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Confusion Edition

>Current and upcoming streams

>This week's full schedules


>Transparent head cutouts

[Gen 1: Indulge]
>Azura Dulait - Fertility Goddess
>Icey Snowpaws - Feral Polar Bear
>Immy Bisou - Hex Maniac
>Mercy Modiste - Dorky Yandere
>Shibi Cottonbum - Your Ever-Demanding Mistress
>Stronny Cuttles - Hypnotic Cuttlefish

>VAllure Links

>Unarchived/Deleted VOD Archive

>Greentext Archive

[FAQ for Tourists]
>What is VAllure?
The first EN A(dult)Vtuber Corpo.
Yes, this is the whorpo and they are focusing on adult audio like ASMR or JOI.
>Where will the content be?
YouTube - Kino SFW streams. Expect some spice and kayfabe but nothing TOS-breaking. Expect 3 streams per week at minimum.
Patreon - Lewd audios. $5/month per talent, 4 audios per month. Sub to whoever you like.
Fansly - Cost/content Up to the discretion of the girls.
>Is there a Discord Server?
Yes, Notification only. No interaction with any of the girls. Check VAllure Links.
No, they won't be joining any fan servers.
>Most importantly, are any of the talents in a relationship?
Yes, all of them, with me.

>VAllure Friends!
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
Other small corpos: >>>/vt//corpo/
More of Azura and Shibi: >>>/vt//choc/

Previous Thread >>86174031
Love vallure
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I love my retarded sister that has a big head and let me out of my cage!
i want the one i can't have
and it's driving me mad
>shift ends, get home
>didn't get to join a round
This time i'm really gonna do it
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>It's Shibi's birthday on the 28th!
Let's make a card together! Submit a tile (An image) and together it will make 1 big card from all of us. Example of a completed card: https://files.catbox.moe/s193sl.png
>Some editing assets

All tiles must be have dimensions that are a multiple of 200 (i.e. 200x200, 400x400, 200x400). Spoiling your submissions are recommended.
Our mummeh in VAllure, horny be her name. Her kingdom cum, her will be done, on YouTube as it is on Patreon. Give us this day our daily nut, and forgive us our cringe, as we forgive those who cringe at us. And lead us not into celibacy, but instead deliver us into temptation.

