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Thief turned Bounty Hunter with a Laughter full of Joy and a Heart of Gold!
Doki charms Edition~

>Her Youtube channel
>Her Twitch channel
>Her VOD channel
>Her Twitter
>Her Shop
>STREAM Drift Away Dokibird's cover
>STREAM The Final Heist MV
>OP Sauce
Previous thread: >>86205723

>>The Selen Tatsuki Archives (Every achievement/memory is still hers, they can't take that away!)
>STREAM Fly High Selen Tatsuki's Original Song & MV (Reupload)
>STREAM Last Cup of Coffee Selen Tatsuki's Cover & MV (Reupload)
>Play Detective Pomu and the Tatsuki Manor Mystery!!

>Our Divegrass team page
>Divegrass poll

>Don't be a Dumb Goon and reply to (or even just give attention to) every single bit of bait, shitstirring, tribalism, and/or dramafaggotry out there. Be a Smart Goon, Ignore it and Move on! (Report if you have to though!)
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Here's the schedule!
if I get DAD pregnant will that make me dokis father
goon, I..
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Threadly reminder: our run in the current divegrass league has come to an end. I've set up a short poll at https://cryptpad.fr/form/#/2/form/view/PNSpx2UnJAbbci5VVGKB2GQs8rmgDSlaniu6hlq4BHU/ (same link as the one in the OP) to gauge how we felt about our debut run, if we should take part in future leagues and so on. Go through it if you can.
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Aight, off to Bed now bros, hope you all enjoy the Apex collab later... (I'll see what I can catch of it when I'm up, otherwise I won't try to rush out of Bed for it this time round)
Goodnight Goons~
Goodnight Bro!
I just learnt from Terra that Shrimp in Cantonese is "Ha", so whenever Doki laughs she's pretty much saying "Shrimp" all the time.
That shrimp she's laughing at? Yeah, mine
>Dragoons went from purple dinos to chickens to shrimps
it's like reverse SPORE
we will be little microbial specks fighting for nutrients soon enough
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I had a dream Doki collabed with Hololive's Kiara. They did Garry's mod stuff with random Goons, and Doki started getting fake-mad because she suspected goons were ganging up on her with Kiara. Doki was like, "Goons, you betrayed me, ahahaha. Don't fall for it, don't become KFP ahahahaha" and Kiara was like "come join KFP, I'm a good manager I promise" and Doki was like "DON'T BELIEVE HER, she's lying to you goons ahahaha"
Weird dream but in character lmao
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You're all just jealous of me, doki will confirm it in the stream tonight when she laughs 10 seconds into the stream
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Rest well Dragoon!
Sleep tight dragoon!
Doki cute?
EXTRA cute!
GN goon o7
I've been watching Terra 404, and I think she would be a great Collab partner for Doki! She has an infectious laugh just like her, she's directionally challenged just like her, and she's Cantonese just like her, too! She seems to be pretty good at FPS games too, from what I've seen of her BPM stream.
Honestly as long as she sticks around, the chances of Doki taking notice goes up, especially when she starts looking for twitch rivals partners or filler for events like wrestletuber.
How was the TCG stream? I have a huge backlog of vods, trying to decide if I should watch now or prioritize another
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It was really fun, she got addicted to pack opening and the ending was unexpected lmao
She turned into the ultimate gambler.
The only reason the stream stopped is because she had a literal fire alarm
...and she STILL finished opening her last box before leaving.
She started chasing out customers because they were interrupting her box openings.
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The cutest
>>86242567 (me)
I'm watching it and I'm already mad
How does she unironically read monetary values and say "point" at the decimal between dollars and cents
wait til you see what she does with the cards by the end. Cardbros were crying.
Oh seems like yt did another shadowban wave.
I hope Shadowgoon didn't get banned again...
nah he's fine saw him posting in the freddie fish stream
>unironic rpr's fault
Not even like the middle of the night its like 8am for him rn.
RPRs vtuber model is kind of sexy
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no intro
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> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V12rRX3gvMg
>Apex is going broke
balance is being restored
At last...
Reminder she was put into an ESL class despite not being ESL.
deserved tbdesu
Wait hold the fuck up, that catgirl is a guy??
Resita is the alien cat controlling the girl model is holding in her hands.
