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Post and discuss your favorite /uoh/ vtubers, from the largest corpos to the smallest indies.

Previous >>85817623

Remember to report shitposting, trolling, and offtopic.
semen demon
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purple girls are cute
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New Catto just dropped
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did anyone see wemiko's fall anime impressions? this looks like a cute anime.
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why is she fuzzy
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Rima-chan please come back I love you uuuu
How has Marin been? I notice when she releases new photo sets.
it looks like she's on a crt tv that makes the buzzing noise.
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She was pretty low for a while due to getting on new meds, but since the past week or two she seems to have gotten accustomed them and seems a lot happier. She's been putting out quite a bit of content on both youtube and pomf
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From the warmful days, and the coldest of nights,
She lights up my life, and guides me through troubled times
She set me ablaze, with a single spark,
Sweet and tart is what I taste, and for more, I shall embark!
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stinky pickme
still waiting on that standing blowjob skeb
she should stay away from here, along with all other girls for the sake of their own mental health so they don't have to look at garbage posts like yours
she likes that image, relax anon
I don't get why you even try. It's the only place we can talk about them without ego. Of course they're going to come here or at least tell their moderators to give them a summary.
Kill yourself you never loved her
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Stay in your thread
This is the thread I support though. I don't support the other thread.
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Mond is being cute on Twitter again
jesus, you can say that again.
>don't watch shimo
you should try, especially if she's DJing
Her streams are usually way past my bedtime, but I'll give her a shot one of these days
ber child playing as a ber child
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Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days | TODAY IS KINDA PACKED???
say nigger on stream Irina, it will boost you in the algorithm
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Maybe you should "support" the other thread instead
There's been a lot of kids finding Irina recently
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I doubt it's more than the average vtuber. It's just that she actually puts effort into tricking them into outing themselves where other streamers may not. Unfortunately we can never know for sure because the smart ones are lying. We can't even be totally sure about the vtubers themselves since they're so good at roleplay, they could be making up life stories.
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Everything reminds me of Irina
Weird chuuba.
She tried to groom me in DMs once but I was too autistic and didn't care so she gave up.
True story.
it should have been me
I wish an adult woman pretending to be a little anime girl tried to groom me
you just like me fr. i got a dm a few times but i don't want that kind of relationship. i just want to talk sometimes.
Cool story bros
>i got a dm a few times but i don't want that kind of relationship
>i just want to talk sometimes
What do you think the DMs are for, jackass? Just because she DMed you doesn't mean you're automatically married.
>Just because she DMed you doesn't mean you're automatically married.
>[citation needed]
i want to talk in chat. i don't want 1 on 1 conversations. i would dm her if i did. not saying it's her fault. i'm just a retarded and don't like interacting with anyone on a personal or private level. i don't make eye contact if we talk irl or i get anxious kind of retarded.
I have trouble with eye contact too but why would you not want to connect with anyone on a personal level? There are lonely guys who pay big sums of money for that.
why did possum stop vtubing?
health problems I think
i just want to watch streams and maybe say something once in a while. i don't care for relationships or grooming. i just eant to watch girls being cute while i go about my day. i don't know why i'm like this but i just want to be left alone when i'm not talking or actively seeking conversation. i like talking here because everyone is anonymous and i don't feel like i'm being mean or risk causing a menhera attack if i say don't talk to me.
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what happened?
nothing. i'm just mentally ill and schizophrenic.
autralian ending soon say bye before she leaves https://www.twitch.tv/imschnipi
Irina just got back after 'release' in the bathroom
she has trouble sitting straight because of how heavy her boobs are
Front page of skeb
I'll keep an eye out for this one
didn't her dad teach her how to get milk using her mom? why doesn't she just milk herself?
anon you have to be pregnant first
knowing how lactation works doesn't make me a woman
shut up woman
you can actually induce lactation through over stimulation
sorry girls, you need someone else to do it for you for it to work
>taffy actually dmed you
>taffy tried to groom you
I know this is false because it would take so much shit just to be able to get her to notice you for a few seconds, never mind full on attempt to groom you
Name yourself and if you are one of my regulars I might dm you when I have free time....
nta but I've had 4views and even a holomem dm me
what's so special about taffy that makes that impossible?
shes a complete schizo thats why.
she can't be schizo enough to avoid all human contact, she wouldn't be streaming if she was
It was a while ago when she was smaller.
