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Amelia Watson appreciation thread
This thread's for Ame, an adorable, dorky, wonderful detective!
Last thread: >>86211797
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Ame's Valve game multiplayer marathon collab is on going: https://youtu.be/7CxLZjU_RjM
She's going to play Portal with Nerissa, and we'll have Gmod afterwards.
Play Chiku Taku: https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutaku
Stream Chiku Taku: https://youtu.be/fYVweqOW31w
Ame links and info: https://rentry.org/Ameliur
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WOW I didn't even notice my numbers, I think the best I've ever gotten before were quads, that's pretty neat

Thank you man, you too

Yeah I'm majoring in CompSci too, how long is CS in your country? 3.5 hours a day, 4 years here.
well now I'm erect....
This music makes me want to cry
We know Nagi
Is this a canonical height difference? My god...
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4 years too. Minor in intelligent systems (AI pretty much)
>Told herself there was time for her to organize a collab before, but now there's no time..
I'm glad I share a favorite game with my oshi.. portal 2 is great
bros, i think nerissa is a sex pest. i hope ame will be okay.
Nerissa amazon-pressing Ame...
did Nerissa drew that Ame discord png on her screen? never seen that one before
This will be an interesting collab, Iā€™m actually excited.
I think it's a little extrapolated but it really isn't far off. Ame is the same height as Gura.
Not the guy you asked but the one from medical major, her compsci is 3 years with a lesson schedule that goes from 9-18 to 10-16 depending on the day
Not to summon the thread police but did Nagi follow Green Ame? Would be sad if she didn't know.
Sex with Muppetson and Sockrissa
she's following her now
Thread police, this gator right here! Get 'im!
I was about to post that. ITs so cute!
>we're so close but so far
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She's been following her for a bit I think. I wasn't following any of her other accounts since a little while after the announcement and Nagi was already following.
Man Ame wanted to be rotund...
That's good to hear, glad she is going to follow her still.
CUTE hic
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I only started watching actual Hololive streams starting with Advent, so I wish Ame was around more after their debuts. The fact she loves Valve and games in general makes me sad she's going to be gone already. I would have loved to see collabs with her and Advent playing games like this. Your oshi is really cool amebros. She's so kind, chill, and quirky. I'm getting a bit teary-eyed thinking about how this is a lot of their final collab with her
Just imagine the threesome between Rissa, Wawa, and Ame.
I love when Ame collabs with someone and hiccups the other girl's chat also gets filled with HIC
This could be the last 1on1 collab she ever does, depending on what the collabs are tomorrow.
two birds with a broken back vs the Watcock
ty adventrix bro, remember to protect your oshi's smile
I keep forgetting those are happening
They're actually so adorable together. What the fuck. Why is this the only AmeRissa collab we're gonna get ever...
thanks anon, always cherish your oshi
One of the 1 on 1's is with Mumei
>did Nerissa drew that Ame discord png on her screen? never seen that one before

That sock puppet? nah, Ame made it for the spelling bee collab.
I meant the ame on nerissa's screen
no, he means the ame in chell outfit png that's on Nerissa's stream.
Haachama right?
How does such a "new" holoen viewer such as yourself view Ame and HoloEN in general?
Because she basically shaped and carried HoloEN the first two years. I'm curious about the things you might take for granted for example, and are essentially thanks to Ame and that kind of thing
God the accented S sounds Nerissa makes sometimes make my dick twinge. Why is it so fucking hot.
wait... I didn't expect nerissa to not be retarded
Ame has the feminine robutt
@CS gators: Make sure to do some networking (the career kind). Even if it's just making some CS friends via vtubers and staying in touch. It'll pay off infinitely more than leetcode grinding at the last second.

She posts the source here.
I had a crush on Glados when I was a kid...
thank you, I wish I could watch Advent live more but I'm a filthy european.
Wait, Ame can draw?
No she took it from here
Which is also the thumbnail for the stream
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I thought you were talking about Counter Strike for a second there
she *commissioned it
I do not want to see this.
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Ah okay, one of the reasons why I liked Ame so much is that she felt relatable not having any obvious outright talents like the other girls, I really can't relate to naturally talented people, would've broken that idea if she could draw that well kek
>ame's portal story playtrhu's were dec 2020
"You could never hurt me" How is Nerissa so smooth, how can one learn this.
go away go away go away
this room is always iconic
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Anxiety hit me like a fucking truck after reading this.
