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Previous: >>86272292
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

So this is the vaunted "good" euro hours
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from this point on holo v holo posters will forfeit their testicles
Only place that gave the gang shit is american places like here who think it's good to ignore how the game should be played, Euros, SEA and nips thought the cops were the crappiest faction.
If you guys have evidence against what the retard said just post it and stop giving him (You)s
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crosspost samefag applesauce
Imagine being this delusional
What sort of CCV are we expecting for ReGLOSS from now on? They should all be consistent 5views after that incredible performance, right? No more 1k/3view streams from them?
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Man, FWMC surely mastered the comedic time for this one
>HoloJP Reacts To Clip Of FuwaMoco Ignoring Kanata For Garibaldi
Kanata, as usual, played the perfect straight man too.
who the fuck is timmy?
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MASSIVE collab happening right now outside the garden
Every fucking western vtuber idolizes Mori lmao, even fucking Ironmouse does
are you this bored? try drinking or something idk, this morning was a lot more fun than this dumbassery
>incredible performance
It got good numbers but that was one of the most boring lives I've watched this year
Yeah, just imagine spouting this unironically >>86280017
holoENfags believe their dead branch is still relevant, please understand.
you're a eunuch now, congrats
>What sort of CCV are we expecting for ReGLOSS from now on?
Same as the day before.
>They should all be consistent 5views after that incredible performance, right?
Not really.
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>ReGLOSS 3D Live Reach the Top
>1st Album "ReGLOSS"
>Feeling Gradation *new*

>セプテンバーさん / September-san (cover) *new*
>快晴 / Kaisei (cover)
>青と夏 / Ao To Natsu (cover)
>青のすみか / Ao no Sumika (cover)
>Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (cover)
>奏 / Kanade (cover)
>My Dearest (cover)
>名前のない怪物 / Namae No Nai Kaibutsu (cover)

>Shunkan Heartbeat Otonose Kanade SOLO ver.
>カバー曲 / Cover Songs
>歌まとめ / All Songs
It's what happens when you let jpcucks feel comfortable in the thread
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Reminder of how sexxo Jimmy is
What set the Nijipiggies off this time? Is their JP branch getting constantly mogged by EN starting to get to them?
I warned you about the jpcucks bro
oops, there goes another set of balls
Someone post Ironlung oshi’ing mori
no matter how disgusting towa's voice is her design is pure sex because everything rurudo makes is sex
It was THE meta in mid 2020 but .... four years down the line?
Show me a single VTuber that does. Just a single one that isn't part of Holo and actually knows what they're talking about instead of talking about surface level shit.
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The part where Kanata goes back to the bakery is great. FWMC kept playing Born to be BAUdol on the TV in there and they even put some grafitti up on the building.
It's euro hours
How about you guys actually post some evidence to BTFO the retard instead of just shitflinging for 200 posts and making the entire thread unusable?
You can also ignore him of course but clearly you're not doing that?
>organize collab
>get 22 viewers
I have to imagine the globie males are psyops of some kind and people are getting paid to collab with them
Why is Marine like this
Feel free to post streams, clips or references that indicate that EN indies are watching HoloEN.
I can wait for a VERY long time.
HoloEN has finally figured out that they need to prioritize THEIR audience and yet still some last samurai think that pandering to nips is the way to go.
Because schizo seamurai nijifucks don't care about evidence and will continue their delusional crusade regardless
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They are resorting to holoEN vs holoJP threadshitting. Not understanding how this simply means that HOLOLIVE IS AT THE TOP WITH NO FUCKING COMPETITION
so heres a quick chatspeed report from yesterday
>despite getting more ccv than towa, hinano got something around 1/10 of towas chat speed. Vsbots as usual.
Ok this sound hilarious after rion self-admitted fake signature. Anyone have the image of it?
There is no any evidence because no EN VTuber gives a single fuck about Holo
none of them. holoEN doesn't even get discussed outside their little bubble outside of things like nyanners making fun of them when she was reacting to videos. holoEN is a non-entity at best and a laughing stock at worst outside their bubble.
So, how long till we see a post on the subreddit about what Miko said earlier lmao
Suppose there’s probably not an English clip yet
inb4 'Gura isn't EN' or some retarded seamurai cope
>Inb4 it doesn't count
Ok then why keep giving him attention? Don't you even dare say "they reply to each other" because that guy was getting 10 (You)s per post last thread
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>Get perms for big seasonal minigame server
>Do this
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Sometimes all it takes is to pick a vocal tick AND STICK WITH IT!
The repetition makes it amusing in itself, peko
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just an average day at vsbots
out of everyone you could've picked
The Fubuway
NTA but he's right. Most 4views in the EN sphere are more into Ironmouse, Neuro or the western twitch chuuba clique.
There's no big indies who do watchalongs for stuff like Breaking Dimensions, or hell even TALK about idolshit in general.