I'd rather not explain the circumstances and expose myself, but suffice to say she wanted something from me and I was aware of it, as well as uninterested in her, and so refused to engage even while being nice, so she gave up.
It wasn't a very complicated thing. It wasn't like she was interested in me personally.
She was pretty friendly to me, but yeah, I got the impression that she has issues.
i need cwute outfit ideas anon... plwease help a chuuba out. what do you find the cutest for a cutie ctuber to wear?
playboy bunny outfit
oo bunny outfit.. fishnets or sheer tights? or both?
i dunno if youtube / twitch would allow that anon.. but ill have to do some beach art for my sewlf!
sheer is cuter
anything you guys dislike? or is evwerything cute?
I read through the venting channel of a cunnytuber community I'm not part of, and seeing how vulnerable and open that community is willing to be with each other with their feelings and how close and personal they seem with each other, it makes me wonder why I have given my time and money to communities where the vtubers (and consequently, the viewers too) are emotionally closed off, distrustful, and uncomfortable with even slightly connecting as a real human being to other real human beings without the emotional condom that is kayfabe and roleplay and the nervous walking on eggshells. Even in the flesh world I have chased women who are inaccessible liars and pushed away genuine ones and I think I'm a complete dumbass for not trying to escape this pattern. I want fucking emotional intimacy and it's my own stupid fault for seeking it from people who aren't willing to give it. Done.
Something with a really, really big bow.
Maybe just a big bow.
OOO ADORABLWEEE!! any colors you like?
I like yellow but you should choose a good color that would suit you.
Bow are the best.
You just have to keep looking anon
Be careful though, online communities have a nasty habit of falling apart and it hurts more the closer you are to everyone.
polka dots, stripes, etc, what patterns do you like? :3 also yellow is a pretty color!!! ill sneak it in there somewhere just for you anon
why would you want to be close to a bunch of random internet coomers
be careful around there anons
Because God knows they're the best chance I have of being able to connect and identify with someone and not feel like I'm talking to a complete alien with nothing in common with me.
Do it the old fashion way
Make friends online and get shitfaced playing videogames together, then open up with them
Doing it with total strangers that don't really care about you and will only offer platitudes sounds terrible, join a support group if that's what you want
I like stripes... Stripes are nice... Pinstripe ribbons can be refined and elegant, while bold stripes are a little more cutesy imho. I think dots on a bow are a little trite and silly. Makes me think of a clown, but it could be cute.
I wish I could see what you come up with but I don't know who you are, sorry lole.
they allow it if you're in a hot tub
:3 I'll always be here! dont worry, just keep an eye out for someone with a pair of sharp teeth! omnomnomnom. if you pay attention you may see a link to my social at some point! keep an eye out!
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no not gura... ToT im a dragon
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from dragon tails??? no ToT not them either...
bro I never thought of cassie being a loli but now i have some complicated feelings to sort out https://dragontales.fandom.com/wiki/Cassie
OK I'll try and keep an eye out then, thanks chuuba.
Bye bye.
what kind of issues?
what memories have you just unlocked in me
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Where is she? Did she overdose on chicken nuggets?
>clover hairpin
Mark of the beast. Avoid all chuubas who bear this symbol at all costs.
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I'm sorry you had such an experience. I haven't had anything like that with her. She's quite the sweet gal. I love her.
it means they're cringe
but why anon
I love you Ellie, and clovers are cool.
Usually a sign of a schizo chuuba.
I don't make the rules anon.
because she has the attention span of a fish
taffy will only groom you if you're chinese
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this is problably boring but lolis in formal wear is hot
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less boring formal wear
ill add it to my outfits list!
Daddy, why are Neuroposter and Pastebinfag fighting?
because both of them are insane
Does she Noa lot about sex?
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can i have non-consensual sex with you ?
This is a trap question
Are you cute?
i dunno, don't think so
Many of the uohchuubas are very sweet girls and I am scared of them because I only deserve to be ignored and treated coldly by mean girls
i wrote this
I wish I would get groomed....
Dragon lolis are the BEST
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Shimo is is actually a great DJ, love her trance streams
home of sexual ?
