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Amelia Watson appreciation thread
This thread's for Ame, an adorable, dorky, wonderful detective!
Last thread: >>86170361
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Ame's Valve game multiplayer marathon collab has begun: https://youtu.be/7CxLZjU_RjM
Right now, she's playing Team Fortress 2 with EN, and we'll have games like Gmod and CS2 later on.
Play Chiku Taku: https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutaku
Stream Chiku Taku: https://youtu.be/fYVweqOW31w
Ame links and info: https://rentry.org/Ameliur
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She's having fun bros...

This takes me back. I will never forget my 46 kill streak with the spy using your eternal reward
enter kaela?
Kaela to join?
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they all sound like schoolkids on the playground
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Ina so COOOL!
Very true, detective!
These girls got no clue how to play this lmao
FUCK Raora's voice is so fucking HOT!
Sorry Ame...
Keep that gatorskin in your pants, son
TF2 is the perfect game to fuck around in with friends
>Fixing and managing them to her last day
Ame you sweetie
My wife hears her voice and just says "sex cat"
I missed the intro, is Amelia the only one who's played tf2 before?
Seems like it. Unbelievable
Was TF2 a male thing?
tf2 was a nerd thing, these are a bunch of normal girls
seeing that both teams have 2 clueless heavies is so fucking funny for some reason
I think some of the others might have like cc but there's a lot of noobs
>they keep forgetting what color they are
>tf2 was a based thing
holy shit... they're learning... it's beautiful
L4D1/2 aswell
Gaming in general was a male thing. It still predominantly is.
Poor Ame, have to tardwrangle these idiot as a last goodbye. Constant shouting, refuse to listen to the simplest instruction, can't even remember what team color they are, when 1 asked for a QRD and Ame started to explain the other tards shouted over her

More than 2 women at a time is impossible to wrangle
I know for a fact CC and Shiori are super autists.
Based wife knows what's good.
sex cat
cat sex
sex with cat
cat made of sex
sex with sex cat
raora panthera, the sex cat
sexy cat
sex with sexy sex cat
Fauna is a nerd just not a fps nerd.
no one in EN is "norrmal"
>the noob meta
This game is just like Overwatch
TF2 invented hero based shooters
take that back! you uncultured swine!
I'd say that their interests laid elsewhere. CC and shiori are austists, and kiara and fuwamoco are otaku. not saying that ame isn't partially those but she was definitely more into fps and valve than the others
It is pretty nice. Most of them are shut-ins and that's why they're so relatable.

Being bad at games may not be relatable, but it is cute.
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I will break your fucking jaw
Amelia Watson invented hero based shooters.
God I wish I was eating GG's missile
This is true!
Damn, do you think they copied Overwatch?
Ohh, that's why the teams are unbalanced, just noticed. I thought it was weird.
They clearly did. But fewer heroes and worse graphics. Bad copy
You'd think after an hour she would just tell Ame to invite someone else
Overwatch? Is that like Concord?
Just got here, what'd I miss so far? I wish I wasn't stuck in uni so I could work on this fan album more while watching her
Ame invited Kaela, but I guess she couldn't participate or didn't hear her
Really? She sounds like a granny to me, probably doesn't help that I have a 50 year old co-worker that sounds exactly like her, kek.
Not too much, just general TF2 shenanigans and Ame schooling everyone.
Ame being extra cute today. Taking care of friends, as always
she's joining for gmod
Pretty sure Ame said earlier this week that this is open to all of EN and ID
I forgot to ask last night, any teamate willing to send an invite to deadlock?

FC: 331975072
CC was screaming AME PLEASE COME BACk
someone soundpost CC saying this >>86204169
Yeah, but Ame still asked if she wanted to play this when she raided her.
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>play valve games thanks to ame
>kino happens
remember that screenshot of gmod when Biboo was standing over the corpse of mori
I got you babe.