Whether this is a problem with the "world outside the garden", the seethe at HoloEN for not "sharing" their views, or the lack of influence of HoloEN is debatable though.
Because if you let threadshiting retards propagate narratives without pushback catalog subhumans, nnewfags, and dramanigs that farm the board for content will take it at face value
Are replying to themselves
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huge flop
The only thing EN VTubers want is for Holo to implode because they didn't get in.
I was wondering about that myself. Hinano surely bats above her chat speed very frequently
>NTA but
> hololive walked so indies could run
isn't she just seething about EN?
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>09/28 TALLY (1.000 - 4.999)
4.883: Kiara (Hololive) | The Legend of Zelda: EoW
3.915: Shiori (Hololive) | Team Fortress 2 HoloEN Collab
3.454: Dokibird (Indie) | Apex Legends
2.376: Dokibird (Indie) | Freddi Fish and the Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds
2.330: Shu (Nijisanji) | Pico Park 2 Collab
1.781: Shu (Nijisanji) | Valorant
1.445: Sonny (Nijisanji) | Street Fighter 6
1.294: Pippa (Phase-Connect) | Variety Stream
1.240: Uki (Nijisanji) | Crime Scene Cleaner
1.178: Luca (Nijisanji) | Minecraft
1.074: Rosemi (Nijisanji) | Just Cooking
1.057: Muyu (Phase-Connect) | Voices of the Void
1.017: Bettel (Holostars) | Just Chatting
Learn English. She says that hololive set the stage for indies to flourish
4views don't actually watch streams, they don't have the time.
It’s fun to laugh at retards. Ironmouse kneels to mori and Shylily literally said its thanks to Holo that indies can run. What the fuck more you need? Literally only one else that matters is Filian and she rather shit talk everyone else.
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fubuki is chilling
Filian talking about how Gura got 3 million with the Sushiro collab?
that was pretty funny
>SEPTEMBER 21-30 EN ULTRA COPE POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 3pts, silver = 2pts, bronze = 1pt)
218p: Dokibird
211p: Mint
204p: Shu
204p: Uruka
203p: Kiara
203p: Calli
203p: Shiina
200p: Meloco
200p: Airi
200p: Altare
Sasuga friend, she just wants to fish
can you point me to a recent gura stream where she is speaking the [EN]glish language
>Literal who twitch thot
Concession accepted
>今年の釣りがはじまりました。 その1
lala... groomed by literal 2views
I mean they REFERENCE EN plenty of times anon.
The question was about "idolization".
No one in the twitch scene really "idolizes" HoloEN or want to follow the path of VTubing that they set up.
EN indie culture was never "inspired" by HoloEN.
>just let them tell their lies bro
Fuck off already, you're spamming your seethe on cooldown with the sole purpose of shitting this thread up
Her waist is so tiny I could probably nearly wrap my hands completely around it
She wants to suck gura's dick so bad. She was in gura's twitter replies for a while but eventually gave up.
More like hololive ran so indies could walk/step forward with a cane
>it doesn't count
Called it
>if you let threadshiting retards propagate narratives without pushback
You just said that proving him wrong doesn't matter now you justifying the counter shitposting as pushback.
It's either one or the other.
what is this AI generated nonsense? Fix your bot
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Some numbers without those who no one cares about.
has she done fishing irl yet?
this is my first post in like 4 hours little faggot ive been watching poe
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>moving the goalposts
Sasuga jpnig
see >>86280667 >>86281068
least obvious bait
>euro hours
>thread is shit
Like clockwork
I remember there being a vlog with group of holos that had fishing but I don't remember if FBK was in it
phase is stealing viewers from homos, kek
>doesn't count
JPcuck seethe
>EN needs literal who indies to watch them otherwise they're nothing
Sounds like a /lig/ger got bored of shitting up the catalog and other holo splits
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clock you say huh
This is why you don't humor the subhumans by playing along with them, they just spring the goalposts down the field. >>86281027
You just need to provide consensus for onlookers, that's what really matters and attempting to build consensus iswhy threadshitters samefag and reply to each other endlessly
Why did you choose the moment when her chat dropped to 4?
i don’t remember her shit talking anyone except fentanyl floyd
vspo doesnt know what shame is
doesn't have to do anything and schizos will still flock here like moths to a flame. Are we too influential?
read nigger >>86280017
> EN indies don't idolize HoloEN
still no counterexamples btw
Thread is great actually. Shitting on schizo narratives.
not your hugbox
posts you dont like =! schizo
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Fubuki's autism is something else.
You are a thread shitter. It's not jps. It's larpers
of course
>still no counterexamples
>Still no evidence that any VTuber outside of Holo gives a fuck about HoloEN
Grim thread
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Here it goes
>204,313: DEV_IS (Hololive)
>76,090: Miko (Hololive)
>46,174: Fubuki (Hololive)
>45,858: Botan (Hololive)
>35,900: Subaru (Hololive)
>32,256: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>30,774: Subaru (Hololive)
>27,759: Pekora (Hololive)
>27,607: Amelia (Hololive)
>27,317: Korone (Hololive)
>25,834: Ange (Nijisanji)
>18,997: Akira (Nijisanji)
>18,824: Chiroru (Indie)
>18,808: Nijisanji (Nijisanji)
>16,700: Subaru (Hololive)
>14,486: Fubuki (Hololive)
>14,119: Koyori (Hololive)
>13,683: Towa (Hololive)
>12,600: Meika (Indie)
>12,586: Fuwa (Nijisanji)
>11,972: Chaika (Nijisanji)
>11,879: Koyori (Hololive)
>11,865: Kanata (Hololive)
>11,734: Mio (Hololive)
>10,681: QueueTan (Indie)
>10,538: AZKi (Hololive)

Gold for Hololive DEV_IS channel for the 3D debut of the five girls with Miko getting silver with GTA clips and Fubuki, bronze
Funny that sounds just like what a seething schizo would say
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Is it time?
jwu is CCRR cute
>Hololive walk
>indies run
I see we’re going the global route and feeding the schizos so they feel welcome
Yes, always
I don't remember /lig/gers being this fucking schizo. Am I just misremembering or the Justice debuts did damage them permanently?
yes, unleash the CUNY and scare the roaches
t. least obvious schizo
Welcome to euro hours
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What's with that completely off model thumb?
Isn't this guy the one who shipped himself with Zeta
Yeah. CC was bit horny but now she just wants beer but RR is against that.
The schizo doth protest too much methinks
Pretending that /jp/fags don't cause a lion's share of the ENseethe isn't going to change reality. Now they mostly aren't HoloJP fans, they're the same Niji/VSPO cumstains that tried and failed to flee to another thread. But they are /jp/fags.
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wawa's wawas
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time for what
No this is just jpcucks taking on a new tactic
the fact that he's moving goalposts is already a win and it forces him to adapt his shitposting on the fly which you know these subhumans aren't good at
I get what you're saying to some degree but if the point is creating consensus at least some evidence helps
Echoes of Wisdom looks pretty shit desu
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Looks like your average grifting e-thot
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I just got here but won't be able to help much. I'm pretty busy.
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Yeah anon it's not like the 600 euro frog doesn't spend every day in this thread seething about miko and en
>Looks like your average grifting e-thot
Every single vtuber outside of HoloEN is like that.
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>it doesn't count
>your average grifting e-thot
You asked for non-holos and you got non-holos
lig ended up picking up a lot of anti corpo (speak anti hololive too) people and with Justice those some of those people got really bitter because of CC and they secretly hope she returns to being indie
>Check /jp/
>Nene is under lockdown
>if she mentions HoloEN she's a gritting ethot
>if she doesn't mention HoloEN HoloEN has no presence
Do jpcucks really
Damn blind retard
Exactly. No one, outside of Holo and other corpos, give a single fuck about HoloEN.
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guess its time to post this then

- Sayu says Fillian is a millionaire and was surprised Fillian was still using plastic forks
- Fillian was shocked and said she wasn't a millionaire
- Sayu pointed to Fillian's youtube channel and her v-tuber ranking
- Fillian said it doesn't count since she wasn't part of a corpo and that her shorts don't make much money
- Sayu argued that her money isn't taken away then not being in a corpo
- Fillian said that she is nothing like Gura who got those deals in Taiwan/Sendai etc. while she burns through her money on headsets

funny part about shorts
heres the quote, your stamp is kinda shit
>do you know how much youtube shorts makes?
>they will send you like 5 pennies for 1 million views on shorts
at around 2:45:25
>nobody who isn't interested in vtubers cares about HoloEN
Ok I agree with you. They probably don't.
>brazilian shuba...
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Why did this happen? Is it really from purplefag?
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Anon you're late by like 12 hours
CC kneels to the superior Germany!
This isn't the phase thread
CCRR raided Kiara, I'm out.
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I am amazed it took this long.
I used to watch Filian and I am pretty sure she literally said Gura is her oshi.
what about Ludwig being subbed to Gura with notifs on? or the OTV fags vouching to get her attention?
kys /pol/nigger
>Doesn't actually talk about streams
Such is the case with all your grifting e-whores
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>also: tweets that aged badly!
Pic related!
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I'm fucking IN.
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youtube keeps sending me to this vtuber, what up with that
She fucking loves that girl goddamn, maybe she really is a teamate
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Will Kiara ever raid CC back? She's ended stream instead of raiding her a few times already.
Yes it's nijiseethe that I don't want to see /pol/ garbage here.
Fucking retard
You know I'm actually curious how long it'd take for anyone in this thread to post an example of a jp indie gushing over hololive
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>faster than global
So phase like watching homos? That would make sense with their cuck fetish, I guess.
Odds of Kiara saving ERBs numbers by raiding her or does she stream until Ame
Ok ok fine. But other than large indies, small indies, other corpos, major flesh streamers, and the Los Angeles Dodgers, nobody cares about HoloEN.
>Vtuber pioneers
Grifter words
Give it to me straight. What are the chances of Gura graduating in the near future?
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>Protip: you can't
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Ok I want to know where all the idiots constantly shitting on EN indies ran to hide during this topic.
HoloJP's influence is obvious and visible in how the rest of the scene developed. Nijisanji started copying the idol formula (Selejo being the first of many attempts), VSPO started doing idol concerts, hell even big indies like Shigure Ui follow the Holo formula and have found great success with it.
And as I've mentioned time and again, plenty of girls find insane boosts in success just by being superfans of HoloJP, whether it's the tanuki girl who Suisei visited, or the singer girl who's a big Aqua crew, or people in other corpos like Hoshikawa fangirling over Aqua (this can go the other way as well, Matsuri and Mayuzumi for example).

