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Last thread
No live posting, no horny posting, no manager posting, not even a little doomposting. What's become of us?

No Survival Corps
I still need Majin to play and stream RS2 remake once it comes out... please Majin I'm on my knees begging
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Roberu something something
I can doompost a bit, for old times' sake. The morale is at all time low. Stars lost Ganchan, the biggest ray of sunshine and unityfag between the branches, official units Bratt and Unplan don't actually do anything together, Oga arranged a kino sf6 tournament but all the tourists have already left because he wants to keep playing boring games in a corner as usual, ikinokoritai is dead, yurustaritai is dead, tank club is dead, boardgame club is dead, I think Izuru should invite his minecraft friends to play with him instead.
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I almost forgot tomorrow's the last episode of this season of Dogengers... Hatena my love...
He'll be back. I just know it!
He's already a series regular, it just sucks having to wait for a year or so until the next season
But Hatena got a lot of screentime this season, I'm overall satisfied
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I can't speak for unplan but I know in Bratt's case the issue seems to be money. Astel said they had more orisongs planned but they can't afford it right now.

I feel like they could have (tried) capitalized on Izuru's funny behavior getting attention in VCR and Astel's notoriety as the jubutsu but you know those bratts, they won't do anything they don't feel like. They don't even feel that bratty together as much as in the past, they're too comfortable with each other.
Unplan falls apart the moment Rikka went on a hiatus.
Source: my ass
at least Ouganic Flower is still alive and well!
>Rikka went on hiatus
>Shien's fluctuating activity is such that it makes bukas go schizo
>Aruran found a new family

Miyabi... is there.
Living in strange timeline, where two members who'd in the past would reach out to other people the least now make a consistent duo. I'm happy about that though, they have good chemistry.
I think Aruran has completely broken my mind to the point I can’t even do any kind of posting of him anymore because nowadays I just can’t fucking stand him
Looks like some bukatachi went to mememe’s solo live venue to watch bossu in person
Robechan actually married, and the trip actually his honeymoon
Yeah, with me.
Old man trying on a cute filter
Technical problems HATE
Turns out calling the game Yamachan and scolding it like it's a child fixes everything
two months
>tank club
four months
literally last month
also unplan isn't an official unit
cute comfy movie watchalong with my boyfriend later!
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FEanon if you're still here, are you going to include alternate growth modes like fixed growths? I've come to dislike FE RNG over the years and love romhacks with shit like fixed growths, 0% growths, 100% growths, etc.
BRATT are gonna make an appearance at Meika's Birthday Live
Aruran is doing a watchalong of Regloss 3D with Aria (potentially other members of Pizzeria family)
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Shut up bae
It's time.
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BRATT next, Izuru is up first
Rewrite... I love this song but this is making me feel so old too.
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lately I watch arusan the double I watch my oshi because lately he's somehow the only one who does actually interesting streams
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This angle of 3d bossu is kinda funny for some reason.
Majin really is rooting for Temma, can't believe TemMa is alive in the year of the lord 2024
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This is a little funny out of context. Thanks for feeding my TenMa delusions, Majin.
would it kill you retards to give context. anyways, nice to see temma actually enter a tournament outside of the stars
It really is, it's like Temma's getting a second chance to show what he's made of after his Lily got steamrolled during Oga's tourney.
Just Majin delaying starting his movie watchalong livereacting to Botan stream and cheering for Tenchan
From what I understood from Botan's stream both Aruran and Temma applied for the tournament but didn't get picked. Ah well, Temma giving it a go is a big step for him anyway.
I was watching some of the JP pros reaction to that part, and they were all rooting for Temma. On top of it being unfavorable, turns out Ren's JP has experience beating actual pros on that matchup.
What the fuck was your oshi streaming before to the point Aruran’s SF6 streams are interesting to you?
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Wouldn't be surprised if that anon is a buka
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>solo survival game
Someone please… play with izuru…
Fine. Here’s some doomposting:
Do you guys ever think about the possibility that some of the stars might be like p diddy behind the scenes?
No but if that ever happens it would be either Astel or Aruran.
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Go back.
I thought that was Yagoo and the investors meetings.
Most anons left, the audience has always skewed older and after dealing with generals for a few years its more enjoyable to watch vtubers alone or with a small circle of friends or acquaintances.
Astel is cute
Roberu is cute
Temma is cute
I think Miyabi should tie up Temma and and crush his balls
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looking forward to the "stream doesn't end until you cum 10 times" endurance
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Whatever you say, Oga. kek
he just literally doubled down when trying to defend himself kek
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Anime Impulse meet & greet schedule
*ticket sales schedule
Good luck to the anons planning to go
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Why do these things keep getting announced at short notice
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why is my oshi like this
this ojisan should be sleeping, he has a watchalong to do in a few hours
maybe if omaesans were actually useful he wouldn't be so horny and browsing fan*a instead of sleeping
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Aruran? Interesting streams???
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Majin Dogengers watchalong
Shin Dogengers episode 12
it's starting!
why's yabai kamen getting gangbanged by the heroes
did they fucking kill him off!?!
goddamit i was baited
Sentai stuff really irks me and I have no idea why, but I'll bear it for Oga's sake
That ending was really gayyyy.
Can't wait until next season, I need more Hatena.
The only gay I will tolerate in Dogengers is a Nectaris-Shuraoumaru-Hatena threesome
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>Probably last 3D performance of the year

