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Last 3 Days and Counting Edition

Welcome to /mouse/ - Ironmouse Subathon General!

Mouse woke up a bit early to watch a Razer video and hung out with Buffpup a bit but is now taking a nap. Satisfactory with Connor later.
Here we can discuss things related to Mouse's subathon!
Please avoid talking about chuubas other than Mouse if it isn't in the context of the subathon!

Image Source: Mouse's stream

Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Goals - https://pastebin.com/vA7b6XWi
Vods - https://rentry.org/pm9cnw8r
Pixels - https://canvas.kyubae.com (Ended)

Related Threads:
VShojo+ General: /vsj+/

Previous Thread: >>86237978
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Catching up with the VOD. I just realized that Mouse is literally a clip-watcher anti for House.
It's great
Fred is on to babysit.
I think the strat is to gift 5 at the time to cheese the extra subs system
Nick came in to yell at Fred for bailing on him
Yes, if you're going to gift at least 5 subs total for the whole subathon, you should do it all at once. Preferably when someone does a five gang TTS because it makes more people donate to feel like they're part of something.
Last night an oiler started doing uncapped matching so that's the absolute perfect time.
I wonder if a 100 bomb + 500 bonus is possible given the 5+50 is possible. I don't think I've seen a 100 bomb give more than 100 so you may be right, but we just might not have enough data on 100 bombs given there are much less of them.
its amazing how each subathon has had worse and worse guests
I'm more sad that we seem to get less vshojo members each subathon. We've had so few this entire month.
they’ve showed up for i think two collabs and then wasn’t there one random haruka appearance for a game? definitely not much
I think she does this on purpose so it does look like she's trying to drain the girl's audience
but that's my opinion
Also Mouse's current schedule is almost the total opposite of the members who actually stream nowadays
The donations have slowed greatly.
mouse is up early and late enough for mel, kuro, michi, and mata. zen, geega, and haruka always seem to be up pretty late. froots up mega early and henyas dead. doesn’t seem like much of a timezone issue
It's exactly the same thing as what happened yesterday, people are holding the timer steady until she gets up.
Yeah I bet peopel are waiting for her to wake up, If she wakes up and gives a speech of let's take that timer to 69 hours (she should say 100 imo) it'll get there pretty fast
Rat awake
That was cute. Mouse said she used to sleep to Nick's videos so hearing him in the voice call when she woke was nostalgic.
Luckily Mouse woke up in time for the collab everyone else seems to have been playing valo while waiting for her too so that was nice of them.
hopefully he kills himself or learns to be an entertaining streamer
She sounds kind of rough today might not end up joining at this rate.
fingers crossed
watching chat perk up when mouse started saying I love... and then ending with streaming kek
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rat sex
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mouse please just skip the shitty fall guys in 2024 and do something entertaining for once during American hours
were going into a shitty collab soon let her have a fun one where she can laught first at least
seethe connorsperg, make sure to load the gun like mouse wants you to
I think this is the first day of really sick mouse we've had. She's had a really good month
As she said time of the month and time of the week happening simultaneously. Rough time.
Mouse will be adding an additional 10k donation if we make 1st
>streamer award worm attendance
>acceptance speak worm
>hand cam video
>hand cam stream
>$10K donation on top of whatever the end dono is
REALLY incentivizing taking 1st now.
thats it?
Mouse set a goal of 69hrs on the timer. If we reach that we'll be at 15k subs for the day, an acceptable pace.
That's it. She is incredibly selfish. How much have you donated, out of curiosity? With receipts, please.
none because i’m not giving money after the first two “attempts” at subathon goals and whats quickly becoming a third. she’s making bank off this subathon, 10k is a joke
Oh, cool, so why are you here in this thread in particular?
because i’ watching mouse retard
Got it, got it. So you're hate watching the content. Understood. Have fun being angry all the time!
Go back
kys, i like mouse but i’m not giving money to scam attempt no. 3
Hatewatchers. Fuck those retards.
Hey man, if you enjoy being angry, that's fine. You do you. No one is asking you to give money.
We need a push for 69k, Hopefully Mouse can rally a little.
He's in her bed.