EN indie culture has been influenced more by VShojo, fleshie converts, whores and dramafags. Mostly centred around VShojo, but not completely.
It's mainly because HoloEN's clout (i.e. numbers) are only somewhat on par with the bigger twitch chuubas who tend to connect with the greater indie scene and spread THEIR culture around quite a lot.
Holos are obviously more isolated but their culture still spreads around because they have NUMBERS.
And HoloEN is still not yet at the peak of what their potential is, which is why the EN indie scene does not idolize them.
Based Giggers
I worded it poorly sorry. I meant I am amazed it took this long to post Mint. I instantly thought about her when I read that question.
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raid evidence, nobody in the past threads reacted like this kek
It might be worth noting that most of the talents are either millennials or boomers who grew up with gendered upbringings. Back then, the line between "what girls like" and "what boys like" is much stricter. For example, girls were expected to be into fashion and homemaking, while there's cars and sports for boys. The same can be said for their sense of humor; the Stars tend to talk about toilet humor, while aside from the Yuri teases the girls' humor is tamer. Whether this is *biological* or a *result of social conditioning*, there is not much fans can do about the talents' current preferences. If the girls prefer to be with girls, and the boys with boys, that's fine.
>Ever raiding anyone
Zero, depending on how "near" is your "near future"
Nobody that matters in the vtubing world gives a shit about anything but Hololive
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>does she stream until Ame
kek their mcdonalds collab was them probably paying to get their songs played on some mcdonalds stores + some cardboards in a few of them, btw
Sorry I only give it gay
No very high, she really loves the idolshit, shes just not crazy about streaming, shes like the anti-Ame
within 6 months
There's probably a good amount of holo inspired EN chuubas on youtube but good luck finding them, they could be solid 3views and you would never know because they are attached to some obscure German music genre algo
I called his playbook right from the get go, damn I'm good
Phase doing idol concerts
Vshojo doing idol concerts

Next question.
Even I could post Doki one, and then ObokatiekatDunno whats her name and then shylily, and then- like what? Ain't gonna fill this thread with xitter post, they just move goalpost again
>comparing twitch numbers to Youtube numbers
ah ah ah retard alert, if you were actually interested in making a point in good faith you could have simply mentioned that the vast majority of the JP sphere is on one platform and EN is split
Shes 100% raiding Ame later retard
holoENfaggots can't handle the utter irrelevance of their branch. please understand.
Does anyone met a real vsbot fan? And I don't count those exlazufags or the intern here, they just cum to their arts.
I have zero idea of what you are talking about for two reasons
1) EN Indies and even corpos (like VShojo) took on the "fleshstream, but with avatar" model.
That's more an indictment on their ability to succeed (they won't, the can't compete with fleshies at their turf and twitch management will make sure of that) than on anything related to HoloEN
2) The EN indie and small corpo scene DEFINITELY idolises and looks up to HoloEN and, amusingly, one of the most mentioned influences in every single debut happens to be
>unfeminized Mori
I mean you can take a look at >>86281789
To see why nobody gives that much of a shit about engaging him in good faith
take some extra retarded nigger to shit out that non-sense when every single indie shitter would skewer their own mothers for a chance to get in HoloEN
I'm guessing cover won't let that happen. She gets all the money and perks(no streams) she wants to stick around.
Then zero.
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Sorry advertiser-san, I'm going all out just this once.
>>204,313: DEV_IS (Hololive)
So? was it worth it to sacrifice their individual debuts in exchange for one big live? I hope they don't do this with any other non DevIs gens
doing holo vs holo is their only chance...
>twitch fake numbers comparable to youtube nerfed ccv
kek its this retard again
You say that like everyone doesn't gnash their teeth whenever a new debut lists mori as their inspiration on debut
And their audience hated both of it. Phase connect was mostly Mint fans who are all idolfags. One of the Phase girls openly said they barely scraped by in terms of finances for that concert.
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Your shit branch got a 2k box lmfao sit down cock sucker
What I wonder if other DEV_IS gens will also be attempts at unit focus model or will they be their own experiments
>Less then 1k waiting room with no drop, 6.7k
>Around a 3.5k waiting room wignificant drop off and recovery, 5.8k
It's such a joke
Only way that could make any sense is if Hinano had no frame until the last minute.
wait. so they Holos aren't millionaires? Only Gura
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No you aren't
Are you implying that HoloEN not being on twitch is the reason they aren't being idolized?
Anon the only ENs outside Holo who get competitive numbers are Fillian and IM

Sometimes also Veddal, thats about it, what the fuck are you talking about
That is irrelevant to the argument. They still tried because HoloEN proved there is an EN audience for idol stuff thus influencing them the same way JP did.
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Phase box is almost 1K
>All these twitter screencaps and no actual evidence of them talking about actually watching and supporting HoloEN at all
Very grim
No, she a jealous bicth. She has several chances to raid her and she never raided CC, she even choose ERB SC reading.
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>Less than a Shu stream
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vshojo is more comparable to dokibird alone kek
>not even hiding it
>Will Kiara ever raid CC back?
No. And CC will just keep on raiding her to make her look like petty bitch. Good old teutonic rivalry.
>it doesn't count
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Is it still seething?
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like 8 hours seething at HoloEN non fucking stop my negro, i don't know about shitter indies' idolization of EN but they sure are yours when you do nothing of your days but seethe about them kek
Is it still euro hours?
I'm going to make this post assuming you're the mong I replied to. No, that's not what I'm implying, I'm calling you at as a threadshitting mongoloid who is making no attempts to argue or discuss in good faith. I provided you the contextual argument for your position if you had been engaging in good faith. You're nothing more than a retard trying to couch his idiocy behind walls of text. There has been more than enough evidence to the contrary posted.
>EN indie culture has been influenced more by VShojo, fleshie converts, whores and dramafags. Mostly centred around VShojo, but not completely.
There's where you are wrong there's no indie vtuber culture in twitch
There's just twitch culture. They aren't really vtubers in any shape way or form they literally just do the same content everyone else does, and acts in exactly the same way but with a png
Or are you saying that pewdiepie is an indie vtuber as well? It's a meaningless statement for the most part, the en vtuber scene IS just hololive en
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As long as there are replies
Then yes
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Prime too. Like 8/9/10 pm there. It's grim
I went to bed after ReGloss 3D live and the guy was spamming seethe about HoloEN and then I wake up 6 hours later and he’s still posting on cooldown. Absolute seething obsession, kek
>t. has never watched any of the indies that lean heavy into the kayfabe
I warned you about the jpcucks bro
I love pico
>600 euros
>t. has also never watched any of the indies that lean heavy into the kayfabe since they don't exist anyway
ruining his life for what? I'm not gonna start hating holoen nor holojp KEK
>seething hours
>seething about seething hours
the EN indie culture is just seething they didn't get in that's about it and who can blame them when outside the garden is nothing but dramafaggotry and grifting shit
there is no reasons to bother with anything that's not hololive because everything else will give you cancer aids
>euro hours are good they said
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Ah, you ran out of arguments so you are back to this.
>seething seething hours
>seething about seething about seething hours
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(He's the shitposter)
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What causes one to seethe for 8 hours straight?
Hey yo Ame where da charity stream frame
>He doesn't know
>it's the nijifaggot that claims AI is an honorary niji shitting the thread seething at EN
imagine my shock
Can't wait for ame posts to go the way of the purple dragon
Fuck my eyes are watery. Using animal crossing is not fair
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pancreatic cancer sadly
Wait, I saw you usually at JP/SEA prime time when I do my reps. Go to sleep fliptard.
Why cry? She's a full time streamer now :)
>no one in fact knows since if said creatures existed they are all 2 views anyway
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>euro hours
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>looping again
So were FWMC. What is your point here? That they never existed at all because their audience was/is small?
Welcome to euro hours
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don't reply to me faggot.
> That's more an indictment on their ability to succeed
Why did they do that while the JP scene mostly followed HoloEN's lead?
Because some of them found success on twitch with that formula, and HoloEN did not eclipse them in popularity the same way HoloJP did to their side. You think JP doesn't have half-fleshies and converts? They just do not find success because the culture around VTubing has basically been molded by HoloJP.

