 100 subs to never go them just to make you seethe more.
Mouse please just choose donations you will actually do. I don't care if you don't want to do the shower stream after all, just don't promise it again when you aren't sure about it.
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Second one in a week. Didn't the last subathon have like none?
And now a golden kappa train lol. Doomers done in by RNG.
someone at twitch saw the money on the table
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Boss man pulled a few strings.
She never had one until this year. Somehow she'd dodged it for 6 years.
do it now
>6 years
Golden Kappas used to be given to one user a day, they said it was random, but when the code leaked we found out it wasnt. Golden Kappa hype trains were added last year and recently in the past few months they upped the rate a good bit, multiple channels can have one at the same time instead of just one channel a day
she got one last year during qsmp
Why does Mouse get weird about saying dick and cock now kek
Hey, this is conditional. Besides how do you know I didn't.
Kind of a waste to have a golden kappa in the middle of the night, but the last one pretty much killed gifted for the next day, so I guess it all balances out.
Oh yeah that was her first. Forgot that one.
she's a worm
Help me here one second: Did Mouse play any Jackbox, Mario Party or Deceive Inc games since last subathon? Also, did I miss anything else?
Mouse should get an image for her highest golden kappa train and normal train to put on stream to hype up each one.
Yeah the funny part about this and again how you know people are new and don't understand subathons is that the longer the timer is the less people will donate because they don't think it's necessary. We got almost nothing after the first golden kappa pushed it to 14 hours and almost nothing after the power hour buildup. Excel anon can show the numbers but you can see where those events happened and the massive drop off after.
she played jackbox
Also a lot of people who would have donated over the next couple of hours will donate early for the train instead.
She censors herself sometimes for some reason.
I wish she wouldn't
Yep. Maybe a few people who wouldn't have normally donated would during a GKHT and at least a couple, especially his raiders or Connors, got hyped by Pete, but others yeah.
Mouse is going to spit not swallow.
I fucking love this worm model man.
That reaction all but confirms SOTD with Thor is coming.
How did Thor get a lvl 100 golden kappa
I don't fucking know. Maybe it's the face. Maybe it's the scuff. Maybe it's the way she wiggles it around and has fun with it. Just love this damn thing.
SOTD with Jaiden then Bubi takeover stream on Thursday
Thor has a very very VERY passionate fanbase which I don't quite understand myself.
he's an intelligent game dev with a wicked sense of humor
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I mean Mouse has a very very passionate fanbase they donate way above the normal for someone Mouse's size.
trickster sweep
Okay just... I mean there's lots of streamers out there like that but they don't have the furious financial support he does. Maybe it's the dev part though. They feel like they are funding games?
Let's fucking gooooo
I mean he probably also just has a lot of devs watching and they understandably tend to have more disposable income to toss at subs.
Oh I agree but vtubers got simps. Been demonstrated now for years that female vtubers can clean up vs males. He cleans up like a female vtuber. I don't have anything against the guy just find his story and success fascinating.
Yeah I don't have a problem with him either it just confuses me how he has support way out of his size.
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TY Mouse
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AFK face bros we are so back
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She's back
This model getting used so little is tragic with how expressive it is. Perfect choice for her playing fangames.
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What seeing Trickster again feels like.
she's so chubby and sexy
Trickster is still by no means my favorite model, but it has grown on me a bit.
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>but it has grown on me
That is the beauty of Trickster I did not like it when she first used it but I quickly started to love it.
I'm not sure I'll ever love it, the face and head is just not for me, but I have grown to appreciate it at least.
It's gotta be the eyelashes but this model always gives me Haruhara Haruko vibes.
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>Game says they can interact by inspecting
>Mouse immediately tries to click his nipples and pants
What did she mean by this?
That's porno
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That doesn't make sense why would Mouse even talk about having to submit her info if she can't win at contest it anyway.
This person need to shut the fuck up.
there are only four reasons to strike a channel in this way
- claim to silence someone
- claim to harass someone
- claim for doxx info
- claim to get money
it's not the first one obviously, they're saying it's not the second one or the third one, but they didn't respond to vshojo, who mouse has authorized to speak on her behalf, so it's not about money either. their response makes no sense and as >>84846376 said they need to stop talking because there's now lawyers working on it
this is well made game even the personalities work
the only immediate issue is connor calling her mousey but otherwise it fits the characters well.
Why is this person so mememe. Its about Mouse not you.
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>While I'm not actively involved
Yeah, no. She's naive and possible salty that Mouse didn't just turn over her info and really does need to shut up. The timing of this with subathon is too suspicious. And there's been a few recent cases of people doing exactly this just to take someone's channel down.
they're a twitter user
>Mouse once again hinting at something cinnamoroll related
She could win by claiming it was fair use, but she would have to submit her info to do that.
He's a grifter who is very good at social engineering and gaming the platform he's on. His streams are unwatchable, but he is in inescapable on every platform so he has a lot of throughput onto his channel. Maybe that refreshes his viewers pockets, maybe his channel selects for autists who think giving money to parasocial strangers is a good idea, who knows. He gives a lot of "advice" so maybe his flavor of parasocial interaction is more give and take so people feel like giving more. Also, you can set the "difficulty" for the trains, 100% chance his is at the minimum difficulty since he likes to game the system.
This game will be top 5 for sure.
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god damn
Pronouns in bio ah yes we have solved the mystery.
caked up
So mousey is working from the highest rated games down to the lowest rated.
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This should not be this cute
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Is this person fucking retarded? Their logic is mouse choosing not be doxxed means it wasn't a doxing attempt?
its really cute
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sex with low poly milf mouse
why does it look like she's pure sex
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Giantess Mode noice
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sex with low poly giantess milf mouse
She's mine
At this rate it will take a whole day to get through these.
This game is kind of flawed in that there's no way to recover from a bad build.
good thing we got another 20
Is that a bad thing?
Not really I just don't think she planned to spend 20 hours on game jam kek
38 total, this is the second game
Another 20 days*
I'm starting to think she already has 20 days worth of content planned.
What is it with vshojo and gigantism?
I want Trickster to get a new outfit.
A swimsuit.
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These are really cute too. I really like the art styles of this game.
is she trying to complete each game?
Might have been better with a time limit for each
nah, I would like to see her in Lolita attire
She wanted to play all of them but at this rate it will have to be 2 streams. Which might not be too bad if it means no collabs random collabs tomorrow. I doubt it though.
Elden Ring is never happening at this rate.
nta but I'd rather have game jam or videos than Elden Ring.
Ok Mouse if the vod channel comes back first order of business is to fire that Ezzy person, they are running their mouth with statements, while they have no idea who launched the 3 strikes.
I've seen some people reach out stating they have archives. I think she's just going to recreate a new channel and have Vshojo as the name on it for the backend.
She was probably the anon who were so mad in /vsj+/ wanting mouse to do something when mouse announced this on her stream. i hope she got fired
I can't fathom how insane their logic is and why they would make those tweets. No way do they have permission from mouse to do that

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