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Kaiju Edition

A thread about vtubers growing to gigantic sizes (or shrinking others), and having tons of fun!

Previous: >>85381023
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So, one day I was lurking across the twitch, and accidentally stumbled upon this chuuba:


She is a Kaiju vtuber and she is... HEAVILY into size. Like she streams every day, and every her stream ends with a 3 hour vr session where she gets big, or makes us tiny, and wrecks stuff by sitting or stepping or smothering it, stepping and sitting on the viewers and so on. I am not kidding.

This is the screen from her yesterday VR session. And she is streaming this right now, so check her out, /beeg/.
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Oh sweet, we're back
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Neat find
she is currently doing the rampage thing, makes me diamonds
Cute stuff! Although i'm not sure why she uses the word kaiju when she seams to be just a normal giant with no monstrous element.
Unless "giantess" might be too explicit of a word
On a previous stream she breathed fire
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Ok, that's a bit monstrous
Oh, now she has a tail. I take it back, i see the kaiju part
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AZ have finally finished his giant Kronii video. It's only on patreon, since it has no sound, though: https://youtu.be/3ASlrhxOKE0
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Nice. I hope the full one leaks out soon
>does a bit with sitting ona throne with cammera pov at her feet
>something glitches out with the model
>she resets it, but makes it way fucking bigger
>tries to sit again, on now tiny thron
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The best part starts now, she moved into a destructable map.
Good stuff
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Aaand the stream ended. She does that every day. She is more into size than we are.

Rate it, if you watched. Also, during yesterday stream, there was a pretty juicy rampage as well, at 05:22:00 mark: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2260533726
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She does 6 hour long streams every day?
yeah, three hours of gaming, three hours of VR
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Yeah, I hope someone will post it. This Kronii animation looks very high quality.
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Hello /beeg/ I see we are back
>beegest Twitch streamer
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every sub makes her grow 1cm
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Nice, we're back.
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Post Ame
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You guys are back!
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Like we said we would.

What's your outlook on the "break" experiment. Was it long enough?
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Judging by the thread's speed I think it was a good idea. They'll probably get quicker later in the day and during the weekend. And if the thread goes by too quickly, you can make the thread a "weekend" thing, like, do as many /beeg/ threads as you want during friday+weekend, but after that wait for the next week to post more. It's just my opinion though, you guys are free to do whatever! You've been here for a long time after all, there's clearly a demand for this kind of threads.
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Giant brats
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Official Vtuber height power ranking:
Miilkywayz measured in lightyears (at least over 9,5 trillion km)
Darknesss La + max height 12 billion km
Sana 1,697,840 km
Hime Hajime 26,5km
Nyanners 1,6 km
Vexoria 914m
Korone 156 m
Jira Jisaki 143 m
Elira Pendora (dragon) 14,32 m
Kiryu Coco (dragon) 7m
BasedaPoya 6m
Spite 274 cm
Nihume 248 cm
Juna Unagl 213 cm
Buffpup (werewolf) 205 cm
Makina Erina 190 cm
Kson 189 cm
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...need correction!!
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It was great when she lined up the Jupiters in the background to show how much bigger than Earth her own body is.
Sana love.
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Is /beeg/ just closet /nasa/?
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Maybe that handplay anon was onto something

/nasa/ stopped being a size thread after the first month.
fuck, i wanna see the full thing
Not really. This is mostly for whatever Kiara said about Big idols and other friends that want to share giant Vtubers (size wise).
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/nasa/ oldfag here. Yes
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Good to see /beeg/ back. I'll try to finish this story during this thread
based, give me more
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>/vp/ and /vt/ have threads up at the same time
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I miss /nasa/..... I miss Sana.... UUUUUU
Actually, on this note, any Sana-related size requests?
Always love to see some foot stuff with the Astrogirl
How about we do a crossover >>86209749 and have giant Sana and Iono (the vtuber gym leader) posing to a photo together while standing among tiny buildings?
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management are cowards for not indulging kiara's size idea
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If you look real close, there's a person next to Pekora's foot, indicating the tiny girls are actually giants
this also implies that pekora is trying to protect the lil guy
thats cute
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The world needs more giant ENF chuubas. Which one's would be the best for it? Which ones would be the exact opposite?
Handplay is underrated
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i wish sana did more voice packs. The end of the world scenario would’ve been good for her- she takes off her limiter or something and decides to take you, a teeny little human along with her so that humanity can live or something

think she just did the starting voice though, what a shame
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She streams VR rampage now! Check her out: https://www.twitch.tv/smoctane
Maybe an AI voice changer can help?
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Yeah I can see the appeal
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>small breasts

in what fucking world those are "small"???
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In a world where space-time continuum is administered by this
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why almost no one here talks or shares their fantasies? just silently posting images and thats all
Idk. Why won't you tell us your fantasy?
>Ame and Sana
Why do the most size baity Holo ENs disappear the fasters
Because my fantasies are boring and consist primarily of Hologirls growing big and cosplaying Nancy Archer to do gentle stuff, and nobody wants to hear that.
I thought that would be too little, but that's lime 200 meters now
Which Hologirls?
You guys ever saw this one?

