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ITT: we opine on which chuuba has the worst or most obnoxious fanbase. I'll start.

>chumbuds: delusional retards that respond to every single gura bait in earnest. have never watched any other vtuber.

>ruffians: psychotic attention whores that would murder their own grandmother if she got extra special ruffian that day.

>deadbeats: delusional schizos that think anyone who doesn't like mori's music is her foremost anti. will routinely say "it isn't 2022 anymore, you can't dislike mori's music".

Are there any other vtubers who deserve a better fanbase?
ruffians are invariably the same people who make the fwmc anti threads /here/
Do nijisisters count?
Ruffians are also the greatest purveyors of holo v holo on this board
yes but please define what flavor of nijisis
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Dragoons. I hold no ill will towards 90% of them and their oshi, but the amount of bait threads I've seen them argue with the worlds most obvious retard is far more than any other fanbase despite only becoming prevalent on /vt/ in the past 7 or 8 months. I'd genuinely say they're worse than chumbuds if just for that fact alone.

Outside of /vt/ though it's pretty much any holoEN viewer. I've not once spoken to one who wasn't SEA, underaged/so retarded they seem underaged, or live and die by reciting the same three memes. The only person I ever actually had even remotely positive opinions on that I met through the holoEN fanbase ended up being a schizo in a completely unrelated way, which sucks because I love to talk vtubers with people but I can only talk about them with the same people I've known for the past decade.
Nousagis and Kenzoku are insufferable.
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I have the worst fucking fanbase
I like that I can come /here/ and be a retard. Last night I was arguing that Kiara wasn't white for like 2 hours.
fandeads. by far.
>fagoons already posted
>grifterkin /pol/tards already posted

i don't see why everyone seems to have a problem with ruffians though
Ruffians and Capipis. I watch both and have always hated wading through the bog that is those two fanbases.
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Never forget chumshits raided Fubuki's freechat and shat on her, they're all trash incarnate.
I just got my prescription today and can't tell if this is bait or not.
ruffians made fuwamoco cry on stream about the extra special ruffian thing some months ago. idk the specifics but /baubau/ was divided talking about some clique and a bunch of ruffians there were celebrating. you think they'd just anti fuwamoco at that point.
>i don't see why everyone seems to have a problem with ruffians though
You are either: blind, a Ruffian in denial, or part of the problem.
shondo and pippa/most of phase
hell I'm 90% sure that you are part of one of those fanbases
chumbuds or dragoons
mintfags runners up
>i don't see why everyone seems to have a problem with ruffians though
wrong I hate phasefans and I actually think a*ri has the worst, most parasocial fans
Exhibit A
This guy is either 2 or 3 in >>85221932
I agree with you on the latter. I'm fine with the HoloEN girls and enjoy watching a few of them when I can, but the general fanbase for them is actually lowest common denominator. I also think that anybody who runs a "Virus" account on Twitter should be put down.
anytime fuwamoco cancels a stream /baubau/ melts down and ruffians make a bunch of anti posts across various threads talking about how "my smile wasn't protected today". probably more unhinged than most of the retards on this board.
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That's cheating anon sisters have no taste.
I'm starting to hate grems to be honest, they spam too much

Make no mistake there are a LOT of raiders for FWMC but their gachi are completely mental too. I thought the JP move whining was completely astroturfed until someone posted a tweet of one of them going schizo over it
I assume nijiniggers don't count or this would be an instant /thread? If that's the case only the retarded bunny's neanderthals stay in contention, I'm pretty sure. Can anyone give me a qrd on Ruffians tho? Didn't expect to see so much mention of them in a thread like this, I thought they were just the run of the mill annyoying idolfags.
Basically ruffians are the reason why fuwamoco are the way they are. They still have the mindset of 2views who need to cater to everything their viewers want and shaping themselves around it, without realizing that excludes a lot of people moreso than they already do.