Oh nyo, my streamer didn't immediately deliver a goal (who I didn't contribute at all to achieve). Fuck her and this scamathon rawrrrrr

Kys faggot and go back to the catalog
fallguys definitely wont help that
since we are on the discussion of lack of charity donating reminder connor refuses to use any of his own money and drains his fans banks isntead anytime he has to donate he cheaps out and does the least amount possible mouse however actively donates thousands of dollars each year for charity
Is tts off?
fool me once shame on me, fool me twice, shame on her, fool you a third time and you’re admitting to being genuinely retarded. congrats
>I'm going to sleep on chat
That chat me
The timezone during her sleeping has to do a large rally I wager I think her morning + evening timezones are running dry.
oh another of merryweathers band of flops is back
So the more hate we see here, the closer we are to the goal huh?
this is literally a cuck bed. but who is being cucked in this situation?
Jesus who do you guys want on VC?
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Mouse is going to rest her BLT's on me...
>>86296316 (me)
meant for >>86296215
I think most would agree we want Mouse to do what she said she would at the start of subathon and not sit in vc when not sleeping. Instead she keeps "accidentally" not leaving.
vshojo members, connor, pete, vchiban unless candii is in subathon 2 mode
She didn't say that, confirming you are just a tourist anti, so go back.
God he's annoying he legit likes stroking his channel
She literally said in the beginning that she did not want to be in open vc constantly like last subathon. And as proven multiple times now she keeps sitting in vc anyways. Watch streams.
She has not been in it the whole time. now fuck off.
ok the fucking retard just said that absolute garbage walking sim scorn is good he can jump off the nearest bridge
she said she'd be in it less, which she was, she never once said she avoiding open VC entirely. go back
>Mouse playing solo/chatting
>Goes afk for a sec
>Random person joins vc and starts talking
Has happened multiple times now.
go get on bike fatass monkesperg
>did not want to be in open vc constantly
And you equate this to not being in open vc when she's sleeping.
>seethe so hard you don't (you)
Pretty based, honestly. Get the money from fans, then use their money as a tax claim. He's basically triple dipping. Genius, really.
She's just got up so she was still in vc.
You know those people have their own streams to run right? And for Pete, Mouse is awake and doing something when he could join
Also last 2 subathons very rarely vshojo members joined vc besides Nyan on subathon 1 that showed up frequently
That lead to people sperging that because of that she wasn't streaming that much for that month
4chan mention
it never touches his hands so he cant claim anything besides expenditures for the streams themselves. hes always done it through tiltify since its the way you’re supposed to do charity events
Incredibly UNbased. Commit tax fraud.
I don't care about this argument I just want another push to happen but TTS is off so 5 gang can't rally and Mouse is busy.
Happened mid stream with Ari the other day.
Inb4 it's deleted
TTS isn’t off. it read a whole bunch of messages while she was waking up. no one wants to give the annoying babysitter money is all
Mouse stop being retarded
No, she should speak her mind more.
Not only has he refused to donated the 50 subs he owes from Pete to Mouse, he also went back on his sub promise for Fall Guys. This mfer is a millionaire yet he finds every excuse possible to never use any of his own money for good. That wouldn't have even been more than 200 subs at most anyways. That is literally pocket change for this idiot.
She woke up feeling like shit, it's to be expected.
Why it seem like a fine tweet
It's fine, it'll probably just get her more support.
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Mouse isn't wrong. She consistently does everything to make her chat hate her or angry going back on multiple promises, scamming charity goals, completely ignoring her chat most days for random collabs no one asked for or wanted. She is lucky she has such parasocial fans or most would have left long ago.
She knows why people support her. She's letting retarded brain worms take over.
Did you only read the first sentence of the tweet?
this but unironically
>so boring he managed to kill an awake hype train at level 12
Why haven't you?
leave please
I read it. Did you? She is saying "Yeah people are confused on why this anime girl gets so much support, and that is okay because I don't understand why I get so much support either".
Because I'm parasocial af. I still think she will do things when she promises to do them and get disappointed every single time it doesn't happen. You'd think I'd get used to it after all this time but fuck me I'm stuck at this point.
I think this is referring to "WHO IS IRONMOUSE" that people keep tweeting
Mouse, you know why we like you.
And you know you deserve our support.
