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First Edition

>What is /OLIG/?
/OLIG/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 1000 viewers or more.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
No. 4views or higher only.

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
Yes. Please talk about corpo vtubers in their appropriate threads.

Other useful threads:
Sinders tits are hot!
Womp Womp
I want to tongue punch Bobers fartbox in RTX!
I love Lucy
Do a flip!
What if we insert a Toblerone bar into Laynas ass and slurp it once it melts?
Akuma Nihmune love! Noomba love! - t
Juniper - Dominos strongest warrior 30 hours I want to buy a house - Actias
Did you know that Chibidoki has the tizzm?
I love Coqui!
stop fucking with the OP
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This thread belongs to Olivia Monroe
not a 4 view without her bot army
I want to stick a cadbury creme egg up layna's ass and watch the goo drip out
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I wish this thread could unironically exist some day.
I can't imagine someone gosling for Saru. She very clearly isn't into that.
Today can be that day.
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Well then you shouldn't have named the thread after her, smart guy
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Then I'll try to keep it alive for awhile.
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>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
>Yes. Please talk about corpo vtubers in their appropriate threads.
Fucked that one up didn't ya. Just don't include it if you don't want it silly sperg
If you want the thread to be popular you should encourage that Anons link clips on youtube
The other threads don't do that and it will give the thread actual things to discuss
>her bot army
lmao the shit thread has the schizo
So you want to discuss corpos in an indie global? How does that work? It's literally in the name.
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This Layna and Mint VR collab is comfy.
Yes, it's literally in the name
So you shouldn't feel the need to include that extra line about corpos
No problem. I will remove it next thread if it survives.
I want to put another ring on Megalodons 5/10 finger
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I don't know whether this is an unironic schizo split or an ironic attempt to make some schizo point about /lig/, but either way (You) are a schizo and this is a waste of space. kys.
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more places to post pink
the thread will die when EU hours start
that being said:

Let's discuss all the good things that the queen of liggers - Numi did for western vtubing!
She is the Queen of /lig/ and /olig/
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I don't know who started it, but there's at least two or three of us who are currently trying to keep it alive in good faith. It likely won't survive like the other times it's been tried unfortunately. /lig/ has become a total mess, which has made normal discussion impossible. Unlike 3views, the pool of 4views is small enough that some nice actual discussion might be possible. They also all tend to collab with each other more often than smaller liggers, so a fan of one 4view is more likely to be familiar with other 4views people are talking about. /lig/ is full of people spamming borderline 3views that only they watch.
so, can we talk about Kirsche here?
Why did the 3view split die then?
It's her board
Because it wasn't where the cool kids hang out and they want their chuuba to look like they "made it" by inserting them into a more popular thread.
Kirsche posts should be a bannable offense
>Unlike 3views, the pool of 4views is small enough that some nice actual discussion might be possible. They also all tend to collab with each other more often than smaller liggers, so a fan of one 4view is more likely to be familiar with other 4views people are talking about
To add to what I said earlier, they also have more total fans. There's more potential for a fan of theirs to find this thread and want to discuss them in peace.
Yes Kirsche is welcome here
3am is a pox on the other thread
There's nothing stopping you from posting about her if you want. Kirsche is also technically on-topic in /lig/
Kirshce posts are unwelcome anywhere on this board.
Have you tried actually talking about them and trying to create discussion instead of complaining?
I dunno about him but I have
The thread's always too busy astroturfing the new 2view they just found to talk about actual large indies
I was responding to the Doki poster who told us we were all schizos and to kill ourselves. I'm currently watching Layna and Mint poledance.
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What happens when we get a new 4 view?
When does one count as a 4 view? One week steady 4s? A month?
I think if they can carry a 1K+ CCV for a whole month that would count
Obviously it has to stick though
brb ordering 150 bots until the end of november
hitting 4 view without raids is a fair threshold
A month by month basis makes the most sense. If they're someone that constantly shifts between being a 3view and 4view it would be confusing if they shift between being on-topic and off-topic every week. An entire month to discuss them if they don't manage to become a permanent 4view seems reasonable.
Gonna be blunt, even if this wasn't started by a schizo it would probably be necessary eventually. /lig/ was just to big. Back when it started it wasn't a bad idea as it was. There was no place to discuss indie vtubers on /vt/ except /vsj+/ and /wvt/ but both of those threads had their own rules that clashed with the concept (and /lig/ was started by angry /vsj+/ people due to Saruposting, etc). But we're here years later and there are FAR more successful indie vtubers than ever before. That number was only going to grow not shrink. Thus, /lig/ would have to expand just by necessity.

But it'll take autism to keep this thing going. If you can do it then you win if you can't you're just another failed schizo attempt to troll. Good luck fags.