Surely there's the countdown?
thank you for your service anon
Surely there must be, we're bound to get one now that Tempus can participate.
You know remember that since Regloss just got 3D, Armis is next.
Finally got to watch Bratt in Meika's live. Real good shit.
I don't think Armis is going to get their 3D that quick.

Astel unarchive karaoke
>Been around for almost 11 months
>Will still have to pile in to japan and prepare for 3 months
Wouldn't say it's quick exactly
Since it was brought up earlier, Astel just reconfirmed they can only do all live or all pre-recorded (and obviously he'd rather do live, so he wants to train his stamina), he actually called a rule this time. He's been inspired by ReGLOSS' live.
Did he just say he's planning to release 5 songs for his anniversary?! Ambitious Seaweed.
Apparently DADADA was planned for August but something happened. Astel said maybe October or November but he didn't really say it with confidence. Hopefully it doesn't remain in limbo for much longer.

Yeah, he's mentioned it before.
Izuru The Forest
>Astel wanted to do a cover of Welcome Sicks with Shien, Uyu and Fuma but it was like a month after Uproar debuted so management didn't allow it

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>No you will NOT produce content
Someone up the chain really had it out for Astel that year, he got denied AGF participation in november too.
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Man what the fuck is wrong with management? That could’ve been kino
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>Feel bad
>Open Gamma vod archive
>Hear screaming intro
>Don't feel bad anymore
I miss it
The reasoning was they had plans for Uproar while they were new. He actually mentioned this before around that time, management wouldn't let him do duet covers with them like he had done with OG9 (he mentioned it again this time too). I didn't get it then and I still don't.
Astel's leaving the archive up until midnight.
It's not stars management if they aren't retarded
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i think it's quite simple: they didn't want to blur the lines between holostars (OG9) and uproar
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Finally one of the guys on our side is playing this. Do you guys think he'll get addicted to opening packs again?
Uyu TCG card shop simulator
huh, actually pretty cool
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other side
who would make for the best seahorse dad and who would be the worse
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I never watched her, but you know what? Commissioning shitpost fanart like this is funny. She's alright.
Izuru would make the best seahorse dad. Roberu would just leave after birthing baby seahorse, parenthood scares him. Came to me in a dream.
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Look at this brat. https://x.com/mg_ytm/status/1840361588731351052?t=7IIqFf5duRiMQy34ZJLFHQ&s=19
made for breeding
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At first glance I thought Oga had gotten hit by the impression zombies because his post had 230+ replies.
But it was just full of fans telling what they like about him the most since he asked them that. Why the hell is this ojisan so cute it's not fair.
His name was trending earlier, don't know why though.
He also brought up his new male-female viewer ratio. The ojisans have taken over.
Holostars is by and for ojisans.
Seems like Uyu is gonna unveil the completed VRchat world he made soon
It's finally happening they're learning vrchat! Better late than never!
Since it's slow right now, here's Ruze's birthday stream if anyone wants to watch.
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>raccoon cake(pops)
Fuma NOOOO!!!
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Its something that hes wanted and talked about since around debut, it's taken a long time to get together.
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Nice. Ame stays a based buka all the way until the end.
Hanakishi Radio #62
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Temma's big sis is here
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What's wrong, anon?
I don't understand how that has anything to do with being a buka.
NTA but she was actually watching Shien’s 3D debut so that makes a Buka in some way. There’s also like little meme doodle that went around where she specifically wants Shien to eat a banana but idk if that’s related to anything
she liked babudon art before and in one of her backgrounds she has the nekoyama nui
If they had followed the previous two agfs and went for fanservice first we could have had nurse Izuru. The outfit would have been a masculine version but that wouldn't have stopped the artists.
Thanks anon
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Haven't watched the radio, what's the context here?
Temma overslept
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You know who's cute?
(You), the anon reading this.
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Did Miyabi go easy on him after seeing his tweet from yesterday?
Childhood friends VPs later today. Will it be just these 2 or with everyone?
Maybe it's a new series like the asmr is.
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Oddly specific theme.
Probably. During radio he was like "oh well, I'll just let him sleep" instead of trying to contact him.
Even though I like Temma, it is slightly frustrating nobody wants to correct him about scheduling mistake like this or streaming over Roberu's anniversary until after it happens.
Fuma Doraemon Dorayaki Shop Story Endurance
Childhood friend VP is live. Miyabi, Astel, Shien, Fuma and Uyu.
>Seahorses, the ONLY animal that has males that can get pregnant and give birth
Ok I’m starting to think she is a starfujo
Permanent sales again?
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I wish the illustrations of the VP included all the members, Miyabi and Astel look really cute in this one
After 4 and a half years they know he won't be checking his messages so they don't bother
the twitter thread liveposting during Shien's 3d debut didn't outright give it away? Or Nekoyama being showcased in one of her BGs?
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Miyabi Legend of Zelda Echoes of Wisdom
Minase got Ganchan fired because Stars commitments were taking too much of their fucking time.
Don't show me what was taken from us... ;_;
>we never got a real 3D collab with Ganchan and Minase
The pain...
Izuru The Forest
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Adorable. Must protect at all cost.
I want to poke their cheeks and feed them mashed up fruit
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Temma SF6
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why does miyabi look like a woman
To lure in anons like (You)
Speaking of Miyabi, this zelda game he's playing right now looks like shit.
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New cover from old man tomorrow
>Blood on face
>Blood on bandaged fist
W-who has old man beaten up? Wife Beater is not a silly divegrass name after all?
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it's pretty tame compared to the thumbnail of the actual song
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I hope he sings someday again
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This would be a cool album cover.
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Source please
artist locked their account though
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this ojisan is too cute
I would love to be a Boo so I can lick his mushroom
Roberu Yakuza Kiwami

