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Previous: >>86178370
Reminder that Fauna said nobody from holoEN is a millionaire.
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

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Based Pebble
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The world outside the garden is a garbage bin lmao.
Kronii only took about a year before showing her true colors, but this girl strung her fans along for 3 fucking years.
Stuff like this is just sad to watch.
So are brats really ok with Bae spending hours learning homo dances probably directly from the homos?
>which indies are getting richer than holos?
All the big liggers are richer than the Holos
New holo dance queen in less than 24 hours
mr advertiser san dont look
really? I highly doubt that, worst case is that all of them are bad at financial management so they could have been millionaires.
Bae's body goes hard.
She could Absolutely grind your dick off.
These dumb girls don't know how to invest
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tactical genius, based
Filian debunked you.
>probably directly from the homos
1/2 the ads on vt are just porn nowadays anyway.
One even has clear nipples.
Tbf Filian is retarded
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>3 fucking years
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>the nijivermin is still trying
Did she ever say that she's good at dancing?
new pekora stream game soon
Yes? Shes been doing it for forever, brats dont care
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Very good post, Pebble. You're one of the good ones.
Filian was just being nice and didn't want to be brigaded by seething chumbuds.
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>everything outside the garden is imploding
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Anon, it's when things get better that retarded women start to have "ideas" about themselves and their capabilities. Best example being this bitch.
>holokeks actually believe this
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The bois HYPE was real
bibutthole ToT
Their 4th and 5th gen a were complete flops iirc
Maybe their management gave up, Nene is the only reason that company is alive anyways
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i thought it was soda for a second
indeed you are
Also that one homo
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I can only agree if we talk about EN. Liggers like IM that have that many subs are making several millions a year. But bigger JP holomems receive a support from their fans that's unbelievable. Not even considering the sponsorships, I can't even fathom the price of an adv shilled to the hololive fans
guy has been a box fan for that long, so his box is crumbling in front of his eyes.
No? She left because she literally thought she could do better outside of the company.
It's the exact opposite of that
Liggers can't just accept a small shark reigns over every single one of their whores.
>Liggers like IM
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kill yourself mr fluffy
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I'm gonna say it..
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WAIT .... is this something new or I missed the announcement?
Filian is probably on the lower end of the Holo scale, making more than IDs and idk someone like Shiori but less than mid and upper tier Holos. Ironmouse is probably roughly a mid-tier Holo.
lol faggot
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has this image ever been posted in response to something that was actually positive for the fans or talents? I feel like it's exclusively posted by holoantis when Cover does something retarded.
history has proven this to be true, vermin
God imagining her doing these moves with Astel is getting me all hot and bothered
>talent freedom
>porn star sex
>good superchat numbers for the year after leaving (theyre really really grim these days)
yeah she won
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What do?
Latechama... Sora will announce HoloKR there
?? She literally wasn't allowed to interact with outside branches or get any sponsors till she announced her retirement internally.
There was no immediate future for her there and it opened up more sponsor opportunities for Hololive as son as she left.
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hey hey boy
It IS a joke, but it puts the fear of god in the minds of people watching this shit y'know?
Thinking that if they told a lie for a joke their oshi might actually beleb it and put it out in front of a crowd of thousands of people unironically.
And if it's a malicious lie it could completely ruin your life forever.
It's just a reminder from them to keep shitposts contained to /here/ and to not put them on public spaces.
>no ENslop
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what did she even mean by this?
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>talent freedom
Ironmouse isn't a ligger, and her sub count is only high for 1 month then they all drop off and she goes back to like 12k or whatever. Which is great, but not incomparable to mid-tier Holos.
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>ReGLOSS 3D Live Reach the Top 2024.09.28 SAT 8 PM JST
>1st Album "ReGLOSS"
>Feeling Gradation *new*

>セプテンバーさん / September-san (cover) *new*
>快晴 / Kaisei (cover)
>青と夏 / Ao To Natsu (cover)
>青のすみか / Ao no Sumika (cover)
>Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (cover)
>奏 / Kanade (cover)
>My Dearest (cover)
>名前のない怪物 / Namae No Nai Kaibutsu (cover)

>Shunkan Heartbeat Otonose Kanade SOLO ver.
>カバー曲 / Cover Songs
>歌まとめ / All Songs
I wouldn't say everything. But it's definitely rough out there.
Imagine yourself doing those moves in Astel then.
12k is more than any holoEN will ever have. Even the nostream shark is sub-10k
I am
Milk her like a cow. Orca milk is good
>talent freedom
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She's free to support the political ideologies of her fellow vshojo members, yes.
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The last stand of a SEAmurai
And she did it at a time when the harassment was dying down, YT had put up anti-harassment features like timeouts, members only chat features and sub only chat with a timer just for HER, and EN branch was finally breaking free from Omega's retarded collab ban with her.
Whether she could've succeeded in the new hololive or not is not the question, but things WERE unironically getting better for her at least in terms of harassment handling. Which is when she decided to leave it all behind.
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Kawaii anons doing well.
Why does she have baby cheeks?
Looks uncanny.
She's free to stfu and have management make her delete all her tweet yes
I miss Vesper.
What's the average ligger sub count? 12k? If that's it they aren't winning for sure
yeah, thank god this gen0 collab doesnt have ENs(?)
She only got to collab with EN *after* she announced her graduation, that had to be annoying.
>graduation buff + elden ring buff + multiple raids
>barely beating one of King's most debuffed streams in recent years
This isn't the win you think it is.
>Which is when she decided to leave it all behind.
This is only the case if you believe that she the time she announced her graduation is when she internally told people she was going to graduate.
Look at all the examples we have, all the talents that graduated were talking to the company about months in advance of the announcement of the graduation
Retard chama....