IIRC she was playing them as comfort games because she was kinda sad at that time. It was so kyut when she sang the ending songs at the end.
Networking will help the most, agreed, but don't actually neglect doing Leetcode. The biggest problem though on the horizon that isn't helping is junior jobs are getting decimated left right and center. I've seen it firsthand in Silicon Valley working as a senior SWE. It's being done in place of having seniors do more work with coding LLMs helping like Gemini, Copilot or ChatGPT. But it's also pulling the ladder up on the career progression for juniors to be more useful than what LLMs can do now. I am wishing you newbies the best but it's going to be grim for the next few years for junior engineers.
The self-confidence which only comes from a healthy upbringing in a healthy family. It was always too late for us, bro...
>You killed-uh meeee!
you're sick
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No... Amebee...
>really? it never ends? ever?
I had a healthy upbringing in a healthy family too and I have anything but self-confident, the difference here is that I have assburgers and I'm a dude, anyone would be confident having been born a neurotypical hot girl in a healthy family.
Thank you gator! This is admittedly what I need to work on the most since I'm so socially inept it's not funny
>Maybe its something abstract like LOVE
Oh Ame wants it BAD.
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>a vtuber puzzle game collab where they work together and they aren't retarded
I feel uneasy
I appreciate that, I've been doing networking in my college pretty well, with other students that are doing well and have promising future and the professors, socializing isn't something I would usually do but it's paying off, still on year 2 though.
You ruined it.

Think we can get this to a million by Monday?
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>People talking about their bright futures
>Meanwhile I'm in my 30s working a dead end job with no skills and will likely be laid off soon since the economy is about to collapse into shit again
Hope you Anon's make it, do it for me.
Only if there's an effort to recruit more people to the cause of geting it up, I think. At the current rate, no.
>>Meanwhile I'm in my 30s
Anon you have a lot left in you, don't let a number define what you can do with you life
after learning what ame is wanting to do after hololive ifell a lot bnetter about her (not) graduation. People needn't be so sad about it.
That might've been the last egguh~ we'll see on stream... I hope he cherishes it
snake egguh~
You still have time, dude. It's not too late at all in your 30s
ame and teamates are anti-numbers, plus we don't employ weird kpop stan shit
the way some people are watching it don't boost the view count like looping/muting the tab/2x speed/adblock-on views
I'm sad we won't be getting more stuff like today. All the Holos are a treasure and Ame won't be able to work with them any more.
Im here bros... every egguh is bittersweet at this point. But i have confidence that we may hear some more eggsuh down the line!

>plus we don't employ weird kpop stan shit
Hey don't be mean to KFP like that
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AmeRissa yakiniku!
i pretend i do not see it
they are really kyut together. I can see how their dynamic resembles ametori
>beautiful and smart~
Nerissa please save some rizz for the rest of us
I don't hate rissa by any means, but she really doesn't have much chemistry with ame. Still, she's sweet to have wanted to collab with ame one last time anyway.
man... what could have been...
>like a scalie?
Watcock in Rissas cloaca! ...Ravens have cloaca right
This tbdesu
I suddenly feel sad watching this, are we really not going to have things like these again?
AmeRissa cute..
Ame sounds so soft rn...
Ame's fertile eggs...
more egg mentions!
CUTE hic
It's probably just the game they chose.
Really? I feel like they have good chemistry, this collab has been pretty fun so far
I think the game being quiet and the lack of a BGM makes it seem more like it.
thank god nerissa has a POV
It's probably this: >>86226378 yeah.
same, I guess some people just have very different definitions of good chemistry
I will try my best anon. Beejoe's my oshi and it seems like she wants to do this for as long as she can. As a fan, I can only hope she continues to enjoy streaming for us as much as we love to watch
(Sorry it took me a while to type this out) How do I view them? Well for context, I was a degenerate clip-only watcher for a long time because I didn't have enough free time to watch entire streams. But I've actually only been "following" Hololive since around....mid-2022?

I thought HoloEN was really fun to watch, even through clips, because CGDCT was right up my alley. I slowly learned more about them through clips and whatnot and at some point I learned a bunch of stuff about Ame, mostly about how she was basically tech support for Myth at the beginning. I really respected how she set up a makeshift 3D studio for them to use and it's crazy how much she got working for them behind the scenes.

