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Towa Thread
Previous >>85157351

Please listen to Startend's final covers!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEIo7LHOxK8 「8.32」
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35hMALocac8 「Integral」
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_T-1Vvm1fPA 「Kaisei」

Upcoming shows/events:

Previous shows/events:
>Oogiri Derby
>Minato Aqua Graduation LIVE
>Vtuber Saikyou Ketteisen #6 with Qpi and Inu
>Latest Hologra
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Radio program/Twitcasting/Spaces/Videos/Manga archive: https://pastebin.com/9tt48x5E
Mail/Gifting FAQ: https://en.hololive.tv/contact
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Music: https://pastebin.com/AkBD5Ztv
>Latest EPs
>Latest Solo/Group Originals and Covers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEIo7LHOxK8 8.32 (with Startend)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35hMALocac8 Integral (with Startend)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_T-1Vvm1fPA Kaisei (with Startend)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVYPWu3bxlM Tsuki Wo Miteita - Moongazing

>「Soreyuke!! Makai Gakkou」 by Moro-yan (JP)
>「Underworld Academy Overload!!」 by Moro-yan (EN/ID)

Merch: https://pastebin.com/yk5HHRSr
>hololive Omanjuu Niginigi Mascot #1
>Nendoroid Tokoyami Towa
>Tokoyami Towa Birthday Celebration 2024
>holoRêve collection no.2
>hololive CITY’24
>Startend Gaming Chair
>hololive friends to Go vol.2
>hololive Closet
>hololive friends with u Vol. 6
>hololive Starting Voice

Interviews/Articles: https://pastebin.com/vAeipX4B
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i hate towa
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why did rurudo make Towa so dumb...
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I hate Towa
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I love startend...!

Still best singer in hololive homos get over it.
me in the middle...
what a cutie
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I love you you sexy erotic cat...
I want to snuggle up next to Towa while she watches shitty animated kids movies...
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*farts on your face while you sleep*
just as planned
towa has to praise herself because kenzies won't do it anymore...
This stopped being a gang, and is now just a kenzieclub...
I miss akwa...
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do it again i wasnt brap huffing…
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the last thing a woman sees before their life is irrevocably changed…
this is what she spent at least 3 of those break days recording...
I wonder how many of them chose to be in the gang because of Twap...
Good night Towa and menheras!
i don't think they got to choose otherwise ayame would probably be with mio...
Towa’s here…
So devilish...
if towa's happy then i'm happy...
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towa will never be happy...
me in her arms…
OMG bibi hiiiiiiiii...!!
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Why big borgar...
she's a growing girl...
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She's already big...
Towa has some big boobies…
Another off model Towa...
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Radio silence...
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yay...a week of collab streams with 0 chat interaction before a 2 month break...
The stgr head mightve warned them beforehand, because of the tourists they might bring.
I forgot their tweet but it's probably along those lines.
Expect a members-only chat.
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which part of towa would you lick first...
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towasama i love ur nails…
Every stream has that message.
No it doesn't
go check out all the HoloGTA frames then.
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I love seeing Towa and Aki together on fanarts again.
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cat huffing...
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Good morning Towa and menheras!
What's Kota thinking here?
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>starting with a lecture about how fucking annoying her fans are
Sure love these streams
Towa's gyatt...
towa should put her gyatt on my face…
Sure glad she joined this instead of VCR...
>default outfit is that of a teenaged streetwalker
>RP's a literal streetwalker online
Towa's outfit is like a mom's
The teenaged shechswerkerrr got preggers and grew up and goined a gang. Hence the mom clothes.
i can't tell if this is sarcasm or not... oh well I like it when aki says トワぴー
>Bae is "RPing" as a dyke that's in love with the gang boss (Towa)
perfectly normal behavior don’t worry about it
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Mr. Hakos is gay
Do they just actually bleed out in this? I thought in the VCR GTA they could just sit around forever for medics to show up and they had to manually press a button to respawn.
Oh nevermind, Irys just took her to the hospital, she didn't respawn
towa should fuck the police
mumi cute...
why did suisei suddenly appear when towa took off her clothes a bit ago
wheres her belly button ring?
wheres her belly button ring?
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her pierced belly button turns me on
I think Towa should sell her "services"...
shut up bae
i got held up as a hostage by two women with fat asses...
Which way kenzoku? Towass or ayameass...?
>spends some time luring mumi alone to an isolated dark part of the woods
>spends some time luring bae into a deserted bank location
>takes clothes off and suityan pops up
i don't think it's rp...
I miss Towa…
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This is what an undressing Towa does to a person.
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Icarus love...
But that isn't icarus...
Towa, that's what a real princess looks like not your shitty didney based fit
>enter cat cafe with a bunch of women
>instantly gets happier
She clearly doesn't like pussy that much...
The post you're replying to implies the opposite though...
cat huffing…
i've never seen towa be unhappy when surrounded by pussy...
>towa groups herself with mumi and bae again
i fucking knew it
If you love hearing her speak jp you should invite her more, stupid owl is too autistic to initiate taa...
Just started watching. Why is the Towa dumpy so big?
based on a true story...
it matches her closer
Towa looks REALLY dumb today...
towa doesn't even like kenzie tweets in game...
why do towa and sui have matching haircuts
how can she stream for so long…
it's easy when she doesn't have to talk to kenzies...
she spent more than half the time talking to some...
I miss towa...
I miss Towa...
her sex toys don't count...
kenzies and sex toys are the same thing...
only the ones that get to be with her irl... she doesn't care about the rest...
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wtf you can't say that
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look at the twa.
do you love her again?
love please.
i hate towa
Hate this bitch...
Grooming session... Finished...
imagine if towa put in this much work for kenzies...
suitowa is deader than hnk
kenzies should be cute girls then...

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