Fucks sake, the second they replied positively to a single ruffian on their personal IRL account was proof enough for me that they're just growing their own group of retards. The only proper response is to tell them to ignore them or tell them fuck off, even their Fairy/Ghost type friend did that and she was literally a bootlicker.
>The only proper response is to tell them to ignore them or tell them fuck off,
Accidentally fucked the post when I was rewriting it, it should say
>The only proper response is to ignore them or tell them fuck off
i mean you are familiar with that rando and her fans for a reason
was it anal oral?
mint, phsaecucks, /lig/
>there are a LOT of raiders for FWMC
this is a complete ruffian cope
no one else gives a shit about FWMC
we are menhera enough on our own to explain the state of /baubau/
Yeah /baubau/ has been shit since literally after month 1. Maybe even earlier.
way too fuckable, they need to stop teasing me before i lose control.
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All of them, something about vtubing brings out the worst in everyone.
I watched a grand total of one of her streams before getting banned for saying something innocuous in chat. later I learned that she has several attack jannies that are unironically in love with her and they all circlejerk in their discord on streams. haven't watched since :)
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From a VShojofag's perspective

Current absolute worst tier:
Capipitalists or whatever they're called - If I come across a VShojo anti in the wild, there's a solid 90%+ chance they're going to a Pippa fan. Not even Phase in general. Specifically Pippa.
Snackers - Most obnoxious chatters in all of streaming. Will show up and spam in unrelated chats, derail streams, and are just overall the worst. Extremely child-dense fanbase even beyond what most big streamers have

Ruffians - They should be proud because they're the only Holo fanbase I'd put as actively irritating. Having a conversation with one is next to impossible since they resort to covering their ears closing their eyes and spamming BAU BAU in lieu of actually having a discussion. The other reasons they're annoying have already been mentioned here

A percentage of the fanbase is dog shit, not the whole thing:
SincroKnights - A fanbase largely cultivated out of hate for Niji, rather than a love of Sayu. They had a tendency to ask "How do they feel about Sayu" the very second anyone new comes up as a litmus test and shittalking anyone who didn't openly state full throated support of her. They've calmed down recently but in their heyday I'd have put them alongside Ruffians.
Dragoons - They're the modern day Sincroknights, but since they had a significantly stronger fanbase before Niji fucked her over they didn't get completely overwhelmed by the people actively making the fanbase shit. I'd put it at like 80/20 good/bad these days.

Special mention: Fandead. We had to deal with them for a fucking year at /vsj+/ and they were the most cancerous things imaginable. Any attempt at an olive branch was ignored and they kept talking about how they were all going to move to a mansion in Japan together and have a battle to the death where only the winner would get to be with Rushia forever. They no longer exist but if they did they'd be in a special tier above the current top tiers.

All that to say outside of obvious bait thread on the catalog dogshit every other fanbase I've seen or had direct contact with has either been positive, or not been negative enough to be worth mentioning. Some of them I'd even say were especially good like Deadbeats and Jailbirds. And yes that includes Nijis, because the shit side of Niji's fanbase isn't really /here/ and the posters in their threads are mostly just horny or having fun with their own oshis.
Deadbeats and ruffians easily, it's a no contest.
any answer that isn't capippalists is wrong
ruffians are menhera on their own but sisters have obsessively hated them since the ten seconds of silence, i noticed threads getting worse around then
You see the people complaining about Ruffians? Those are falseflaggers who hate FWMC and do everything they can to shit on them. Ruffians are actually a pretty good fanbase.
I've had the exact same people say the same thing about Pippafags. Regardless of whatever you feel about the fanbase at large, it's simply a fact that /baubau/'s been uninhabitable for longer than it's been habitable.
You can make as good of a point as you want, that doesn't change the fact you're unironically a fan of Froot.
You misspelled Travelers. Newfags actively made the experience worse.
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Your loss
do you think Mikeneko did anything wrong?
ruffians by a mile.
kenzies are the strangest motherfuckers on this entire site..
don't they just hide in the corner sulking amongst themselves?
I'm not her husband, so I didn't lose anything.
>don't they just hide in the corner sulking amongst themselves?
yes but my hate for /inf/ is eternal
>From a VShojofag's perspective
stopped reading and laughed
success breeds jealousy
>no fanbases of the chuubas that I follow mentioned
feels good to be chill
You have a lot of smoke for someone who hasn't/won't say what side of the fence he's shitting on.
>small corpfag
i'm a unityfag nigger you've got nothing on me. My tribe answers to no jurisdiction.
Grems are on the rise for being obnoxious, imo, especially after ENReco.
I would have been on board with your post more if you didn't spam about brown cuck stuff. Makes me think you're one of those faggots that shits up the board with even worst threads.
I think it was deleted cause he said the n-word
if it were an actual dragoon you'd think they'd hate the dramaniggers just as much as I do. idk what their problem was.
off topic is the ultimate "I don't like your post but you didn't break any rules" bullshit that never goes punished here. fuck hirom00t.
We're not that bad, it's just the "Grems" on Global who probably don't even watch streams and their actual oshi is /hlgg/ that are annoying. Our split is pretty calm and the most positive one of the entire board.
Dragoons have always been reveling in drama. They got booted out of /NijiEN/ for a reason about two or so years ago.
im a clipwatcher and i dont have anything bad to say about anyone
Ruffian here, don't really care if people hate us because it's all the right people. Assorted sisters, homobeggars and mythfags who are jealous after eating 4 years of lazy slop. FWMC are HoloJP quality and Advent is the golden gen of EN. Continue to seethe.
Pippa. thread over. I'd argue her fans are even worse than sisters.
how many canceled streams in season 3 bro?
Pippa fans.
phase most likely
there is no dokibird janny
Which member of myth/council did you abandon for fwmc?
They have 51 hours streamed so far this month, that is the highest in EN. Next cope
try joking about her "attempt" and see how that goes for you. or linking to certain tweets on her official twitter
people already do and nothing happens, i see it all the time
hoshiyomi are unironically and unequivocally the worst fanbase /here/
they're just a little stuck up everywhere else. but /here/, they're extremely cancerous
and what percentage of that was superchat reading?
ah, so you're just a seething sister desperately trying to dox. Explains why you mentioned sayu out of nowhere
This entire thread is filled with shitting on capipis & it was actually defending other phasefags. I assumed it was a ruffian janny since the first reply after it was deleted was whining about it being anti-cuck spam >>85243553
tell it to my ban log
I don't even know who sayu is
I like superchat readings
>tell it to my ban log
seems like a (you) problem because i see posts like that all the time
>Only holos mentioned
Pippa sharts
>This is late, but thanks for standing against the woke twitter mob. Your reaction to the mob at the peak of their activity got me interested in vtubers