For Ame herself, I mostly remember clips of her raging, which were really funny. I loved her voice (and still do obviously) but found she seemed kind of quiet and chill as well. I also remember learning how she hiccuped a lot, and was really confused lol. I then saw a clip of her playing a game with Kobo, where Kobo didn't know about the HICS and was like "what was that?!" It was such a cute clip. All in all, I really loved them all, but it wasn't until Advent that I started watching full streams. I wanted a gen of my own and felt I missed too much with the others
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Ame will end the American ISP monopoly during the time she's away from Hololive
I agree with this, Ame seems more comfortable than she is in a lot of 1st 1on1 collabs. They just obviously not close enough to have chemistry like she does with others she is close with. I think they'd just need time to really shine.
Ame forgot when she got motion sick playing Titanfall 2
>people are posting about teapots a full minute before I get them
the buffering is really bad
ame's stream was a whole chamber behind, wild
Or Ghostrunner
>Muh chemistry
kill yourself fags
I don't entirely disagree but I think people are too complacent (pessimistic?). I think the career path that a lot of people have defaulted to for the last decade or so (grind internships and leetcode, get scooped by an army of recruiters, work hard for a couple years until they hit senior in big tech, rest and vest) will shrivel. (I mean, even beyond new ML abilities most big tech companies have reached the stage where they just cut costs.) I guess the compounding issue is that most people in academia have a lagging understanding (if any) of industry so they won't tell young blood to be proactive about seeking alternative paths.
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A reminder to Impmates! We are doing a group photo at 10pm (hopefully there are 6 of us otherwise we wont be able to get a group photo) The password is ILOVEAME both in the colosseum and multiplayer password. Use these settings.
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Teamates are the most apolitical fanbase
by that I mean 10pm eastern, which is in like 19 minutes
aaand it's gone
>You're so smart
truly a classic
we can change it to 4 if there's not enough people
thank god it's not political or i might have been offended!
Reine too!
list of games for the stream so far? I saw a little bit of the fps moba game but that was it
I'd like to come but I'm at work until 11 and won't be home until 12.
Oh cool, I didn't know bout this, ill be there!
Look at the stream title stupid
read the title dude
it's in the stream title, she's going through them in order
>I think they'd just need time to really shine.
>they'd just need time
[insert sheogorath/jyggalag anecdote about lack of time here]
I would but I don't want to start up the game cos I'm watching the stream.
I know, I thought it when I typed it. But I didn't wanna say it :(
Thank for the reply, anon
>I think they'd just need time to really shine.
she's graduating in a few days. what fucking time are you talking about...
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How's the collab, bros?
Rissa sexy, Ame kyut, collab fun
I said they "would" need time anon...I know there isn't any obviously..... :(
Nerissa is so good at complimenting people that I'm baffled. Every little thing is perfect. Much to learn.
>dont have two monitors
>dont have a phone
brother, get with tech
Pretty good. Just sad the HoloEN culture isn't for everyone to 1:1 with everyone else at least once. I wouldn't want it mandated but just... who knows what pairings we've been missing out on?
can ur PC not handle it or something? Boot up on phone if you have to
Nerissa is being white woman, Ame's enjoying one of her favorite games
I feel such a sense of pain. She gets along so well with everyone and is having so much fun. Why is she leaving :(
mama mia
Fiiiiiine I'll do it.
>Nerissa is being white woman
What does that mean?
cute giggle
The complacency issue is only a problem if you work in an environment where people don't switch jobs every year or two which seems to be 90% of the country and world. Even making it into FAANG/MAAMA, you should be hopping between the firms there because salary increases if you get lazy suck. But I agree that unless you are already grandfathered in, you can't be lazy anymore. Academia I think depends, but yeah, most of the teachers won't tell you to do X and Y and only the career center at your university might have some idea. But sometimes, even industry doesn't know what they want and will change course on a dime. The most important thing is still getting your foot in the door and networking with people. Once you have a good handle, jobs will be a lot easier to come by and you'll have people coming to you rather than the other way around. So far, it's still pretty good at the senior level in the Valley especially now the Fed has lowered interest rates.
I'm just appreciating the moment right now. I'll let it all hit me on the final stream
CUTE hic
squeaky hic
kyuuut humming
I hope they play Gmod for 2-3 hours
I was the ugly beast man that changed into the fat fuck imp. Never got summoned :(
I still need to finish the VOD
>Make wonderful memories.