I love my Strontistic wife and daughters!
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Icey hugs.
Icey kisses.
Icey seggs.
Icey love. <3
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I miss the old Shibi, straight from the 'Go Shibi
Chop up the soul Shibi, set on her goals Shibi
I hate the new Shibi, the bad mood Shibi
The always rude Shibi, spaz at the news Shibi
I miss the sweet Shibi, chop up the beats Shibi
I gotta to say at that time I'd like to meet Shibi
See I invented Shibi, it wasn't any Shibis
And now I look and look around and there's so many Shibis
I used to love Shibi, I used to love Shibi
I even had the red ropes, I thought I was Shibi
What if Shibi made a song about Shibi
Called "I Miss The Old Shibi," man that would be so Shibi
That's all it was Shibi, we still love Shibi
And I love you like Shibi loves Shibi
Will we ever get a cod zombies collab? specifically waw, bo1, bo2, or bo3
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I didn't know how much I needed Immy to call me daddy...
>waw, bo1
would be kino. let's be real they fumbled zombies after that.
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finally, an excuse to post this
Shes playing a game and theres a character called 'big daddy' but hearing her say it multiple times as left an imprint on my brain
Why? I can't help the fact I like mesugakis that tease ojisans and call them daddy
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Being called daddy is overrated.
I want the new shibi, halloween slime shibi
wasn't there a twitter soundpost where she says daddy?
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That was alot of fun, I'm starstruck and blushing.
Thats to Mummeh for letting people join.
I miss Stronny but I'm glad the Halloween stuff looks cool. She was probably dying not being able to talk about it kek.
It's funny because Shibi spoiled it super early on, like in late June / early July, so I've known it was coming the whole time but still commiserate with mummeh not being able to speak publicly
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campbells sponsored last post?
Two corrections: Azura as succubus, and I think Mercy is probably a siren. I feel like the deadly nature of sirens fits her character more than just a plain shark.
Not only Shibi but Immy at some point mentioned something was happening for Halloween too. Either way Stronny was struggling.
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Get rotated on bitch
Anything is better than the retarded baby
Like this 368315
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>Mercy is probably a siren
i choose to believe this
for me, it's mercy modiste
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>She put the scarf on.
Unbelievably cute.
I thought it was spelt harelot...
Thanks, madam. I've been turned on by a fucking plushie.
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oh my god
Why are you turned on by the plush and not her foot?
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i think i found a whore but i'll have to wait until mercys stream to confirm
Handanon she might show her hands
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This might come as a shock to you but not everyone's into feet.
4 seconds lmao
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fapfic readers, if it's a self-insert do you prefer "you/yours" for the self-insert or "i/my/mine"? never done the latter, just curious
Cross your fingers and pray to whatever god you believe in
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you. i don't like actually first person, especially if the self insert has dialogue
The former
fair, i'll try and minimize it going forward. don't want too much immersion breaking by "you" saying shit you wouldn't
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It's being read, so it comes off better as 2nd person (you/your) vs. 1st (I/my). It can be written with speech in first person (ie your speech in the fic being 1st person like "I love you" coming from -self-insert character- towards -girl character in fic-) but your actions should be 2nd person (ie "your cock").
Don't know why, it just lets me self-insert better.
>unironic pronounfaggotry
Come on man, this isn't twitter.
i could've just said 1st/2nd person but i'm cooked right now man, leave me alone
4 seconds lmao
my condolences handanon
are you retarded anon
that time it was a joke!
It's not "pronounfaggotry" though
If it were, he'd be asking between different 3rd-person pronouns, because no one cares about 1st/2nd person pronouns other than literary preference for self-inserts, grammar teachers and autists.
Anon is giving examples of pronoun tense for a fic he's writing. Calm down.
>captcha: PAVJAV
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MAN it's so tiresome. she has the cutest sexiest most worshippable hands i've ever seen in my life WHY ON EARTH IS SHE HIDING THEM IDGI
although i have to admit black gloves look hot as fuck too
Nice aim
i'm depressed i can't shoot my bad.
Kouhai on the telly: https://youtu.be/vBQcco8TjnE
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ngl I am getting worried she's going to accidentally show her face
Azura also on the telly
Its gonna be fine
ngl I am getting excited she's going to accidentally show her face
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>Azura playing shop management games now
Only a matter of time until one of the girls plays Recette
The plan is in motion
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>mercy is playing as BL bait
i shouldnt be surprised
Bad anon, the doxxfags will be on her like white on rice
>>86220055 (me)
After seeing this https://youtu.be/XKCSmI2B5cs?t=16729 I had to make it into reality.
Modified this https://github.com/MajorcaDevs/dvd a bit to create it.
i'll dox her myself and protect her from the shadows
like Sasuke. my ninja way
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I want her to jerk me off with those gloves.
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part 2


my peanits
I want her to finger my ass with those gloves
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We are now Immyless...
i'm her pookie...
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Im gonna go jerkoff to the fansly vod again
Finally looked up the context. That's rough, buddy.
why are her hands wet?
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I love you Immy
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yeah it's pretty fucking sad actually.
Her putting her hands all of that plush (me btw) made me horny

she missed a spot while cleaning my semen from her hand (she just gave me a handjob)
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Oh. I didn't mean anything by it. The gif is just funny to me and I haven't had a chance to post it until I saw the gif you posted.
I agree. It's about the journey, not the destination.
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Oh shit! I didn't even register that the gifs go together....my brain is so fried today
I really want to worship her whole body, kissing, licking, rubbing, sucking, fucking. everything about her is perfect
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Watching this Mercy collab makes me feel like I'm spying on a girl's sleepover.
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you're good, pinpal. pin nigga and it certainly doesn't help that Immy probably helped in the frying of your brain.
>Immy probably helped in the frying of your brain.
Yes. after that fansly stream I feel like i haven't been able to think properly
Hi, I'm doing some research. Can you say who your oshi is and your canthal tilt?
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24 hours a day
7 days a week
52 weeks a year
till the day i die
i'm hers unconditionally.
what is a canthal tilt
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I'm sorry for being so stupid, but I'm a techlet and I need help setting up ytarchive to download member streams. I'm using the Nyarchivist guide that everyone posts, but I have no idea what the cookie.txt thing is t hat I'm supposed to place in the same folder as it. I download and add the extension to FIrefox, but what file is created and where that I'm supposed to put in the yt archive folder?