Jump off a bridge cuck.
any of hololive
any pipnigs
>Judging a fanbase based on the happenings of /here/
why is it retarded to judge fanbases for their behaviors here
I opine that /vt/ is the worst
can't anyone just clean to be from a fanbase and act retarded? this is an anonymous website you dumbasses.
Making shitty cuck threads is worst then being a annoying fanbase. Fuck those shit threads are spammed more then anything shitting up the board.
Nijiniggers don't shit up my generals nearly as much as phasefags or holofags even if they are fags
Right, and which fanbases make the most cuck accusations?
I would say random shitposters who only come here to do that musty if I'm being honest
Yes, which is why this whole thread is retarded. Also, who gives a fuck about what happens in the catalog anyway. Judging a fanbase based on the happenings there is so fucking stupid because anyone can claim or argue against and for a Vtuber they don't even watch for shits and giggles.
probably still phase.
I think that's being overly generous given that hololive is explicitly founded on idolshit.
Yes anon, it's Hololive fans making cuck posts about themselves.
they're unbelievably parasocial and possess almost no critical thinking skills
I mean, yeah? I assume that the non male-collabing holofags shit on the male-collabing ones for violating their "idol" sensibilities. I don't believe that other phasefags hate uruka, hime, dizzy enough to cuckposts against them
hey, retards I'm a totally real fan of "x" chuuba and I think your chuuba and oshi is a whore and lame while my chuuba is the best and is better than your chuuba :)
Why are "insert whatever vtuber here" fans like this?
Hoshiyomis are only somewhat combative here because suischizo exists.
Look at the post above you, making this post much funnier
This is why no one like you *fanbase name*fags
KFPs cannot handle any sort of criticism, theyre legitimately mentally ill
It's just a blatant no true Scotsman. Everyone who doesn't behave is a false flagger.
Listeners just because OP is a baiter