The visual novel Astel will be reading is Kamaitachi no Yoru (Banshee's Last Cry). Is this sponsored? Unlike him to put the waiting room up so early.
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Stars from Ame's Aquarium
And the description
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>this species forms social groups that spend long periods of time apart
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this is for that one anon who wanted to fuck hatena
already saw this
>fuck Hatena
i want loving baby-making sex with Hatena (we get both mpregged, dont ask)
can someone fill me up? i don't understand what bratt is talking about
Fuma Apex
Temma SF6
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Holostars puppet short video ft Rikka, Roberu, Shien, and Oga
Majin just joined Aruran in vc
Rikka Ao no Sumika Cover Premiere
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Good stuff
What does he mean by this?
Izuru The Forest
Capcom teasing Darkstalkers stuff with the SF6 DLC but no new game announcement just hurts so much
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He saw the god when he died and it was the shogun
Astel Kamaitachi no Yoru x3
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How was that little helmet going to protect any of them?
it's fine cause they have no brains
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Miyabi OW2
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uoh Oga topping Aruran
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business as usual
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I need help, I feel like I'm going crazy. Did Miyabi promise to have a tea party at the end of last year and then forget about it? I swear I remember seeing Hanamigumis being excited to use the Holostars teacup set for it
I feel like anyone can top Aruran, even Fuma
Yeah, he was thinking of doing cooking stream involving apples (since he got a bunch from a friend) and also make it a tea party in late December, but then he went on his mental/holiday break so it never happened
Thanks, anon. I got my package with the newer set and putting it next to the old one brought back that memory.
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Squish him
Shien will be traveling for a few days but will post shorts.
I don't think bukas would have noticed if he went 2 or 3 days without streaming...
Maybe he just want to explain why he would be posting shorts.
He’s going on a honeymoon trip with me after we eloped recently. Sorry you had to find out this way, anons
Ame... So this is why you're leaving...
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StarYareV ep #25 (bonus episode) starts in 5 minutes.
Reminder that you need a VPN to access the site and that the bonus episode won't get an archive on the official YT account.
ep #24 (with Hanakishi) archive
And here's the bonus episode's archive
Thanks, anon! chu~
There will be an announcement for StarYareV merch at a later date. This will also include all 25 episodes (I'm guessing a CD pack). The YT archives will also be removed on Oct 9th at 22JST, so listen to them or download them while you still can.
Hanakishi Minecraft All Achievements Challenge
https://youtu.be/3Nzz07-7vlE - Miyabi
https://youtu.be/M4AqD20Ii6I - Temma
Miyabi isn't feeling well, so Temma SF6 instead
Roberu Yakuza Kiwami
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flower bouquets from the radio staff
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Miyabi doesn't feel well quite often...
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