>graduation buff
literally never happened holofag
>larping women unironically think this
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Are you confusing subs and followers? Subs are like Youtube memberships, 12k would be absurdly high for most liggers. I don't even know if Fillian has that. /lig/ goes all the way down to 500 CCV vtuvers so it's a huge range but there's many more at 500-1k than there are people above 2k (about 10 vtubers outside vshojo can hit that on twitch).
Your eyesight reps, mongoloid!
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yes. she is in the middle of her graduation tour. that stream would be sub-5k without that.
Anon by the timeline she announced it internally in March or April, but by December-January the new YT features had completely killed most of the harassment.
Things WERE getting better for her, the company was even influencing YT features to be made just for her.
>she is in the middle of her graduation tour
proof ?
>concedes Shitzuha keeps losing to EN
>one of king's most debuffed stream in years
you said this when he was mogged by biboo and godPero too
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Yeah I never saw it too
Btw does anyone remember this nigga? I unironically forgot he exists until I went through old folders kek
Do you have a resolution not for ants?
>by the timeline she announced it internally in March or April
You literally don't know WHEN she announced it internally. You're making wild guesses and assumptions.
The fact is since at least early to mid 2023 HoloEN management is absurdly better than it was when things were "bad".
This is more than a full year now at this point.
The comparison with Coco is apples to oranges, it makes no fucking sense.
I brain farted, I forgot what liggers base floor was. I was referring to only to the complete top of the indie scene (the only one that could actually try to compete with holoEN mems earnings)
I dont think holodex has an "affiliation" tag anon
I checked in on them, it looks grim, they're getting a lot of drive-by shitposts but there is genuine despair. It's truly bizarre that Kawaii ended up like this.
Wait who the fuck is that I thought Ollie latched onto astel and went menhera over him ghosting
Is that an uproar member you have to admit it if so that's cheating
That's dev tagging.
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ultra VCR buffed btw
Ok well lets put it this way, Ironmouse outside of subathon has about 12-13k, and she's #1. Everything else scales down from there.
yeah it's this nigga
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I think their numbers have been sliding, but collabing with globie 2view males isn't exactly going to fix that.
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>Orca milk is good
How manye EN have confirmed POVs for the Ame Valve games?
What will the cope be when Amelia's graduation stream peaks lower than Pomu's?
>oshi is hardworking but tiny growth
>algo jesus smiles upon her and she starts getting good growth
>instead of grinding she immediately goes on break
>growth evaporates
>comes back from break and starts sadposting about noombers

Wtf are women like this?
I don't want to see my oshi cry again bros...
Including the boys?
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That doesn't sound like anyone in hololive though?
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What will the cope be when Enna's graduation stream peaks lower than Pomu's?
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Don't worry, i'm sure at least one of them will overlap the graduation stream itself.
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A 5k ligger like Vei can have less than 1k subs, it depends on the content you bring on stream more than who you are, even more than youtube memberships. If you bring a lot of marathons or stream a lot you tend to have more subs otherwise your "fans" go elsewhere to use their prime.
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>Give westernized woman infinite money
>Ends up with infinite expenses
Face it, there is no reason for Ame to do a CS2 collab if she isn't inviting Bettel and Altare
>starts vague posting like a woman
>Wtf are women like this?
post tits
The latest gen is kinda shit so shitposters are using them to shit on everything that came before.
EN was a mistake
I don't know much about them but I think 12k subs alone aren't enough to beat the average hologirl. iirc their cut is 70% (I don't know if any ligger achieved a special contract like other big streamers) and with some quick math knowing subs prices I don't think that would be enough. But calculating how much a hologirl makes is harder since we have to include way more factors in so idrk
Shes not usually at those numbers tho, her average is 4-5k

But I see your point
Tell her to man the fuck up
It's like no one in small corpo vtubing asks
>who is this for?
You'd think an actual company with actual management would have some kind of branding in mind. Why agree to this? Who could it possibly benefit?
>JP clipper premiering his HoloGTA supercut
>JShay releasing his 2-hours drama
>Vtuberbits with constant 45 minutes long clips
Is this the new clipper meta?
Iirc he’s like Uyu where he only does shit that he likes any doesn’t care much for his fans
>has 2.4k ccv 1 hour in
Hololive I kneel. Even clippers get bigger numbers than the average vtuber
the fauna method
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>>JP clipper premiering his HoloGTA supercut
>>JShay releasing his 2-hours drama
>>Vtuberbits with constant 45 minutes long clips
>Is this the new clipper meta?
Fucking hopefully, Quality > Quantity always. These niggas are actually doing translations, with 20+ min clips you actually need to know Japanese. Only one missing is the legend Michael, last thing was the 10 min GTA clip, hope he's cooking something bigger
More like the corpo gave up and just lets their talents kill themselves with bad decisions. In kawaii’s case they finally started inclining with their gen 3 and then they all quit or got fired. They never recovered from that and then their 4th and 5th gen were not doing GFE like the first two gen so it created a divide.
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It's the dude from the JP subway
I don't get what retards think they are doing by constantly raiding and shitting up holothreads
This is 4chan you nig you won't kill my enjoyement by shitposting
>Our viewers are leaving, what should we do?
>Well, I guess we could think about what the fans watch our content for and invest in making more of that
>OR we could shit on the remaining fans and hope it creates a big enough shitstorm for dramafags to start circling!
When did she say this?
Suisei groomed her
Why are we pretending to give a fuck about shitter corpos?
some dude really wants to make a point about his oshi's former corpo
JP7 in 4 years confirmed
Kawaii was the last bastion of CGDCT in the west when holoEN started chasing cocks. It's crazy to see them in a collab with the same fucking holostars half their fans went there to escape.
We talk about holoEN all the time
Nothing else going on.
I thought Nene ruled kawaii with an iron fist?
The dude in question
>small corpo nigger
>constant holoEN seethe
many such cases
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Funi number when male collab
It changes depending on what angle he is going for.
no, I'm the guy replying to him. I remember them because I was shopping for an alternative back then.