Ironmouse is the TOP VTuber on twitch btw, and half her streams are reaction streams, garbage commentary streams and collabs with the welsh guy.
That's who most EN indies aspire to.
Sure there'll be a lot of smaller chuubas that want to join Hololive, but if you express yourself as a fan of HoloEN, whether it's watching Holos or referencing them, you won't find the level of automatic success you'd get if you were a JP chuuba doing it.

And hell, most such attempts end up being leech attempts, like that one Brit girl from Idol did with Gura.
More streams for me :))))))
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Kiara got raided by Kaela too. And Mozumi Pichi.
kek yuros selfreport even easier than seafags
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I see almost no cuny here, I thought this was a uoh friendly thread
>if you express yourself as a fan of HoloEN, whether it's watching Holos or referencing them, you won't find the level of automatic success you'd get if you were a JP chuuba doing it.

Speaking of Euros... What I've learned about CC thus far is that she just wants to fuck bitches, drink beer and gamble. She radiates more big dick energy than whole of Homostars combined.
Uh oh raid baby melty
>That they never existed at all because their audience was/is small?
No, that they never existed until they were in hololive
>What I've learned about CC thus far is that she just wants to fuck bitches, drink beer and gamble.
This is the median euro
She's becoming quite the raid baby lately.
But what about shitting up the thread?
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>barely 2k zatsu
G r i m
Your comment is all over the place, I can't even parse it right despite all of it looking perfectly intelligible English. I think you lost me at "while the JP scene mostly followed HoloEN's lead?" which might be a typo and you meant HoloJP lead
You've been arguing about this long enough, throwing tantrums and moving goalposts every time someone proves you wrong

Let's try something else, post the JP indies, with averages. Surely you have the data on hand to back yourself up since you've been crying all thread. You've got 5 minutes.
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>Ironmouse is the TOP VTuber on twitch btw
Kek no fillian is, unless you use meme metrics or take into account 0 context
Or who do you think is more popular: Streamer one that can get 10k on their own from time to time, or streamer 2 that often fails to get 10k with 8k viewer raids?
Miko fishing with Fubuki
>if you express yourself as a fan of HoloEN, whether it's watching Holos or referencing them, you won't find the level of automatic success you'd get if you were a JP chuuba doing it.
anon do you really believe grifters and leeches dont exist in jp sphere? for every 1 succesfull leech you hear about on this thread, there 1000 other dead jp ones that youll never hear about, because they are not given any attention
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ERBros explain yourselves, what's this thumbnail?
You are in the numbers thread in the hololive board, why are you complaining about pointing out the fact that most people only care about hololive? We literally have the numbers for it
They're really gonna merge these niggas huh
This but unironically
twitch nigs look up to twitch nigs for leeching purposes, it's the very nature of the platform and that got NOTHING to do with vtubers it's the shit culture of the place
won't change the fact that everybody is looking and talking about what Hololive do
Where's Twisty numbers? I need to check Finana and Twisty stocks.
I mean I get your point, "EN indie scene is fucked", "the world outside the garden is hell" etc. are common talking points on this thread.

Does that not indicate that the greater indie scene didn't take that much inspiration from HoloEN?
They had a road to success laid out for them but decided to seethe about it instead.
We have the whole twitch vs YT numbers autism, but among the masses that shit is irrelevant. They see mouse getting like 10k or 20k doing react/sleeping/subathon streams and that's what influences them.

HoloEN just isn't big enough to overcome some of these perceptional barriers in order to spread and influence that culture.
JP also had a long streak of successful content, whether it's Minecraft, or Ark or Sports/Summer festivals, Rust, and now GTA.

Did anyone from the EN side even talk about stuff like ENReco or the other RP storylines?
Pretty sure no one from that side even knows that this happened. And that's because - again - lack of competitive numbers.
Liggers have no soul. I like my VTubers with substance.
>still no frame for Ame's charity stream
Let me guess, the artist for the thumbnail is a homosister.
If about 1/3 of people move over in raid, Kaelas members had 1K people.
Now you get it good job!
>You think JP doesn't have half-fleshies and converts? They just do not find success because the culture around VTubing has basically been molded by HoloJP.
imagine being this retarded
This unironically
None of this is related to my post, except for the part with you trying to couch your idiocy behind walls of text. Actually, now that this goes on
>Walls of text with vapid content
>Seething at EN regardless of evidence posted
This is arcschizo isn't it
Anyone else find it weird that kiara spent years begging for EU branchmates and now that she got them she really doesn't do anything with them?
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>niggerfaggot really bawled his eyes for HOURS seething and malding at HoloEN using holo v holo
actual brain damage on display. your fanbase division just don't work, buckbroken lil bro, you may now get some rest and sleep
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sorry liggerchama
> And that's because - again - lack of competitive numbers.
If gura was pulling 300k ccv viewers every stream everyone would talk about her regardless of "competitive numbers"
You are retarded
this nigger is using chatgpt kek
>>86282941 (me)
Time's up. Looks like you don't actually have the data to back up the claim about JP indies you've been running with all thread. Curious.
Not now, selenfag
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>miko is now fishing with fubuki
Look at what the unicorns did to cc
>enter the numberfag general threads
>see Rajesh melty
grim desu
Holy based CC
wait until he finds out that the indie JP scene is also trash full of dramafaggotry and grifting
Wtf is this erb thumbnail?
She only wants them if they are bigger shitters than her and kiss the ground she walks on.
CC is perfect for this job
How do we save ERB
Yeah I suppose at the peak of the pandemic, HoloEN WAS basically the EN VTubing scene.
The thing is, times have changed. And I suppose Omega and the grim years are to blame for it, but HoloEN isn't really as big of an influence on EN chuuba culture as they were back then.
I need the soundpost, NOW!
classic pickme behaviour
Why are there two fucking "I know what you are" clips from two different Holos
She was never a real ligga
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You know why
>Still no reservation for the 2nd Ame collab today besides the one with Mumei
Uh oh… looking more and more likely it’s with you know who…
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>platinum tally
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>Pekora and Suisei event featuring the shark
I don't see your point here. holoEN has no influence on its own. They have not achieved a single notable thing in 4 years.
Mikeneko joinning on some fucking Rust server full of indies and fleshbags running a bully train on her.
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Based and true
With Altare?
>Several months behind on superchats to read
>Leaves supers on during her superchat reading streams
Why is erb like this she's going to end up like mori who has a backlog of supers from 2023 to read
Tbh I have no idea what you guys are even arguing about half of the time
you increase their viewership by 10 times and they'd still be 3views lmao
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Cute squid heads
she doesn't even have her charity frame up yet
she isn't even friend on steam with the fag anon
This stream was amazing because in his attempts to brag he actually gave us so many details about how segregated the holostars are
The guy really thought we'd be owned by them having their own separate cuckbus and not being allowed into any building at the same time as a Holo, kek
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it keeps getting worse and worse
Hiyori Lara, Tanuki Girl, Ui (hololite), Patra (hololite), that one purple Ninja sister I forgot the name of.
All except one in 4view status, and the exception did get 4view during the peak holo interaction period.