Love /vsj+/
we need schizos to keep the thread going
Akuma Nihmune love!
Noomba love!
It really bothers me when a 3view gets raided and people shout BITCHZUKI 4VIEW, you're not a 4view unless your average CCV is 4 digits, that's like saying you're British because you celebrated Guy Fawkes Day once. IMO it should be last month average at the very least.
Threads made in bad faith never survive
Tell that to /flip/
/lig/ was made in bad faith
>Sinder is a more successful clone of Silvervale
>Obkatiekat best girl
>SmugAlana and Kirsche always have the best takes
>Lucy is a pickme
>filian should have been canceled years ago and hates artists
>nyanners content went down hill and now she always has to have Aethel present
Which 4views do you guys normally watch? I watch Nyan, Vei, Neuro, filian, and recently Grimmi.
Vei, Yewey Icks, Yuzu, Giri
Filian, Dokibird, Maid Mint, Limes, Snuffy
Let's hear it anons. Odds that Grimmi stops being an /OLIG/GER and joins VShojo?
she'll take it if she gets an offer, but she ain't getting that offer
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I know /vsj+/ likes her and she openly stated she applied and as far as I know didn't say she was rejected like a lot of others did. Also know that MTD likes her and she seems to like VShojo a lot. They'd also get a lot of saviorfag points if they picked her up

I can't give a percentage but I do think she has a genuine shot
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evil in da olig
Why is she so evil?
Grimmi joining VShojo would be like the happy ending to all the shit she's gone through over the past couple years. Even if it means moving to /vsj+/
appearing to keep something in good faith with severe bad faith, intense hatred, and fervor is how the original /lig/ was born.
I mean I wouldn't be against an /olig/ because /lig/ has barely been /lig/ for most of its life. Though if people wanted to actually make it a thing a name that doesn't come off as seething + a new OP would be good places to start.
Me too
layna really is the rizzler autist innit she
Can I post Dooby3D, Senzawa, etc.?
>she openly stated she applied
Did she say that on stream or are you referring to that obvious joke post she made on twitter?
Senzawa is retired so no
Dooby3D hasn't debuted so also no
layna is so cute i can't stand it
/lig/ is 4views rightful home, co-opted by discord shitposters of /here/ pickmes. 4views should not be displaced. it's fans of unsuccessful liggers that want the status of the thread, to be associated with the likes of giants, while having a fraction of their success, they will still use their names and titles for their OP just to advertise chuubas with sub-500 viewership.
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On top of that, many of the known VShojo orbiters were rejected in the first round. If VShojo wants to bring in fresh viewers to the VShojo fanbase, they'll go for vtubers like Grimmi who has had very little interaction with VShojo members. The other day Deme confirmed that she hasn't been rejected yet, and she also shares a minimal amount of overlap with the VShojo audience like Grimmi.
Then I'm leaving.
Unless you have her saying she didn't apply from after the auditions were closed then I don't see any reason she couldn't have actually applied then made a joke about it on Twitter.
Anny, Shondo, Mari, Filian, Neuro
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i yearn to go on a really autistic and gender neutral date with lady layna lazar where we learn to appreciate each other for the unique individuals we both are
Okay fine you can talk about Dooby because we all know she's going to be a 4view when she does debut. I don't know what you'd want to talk about with Senzawa though bitch hasn't streamed in 4 years and was a 3view anyway
Deme is much more favorable because she gives /vsj/ more timeslot coverage
Ok, that's fair.
she's actually very kind despite her name
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Don't forget that it's fine to discuss 3view or smaller liggers that are literally in a collab with a 4view.
Only if they are currently collabing.
>gender neutral
Is Lanya one of the alphabet people or are you just shitposting
whiny schizo
Don't capitalize "HAHA" like this so the link will work
I want it to happen so there can be a line of VShojo hot sauces. If acquiring Grimmi means picking up a hot sauce company with her that sounds like a win/win for flavor
frankly I dont think they want to pick up another geega/haruka, neither of them have had explosive growth
Rename the thread to /sig/ Superior Indies General for 4views and up.
is this thread made in good faith? because if it isn't it won't work.
it was made it pretty bad faith at the tail end of a nearly 900 post thread where OP was getting irrationally mad about 3 views in /lig/
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Based, I like this idea.
can you rephrase that into a question about large indies
Next thread will be /sig/ then.
Her tits grew wtf
Dokibird is live btw
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The pink milk producers are always growing, does anyone have that progression pic that shows her breast size increasing with every model?
this thread shouldn't exist.
But it will
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Worry not, we will all become /sig/ma males if we make it to the next thread.
This but instead make it /big/ for bigger indies general to confuse both /ag/ and /beeg/
/sig/ – Superior Indies General

"Blank" Edition

>What is /sig/?
/sig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie Vtubers who have on average 1000 viewers or more.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
No. 4views or higher only.

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
Yes. Please talk about Corpo Vtubers in their appropriate threads.