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Love this pic
kino as fuck
Man, I'm not a fan of FWMC in isolation but them fighting between themselves in the periphery is hilarious
fuwawa screaming at mogogo over obvious things happening on screen is so fucking funny
Jerma saw camera
Why is Ame's aim so bad on this game, it's fine in other fps kek
Oh no, did someone leak the IP...
>CiCi: Mom's coming to help!
I can understand why some people don't like their keyfabe but it's usually pretty fun. they were fighting each other in their ame collab and when she pointed out fuwawa said "no" but mococo said "a little bit"
She was trying to pick up ammo by touching the gun, she hasn't played at least since Tough Break 10 years ago, that has to be a huge factor to it.
Serious answer, TF2's aiming sensitivity is different from CSGO/CS2 and she probably didn't set it up.
Why is NA internet worse than ID internet?
>finally joins
RIP the server damn
Bigger, better country means more opportunities for bullshit monopolies
It's not internet, someone is DDOSing them. TF2 streams always get DDOSed.
Also, the default settings for projectiles feel terrible. Back in the day everyone would go into console and lower cl_interp and a couple other things and it would feel much more responsive
If she's hosting local, steam leaks your IP publicly iirc
Just west coast internet
I don't think so
Who's all here with Ame right now?
She looks like a momma bear herding all of them
GAYre's mod ,LMAO! *snort*
These girls would never do something like this without Ame
The absolute state of TF2...
Maybe, the easy DDOS method was patched awhile ago. I definitely wouldn't put it past the mentally ill autists that infest this game to find another way so they can target some innocent girls though.
LMAO cc cute
Amecc bros
Skill issue.
In my country, there is only one company for a broadband internet and I have 1000/600. I guess monopoly isn't THAT bad.
Green woman good
Wait, this is the last stream? I thought that was on the 30th
Otomates how we feeling?
happy that they're interacting, sad that it's under these circumstances
Their last interactions ever
Ah, so Overwatch is TF2 but evolved, better, the next step up the ladder
cc love
man, i wish that was longer but it was so fun
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mowi on ames stream!
Overwatch is TF2 but it traded being a good game for having enough R34 to feed an entire country
CUTE hic
Yes, and Concord is the final step.
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>Jarate mention
kek, good one.
Ceci is overheating!
Ame love...
CC love...
>Take my place
That's it, she's the chosen one
>CC can you take over
What does she mean by this?
She has Axel on her friends list. I told you they played offline.
>valve games
The only one any of the Hololive girls played without Ame was Dota 2 and that was because of Fauna.
kek Colorblind
Shut up mumei, you can't even show up to your supposed sisters farewell party. Fake bitch.
Kyut shitpost-kun still trying to beat a dead horse this close to the end
My name is Axel
I mean.
>I know people who play everyday
Did you think all those are women?
Ina and Ame should make out
Bastard, stop hogging all the sexy voice ladies all to yourself...
or it was from worms
kys brownoid
Your Oshi interacts with males every day
We're never getting collabs like this in holoEN ever again. It just hurts.
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It's literally here
where do you think they played the worms tournament retard, on the epic launcher?
GG coming to block CC from other women...
based retard
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Gigi is gonna ace the other team, I believe in her
Great, the collabs today have been shit so far, really expose how retarded all these ladies are, how did they get into Hololive? It wasn't due to talent that's for sure
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stop replying to him
This random improve is great
Wait, is that from an actual collab?
theyre trying so hard today, looks like this is their final attempt before she leaves lol
>diligently hatewatching Ame for four years
cute tsundere anon...
have faith in the girls anon. I believe that they will find their own groove somehow
this intermission entertainment is pretty good
>Is because you are CIA you know there was death?
Yes, last years Myth Anniversy they played Garys Mod with a bunch of people. The baby is Biboo
CCGG are a treasure, reminds me of early AmeSame...
see >>86206409
Poor Biboo...
Can you tell Ame I love her please?
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I don't care
Imma boston gege
There's no way these gals have been on the internet for this long and not heard Bustin
CC is ESL.