I always just assumed she owned it
I wish there was a # thread for hololive only
been playing the demo for the new Atlus game, it's going to be good shit
You’re probably just falseflagging and shitposting but if you’re not, you got baited like a retard. Never depend on small corps or indies for CGDCT, their economic position is so fucking precarious that they can and inevitably will rug pull you. This is an iron law.
I'll never understand that "worm"
>beat the "waiting room" cull
>drops and stagnates
>rises again, as steep as before
>stagnates again
lol nigger seethe
Can't wait to see how Brave cleans up the trash a year from now.
>1k people dying watching the streams all at once
>5k people wake up all at once
it's that simple
>Okayu: So if Shiina went around (NijiGTA) in clothing like mine (revealing panties) what would happen?
>Shiina: The other livers would definitely be taken aback and tell me to stop, there'd even be complaints.
>their economic position is so fucking precarious that they can and inevitably will rug pull you
I'm not getting the implication here. When they start making less money they will say "fuck it" and finish incinerating the rest of the audience?
That's good to hear. I haven't seen anything about it yet, but is it more SMTIV/V or P5 in terms of combat?
nijitrannies live like this....
Wtf bros I thought Nijisanji is more free?
You can't count on big corpos either. They're secure enough that they can rugpull their fans without worrying about the lost profits.
That's part of what I was saying earlier today
>what a girl can do in a "slumber party" is not what she can do in a mixer
Yeah its like SMTV to me
can't have shit in niji
Nijifan would see their liver doing the most banger thing ever and tell them to never do that again, literally no fun allowed
I'm not playing trannyslation
Holomyth first streamed 9/12/2020. That's about four years. At least one of them would need to earn more than $250,000 after-taxes. "More than" because of personal expenses. Converting USD to yen using today's rate, we get about 36 million yen.
Using last fiscal year's report for nice "annual" numbers to use: >https://contents.xj-storage.jp/xcontents/AS05169/6f83629b/c529/4e98/bcd5/a72ee44bcd82/20240513134452391s.pdf

Fiscal Year - Total Annual Performer Remuneration (yen) - Avg Number of Vtubers during Fiscal Year - Remuneration received by the hypothetical average Vtuber under Cover Corp
FY2021/3 - 1,941MM - 47.75 - 40.65MM
FY2022/3 - 3,541MM - 59.75 - 59.26MM
FY2023/3 - 4,383MM - 71.25 - 61.53MM
FY2023/3 - 4,718MM - 82.00 - 57.54MM
>Remuneration received by the hypothetical average Vtuber under Cover Corp
The 40.65MM, 59.26MM, 61.53MM, 57.54MM numbers are estimates for performer remuneration if all talents were paid the same. Assuming no personal expenses, the hypothetical "average talent" would be a millionaire since each year this "average talent" would have earned more than 36MM yen. DON'T BE A MORON, the talents are not all paid the same. There are at least two things to consider. These amounts are before-tax and the top 20 talents represented about 42% of revenue earned by Cover Corp (pg 34).
>Additional disclaimers
The 36MM line doesn't really work because of how the yen has weakened since 2020. FY2021/3 would have started April 2020. The exchange rate than would have have been 108yen to 1 USD. So that 40.65MM would be around 375k USD.
HoloEN technically started earning revenue starting FY2021/3 Q3.
>Reasons why not "millionaire"?
- people have a habit of excluding property, assets, investments, etc. People usually just count the most liquid of funds and miss a bunch of stuff
- projects (especially those lost forever in the void or using 3D stuff)
- lifestyle inflation
- fucking up taxes and owing extra
- spending money on family (to pay them back)/family sucking money from them :(
- don't want to look at money or someone else manages their money
>No millionaires in EN
It's possible, but personally doubt it.
Seems people forgot just how fucking hard small corpos and indies tried with the whole TRUE GFE angle during the grim 2022 era of HoloEN
Who could have seen coming that this type of leeches and grifters would turn out to be shit stains
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Fauna earning go to dabois
They used to do it until youtube fucked up.
then play it in Japanese
Pekora really love resource management game lol
It's just panties...
I'm just searching for a place to rant so doing it here.
Project Sekai IS literally what HoloEarth should have been.
It's a rhythm game utilizing both Covers and Originals, and it also has gacha for different variation of scenario and outfits.
It even has its own Virtual Space albeit small where you can interact with other players and its own Virtual Stage for concerts.
And today it's announced that they're getting an Animal Crossing-like update soon where players can build their own island and decorate it with items exchangeable with ingame currencies and/or paid currency.
While HoloEarth is still stuck in development hell without any clear roadmap and Cover keeps on hiring more people to work on it adding on their monthly expenses which led to overworking the girls.
Like goddamn it Cover why the fuck are you so stupid?
>clip about vtuber reacting to clip
Matsuri tweet way too much, she need to stay quiet
Lol no, they better fix it
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Why does Suichan like em young?
that makes me curious about NijiGTA. Can someone link fanart for it?
I don’t remember fauna ever claiming that no ens were millionaires. The claim is so silly that I just ignored that post. Gura and Mori not being a millionaire net worth by this point would almost take a miracle
I don't know why they simply don't do a gacha game it's like they fucking hate money
And imagine all the holo mama who would be willing to draw for it
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We've had a lot of discussions here about how the typical male-female dynamic seen IRL is flipped in VTubing, i.e. women being entertaining content creators, men being dogshit at it and becoming leeches and sex pests, 4chan becoming feminists, incels pushing for inclusion of males etc.

Pic rel made me think about how the typical way of communication that women use gets reflected on them in this hobby.
There's a lot of instances irl where women do "indirect" communication, indicating to you that something is wrong without ever saying it.
This feels like a mirror of that behavior but from the audience.
Everyone in chat going "oh no, you're fine, please go and collab with whoever you want" meanwhile almost all of her viewers (most of whom are silently watching things play out) are shitposting behind her back and preparing to unsub and leave if she goes through with it.
