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bad thread edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 9/7:
1: https://twitch.tv/Shylily (5,877)
2: https://twitch.tv/Saruei (4,334)
3: https://twitch.tv/bao (3,200)
4: https://twitch.tv/vei (2,869)
5: https://twitch.tv/Limealicious (2,622)
6: https://twitch.tv/Sinder (2,528)
7: https://twitch.tv/HalO_Sweety (2,456)
8: https://twitch.tv/camila (2,421)
9: https://twitch.tv/Kenji (2,045)
10: https://twitch.tv/fallenshadow (1,931)

1: https://twitch.tv/tororo_vtuber (6,634) *Japanese
2: https://twitch.tv/akamikarubi (5,147) *Japanese
3: https://twitch.tv/KSPKSP (3,836) *Chinese

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
A corpo that doesn't own talents IPs and has, at most, a single member with greater than 1000 CCV is still allowed to be discussed here until it has surpassed this threshold.

>/lig/ Numbers

>Twitch Clips Guide

>VOD Archival Guide

>/lig/ VOD Archive

>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)

>/lig/ Wheel of Names


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Upcoming Birthdays
September 9th - Nanobites
September 10th - Jeanfaymas
September 14th - Sinder

>OC material for the OP

https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

Other useful threads:

Previous Thread:>>84844174
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Alice love
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I miss feemsh really quite a lot, you know?
I love my cute, horny and bratty sex fox. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Erm!
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Numbers for 9/8:
1: https://twitch.tv/filian (12,235)
2: https://twitch.tv/Saruei (4,330)
3: https://twitch.tv/fallenshadow (4,010)
4: https://twitch.tv/Shylily (3,448)
5: https://twitch.tv/nyanners (2,939)
6: https://twitch.tv/Kenji (2,427)
7: https://twitch.tv/Limealicious (2,209)
8: https://twitch.tv/bao (2,092)
9: https://twitch.tv/ClioAite (1,790)
10: https://twitch.tv/deme (1,654)

1: https://twitch.tv/akamikarubi (8,098) *Japanese
2: https://twitch.tv/orkpod (3,417) *Russian
3: https://twitch.tv/KSPKSP (3,373) *Chinese / Tie
3: https://twitch.tv/Kamito_JP (3,363) *Japanese / Tie
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i cannot stop masturbating to pregnant futa hina
How about this lig
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Happy Monday lig I blub my oshi!
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I want bat milk
Same. Wish that guy genned some of her just jacking herself off or some of her just living her life being embarrassed of her huge boner and leaking tits in a costco
fyi if a mother impregnates herself that's like 4 generations of close relative inbreeding in one pregnancy
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>her just living her life being embarrassed of her huge boner and leaking tits in a costco
this is strangely specific
This except normal pregnant hina
She likes costco, known hina lore.
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i like giri, she's live painting warhammers while hearing its universe lore
Sorry I don't speak vodka
thx 4 chan
Does hoot know that he's dating a used up couch slut?
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erm ninoists this MIGHT be the post deranged post ive ever made every moan in the first ds2 stream
I don't speak english but that doesnt stop me from watching all the usual liggers.
>saru and shondo 2ns and 3nd
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yep, erection
How did you form that sentence, if you don't speak english?
I can type it.
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Big autism milky milky mommy big tits fat bitch boobs autism lactating tits mommy tits milky
Just one day without dox or whatever, please.
your gens are looking better, you're getting there
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CC in da /lig/!
she and raora have so much quality porn now it's insane
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One day I'll figure out how to gen her with the exact amount of chub that I want. The AI seems to really not want to properly mix chub and preg though.
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You killed soya poya!
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>Starting streams earlier this week @7pm JST!
Did she say why?
Do you not know what the words sound like, or why can you understand written but not spoken english?
traitor enabler
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So are all the people mad about soya like neets or something with no ambition and living off their parents/the state 'cause ya'll ain't buddha's who have let go of earthly attachments I tell you what
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The fuck did I do???
my aim... masaka...