Also yes
Welcome new goon!
Yes, Restia is part of the OG Apex crew when Doki was Selen
Those are from the original group
RPR sounds like he's near death...
>that was Axel
holy shit I closed the stream I cringed too hard
>anon asks who Restia is
>Doki answers the question as soon as that anon does
>nobody in chat was asking
what was it I missed it
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Yeah, he's way too tired for this lmfao
doki was boobaposter all along
Now with this collab, Doki played with everyone from the OG Apex crew except iPN
What happened to him?
iPN...I hope the pussy was worth it...
Probably busy. Last I remember him was back during #WhereIsSelen.
I swear he showed up randomly in a twitch stream as part of a group with her, didn't he?
rpr already mindbroken
>rpr was late
>"this is the first time I'm late"
>"no it's not"
>"what now, are you gonna say that Helldivers 2?"
>"yeah yeah"
>"that wasn't me that was Axel"
>*uncomfortable laugh* "that wasn't Axel"
Don't know the rest cause I closed it until the conversation topic changed

She already did, not that long ago
ohh cus it was an axel impersonator
Oh I forgot about that collab lmao
I miss japan
this makes me sad
Japan was so much better than Toronto. I empathize with weebs on a spiritual level now
ok yeah, so that's everyone then.
Really, it's like nothing changed at all...
It's 1 am anon what do you want
Going back to america was like wading into a pile of shit after being clean for the first time
Going from a feeling of safety to once again having to treat everyone with suspicion sucks
Not to mention how fucking rude everyone here is
And I'm not even one of those "thing: , thing: japan" people. I've just lived in both countries
Bruh one of the first things I saw after landing in Chicago was them selling buckets of popcorn for $30 and it made me viscerally angry. Japanese airport food is like $6 for a full bento
Just buy the goddamn popcorn, filthy tourist!
Even the tourist traps in Japan weren't trying to gouge you anywhere near as bad. Feels bad coming back from a country that actually respects people
>rpr bullying
home sweet home
Somehow it's worse when Doki is with DTTO...
Interesting. Doki, if you're reading this, close your tab to this Bread while you're streaming.
>bullied by your cute daughter and her friend for 5 hours
unironically seething with jealousy
He was friends with a lot of the NijiEN girls, like Finana, and Millie. He probably has kept his distance from Doki so that he doesn't piss off Niji, and so he can still Collab with Finana, etc.
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Bravo Dragoons
>twitch gacha event
Watching Aris blow a grand gifting subs in his own goddamned channel to get that gambling high was peak lmao.
Based ArisCHAD
What? Who is that?
Doki should play Hunt Showdown
Gotta say, watching Doki just decimate low ranks IS entertaining.
The tourney setting just soured me on Apex, this however is nice.
Only old people on Facebook live play that
I think the tourneys soured Apex for all of us, honestly.
Facebook has streamers now?
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>Picks up R99
>Shoots at close range with BOW
Technically they're not even low ranks it's all smurfs
for me anytime watching her play APEX is peak. Her laughing at the noobs getting mowed down fits the game pefrectly.
To be fair that wasn't close enough for a R99
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Praise the Big Beautiful Doki Booba!
Like the ones she participated in, or did some big org drama happen?
Apex is 100% dependent on what the team their with is like.
Even tourneys are fun imo as long as the squad is fun people and they aren't taking it too seriously. Eg the last twitch rivals and the CC with wigg and tempo were fun imo.
The ones she participated in. Particularly Vsaikyo.
Ah understandable being sweaty changes the vibe massively
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I don't care about the tournament day, Vsai arc was kino cause they would stream on a daily basis and I would have it playing in the background while I worked.
Bro, what happened on the actual day of the tournament soured the whole experience AND Apex for me.
Rpr has to deal with his ESL daughter trolling to impress her Equally ESL wife
That's why he learned Japanese so he could get bullied in two languages at the same time
That, and he wanted to learn Japanese so he could play FPS games with Towa.
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Fuck, he's a genius
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3,2K viewers on a non-GFE stream btw
Did it work?
Also not her usual timeslop.
Doki please stop saying "literally" in every fucking sentence
fuck off
You want her to die?
But literally...
Children successfully bullied
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She's american. Please understand.