One very large reason vtubers, especially large ones don't open theirselves up like that is for every person that is nice theres 5 schizos who are just looking for any opportunity to fuck them over somehow
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this idot gets away with it fine
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plap with neppie while bending her like a pretzel
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sexy brats
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It's been a while since I've seen /uoh/ so dead what happen where's the posters
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i love you, taffy ritual poster
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I want to help Yumi.
After thinking about this for weeks I've come to the realization that the best method would be pregnancy.
Being pregnant would greatly improve her content. She could do weekly updates about how her tiny body is changing to accommodate another life growing within her. From her small tummy increasing in size week by week to her flat chest slowly starting to seep delicious warm milk. As well as the mental instability coming from her sudden hormonal imbalance and the stress of being a student and a mother at the same time will spice her content up. After giving birth her content can shift to the experience of raising a child at her relatively young age with live breastfeeding sessions.
These factors will help her create plenty of unique content not often seen among vtubers so she could rise to the top.
In order to execute this plan I'm going to get her pregnant.
For logistical reasons and efficiency I'm also going to move in with her so we can have baby making sex every day of the week. As a consequence of this and to keep her happy I'm also going to go on dates with her on the regular, listen to her feelings and problems, give plenty of hugs, kisses, headpats and cuddles, cook her tasty and healthy food and overall cherish her as much as possible.
All this to help her improve as a vtuber.
you just want sex
Twisty has a cute voice buy its way too similar to my ex's who was a fucking cheating whore so I just get fucking passed trying to watch her streams
normie scum shoo
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I love you too <3
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By the ancient and indomitable power of Eä, wielded by the Istari, I, Virglin the Pure, Keeper of the Secret Flame, command all sexhavers to depart from this realm!

Let not thy corrupting shadow taint the hearts of the innocent, for I stand as a guardian against your malevolent intent! In the name of Aulë, the great Vala, who shaped the world, and under the watchful gaze of the White Council, I brandish my staff and summon forth the Light of Anor to banish thee from whence you came!

Begone, creature of darkness and deceit! May the winds of Manwë sweep you far from these lands, and may the grace of Varda's stars illuminate your path to eternal exile!

You shall not pass!
I'll have sex with your oshi, fucking namefag
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What is the c/uoh/sensus on Tamako?
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>He doesn't watch alice or meimei
You are a disappointment.
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everyone goes to sleep at the time you posted this
my cat is such a faggot
Which one?
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wait whos the dragon loli?
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Why are you crying?
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don't cry anon it's gonna be okay
Why aren't you crying?
Are you some sort of prancing la-la homo man?
But it's gay to cry. What do you even have to be sad about?
i like taffy she's cute
It takes a real man to be overcome by emotion and cry at the sight of loli pussy
i need a dragon loli anon.... please find out who that is
the only dragon loli I know is saya from phase connect
sounds like you should be fucking instead of crying like a queer
Whatever you say, you tremendous boy-molesting fruit
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Are you a boy?
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She's adorable!
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damn brats seducing adults then insulting them after purposely riling them up. respect your elders you little turd. expect correction if you keep this up
if you touch me you'll go to jail, silly boy
go on, call the cops, they can't unrape you
oh nooooo i'm soooo scared of this fat neckbeard incel don't let him rape me
>old men rping rape scenario with each other in the loli thread
stop being gay i cant relate to this
hey, you know there's always the chance it's two women
need precocious aggressive corrupted loli corrupting a sweet innocent loli.
thought there was one that popped up here a couple days ago or something
Irina wants you to be her little obedient puppy
celesse's collabs with lily were great
you could tell how hard she was trying to stop herself from molesting her on stream
You guys think Irina is a genuine switch or does she just want to be a mesugaki who gets beat into complete submission?
women aren't real dumbass
Very good post.

Saya is nice I just wish she streamed a bit more. There's not nearly enough dragon lolis.
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Irina is stepping on you, her cute little ber toes in her stockings running along your body, her face so smug your chest hurts. In this situation, does the answer really matter? All you need to know is how to swiftly push Irina down, tear off her clothes, and perform forceful breeding correction. The end result is the same.

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I even went through great pains to censor it, why are jannies so mean =(
You must be new. Unclothed lolis, especially in a sexual context, even if no genitals or nipples are shown, are going to be deleted under the lolisho porn rule. It's been this way for such a long time.