Btw this goes the opposite way as well.
Ex-holo who shit on another chuuba and stole her hashtag, the victim chuuba got an INSANE boost from that incident, just because she handled it professionally.
EN scene REWARDS people that engage in drama, not the opposite types.
It just shows how little HoloEN has managed to influence EN indie culture.
>Holo steam friends cope
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>it's that time of again
Isn't that charity stream supposed to be starting soonish?
Don't bother arguing with them. holoEN fags are blind to the irrelevance of their failed branch.
Yuri will happen, whethercyou like it or not.
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You took over ten minutes to finally reply and you posted
Not an image, not a vrabi link, nothing
Kill yourself
>you know who…
Yeah, the one who meantioned having a collab with Ame
>8hours and counting of the retard seething at EN
What will be >your cope when your sad niggers won't be showing up to anything Ame related? why were they not playing with her yesterday?
Ceci is Reine levels of gay
That just adds to my point, only chuubas who are honest to god actual fans with merch and shit end up getting that holo influence.
It's simply not a thing in EN, that's my point.
Kanata has a whole-ass Aqua shrine for example.
Even within the company there's no adulation on that level, much less outside of it.
They wish it was only 10x to get to 4view
Her oshi mark is a lipstick and she has eyes and lips emotes
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Ceci likes little boys thoughbeit
Jesas, I went to sleep 5 hours ago and this guy was spamming the thread. Wake up and he's still going. No word from Ame?
>Aah the pepeloni, pepeloni. You know the pepeloni? The no one? I always- I always order the domino, domino pepeloni; and without pepeloni. I always order the pepeloni and without pepeloni. Pepeloni! I like pepeloni. I always- I always order the cheese-cheese pan. How can I explain? I can explain by my drawing. I always, order like the cheese pan that it has cheese on here, this part, the ear. Ear of pizza. And then I order, when I order pepeloni the ear, it always have the pepeloni on the top. But I pick up this, Away! Because I don't eat it!
My point is that the culture developed that way because HoloEN doesn't have enough numbers(clout) to override the numbers they get from leeching.
Twitch numbers are different from Youtube, sure, but for a typical normalfag it doesn't really register.
I'm curious about something. During euro hours, what's the main EU zone that shits up the thread? Is it known?
I read until the “doesn’t have enough numbers” and knew the rest is bullshit
kek ennacuck is back to samefagging
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The only good post ITT!!!
>"star" of holoEN is a 12k shitter with the minecraft buff
Mousey and Filian can easily get more than that with just about any type of content.
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Still no data, yet he continues to seethe and assert that his position is correct despite rejecting all evidence to the contrary. What do we call this?
it's always amusing you can make the most incendiary, baseless and dogshit statement and this thread will trip over itself to "correct" it while receiving "no u" level follow up responses
Anon the whole reason HoloEN and Myth became a talking point was BECAUSE Gura had insane numbers, both in subs AND in streams.
Fucking 100k karaokes, 190k outfit reveals, just dominated the entire industry so much that VShojo, twitch indies etc. were never even a talking point at the time.

Current EN just does not have the numbers(clout) for that kind of domination.
Your point is wrong because :
>small corpos still try to dip their toes in idol stuff (Vshojo/Phase)
>JP indies are not all Holo lite
>EN indies are not all vshojo lite (Mint)
Retard read the post again
then kys
Shiori cute, do not look at the top one though jesas christ.
Mint is literally a vsj+. She'll probably follow the GEEGA route within a year.
Every gacha general on /vg/ house a Holo fanbase, this is an actual thing
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this is unironically true for me why i consume a product that I like knowing that it's a jungle outside, i started with indie and even small corpos(unironically use to watch clips) but now I am 100% in holo and literally I am not interested in what happens outside BAU BAU
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No clue but I remember this being a topic of discussion once
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They all look up to HoloEN because they have no choise, they are all at the bottom lol
Nigger retard it went that because this is the way of twitch and guess what even grifter prime Iron Whore made a shit Idol concert, every fucking big indie twitch nigger talked about ENs
Twitch is Twitch they'll always have this retarded mindset, you're a buffoon and a fag your father was drinking turpentine when he impregnated your dumb mother
>le twitch numbers
Gura leeched off JP. This isn't news.
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I'll go hiking in the niji mountains
Yes you are starting to understand
>600 euros
The frogs are to blame
the people I posted are pretty well known here, but I suppose these are EU hours
what did the retard do?
Vshojo is full of idol fans? Good to know HoloEN influenced all the scene then.
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>skippa SKIPPA
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I haven't tried correcting anyone. After a while all schizos become white noise to me
Very ugly picture of him falling that's being "memed". It's even worse now because a Niji actually direclty @ the fucker of an edit of the image
Myth built EN vtubing. It doesn't matter if there were few before them. The rest of HoloEN are blessed by Myth so they are untouchable. That's it.
I'm kinda like you except there's one indie who I like a lot. Otherwise, IRyS.
Nerissa was, at one time, gaining more subs per week than FWMC and slowly closing the gap. Anyone have a non-troll answer to wtf happened?
He's an arab it's always some shade of brown in the end
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> Vshojo is full of idol fa-AAAAAAACK
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Ah I see you have traversed to the sacred Niji mountains my good sir. I tip my niji tophat to you, m'Anon.
What ever happened to /jp#/ anyway? Did that guy really get run out of his own thread by homos and 2 views?
Text on an imageboard is not data, it's 'dude trust me'. Just admit that you hate EN, because posts like >>86283786 make it really fucking obvious
ENshit fell off. Raden will beat FWMC to 1 million subs.
vt is literally a board built for holochads to bully everyone else into submission
The funniest thing is that by coming here to get cucked publicly like that you've already lost as you are the parasocial incel that feels the need to protect people that LITERALLY AND VOCALLY don't give a shit about you in the slightest, are a dime a dozen and will never accomplish anything in their lives outside of >stream fotm game get paid
I guess she's more Holo aligned then.
subs matter now?
Replace a letter in corpo name with B
>still seething
Her content is very much not "twitch culture", no matter who she is friends with.
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100k possible?
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That is Americas ass.
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Nijien management doesn't give a fuck anymore. There's also rumors of a group collab that's going to happen with an ex nijien
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>kiara raid retention
chattini are so obedient, imagine how easy it would be to rape them
Wonderful niji tophat you have there, very steep and natty I must say
>Her content is very much not "twitch culture"
t. Has never watched mint before
She is peak twitch and reddit imo its great
I'm just gonna summarize what I'm trying to say here
> 1st year of Myth was pretty big, but as competition cropped up, their numbers faltered
> Current holoEN does not have as big of numbers/events as JP does, and therefore has less cultural impact on the EN VTuber scene
> If Gura still had 100k karaokes and if holoEN had big box events that produced NUMBERS, they would still have influence in the EN indie sphere, like HoloJP does
Number = clout = cultural impact.
On /#/ this argument is irrefutable no matter how much you cope about relativity, muh twitch v YT etc.
meanwhile Filian,:
She doesn't have any more family members to bait subs with and she keeps taking vacations. She's streamed the least of any Advent member in the last 4 months.
t. HolyKoshi
Sorry for asking but is this perhaps…doxxing on main?
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>chattini are so obedient, imagine how easy it would be to rape them
That much was obvious with Kunai literally following Sunny on the corp account.
>but as competition cropped up, their numbers faltered
Incorrect, competition didn't crop up
Didn't read rest of the post as the starting premise is completely incorrect
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thats the side effect of being raped daily by their mamma
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What will the cope be when Amelia's graduation fails to even hit 50k CCV?
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>There's also rumors of a group collab that's going to happen with an ex nijien
>doxxing on main?
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>I haven't tried correcting anyone
You should try correcting this brat
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To me this is twitch culture. Just streaming for the fun of it, and playing games just for the fun of it.
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This has to be a sister falseflagging as a retarded ligger right? They couldn't possibly be this stupid.
>mindholing the cull
catalogpigs disgust me
That is a male.
Nobody who was around for 2020 believes your AU fanfiction
Even better
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Post data you illiterate JPmonkey. Here, I'll post some for you.
Oh wow! It looks like not even your argument about EN numbers holds water! You're actually just vomitting all over the thread despite having no idea what you're talking about! Amazing!
There's enough evidence of liggers going into holothreads and shitting them up
What cope? Is anyone actually expecting some huge numbers for her not-graduation after this weeks numbers? Everyone and their mother in Hololive keeps saying "see you again".
10 hours of civilization 6, with no pause? Yeah, thanks for doxxing me
liggers use twitch, they are pretty stupid
they really are that stupid
especially since Justice debuted
Post this in twitch chat or any forum related to twitch and watch people laugh you out for being a newfag that doesn't watch twitch
Kiara just saw it and said the same thing lol
well, without the rape
The bottom ones at least are that stupid.
Collabs are Mumei and Gura
where is...
grim desu
This is unironically archschizo having a meltdown about EN again for some reason. The massive walls of text with little substance match his MO
holoEN could never
this but unironically
Finally, ggg can have some peace.
non-troll answer: lowered content output caused by recording the EP
most likely hoped the EP gonna pop off harder, considering it's the most comprehensive and one of the most quality music releases in HoloEN
the problem is that it released like a week before Phantomime
Every day I dream about Clio’s feminine penis slapping against my stomach while they ride my cock
Other chuubas in EN have comparable numbers to holoEN anon
no one in the JP scene have bigger numbers than the biggest JP holos
Kiara raiding erb soon
The best # case against this is that the only small EN corpos with any kind of numerical success—Phase, Idol, V4, and early NijiEN—are HoloEN variants (faulty) and their talents are HoloEN fans.
They are "the scene" (corporate).
Ui does
Prepare your grudge posts
Really? Name some chuubas with comparable numbers to Gura.
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Ame is trying her best.
That's what https://www.twitch.tv/directory is for.
There is literally no such thing as "twitch culture"
Hasn't ggg just been posting burgers whole day? Last time i checked because someone said it was melting down it had like 150 images of gura eating a burger
>final gura/ame collab
>will probably be sub-30k CCV
grim days for holoEN. this would have had a 50k floor back when holoEN was still popular.
She recorded the EP prior to her sub growth slowing down. She only recorded one of the songs in Japan, so 2/4 were recorded before May and one was recorded long before April.