I still don't get why she's leaving, it really doesn't make sense to me...
Holy shit that robot really sounded like Ame
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That's precisely why she isn't leaving fully and keeps dropping assurances that we'll see her again and she'll come back
Once she's sorted out, she can come back to everyone healthier and better off than ever
They'll wait, and so will >we
Nerissa seems so sweet. I'm glad Ame collabed with her.
Alright seems like theres 4 of us so if its still us for by 10:05 eastern swap your settings for 4 players and join in again
We're inching closer and closer to the end of it all
Oh man, Nerissa is crying
can't wait for it to teapot again when gameplay starts while it does nothing during these waiting parts
Nerissa is crying
Rissa is crying now... oh man...
isp hate youtube hate
teamates.. it's 5 AM I can't hold on any longer my head is going to explode..
Yeah, you said it better than I did. The complacency point was more about career starting than being lazy during it.
I'm coming~
cute typing
I don't think Ame even understands how much she means to people
yeah she started crying, rushed to end the stream, and redirected to Ame
what's ope mean?
Thank goodness I missed it. only because I got up to take a leak. if I were here for that I'd've bawled my fucking eyes out too...
This is bittersweet
real midwestern shit, don't worry about it
Yeah, she said she's really happy that she got to callab. But she got emotional because she said she had so much fun she wishes they could finish the game together. Damn that made me tear up agin...
Alright, swap to 4 player matchmake instead
It's the sound you make when your sister squeezes by you in the kitchen at Thanksgiving and her ass accidentally grazes your junk
They probably could have finished it one stream if it was a normal colllab. Truly a shame.
>we lost a guy within 5 minutes
bro... come back...
>Start up game reluctantly to do a group photo or whatever
>Can't even get 3 others to do it
We need one more, come on gators.
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I belieb
If she decided she's completed her "training arc" as an indie or it doesn't work out she can rejoin
the door is open, she said it herself
at the very least I hope to see her for myth anniversaries and certain events depending on how things work out and regardless I'm ride or die
it's a midwestern term, usually used as like, "ope let me just scooch on by ya"
it's like oh or oops but canadian
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I can't enter, somehow, but it's alright. Say ILOVE AME louder for me.
i love american culture
change it to 4 player
ohh, it thought it was some korean k-pop slang
How is even her typing so cute?
oddly specific
poor anya never got a collab
Is gmod the skibidi toilet game?
idk usually its more like an ahn or nnn for me
I think she does, and it's probably part of why she's leaving. She's talked a couple times about how no one in Myth expected HoloEN to become the phenomenon it did. It must weigh heavily on her.
beyond based
Still can't, I tried since yesterday might be the reason Ame can't summon me, I think it's something with my network setting, it's alright.
People are confused but this has happened to me a little too many times. I hate being skinny and having everyone think they can graze past me and they just slide their ass against me.
aw she really did tear up
Fuck Rissa...
Warning, do not watch the end of Nerissa stream. It's heartbreaking
dainty and fast, not banging
Ermm what the sigma?
Now she's liking so many comments. Man she must've really loved Ame.
Die in a chemical explosion
y'all are confused or saying it's oddly specific, but this anon is 100% right
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ame concentrating
Ame said around 18 people might be joining Gmod. Who do you think we'll get? Place your bets. My guess:
>Ame picture disappears, maybe meaning she left VC
>Rissa immediately tears up
These girls really love each other, they're all so sweet.
...uh huh...
Too late...
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Noo. why did you link me this... I don't wanna fucking cry anymore I am a grown man-gator...
too late, I cried.
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it never gets any easier...
Sorry impmates, I thought I had the right helmet but I didn't. Also sorry for accidentally R2ing at the start.
this all still doesnt feel real.....
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All good friend! I'm glad that the match ended in a stalemate heh.
>this thing was working earlier!
>stream sperging out
This is some 2020 EN nostalgia
kek. This teamate can't even contain his spaghetti in an anonymous video game.
You guys told me nothing would change bts, why do so many girls keep crying about it?...
It's too late, I was over there cause Ame's ISP has been shit today
Do you vish to AAAAAAAAAAR peee?
>test test testest~
It's not fair bros. Everyone loves her so much and she loves them all in return. Why is she leaving???