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>Any attempt at an olive branch was ignored and they kept talking about how they were all going to move to a mansion in Japan together and have a battle to the death where only the winner would get to be with Rushia forever.
oh, yeah? well, i'm a totally real fan of the vtuber you insulted and now i am going to argue and defend them the whole thread not because i just want to argue for argument's sake because i am bored or anything. did i mention i'm a real fan btw?
Phew, Kronies are safe
>anon tries desperately to control his rampant schizophrenia for even a single thread
ganbatte beam!!!
>Only the Ruffians are annoying to a vshojo cuck
Every other EN fanbase bent the knee to e-celeb and homoshit. Ruffians stand strong
You're seething that fuwamoco don't hate their fans like the vtubers you watch?
>who cares if some of our roster are pedophiles buy merch
epic counter lmaooooo
who wants to fund pedophiles you retarded ironlung lmaooooooo
oh wait thats vshojokeks lmaooooo
I hope a ligger gets in and burns your retirement home to the ground
Whichever fanbase the jannies are part of. The absolute worst.
i could make a list of everyone who's a bit annoying but pippoids blow everyone else out of the water so much that mentioning anyone else but them is kinda pointless
kill yourself
I can never tell how much of what kenzies say is a bit and how much of it is their actual opinion and it scares me
If you get annoyed by the bau baus is because you deserve the bau baus. I never pointlessly act like a cunt towards other fandoms and, guess what, nobody ever bau bau'd me.
Fpbp and i'm glad FWMC filtered many of them by doing JP streams and moving to japan, they were way more obnoxious before that.
I respect dragoons because most of them told that artist (who is a pippafag) to fuck off when he made that drama-fueled animation which forced Doki to make a public statement asking people to stop doing shit like this.
I'm taking a screencap of this post for future grudgeposting, you xfags will eat your fucking words.
It's very easy to tell who the worst fanbases are. Just look for any immoral, lying, cheating, degenerate or obnoxious vtuber and their fanbase would be the same sort of trash as them.
Wait I don't remember that, which animation?
t. dragoon with a not so great memory
A lot of shitters like to pose as Ruffians on this board and low IQ people get fooled.
Miofa, the artists that don't do anything but drawing Mio should draw other Holomem
It annoys me a lot
Ruffians deserve a better oshi
the deer dance thing with the beaten up vox and elira. it was really gross and we're trying at least to put everything negative about the purple days behind us. Doki's here to make people smile and lift up the scene, not to attack others.
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that would be ruffians
>That time Kiara had the temerity to chat in Gura's chat and they told her to fuck off leading to Kiara not watching Gura's livestreams for years
Someone post the picture showing who this guy is really a fan of.
>fans point out they lied
>no we just played around a bit
bau bau
It's funny considering that was months ago and they still haven't done the ASMR they promised.
This got me all fucked up. Same with them shitting on Iofi for not being a translator for Gura.
ID fans. Especially the overtly insecure ID ones. Shitting on Mumei for playing Rust correctly resulting in killing Moona and Kaela for example.
>bau bau
I wish I could get away with any and all bullshit I want at my own job by saying these two silly words
xchad here, this guy is a yfag falseflagging
in no particular order:
ruffians (by far the worst)
phasecucks in general
Most supportive EN ruffian.
How do you even become a fan of vtubers and vshojo at the same time?
Seriously, everything that is wrong with vtubing today, from face reveals to doxxing and normalizing drama, was popularized by Vshojo.
Chumbuds have been getting sneaky and are increasingly moved by bitterness.
Why wouldn't they be?
Kronies. Bunch of retards obsessed with Korean dyke that hates men, who also hates her own model, which has biggest sex appeal in entire HoloEN.
>How do you even become a fan of vtubers and vshojo at the same time?
Because you don't do it in that order
>be regular twitchfag
>be into anime
>see vshitshow streamer live
>think she's cute
>start watching and eventually branch out
>think vshitshow is how "vtubeing" ought to be
This is the vshitter pipeline in action
lol nice try nijisisters
Nekkos. By far.
>Multiple incidents
>Constantly censoring what is really going on
>The NeneNexus project
>Having multiple politicians in the secret discord channel
Just by posting this I am at serious risk of
Voz Akuma's fans
Takes more than being a fan of a trash chuuba to be the worst fanbase. I'd say the worse ones are all from objectively great streamers.
I strongly disagree on Dragoons. They're one of the most excellent fanbases on /vt/ in my opinion.
t. another vshojofag
This is pretty much correct. That being said, I think Gura's content is also just simply dogshit. So it's not universally applicable.
There is no fanbase that's capable of being even half as obnoxious as the average /vt/ sister.
lmao, even
t. JP enjoyer, completely unbiased in any holoen vs nijien shitfest
Ruffians by far.
Retard here, responding to flagrant bait because I'm opinionated and have low impulse control.
I do hate chumbuds for what they allow Gura to get away with, and thus lowering the ethic of all other holos.
Pippanigs are so shit that they collectively ruined the whole image of Phase without Phase ever having some "all out war" discord leak yab which is wild.
i fucking hate xfags so much
Literally all amefags are obese xe/xim redditors, waiting for a crumb of amesame, while at the same time violently yes-manning their yellow retard's tantrums
He's right.
Same here, but I'm from /lig/. I thought they were a bunch of shitstirrers and toxic based on what I read in the catalog. But during that one lockdown protocol collab, they were actually really nice and friendly. I feel kind of stupid for thinking of them that way in the first place
I don't know about Council but I guarantee you the myth one he dropped was either Gura or Ame.
Objectively, it's the Luxiem nijiniggers who brought all the kpopstan virtuesignaling underage girls to vtubing
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>Has one of the worst fanbases in vtubing despite not even being a vtuber
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>psychotic attention whores that would murder their own grandmother if she got extra special ruffian that day
You're describing Kronies here. If only you knew how bad things really are.
t. kronie
The people that hate Ruffians are from the real worst fanbases that everybody actually hates. These people are constantly seething over being hated so they lash out at the more respected fanbases.
Fagoons are by FAR the worse. Insufferable zealots that enable a mentally handicapped grifter to continue to con them over and over. For nothing, since she's a terrible streamer on top of all that.
2nd place goes to wuffians, they should have kept those bitches in line and never let them turn into JP numbermonkeys
>The people that hate Ruffians are from the real worst fanbases
So the people who hate the Ruffians are actually Ruffuans
I think your logic is weird, but at least you arrived at the correct place in the end
you sound bitter
There is a difference between having fans and being laughing stock who takes the punches.
Wait, qrd? I'm about to seethe.
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It's the KFPs for me. They need to fucking stop falling for bait every 3 milliseconds.
NTA but chumbuds raided fubuki when gura got 1m before her to brag.(Fubuki had been on the cusp to be the first holo to reach 1m for months until gura came out of nowhere) It was a really embarrassing and awful moment for en fans.
It’s funny watching the ruffians get all defensive because they know they suck and their oshis desperately want to replace them with Japanese fans
Thanks for proving everyone in this thread right about your ilk.
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The EN Vtubing sphere is filled with countless Twitch ethots and grifters who are uninteresting and have no original thoughts or content, who are only doing Vtubing because they see it as an easy way out of having to get a McJob, or for those of them who aren't hideous, resort to OnlyFans. "Successful people don't pivot to being Vtubers" speaks to the overall defeatist mindrot that has been spread across the EN sphere because of the majority of lazy whores who call themselves Vtubers. In the same way VA is a joke of a profession in the West and actual celebrities in Japan, so too has Vtubing gotten the stigma of "not the first choice."

