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>Current stream: 【Post-holoGTA Drawing】Reine's Fast Food Journey in Holos Santos【Pavolia Reine/hololiveID 2nd gen】

>Original songs:
Yummy Yum Yummy: https://cover.lnk.to/mU4WZq
Sip Some Tea: https://youtu.be/D1OOM67IsV4
Illusion Night: https://youtu.be/gREPKQUoD4o
Love Me Love Me: https://youtu.be/MxwV963ZNEU
あの青空のせいだ (Ano Aozora no Sei da): https://youtu.be/dzUfNQaaemk
Gate Open: START!: https://youtu.be/VFpOBazE3rs

>Cover songs:
Salamander: https://youtu.be/U9o4BOeBcJU
Beyond the Way: https://youtu.be/QD3vEctbWGg
KICK BACK: https://youtu.be/7wG3rtD1GP4
-Star Divine- finale: https://youtu.be/75gnquXjQSE
Overdose: https://youtu.be/LdrwHNtz3Zg
Hanamaru Pippi wa Yoiko Dake: https://youtu.be/e2c08JOSGwI
Ai Kotoba IV: https://youtu.be/Ina1fe-sssg
RAD DOGS: https://youtu.be/D8yBNjhgQ0Q
Cynical Night Plan: https://youtu.be/nWP8Wmho188
Beat Eater: https://youtu.be/nbB3KsFRv4U
シンデレラ (Cinderella): https://youtu.be/o6C7-azdU7I
Envy Baby: https://youtu.be/4F9jLdTTuT0
革命デュアリズム (Kakumei Dualism) Side A: https://youtu.be/Dx-_i0RWwNc
愛Dee: https://youtu.be/o_xMgw2j9v8
うっせぇわ (USSEEWA): https://youtu.be/dYvQcVG_dVg
KING: https://youtu.be/LfI8sxSFtuE

>Original songs Reine is in:
HI:STREET TIME: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Jvss8cjpec
Slap by Step: https://youtu.be/cZ4Yex_x6ZQ
Bokura ga kuru kara: https://youtu.be/LpRMpVxJ2nE
HOLOTORI Dance!: https://youtu.be/BcO9bZavHRg
AventureHolic: https://youtu.be/oLp3GDZcBCc
id:entity voices: https://youtu.be/Wp90CrP-s_8

>Covers Reine is in:
Mermaid Festa vol.1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSjn-HmkcKc
Indonesian Folk Music Medley 2024 ver: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjhIMMSolmc
PLAYBOY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gT_KADLkNew
OTONABLUE: https://youtu.be/rLIz-w5cyeU
Kawaikutegomen: https://youtu.be/-abAMimXVOc
Terhebat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaOMF-g1ZWU
Angelic Angel: https://youtu.be/mYYmMht45hg
気分上々: https://youtu.be/s_HsEltY_O0
Bad End Night: https://youtu.be/wFTSE4h4SSs
Bebas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlyRGXUwjVA
ECHO: https://youtu.be/tn9us3WeFgI
Animal: https://youtu.be/KNBdITatp8Y
The Baddest: https://youtu.be/8Jz0hUbu1mw
Fly Me to the Star: https://youtu.be/s0p7jwJKkzs
Indonesian Folk Music Medley: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFQW5S_xH1o
Janji: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ce87eFO2XE4
革命デュアリズム (Kakumei Dualism) Side B: https://youtu.be/euBur-z_lmk
可愛くなりたい (Kawaiku Naritai): https://youtu.be/Hya6rBRCd6Y
Ochame Kinou: https://youtu.be/eJjz3owWnbU


Previous thread: >>85800593
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Feet. For free.
nice gyatt
good feet
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What's happening this week? She said collab Saturday, probably more Answer, and Blood Lily Loop was on the meptember schedule. Saturday collab might be the Themed Call In, but she said she might not do a second one this month. Ame also said some ID members would be at her collab on the 27th, so keep an eye out for that as well. Plus whatever all the ID members were reacting to yesterday
Reine schedule for next week:
Lazy bitch doesn't stream
Reine wants to draw equal lines on Kiara’s body with her tongue
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Blood Lily Loop will be fun and alarmingly gay
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I don't remember about the initial name change, probably got mixed up with AITSF Iris
which stream was she talk about it?
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A shame there's so little ReiRyS art
I'm not sure about the original name (that is new for me) but here's about the oshi mark pick on her debut stream.
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Do you pledge loyalty to Pavolia Reine?

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Another boring short 2/7
Figure out which stream this was
I remember about the oshimark, all i ask is about the time when she tell the name
Last stream before that was https://youtu.be/h4OCDJLO7YU if it's on reine channel
Geez, another ID event? Management love coming up with things for the girls to be busy with.
I can’t tell you what stream it was from, but I definitely remember Reine talking about it. I remember her saying her Mama almost named her Iris, and then there was confusion if she meant Pochi or Peafowl Mama
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A day will come when even Reine will no longer stream.
A day will come when you will no longer be able to recollect what her face looked like.
A day where you forget the sound of her voice, her laughter, her little hums