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Nice. Thanks for some last memorabilia, time to uninstall now.
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Fuck me, man... There goes tonight's tears.
Reminder to jerk off to lots of Nerissa porn tonight. It'll make her feel better.
You better fucking not unzip my lizard.
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Yaaaay they're gonna play the skibidi game~!

SKIBIDDY~! weeeeeeee
No reminder needed but WITNESSED just the same
look, im not gonna lie, to myself either, but yes, and, "skibidi toilet" is basically just a resurgence of gmod videos that used to be popular 16 years ago. there is very little difference as far as Im concerned
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>he doesn't know
Ame could have explored more if she summoned any of us...
This is why I only have like 3 friends kek.
zeta is joining
Painis Cupcake and Vagineer weren't attenting kids' birthday parties or being mass-produced as plushies, though.
>16 years ago
holy shit thats old lol
>f-feelings arent real!
Maybe they can finish it... one day....
Thanks for the pic bros
you weren't supposed to notice that...
Because anyone that says that is full of shit and coping. Nobody, not even Ame, not even Cover, knows how this will go. Ame being the type of person she is will likely just go with whatever Cover wants to do. We all know how that can go.
>not alligator
Do not underestimate me, I was doing it while she was crying
>double down
you mean to say "double back" or "back down"?
Double down means to reconfirm the same thing, not changing your mind.
Gmod collab will sadly be cancelled. This has been it for today's marathon. See you guys tomorrow!
>Lets all keep smiling for the rest of the night even if its hard sometimes...
Jesus fuck man....
>she didn't test for a collab with 18 people
Ame please.... you always do this.
Don't respond to the ESL troll, anon.
it's a conspiracy with A-chan and Aqua, they're going to create a new company called AAA
dangerously cute weine
that's an ame doodle isn't it. Fuck...
yes, but thats because the internet now is just even more inter-connected/mainstream/marketed and such things can just spread easier nowadays. Doesnt mean they were massively culturally relevant for tons of people back then.
I know right? its fucking crazy. it might even be a bit before, but the "youtube poop GMOD" format was being made 16 years ago for certain
oh shes pissed
They started with graduating the As, next year they'll move to the Bs
I'm hurt hearing the stress in her voice... but it's also cute and erotic...
Homework hort
Who's going to tell the Pebbles...
i mean the server worked last time no reason to think it wouldn't now
balliope bori.........
Over a year and a house move ago, why would you just not check?
That's just what she said, don't shoot the messenger
Botan, Bijou, Banchou, Bau Bau, Bawr Bura?!
I definitely think that's the main reason. She wants to do her own projects. Not cover's. If they stop trying to make EN idols, she'll come back.
That's literally the reason. That and perms hort. Perfectly understandable and valid, Coco and Aqua had basically the same reasonings.
??? Anon what do you think double down means?
A classic to help fill the break https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFuw-cWdIAE
So what's this homework stuff? What exactly kind of paperwork the girls need to do post-streams?
i thought he was mocking her, nvm
Honestly with how little gets done I'm convinced most "homework" is just "Hey get in a Discord call with a couple managers while we blab about pointless shit at JST and fuck up your sleep schedule"
why am I faintly hearing kronii
kronii kek
aw Kronii
This would fit with middle management in every other industry
wat da heck who was that
If anyone replies to this, they'll become Pekora. Be careful!
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But what if I WANT to be Pegor...
Turn me into Pekora RIGHT FUCKING NOW
I remember a few EN's even saying they would keep playing vidya during meetings. I wouldn't be surprised if most of them were bullshit and pointless for the talents to attend.
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stuffs has been fixed
ok so what if I want to become a short and mostly flat bunnygirl with millions of dollars, and also a monkey
also kek
Stuffs Melfissa...
Anya probably actually did it. She's amazing.
so this is bait, huh?
I can't believe Anya fixed it, she really does do amazing things.
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It's a cute meme but I'm curious, how did it even start?
Yeah, on me.
she did some really cool stuffs, and everyone was impressed.
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>calli a rat
You're mentally ill
Oh shit! A rat!
Awwwww Anya...
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based women crying enjoyer
Now you understand how Kiryukai felt all those moons agoā€¦ I love Ame Teamates forever
rattrap my beloved.
GG definitely about to RP what it feels like to transform into shit
I thought it was Bae
GG's voice is so hot... Got me hard...