I will commit basedappuku and take cecilia with me, godspeed gentlemen
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Looking at this image brings me peace, it makes me feel like things are right in the world. I hope it makes you also feel like things are correct and good.
I think it'd probably be easier if she wasn't clothed, since there's more flesh for the AI to work with. also your gens still have something wrong with them but I guess you got tired of trying to troubleshoot
still like her
i haven't seen anything about it on discord, and i can't see twitter so my guess is as good as yours. i'll check the start of the vod which i missed as well
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>and i can't see twitter
my fellow huebro...
I still support her
>can't see twitter
could say you're as blind as a batposter
City bean my beloved...
Oh, it's a shame her...Her indie model was better.
Should I post pics of myself squishing a dildo between my thighs and one of giving it a footjob?
holotards have such a low bar of what constitutes a fun or good streamer it's insane
Yes please.
Yeah I'll figure it out later. I think it's something to do with the cfg scale but they're good enough to me for now.
its interesting that you can just look at her model and tell its her. i imagine both borrow from her roommates traits.
Do it Denpa
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Gosh jeez go outside you fucking weirdo lmao
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>they're good enough to me for now
well, fair enough. imo the whole point of sdxl is that it's much cleaner and flexible so you should be able to get results that don't look sketchy or like they're melting, but i guess gens like this could also be a stylistic choice
Do it and I'll forgive you Saru
Actually I'm in dire need of this she's perfect
for them an anime shaped 2009 minecraft let's player is the greatest thing ever
ok retard
You sound bitter.
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I'm sorry you didn't pass the audition sister, but don't take it out on CC
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Filian is a wonderful person who is worthy of love and support
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hell yeah
you sound like a whore
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Watching zootopia
Do it no balls
reminder that judy hopps is a class traitor and NOT to simp for her.
Yes, it's full package futa
Jobal bros we are so back!
I wish that anon genned more stuff with that exact prompt. I never knew I needed it so bad until I saw it.
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They literally opened this fucking movie with animals only have instinct to maim, maul, and [mate] this movie is illegal
true kek
need autistic woman
I need her to crush me
i want Para to walk up to me and ask me if i can give her a cigarette
/lig/ or not to /lig/, that is the question
She doesnt smoke cigarettes
There's something lacking in the soul of modern minecraft videos and servers that made yogscast adventure map part 432 special
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why has the thread been so slow for the past couple of hours
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We're watching zootopia
I retrained the pirate and space ranger outfits as separate loras >>84854464

Found the tag for the coat it's coat_on_shoulders
I'm masturbating
Bros did you know that you can stick your own finger inside your ass?
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She collects them from people, just asking them for cigs and walking away
my wee wee feels funny when I do that
She knows exactly what she's doing
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Kabedon from Juni while I tuck my dick in between my legs
How're you progressing in your handsfree endeavors?
Your oshi is very pretty Rakastan
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why is she a loli now
She has a titty toggle
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bnuuy cnuuy
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I want to live inside Laimu's asshole
She wants the Shondo audience
which ligger would immediately recognize monger vocab/abbreviations and could convert them into the local market rate in dollar amount without looking it up?
the angle for that is awful
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Nina has that dutch mercantile blood coursing through her veins.
>merchantile blood

I will start using that, thank you anon.
*1cm string of shit slowly worms out of my ass*
who dis loli? i need her name
I stick my finger in bat twice.
yeah she just went "you guys are probably awake at 3 am there in cali" so she's probably taking the brunt of making streams at 10pm and ending at 3am
*push it back into you and duct tape your anus*
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>tfw you got too silly and couldn't post about your oshi Miwa for 30 days
back to your thread pedo
what did you do anon
What did you do?
you are a pedophile
Do it lying down over the side like the real whores do.
Imagine not being around to protect Miwa's honor.
thank you anon in charge of protecting underage pen-strokes
ecto is my eternally 12 year old girlfriend
do you think marimari underscore en would be any good at sph rp?
Why did saru do it?
no because she'd mean it
I was going to say genes but mercantile blood has a better mouth feel.
Back to the dark web with you.
is you oshi a angle
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>Archive Links:

- Complete Nyanners (Post Vtuber Debut) VOD and karaoke clip archive [Starting at 2020-07-17 and running until 2024-XX-XX]: https://rentry.org/Nyanners_Vod_Archive

- Directory of random Indie Vod archives and links to official vod channels: https://rentry.org/Indie_Vod_Archives_lig

>Other things that may be of use:

