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Second Edition

>What is /OLIG/?
/OLIG/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie Vtubers who have on average 1000 viewers or more.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
No. 4views or higher only.

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
Yes. Please talk about Corpo Vtubers in their appropriate threads.

Other useful threads:
Wait so we're splitting all the annoying whores from lig? Hell yeah, thanks.
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No, we're taking all the 4views
Why did you just repeat his post?
Imagine the smell
I didn't
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Bingbong pingpong
*flips into ur split*
so what's on the agenda ho/olig/ans?
>>86265720 (me)
fuck I ruined my cool entrance it's never been so over
God, that's a good nickname but some anons want it to be called /big/
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What leagues are there now on /vt/ and do we use promotions and relegations?
/asp/ -> /wvt/ -> /lig/ -> /olig/ -> /vsj/
We seriously need to figure out the name for this thread
Any suggestions?
already did
why the PLs and Geega?
And it was?
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/Big/ was the general consensus.
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Seems like my filters now prioritize you guys since I obviously filter for /mint/, so yeah what's this?
Are you an anti thread that turned into a general like /lig/ and /flip/?
Shit, this seems like the way to establish an indie general nowadays. I should ironically make a thread about how I hate X or Y when I actually just want to discuss them.
So, it's like
>/BIG/ – Bigger Indies General
We just want to talk about 4view Indies. That's all.
no need for bigger
just call it Big Indies General and the requirement being 4view
>/BIG/ – Big Indies General
Olivia and Geega are no longer indies
I wish to marry and impregnate Lucy Pyre, I am eagerly looking forwards to the new outfit in a few hours.
cease and desist, this is a holo board, thanks
you mean buffslut
Goon to Amalee
Yea, your butt, that she's knotting.
she should do asmr
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I love my young virgin little (step) sister who is a virgin.
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Are you guys ready?
Sir, an AI image covers your actual post.
Does any /big/ boy know when Squ's birthday is and if she will have a birthday stream?
Her birthday is on the 18th of October I think. I don't know if she will stream on that day.
what's with the toads
No problem fren
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/big/ status remains to be seen
He was smart to steer his audience towards his PL like it was a sub account, but how many of them will actually stick?
Especially if he decides to switch platforms
Can't wait until she achieves skynet levels and ushers in a new age of waifus.
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So to maintain /big/wig status one has to have 1k viewers over a... week? month?
if they fall off they get exiled or the title doesn't expire?
Five weeks, maybe?
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post more pink cat
how my /big/gers doing?
I want to fuck this anon
Last thread some people suggested it should be based on a month so that for ones on the border it's not flipping back and forth week by week.
I'd say either one month or three. And yes, if a chuuba falls off their discussion should be in /lig/ but I don't think that is going to happen.
Yeah, that makes sense.
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Why did Anny succeed while Nyanners failed?
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Anons are all talk, no action
>Already trying to cut down the tiny pool of 4views more
do you call being attention whore successful compared to being happy where you at?
What and who is she trying to rizz up?
I think it might be cool should one day all the corpos are dead
and people say we now live in an OLIGarchy
Nyan is losing viewers at an exponential rate. She will be kicked out of this thread by the end of this year.
and you have considered {{{{{{{{{{{bigger}}}}}}}}}}}
memes commonly used by /mion/, /nasfaqg/, /hag/, and occassionally architects?
Unlike anny she's happy
May that day come soon,
It's called consistency
Name a time and place
whatever helps you cope
I'm glad we're continuing the proud lig tradition of pink cat ERP.
pink cat sex
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is this where we are now?
we are what lig was when it was first created
dunno, lacks the same elan as early /lig/
Hyper is used for bigger than large for boobs or penis size so this should be /hig/
first lig threads were dead as fuck
I still remember Nemu poster and Lumi poster just bumping threads every 30 mins
but tob isnt allowed here
It literally shows the name
They won't. His kind of audience is the most fickle.
we'll see if this thread survives or not
the fact that this thread exists as well as /mig/ (for a period of time) shows that more and more people are fed up with /lig/ being here tuber general
I'm kinda jealous of /vsj+/, they don't blow through 5+ threads durring peak hours and only when there is some large event they have increased traffic.
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Lucy is live with her redebut.
If nothing else there's definitely a bit of a disconnect between people who like actually big indies and those who just like kind of big indies.
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this picture does weird things to me
it makes my pp hard
>autistic lore segment
of course
Nah, the main issue is that there's already dedicated generals for the /big/ger indies (also /vsj+/ acting like a /lig/ extension of sorts).
This split might be difficult to maintain in the long run, especially with the high requirements for 4views you've set
>Lucy lore drop
She has entered her shizo arc!
the disconnect is between people who actually like posting about vtubers and people who just like dumping shit in the water and watching it rush down the river
There are so many 4views who aren't considered a + for VSJ or have their own generals

Deme, Rain, Anny, Lucy, Tob, HalO all live right now
And you can still talk about the ones who might also be in other threads
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god I love that thigh squish
Brother man what's up with the screen tear
thats the Anon the stream is fine
He's vsyncing his ram
lucy showing her age.
girls dressed like this when I was a teenager
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yeah and it was peak
which mmo
Throne and Liberty, the same MMO that Soda has been playing on his stream recently.
soda even said that she wakes him up early so they can play
I didn't know she was MMO addict
that's her entire adolescence
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this looks the same why is this a redebut
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her face is identical...?
inb4 she gets banned anyway
it's okay, mmos never last long these days
>that more and more people are fed up with /lig/ being here tuber general

That's hilarious to read while the only vtuber actively gettinf discussion in this thread right now is Lucy
No bigger is important. Because then you get into autistic arguments over whether "big" or "large" is bigger. Bigger settles it
I just like the way biggermen sounds.
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I'd say 1 month because Twitchtracker conveniently has that as a stat you can view at a glance.

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