It's pretty funny to witness women being on the wrong end of "you don't get it" for once.
Nobody calls people that have made a million dollars in four years millionaires
>TCG card shop
>Pekora keep spraying deodorant at customer
What the FUCK did she mean by this?
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Pekora spraying smelly, sweaty ass GAIJINS will never not be funny kek
Why the fuck are people responding to this seriously? She never fucking said it.
So it's true like what that anon said last night, about nijigta restricted them like a real life shit.
I think they suffered from the discourse at the time being about GFE/cucking/goslings. If you hire talents to sell GFE you're going to attract grifters and they're all going to be in competition with each other for paypigs. . If EN fans had started talking about CGDCT right away they might have had a better chance of making it. There were enough cute and talented women out there for a hololite project and the market was hungry for it.
Ah well, it seems like its already too late? You're supposed to make your issues important while they can be fixed although its unlikely you were going to buy the game either way..
> Sokuhou's Part 2 is finally out
Holy fuck FINALLY, JShay missed so many of the POVs and little moments in his hasty-ass clip and focused too much on the drug running instead of the relationship drama.
> 1:22 hours
welp that's the rest of my morning down the drain
They’ll run out of VC eventually I guess
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just poach some of the people working on Project Sekai, EZ PZ
based. they need to stop releasing japanese games in the w*st already.
Any other Nijis talked about holoGTA?
Samefagging I assume. When the heck would Fauna have ever commented on her branch mates net worth kek, I mean honestly how would she even know besides Mumei (they have to file jointly)
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>The other livers would definitely be taken aback and tell me to stop, there'd even be complaints.
To be fair, they almost certainly deserve it.
>buying tranny slop
Piratechad is the way
Bros I fucking doubt any of these girls even know how to calculate their own net worth, let alone commenting on other's. Not even this thread actually know how to do it
vshitshownigs and liggers mad at the implication that gura is richer than all of their twitch cunts pulled together
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this is because the existence of males on the server turn the women into scheming snakes in competition with each other
Mousey has earned more money this month alone than the shark has "earned" in the past year.
why would they risk getting suspended?
For streamers of that size, that is genuinely a sad amount of money to have made after all that time.
You seem obsessed
you know that gura printed about 2.5 millions dollars out of a shitty city collab where all she did was record some lines
gura's merch sales alone are worth 10 times your twitch cunt roru
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>Not an idol company
>Less 炎上
Yagoo said holoEN hasn't produced a return on investment after 4 years for a reason.
>At least one of them would need to earn more than $250,000 after-taxes.
Huh an EN avchuuba earns about 190k after taxes (not including twitch, fansly subs or income from the lovense streams)
I am jerking off to a soon to be millionaire
>Anon when he find out it's not that easy to make a million dollar
Imagine lying when it was about cover us
nijitranny are so upity it's kind of cute in a very sad sort of way
The Niji Baba would get jealous
It’s not easy to calculate net worth. My net worth tracker app is connected to like 4 different retirement accounts from two jobs, an HSA, two taxable brokerages, and a checking and HYSA (actually a money market if we’re splitting hairs, that fed interest rate was delicious this summer). And my finances are assuredly simple compared to an high revenue independent contractor like a Holo.
Do you believe the talents get 100% of sales? Especially for something they've put minimal effort into as you just said. Do you think they work in a fairy tale land?
Im just gonna repost.
Obsessed with killing trannies, yes
>>86188120 (me)
Not mine
>smelly, sweaty ass GAIJINS
she not wrong I haven't shower in a week
I think you're kind of a retarded nigger even if the company would take 80% of that city collab (and i'm being very fucking pessimistic here) it's still a shitload of fucking money over some fucking lines
Does ironmouse even do big merch runs or collabs? When was her last merch thing? All I remember was that grotesque fucked up dakimakura.
Holomyth especially Gura has some sort of new merch run literally every month kek
Nips are obsessed with smell in doujins, its a good thing to stink
Do you believe Mouse gets the 100% of her subs? Especially since Twich cut is a thing. Do you think they work in a fairy tale land?
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Yes. She already has a nendoroid and she's getting a special Pop Up Parade soon. That's more than Fauna will ever have.
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>Fauna playing TF2
What fucking timeline am I in bro
The bad one.
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>Ironmouse is rich
Daily reminder Irornmouse nendo didn't even appear on the best-selling panel in Good Smile.
I want to have sex with Shion before she gets too old
3 Myth, 2 Promise, 2 Advent, 4 Justice
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Ironmouse Brand is worth more then the shark so her sponers payout is higer
she is already too old
Try again numberGOD
Shit 3(4) Advent I'm dumb as fuck.
Talented artists don't want to work with her.
Just a little more for highlander mode... We need gen5 pronto
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>09/26 TALLY (1.000 - 4.999)
4.858: Shiori (Hololive) | Just Studying
4.762: Cecilia (Hololive) | The Pathless
4.533: Dokibird (Indie) | TCG Card Shop Simulator
3.905: Elizabeth (Hololive) | Undertale
3.550: Tenma (Phase-Connect) | Variety Stream
3.503: Pippa (Phase-Connect) | Variety Collab w/ Lia, Shiina
2.830: Tenma (Phase-Connect) | Lockdown Protocol Collab
2.647: Kronii (Hololive) | Original Song Release After Party
1.630: Luca (Nijisanji) | Voice Mimicry Show
1.610: Uruka (Phase-Connect) | Violin Karaoke Stream
1.326: Bettel (Holostars) | House Flipper 2
1.322: Scarle (Nijisanji) | Handcam Stream
1.299: Rin | Variety Stream
1.250: Vox (Nijisanji) | Old School RuneScape
1.185: Uki (Nijisanji) | Just Chatting
1.171: Axel (Holostars) | Unarchived Karaoke Stream
Based. Death to Myth.
t. Promisechad
hey anon that cost $100k!
kek although it feels a little silly to dunk on ironmouse because the nigga in here that tries to use her isn't an actual fan of hers
kinda sad paying to get your own figure when thre isn't anybody to buy your shit
I hope they're playing on a private server, unless they want to get killed by a guy with a scattergun named "nigger hater 1488". For some reason like 50% of tf2 players are nazi furries
It's definitely telling that gangfags were complaining the cops didn't practice during holoGTA while the cops were getting really involved with mediating with the civilians, getting scammed, using their power to bully independent journalism and just generally feeling like a part of the city. While the gang felt like they only showed up for the heist climaxes and had no "story" presence otherwise.