Ame alone with her successors right now btw.
poor biboo...
but hey, at least dumbfucks cant pretend its only ame that has a shitty ISP now.
same reason you haven't heard of the degenerate BL tumblr fanfics they probably know about. Internet used to be more than just 4 big social media sites.
Anon, a lot of them are zoomers.
Don't underestimate my extensive history with degenerate fanfics, anon...
Do you think the internet is regional? Fucking retard
What will they are play on when next?
Oh sweet! Im not sure how I actually missed that
This is my first time hearing Gigi tbqh, she seems fun, I can see why people like her.
CS is way fucking harder to just pick up and play than TF2. Good luck girls
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funi xd
is she ok?
CCGG is so perfect with Ame.. It's really bittersweet but I'm glad they've had plenty of time on stream in ENreco, Borderlands, GTA, and now
It should be. Or at least pajeets should be cut off.
I miss Gura
>Didn't experience JyonGon kino
Alright anon I'm cutting you off, no more whisky.
Thats right CC
People who don't speak English on daily basis usually don't care about memes in English.
>Gura attacking the internet so she doesn't have to stream
The main issue is cheating and Valve's priorities, but the game was otherwise fine for a good long time. VSPO even managed to pick a talent who has it as their main game.
The Minecraft RP was fun but shipfags really overblew it
Anon, you're reaching your 30s
Irys you dumbfuck... kek
As a holostar I do not reach out to my senpai unless they make contact first. Despite the things I say on stream and my apparent horn dog personality, I highly respect hololive and it's culture and have no desire to inject myself into it forcefully. Ame already knows you love her anyways.
Yeah I dunno what that means, sorry anon.
>I don't care
Sure. All the replies tell me nobody here cares that Ame and Axel are friends and play CS together offline.
Unironically watch streams
her SSD can't keep up? It happens to me.
Yeah, in some places it is.
99% of the world speak english on a daily basis you fucking burger-tard
It's even worse than you suspect... THIRTY ONE
I miss CSS. You could just hop into any server and there was no bullshit matchmaking.
irys... download the game before the day of stream please...
Yeah, I don't. Glad that's cleared up.
they don't tho
I haven't kept up with the new generation very much since Justice.
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losing precious time...
Are you actually this retarded? 99%? Seriously? You should get out of your backwater town more often.
It was literally on Ame's stream, dude...
The modern audience isn't built for Valve's server browser
Biboo is literally moving to Japan to fix her issue, she's locked in
I am surprised how unprepared most of them are, i don't know how many fucking times a collab have started and one of the tards goes: "Okay, i'm downloading he game now" so the first 30 minutes is just sitting around waiting. How stupid are they?
Oh no Ame introducing CCGG to the knives and gun skins trade market...
Are you Swedish or something? Nobody in Asia speaks English and half of Europe doesn't either. Zoomers are more proficient because they play videogames but for CC's generation it would be normal to grow up with mostly isolated German-speaking internet.
cc is falling for the gambling hook...
ultimate gacha
It's Irys, what did you expect?

At least we are getting some nice zatsu.
this zatsu is way better than gameplay imo
GG actually interested in the market. Oh no...
It always was, every time
I don't know why they don't do group zatsudans
watch the ENReco minecraft RP streams
Ame.... you have like 3k hours in this game
These three have good chemistry. Ame, Gura, CC, and GG would have been such a good group.
I'm getting really sad again.
It's always surprising to see Counter Strike illiterate people
>Are you Swedish or something?
>and half of Europe doesn't either
Most retarded thing i've heard in a billion years
>it would be normal to grow up with mostly isolated German-speaking internet
Dude, the wall and DDR fell almost 40 years ago, holy fucking thing, there are actually people who think there is enclaves on the internet? There is no such thing as "mostly isolated German-speaking internet", holy fucking retardness
>group zatsudans
ame is the gamer of myth! :D
Yeah, TF2 was fun, but this has been better.
No way? She have the aim of a 50h player
Group zatsudan
Sorry guys, IRyS was busy milking me yesterday so she didn't have time to install CS2...