It's like expecting a california girl to not say "like" in like literally every other sentence.
north american specifically, not US
She's spoken like this since the beginning and I thought she was from California when I first heard her lol
man Rpr is such a stick in the mud this stream
butthurt she aboandoned him clearly
Doki can't tell fps women apart they all look the same to her
>lowest quality bait
catalog with you
Venture is not a woman please respect their pronouns
Lmao, some people were crying on social media because the tranny didn't receive a skin since his debut
rpr is a WHORE
they were still seething on the MHA announcement and they replied with next season kek
Oh god its a Canadian too even worse
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Hot girl wins!!! ALWAYS!
It did. He got to play lots of games with her.
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No one wants to play with a tranny
I will now play OW
Such a perfect fit for the skin too
She's channeling her inner Valley girl.
Dat Tracer Deku tho mmm
Your language looks difficult to learn...
Shit, what language do I learn to play with Doki? She's not fluent at ANY of them
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>Tracer is a cuck now
but the NOOMBERS
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Retarded British Columbian.
Digimon language
Juno is so Beautiful! They picked a great character for her to cosplay as in this crossover, too!
/dbs/chads always delivering KEKAROO
Is this a corporate AI post?
wait was that him or just someone else with the name?
ayo when did doki start doing gfe?
Pretty sure it wasn't. Common gamertag
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A corporate AI post would say "this character is designed for the male gaze!".
you realize OW has a tranny built in
rpr fault
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Remember that time she just spent an entire team showing us her favorite shorts and videos and desperately scanned chat for our reactions?
That's more GFE than any of the actual GFE tubers.
Sorry but my male gays is only for Doki
hor hor hor hor
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I will never forget watching that autistic Garfield lore video with her
I don't think a lot of people even play as that character, though.
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What about female gays?
Yes and his pick rate is really low, if I install OW again I will refuse to heal it lmao
Cute ear blush
Pretty sure Doki giving us daily updates on her off stream errands and her brat dog is peak GFE
The art style is cute
Doki got paid to play at Apex tournaments which technically makes her a pro
is that more or less gfe than she did as selen? i don't feel like much has changed personally
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https://vxtwitter.com/nekoroulette/status/1756534977829965874 I can't believe I forgot to post this before Friday ended...
Nah, we're joking around.
She's just a bro.
She is the same, we just need a bento stream now
fat fuck
i love watching dumb bird
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Girl you dumb as hell but you know I'm clicking that YES option
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You know what you gotta do.
She's afraid
One day I'd like rpr to not play the "straight man" in the collab and join in with the jokes but I fear Doki will never let him from all the bullshit she pulls lol
Open the poll you coward.
That means she LOVES him
Lol he's actually gonna tilt her at this rate.
Do it! You know you want to see Juno's THICC Ass!
I wouldn't want to group her up with those Apex "pro" assholes.
Honestly, less. We haven't even had one Bento stream since she returned to us.
Ok I've been playing a bit of the TCG sim. I figured doki's "luck" with holos was just built in to the game
She got exceedingly fucking lucky with her packs
They'd need to find someone else to bully in that case.
I think it's just his personality, he's typically serious and older than most vtubers so he just defaults to "straigh man" with people like Doki and Axel, dtto likes to tease him too but when kohaku is around she becomes the target because kohaku turns into a kusogaki
Doki trust stocks at record low
If you live through a brutal civil war as a kid you're probably not going to be a happy, jokey adult.
So has Doki collabed with anyone that she hasn't tried to bully yet? Only one that comes to mind is that guy who says I love you to everyone and she got really flustered over it
Uto! Dokilen got bullied by her instead, in fact Restia was there too
>Mint (she fight back)
I feel like every round has basically been the same
Mint is one of the few people who can actually put Doki on the back foot.
I still remember "Pomu, where's my sword?"
Also that time orca staged a mutiny in minecraft
3er party Legends.
I forgot how comfy these early Euro morning Apex streams can be. I really love her dynamic with rpr.
Might be remembering wrong but the Snuffy collab was mostly just a lot of various media autism
Their constant shit talking is great - I like Restia but he doesn't play in to the bullying like Dtto does.
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Snuffy and Doki have the same kind of autism except Snuffy's isn't masked by FPS bullshit
Cute Snuffy
The banter can get a little bit exhausting to listen to after a while, though.