>SEPTEMBER 21-30 EN ULTRA COPE POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 3pts, silver = 2pts, bronze = 1pt)
215p: Dokibird
211p: Mint
204p: Shu
204p: Uruka
203p: Calli
203p: Shiina
200p: Meloco
200p: Airi
200p: Kiara
200p: Altare
I love how everyone lets out a collective sigh when Mousey shows up on the screen of that fleshy award thing.
what's the point of joining a corpo if they can't assist you in a big project such as this?
>file name
>"sponers" and "higer"
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>Ironmouse Brand
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Huh nice clip, thanks.
Some other highlights -
> Mechanic is so fun.. - Shiina
> So many different people came and had fun there. - Shiina
> Shiina-san was in cafe, so how was that job like? - Okayu
> It was interesting and fun, but there weren't that many there. - Shiina
> You mean there weren't that many people logging in? - Okayu
> No it was more like we were doing the cafe as a side business and the main thing was gang stuff - Shiina
> I found people who was using emotes for kissing and bedding each other there - Okayu
> It wasn't really that different from what we were doing y'know? - Okayu
> The ambulance squad was working hard even while being understaffed, they didn't have the time to mess around like that - Shiina
> I was thinking, the medic squad is a lot more independant compared to police right? So I was thinking of doing something like "if you want to be saved, put the hentai sticker" or something like that - Okayu
> Yeah there's no one that would do that *laughs* - Shiina
> Ehhhh?! - Okayu
> It has to be immediate help - Shiina
> I'm glad you were in mechanic team, the police and medics are all required and we might meet each other a lot *laughs* - Shiina
It's also hilarious to watch Okayu being all smooth and Shiina's L2D lagging like hell.
Okayu also admitted to watching Ibrahim's mechanic POV to learn how the Head Mechanic works.
They'll definitely be a on a private server.
Ummmmmm, ackchewally, Vshojo is NOT corpo.
no morpi?
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Vshojo isn't a company, it's err, something something loose collective of talents and computer genius hackers. They coded a new discord in like 2 hours when it was down (???)
kek it's been 6 years since I've opened TF2. Good autistic time
> there'd even be complaints.
I could not beleb this and checked the clip
> she actually said 苦情
holy fuck man this company is such garbage
Every single game is a private game.
This shit's at 5AM JST, too early.
all her "fans" are ironic weebs, theyre not buying shit
Dude, you gotta play Scream Fortress this year. The seasonal zombie game mode they put in last year is so much fun.
So what, people request for it and just don't buy it? Is that it?
Vshojo is a fluidgender corpo, they can be a corpo and an indies depending on their mood of the day.
biboo is in, advent member = no males
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>one-on-one with Ina and Gura because they're ocean creatures
oceanic sex
Hey, Ina is a perfectly normal human, I have no idea where this slander came from!
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I'll go to bat for Nijisanji here and say this is NOT because of their retarded company internal dynamics
>which is already bad enough, granted
but because of the different dynamics between a girls-only environment and a mixed one.
What girls can do in a slumber party they can't in a mixer, people knows that very much in the real world and the same applies to the virtual one.
sounds like NijiGTA was shit
>Shiina's L2D lagging like hell
she looked like one of those meme Key characters for most of the clip...
a dope one for sure
She is raising money to dump into the ocean?
They also talked about Gura's flat chest
> The ambulance squad was working hard even while being understaffed, they didn't have the time to mess around like that - Shiina
> I was thinking, the medic squad is a lot more independant compared to police right? So I was thinking of doing something like "if you want to be saved, put the hentai sticker" or something like that - Okayu
> Yeah there's no one that would do that *laughs* - Shiina
> Ehhhh?! - Okayu
> It has to be immediate help - Shiina
kek, now I get why retaded nijiniggers were first saying
>not enough people
and then
Instead of being like FWMC or Dr. Fox and having fun while being medics Nijis REALLY expected the staff to work as if they were in the real world? That fucking suck
> The ambulance squad was working hard even while being understaffed, they didn't have the time to mess around like that - Shiina
> It has to be immediate help - Shiina
If fuwamoco using nijigta autism, they 100% will get kick out on day 1.
I know this fan-art is when the 3rd gen sleepover happened but man the unintentional foreshadowing is too funny.
Imagine the shitshow if a niji tried to bring a duck boat into the hospital.
>Fucking Sponerd Higers
As someone else as said
>VCR GTA: you roleplay as the role. No more, no less
>HoloGta: you roleplay as a character who happens to have a job as (x), go wild!
I mean it not really a secret when hoshikawa already being harassed by those vcr autists.
These Nijisanji and VCR events sound miserable, they literally just have to pretend to be straight-laced bakers or cafe owners or medics instead of getting to make the content fun and funny unless they're in the gangs? What the fuck?
They do realize that this is supposed to be entertainment, right?
The feel when the dogs put 20 times more efforts into promoting their branchmates than the fucking twitter account ever did
I mean fubuki said that they put absolute newbies into the medic position because they didn't need to study or participate in the balancing meetings and just have fun with the lowest amount possible of rules shackling them, from the get-go the aim was completely different
Kuzuha started off as a taxi driver and took over the gang later. It's just a matter of whether or not you're the main character.