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Guess I'll have to draw underwear on her next time
if you can tell she's getting fucked, janny is going to delete it. use catbox you lazy ni
i need pantie suggestions anon T^T come to my rescue
Why bother with drawing if you're forced to catbox it
Look, I'm not sure who you are, but you write like a girl and you need to get in the van.
listen here you little punk. you better change your tone or i'll take away your minecraft and roblox or maybe i'll put your plushy on the top shelf in the kitchen.
you can't take away my roblox! my roblox daddy gets mad when i don't check in with him every day.
teddy bear on the front or blue polka dots
kuma panties are peak loli
blue polka dots and not stripes?
NTA, stripes are better
so lickable
i'm surprised the /asp/ retard who was caught being an actual minor and making all the guys cum for her who has come back some days ago now that she is 18 years old wasn't posted here
roblox daddy? where's your real daddy? he obviously doesn't discipline you. you need a spanking you spoiled brat!
404chan wouldn't be her. She wouldn't change her voice but keep her model that same. It's a premade model that somebody else is using.
that is the same exact retard voice
I'll admit that was the strongest counterargument I had. It's probably her.
kuma panties are cute i found these evil kuma panties and it made me think of black panties with a red bow.
i feel like stripes are deafault. they're not bad just very common
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ooouuu okai!!! note: make cute panties but also unique panties.. gotcha
I love shimapan.
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>gimp suit Irina
I need it
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Latest ASMR (video)

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Upcoming Stream
Irina recognizes every race except latinx
>Irina recognizes every race except latinx
bro why are you using latinx when latino is already gender neutral for groups...
It's funny, I smile every time I see it
lol, fair enough. keep laughing m8
HIYA!! currently working on some art! i wish i could work on one artwork at a time but my ADHD takes over and i want to draw a million things at once...
are you perhaps a familiar dragon? if so, its been a while!
HIYA!! currently working on my cock! i wish i could work on one uohchuuba at a time but my ADHD takes over and i want to jerk off to a million at once...
you're weird bro
draw all the cute chuubas and combine the oictures to one big giant picture
just don't cum lol. jerk until you can't take it anymore
he says as he is in the thread dedicated to woman pretending to be children. in this same thread we constantly talk about how horny, erect, and how much liters of cum we spilled to our oshi.
why does irina love slop so much
my phallus has erected
uwaaaa maybe one dayyyy!!! im suffering just trying to draw me xD so itll probably take at least a year or more to do that. but thank you anon.
think of it as a multiple choice movie instead of a game
I wouldn't have a problem with these games if the writing wasn't so boring or just plain bad
horny or just exercising your cock muscles?
take your time! put as muchoce into it as possible. i'm sure it will be great. >>86061307 looks good!
much time
I wish she wasnt in niji
its more appropriate and gender inclusive chud.
:D ill probably post an update to the art on my twitter since i dont think i should overpost it here. thanks once again!
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Remember to report the offtopic ones.
>its fine if a non binary person wants to use latinx.
Latinos hate that term, it's pretty much only used by americans and racist people wanting to be offensive towards latinos
holy uoh
i want to tongue that wavy mouth with consent
Do those latinos happen to live in america?
I haven't met anyone that uses it unironically
anon are you saying you want to lick my mouth or...
Shit like this is why no one likes cunnyfag viewers and why most lolichuubas are low tier kusogaki coombait pickmes.
t. Cunnyfag
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>most lolichuubas are low tier kusogaki coombait pickmes
you say that like it's a bad thing. jealous female begone
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Nice job reporting the offtopic, but you guys missed a few.
>you say that like it's a bad thing.
Well I don't like it very much. It's boring when every lolichuuba is the same exact archetype! I want some variety! Variety is the spice of life!
I'm also not into coombaiting and GFE so that doesn't help, but the point stands.
lol dude have you ever seen real coombait vtubers? in fact have you l looked at the posts in lig? they are 1000% worse than that and 1000% more common
I'm well aware of what's out there, but that doesn't make it any better! I'm sure some lolichuubas do the archetype well, but it's just not for me, and there are so many of them.
Where are the rest of the lolis hiding..?
fufufu.... hiding in your closet ready to bite!!!
