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Vtubers who make you sob!

Previous: >>85066072
Cant wait to see 300 more replies of houshou marine here posted by a anti trying to shoehorn his shit down his own throat (he is the only person posting)
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my future wife
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Twitch sucks.
she forgot her underwear
Is this thread just /uoh/ but good?
you forgot your image
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twisty amanozako membership asmr
will be sharing the upcoming streams as well

can you fags decide which one to use
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They're 2 different threads for different purposes
If you like cunny and aren't a faggot you use this one
If you hate cunny or are a faggot you use /uoh/
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It's just a place, man, where we can do our own thing, nigga, we jus chillin, like for real brotha
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Neuro I'm going to inject you with my trojan and spawn a child process in your erotic belly
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noooo don't fill me with children my system resources aren't big enough yet
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Nyana’s Gamersupps code is PLAP now ToT
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Irina feelings soon. Are you scared?
Why would I be scared
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god i love this guy's guras
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It is time https://www.twitch.tv/irinakumai
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how did she make it even worse
>When you ask your black girlfriend to roleplay
Why is she like this
holy ToT
she doesn't want us to know she's thicc
Bambi in Irina's chat
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best part is he posts his stuff directly on her art tag, im sure she's liked it
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I'm starting to forget... what was her name again?
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Irina revealed her 4.0 model
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did irina tell you guys to switch from /uoh/ to this thread or something?
No, the old thread was victim to a hostile takeover by pastebinfag and also a bunch of hags and antis have been posting there so we made our own uoh with blackjack and child hookers.
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I know why this thread exists
what I'm wondering is why you came here and treat it like late stage /uoh/ when the first thread was more like pre-OP /uoh/
It wasn't coordinated if you're asking that, we just kinda know that the old one wasn't something to post our love in, and this one fits the purpose
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>why you came here and treat it like late stage /uoh/ when the first thread was more like pre-OP /uoh/
I'm sorry, I don't know what this means.
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it just seemed odd to see posts that look exactly like you'd see in /uoh/ a month ago in a new thread that's vastly different so it felt like it might have been
/uoh/ had a very different culture before the purge when it gained an OP, before that it only had a subject
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Why would the culture change when it's basically all the same people as /uoh/ except for some of the bad apples? I wasn't even here "before the purge" as you say. If you want to bring back something good you'll have to set an example.
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Some real good dick sucking lips
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>set an example.
the first thread was pretty spot on
above all always post cunny was the #1 unspoken rule
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I hate to break it to you, but 8/10 posts in >>84636629 are just my little sister posting from my backpack collection when it reaches page 10.
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your little sister is cool and she should keep doing it
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Is she finally going to move to youtube? Twitch has been a terrible place for vtubing, and only getting worse
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Doubt it. She doesn't like YouTube. Kiki /pyon/ wouldn't touch Twitch for the longest time for the opposite reason. Their inflexibility hurts them.
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in solidarity with the fallen
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youtube is getting just as bad with its random AI bans.
she should move to rplay
It's almost like they want people to stream somewhere else.
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Bottom heavy lolis are just the absolute best. Absolutely peak female
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Fairy Rave
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god i wish there was more cute and funny content of her
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good morning ToT
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Nobody is streaming...
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Do we have Irina today or no?
Yes, zoomer ASMR
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What would you do with it?
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ok that's funny
I'll watch the schizo bat
If only she streamed.
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This is going to be pain.
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I've gone through it once before, you'll be ok, it passes quick since it's so insubstantial
The birth stream, the mommy stream, now this. What does she get out of this?
Is she just trying to get me to kill myself?
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What a brat. Going to have to give her extra kisses tonight
does she know what this picture does to a man
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Taffy ASMR on Twitch!!!
There is a guide for archiving here in case anyone was wondering: https://pastebin.com/06ebPA2K
Her ASMR streams are usually around midnight her time
>Taffy doing countdowns
I still don't get feetbros
She's jacking off the microphone with her feet and you don't get it?
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I don't really get ASMR but I like listening to Taffy
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Taffy is good at this, wow. Most screw up the pacing when they try this
what does the pacing need to be like?
Preparation, climbing, climax, aftercare, don't want to be more than ~15 minutes for any loop, don't stay elevated too long, etc..
>spanking ASMR
I didn't know I needed this
certified UOH
I wish I found this stuff arousing.
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Shondo unbanned
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cursed stream just started
Good, I guess. Don't understand why they have to be like this
taffy is very sex
Irina is too old to deliver this convincingly
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we need a certain dog
I can't believe I'm installing subway surfers just because Irina is telling me to.
What have I become
It can be played in browser apparently
Browser was way harder for some reason, I'll play on my phone for the immersion
How long does one round of subway surfers usually last?
I can't get more than 7k points
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She has a nice voice, but I'm not interested in seeing her face
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Genuine thoughts on these proportions? I've had the ref sitting for nearly 2 years and I've been questioning it now
definitely hits my preferences. reminds me of kanna from maid dragon
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Slim the legs just slightly to give a thigh gap
Shimo is one of the few exceptions I make. She is L
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Back to Shondoposting for like 12 hours ToT
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not complaining. she deserves it.
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Mond needs her big brother.
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Mond sounds younger
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/uoh/ looking pretty shitty this morning
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been a very long morning huh?
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Irina's post is now at 1800 likes
Not the first time the algorithm has noticed her
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never forget