Get appreciated nerd
Hype trains don't even matter. It's probably better that they die as quickly as possible so there's a chance for a golden kappa sooner, which actually causes people to donate unlike normal hype trains.
it's the sperg anon he's retarded
it's almost like he spent nearly 1k on mouse on merch this month kek
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This feels bittersweet after earlier. Either Mouse leaves them and we never get tweets like this, or she goes back on her morals and stays.
they do matter, people give a lot more money when theres the dumb little icon on screen even if its not a golden one. at least usually the do if there isnt an active detriment
A bag is a bag, buddy. Meds don't pay for themselves.
Is Razer specifically doing AI art/music? Because that's what people actually bitch about.
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connor please go live and save mouse from this flop and fall guys
We rallying
And I don't think this is even the big one
I assure you, it's not.
way too slow for any kind of rally. itll die the second mouse starts her plans for today too
You know last year I would have leaned more towards the married couple dynamic, but this last year has changed my mind. I think they do act more like siblings now they don't really flirt much like they used to and Mouse is less hyper with him now.
>69 might be ambitious
Fred don't say that its what we need.
You say it that way so chat gets offended and thinks you're doubting their wallets. Reverse psychology and all that.
Rally's have a tipping point when the flood gates open and I don't think we hit it.
no i think he said it because he’s genuinely retarded
>or she goes back on her morals and stays.
I mean it's not like her position is sustainable long term.
I mean, that is a distinct possibility.
My luck sucks I've donated five 5's and none of them procc'd. Good thing I don't play gatcha games.
Maybe? It still works even if you do it for retarded reasons.
If you want to criticize him it should be for the "we only have to hold it over 50" remark, because no we don't, we need to rally as hard as possible whenever we have an opportunity.
>Mouse is less hyper with him now.
can tell you don't watch streams, mouse gave good reasons on his stream.
Alright I'm curious what are the good reasons?
I wish he wouldn't say 5s are the best.
Its not true any multiple of 5 works.
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Highest gift sub stats have not changed still. These might be approaching the max we can get.
Note I'm going off of twitch logs so the ones gifted by users are estimated, they could be off by as much as 4 subs.
the things mouse is pulling
its something 3 views never seen before
Mouse come back
Ironically we get more subs the longer she is away
No not really, Mouse has been part of the really big pushes.
wed get more time off a tts and a quiet vc
I meant more for chill moments like this. People like to push the timer as much as they can to surprise mouse when she gets back. Big pushes are obviously exceptions.
oh yeah. But we need at least one big push today.
I hope Connor does an actual push today. He's been too quiet all subathon. Though I'm starting to think him and Mouse might have something planned for the last several days. Things have been way too calm with them.
Do we have any idea what time is the collab with connor? also when is the bubi one it gotta be tomorrow right. If we have another raiser the timer from bubi it will be great with the bonus
The biggest push took place when she was asleep but I admit that was an exception.
In theory it could be soon since he was originally planning to do the challenge early with Lud today. But I haven't seen him in the list so he is probably doing stuff atm. Might not be until later and he had mentioned it would only be for like 6 hours unless he changed it to appease Mouse kek.
connor usually goes live around this time
think it changed,
250k is a good time for the rally
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Considering he originally said he'd be playing with her Sunday who knows? But hopefully later so Mouse didn't double book and is hiding in the bathroom to get out of another collab.. While Rae is willing to wait for her.
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2nd best day of this subathon.
Isnt tomorrow QTs concert or shes not gonna be part of it now?
She can't they have nobody free to run the tech.
But I think Mouse is going to watch.
ahh ok
Mouse mentioned that they had no one to go there for her but QT gave her permission to rebroadcast and specifically wants her to sing during it so QT might have plans to stream her live.
>Considering he originally said he'd be playing with her Sunday
This is always the most difficult part of knowing when they stream. Unless Connor says "My Sunday, your Saturday" it's up in the air.
I think it's supposed to be his sunday so her saturday, if she still is going to be part of this collab i think it's safe to say their collab is in like around 3 hours
Ohh yeah that might be a cool thing
Similar to how she did her first offkai concert
they just rebroadcasted her stream
I generally assume if he just says Sunday that it is his Sunday. It seems to work out more often than not.
who asked for this?