Most female Vtubers are little more than fleshstreamers with an anime girl avatar. They put no effort into content or kayfabe, and if you point this out, they and their beta male orbiters will call you an incel for expecting them to try beyond the bare minimum. You have impossible or at the very least unrealistic standards if you want them to do more than just silently play a game or do bottom of the barrel react content. There's even a few of these in Hololive.

Then in come FUWAMOCO who are
>Dedicated to the idol dream of singing and dancing on stage.
>Genuinely love and appreciate their fans, never take them for granted, respect their time, are always on time, never lecture them on a soapbox, welcome backseating, see streams as an interactive collab between the chat and the streamer.
>Completely avoid politics or anything controversial that people might be watching them to escape.
>Have a strong work ethic, make schedules, and communicate changes whenever they happen.
>Appreciate the same hobbies and CGDCT air that most of Hololive's audience was originally for.

If you did a list of everything the average woman Vtuber hates and doesn't do, than FUWAMOCO would tick every box. They're pretty much the ideal Vtubing experience for anyone who likes Hololive. It's not surprising they get a lot of hate from groups that want Vtubing to just be Twitch with an anime girl avatar, including the aforementioned whores that slipped into Hololive.

Their very existence increases standards globally. The unspoken agreement among lazy whores is to keep standards low on purpose so as many people as possible can be no effort Vtubers. If everyone sucks, then the audience can never expect or ask for anything better and the lower standard of quality becomes the standard. That's why lazy whores in Hololive are so dangerous, because just by being in Hololive, you're automatically at least a 4view.