>Most retarded thing i've heard in a billion years
not him but most people pick some "casual" english to follow internet/social media conversations, no?
>literally nothing happening
>viewer count increasing by the thousands and is nearing 30000
>her oblivion streams averaged 4000
>her elden ring streams averaged 6000
You're not collabwhores, right, anons? You were there even for the most dead of streams, correct?
You have the English of a 50h ESL
i'm just an amewhore
the people cannot resist the valve kino
And Irys still has to do that tutorial after this...
i think youre a numberwhore
Weren't most of Ame's Oblivion ans ER streams in the middle of the night?
I watch basically everything she streams
You were supposed to remind her or do it for her, asshole
If you don't take it seriously, that is entirely possible and I would imagine for Ame, that would be the case. But you need more hours than that to be good.
I watch every Ame stream, numbermonkey.
I watch every Ame stream. Live or VOD.
I was there for the 9 hour SC reading streams.
CC has been doing a lot of "backseating" collabs where she plays a game while bullshitting with someone. I really enjoy the format. Also is why FWMC is so good.
stupid sexy nephilim...
>elden ring
valve games superior
Her ER streams lasted into the night in all of the world's timezones. The second one was 11 fucking hours. No excuse for not watching them.
I think you are lost sapling
not the ER streams, but the Oblivion was usually a late night game
I like how Ame always babysits whoever she's collabing with
NTA, but Sweden had that one photo sharing social media site that closed in like 2021. The entire thing was in Swedish.
So what are you talking about? Of course there are enclaves.
Ame is my Oshi but her stream hours are ass for me so I usually have to tune out before they end.
Shooters are just point and click adventure games.
She was babysitting my children so she got used to it
Oh my god Ame is blind
How old are? I remember in the 00's there was tons of non-english sites. Hell even on fucking FB or twitter people mostly stick within their own language, why the fuck wouldn't you? Who looks at content they can't understand all day?
Yeah, from me
>"oh im covering the hud"
>moves to cover a different piece of the hud
t-thanks ame
how do i romance the terrorist with the awp?
Get new material shitpost-kun
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point and click their shin so they get on their knees and propose
is ame trying to teach them what recoil is
do they genuinely not know what recoil is
How did Nerissa of all people secure the Portal collab?
Anon, most women don't know anything about guns.
counter strike retard "miss every shot" mechanics aren't standard of course she'd have to teach them
lesbian sex
They are women, Anon. This is Counter Strike.
"gun go up when shoot a lot" is basic in a lot of games, though
shot bloom is also in a ton of video games, too. if anything she should be teaching them that movement fucks your aim HARD
Nerissa wants to watch Ame eat culvers
free guy is my favorite isekai
Bought her Culvers and had sweaty lesbian sex with her during Breaking Dimensions.
never trust a swede
They're talking about me btw
me mention!
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They mentioned me on stream
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They love me
all me btw
She's looking at me standing on the corner and asking for change
Free Guy isn't an isekai since he spends the whole film in the other world.
It would be funny if one of them picked up someone's weapon with inappropriate stickers
CC is too trusting of the CS2 community
Ame showing them around is so cute
Ame must be a sweat gamer fr
She german, she'll just call them a nigger back
Haven't even really thought about the real name being "catwalk" in forever... I just associate it with a panicked "FAST CAT FAST CAT AAAAIIIEEEEE"
Who's showing up to what games up next?
at this point i'm thinking nobody
Biboo and IRyS had issues?
unfortunately it looks like it. they still have time to join it seems
Biboo has shit internet and IRyS is a lazy retard
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biboo's internet went out. if she's on the east coast she's totally and completely fucked today (lucky she even has power)
irys is just downloading the game now because it's only ame's last fucking stream
Holy shit these 3 together are so good. I wish Ame had done CS lessons earlier.
Ame is a really sweet girl. You can tell she really loves these games because she’s so happy getting to play and teach her friends about them, just hoping they have a good time
Irys giving us trio kino desu
ame gigi and cece are such a good trio holy fuck
I'm glad she's doing this with CC and GG, they are really good at filling dead air while she fixes stuff.