> it's the most comprehensive and one of the most quality music releases in HoloEN
It was bad yesterday.
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CookieSwirl gets more video views in one month than the shark has gotten in her entire "career". Filian has more than 3x the shark's total video views too.
blame NijiEN for making everyone hate vtubers
One buff event doesn't overtake regular numbers anon.
The HoloEN numbers also partially come from JP tourists. HoloJP is influential enough to give even EN numbers a boost just from that association.
That's what cultural impact means.
erm actually
twitch culture is when raids and sleepathons and hype trains
There was one in /who/ earlier today >>86255484 they are pretty retarded
oh no ennacuck your last rrat...
>Gura doko?
stfu now
Wait, I thought the JPbox had no interest in EN. Which one is it?
Pretty much everyone since most of them actually stream.
Gura's fans treating her like Ayame doesn't mean she has the same level of clout she did during her heydey.
>Rajesh astroturfs
>Rajesh melty
I raughed
On the 28th, the 29th, and maybe the 30th
I just realize Ame situation is akin to putting her into a cryochamber
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I think Irys has one of the sexiest voices in holo i will put mori in the most unsexi voice if there was an top
my top sexi voices will look like this
Kronii(what a waste)
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10K people watching EU Holos read supas vs. others.
Most of their audiences seethe at HoloEN instead of idolizing them anon.
You're forgetting Haachama buddy. She's called Gen 0 for a reason.
Amazing cope. Still no data. Still no knowledge of what you're speaking of. Still no attempt to explain why you feel the need to run your mouth when you don't know anything. Sit down and either shut the fuck up or post something that actually proves your point. But you won't, because you can't, because all available data is against you, otherwise you would post it.
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>Wake me up when you need me
That and the twitch thots doning the vtuber title.

When holocure blew up, you can clearly see that majority of non JP people only know the kind of vtubers that yo use on twitch, and they all cringe at it.

it's like street whores calling themselves idols and when you ask a random americanut what an idol is, they think crack whores.
oh fuck off Cathy Newman
Wtf is this dynamic
>biboo MW
Thank God theres something besides ame to watch tonight
>Gawr Gura June's average 20k
>Ironmouse this month's (her most buffed month) average 9k
Nah holo wins. Also, fun fact Fauna's average this month is higher than Mouse.
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>Subaru: I watched lots of NijiGTA Police clips.
>Subaru: Eh, no one is slacking offww.
>Subaru: Our Police station is the weird one.
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All that time spent seething and shitposting wasted. All that time lost, like tears in rain.
>Ina that low
imagine her voice trembling while acting bored in bed
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Ronda Rousey made a major scene and dissed Holly Holm!
Good thing she can't lost this, I bet my entire monthly paycheque on her, Ronda will grind Holly Holm to a pulp!
<- UFC 193 SPY OUT!
Really? Who's an indie that got a collab with a major baseball league? What about in a popular game ip like fnaf?
Several concerts this year as well?
Surely there's tons of them since ou are speaking so confidently
Why can't holoEN fans just accept that vtubing has moved on from their vtubers?
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Why can't you retard just accept that your mom has moved on from your dad?
>Rajesh melty
grim desu
Moved where? ... >>86284881
As always, betting against the top shark is a foolish endeavour indeed
Going by her god awful graduation tour numbers, sub-30k is expected, yes.
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>leaves her last collab to her girlfriend
ENfags can seethe all they want, doesn't change the sad reality of their numbers, or the reality of the EN scene not idolizing them (other than pandemic-era Myth) due to them not having numbers.
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and the JPnigger mask finally comes off
I have moved on from this thread
/lig/ talks about obkatiekats penis being feminine but that one is quite large and masculine
thats my dick btw
I remember first hearing Fauna and Kronii and thinking wow that's what a vtuber should sound like
holoEN is the only en vtubing option
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God I love watching women get beat.
HoloEN being bigger than the rest of the scene was never in question you fucking retard.
My point is that they're not big ENOUGH to the point where they can passively influence the culture of the rest of the scene.
Nigga Japanese can bold their text???
Final amesame ccv predictions?
see you tomorrow
>holly holm
wait is she a swede or a burger swede
1 ERBillion ccv
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pull it back
the twitch vtubing box is far bigger than the holoENbox, especially if you remove JPbox tourists from holoEN's numbers.
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I'm usually not into it but this time ... man, Ronda deserved a good ass kicking
and yet everyone is still doing concerts.
nigga stop. they might not suck holoen dics but they reluctantly follow them becasue they dictate what vtuber is about.
>My point is that they're not big ENOUGH to the point where they can passively influence the culture of the rest of the scene
No it wasn't.
>It's mainly because HoloEN's clout (i.e. numbers) are only somewhat on par with the bigger twitch
Your point was that EN is only as big as the top twitch streamers. And you're wrong, you have continued to be wrong, and you will be wrong for the forseeable future UNLESS YOU POST SOME FUCKING DATA
27k. the EN vtubing audience moved on from holoEN a long time ago.
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>announcing its departure
Likely the later.