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ten million dorya
Shiina is a fan.
The way Cover treated Advent on social media really felt like someone was seething
have you even seen how they treat Myth and Promise
>They do realize that this is supposed to be entertainment, right?
It's not and if you think it is you severely misunderstood the Nijisanji business model.
There are two classes in that company
>supporting cast
If you are not the protagonist your ONLY usefulness is to perform in a way the protagonist shines.
That's why anyone winning tournaments where Kuzuha, Kanae, Fuwa and others are participants are flamed to hell and back there.
No. Your favorite organ exists for the sole purpose of being a living NPC for the convenience of King Kuzuha, his entourage, and the select few members of the Niji aristocracy.
they are /our/ dogs, biggest numberfags in EN
anon we both know the twitter account has been co-oped to promote the homo's
Just look how they treated Kronii since the 2 retarded faggot got killed, surrely there is no conclusion to draw from this
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Kek imagine if Kuzuha was in Subaru's police chief position and some newbie Niji (let's say Lunlun) was acting like Kanade and slacking off.
>Watching the "oh shit" whore.
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>the male collab that the kawaii girl is in is organized by a dude that does spicy audio on patreon
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Are you okay?
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The other two anons have it right, if you're a top earner, big CCV, big fanbase and big clout, you can do pretty much ANYTHING you want because the "story" revolves around YOU.

Here's what happened to a supposed "NPC" liver who worked hard on his skills and won the Niji Mario Kart tournament.
So chaotic and unhinged, am I right fellow holostans? It's not like we were complaining about exactly that for last 2 years!
It's just that when holostars are zany and unhinged it's cringe, but when we do it it's based!
speak english
I feel bad for those guys over there, I was lurking that thread after some anon linked it earlier and I started to feel depressed and I know barely anything about Kawaii.
It can be rough for our cgdct brothers outside of the walled garden.
fuck man I was looking forward to this valve marathon but now...
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>hololive does it better!!
yes, you are right
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Imaging if a Niji doubled the price of their care or scammed people, or entered their store to play their song at max volume or tagged everywhere with a GR code for their channel.
God, FWMC were a menace.
More like SEKs with your oshi! Sorry, Kawaiikeks.
Holive>>>>>>>>>>>homotranny and nijinigger
sounds about right
>one (1) like in 9 months
an indie I watch usually says "thanks for the SEKs" (or makes another joke about it) when I superchat in SEK
its one of the upsides of living in sweden
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they've gone too fucking far this time
Imagine someone pulling a biboo on the last heist and team killing ChroNoiR with a single rocket

anyone worth saving in the nijisanji fanbase has already switched to watching hololive a long time ago
>niji harrassing other niji organ for not doing their 9-5 job
>hololive having fun using their role and create kino content with multiples storyarc
Almost all Holo-related projects end up being beggar territory.
Just block the homos and disable collabs. That way, you only get hololive channels on the main page and it (mostly) only gives you clips of holos on the clips page.
>hasn't already blocked all the homoshitters
Anon, you have the option to not inflict that garbage on yourself.
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Why so much Ligger seethe today?
how come only ruze and dinohomo stand out from the new batch?
You can automatically hide all that shit
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After watching a whole week of holoGTA 5ch have sorted the participating holos in order of importance and contribution
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The world outside the garden is rough. Phase Connect also revealed themselves as Niji and Homostars cocksuckers with the Flayon offpako and the Orc loser collab;.
I shouldn't have to make an account to remove nijihomos from holodex.
You have to configure it to hide all of the "please please pleeeeeeeease watch males and other corps!!!" begging.
It's relatively simple but yeah, annoying
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You ogey?
Unironically because they started the most shit being retards
Who runs this thing and why did they turn it into a beggar app
Anon, you fuckwit retard, the option doesn't REQUIRE an account.
But Erina Makina is a lesbian fr fr, /pcg/ is sure of it
just as sure /pkg/ was that Kaya was a lesbian roru
Hololive projects inevitably get co-opted because it's hard for normalfags to properly gatekeep leeching niji and homo fans desperate to latch on for a free ride.
The average naïve idiot just isn't mentally prepared to be "mean" and say "no, fuck off" when someone comes and asks to steal all your hard work to promote your oshi's competition
Goldbullet started more shit than Ruze but he's too gay for sisters so he doesn't get views. There are clearly multiple variables here.
octavius is probably worse than axefag, it's just that being the other flip isn't a memorable position along with axefag being the second ever "okay" supa earner
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JPs really eating up all the FWMC clips
>No smooches
That's how you know this thread has been abandoned by the good posters.
Mococo's belly is grossly over rendered
Dino had the self insert flip audience. If you’ve ever seen them talk about him they say he feels like an older brother type
if they want the female audience so bad just hired some random chad?
Ruze would have been big if he'd been in the first generation, but maybe it's better he has to build himself up. He put his foot in his mouth but course corrected. I don't watch him but he's one of the ones I wouldn't graduate if I was hired to save the branch.
They were a blast in HoloGTA, of course the JPs will love that.
You can't nickname someone axefag when there's already one named axel
Who tf are you seething about uh the red one that acts like he is wearing a diaper?
Can't enjoy the show without a shadow of me...
Would he talk about how much box he is crushing? Or the drugs he does? I don't eing RL chad would work as one of the homos.
dang i didnt notice
Ruze and shinri are the only two the get a pass from me only cause they told beggar to fuck off and stay in their lane.
chad wouldn't get along with holostars EN. I have said it before but they're fucked unless they start over. The guys they have are not likeable characters.
>Ruze would have been big
>I don't watch him but
anon first impression are important, once the first batch of homo's poison the well it was over for all future gens
You are right, kinda scary kek
i literally haven't seen a single clip of her or even heard her voice though?
was she even on the server?
