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>Official Links
https://pomu.pages.dev/vsmp (MC server)

【Raki Kazuki】 Clumsy girl next door, zatsu, karaoke, rhythm games, ASMR.
【Lottie Shinju】 Silly girly girl, retro and water-based games, zatsu, drawing.
【Chiaki Katsumi】 Chuuni seiso girl, longform playthroughs with pre-game zatsu, variety streams.
【Miuna Usako】 Delulu deredere, soulslikes, zatsu, karaoke.

【Kanna Yanagi】 Motivated planner, soulslikes, action and fighting games, variety handcams, ASMR.
【Chio Chompi】 Gremlin imouto, horror games, co-op horror, RPGs.
【Daiya Fortuna】 Dorky weird girl, collabs, retro games, roguelikes, ASMR.
【Arisu Oshiro】 Chuuni tsundere, card games, karaoke, drawing.

>Original Songs and Covers
idol: >>>/vt//jidf/
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
kawaii: >>>/vt//pkg/
VSMP: >>>/vt//vsmp/
V4Mirai: >>>/vt//v4m/
V-Dere: >>>/vt//vdere/
VReverie: >>>/vt//vrex/
Specialite: >>>/vt//corpo/
Sheeptubers: >>>/vt//wool/
Phase Connect: >>>/vt//pcg/

Previous thread: >>84866326
hip-height princess
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Chiaki's laugh gives me life
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I'm in love with a raccoon.
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Squishing my ducktective
Kamos my cute ducktective is almost a hag I'm so ready
When you bite bait, this is what you're biting. Is it really worth it?
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you mean this one?
qrd me on this loli, /pxl/
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You can't tell me what to do
yeah absolutely 100% fuck that guy!
Fuck bros maybe I shouldn't have had those ten hours of platonic baby-making sex with my platonic lover Daiya yesterday
That looks delicious, I'll have to bite bait more often
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Is she playing volleyball with a kamo?
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She's Latina and she has a colossal ass and is also technically not a loli. Technically.
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Loving Lady Luck
I hope she's okay
Are you into girlfailures?
that's not a loli
esa es una hermosa (forma de huesos pequeños)
Yeah, I'm the ball
Fuck, you say?
Kanna gently caressing kamos before grabbing them firmly
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These noises kind of remind me of a JP VA when she's voicing H scenes
yeah me
Erm... actually it's not loli
Whats the difference compared to regular failures
I miss... Ayu, oddly enough
they're girls
It's cuter when they're girls
Kanna and Chiaki called into Miel's birthday donothon
One of them is cute and the other are those that inhabit /here/
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Thanks bro
Yeah, me
Oh I didn't know she had her birthday, I like Miel, don't watch her but she seems nice
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The only reason I even noticed it was because Miel's tweet of all the guests showed up on my timeline, and I happened to notice Kanna before scrolling past
She's french!
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Is that her native language? Her massive list of languages she knows always confuses me
Recently Miel has been appearing a lot on Chiaki's chat
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I love my dinowife
I'm pretty sure she's vietnamese
Chio was supposed to be in someone's birthday stream but I forgot who...
This hairstyle fits Wisu reallt well. I know its far but it would be great for second outfit
She definitely lives in a country that does a lot of cheap manufacturing, looking at that list
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Fucking doctors they are fucking imbeciles AAAAAAAAAA
She doesn't have health insurance either, right?
Oof. She's going to end up with a fibromyalgia diagnosis sometime down the line.
Funny you mention that because the artist made that pic as a second outfit prediction
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That girl ain't right. I hope she's okay.
Those stripes do not look good.
Then there's the thing that happens to her hands every once in a while, makes me sad
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gn sweet lad
Miel is Chiaki's new wife
I wish I could just hold her and tell her everything is going to be OK.
That is funny, maybe is the gap from wisu's really long hair
She could always marry me for the health insurance.
I'll bring her to my country, we got that for free
can you bring me too?
I like these cute soundposts anon, thanks
I want to kiss Chiaki in the cheek
which one?
Gn lad, sleep well
Bottom left
Top right just to see her shy face
Daiya space
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Gabe, real question. How does it feel to act kind in their chat after shitting on them?
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I apologize in advance but I'm in a good mood and also inebriated SO I'm gonna spam pics of WIsu
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Don’t expect sense from a subhuman attentionwhore.
I want to spank Wisu's giant ass
Daiya will have no money
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I need to give her lots of sloppy bitey kisses right there
I like this one a lot
There's so much I love about /pxl/ but missing out on these because I don't have a twitter account does suck.
Can any kind monmon summarize what's going on?
New link
damn i hope you dont like raki a lot because that shits crucial
I understand why it's not common but /wool/ anons definitely do a service by live summarizing twitter spaces
also you should definitely make a twitter, you're missing out on a lot dude
Anon why not just make a throwaway account? You can listen anonymously too, if you want.
Make a throw away account anon, trust me you'll enjoy it. You can even block certain words so things you don't like won't get recommended to you. I highly recommend to, I literally use Twitter solely for chuubas
Just make an account with throwaway info or wait for the archive
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Daiya is a little misinformed, ibuprofen is pretty mild as far as pain relievers go. It's Tylenol that will eat your liver long-term.
More donothons are clearly needed.
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If Raki and Daiya's spaces have taught me anything is that the US healthcare and higher education systems are completely broken
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Depends on the person and dosage. Ibuprofen does fuck my liver up, not to the point where things get really bad but I can't eat or drink certain stuff after a while without feeling ill.
Cute wisumite raid, much love
It took you THIS to realize that? You're not American I'm guessing
It takes less than minute to make account.
I always struggle to think of something to say in my free supa. Any advice?
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I only follow pixellink very casually, kanna's a hag?????? Based??????
Oh yeah I'm not lol, I'm a third worlder but my country has both public and private healthcare but the latter is actually good and not as expensive
Just say what you like about the stream or that you appreciate them. It's not that hard just be genuine
I always either wait til I have something I'd really like them to read or just send emotes
[Insert chuuba's name] love! [love emote]
About to be, officially
Soon to be, but not yet. Almost 30
It's not as bad as some people make it out to be but yeah it's far from stellar either. If you're young and healthy you won't have a problem but you know how neurotic and physically destroyed chuubas are kek
Fuck I could go for a peanut butter waffle and some scattered, smothered, and covered hashbrowns right now
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I could go for a nice juicy BORGUR. Too bad I have to stay /here/ and guard my Princess's posts
Thank you for X months of fun and memories
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I am a loyal Wisuknight
Can someone go to McDonald's and get me something? I can't afford to leave my post
Eww, youtube culture.
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lads are toxic to pans, they cause your balls to explode, don't bite bait!
>shilling shortly after an emergency room visit
What a god
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Wish I was having dinner with Wisu right now. What dish would you cook your oshi? I'd make Wisu french toast
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One of my fav pics of her~
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It's more important to know when they really read it, not that you said anything much to begin with.
She's so professional and caring and uuuuu I love Daiya
She looks like Syuen
I'd like to make some steak and pepper fajitas for Raki, maybe with some tzatziki and pita chips on the side
Raki has been looking at numbers too much
I don't think so
fatcat has numbers meetings with them every month
Twitter spaces are always comfy
I'd make Lottie some shrimp pasta, some good wine to go with it, but I feel like she'd be happy with a steak and an entree
It's kinda sad she's holding off for numbers reasons, I wish she could just do what she wants without thinkin about that stuff too much
I find it more likely she's critical of her own performance than the numbers.

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