Anon, ironmouse highest stream was 45k and sh only got beaten by Opera GX vtuber with embeds and the LATAM Nimu with flesh doxx buff
>Lunlun is hanging out with Kuzuha
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Fucking kek, Ame
fuck off UFC niggers
we only like WWE here (the REAL fighting sport)
Nearly all of the bigger small corpos are on youtube dabbling in idol stuff and cute girls, there is a plethora of vtubers debuting with Ina/mori etc with their oshis. There are tons of small indies all trying to pad out their resumes for Holo.
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idol stuff sucks desu
Now that the dust has settled, Bae has spent 3 (THREE) minutes sending Ame off, skipped most of ENReco, while not missing any JP events.
>single JPbox-boosted event
> unfeminized Mori
I mean, Mori was successful, which is why she was looked up to.
But it's not like anyone post-2023 really followed Mori, they just followed her at her EN success peak. Most of her newer projects have been JP oriented and not very well known in EN.
>not very well known in EN
>ironmouse highest stream was 45k
And that was in 2022, she never got close to that again
>Nearly all of the bigger small corpos are on youtube dabbling in idol stuff and cute girls
They're all dabbling in HOMO COLLABS
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Recent clip numbers
>single twitchbox-boosted event
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>eurokek deadhours
>not being dead
who are you people
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>Youtube won't let me search for Mori's song because it thinks i'm trying to kill myself
> and yet everyone is still doing concerts.
Because HoloJP got huge numbers from their biannual concerts lmao
HoloEN didn't even have regular concerts until about a year ago.
Doesn't count, all JOPS know English at a conversational level and are able to understand English language based humor
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>204,313: DEV_IS (Hololive)
>76,090: Miko (Hololive)
>46,174: Fubuki (Hololive)
>45,858: Botan (Hololive)
>35,900: Subaru (Hololive)
>32,256: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>30,774: Subaru (Hololive)
>27,759: Pekora (Hololive)
>27,607: Amelia (Hololive)
>27,317: Korone (Hololive)
>25,834: Ange (Nijisanji)
>18,997: Akira (Nijisanji)
>18,824: Chiroru (Indie)
>18,808: Nijisanji (Nijisanji)
>16,700: Subaru (Hololive)
>14,486: Fubuki (Hololive)
>14,119: Koyori (Hololive)
>13,683: Towa (Hololive)
>12,600: Meika (Indie)
>12,586: Fuwa (Nijisanji)
>11,972: Chaika (Nijisanji)
>11,879: Koyori (Hololive)
>11,865: Kanata (Hololive)
>11,734: Mio (Hololive)
>10,681: QueueTan (Indie)
>10,538: AZKi (Hololive)
Can you please stop posting factual proof and start vague posting? That's the only language they understand
>needed all of holoEN to barely beat mousey's 45k
Did Ame misread the time or did Mumei fuck up
Wait, Suisei and King have the same outfit
>all JOPS know English at a conversational level and are able to understand English language based humor
Surely you jest.
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very much a skill issue
>Connor Hasan and QTcinderella are weaker than HoloEN
JP rat is based
holoEN's concert numbers are pathetic too. breaking dimensions barely got 30k for the first day an barely got 20k for the second day. Ironmouse can beat that on her own.
that was 2 years ago
what is that style even supposed to be?
3 hours is soon.
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pfft who needs proof I'm just gonna assert my position ad nauseam all over the thread and when confronted with evidence to the contrary I'll ignore it and assert my position harder (without proof)
This is some great retention considering people are only watching her read supas, either chattinis are kfp or kfps are chattinis
Dunno but I know for sure it pander to fujo, I call it the Genshin faggot style
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>09/28 TALLY (1.000 - 4.999)
4.883: Kiara (Hololive) | The Legend of Zelda: EoW
3.915: Shiori (Hololive) | Team Fortress 2 HoloEN Collab
3.454: Dokibird (Indie) | Apex Legends
2.376: Dokibird (Indie) | Freddi Fish and the Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds
2.330: Shu (Nijisanji) | Pico Park 2 Collab
1.781: Shu (Nijisanji) | Valorant
1.445: Sonny (Nijisanji) | Street Fighter 6
1.294: Pippa (Phase-Connect) | Variety Stream
1.240: Uki (Nijisanji) | Crime Scene Cleaner
1.178: Luca (Nijisanji) | Minecraft
1.074: Rosemi (Nijisanji) | Just Cooking
1.057: Muyu (Phase-Connect) | Voices of the Void
1.017: Bettel (Holostars) | Just Chatting
Subhumans came back from their vacations
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All these are "events", sure, but most regular JP events get somewhere 80k and 100k, which would show up here.
JP GTA's reaction streams had 90k.
JP Sponsorships streams have had 40k.
JP Gacha rolling streams have had 100k.
All of them would regularly show up in this table, alongside top streamers.
EN simply does not have those level of numbers.
Idk why you guys are coping so hard about that.
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nijisis btw
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yeah sure
ironmonmouse got like 30 raids there kek
>they might not suck holoen dics
>uh oh
If Amelia's final collab with the shark doesn't hit at least 50k, we know holoEN is in a death spiral.
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1) Bae (Hololive) - 4.933 - Just Chatting
2) IRyS (Hololive) - 4.739 - ENigmatic Recollection
3) Shu (Nijisanji) - 4.820 - Sponsored Stream
4) Gigi (Hololive) - 4.950 - ENigmatic Recollection
5) Gigi (Hololive) - 4.928 - Just Chatting
6) Elizabeth (Hololive) - 4.867 - ENigmatic Recollection
7) Raora (Hololive) - 4.610 - Minecraft w/ Cecilia, Kaela, Matsuri, Towa
8) Calli (Hololive) - 4.301 - ENigmatic Recollection
9) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 2.922 - Breaking Dimensions Watchalong
10) Meloco (Nijisanji) - 3.737 - ASMR Stream
11) Shiori (Hololive) - 4.706 - Black Myth: Wukong
12) Kiara (Hololive) - 4.836 - Luigi's Mansion 2 HD
13) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 4.842 - Elite Exorcist Miko
14) Mint (Indie) - 4.190 - Karaoke Stream
15) Gigi (Hololive) - 4.982 - Sheepy: A Short Adventure
16) Mint (Indie) - 3.301 - Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
17) Mint (Indie) - 4.876 - Fears to Fathom: Woodbury Getaway
18) Dokibird (Indie) - 4.776 - Pico Park 2 w/ AmaLee, Bao, Juniper, Limealicious, Mint, Rin, Snuffy
19) Cecilia (Hololive) - 4.384 - Black Myth: Wukong
20) Kiara (Hololive) - 4.527 - Balatro
21) Dokibird (Indie) - 3.827 - Sponsored Stream
22) IRyS (Hololive) – 3.919 - holoGTA
23) Cecilia (Hololive) – 4.886 – holoGTA
24) Kronii (Hololive) – 4.389 - Just Chatting
25) Pippa (Phase-Connect) - 4.277 -Variety Stream
26) Raora (Hololive) – 4.896 - Don't Starve Together w/ Kronii
27) Shiori (Hololive) – 4.858 - Just Studying
28) Kiara (Hololive) – 4.883 - The Legend of Zelda: EoW
Arguably that's from HoloEN's influence as well, it just seems like EN indies are a year or two behind in following trends.
Ironkeks... this is getting embarrasing
don't you ever get tired of being BTFO'd ?
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kek mask off
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>um actually HoloEn is bad and dying
this thread has been like this for 2 hours now. you ok bro?
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YABman leftover schizos
Uh hello? vtubers? This is the vtuber board, why are you posting fleshies? Did you think this was going to help your position that HoloEN wasn't bigger than Twitch vtubers?????