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You know what I didn't know I wanted this until I now see it.
The daki is the next one.
This is actually a great goal.
Can fred not take a hint? it's obvious mouse wants to do something
oh hey the boring leech is gone
just wait anon
better be the 3d strawberry swimsuit duck
no he’s severely autistic and likes to think hes the most important person in the world
You are about to witness sperging you haven't seen in weeks
ellum trying to leech from doki and mouse
Ninja Today!
Very Possible before the sunrise
the collabs will ruin all momentum but we might make it if mouse pushes hard after them
I know its a lot but I think once we are close people will push for it especially if Mouse mentions it.
You wanted a full on solo only subathon. You're insane.
what? I would hate only solo.
As long as we can hold after pushes it don't matter.
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That food TTS just brought up sounds delicious
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Please Mouse we need more hype in these tweets badly
think he means sykkuno and ellum should end themselves and it's fucking Based
Gayest straight man in call
I love Shai
I hope the song is a little sus
based hope they all die
Looks great
Money well spent
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At least 2 more exclamation marks
My prediction is taking form
Kai is not a pipedream anymore
So My guess she's skipping the fall guys collab
and that's a good thing thing
I don't think we have time before the cap but I hope in the extra days we get through some of the solo non gaming goals.
Absolutely. Fall Guy is trash and the partners are trash. Why waste primetime on trash?
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>thing thing
See Mouse people like Shia are the kind of collabs most of us want.
when will Mouse collab with Gura?
fuck you anon you jinxed it
We never got any vr chat
right before Gura graduates
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Mouse is very high now
Mouse please you have multiple solo plans I get you like collabs but spread them out a bit at least.
At least with the collab there would be some external subathon attention with people that won't go with it all day. With the skip it will be six hours of shit Fall Guys with chat.
Collab time, bay-bee, let's GOOOO
So how is this lobby gonna work with 5 people?
Fallguys is 4 people
What is that?
I can't watch
Mouse's best +
She plays junk like this to destress so maybe it'll make her happy and prepared for tonight's push. I definitely won't be watching though.
Is Ironmouse primate?
OTV friend that's trying to leech off vtuber now
Hes after Lily, Doki and Mouse besides shoto since hes part of their circle now
She's an orangutang.
While the retards here sperg Mouse and Rae had a really wholesome exchange there. Based Rae for scolding Mouse about her brain worms about not knowing why people support her.
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Two minutes of glazing in 3+ hours of people screaming about a game for actual toddlers
>still follows him
Sykkuno is one of Mouse's boy toys
and not an interesting person to be seen. mouse is too zooted to even be entertaining herself
one of the only people to get special alone time with mouse in vr
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This site is borked right?
No it's just slow
Its been over more every day. not sure why
twitchtracker is weird sometimes it is too high sometimes too low
Or too fast?
Coming at you from 4 hours in the future!.
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all time is still under her current amount
She's been deslutified
Now THIS is an F Tier Collab.
Don't link the next thread, see if that clears out some dirt.
As soon as Rae started cursing Mouse stopped holding back. maybe she wasn't sure if she could for some reason kek.
kek that was fast
mouse live
Mouse please do a hype up before joining Connor.
Yeah it's uncomfortable when collabing with people from other companies, you'll never know what'll get them in trouble
Thank god. Cringe ass normie streamers.
Well, Sykkuno is cool. Respect to any Sajam Slammer.
there you go
>from other companies
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based rae
3 raids is the perfect time to do a hype.
Really cool
and 55 bonus
nice roll
We need the moose to squeeze him more
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>>86304630 (me)
fuck forgot the image
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Alveus plans are in motion. I wonder if it will be Monke or Gun/Panini. Guess it will depend on the timing.
That tts'er seems to think the cap is on the 30th
Dude only gifting 5 after Rae's 100? Even when he's being helpful and generous the fuck just has to troll.
Ok Its official the subathon ends October 1st 3AM EST
Actually he donated 5 before so it is 10 total
Mouse if we don't beat Kai by 3am on the 1st change your mind and put it to 7pm.
But don't say anything until we get to 3am on the 1st.
I think it is for the best. We want the final push to be before the gift subs expire.