I wonder how I will feel when the YouTube algorithm sends me a random stream or when I uncover a random trinket decades from now.
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>YouTube algorithm sends me a random stream
Cover won't preserve her channel bitch is too lazy for graduation ceremony. Reine will break NDA on purpose and move on twitch next week
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Reine is being unbearable cute
but why is she :o
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My plan is to be be dead before Reine leaves
>Playboy A
>Playboy B
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Yuri rejections are hardcore
Reine had a friend who dreamed she died and called Reine a bunch to make sure she was ok
>The lily is the flower of purity
>Also the flower of *cough* *cough*
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Oops I missed the typo.
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side note but Pavonashi keep talking about music
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this game is getting Reine in the mood
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oh wow....
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Lily > World
>Reine uses loophole to draw copyrighted character
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Original character creation stream on monday. Not clear if it's drawing or writing. Part of overarching HoloID relay. Presumably there's announcement that day
Big rrat: clever way to introduce new gen. Probably not
It's been a while since I was able to watch so I didn't know Reine was gonna play physical exorcism again.
How's the stream going?
I'll try to watch the vods after she finishes the playthrough
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p 10 mep
Is it going to be another furry?
i hope so
yoooooo weine
great news
>Part of overarching HoloID relay
I thought it was going to be another GG'nRei collab...
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Would you guys let Reine ride your face and pee down your throat for $475?
I'd let her do it for 5
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That's a good deal, I would have paid much more than that
lazy content
u lazy
shut the fuck up, weekend watchalong my fucking beloved
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she's done with the game she played, even did a lil' bit of drawing of the charts and lore explaining/speculation how it's all connected by the end of the stream
we also had the dev watching her and being present in the chat
go watch it now
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the dream
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It's probably a new gen. Only thing I can think of that would surprise them but that they wouldn't be aware of months in advance.
Kiara mentioned they only find out a week or two before the gen gets announced.
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Holoctober my beloved
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mep map
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okay i'll mep
another great short 3/7
>the short is 53 seconds long
>this post was made at 18:00:56
ogey """meppa"""
That's a big tongue
yeah, me
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Reine’s DMs are just GL talk
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AA fags, is Trucy going to actually be a character again soon? She just seems to pop up in the beginning and end of cases, and I actually liked her
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You can hear Reine almost start singing Yummy Yum Yummy here
yummy yum yummy is a banger
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stream beat eater
They need to drop a new Holotori song
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Sorry, I streamed Sing Out instead
rip reine
wow rude, risu
Reine soon
yes yes yes
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>the drawing Ame made for her first birthday
fuck me that's making me tear up already
I remember Reine calling into Ame's first birthday stream. That was a cute first interaction
>morphogenetic field
I was just looking that up..
She sounded so innocent back then
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And Ame calling her back, thanking her for it and telling her Reine was such a hard worker and that she was naked
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lazy bitch doesn't stream
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I'll go back 2 sleep
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Poor Reine
Reine should cancel the frame
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>takes out a gun
tasty pits
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she is so sleepy
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>Anya kills Reine
>Ollie kills Anya
I will accept this FPS
cs_office map? this takes me back
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Reine just murdered Kronii(?) in cold blood, spicy, that'll teach her to steal from her restaurant
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>Reine, what was your defense?
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Holoro keeps killing Reine
oh no
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>plap sound
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Send her off with a smile
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>wow its beautiful
>thanks, you're beautiful
ReImergreen at the end of the world
Lazy bitch doesn't stream
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Hopefully she calls in. If not, thanks for the memories
Reine rape
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I look at Reine's hairpin to see if something is AI and the white flower petal in front almost made me think she used it
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>Illust: Ramax
This illustrator already got caught using AI twice, but I don't see usual clues in Fatal thumbnail. Maybe he just gets better at hiding it
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Sony Media Entertainment hate
My government hate
cute feet
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It's over... Reine is WOKE
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Reine owes me breastmilk
excellent pick
Another boring short 3/7
But on the other hand, short 4/7 is actually quite good
reine soon
get in line Cheebs
I will now proceed to pleasure myself with this fish
good comic
Reine's butt
mep on my butt
파볼리아 레이네의 엉덩이
Wow that's weird
Reine cute
reine love
tasty peafowl milk
She's pretty smart
Very fuckable yes
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She's not gonna call Ame, is she..
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She seemed pretty unaffected in the Garry's Mod stream, so maybe she's going to call in to say goodbye. But they also haven't collabed in over a year, so you know does she even care that much
last thread mep
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This soundpost, but extended
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How do you guys like the merch?
Is neat
the shirt's kinda big and I don't know what to use the big anime girl tote bag for, but the keychain is kickass
I liked the shirt and the bag, and coming with a TCG card made it even better.
Really in it for the cheki though, that's worth the whole set.
Watching Reine and Ame, rare giant overlap
Ina called fat bitch out
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my Ina is making sure my Reine is eating enough protein
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Ina is going to stuff Reine full of her protein
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Reine would never solve Puzzle Master Raora's riddle without us
They never even caught the culprit from last time
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Reine crab
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Shiori and Nerissa should double team Reine
I thought it was Moona at first
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Moona is the culprit, and will be sentenced to kissy gay correction
Sounds like moona to me
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Kiara ratting out Kobo's cream covered mouth
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i meant for puni
Biboo will reignite Reine's maternal instincts
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kek Kronii and Reine make each other funnier
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Ame duel stream drifting to call in
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I'm fucking crying
Reine..I'll miss salted turkey..
>fake cry
Wuh haapun
I think this is only the second time I've seen Reine get teary-eyed, after that mysterious senpai DM.
I think Reine should stop being cute this instant
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>I can be your mom
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>I can be your mom if you want
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>Fairy manic cream girl
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Futaba mention!
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I just noticed the cake
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stay alert
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save the fish

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