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I didn't expect to find a new reaction image in there kek
Weird how noone ever mentions her despite her being on top of the size chart.
I guess it never comes up on streams
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She does like being bigger and will sometimes put chats mascot on her tits but that's about it.
God I wish that were me
kek saved
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Is Pekomama better than Pekora?
Post more to help me decide
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Giant Holotori girls in bedsheet bikinis make brain go speed.
Nerissa included.
Is she new or have we just missed her until now?
Ok, sex with giant pekomama
>Moom gets to be shoved up giantess Bae's ass
it should have been me
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whos the little guy
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that's a big shark
i think she was streaming for two years already
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Which vtubers make good tinies?
i want to live in mumei's pocket
shes a cute owl
She has pockets?
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i wanna be a foot toy to Sana and/or Bijou and/or Gigi and/or Kobo and/or Pekora
>that one scenario you want to writefag/drawfag but don't got the ability to pull it off at this time
What is it, Anon?
>Trans with a voice changer
Literally every sizetuber besides basedapoya
if this is a voicechanger, it is a pretty fucking good voicechanger if you ask me
how can you tell it's a >she, not she?
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same anon as >>86308553 , would love a comic going into detail about the scenario i already mentioned
prolly not but could probably live in her hood or something
Doubt it's a voicechanger. The earliest clips on the channel are from 2022 and a couple have voice in them and I don't think we had super good AI voice changers at the time. Though at the same time it's kinda strange how many clips on the channel over 2 years don't have her saying a thing on them.

So I don't know. Don't care. Could just be good at pitching up her voice, but I doubt it's a voice changer. At least it hasn't always been.
azmaybe9 if youre in this thread please release your kronii video i need time warden sizekino
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it has no sound still, he will release it publically when he adds sound to it

also Mori was in the poll for the next size video, I wonder if she won
I'd be making endless Council stuff if i was good at drawing
Why not?
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because big chuubas make my heart go doki doki
An anon from /vtai/ genned some cosmic Ame >>86279679
>Ame leaves to join Sana in being a cosmic entity
>kronii learns how to change and immediately becomes huge
Go on
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It's already canon that she can change her size
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Now if only she actually used it
The kaiju rampages again: https://www.twitch.tv/smoctane
I usually don't watch size stuff with sound, but i kinda wish she said something during this
nah, voiced size stuff gets old pretty fast, just endless "you like that little man" type stuff on repeat
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True, but you can't always mute cringe sound, you can't unmut silance

She does speak when answering to the chat, this stream kinda less frequent tho, for some reason. She talks much more during the gaming part of her stream, obviously
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idk, its just what happened in this stream
Which stream?
End of Ame's charity stream. For some reason Kronii kept making her model way bigger than everyone else's. It was just the chibi one, though.
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>It was just the chibi one
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I admit I've scoured these threads since they ever started. I am an IRyStocrat after all!

As for Kronii vid, yup it needs sound to be finished and released.
I've got a backlog to work through with a new sound editor to help me out though.

Let me tell you, running a Patreon requires CONSISTENCY. That's what people cherish the most. Consistent new content.
So I've been focused on my web series and the next Patreon vid each month with lots of progress, but I've barely found time for much else.

As for the Poll. I worked so hard on Kronii I'm still sorta chilling and keep forgetting to post the result. But I'll let this picture be a hint of who won the poll!
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Nice to see you here.
Did you come over for /beeg/ or were in the old unnamed threads too?
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big mooner (and friend)
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>moon larger than Earth
Imagin the high/low tide
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Cool stuff, must feel great to monetize your fetish.
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Wake up /beeg/ new giantess asmr dropped
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God I love her
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Vtubers gravitate to Tera size more than any other group.
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I feel like this thread might not survive the night, so i guess see you next Friday!
>Fauna saying "Oops, oops!" as her enormous ass demolishes another building
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This is almost a stealth /feet/ thread
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Strategic "c" removal?
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Only like 1/5 images itt even has feet
It's bacially a Hologra episode
>Gura drinks a ton of deep sea wawter to trigger deep sea gigantism.
>Of course it works and she's gigantic.
>She destroying the city because of her bonebrain and everyone tries to stop her.
>Same bone brain antics dispatches them all, until her ultimate weaopn "You can't be made at me, I'm cute!"
Literally shaking right now, Nerissa would NEVER
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I really enjoy the bits of IRyS size content you've made so far. She doesn't seem to get a whole lot and of all the size content she has gotten so far, yours is probably the best. Any plans of making more for her?
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Does anybody have a source on this one? I remember there was a sequel to it.
wew I expected ear rape, but I like her whisper stuff so I enjoyed listening to it nonetheless
>rare Ina giantess
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Watch the featured clips from months ago. It's a troon or someone else took over the channel.
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There's only 2 featured clips on the channel and in both of them she's in a call with multiple people. Their fugis are at the bottom of the screen and light up whenever you hear a voice.
Okay. My mistake. I don't play multiplayer fps shit. I only saw the model's mouth moving while hearing an effeminate male voice.
I thought her tail was a fart cloud in the thumbnail.
It's asmr
the explosions from her last giantess ASMR added to the experience, oddly enough
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Don't know the source, but here's the part 2
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After the thread dies we'll just make one next Friday
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233 KB PNG
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248 KB JPG
Fuck, now i see it too

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