Props to CC and GG for being such good girls but man... Ame deserved more
It's ok. IRyS is sexy
>east coast
Because of the hurricane? Was it really bad? Sorry I'm not in the US so I don't really know.
If only Gura was here too, we were THIS CLOSE to Autofister Amesame perfection
she finally gets enough FPS players in EN to play this and leaves
gura quit streaming years ago though
I've been telling you guys, CC and GG are on the same autism wavelength as Ame.
I hope the Portal 2 companion is Gura...
I wish she would've done this damn thing 2 months in advance so she could actually do medleys with them a couple times instead of a one-off stream where they'll never touch the game after
here's the power outages:

I wouldn't call needing to teach the girls what recoil is qualifying them as "FPS players". And Ame isn't one either really given her skill at the game.
amedly's are banned
this is a special one off
but yeah more of this group in fps would have been noce
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Nice game teamates
botson based
Jesus Christ.
Oh well that explains why I haven't seen my friend in Florida online today.
Just tag in 2 gators to help fill out the party
Fucking kek CC
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thank god i don't live over there
kek this is so fucking kino
Didn't de_dust 2 used to have different teams and not default russkie ski mask guys vs SAS
also kek cc
Yeah but when they moved to cs2 they got rid of all the default teams to sell player character skins
biboo is pst
Thank you GG for fueling so many Ame giggles
uh...isn't gura in a place that would be affected by the hurricane (trying to be vague)? what if she can't do the Myth collab?
Ame is grooming GG...
But its first person, why would you need character skins?
That would be tragic
Discord kitten LMAO
I wanna be Ame's discord kitten...
>Gigi is Ame's discord kitten
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Of course she's her discord kitten
Who was ment to be in this CS collab? Only IRyS too or is someone else missing?
who cares, ame and gura hate each other
I live in Indiana and my power has gone out TWICE. I'm about as far from the coast as you can get.
Thanks for reminding me, I'm upset again.
I love you ame, but I’ll never forgive you if you make me reinstall CS after all these years.
jyongon lives on... ames discord kitten
ENReco was two weeks ago, you niggas have to let go
>fucks with her teamate
>doesn't let her defuse
now she's having fun, cheeky dork
heeey, Bibbo!
That's what she gets for not fucking join Ame in her last week and waiting until the last forced moment to collab
Surprise Moom!
>Beebs in the middle of Hurricane Turbofuck joined before IRyS
biboo made it!!!
and it seems moom is repalcing irys the ever lazy bitch
Looked at the market now and the plain-skin karambit I sold for like $150 when I quit is now worth $1700...
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Mumei is a real one
Thank you
When was the last time she mentioned the big M? When was the last time she mentioned going to Walmart or Starbucks? She used to mention it on a regular basis. There is a reason why she stopped mentioning it late 2022
Full party let's goo
I hope they skip deadlock and just play more CS
are you sure the float was good? maybe that one just had a really good condition compared to yours
>finishes installing cs2
>full party
Anon... those places exist literally everywhere in the US. Every few miles.
They probably need to switch to deadlock in a bit...
irys... why did you wait till the last second...
That's what she gets for fucking downloading the game literally 1 day before the collab, bitch just download the game a week prior
Life is first person yet people still buy nice clothes.
If you have to ask this you're no teamate
this is the fps dream team...
Not likely, it's new and fresh and Valve's blessed child. The whole thing would be not appealing as a shooter MOBA but since Fauna is joining for that, yeah...
I think it was factory new. The plain skins just weren't worth that much back in the day. Maybe I'll cope and tell myself it was just min wear...
My favorites from each gen are in this right now, I am so happy.
actual dream collab here...
So what happens now? They are too many people
sweaty orgy
No they don't, they do not exist in "Atlantis", retard
Ame leaves
New thread:
she literally can't do a single stream anymore without teapots
Ame gassy, Ame kyut, Ame love

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