Sorry, I know if it's not in the guide it's probably retarded but I honestly can't figure out after an hour of trying to find the answer myself.
You click the jigsaw in the bar on Firefox and scroll through your extensions and you should be able to click "Cookies.txt" after clicking that click the cookies for all sites. It should open File Explorer after that.
I've never used ytarchive I just use yt-dlp

cookies.txt is a file you get from your web browser you have to use an extension like "cookies.txt" or "export cookies" to make a cookies.txt file. Place that file with your download script and specifying the file with the switch "--cookies "cookies.txt"" then you should be able to download member streams
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>Azura's favorite colors are white and black
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I want to worship her beautiful, firm ass. Spank it, kiss it, grope it, lick it, squeeze it, bite it, and most importantly hotdog it.
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for peace of mind, login to youtube in a private window. set it so the addon works in private windows. go to youtube.com, click the cookies.txt addon and select "for this site". download that bitch to the folder where ytarchive is. your final command should look something like:
ytarchive --retry-stream 30 --cookies cookies.firefox-private.txt <link to the stream> best
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Yeah, monochrome. What about it?
her skin is black
my cum is white
Thanks for the help. When I click cookies.txt from the add-ons menu is opens up a text window but there are no options like 'cookies for all sites' or 'for this site'. It just names whatever site I'm on.

Will it work if I log into a members vod and save the cookies.txt from that page?
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>azura is getting thicker
we're winning.
her skin is black
and I want to colonize
Slightly positive
I don't have an oshi. I'm waiting for gen 2.
what's your browser? if firefox are you using
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me btw
File deleted.
Yeah, that's what I'm using. This is all I see when I click it though. If I go to another page it will only show me info for that page.
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Don't anon me. I'm trying...
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weird. it just shows like picrel to me.
doesn't matter tho. you can go to youtube.com and copy whatever is in that txt file, open notepad and paste it in and save it as cookies.txt and then move it where ytarchive is.
delete the file from your post
>Azu's new place is haunted
Shibi off-collab to get rid of demons with gems and shit?
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Ok. Thanks. Will do. I'll try it out next time there's a member stream.
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no worries reefling.
also stacher is a good alternative if you're feeling lazy and saving past vods is your only concern. it auto-grabs cookies from firefox directory and you just paste the link to the vod.
you need to go through command prompt for live streams tho unfortunately.
it's actually insane how there's no decent GUI for all of this stuff yet.
so regarding the tight pussy syndrome, is length the primary problem or is girth a problem too
You tell me
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I fucking LOVE Immy. I love everything about her, I love her I love her I love her and im so lucky to have her.
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imm'd to her gloved hands in protest. i REFUSE to be contained by such constrictions.
What'd you think of the fansly vod?
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absolutely LOVED it. the part where she recites her chant and says i belong to you oh my fucking god. my heart is thundering just thinking about it. god i love her so much it's insane
haha what if they kissed too like what if they did that
Reminder that Shibi is covered in baby oil AT THIS MOMENT
Reminder that Shibi is filled with my baby batter AT THIS MOMENT
Reminder theres only 2 hours left
i'm sorry but can someone explain to me how being so fervent about never having male collabs can coexist with streams where male co-op partners have their mics on? how is this not the same thing as male collabs? i've been following stronny since way before stronny was her name but i can't stand watching these streams
idk but i know what you mean, i dont want immy to do stuff like that for this exact reason
(You) could be the co-op partner.
(You) could not be in the collab.
(You) could have sent a purring vocaroo
lol thats hilarious anon
two big tit choco girls kissing
how funny would that be. like imagine listening to it. and then they maybe take off each others bras. id be laughing so much.
maybe licked those hershey kiss nipples
such a funny time thatd be to listen to
stealing this and posting in /choc/
here you go
after their league win today they deserve better than my drunk shitpost
praying Shibi hits $13750 this weekend
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I actually don't want my oshi to engage in yuri. I also don't want her and another girl to be sexual with me at the same time, matter of fact I only want to be sexual with my oshi and for her to only be sexual with me
what if you were the girl
Im not a girl though
you’re not alone
post cock then
>isn't a girl
I go back and forth on this to be honest. If they lezzed out for the fans I wouldn't mind but if there were actual feelings involved I would have a problem.
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Thanks anon. The deadline is coming up. If you're still working on something in the final hour please let me know before the deadline.
Anyways here's an example of the border I plan to use.
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Thanks for making Madam's birthday card anon, please add my submission to the final version.
>(You) could be the co-op partner
yeah you could be, but if you aren't then there's no difference as far as i'm concerned
that's fair anon, not everyone is comfortable with it. I think the girls are mostly not comfortable with it either, they haven't really done lez stuff yet they just kind of flirt
Nice. Thanks anon.
you're acting like one
good shit bro
please refrain from ever making a vocaroo again. Thank you.
Im going to stick my cock directly into your asshole and fuck it till you're crying like a girl then im going to make you beg me to stop and tell you im not stopping until you admit to being a girl and a slut for my cock
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best post itt, GOOD job!
who had the best piss audio
We're being gay to impress our fujOSHIs, right?
that’s some pathetic shit anons holy shit
I liked Mummeh's
you're not alone anon, it bothers me too. but stronny obviously loves doing it so what can we do?
the force involved was genuinely impressive
>not wanting to have male collabs is based
>but not wanting to have streams where the girls interact with men is pathetic
Make it make sense.
Decided to take a nap and Shibi started posting some spicy stuff while I was asleep.
The difference is sane chuubas (within reason) collab with people they LIKE. If your oshi collabs with someone they probably also have DMs with them where they talk about non-business stuff. Does that mean they're dating? No (yes), but it does put into perspective just how much further down the totem pole your relationship is with her as a viewer. Meanwhile fans and randos with their mic on in coop games just means another stream for you to ignore and come back later knowing she's not fucking them and hiding it from you. That could just as easily be you on the mic.
What? Viewers talking on mic? Sure I'll explain my feelings.
If it's a male vtuber, that would mean he has private communications. That means even though he could be the most respectful decent guy in vtubing, that won't stop brainworms. In fact, that might be even worse if he's decent. It's not really the stream, but the implications of what happens off stream and now that he has a line of direct contact.
For viewers, the rule is play one match and then leave. You can talk and most Reeflings (to me at least) have been alright. It's alright to not watch the stream snipe streams if you don't want to because of male voices, I think that's fair. But some retard (me btw) talking to Stronny isn't a huge deal and she has a good attitude towards it. It also makes her happy to hear even just a hi from someone.
I also got to personally tell her that I love her so I might be biased but I really don't think it's a huge deal. The biggest worries for allowing viewers to talk are attention whores and someone yelling faggot or nigger in the mic