I think this is right force the push to be with the bonus subs and if we are short >>86305346
>>86305363 (me)
*before bonus subs expire
alright theres game one now get game 2 out of the way so you can do something interesting please
liiiiike maybe a solo sub goal or videos
At this point she could just do a push to get time up since we will be playing with Connor for a while probably.
Man Monday is gonna be really interesting
I hope by then she has the 1st place record on screen too.
>>86305574 (me)
nvm connors live so there goes any real hope of anything solo today
I hope so too or chat forces her
go jackoff best solo you can do.
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I knew he would never let Mouse pay for it
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the poor plushies
Yes Mouse
Man I only have 10 subs left in the bag but holding till the very final push
>Connor react stream
This will unironically kill the subathon.
I blew my budget last night so I decided to double it. Have to save half for monday though.
okay sperg go take a dirt nap
It makes me hopeful for the last push if people are still saving some.
it was 8k mouse paid half for hers to come soon
dey fookin
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Mouse bought this or Connor?
Mouse said she would but I think she forgot and Connor paid and never said anything.
he got 2 one for mouse to ride during ipad sessions
it's already bring delivered to her soon
Aieee, Sperg don't look!
He commissioned it entirely himself. I think the only thing she would have paid for is the one she is getting, but I don't think he would take it. Having multiple sizes of monkey plush was required for prototyping.
he did and is mad kek
No he wasn't going to commission it at all because it was a lot then Mouse offered to pay for it and he agreed.
she paid half
If i was Mouse i would just run power hour when she beats Ninja as an extra incentive for chat
Well technically I didn't save, I busted last night, I just have a huge bank account and can afford more. However 50% of what I spend will be in the next three days.
10 pumps and already winded
Power hour for the finale push maybe but if we do it too soon we lose some incentive.
Mouse don't stop until he finishes with the plush at the earliest you could keep this going for so long.
Trust the process
1 day for Ninja
1 day for Lud
The rest for hopes and dreams to come true
Potential for a big push when she hits 250k if Mouse, oilers and TTS play their cards right
10k subs from twitch kek
big brain idea if the monkesperg takes out a life assurance and kills himself and the money goes to mouse it would be the best play.
Dan Clancy you simp
That is a lie he would have comissioned anyway, mouse was watching the stream and insisted in paying as a gift for him. He was reluctant but said fine but we don't know if she ever paid, also i have no idea where some anons here claim that she paid half, i don't ever remember mouse or connor saying anything.
I think the half is from his tweet since the price he listed is around half what it is supposed to be. >>86306670
Bring on the daki goal
He was exploring commissioning one on his own. He was talking about the cost and his losses on Twitchcon 2023 and cost of the RV trip. Mouse offered, he said she didn't have to. There were later updates since this thing is a year in the making. I think they determined they needed to make multiple sizes of prototype later.
250k hit.
33k in 2 days? Piece of cake.
Funny How last week some of us went to bed thinking it would end overnight kek
50k in 2 days
We can do this
Alright 57k Subs in 53 Hours ok
This is very doable
eufags are edgers
Can we push for Ninja today.
19k more? No problem.
Before she goes to bed, yes but SEA and EU fags need to pick up the pace because most of this has been NA and some EU
Ninja can likely be hit today if the hype keeps rolling and EU picks up their slack. Unfortunately, Mouse seems to have slowed down.
It's so crazy how many times the timer went down to 1m or below. And now here we are, banking bonus time.
mouse tail wagging like crazy looking at monke butt
I do not think we've seen what this group can actually do. 17k and 16k in the last few days. And while those pushes were big, the final push I expect to be bigger than those. Maybe twice as big. Another 19k is doable right now which would leave only 14k for Lud.
She literally said do not look, buddy. Eyes off.
Yeah, IDK why she settled down after hitting the goal. We might've been able to push all the way to 69h right now.
To give an understand of this. The biggest push from last subathon has been done 2-3 times now. Imagine what the last day could be like.
it's taller than him kek
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It is so big
That's the big thing, if she can drive hype to take Ninja's spot, it's a short burst to top Ludwig from there. If she doesn't take 3rd today, she'll knock out both 3rd and 2nd tomorrow.
I'm glad he's finally found his branding.
mouse going to get crushed by hers
I love that there is a delay to both the sub counter and timer when adding up because it means we overshoot the goal when pushing.