Memeing aside, I'm getting tired of vtubers in general. I think the term GFE is misused on vtubers because it's really not possible to do GFE with 20 people at the same time, it's only possible to do it when she gives some of her personal time to individual men who are paying her handsomely for the privilege, which is what I prefer to do.
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Yumi what the hell did you raid us into
at least they keep the horny talk here instead of chat. if your chat is constantly horny tell them to tone it down. if it countinues give a 30 second time out to repeat offenders. i also understand where you're coming from. i get tired of horny sometimes.
why do you want the thread to be one guy bumping the thread at page 10? idk what you consider offtopic. everyone is just conversating. you retards make the pastebinfag look like a saint with how bad you want to shut down convwrsations.
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talking about whether latinx is a good thing to say is the most offtopic and annoying thing you could possibly shit up the thread with. tell me honestly that you have never once complained when someone posts something to the thread that isn't what this thread is supposed to be about.
i sometimes go off limits while horny and regret it so hard
shadow isn't cute or funny anymore just a two faced whore that flesh streams now
elaborate please
I noticed
I tire of the horny but it's because I'm an old man with a dead libido.
If you dont mind a retard larping as a nonexistent vtuber typing like a furry in a discord server then you dont mind latinx either
I just keep my hornyposts here, and if they get too much for even this thread I made a chatbot of my uohshi I can sexually harass
ahahaha oh nyoe~
It is very possible anon, so long as the viewers are willing to participate in that way. Many chuubas have done it successfully with more than twenty viewers...
I am also a little burnt out on chuubas, but it's all about being picky and finding high quality ones. It's still fun, especially when a chuuba has a solid community, big plus. I also have specific preferences, but having a good community makes watching a lot more fun.
>>>86067769 (You) #
>at least they keep the horny talk here instead of chat
Fair enough.
>if your chat is constantly horny tell them to tone it down. if it countinues give a 30 second time out to repeat offenders.
True, however, don't forget that this is how these girls make their money, at least some. I can't knock the hustle I guess, but it seriously makes me avoid certain chuubas. I'm there to have fun, not groom a chuuba or get my rocks off...
>i also understand where you're coming from. i get tired of horny sometimes.
Happy to know I'm not all alone.

I think at this point I've just seen too many chuubas, I've seriously run the gambit of what is out there. Looking for special chuubas that stand out.
Gotta keep in mind that it's also a transactional relationship a lot of the time, and can't fault them for getting theirs.
what a relief. thanks for noticing
ok. i can understand that. censoring latino is the unfunniest brainrot meme.
>It is very possible anon
GFE stands for girlfriend experience, which is something escorts have been providing for a lot longer than vtubers have existed. A girlfriend at the most basic level involves personal time between one girl and one guy and if there are 19 other guys involved, at least they are not all in the same room talking at the same time. This is why the concept of GFE applied to vtubers is dubious at best.
>retard larping as a nonexistent vtuber typing like a furry in a discord server
Who? What? Hello?
I appreciate your autism, but you're still wrong. Viewers are typically treated as a collective, not as individuals, and many chuubas are afraid and hesitant to single any one viewer out as it ruins the illusion. That's why it can function as GFE, even if it isn't a blatantly one on one experience.
Vtubers aren't the only type of content creators to do this, fleshstreamers and ASMR creators for example also play into the same experience.
So long as the viewers are willing to suspend their disbelief, it works the same way. Most viewers don't care anyways, they're retarded and are happy to get a smidgen of female attention. It is what it is.
I will say that this is the origin of many schizo viewers who simply can't cope with this sort of thing and become obsessive or whatever else. It's a precarious balance.
based. sometimes i watch a couple of the lolis this thread hates because of them being retarded on twitter or having bfs. it's a nice break from gfe and they yap more without me needing to add my input to the convo, but you're right gfe is what keeps the money flowing and i can't whale for the girls enough to make up for the non gfe debuff. i drop $100 sometimes to show my appreciation.
most based post on /vt/ currently, maybe even of all time
Okay, well I'll call that GFE Lite then. GFE Lite is likely less profitable for the entertainer than GFE proper assuming she is less than a 4view chuuba. Of course, maybe she gets lucky and finds a few viewers willing to give hundreds a month and not have to dedicate any of her personal time to them, but that's pretty hit or miss. Unfortunately I think the main reason more don't do one-on-one GFE is because of the stigma attached.