Check the comments anon, there's some gold in there
daily reminder that young fauna didn't know Tuna was a fish
Kek, but come on. I was never going to watch him. I have no interest in "content creators" who aren't cute girls. I can still see that the hololive audience would have been very into an RPG nerd who likes medieval history and worldbuilding back then. Tempus with a solid TTRPG campaign where they could adventure as a guild would have been a lot stronger than
>gamer bros who want to fuck your oshi.
Young fauna was impressionable girl
See, this is why COMMUNICATION is important.
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It's just how it goes. Nintendo Wii must support da boiz.
Gang contributed nothing kino on the server kill yourself VCR nijiGTA nousagi fag
Holy crap, that's a lot of Foob in the background...
>gamer bros who want to fuck your oshi
only vesper and magni wanted to do that and they pick the two worse girls at the time
>react content
>with video ON THE STREAM
>sub 1k
Imagine fucking yourself so bad just to throw a co-worker who tried to suicide under the bus
Is Korone still Risu's oshi?
What do you mean? Axel was trying hard to set himself up for flirting content with holos and Altare went straight for the girls the first chance he got
>Euro hours
>Thread is shit
like clockwork
>Okayu also admitted to watching Ibrahim
Blame Luxiem they permeantly ruined male vtubers
Isn't this normal? The only real reason to watch a male is because they're better than you at a certain game. Then you drop them after you've learned the skill?
Wtf Risu got sub 4k on her long awaited MV? Was there overlap or something?
And Axel
gura watches matpat
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Ibrihim got in Mori's panties with one conversation and now he's got Okayu wrapped around his finger too?
Kek holochuds can't stop losing
Even funnier now that we know Biboo and Fauna watched Vesper and Magni's TTRPG session
Play video games instead of shitposting.
Well, feel free to make one yourself then
Do I need to remind you that an Aquacrew made this?
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>dras a woman like a man
>she her
this is 100% a troon
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don't try bring ma boi axel into this he's to stupid to even flirt properly, all he has going for him is a pretty face.
That's a man
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Still no Fauna...
I'm sure him and Zeta will be very happy together in Tokyo.
Anon, normal human beings don't act hostile by default
That's how you spot containment breaching retards or social autists
I wish he was as cool as your shitpsot makes him out to be... I would actually watch him more.
Why did you post this fagshit?
no frens to share what he is mad about
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Japanese entertainer tend act professional in public, but god knows what happen in private
Is it really so hard to be patient and not selfish on a RP server? You're not the only one trying to make content you know
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Nijiniggers and cuckposting the most random of shit name a more iconic duo
Are you telling me that this aster is supposed to be a male?...
>Biboo and Fauna watched Vesper and Magni's TTRPG session
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Ibrahim is the Prophet PBUH
not only he is but as per the scarle leak he's an overbearing schizo freak
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Nah but flip
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>NijiBaba Beggers...
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Would be a shame if we heard about Holo and Niji going to offpakos like Holostars and Phasewhores, right?
They knew all the references from the last one that Mori included
Obviously Fauna enthusiastically followed all of them and shilled them to her audience too so realistically we already knew she was a viewer of theirs.
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no man has feet and legs like this
Spoiler that shit, anon.
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Who's the leader of justice?
Why so much homoshit?
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And yet I have NEVER seen any attempt from /vt/ to course correct and make something better
You know why? Because retards /here/ are only good at whining and nothing else
Like, do I need to remind you of picrel? Yeah, nice effort guys, the fujos are Cover PR department is shaking at the boot right now looking at this
>Mori could have told them
But I know that won't satisfy your delusions, sis.
Yeah like I said. Naïve.
Your average well-adjusted normalfag isn't used to the insidious nature of this sort of subversion. It's why fan discords for hololive end up being about shilling people's favorite nijisanji and holostars vtubers and shitting on "parasocial fucks" half of the time.
This kawaii meltdown shit is all a larp right?
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>The retard doesn't know
Why would it be?
Shit is looking a bit genuinely grim over there at the moment
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Chammers is doing an unarchived English Karaoke stream
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Big fat ol' skill issue
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Enter guerilla EN karaoke from Haachama, holy based


I missed those
Fuck off back to that thread
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>people have posted receipts of being true (read paying) kawaii fans
Love my EN Gen 0 strongest idol
As oppose to /vt/?
Erb joining wawa stream soon
I honestly think 90% of the meltdowns among vtuber fanbases are the work of outsiders and maybe one or two genuine schizo fans who'd be left screaming into the void without the shitposters propping them up and supporting them.
Gotta love kiara starting her stream 2 hours early but she'll still end up with shit botted numbers
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That was the most retarded attempt ever to be attempted and that includes Raygun attempting breakdancing at the olympics.
Imagine taking upon himself to make something better and FUCKING UP THE VERY FIRST FUCKING FIELD THAT NEEDED TO BE FILLED
I'm actually looking forward to it, they got along well before
Call me when she sings Alabama Nigger.
That sounds awful so I sure hope not
Anon, think it for a moment.
When your entire gameplan to stand out is CGDCT/GFE which you have been building for over the last 3, maybe more years and now all of a sudden you are doing a 180 in direction and going against the thing you built up all those years.
I'm no business man but I'm pretty sure that's not what you do specially when you were just recovering from a fatal yab.
You know you bot cope doesn't work when her vod views are hight right?
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Shiori's face is just too cute
>all the references from the last one that Mori included
Thanks for saving me the time anon. I was actually gonna watch the VOD...
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I still have the thread bookmarked to remind myself when it comes to expectation from anons
It's called the invisible war, not the "go do a bunch of highly visible but pointless gestures" war.
If you hadn't noticed, things in HoloEN have gotten a lot better in the past two years. And even recently, the twitter has gotten bonked and now barely tweets maybe 3 times a month about the precious boys.