Her dark fantasy model makes my peepee big
Her Big Breasted models do that to me.
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You guys need to know what she says in the clip I took this screenshot from lol
Personally I don't think so but I'm a bong and all social interaction between friends is just roasting each other.
>Chat reflects the streamer
Goons we're stoopid...
I keep confusing ImperialHAL and ShibuyaHal
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I normally hate banter, but Doki's a very special exception for me. It feels much more friendly coming from her.
>getting high with doki and talking about life all night
These goons are not ogey...
When she says something rude and then you can just see the stupid grin spreading across her face after a few seconds
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Ratalen is kill...
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I need fresh Dokifeet. It's been...so long. Since I both have been here and seen fresh Dokifeet...
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Close enough!
>Badumpy and feet
Thank you fellow goon.
dear lord.
bro the toe curl
Goons, it's 4am for me...
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The things I would DO.
The Things I would do...
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Getting eepy
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It's 10:25am and I've not slept since the last stream...
built for hair ruffling
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>ww3 starts
>put all the gold bars you invested in into a pillow case
>start whacking your enemies
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The Pound is the superior currency.
Champion soon goon...
If there was announcement on TV that nuclear missiles were being fired at my country I would go outside and travel to a city centre so I'd die instantly. I don't want to live in the hell that comes after.
Doki what the fuck are you talking about
>Zombies can't get me in Canada.
This, better die fast than having a slow painful death
Canada isn't real
I'd rather just kill myself than risk surviving a nuke somehow. Those stories of Japanese citizens are straight up fucked
I want to watch a Doki Project Zomboid stream.
Same I don't wanna live in world with no running water or internet or available food, Just fucking vaporize me instantly.
>dies 10 minutes in
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>Not wanting to inherit the world after the fallout
Couldn't be me
She shot him 3 times before her brain caught up and realised there was a guy there. Doki is an honorary American
That would be interesting
Kek, that's where the fun lies
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I can sleep ....
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Champion! They won a game in plat!
My only skills are in electrical engineering - and that's useless after a nuclear war.
Not entirely, not all technology or electrical systems would be wiped out. In fact, your electrical engineering skills would make you a very valuable asset after the fallout.
rpr HATES it...
Man I remember this one run where I spawned on an apartment balcony and there were two zombies inside, I somehow got to lure the two out through the window and kill them but then the room's door broke and 10 zombies ran into the room. It was my shortest run, I died in 2 minutes
2 mozambiques is kind of insane
He muted lmao
>is he gay or European?
Doki I don't even play Apex...
It's over.
Doki has officially transformed from apex streamer to gfe streamer
Doki please I haven't slept in two days.....
You WILL watch stream, after stream, after stream, after stream. Be a good dragoon.
audio is fine, old mans going deaf
Morning goons...wait Doki is still streaming???
Didn't she have back to back streams last night?
It's 11:22am - I haven't slept since her Freddi Fish stream. Please let me sleep Doki...
Champion! I can finally rest....
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>no deadlock tourney
Thank god
predictions for how good doki will be at deadlock?
Bye Doki....
I'm gonna pass out someone else will need to bake the next one
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Bye Doki... at last I can sleep
>no Deadlock tournament
Thanks fucking God...
What a comfy stream that was.
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Until next time Doki...
Good morning! I'm going to Football later so someone else will have to as well.
Bye doki!
Im very happy we got a Collab for apex rather than solos, Its much better with an actual team to banter with as you play.
Restia was fun to wind rpr up with, even if he isn't a catgirl.
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I don't care much about shooters, but these are some of my favorite Doki streams. Her banter with rpr is wonderful (to say nothing of how cool the other people she often plays Apex with are - god I want more dtto) and these streams usually happen early in the morning for me and go on for quite a while. Perfect for waking me up and setting me up for the rest of the day.
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back to being eepy...
Sleepy dragon...
How was the stream?
Deadlock stream waiting room is up!
It was alright
Is that any good
super eepy...
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Any breadmakers?
Gin's art is so nice.
It's HAHAover...
If nobody bakes before the thread dies then I'll do it. Never done it before though.
Good luck, goon o7
Remember to remove the (embed) and post actual links
GL goon o7
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It ain't the usual baker, but the fresh bread is ready!
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Thank you breadmaker, good job

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