That's at least how I feel about it.
tldr: male vtuber has a direct line of contact vs a viewer who at the worst can just be a little retarded.
ok but they also definitely DM other female vtubers, do you think your oshi is 100% straight? or >>86230620 is this guy just correct
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fuck shes so cute
i wish she would eat me
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Collab = private communication
Stream snipe = no private communication
So yes you’re pathetic
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Based same
Stronny or Immy
that crab should be me...
Can someone post the link to the playlist please?
Im on 4chan and I watch a girl on the internet pretend to be an anime girl pretending to be my little sister im also unironically in love with her, obviously im pathetic. retard
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thanks anon got room for one more?
The /vag/ playlist?
the vaggot playlist?

nopon harelot
this but with immy
I know brother me to just try to be better. For her
Too big for your oshi, too small for any other whore why live?
How many times does she have to say it anon?
I also looked at the pornstar she was talking about near the end of stream. Jesus christ.
are you the dragon or the car?
We were beaten boys the magma board got tears unless she haven’t seen the card yet….
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dragon obviously. i aint no fag
pinpal, i...
But I want to make steaming hot procreating, baby making, life creating sex with my wiiiiiiiiiiife
>most self-aware pinpal
What the fuck is management smoking asking her to look it over to make sure it's safe to stream? They had one job and they delegated it to the one person who shouldn't be doing it!
I don't think it's been sent yet, no? Don't think of it as a competition anyway.
She'll cry at ours too. She's gonna be a weepy mess all day.
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30 mins left. Final call.
Yeah I know it’s not a competition but I still don’t want ours to get over shadowed you know?
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Does this work?
Yeah sure.
3 hours of sex with a guard who was uncontrollably vomiting...
Did you make the shadow puppet?
Very cute anon

She's gonna be an inconsolable mess by tomorrow.
I hope she finally feels how truly loved and deserving she is.

might be useful for sound posts
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VAllure ruined my YT homepage. To whomst do i complain about this?
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sorry anon, i hope im not too late uuuu...
>Vtubers, Top Gear, Linus and Norm Macdonald