nothing she wouldn't want me to do with them. And we all know what she wants me to do with them.
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This is full on ovulation talk, her ovaries are on fire today
>Irina's dad made her watch him milk her mom like a cow
What the fuck
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we need that ovulation tracking website
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She's really cute when she's talking about her school kids.
Forging documents so I can register as a third grader and sexually harass Irina
based irina dad showing her the vegan option for milk
>does the flashing right away
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Alright Irinaposting is over, thread can go back to being 18 hours of Shondo pictures
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otter daughter
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does she count
I think so
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bug girl is cute. it's been so long since i watched her. does she still use the 3d doll model?
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moar shondos
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does anyone else think muyu's face looks weird in this picture? Everything else is fine but her face has something off... maybe it's her eyes?
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does anyone have Taffy's ASMR VOD from the other day? she nuked the VOD and none of my recovery tools seem to be working. thank you for your time
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only 1:08:00 of it https://gofile.io/d/0DBGqF
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I get you, when she closes her eyes they go upwards, not centered, her face is a too long there
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She's extra cunny in this
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Rev put out his video about Shondo's ban. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ysfTClC40Y
thanks anon, it lived up to the people rating it
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i dream of cunny and loli mouth, you wouldn't get it
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twisty latest
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Remember to report and ignore/filter the off topic one
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wow it actually worked
that's amazing
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Is "little girls" autosaged? Do I need some wording in there for what is considered ontopic? Or just fuck it and leave it vague?
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just leave it, we all know what it means anyone that doesn't is pretending to troll so saying it outright won't help
She's... She's joking, r-right?
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She has to be joking.
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Irina, what the flying fuck did you just repost
Her friend Kumakko's eroge!
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I hope its okay that I promote here!
Kingdom Hearts 2 | We're in the endgame 0_0
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As long as you post cunny while doing it you can murder someone in front of us I won't care
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I think you're welcome here.
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>nobody streaming
>suddenly everybody streaming
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god dammit irina
kek, I love her
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Binding of Isaac: Rebirth looks different
Why did she switch to this?
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Damn. Good job, team. We just needed to get Alice in the chain, right?
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She's talking about My Little Pony
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Irina today on Skyrim, looks like. Wonder what crazy mods she has because apparently zoomers think it's okay to mod a game before you even play vanilla.
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>zoomers think it's okay to mod a game before you even play vanilla.
this isn't a generational thing, many people of different ages prefer to prioritize their enjoyment of things over gargling todd howard's balls
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Well the assumption that mods will definitely make a game better is just bad and wrong. It's like salting your food before you even taste it. Who's Todd Howard and how is he relevant?
Why would I ever try playing the sims without loli mods?
i didnt bother replying to the other guy but it would've been:
>this. it's an information issue. we know skyrim is better than mods

meaning it's not an assumption. you're over generalizing for no reason because in this situation we have specific information. try out a new game without mods, sure
>better than mods
better with mods*
todd howard made skyrim or something
>Well the assumption that mods will definitely make a game better is just bad and wrong.
your assumption of what makes a game enjoyable is just bad and wrong
if you want to experience a game as the dev intended you can do that, but to police how others want to experience a game is just plain retarded
by your logic it's wrong to play dota if you haven't played warcraft 3 yet
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(reposting with an image that this morning's janny will be okay with)
>we know
>>85355302 (You)
I'm not policing, I'm just bitching. I'm sorry. I don't even like video games. I'll just go back to posting about Irina.
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point still stands, why are you bitching about how other people enjoy playing games?
seems kinda retarded to me to care
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Because I am a sad, angry man.
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me too but inventing new reasons to get irrationally angry about doesn't help, I'd rather just jerk off to lolis instead
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