- Twitch/YouTube Live Stream Vod Archival Guide: https://rentry.org/Vod_Archival_Guide
how good would she be at it?
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God I really want to cum inside Shyrei (Squchan)
my oshi is a loli, cunny even
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Damn you had to watch this go down from the sidelines huh
yeah quite delectable indeed
You can see a bit a titty in this one. They look nice.
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Is there an agenda today?
She didn't have shit planned and her dumb mods pushed her that it was okay, next.
It's the same agenda as every day.
saying nice things about vtubers and making them feel loved
Saru has projectile diarrhea
Grim. Power consolidating at the top. I'm happy with my low 3view though
i'm gonna turn this into my message notif sound
anny has a nice voice
>Play wow
>Fap to JAV
>Post bnnuy cnnuy in da lig
in that order
So saru does what her mods tell her to do now?
Good I hope she fucking dies.
Whenever her friends or eceleb is in chat they shill them to talk to her.
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Uncertainty. I'm waiting for a schedule post.
A cute angle yes
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haven't been on /lig/ in a while, what's with the saru hate?
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womp womp
Gasm of Sissybuhh
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just like lucy. it's almost like it's a woman thing
Let's not timeloop this for the hundredth time please
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Today's agenda: salami pizza.
Deepthroated a male on stream
Collabs with males and sucks mod dick
Easy on the pizzas ballooniper
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she's going to make it big if she doesn't kill herself doing stupid shit on stream
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But for what is the lore?
I wish for my oshi to be happy even if it's not my long and girthy cock she is riding
Threw away all her principles to shill and fuck a manlet on stream
>a whole male
God I wish that were me
god I want to suck her dick
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I paraphrased a Sam Hyde quote and directed it at a chuuba. An obvious joke got ding'd for a "death threat."
Brother it's just really unfortunate timing
>One dude says I don't get enough attention, leaves.
>Goes on multi-day shit flinging spergout on the board
>Pulls up old tweets
>Miwa closes marros
>Other guy just sad posts and says something like "I'm irreparably broken and I need to remove myself from the community."
All the fun stuff happens when I'm away lmao.
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Actually a coincidence that I kept taking usable screenshots around the time she was saying the word. Fear and hunger was one of the contexts I think.
lolis and footjobs
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Killed all the good will she was building up
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We got new merch buggie
would be better as a poster
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Coqui bursting out in laughter when you cum on her face from just a handjob and it's more than she expected.
That's a funny coincidence. Also thanks for not making fun of me for fucking up the sentence. I changed the wording halfway through
Seeing these chuubas in person mind broke me
same video if sound doesn't work:
just unfollowed someone because they used the 'story' feature and it made my ui ugly
holy sex
nta but killing your fellow esls would be acting in bad faith
Really? I thought it was really nice meeting the then vyugen girls and getting a doodle from each one (except squ)
>just notice she using uwu market
I give it 3 months until vesper dropped them
I'm going to hurt you
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I genuinely thought it was a kitanyaism because I got infected by them some time ago.
Some ESLs are opportunistic hunters.
>closes marros
I killed myself on that day, trying to micromanage anonymously was insanely fun
I always wondered what kind of person gets dehydrated while sitting in their own home
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I unfollowed around 40 liggers the other day. Just had to do some spring cleaning.
I hope the blanket is actually nice quality.
Can't have shit in ligland
How can one small catgirl contain all that talent?
It's uwumarket. It'll be a 100% polyester piece of shit
for some isps you actually need to pay extra for a static ip
vtubers are cool because the cartoon woman talks to me and is nice to me
Do you guys use any extensions to alert you when streamers are live? If so, which ones?
Is there build quality bad I thought they just had shipping issues?
Honestly saruei getting doxxed is a good thing and should make all of us take a step back and really think about the type of people hiding behind a live2d model.
Have either of you ordered something from uwu? All the clothes I have ordered are on par with the other chuuba merch sites
the pooptuber is live
>hi oli imo you arnt properly monitizing your channel, you can add tts and more redeems. I'll send you a full list of options after stream.
>you can also charge for voice messages
FUCK OOOOOOOF with your wanaby manager bullshit
shhh bby daddy's cock is hard <3
I did that too but then Para used it so I just hid it with ublock. There's probably a twitch bounty for using it or smething
I have ordered a bunch of merch from them. Their build quality is okay, but their stuff is overpriced for what they deliver. (after making you wait 6 months)
Schizos are bad mmkay?
>What if I don't chuu this time hehehe kuhuhu
wtf para fuck you
Olivia talking about opening an Onlyfans and Fansly to do naked cooking
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>*mumble mumble*
>*cough after every sentence*
>*micronap on stream for 3 seconds*
Damn Alice is so alluring, how does she do it?
The Ballerina Princess Olivia Monroe has a heart of GOLD and she's really nice to me and I like her so much! She's not my oshi but I watch every stream! I really like Olivia Monroe! If a tragedy were to befall my current oshi I would make Olivia Monroe my oshi! She brings a lot of joy to the world and plays great boomer tunes on her stream!
That's not a loli so not cunny. Fucking retard.
Also not a loli are all of you fucking retarded?
I’m just saying that alot of vtubers drop uwumarket after a few months so it wouldn’t be a surprise if vesper also drop them
>Erm akchully that's not a loli
bringing taste and culture to the holotards
are you planning to assassinate your oshi so oli takes the throne?
underrated post
Here's your (You) Billy now hurry and tie your shoes, the short bus will be here any minute
I just want her to read my joi script.
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mon dieu
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How did you know I am billythebucket
Why is vienna going to germany?
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>Some ESLs are opportunistic hunters
They need to be thoroughly schooled. All the vile creatures who shame their fellow strugglers deserve to be smited on sight. Any man who is striving to approach fluency should know how infuriating the journey can be.