You've lost the plot clown. I posted Ironmouse's highest peak this year, which you handwaved away despite being infinitely more relevant than whatever the fuck you just posted. I accept your concession.
holoEN has been on a steady recline since day 1. Just look at their rolling 365 day average CCV chart.
Are you drunk?
If the Phase whatever just started right now, doesn't hit 10K, Phase is done.
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>1) 1,144: Anya (Granblue Fantasy: Relink)
>2) 4,567: Kaela (Tavern Manager Simulator)
>3) 3,483: Kaela (Honor of Kings)
>4) 3,386: Kobo (Honor of Kings)
>5) 2,385: Kaela (Tavern Manager Simulator)
>6) 5,377: Kaela (Minecraft)
>7) 6,315: Reine (NEW OUTFIT)
>8) 1,722: Risu (Coral Island)
*>9) 15,999: Reine (3D Birthday Live)
>10) 4,669: Kaela (Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions)
>11) 4,826: Reine (DRAWING COLLAB w/ Gigi)
>12) 3,214: Kaela (RUNGORE)
>13) 4,092: Kaela (Lethal Company w/ CCGG)
>14) 3,193: Kaela (EA SPORTS FC 24)
>15) 4,098: Kobo (BeAT x Kobo Kanaeru)
>16) 2,438: Risu (M.M.M.)
>17) 2,195: Ollie (holoGTA day1)
>18) 6,279: Kaela (Shogun Showdown)
>19) 2,826: Kaela (Shogun Showdown)
>20) 4,834: Ollie (OMUSUBI)
>21) 1,936: Ollie (holoGTA DAY5)
>22) 3,606: Anya (HoloGTA DAY6)
>23) 2,842: Zeta (Guerilla Zatsudan)
>24) 4,180: Kaela (Lethal Company)
>25) 4,327: Kaela (Paincore w/ Kronii)
>26) 1,931: Risu (Two Point Campus)
>27) 3,378: Kaela (Honor of Kings)
>28) 3,294: Zeta (Gary’s Mod)

13x: Kaela
3x: Reine, Ollie, Risu
2x: Kobo, Anya, Zeta
I left a bit after the regloss 3D show to play Map painters and he was already at it back then.
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She has about the same people watching her read supas today as she did yesterday playing undertale, guess she has a pretty loyal 3-4k, which is atleast better than shiori
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australians have the most hideous and unsexy accent, this is why bae and hachama are out of my top
If you were literate enough you would have seen that it's actually inclining. But I'm probably talking to a bot
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sure ennacuck
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>1) 107,848: Hololive (Hololive) Holo Summer Bingo lottery [29]
>2) 60,469: Miko (Hololive) Koemane King [23]
>3) 69,212: Subaru (Hololive) Chained Together w/ Miko [19]
>4) 42,818: Miko (Hololive) Happy Announcement [19]
>5) 40,548: Miko (Hololive) 7days to die Holo7DTD Finale [20]
>6) 68,007: Rika (Nijisanji) 3D LIVE [17]
>7) 155,940: Hololive (Hololive) 3D LIVE Gen0 [23]
>8) 92,975: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) Important Announcement [30]
>9) 54,530: Miko (Hololive) SUIKAWA LEAD [20]
>10) 47,850: Hololive DEV_IS (Hololive) ReGLOSS 1st Anniversary [20]
>11) 47,854: Mio (Hololive) Holomem boke-tsukkomi chart [20]
>12) 86,852: Miko (Hololive) Koemane King w/ Fubuki [14]
>13) 61,436: Miko (Hololive) Best of hand-drawn clipshow [12]
>14) 91,258: Miko (Hololive) Holomem ranking w/ FubuMiko [25]
>15) 132,300: Marine (Hololive) Important Announcement + New 3D model reveal!? [27]
>16) 94,497: Subaru (Hololive) 6th Anniversary totsumachi [27]
>17) 54,796: Miko (Hololive) holoGTA day1 [21]
>18) 85,775: Miko (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS [23]
>19) 83,699: Suisei (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS [18]
>20) 86,288: Miko (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS [24]
>21) 93,084: Suisei (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS
>22) 108,427: Suisei (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS
>23) 123,580: Miko (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS
>24) 108,506: Fubuki (Hololive) holoGTA clip watching
>25) 98,715: Pekora (Hololive) holoGTA clip watching
>26) 90,347: Miko (Hololive) holoGTA clip watching
>27) 62,925: Meruto (Nijisanji) 3D debut
>28) 204,313: DEV_IS (Hololive) ReGloss 3D debut

25x: Hololive
3x: Nijisanji

12x: Miko
3x: Suisei
2x: Hololive, Subaru
1x: Rika, Nijisanji, DEV_IS, Mio, Marine, Fubuki, Pekoram Meruto, DEV_IS
It's Nijinigs
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How things have changed...
There aren't that many of them left.
DEV_IS gen 2
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>only 1 niji organ made tally on the 26th
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Who would win? Couple of Holos reading supas or Phase revealing 3D chibis?
Why are you pretending to be a hermanos?
You can't talk about them doing 3D chibis because they aped that idea from EN
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>1) 92,146: Miko (Hololive) Gen0 collab + announcement
>2) 48,526: Miko (Hololive) Minecraft holoserver tour
>3) 44,784: Miko (Hololive) 7days to die #Holo7DTD
>4) 36,591: Miko (Hololive) Koemane King
>5) 40,035: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) The k4sen FF14
>6) 52,107: Lauren (Nijisanji) New outfit
>7) 59,914: Hololive (Hololive) HoloPro 7th anniversary
>8) 50,503: Miko (Hololive) Holo Hardcore Minecraft w/ Fubuki, Okayu, Suisei, Lui Day2
>9) 43,189: Gura (Hololive) 2.0 REVEAL
>10) 33,862: Miko (Hololive) Doraemon dorayakiyasan monogatari
>11) 39,433: Marine (Hololive) The Bathhouse Re: w/ Koyori
>12) 25,390: Lauren (Nijisanji) STREET GRAFFITI ROLE PLAY
>13) 60,005: Roco (Nijisanji) 3D debut
>14) 58,666: Subaru (Hololive) BIG3 Koemane King
>15) 95,815: Miko (Hololive) holoGTA explanation
>16) 59,546: Ibrahim (Nijisanji) VCR Minecraft
>17) 44,314: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) VCR Minecraft
>18) 51,682: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) VCR Minecraft
>19) 40,444: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) VCR Minecraft
>20) 65,386: Akari (Nijisanji) 3D reveal
>21) 40,085: Subaru (Hololive) holoGTA Day 5
>22) 44,336: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) Fresh vs. veteran Quiz Show
>23) 86,099: Hibari (Nijisanji) Birthday 3D Live
>24) 94,788: Miko (Hololive) HoloGTA clip watching
>25) 38,954: Miko (Hololive) Among Us
>26) 55,933: Marine (Hololive) HoloGTA clip watching
>27) 62,925: Meruto (Nijisanji) 3D debut
>28) 42,299: Chiroru (Indie) Baseball
>29) 76,090: Miko (Hololive) HoloGTA clip watching

16x: Hololive
11x: Nijisanji
1x: Indie

10x: Miko
4x: Kuzuha
2x: Lauren, Subaru, Marine
1x: Hololive, Gura, Roco, Ibrahim, Akari, Nijisanji, Chiroru

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