How'd you get this screenshot of my YT anon?
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>good ASMR
>Top Gear Classic
based, I see no issues with your homepage
Anon I think you might be too late
Most of these things are pretty great aside from Ame and Shylily.
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>he has a youtube home page
skill issue
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krilling myself goodbye forver
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You are. But I'll try to find a way to fit it in. Nice drawing.
Based and same
all the cool and interesting things you've been watching for the past five years, it's no more
you're too kind cardmaker anon. thanks for your hard work
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goodnight Immy I love you
goodnight /vag/ love y'all
Goodnight Brother, I love you too
Hearing her whisper that makes me horny. I imagine us fighting/yelling at each other over the remote while mom and dad are home, and her saying
>give it to me!
then getting close and whispering
>your penis
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nini bro
oh god yes
>azu sis on stream
i wonder.....
Azura eating food be like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FrpuPLYnvY
>brainworms from a retweet again
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Well done everyone! Thank you for all for contributing. It looks great!
one of shibi's
love the way it turned out! good work everyone!
The prone bone porn or the toaster?
>lol i gave you a boner
Why would you get brainworms from this?
its the bath one isnt it? she's a /here/ girl obviously she finds jokes like that funny. You don't have to worry Brother, listen to the voice tweets she posted earlier
is it that now that she's seen the board she won't care about the card and she'll force herself to show enthusiasm for it tomorrow but won't really care?
Looks phenomenal. You should be proud everyone.
That wasn't a retweet, so obviously not. Shibi would never be so uncaring, go threadshit elsewhere.
As someone that isnt a Harelot im curious how she will react to the 40k image
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aww thanks for adding me last second kind anon
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and not even a single shibba in sight
the prone bone porn
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Why the FUCK is twitter not giving me notifications today?
Brothers, I just got done editing a video for Shibi's Birthday it's a shite edit, and I had used a track from her karaoke for it. Should I swap out the audio since it was unarchived or send it to her through a maro in hopes she catches it?
Why would that give you brainworms?
go ahead, worst she can do is not see it
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It just now gave me the notification for that repost
theirs is full of attention seeking redditors
our has SOVL
she'll love both of them
don't worry about it
Always know Shibi loves you Harelots!
Your post doesn't show when I just search the art tag. Shadowbanned?
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I hope you conquer whatever's bothering you Brother.
Oh yeah you're right. That's weird, the Azura card was fine. I might send a link in Maros just in case.
might be because the posts are few and far between. not much you can do about it if so
elon is trying to silence us
why does shibi own like 40 dildos, is this normal female behaviour?
Normal for a female gooner, yeah
Whats /vag/ listening to tonight?
Stronny is awake
is she horny
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No she's Mommeh
Listening to shibis twitter audio again god I love her so much she has made the past few months dream like seeing her tweet her dorky thoughts looking forward to streams every single day I’ve had something to look forward to and for that I’ll cherish Shibi always
i could slap you that joke was so bad
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It wasnt....
nta but it was terrible. It was so bad that I considered raping you.
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Madam Shibi's last two audio tweets on repeat
you’re kinda cute when you cry… hey… is it true what they say about pinpals?
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Help! im being sexually harassed when im vulnerabluuuughjggh
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Goodnight everyone. Today and tonight was meh, I hope you all have a good day tomorrow.
Remember to tell your oshi how much you care about her
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I can't wait to see Immy's huge milk filled boobies
immy does not produce milk
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She will.
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You're going to make me vomit too! Stop that now!
had a wet dream for the first time in my life as an adult in his mid twenties
About who
Throne update:
Icey received the one shoulder sweater
Mercy received the Joy-Con charge stand
Azura received the desktop microphone stand and Sensual Shinobi minidress
Based she raped you in your sleep
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Immy kinda cute
Immy kinda wife
Immy kinda looks
Like the love of my life!
are you normally up at this hour?
I am actually but I haven’t been able to get on the internet since I last posted. I’ve finally got a signal though. Same reason as tobs.
y'all stay safe now, ya hear?
Thank you bro. I got lucky nothing, serious happened to me. I’m just glad I didn’t miss a thread.
My penus weenus of course haha
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Pinpal on the left
me on the right
Cute bear
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she's so cute...
why can't girls be real in irl...?
because men were the only ones created in God's image
I know right? There’s nothing better.

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