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Release it in the same album as the CPR cover, it would be funny.
that suggestion was retarded
I want to bury my face in her crotch
yep classic tts fag
kek I didn't even think about her pussy being right behind the goal when I capped it.
you again..........
Even better. Numi already nailed the "standard" CPR cover, so do an Operatic one.
The only good tts is a 5 gang or matching subs tts.
>Hey, what if instead of a little cover that could probably be knocked out in a month or two, you do a musical production, wrangling a bunch of fucking streamers who can't even show up to a 3 hour long award show, and write an entire original musical soundtrack, which will would, at a minimum, take 2+ years?
Would be very fun to have an opera for a scuff stream. But a fully produced and coordinated vtuber/flesh opera would be a nightmare with so much work and stress that would affect a years worth of streams for what becomes a YouTube video with a few hundred thousand views. Not worth it.
geega wanted to do this
If it still has all the sus noises sure but I'm not sure how that will work.
Geega is also retarded. Do not let her confidence fool you.
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Geega can't get away from GTA long enough to do any more interesting event streams and takes forever to get an edited video out with just talking.
>buh ha ha
What the fuck kind of laugh was that?
Connorspergs wins again
They're together.
The moment he calls her she gets all sweet lmao
It's meds, you delusional schizo.
Imagine obsessing over another man as hard as you spergs.
Boy I hope he never has to take that thing outside.
take your meds
He can just deflate if needed
And MATA gets a golden kappa. FUCK if we got one of those during a hype push tomorrow it'll be insane.
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I miss the tongue out AFK faces
It's inflatable, so it wouldn't be that bad. A task, but not that bad.
Monke actually helping right now wanting to see gacha pulls.
Connor saying she can beat kai, that's the spirit
Can beat Kai, and has to beat Lud. Locked in.
He's got the balls. Mouse doesn't.
If we beat Lud, Kai is so reachable
Doesn't want haters latching on to something. Better to focus on Lud and if the numbers get there, focus on getting to number one without mentioning Kai.
happy face kino
Biologically true.
Yeah Lud is so close to Kai that there is no way we don't push for it once we pass Lud and if we do reach the 3am cap Mouse could still add time until 7pm before subs expire.
connor isn't scared of haters or drama and talks for mouse sometimes
It's gotta be fast and early. I don't see her smashing #1, but if chat can push her through 3 and 2 quickly, it's definitely doable.
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less slutty it's nice
Stats anon, it's your time to shine. Monke wants to know the drop rates.
she deleted it and reposted it
But why
Second post has the hashtag
"So close" is another 23k subs. Not saying it isn't impossible, but that's almost 10k more than the gap between Ninja and Lud.
looking at both tweets she just added the tag
If we do the same today and tomorrow as we did yesterday and the finale push is as big as last year + bonus subs we will be at 302k subs
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this poor soul
What was this referencing?
That's less than 10% of what chat has already donated. Unless people tapped at the last second there is no reason not to push for that.
Oh I agree, just saying it is a lot still.
I didn't expect Mouse to be back for like 30 more minutes.
Chat is ready to push whenever btw, we rallied like an hour while Connor talked to his own chat.
the funkopop game with connor
Why does Mouse get so quiet when in call with Connor.
Jealous latina wife, poor connor
Sympathy. To make him uncomfortable.
Oh she's leaving again in 15mins for meds and just came back to harass Connor for dumping her to play League with Lud.
Bruh connor did nothing
qt won't play league with ludwig
He didn't meet the Mouse enforced quota.
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>>86315633 (me)
Had to double check.
We could be so close if we can keep this up.
Mouse & Zen God Gamer Challenge. Make it happen.
Latina wife gaslighting
What does the current trajectory look like if you cut off the part where Kai's line flat lines?
zen would quit 20 minutes in
Not allowed.
What do you mean by that?
>You think you can say whatever you want because you're a white man?
She's just releasing all that pent up sass
CrackerDawgVA returns
the tension
New Thread
mouse has colonization fetish for British man seed
On Kai's line, where the line is flat, shift the line to make that day the end point, if possible. That could show more closely what Mouse is up against these next few days.
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I'm not sure what that achieves but sure.

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