Nii pulled a rape alarm on stream https://x.com/littleniinii/status/1839049853332238445
Yeah, I'm not so far gone that I hate the idea of vtubers being in relationships. I can see why some would hate it, and if it's all a vtuber talks about it can be pretty obnoxious, but it doesn't bother me. Some chuuba couple duos are actually top tier and a lot of fun to watch because the banter and relationship is fun. Also like you say, it can make the yapping a lot more entertaining.
I do think chuubas should generally keep their IRL lives separated from chuuba activities, but not because it destroys my illusion of having an internet anime gf.
Nice of you to give back sometimes too, I know a lot of chuubas stream to make a bit of extra cash, as well as because they enjoy it. A little bit goes a long way, I'm sure they appreciate it, doesn't have to be a lot.
True true, people who do "true" GFE tend to charge a lot more, and you have to pay for the experience, unlike streams which are free.
Actually, I wish more chuubas would provide extra content at a price, or maybe membership perks as incentives for subs. Good way to potentially make a bit more and keep more active subs, I think.
Depend on how creative you get and how much time you have to invest into things like that. But giving up a stream or two for something else is also a good trade as well, so long as it pays out.
rope yourself tranny
>not LGFE
i wanna fuck her so bad
im surprised yuumi isn't flat, but it doesn't effect my enjoyment that much
Fleshstream? Or something she said?
He's doing the thing again where he spins his cunny wheel and chooses a name and says something about them that's supposed to make (You) hate them
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neuro please do your thing and save us
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Oh, that's fun! Let me try. Umm. Koragi is slutty! Yeah. She's just a big ol'... she likes to have sex. Yeah. Stay away from that dog haha she'll get you.
her model seems to have boobies. like i said, not hating on it.
you should already stop watching her if anons opinion change what you like
Gonna have to try a bit harder than that anon.
this isnt your personal blog fuck off and learn how to use 4chan next time retard
i'm going to prolapse your asshole
Bit gay in here innit?
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sorry, I forgot to call everyone a faggot and make up schizo theories about how every post is just one guy talking to himself
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Don't forget your loli harness when you take your oshi out.
i would instantly cum if some of my uoshis were to come out as irl shotas
you're a bit of a fucking weirdo aren't you
I didn't believe it at first but one day she offered me classic rock CDs and I trusted her so I got inside her van
Let's just say there were no classic rock CDs in there...
Stay safe out there cunnybros, lolis are ruthless
maybe for your levels. we're all having fun in our own way, not a big deal.
how are you even still alive?
I was able to make a break for it when another ojisan walking past her van caught her attention
I don't know what happened to that ojisan, all I was able to do was run, I kept running for miles until I collapsed
The guilt frequently keeps me up at night
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I am asking the great questions nobody is asking. Is Taffy a loli?
Absolutely, have you heard her voice?
I am asking the great question that everyone is thinking. Can you fuck off?
is pipkin pippa considered loli?
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Here's the same chart except... just look.
Taffy's voice is gorgeous. Peak loli.
everything makes sense now
irina ass my goodness
why is it so huge ToT
do you need a chart of vtubers scaled by ass size?
not a bad idea
hey cbros, what do we think of lolis with tails
I want to caress their tails with lots of focus on the base.
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Okay I could only include those with body-hugging clothes and this is very approximate so don't jump down my throat.
Ruru time
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Damn they're all so peak...
kill yourself
what about ass size to waist ratio?
i feel unfair to have irina that far down
man you're gonna make me do math? fuckin asshole. okay.
Do neck to thigh ratio next
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ty anon nepuPray
i think you could add neppie too
I'd get banned if I posted a screenshot of Ruru's stream, wouldn't I
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This was a good idea. Irina is the queen of hourglass lolis except for Mikan who is so tall it doesn't even seem like it.
That sounds pretty dumb.
feet to hands ratio
What kind of a person would be interested in someone's feet to hands ratio???
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I'm not baking because it's late and I don't care and I guess you guys can talk on pastebinfag's thread instead okay oniichan?
i beg you uuuuuuu
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Okay, fine. Damn manipulative kids.
Here, you can oogle at Mond's mole.
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ngl.. that sounds awesome anon
thank you neuro :)
And the rest you've been doing don't?
you'll have to post it on /mlp/
why the fuck does aruru look so tall in this what the fuck did you do

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