And it's always encouraging to see ESL chuubas get more skilled with their use of language.
She's gonna participate in some underground German scat porn
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Because the Anschluss is going to happen again.
While this is true in general, sometimes getting ridiculed can be beneficial. I will never misspell "sure" again because a liggerman made fun of me for it once
anyone else would do that for the money alone, Oli would do it for the money and also because she just likes being naked
Alice blowjob with eye contact
what kind of lolis are you interested in?
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Opportunistic huntering is fun sometimes.
Being made fun of is not as bad as no one ever caring enough to correct you. How else will you learn?
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It's allowed only if you post Panko.
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Zootopia was pretty good
tanya happy. me happy.
Stop jacking it to Judy r34
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I miss my Kami-Oshi. I've always unintentionally walked on the balls of my feet by instinct and startled everyone I've encountered while being a short arse.
I didn't know that she actually responded or answered those. Got worried she closed 'em because she got creeped out from parasocial stuff. She didn't seem too enthused about lewd comments so I quit firing those off.
Is this an African accurate Kitanya?
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The last EU-hoe stream before she moves to be a NA-cumdump
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I only do it because she's a cop anyways should I watch elysium or dark shadows
does where she is when she gets cum dumped into her matter?
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There's a slight difference between being made fun of in good faith and being shamed in bad faith.
Has Alice ever fallen asleep on stream
Uuuh a black fella with a cop kink! Spicy
Okay so I'm not the only one affected by shipping issues
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rainhoe is a much better vtuber than lucy
Her problem isn't falling asleep on stream, it's not waking up in time for stream
lucy needs to talk about poop more
that's just objectively untrue, say what you want about Lucy but she puts in way more effort than Rainhoe
Leaving Olivia Monroe's stream open so I'm counted as a viewer while at the doctor just to piss off that one dude.
You are entitled to your opinion
idk. i only sent maros trying to manage her, some worked, some failed. it's probably the parasocial stuff. are you able to open a new account and continue sending maros after you're blocked?
I think lucy has no talent at all, she just leeches out of other vtubers.
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Let me show you
my fridge has started to buy her merch it's starting to concern me
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The only real lolis. The ones that look like children.
Only one of those is lig and she has her own thread you'll be much happier there
Is her pussy meat actually periwinkle or is that just the sloppa?
If they don't look like a child by definition they aren't a loli. It's sinple.
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>>The ones that look like children.
>posts image nowhere close to children
am i being scammed or gaslit
She commissioned it that way
Her nipples and pussy are perwinkle
That has absolutely nothing to do with what I wrote so I conclude you are posting in bad faith, have a good day schizo sir
Kind of embarrassing that even after turning 30 and having a kid out of wedlock she still can’t grow out of being a whore
Are you blind
that looks more like chibi anime girl than anything child
child is more of cupid statues at some churches
What about the pussy juice?
>don't want to watch giri play space marine 2
>click on stream only to find out it's actually painting with w40k lore videos and I missed 5 hours of it
why did this bitch not just go in the arts&craft category?
you should act less like a woman anon, you're in your thirties already.
It has everything to do with what you wrote. You tried to claim non lolis are lolis so you are rhe one posting in bad faith like a deranged schizophrenic. How you fail to see how insane what you write is makes me both laugh and sad for you. Hope you get treatment for that mental illness soon.
Wellll she does have a tail made of ectoplasm so I suppose it's justifiable
Same color as her tail
May Shimbo bless you on this fine Monday morn.
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nyo... i guess this is a child to you then
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Nta but some of Lucy's original songs and covers are quite ok. If you don't see any talent in her, you are delusional.
I think it's hot
I'm telling you to go to /shon/ instead of posting random off topic vtubers in here, if you don't think she's a loli then you are simply retarded
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oi, don't copy my posting style
>spedge tweeted but didn't post a schedule
moffposter in shambles
tanya is my eternally 12 year old girlfriend
kys lucy, dumb leech, start leeching again because your numbers are going down.
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>sending manager maros
nigga what lmao
>are you able to open a new account and continue sending maros after you're blocked?
idk dude I never made an actual maro account
this is cursed and fucking UGLY
I like ectos old voice better
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Ecto my eternally old gf.
Grimmi grimmingrmmi
my eternally 12 year old kitanya on my left arm and my eternally 12 year old ecto on my right
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I listen to this in full every time it's posted
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I don't get the humor in this game Oli's playing.
I liked fallenshadow better when she was a vtuber and not a camwhore that flesh streams and interacts with actual porn stars on twitter daily.
grimmi is shit
how...... how did you spell sure?
Can't wait to see her cunt
she should do more cam streams, they're very entertaining and they filter out the useless trash like you. win/win
Grimmi is locked in her room right now untill she pays me the fucking rent she owes.
it's British "humor"

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