Other useful threads:
this but also steal the number posts from /lig/ lol
it was made a by a guy that screamed
Ah yes, small indies global 2, electric boogaloo
Try making an original OP instead of being lig 2.0 and you'll do better. It's how /pi/ survived for longer
Change 499view to 999 CCV.
Got it
/sig/ – Superior Indies General

"Blank" Edition

>What is /sig/?
/sig/ is a thread for Sigma males to find, share, and discuss Indie Vtubers who have on average 1000 viewers or more.

>Can I shill my 999view oshi here?
No. 4views or higher only.

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
Yes. Go talk about Corpo Vtubers in their appropriate threads.

Other useful threads:
marimari underscore en is right, there's something wrong with people who don't like soup.
What's cute about her?
the fuck is this?
The general for indies who are actually good
4view Indie general
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Not many vtubers are able to banter and shit talk like Doki.
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>shit talk
idk about that
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Is there any other Vtuber like her?
riveting discussions you got there
Nice tits
Thanks :)
I'm sorry we're not spamming a thousand bat pics or talking about 3am. I could see how that would make you uncomfortable.
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pity bumps kek
We Vei posting? I miss the days when /vsj+/ was filled with Nyan and Vei posts.
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I'd bump you out of pity.
awesome! how big is your dick?
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wat ze fak is zis
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The perfect size for you.
Remove /lig/ from list.
It is not a useful thread.
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How has she inclined so much and so fast?
Vei hates her fans yet still wants their money. Discuss
She's fucking a millionaire, she doesn't give a fuck about simpbux. Streaming just strokes her ego, since thousands of simp cucks show up to watch after she wiped her ass with them multiple times.
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Both Ari and Froggy have benefitted heavily from VShojo collabs. They're constantly collabing with Mouse, Zen or some other VShojo member.
Great, let's go then. I don't care if it's infront of everyone
it would be extremely painful
Can I discuss my oshi notGeega here?
only if you post her tits
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Not even a 4view, GTA really is a debuff game.
French Woman Love
She's pregnant
I see. I guess she hasn't streamed many days either so the average is skewed. Hope she can keep the momentum going
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Many such cases.
doki sex
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this but it's the acronym for big indies general so it's recursive
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Filian makes me want to go feral
Does this /olig/arch qualify to be posted here?
Is Filian still using the free model ? Is she not gonna get a custom model made ?
Yes and she already has one, but refuses to use it
She's scared of losing viewers if she has a redesign, but she hinted that it's in the works
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Sayus voice turns me on so much
Yes, but she won't use it
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NIce 4view you got there
>She's scared of losing viewers if she has a redesign
I get it but if handled properly it shouldn't be a problem
just make a legally distinct model
No, let the sinchroknights chill here. They haven't had a home in months
>Currently 300 on YouTube and 900 on twitch
At least pretend you’re not retarded
She's a 4view most of the time.
oh so we're already bending the rules? great, only took half a thread
Also this >>86255324
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show me the 4view
Is there a reason you used the 1 week average instead of the 1 month?
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what the hell did she do, she was on a good clip
dramaviewers fucking off?
Hmm, I'm sure this post is made by a person who is in favor of this split
I think this thread might be a joke HOWEVER if it will survive for long enough with enough Anons posting in it I might move here from /lig/
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New generals take time to build up a base. Kind of like how /lig/ had to.
still a 3view
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everyone treated /flip/ like a joke as well
okay but youre taking the dooby and senzawa posters if and when they come. have fun
when the name and OP will be refined and Anons will post here unironically it might be a nice thread
current /lig/ durring burger hours is just too fast, often threads reach bump limit after one hour
2022 /lig/ was peak comfy and I miss slower threads
fresh meat to nikocado
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Dooby will have her own general, it will be fine
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Mfw calling anon a retard on the internet
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>Not Big Indies General
God damn it. One job.
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but this thread is still young, next OP can be /BIG/
what would be our thread mascot (if we even need one)
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>already have a schizo
They couldn't be bothered to make a general?
this poster is 3am fan
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make /sig/ (smelly indies global,)
>Lucy is a pickme
Yeah she’s great.
Lucy and Limes for me.
fat liggerman
we still haven't decided on a name
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Well it needs to be big. But how? A big woman? A globe? A big woman on a globe?
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/BIG/ is a really good name and I'm voting for it
>They couldn't be bothered to make a general?
They had one, but it ended up being a tourist and schizo thread and they eventually gave up
A biggerman if you would

don't ape /ag/ like that
anime girl with hyper tits
Lily being the first OP is actually pretty historically accurate as she was the first to challenge the big vsj 3 at the time.
Lily is cool but I don’t have a fart/shit fetish so I never got into her
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/BIG/ is good

Like mega milk? Even as a dfc lover I have to admit it would be fitting

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