FUWAMOCO cause seethe among these types and their fans because they aren't just doing this for the money, they were grinding out this way for years when it would have been so much easier to just be a barista at Starbucks. And now they're more successful than all the people cynically trying to make money off the growing epidemic of lonely single men. They expose the lazy whores for what they are just by being themselves. And that makes their fans realize they could have had better all this time so they get mad at lash out at FUWAMOCO and their fans. The girls themselves criticize them, say they are "doing too much" or "going too hard" or "rushing too fast" because to a lazy whore, a schedule full of streams that start on time and not hating your audience IS doing too much or going too hard, at least for them.
ruffians are disappointing, they're ruining a good thing.
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can't you guys just keep that shit here?
i like shondo fags. i've never seen them be retarded although im certain they can be. those shondo/shuba threads that appear sometimes have endeared me to them.
> It's not surprising they get a lot of hate from groups that want Vtubing to just be Twitch with an anime girl avatar, including the aforementioned whores that slipped into Hololive.
Nobody talked about FWMC. They're talking about Ruffians.
Best fanbases:
>Takodachis? idk I haven't heard anything bad about them, I'm sure there's something fucked up I've missed
The one annoying koronesuki in her general is enough to bring down the entire fanbase.
There is at least one Koronesuki who really sucks and is insufferable. Global takodachis are fine but split takodachis are elitists
what's the consensus on luknights?
The reason that trash women are the norm in western vtubing is because the audience is predominantly trash men with low standards that see nothing wrong with them. Unlike Japan, the English speaking world includes too many lower IQ individuals with filthy cultures and poor upbringing.
Japanese luknights are very polite in my experience. I like luknights, I would put them in the list.
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If that's your problem what do you think about Saplings, they'll find bait where there even isn't any.
Didn't read.

>Nobody talked about FWMC. They're talking about Ruffians.
Yeah i'm glad I didn't read his retarded wall of text.
I was told by one once that we Sincroknights are the 2nd best knights ever, so they must be unimaginably powerful beings.
>Still falling for the containment meme in 2024
Okay then, can you kill yourselves instead?
Hey, I probably hate them a lot more than you do. Welcome to the rest of us that are waiting for this shithole to get cleaned up. /#/ loves containment breaking the most, go tell at them.
>make a meme out of "dont you have female friends" and "dont sexually harass me"
you are so badass ,anon
your oshi loves you
I'm saying they're naive, not that containment breaking is good.
Isn't this guy a phasenigger?
As one of very first generation of Ruffian, I am glad to say fpbp here.
We are the vermin. We are the disaster.
IQlets don't enjoy vtubers. Even the brown fans are on the front end of their bell curve. It's an inherent hobby of people who are smart but failed in all aspects of life
Kronies produced Gabe
I wouldn't say they are the worst by how annoying or destructive they are but Kenzies are like some terrorist sleeper cell you are never save from no matter what hole on /vt/ you hide in.
>SEA, underaged/so retarded they seem underaged, or live and die by reciting the same three memes
get the fuck out of the discord. that place is nothing but those types.
twitter is usually where the decent people are. particularly in the replies of known artists. the lesbian jailbirds on there are actually pretty nice to talk to too
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The part that annoys me most is not the retarded post but the usage of a non /vt/ image, SNK on to of that, it's like a surefire way to identify selfimportant faggots on this board that don't even bother to blend in.
what do you mean? vtubers are based on anime and he likes one
he fits in
/baubau/ have some amazing displays of mental illness, but that’s not all ruffians tbf
I'm not surprised to see ruffians being mentioned this many times but i'm surprised that nobody mentioned pebblephiles.
pebbles aren't /here/, anon. 90% of pebbles are zoomers on either discord or twitter.
what the fuck
Through the years, I've kept on seeing people say chumbuds are rude and annoying, but every chumbud has been respectful, excitable, and pretty cute.
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Everything you say about EN Vtubing all applies in a slightly different ways to JP Vtubing
You can't /thread your own post, reddit-chama.
I mentioned this yesterday in another thread but Ruffians are the only ones who seem to care about that. (Seriously, it shows up at least once in the majority of /baubau/ threads I've checked.) Stars sisters maybe mentioned being disappointed the day after and I haven't seen it brought it up again. In fact, I've seen more general Hololive fans bring it up more and consensus seems to be they thought it was unprofessional.

But I know you'll just scream "sister" at me so whatever.
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After all the time I've spent here, I've yet to see a fanbase that's enough of a hivemind that it could be generalized. On the other hand, I've seen plenty of individual schizos who get very obsessed over some vtuber and her fanbase, presumably after they got a particularly hurtful (you) from someone using a reaction image of said vtuber and decided no one would ever use reaction images of someone other than their oshi while shitposting. Basically every bigger fanbase has at least one schizo who tries to convince the rest of the board that this one is the worst fanbase.
Stop screencapping your own posts Aku, you fat whale

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