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Sex with a Grem
Today I noticed she sounds almost identical to Selen
why is moona in a toilet?
who's all showing up to this gig anyways?
their voices do sound quite similar at times
moona's voice is actual sex
moona is so funny man
Based CC not going to sleep even though she said she was
Ame said around 18 people might be joining Gmod. Who do you think we'll get? Place your bets. My guess:
>old ass CSGO office
never understood how people get them confused, bae's accent is so recognizable
why cant they use discord? it would have saved the first 30mins of setting up.
>Organize an event
>Didn't settle on whether to use VC or ingame voice
>Didn't remind people to install CS:S
>Didn't tell people keybinds
>Didn't even tell people what Prop Hunt is
18 girls on a discord while playing and running and screaming is suicide
its 5am here in germany i don't think cece will come
I hear bae on Zeta POV!
cc is literally right there
She literally just talked, man
That's who I noticed so far.
Everyone should have at least a cursory knowledge of what prop hunt is.
Uh...why did you copy paste my exact post?: >>86229386
I think its kinda cute how much Teamates love Mumei. I day 1 membered to her as well.
Gmod is a nerdy nerd boy game. These are otaku and bordering normie girls.
They're all honoring Ame by playing games naked just like her! How sweet~
Enter weine
So... what's the deal with Gura then?
At this point I'm considering she's on suicide watch.
are the rest of them in discord or what?
I wish I knew.
man, i don't even care anymore
she's not in the collab?
So far I haven't heard or seen Ollie, Gura, Kaela, Kiara, Ina, Kronii, FWMC, and Raora
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I didn't get it
My sister who never played video games begged me to buy Gmod when I got my first PC so she could play prop hunt.
She's a lesbian, but if she allows me I will try to give her the time of her life. Tho knowing her she would just tie me to a bed and use me as a meat dildo.
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shes killing herself
lick some dirt or something
Do you even know what rtv means kiddos
Rick the Vroll
This is a disaster, why would she even start the game without having everyone in the same VC.
rock the vote obviously
Rape the Vatson
Because it worked last time
Roll the dice
ri tlove vame
I'm an ojii-san but I've literally never touched gmod I was wondering what they'd be doing, turns out it's prophunt. I don't even know what game modes it has. I guess whatever the fuck someone wants to implement is the creative freedom of gmod? I've only seen trolling on roleplay servers.
If you think rtv is oldfaggotry then you're certainly not the oldest person
yeah it has many game modes like ttt or darkrp
Can they just go into a discord now? This ingame chat only thing clearly isn't working...
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Are GG and Ame close?
Say the line, [Holo EN girl]!
Back in the day all I would play is prop hunt and TTT, wanted to try surfing but I couldn't figure out how to get the shit since I was a stupid kid. Outside of that I would just download cool assets and place random shit in whatever cool maps I could find. I would occasionally pose girls in sexy poses or have them kiss or whatever.
blessed Ame giggles
kyut giggles
CUTE giggles
CUTE hic
Probably but that's also not really how triangulation works. Ame's not hosting the server locally.
west coast white latina versus west coast asian
who are the ones with japanese only names
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>the indonesians playing from the fucking moon
i remember the hatsune miku poses in the workshop good times
I made gmod comics. Thankfully all of it is lost media.
I've got a RAGING CLUE for Ame right now! I want Ame to investigate my HARD THROBBING CLUE!
Riene and Anya
Anya and Reine.
that's not how that works, bro
remember when mori privated a vod because of tech scuff? that's where we're at lol
>Everyone but Gura showed up
Man, I'm not even sure how to feel at this point
New thread:
For the love of god, at least learn hiragana and katakana
last tweet was tummy hort, and potentially got fucked by the hurricane last night
mmm nyo
They're sisters of course we love her.
So I've got Ame, Zeta, and Anya open in Holodex. I'm confused about why no EN members have their POV. It's also weird how some members aren't audible at all. I don't hear Biboo or Kaela whatsoever, This is hilariously scuffed lol
this is such a shitshow. kino.
didn't fuwamoco play during the myth collab?
Are you an indo or do you just really like Anya and Zeta?
i think all of advent did
they're too embarrassed to show their tech illiteracy
NTA but...those are the only POVs
Ame gassy, Ame kyut, Ame love
Ame braps
There is absolutely no way she can keep professional in this situation, she is too weak mentally.

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