Go scroll it right now, in September it was literally two mandatory token merch shilling tweets for da bois and then hundreds of tweets about the girls and all the amazing stuff they did that month. No retweeting of random holostars frames, no shilling of whatever cringe collabs they did.
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Just caught up to the Kawaii drama. I should feel sorry for those fags but now that I think about it, a huge bunch of those gaylords were former holo "unicorns" who left the garden during the Grim era. And honestly they deserve what's coming to them.
Ah. the best Shiori design.
The cope is going a bit far now sis
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Keep crying kfp every single one of her streams are botted. Look at the graphs and stop wasting money when you could actually give your oshi something.
Because gen 4 was special from the start? Idk I can't imagine anyone that likes charu or godforbid nene even bothering to notice this
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You aren't even trying, go back to global, i'm sure they miss you.
Anon unless kgp somehow managed to bot likes and bod views your posts make no sense. Kiara always get botted by only 1k ccv
No matter how much you cope all of her streams are botted
What's the strength tier list of this TF2 collab? Is biboo guaranteed as the top fragger?
Anon, I'm talking about actual fanworks, not randos screeching on social media
>my oshi doesn't get botted
>yeah but it's only 1k ccv
So what is it
Is haachama retarded?
kill yourself ennapaki
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My wife is a genius.
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Let's not pretend that you give a singular fuck about her ccv as anything other than another metric than to feed your damaged schizo brain.
listen we're already cap out on thread schizo, also there not alot of kfp here so your wasting your time setting up shop
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CCV or game skill?
Kiara getting good numbers really hurt you huh?
It's deflection for the dino whore abandoning her fanbase for Twitchcon.
Game skill
>It's called the invisible war, not the "go do a bunch of highly visible but pointless gestures" war.
I’ll add to that. The ethos of “this side” of the divide is very simple
>I’m a paying customer. I’m THE paying customer. I can get service somewhere else if I’m not served properly in this fine establishment
That’s it. The only action the invisible crowd needs to do is to pull their support.
>Sovl spelling
Even taking account the 1-2K bots kiara usually gets these are still pretty good numbers
>good numbers
Getting good ccv won't stop her dead career
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Just a reminder that every Haachama original song has been in English and most of her covers have been in English (though this was before perms, so many are privated). A true EN.
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Maybe Haachama should always stream to ENgods only, she gets better ccv and it's much cuter.
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>ERB joined kiara's party
FUUUUUUCK whatever it's still tf2
It's more about the fact that HoloEN now have ACTUAL shit to talk about rather than anything drastic
Todd, shut the hell up.
kek mask off already thread shitter
So what will? Her high sc? Her high vod views? Her sponsorships? Her high music views?
Why do shitposters have this speech style? Do you not realize how much more you could bait people if there was even a sliver of a doubt you come of ass a good faith poster?
Instead your seethe and hatred is palpable. I can fucking see it somehow, it's incredible.
beebs has at least got to be up there
Keep wasting money propping up your oshi when you could buy merchandise but no you'd rather bot her. She's still the shitter of myth and the least popular by a mile.
EN Gen 0 lives up to its name.
holy shit kfp absolutely loves erb the chat went wild
incel seethe kek
Holy sex
Euro hours..........
Hololive and HoloEN get tons of fanworks, more than all other companies combined.
>But /vt/ doesn't do it!
anonchama, literally everyone is here
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>I can get service somewhere else if I’m not served properly in this fine establishment
Pretty sure Gabe though the same when he ditched Kronii lol
They can't control themselves because they are genuinely upset
kfp having beggars is always just the weirdest shit to me
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Blue Archive is reforming Asanagi.
>haachama has learned a bit of Japanese over the years
I'm glad she's learning a second language
>Kiara asking how to get bots
kek, they HAVE to threadshit or the ulcer will get more painful
you mean he had a 3 months mental breakdown and then went to watch small corpo shitters just to get keked repeatedly
What do you expect from a whore like kiara anon constantly doing outside collabs with indies and niji shitters. She's an outcast and always will. She brings in tourists and wants them on her rm all the same.
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Considering he went to patronize a girl which ended up being a sex worker doing R-18 material with her boyfriend ON HER VTUBER ACCOUNT you can safely assume he’s not the best representative of who is being talked about here.
>1k-2k when streaming JP
>~4k when streaming EN despite two heavy hitters (Kiara + ERB) being live

Haatonbros... let's be real, she should switch to EN only
For context, Kiara was nervous about playing a new game and KFP was worried she'd have a bad time trying to keep up. ERB jumped into chat at the end of the last stream and said she was worried about the same thing, so they decided to practice together.. It was sweet. Of course KFP is happy.
HoloEN had tons of actual shit to talk about during that summer where the fujo intern lost her fucking mind and spammed holostars shit. Including massive company historical milestones like the Dodgers collab.
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10k more to catch Lui
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She cultivated that fanbase by enabling clipwatchers and collabing with shitters from Niggersanji and Twitch.
As a Haaton, it would be nice for English speaking to be more normal
Kind of cute. I guess in the end every fan just wants their oshi to get along with everybody
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>I must be a nuisance
Haachama english cute
oh, they had already planned it? that makes it a lot better, thought ERB was just doing her shit again
1M in November
>I guess in the end every fan just wants their oshi to get along with everybody
Weird shit to say in /vt/
Aliga ayin also tricked by kawaii
>Heavy hitters
>ERB and Kiara

>do you remember spam by greys in Haachama's chat
GG really does have mindshare...
She only reused a npc character that she voiced herself afaik
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Wow, huge incline for chicken
I mean the people that come here aren't really the representatives of an average fan. If other places had as many schizos as we do the world would be chaos
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Sex with haachama
>HaAtO Is DeAd!
>where is your sister!?!?
Yeah, I don’t miss those days
I have no idea what she saying but it great
This Haachama outfit is like those Carl's Jr. commercials with the hot blondes eating burgers.
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Ame is the OG homofans before ERB

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